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The Super Bowl 50 Panthers vs. Patriots
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Levi's Stadium is a room. "You are the Denver Broncos, playing the rising team in the NFL of 2016, the Carolina Panthers. 'Welcome one and all to the Super Bowl 50 in Levi's Stadium, Santa Clara, California. This is ESPN sports, live, with the winning team, Panthers 21-20,' says the ESPN sports host. 'It's imaginable for the Panthers to be leading the Broncos, but we all knew this wasn't going to be a very close game although it surprisingly is. Right now it's the last play of the game with currently 0:02 on the play clock of the fourth quarter. This is Peyton's last game, so let's see what the Broncos can do with this field goal.' It's the last play of the game. 4th down, 4th quarter, and a 40-yard field goal. Don't let your team down. To prepare to kick, type 's' or 'south.'" EXIT is north of Levi's Stadium. "You choose to let your team down. If you didn't kick the field goal, you lost. You lost to the Panthers. You lost the 50th Super Bowl. You let your team down." Locker Room is north of EXIT. Locker Room is a room. "You sit down, lying on the bench in the room. It is quite depressing to actually lose." >You go south towards your offensive line by [going south] the football is south of Levi's Stadium. "Which way will you guide your kick, east or west?" [going south-succeeded] >You kicked the ball west which results in a [kicking football] MISS! is west of the football. [kicking football-succeeded] "The crowd stares at you in horror. You lost to the Panthers, and you lost the Super Bowl." >You kicked the ball east [kicking football] IT'S GOOD! is east of the football. "...and the clock says 0:00! 21-23 FINAL, Broncos beat the Panthers and win the Super Bowl! Cam Newton finally has a frown on his face after the kick for the first time. You're the hero! Your teammates rush the field. The field suddenly drops orange, white, and blue confetti everywhere. Reporters, newspaper photo takers, and news casters start pestering you about your win. You won. You beat the Patriots 21-23 final."