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Bureaucracy Behind Bars
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"Bureaucracy Behind Bars" The Main Chamber is a room. The storage is a room. The description of the Main Chamber is "You find yourself in an enclosed dull gray chamber. The room lacks decoration and there is a weird smell in the air. To the north you can see a locked iron door. You can also see other rooms to the south, west, and east." Bob is a person in the Main Chamber. The player is Bob. Understand "myself" as Bob. The carrying capacity of Bob is 10. Use no scoring. The player manual is an object in the storage. The iron door has a number called the combo. When play begins, now the combo of the iron door is 055. Understand "keypad" as the iron door. Typing on it is an action applying to one number and one thing. Understand "type [a number] on [something]" as typing on it. Understand "type [a number]" as typing on it. Understand "type [a number] onto [something]" as typing on it. Understand "type [a number] into [something]" as typing on it. Understand "type [a number] in [something]" as typing on it. Check typing on it: if the second noun is not the iron door: instead say "You don't know how to do that to [the noun]."; if the second noun is unlocked: instead say "[The second noun] is already unlocked." Carry out typing on it: if the number understood is the combo of the second noun: now the second noun is unlocked; Report typing on it: if the second noun is unlocked: say "The lock clicks unlocked."; otherwise: say "You type the number on the keypad, but nothing happens." Rule for printing the name of a closed container (called C) while taking inventory: say "[printed name of C]"; omit contents in listing. Joe is a man in the Main Chamber. The description of Joe is "A poor old man who is particularly stinky and dirty. Maybe he knows something about the pin." An animal can be alive or dead. An animal is usually alive. A man can be alive or dead. A man is usually alive. When play begins: now the player carries the player manual; now the description of the player manual is "Thank you for playing! [line break][line break]Here is a manual that will provide some potentially useful commands for you to use. [line break] - The list of potentially useful commands: examine, look, look under, throw, drop, look above, look behind, look, north, east , take, south, west, wear, cut, stab, smash, eat, type, use, give, ask, turn on, turn off, switch, open, unlock, close, take off, put on, shoot, insert. [line break] [line break]Important Reminder: When using commands make sure to be incredibly specific. If the command doesn't work, check that you are using the correct items/interacting with the right person and try to supply a second noun. Sometimes the command may not work for the particular item. [line break][line break]Have fun playing the game!" The player is wearing a prison jumpsuit. The description of the prison jumpsuit is "A bright orange suit that reminds you who you are to society." Instead of asking Joe about "pin": say "'You want the pin to that iron door? Well,I'm not too sure about the code itself, however I do happen to know the order of the numbers in the code. Maybe try looking through the different rooms to find the code.'" Instead of asking Joe about "Code order": say "'The order of the code you say? I had a slip of paper somewhere... Oh dear, I left it in the mirror again. If you would grab me my cane I'd gladly unlock the mirror for you.'" Instead of asking Joe about "Cane": say "'My cane? I remember leaving it in the bedroom... Maybe try searching more carefully.'" Instead of asking Joe about "Jeo": say "'Jeo? Never heard of anyone named Jeo. Why do you ask?'" After giving the soap to Joe: say "'Thank you for bringing this to me, I'll give you something in return.'"; now the player carries the Bandage; After giving the toilet paper to Joe: say "'Thank you for bringing this to me, I'll give you something in return.'"; now the player carries the first aid kit; After giving the cane to Joe: say "'Thank you for helping me. I'll go open the mirror to repay you.'"; now the mirror is open; Bob has a number called Health. The Health of Bob is 100. The cane is an object in the storage. The cane can be found. The cane is not found. The description of the cane is "A posh black cane. This may belong to Joe." Instead of looking under the bed: if the cane is found: say "There is nothing of interest here." instead; if the cane is not found: now the cane is found; now the player carries the cane; say "You found a posh black cane under the bed." Every turn: If the Health of Bob is greater than 100: now the Health of Bob is 100. The block giving rule is not listed in the check giving it to rules. Instead of examining floor: if in the bedroom: say "The floor underneath the rug seems to have a hole in it." instead; otherwise: say "There is nothing special about the floor."; The light switch is a device in the Main Chamber. The light switch is fixed in place. The description of the light switch is "The master light switch to the prison. It is a bit faulty so it may not work as intended." The light is switched off. Carry out switching off the light switch: now the Bathroom is dark. Carry out switching on the light switch: now the Bathroom is lighted. Carry out switching off the light switch: now the Guard Corridor is dark. Carry out switching on the light switch: now the Guard Corridor is lighted. Carry out switching on the light switch: now the Kitchen is dark. Carry out switching off the light switch: now the Kitchen is lighted. Carry out switching on the light switch: now the Bedroom is dark. Carry out switching off the light switch: now the Bedroom is lighted. Carry out switching on the light switch: now the Control Room is lighted. Carry out switching off the light switch: now the Control Room is dark. Carry out switching off the light switch: now the Guard Elevator Floor 1 is lighted. Carry out switching off the light switch: now the Guard Elevator Floor 2 is lighted. Carry out switching on the light switch: now the Guard Elevator Floor 2 is dark. Carry out switching on the light switch: now the Guard Elevator Floor 1 is dark. Carry out switching off the light switch: now the Maintenance Shaft East is dark. Carry out switching on the light switch: now the Maintenance Shaft East is lighted. Carry out switching off the light switch: now the Maintenance Shaft West is dark. Carry out switching on the light switch: now the Maintenance Shaft West is lighted. Carry out switching off the light switch: now the Internal Reception Room is lighted. Carry out switching on the light switch: now the Internal Reception Room is dark. Rule for printing room description details of a closed container: stop. The Bathroom is a room. The Bathroom is dark. The Bathroom is south of the Main Chamber. The description of the Bathroom is "A really old and stinky room. The walls are stained and the objects are practically broken. Definitely not a pleasant place to be." The Guard Corridor is a room. The Guard Corridor is dark. The description of the Guard Corridor is "A corridor that guards. Or maybe it's a corridor with guards? Either way prisoners aren't allowed here."The iron door is north of the Main Chamber. The iron door is a locked closed door. The iron door is south of the Guard Corridor. The Main Chamber is south of the iron door. The description of the iron door is "A locked door with a keypad next to it. Try to find a pin." The Kitchen is a room. The Kitchen is west of the Main Chamber. The description of the Kitchen is "A kitchen that has the necessities for creating the perfect microwaved dishes. It's missing the seasoning though."The Bedroom is a room. The Bedroom is east of the Main Chamber. The description of the Bedroom is "A room that used to be nice and cozy. Now it has a nasty smell and is filled with moths. You probably shouldn't spend a lot of time here." The rug is an unopenable door. The rug is below the Bedroom. The Interstice is a room. The Interstice is below the rug. The description of the Interstice is "A dark room filled with bones and skeletons. [if unvisited] You don't remember this being under the rug." The Apartment is a room. The Apartment is below the puddle. The rug is fixed in place. The Control Room is a room. The Control Room is east of the Guard Corridor. The description of the Control Room is "A room with a control panel and a single chair. I don't suppose the person who works here ever touches grass. Maybe they are allergic?" The Internal Reception Room is a room. The Internal Reception Room is south of the elevator door. The description of the Internal Reception Room is "You imagine this to be a grand lobby with crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and gold plating on the wall. However this is reality and the room is just as dull as the other rooms in the building." The Guard Elevator Floor 2 is a room with printed name "Guard Elevator (Floor 2)". The description of the Guard Elevator Floor 2 is "The second floor of an elevator. If you think about it, it is actually the exact same as the first floor of an elevator except the location is different." The Guard Elevator Floor 1 is a room with the printed name "Guard Elevator (Floor 1)". The description of the Guard Elevator Floor 1 is "The first floor of an elevator. If you think about it, it is actually the exact same as the second floor of an elevator except the location is different." The Guard Elevator Floor 1 is below the Guard Elevator Floor 2. The elevator door is an openable closed locked door. The id card unlocks the elevator door. The description of the id card is "Identity Theft 101. Use this card to gain access to certain places." The elevator door is south of the Guard Elevator Floor 1. The description of the elevator door is "A shiny elevator door.[if locked]It looks like you need an ID card to open it. Maybe you can find it in a wallet." The Maintenance Shaft East is a room with printed name "Maintenance Shaft (East)". The description of the Maintenance Shaft East is "There are shelves and tools all over the place. The east version of the other maintenance shaft. They are pretty much identical except for their names."The Maintenance Shaft West is a room with printed name "Maintenance Shaft (West)". The description of the Maintenance Shaft West is "There are shelves and tools all over the place. The west version of the other maintenance shaft. They are pretty much identical except for their names." The Maintenance Shaft West is north of the Guard Elevator Floor 2. The Maintenance Shaft East is north of the Guard Corridor. The Maintenance Shaft East is east of the Maintenance Shaft West. The Rooftop is a room. The exit is a closed locked door. The exit is above the Guard Corridor. The exit is below the Rooftop. The crowbar is an object in the Internal Reception Room. The crowbar unlocks the exit. The description of the exit is "A rusty and dusty door.[if locked]It seems to be locked but there isn't a place to insert a key. Maybe I have to unlock it another way."The description of the crowbar is "A bar that looks like a crow. No that isn't it.[line break][line break]It actually is quite useful for prying open doors though."The Holding Cell is a room. The portal is a open door. The portal is south of the rooftop. The Holding Cell is south of the portal. The description of The Apartment is “Your apartment was as moldy as always, but you never had the money to renovate it. There is a staircase leading downwards. [if unvisited][line break][line break]The pager on the wall starts vibrating.[line break]'Right. Since you’re awake, today’s your first day on your new job. I need you to take something from that temple nearby. The leader’s wallet. I need info on what he’s up to. He won't let you take his wallet that easily so you may need to use force. Take this pager so we can communicate.'”. Main Street is a room. Main Street is below The Apartment. The description of Main Street is “The street fills with the sound of cars, pedestrians, and the incessant neon advertisements hang over them. The path in front of your apartment is as obnoxious and depressing as ever. [if the location is unvisited and the player carries the pager][line break][line break]The pager starts vibrating again.[line break]'Alright you've started the mission, very well then. Good luck.'”. The Alley is dark. The Backdoor Alley is dark. The Alley is a room. The Alley is east of Main Street. The description of The Alley is “You duck into a small corridor that’s wet, dark, and filled with litter. It’s still a welcome break from the sensory knuckle punch of main street.” The Gangster is a man in the storage. The description of The Gangster is "You can smell smoke coming from a faint outline of a man in the alleyway. From his silhouette you can see that he has a pair of shades though.”. Deer 14 is a room. Front Entrance is an openable closed locked door. The description of the Front Entrance is "The entrance to a building."Deer 14 is north of the Front Entrance. The Front Entrance is north of the Main Street. The description of Deer 14 is “A gleaming white company building with a sterile reception. You’ve tried to apply to way too many of these.”Wheeler Street is a room. Wheeler Street is west of Main Street. The description of Wheeler Street is “This street is filled with potholes and weeds instead of noisy cars. A preferable thing for roads to be filled with.”. The Temple is south of Wheeler Street. The description of The Temple is “The so-called temple doesn’t seem particularly grand, with dim humming lights and flushed, claustrophobic yellow walls. Many people are gathered here in plastic chairs nonetheless.[if location is unvisited and the player carries the pager][line break][line break]The pager starts vibrating again. [line break][line break]'I see you've made it to the temple. Ask around, maybe they know something about the leader.'” The bean is an object in the storage. Karen is a man in The Temple. The description of Karen is "She would probably like to speak to your manager." Instead of asking Karen about “leader”: say “'You mean the guru? He’s busy fixing something with the building, you won’t find him here.'” The Temple is south of Wheeler Street. Chad is a man in The Temple. The description of Chad is "A new worker at the temple. Doesn't seem to know much." Instead of asking Chad about “leader”: say “Chad looks confused for a moment, then responds, ‘You mean the guru? I don’t know, I'm relatively new here, but I know he’ll have a prayer bead necklace.’” Khad is a man in The Temple. The description of Khad is "The younger brother of Khan. They have both been working here for a while." Instead of asking Khad about “leader”: say “Khad slowly turns his head towards you, ‘Oh, the guru. He’s got a turban on, I think. You’ll be sure to find him.’” Khan is a man in The Temple. The description of Khan is "The older brother of Khad. They have both been working here for a while." Instead of asking Khan about “leader”: say “Khan takes a good look at you, ‘Yeah, I know the guru here. He has a funny name, I don’t quite remember what it was though.’”. Allen is a man in The Temple. The description of Allen is "A long time worker at the temple." The Employees Room is south of The Temple. The description of The Employees Room is “The manilla corridors terminate in a few almost office-like rooms with men maintaining the building’s equipment. You’d be sure to find the leader here.” The pendant is an object in the storage. The description of the pendant is "A religious pendant that can be worn to gain access to places you previously couldn't go." The pendant is wearable. The shades are an object in the storage. The description of the shades is "A pair of stylish shades. [if worn] Wearing this makes you look like a gangster, you could probably access places you originally couldn't with these." The shades is wearable. The ID card is in the preacher's wallet. Instead of giving the Hacked Pager to Jeo: say "'Oh, I didn't think you'd find me. I am the person who has been texting you. Anyway, thanks for giving me the hacked pager. Your mission now is to kill the gangster that hacked the pager.'"; now the player carries the hacked pager; now Jeo carries the bean; Every turn while in Employees Room: if player does not carry Hacked Pager: if player does not wear pendant: say "'Who are you? Why are you here?'"; decrease Health of Bob by 100; Instead of asking Allen about “leader”: say “Allen doesn’t look at you, but deciphers your intent. ‘Oh, you want to meet the guru? You won’t get into the employees only area without that pendant they all use, wear this. By the way, he won’t have a beard like most if you have trouble finding him.’”; now the player carries the pendant. Armin is a man in The Employees Room. The description of Armin is “A guy sitting in the corner chewing on some kind of nut. He wears a turban. You can see a prayer bead necklace on his chest.” Arwin is a man in The Employees Room. The description of Arwin is “A guy typing away on a computer at the back of the room. He wears a prayer bead bracelet and a goatee, and seems to be younger than most people here.” Marwin is a man in The Employees Room. The description of Marwin is “A guy fiddling in vain with the server wires. He wears a turban and a prayer bead necklace.” Martin is a man in The Employees Room. The description of Martin is “A guy sticking a wrench in some kind of server. He is bald, has a beard, and seems quite old to be doing mechanical work.” Arfin is a man in The Employees Room. The description of Arfin is “A guy who seems to have busted a hole in the wall. You can see him bent over the wiring, probably repairing something. He has a turban and a prayer bead bracelet.” The preacher's wallet is an openable closed container in the storage. The description of the preacher's wallet is "A wallet you stole. May contain useful items." Backdoor Alley is south of The Employees Room. The description of Backdoor Alley is “Behind the temple, an alley overgrown with weeds on stone tiles and metal fences stretches out, but fails to reach any roads. It seems that the temple’s backdoor is the only way to access this cavity.” Jeo is a man in the storage. Every turn: If the player carries the Hacked Pager: now the description of the Backdoor Alley is “Behind the temple, an alley overgrown with weeds on stone tiles and metal fences stretches out, but fails to reach any roads. It seems that the temple’s backdoor is the only way to access this cavity, but the pager frantically pings towards the direction of a dead end, where you can make out a man.”; If Jeo is not dead: Now Jeo is in the Backdoor Alley; The Hooded Figure is a man in the Interstice. The description of The Hooded Figure is "A man in a cloak. You can't make out any physical features but you can see that his cloak is quite old and worn down. Ask him about the interstice, maybe he knows something." Instead of asking The Hooded Figure about "Interstice": say "'This Interstice isn't real. The best way to describe it is as your history. Any items you currently carry may be different in through the portal. Different times, different shapes.'" The dog is an animal in the Main Chamber. The dead dog is an object in the storage. The pager is an object in the Apartment. The description of the pager is "'This thing is so obnoxious. It keeps telling me what to do. I wonder who the person on the other side of this thing is.'"The blueprint is an object in the storage. The description of the blueprint is "An old map of the prison. It is probably outdated." The permission note is an object in the storage. The description of the permission note is "A note that excuses you from class. Signed on November 6th, 1984.[line break][line break]It's way past expiry."The guard uniform is a wearable object in the storage. The description of the guard uniform is "A uniform that you stole. You can probably use it to sneak past unsuspecting guards."The guard wallet is an openable closed container in the storage. The description of the guard wallet is "A wallet you stole. May contain useful items." The sedation needles is an object in the storage. The description of the sedation needles is "Can be used to immobilize anything living. Use with caution."The hacked code is an object in the storage. The description of the hacked code is "A USB that contains a dangerous piece of code. It is essentially a virus that wipes out all the code on any computer."The gun is an object in the storage. The description of the gun is "An object that can fire bullets. The safety is off so be careful." The bandage is an object in the storage. The description of the bandage is "An item used to cover up wounds." The first aid kit is an object in the storage. The description of the first aid kit is "Has all the items you need in an emergency situation. Can be used 3 times." The vitamins is an object in the storage. The description of the dog is "A cute dog. It seems to be asleep." The toilet is an openable container in the Bathroom. The toilet is closed. The toilet contains toilet paper and a brick. The description of the toilet paper is "Slightly dirty paper rolled into a perfect cylinder. Please do not eat." The description of the brick is "A hard object that can break things with ease." The mirror is an unopenable container in the Bathroom. The toilet is fixed in place. The mirror is fixed in place. The mirror is a locked closed container. The sink is an unopenable container in the Bathroom. The sink is closed. The sink is fixed in place. The scroll is inside the sink. The description of the scroll is "An ancient scroll with weird letters. You can see the number 0". The bathtub is an object in the Bathroom. The soap bar is in the bathtub. The bathtub is fixed in place. The drawing is an object in the mirror. The description of the drawing is "A drawing of a Scroll, Piece of Paper, and Book in that order." Security man is a man in the Guard Corridor. The trash can is an openable closed container in the Alley. The description of the trash can is "A completely empty trash can. It still stinks though." The recycling bin is an open container in the Alley. The description of the recycling bin is "A bin filled to the brim with plastic bottles. It seems this town can actually sort their garbage." The compost bin is an openable closed container in the Alley. The description of the compost bin is "A green bin. It smells like rotten food." The trash can is fixed in place. The recycling bin is fixed in place. The compost bin is fixed in place. The description of the rooftop is "The sun is shining and the clouds are moving, but you don’t feel wind." Instead of dropping preacher's wallet: say "The pager starts vibrating: 'No that's not the correct spot. Please actually listen to my commands.'" Every turn while in The Alley: If the player carries the pager and the player carries the preacher's wallet and the location is lighted: now The Gangster is in The Alley; now Preacher’s Wallet is in the storage; say “A pale face emerges from the shadows of the alley, like some kind of horror movie, if the monster in it had cool sunglasses and 500 cigarettes. The Gangster takes a good look at you: 'Another government hitman? The pager is pretty obvious, you know. Let’s see what you guys are doing again… You won’t need this wallet you stole.' [line break][line break]Maybe showing him your firearm will make him back off..” The knife is an object in the kitchen. The description of the knife is "An incredibly shiny and sharp object." The flashlight is a device in the kitchen. The description of the flashlight is "A device that can help you see in the dark! Only has a limited amount of battery. It has a loose handle that delivers an electric shock when opened." The flashlight is switched off. The fridge is an openable closed container in the kitchen. The microwave is an openable closed container in the kitchen. The fridge is fixed in place. The microwave is fixed in place. The oven is an openable closed container in the kitchen. The oven is fixed in place. The dead flashlight is an openable closed container in the storage. The piece of paper is in the dead flashlight. The description of the piece of paper is "An old piece of paper that displays the number 5". The description of the soap is "Smells of lavender with a hint of mint." The description of the dead dog is "A dog that you killed using your knife." The description of the sink is "A sink with a leaky faucet. It seems to be clogged." The description of the toilet is "A worn down toilet. [if toilet is closed]The seat is down and there is a weird gurgling noise coming from inside." The description of the mirror is "A regular mirror. It seems to have hinges on the side." The description of the bathtub is "A very dirty bathtub." Understand "seat" as toilet. The description of the fridge is "An average fridge. Could probably be used to store something." The description of the oven is "Usually you would be able to bake something in here, however it doesn't seem to be working." The description of the microwave is "Perfect for heating up a quick meal. Doesn't seem to work though." The baking tray is an object in the oven. The description of the pan is "Your average baking tray. Nothing special about it."The description of the dead flashlight is "The loose handle no longer delivers an electric shock when opened."The block of cheese is an object in the fridge. The block of cheese is edible. The description of the block of cheese is "A delicious block of cheese." After eating the cheese: say "It tastes pretty good."; increase Health of Bob by 5. The permission note is an object in the storage. The acupuncture needles is an object in the storage. The description of the acupuncture needles is "A custom made set of acupuncture needles. All identifiers of the item have been scratched out or never manufactured in the first place. It's been modified to inject something. A 14K cell in Vancouver seems to use these as a 'membership card'." The tech guy is a man in the control room. The description of the tech guy is "Someone with fast reflexes. He is really good with computers." The control panel is an open container in the control room. Understand "computer" as control panel. Understand "socket" as control panel. The description of the control panel is "A large and complex computer system. All sockets are filled except for one." The control panel is fixed in place. The description of the portal is "Emanates bright purple lights, where does it lead?" Instead of dropping hacked code: say "Do not drop this code. It will break." Insert is an action applying to two things and requiring light. Understand the commands “put” and “insert” as something new. Understand "Insert [something] into [something]" as insert. Understand "Insert [something]" as insert. Understand "Insert [something] in [something]" as insert. The control panel can be On or Off. The control panel is On. Check insert: If the second noun is not the control panel: say "No, don't do that."instead; If the tech guy is alive: say "'HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" instead; If the noun is not the hacked code: say "It doesn't fit into the socket."; Carry out insert: If the noun is the hacked code: say "The hacked code instantly shuts down the computer system disabling all security systems within the building."; now the control panel is off; The bed is an object. The bed is in the bedroom. The bed is fixed in place. The cabinet is an openable closed container in the bedroom. The cabinet is fixed in place. The mattress and pillow and blanket are in the cabinet. The description of the mattress is "You could probably sleep on it. It is quite filthy though." The description of the pillow is "Someone filled this with rocks and sealed it with staples. It definitely won't be the most comfortable headrest while sleeping but you could make it work." The description of the blanket is "A wool blanket. It is full of holes after being chewed up by moths though." The nightstand is an openable closed container in the bedroom. The Book is in the nightstand. The nightstand is fixed in place. The description of the Book is "The title of the book is 5". The description of the rug is "A dirty rug. The floor underneath seems to be uneven." The description of the nightstand is "A nightstand with a single drawer." Understand "drawer" as nightstand. The description of the cabinet is "An old mahogany cabinet."The description of the bed is "A perfectly made bed." The Hacked Pager is an object in the storage. The description of the Hacked Pager is "A pager that has been altered to track down the origin of the signal." Instead of opening flashlight: say "It delivers a nasty shock."; decrease Health of Bob by 10; Every turn while in Internal Reception Room: if the control panel is not Off: decrease the Health of Bob by 100; say "The security systems have not been deactivated and the cameras glance at you."instead; if the tech guy is alive: decrease the Health of Bob by 100; say "The security systems have not been deactivated and the cameras glance at you."instead; The flashlight has a number called Battery Life. Battery Life is 15. Every turn: If flashlight is lit: now the alley is lighted; decrease Battery Life of flashlight by 1; If Battery Life of flashlight is less than 1: say "The flashlight is dead."; now the flashlight is not lit; now the flashlight is in the storage; now the player carries the dead flashlight instead. Every turn: If flashlight is not lit: now the alley is dark; Carry out switching on the flashlight: now the flashlight is lit. Carry out switching off the flashlight: now the flashlight is not lit. The puddle is an unopenable door. The puddle is below the Interstice. The puddle is open. The description of the puddle is "A puddle. Surprisingly you don't see your own reflection in the puddle but instead you see [if player is in Interstice]an apartment.[end if][if player is in apartment]a dark room." The first aid kit has a number called Uses. Uses is 3 The vitamins are edible. After eating the vitamins: say "They taste delicious and you feel a lot better now."; increase Health of Bob by 10. Shoot is an action applying to two things and requiring light. Understand "shoot [something] with [something]" as shoot. Understand "shoot [something]" as shoot. Check shoot: If noun is not a man: say “There are better things to waste a bullet on” instead; If second noun is not gun: say “You pretend as if the object you were shooting with was a gun. Unfortunately, imagination doesn’t translate into reality well.” instead; Carry out shoot: If noun is Bob: say “Really smart move buddy.”; Decrease Health of Bob by 100 instead; If noun is Armin: Now Armin is dead; Now Armin is in the storage; say “After you fire, a door busts open from behind you. A bullet knocks you onto the body of Armin, who you just shot. You hear someone calling 911, and Jeo bends down to whisper in your ear: ‘You idiot. Can’t even shoot the right guy?’”; Decrease health of Bob by 100 instead; If noun is Martin: Now Martin is dead; Now Martin is in the storage; say “After you fire, a door busts open from behind you. A bullet knocks you onto the body of Martin, who you just shot. You hear someone calling 911, and Jeo bends down to whisper in your ear: ‘You idiot. Can’t even shoot the right guy?’”; Decrease health of Bob by 100 instead; If noun is Marwin: Now Marwin is dead; Now Marwin is in the storage; Now the preacher's wallet is in the Employees Room; say “After you fire, a door busts open from behind you. You hear someone calling 911, [if player carries pager]and a transmission from your pager: ‘Good, now grab the wallet and head over to the alley. You will find some garbage bins, drop the wallet into the trash can.'" instead; If noun is Arfin: Now Arfin is dead; Now Arfin is in the storage; say “After you fire, a door busts open from behind you. A bullet knocks you onto the body of Arfin, who you just shot. You hear someone calling 911, and Jeo bends down to whisper in your ear: ‘You idiot. Can’t even shoot the right guy?’”; Decrease health of Bob by 100 instead; If noun is Arwin: Now Arwin is dead; Now Arwin is in the storage; say “After you fire, a door busts open from behind you. A bullet knocks you onto the body of Arwin, who you just shot. You hear someone calling 911, and Jeo bends down to whisper in your ear: ‘You idiot. Can’t even shoot the right guy?’”; Decrease health of Bob by 100 instead; If noun is Jeo: If the Jeo carries the bean: Now Jeo is dead; Now Jeo is in the storage; say "'NOOOOOOOOO, YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING FOR ME!'[line break][line break][if player carries hacked pager]After a moment, the pager fires up again… ’Congratulations on killing the wrong person. You have truly outdone yourself, go back and learn to listen please.’"; end the story instead; If the player carries the Hacked Pager: Now Jeo is dead; Now Jeo is in the storage; Say “The hacked pager starts vibrating.[line break][line break]’Now that he’s dead, come back to the Deer 14.’”instead; If noun is Gangster: If Gangster is in the Alley: decrease Health of Bob by 99; say "The Gangster punches you in the face. [line break]'You're threatening me now? What made you pledge your loyalty to that third world government anyway, for all you know it could be an old grandma on the other side of that pager. I suggest you give me the pager before this escalates.'"instead; If Gangster is in Deer 14: say “The Gangster looks up in surprise, but before he can leap over to incapacitate you, a shot goes into his torso. He looks up at you with disgust; ‘I thought we had a deal, kid’, before he dies. As he collapses to the floor, you notice something shiny in his pocket.[if player carries Hacked Pager] The hacked pager buzzes again: ‘Okay, good job. Those 14K rats have been harassing our operation for years now. I won't be sad to see them gone.'”; Now The Gangster is dead; Now The Gangster is in the storage; Now the acupuncture needles are in Deer 14 instead; otherwise: say "Don't even try." After giving the pager to The Gangster: say "'Alright, consider yourself fired now. You’re gonna be working for me and I’ll get you a sweet sum, got it? Meet me at the company. Make sure to wear the shades.'"; now the player carries the Shades; now The Gangster is in Deer 14; Instead of dropping the Hacked Pager: say "The Hacked Pager starts vibrating 'What are you trying to do? Betray me?'" Every turn: if the player carries the Hacked Pager: if the player is in the Main Street: say "The Hacked Pager lights up once."; if the player is in Wheeler Street: say "The Hacked Pager lights up twice"; if the player is in the Temple: say "The Hacked Pager lights up three times"; if the player is in the employees room: say "The Hacked Pager lights up four times and starts beeping."; if the player is in the backdoor alley: say "The Hacked Pager lights up five times and beeps rapidly."; Every turn: if player is wearing shades: now the front entrance is unlocked; now the front entrance is open; otherwise: now the front entrance is locked; now the front entrance is closed; Every turn while in Deer 14: if Hacked Pager is in storage: say “Sitting in the corner behind the reception desk, The Gangster looks much more intimidating outside of the dark alleyway, his lacerated body in full display. ‘Good. Before I give you that pager back, I've wired it to track whoever is sending messages to you, it’ll unscramble itself the closer you get to the source. I’ve got a good idea of who they are. Make sure you get rid of them, we can’t have other governments trying to interfere with the elections.’”; now the player carries the Hacked Pager instead; if Jeo is dead: say "'Good job, you got rid of one of the government agents. Here, you’re one of us now. Other 14K members in our cell here should know if you show this calling card to them somehow.'"; now the player carries the acupuncture needles; The description of Jeo is "A guy who is currently crouching in the corner. It looks like he is texting, you probably shouldn't bother him." Instead of looking under the rug: say "It's too heavy for you to lift." Every turn: if Uses of first aid kit is less than 1: now the first aid kit is in the storage; Use is an action applying to one thing. Understand "use [something]" as use. Carry out use: if the noun is the bandage: increase Health of Bob by 10; say "Your wounds seem to heal a bit."; now the bandage is in the storage; if the noun is the first aid kit: increase Health of Bob by 50; say "Your wounds seem to heal a lot."; decrease Uses of first aid kit by 1; otherwise: say "Maybe try another command."; Smash is an action applying to two things and requiring light. Understand the command "smash" as something new. Understand "smash [something] with [something]" as smash. Understand "smash [something]" as smash. Check smash: if the noun is the toilet: say "The toilet is made out of an incredibly hard material. Brute force won't get you anywhere." instead; if the second noun is not the brick: say "[The second noun] can't be used." instead; if the noun is not the sink: decrease Health of Bob by 10; say "[The second noun] bounces right off and hits you in the face." instead; if the player does not carry the brick: say "With what?" instead; Carry out smash: now the sink is open; say "The sink shatters into thousands of pieces." Stab is an action applying to two things and requiring light. Understand "stab [something] with [something]" as stab. Understand "stab [something]" as stab Check stab: if the noun is Bob: decrease Health of Bob by 100; say "Why in the world..." instead; if the noun is dead: say "How do you kill something dead?" instead; if the noun is Jeo: say "You managed to break the game. Congratulations."; decrease Health of Bob by 100 instead; if the noun is Joe: decrease Health of Bob by 100; say "'HOW DARE YOU!'" instead; if the noun is the Security man: say "'AHHHHHHHH'[line break]The security man drops onto the floor in pain."; now the Security man is dead; now the Security man is in the storage instead; if the noun is the tech guy: if the second noun is knife: say "'You thought you could stab me? Take this!' [line break]The tech guy throws his slipper at you."; decrease Health of Bob by 100 instead; if the second noun is sedation needles: say "'AHHHHHHHHHHH' [line break]The tech guy collapses."; now the tech guy is in the storage; now the tech guy is dead instead; if the noun is not the dog: say "You can't kill [noun]." instead; if the second noun is not the knife: say "Interesting choice..." instead; Carry out stab: if the noun is the dog: say "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!"; now the dog is dead; now the dog is in the storage; if the dog is dead: now the dead dog is in the Main Chamber. Cut is an action applying to two things and requiring light. Understand the command "cut" as something new. Understand "cut [something] with [something]" as cut. Understand "cut [something]" as cut. Check cut: if the noun is the cheese: say "Fart" instead; if the noun is not the rug: say "I wouldn't do that." instead; if the second noun is not the knife: say "Nice try, it didn't work." instead; Carry out cut: if the noun is Bob: decrease Health of Bob by 30; say "OW!" instead; if the noun is the rug: now the rug is open; say "You find a dark room beneath the rug." instead; The toilet paper is edible. After eating the toilet paper: say "Ew! Why would you eat that!"; decrease Health of Bob by 50 The soap bar is edible. After eating the soap: say "It's a bit bitter."; decrease Health of Bob by 50 The brick is edible. After eating the brick: say "You choke on the brick."; decrease Health of Bob by 100 The dead dog is edible. After eating the dead dog: say "Really?"; increase Health of Bob by 10 Every turn: if Health of Bob is less than 1: end the game in death; say "You took too much damage." instead; If the Health of Bob is less than 11: say "Your health is really low. Try not to die!" instead; If the Health of Bob is less than 31: say "I really suggest healing some health." instead; If the Health of Bob is less than 51: say "I suggest trying to heal some health." instead; Every turn while in Internal Reception Room: if Health of Bob is less than 1: end the game in death; say "You took too much damage." instead; If the Health of Bob is less than 11: say "Your health is really low. Try not to die!" instead; If the Health of Bob is less than 31: say "I really suggest healing some health." instead; If the Health of Bob is less than 51: say "I suggest trying to heal some health." instead; Every turn while in Bedroom: If player carries the pager: now the pager is in the storage; now the player carries the blueprint; Every turn while in Apartment: If player carries the blueprint: now the blueprint is in the storage; now the player carries the pager; Every turn while in Apartment: If player carries the guard wallet: now the guard wallet is in the storage; now the player carries the preacher's wallet; Every turn while in Bedroom: If player carries the guard wallet: now the guard wallet is in the storage; now the player carries the preacher's wallet; Every turn while in Apartment: If player carries the permission note: now the permission note is in the storage; now the player carries the pendant; Every turn while in Bedroom: If player carries the pendant: now the pendant is in the storage; now the player carries the permission note; Every turn while in Bedroom: If player wears the pendant: now the pendant is in the storage; now the player carries the permission note; Every turn while in Bedroom: If player carries the gun: now the gun is in the storage; now the player carries the knife; Every turn while in Apartment: If player carries the knife: now the knife is in the storage; now the player carries the gun; Every turn while in Apartment: If player carries the guard uniform: now the guard uniform is in the storage; now the player carries the shades; Every turn while in Bedroom: If player carries the shades: now the shades is in the storage; now the player carries the guard uniform; Every turn while in Apartment: If player carries the guard wallet: now the guard wallet is in the storage; now the player carries the preacher's wallet; now the ID card is in the preacher's wallet; Every turn while in Bedroom: If player wears the shades: now the shades is in the storage; now the player carries the guard uniform; Every turn while in Apartment: If player wears the guard uniform: now the guard uniform is in the storage; now the player carries the shades; Every turn while in Bedroom: If player carries the preacher's wallet: now the preacher's wallet is in the storage; now the player carries the guard wallet; now the ID card is in the guard wallet; Every turn while in Bedroom: If player carries the hacked pager: now the hacked pager is in the storage; now the player carries the hacked code; Every turn while in Apartment: If player carries the hacked code: now the hacked code is in the storage; now the player carries the hacked pager; Every turn while in Bedroom: If player carries the acupuncture needles: now the acupuncture needles is in the storage; now the player carries the sedation needles; Every turn while in Apartment: If player carries the sedation needles: now the sedation needles is in the storage; now the player carries the acupuncture needles; Every turn: If Bob is wearing guard uniform: If Bob is wearing prison jumpsuit: try Bob taking off prison jumpsuit instead; Every turn while in Holding Cell: say "You wake up in a Holding cell that reeks of cigarettes. You realize everything was just a dream and the government mission was a flashback and is the reason you ended up here. Now you await trial or you may escape...[line break][line break]To Be Continued..."; end the game in victory; Every turn while in Guard Corridor: if Security man is alive: if player is not wearing the guard uniform: say "'HEY YOU! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!'"; decrease Health of Bob by 100;