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Don't touch my hat!
Helen Pruitt
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When the entire game begins: say "Your old enemy goldilocks is back! But this time she has taken your most prized possession(red beanie) and hidden it! On top of all that she has locked you in your own house. You must go find your red beanie as fast as possible! You are a fat female grizzly bear." the Cottage is a room. "There seems to be lace everywhere, it is pretty obvious that whoever lives here pays a great deal of attention to the decor. To your north is a locked front door. To your west is a closed white door. To your south is a wood door, and to your east is a kitchen." North of the cottage is the front door. West of the cottage is the white door. East of the cottage is the kitchen. South of the cottage is the wood door. The front door is a locked closed door. the front door is north of the cottage. Instead of opening the locked front door, say "It seems to be locked, I wonder if there's a key?" The Front door is north of the cottage and south of the path. the stairwell is a room." the stairs lead down to another room. the door you just came through is now to your north." The stairwell is south of the wood door and above the basement. The wood door is a closed openable door. The wood door is south of the cottage. The wood door is north of the stairwell. Basement is a room. "The basement of the cottage. A crate is in the middle of the room. maybe it could be pushed?" A crate is in the basement. A crate is an object. A crate can be pushed. After pushing crate: say "wow this bear is really prepared! you see an escape tunnel below you." the tunnel is below the basement. "you have followed the tunnel to its end. above you is a trap door." The trap door is above the tunnel. the trap door is a door. the trap door is above the tunnel. the trap door is below the behind the tree. Behind the tree is a room. "To the east of you is a path. The trap door to the escape tunnel is below you." East of the behind the tree is the path. The kitchen is a room. The kitchen is east of the cottage. "what a quaint little kitchen! there is a stove, a counter, a cupboard, and a sink. You see a tomato on the counter." The kitchen is east of the cottage. in the kitchen is a tomato. the The tomato is edible. After examining tomato, say "uhhh, i wouldn't eat that... its purple..." After eating tomato: say "why did you eat that? do you always eat strange food?"; end the game in death a sink is a scenery. The sink is fixed in place. the description of the sink is "small and smelling of dishwater." The stove is scenery. the stove is fixed in place. the description of the stove is "a regular stove." The cupboard is a closed openable container. the description of the cupboard is "completely bare(bear!!!!)" Instead of unlocking the front door with the mythical door opener, say "oh my! The mythical door opener dosent seem to work! You wave it above your head and it emits some weird noises. HA HA! guess you'll have to find another way out!" The white door is a closed openable door. the white door is west of the cottage. West of the white door is the Bedroom. The Bedroom is a room. "The lace continues in this room. the door you just came through is now to your east. To your north is a pink door leading to a closet. There is a small chest sitting in the center of the floor." The Bedroom is west of the white door. The white door is east of the bedroom.In the bedroom is a small chest. North of the Bedroom is the pink door. the pink door is a closed openable door. the pink door is north of the Bedroom and south of the Closet. The Closet is a room. "nothing in here." The chest is a closed openable container. inside the chest is the mythical door opener. the path is north of the behind the tree. The path is a room.The description of the path is "A well-worn dirt road. You see an IMPORTANT looking sign here." Here is a sign. The sign is fixed in place.The description of the sign is " It reads: Go east to reach the clearing of many ways. Be very careful about what path you choose to follow. -A VERY worried hedgehog. " The clearing of many ways is a room."Different paths lead in every direction." The clearing of many ways is east of the path. The block giving rule is not listed in the check giving it to rules. red beanie is an object. The description of red beanie is "oh my lifelong friend I have found you at long last! I will make it up to you by wearing you atop my head for the rest of my life!" An animal called Mr Hedgehog is here. Mr hedgehog can be calm, or mad. Mr hedgehog is calm. "A small, spiky, brown animal stands in front of you. I think his name is Mr hedgehog. You should ask him about the beanie!" The description of Mr hedgehog is "what a weird little dude!" After asking about "the beanie": say "Oh, you want to find your red beanie? Well sorry, but I don't do anything for nothing. If you're willing to, say, retrieve my favorite watch, then I could tell you where the little blond girl hid your hat. My watch is located in a castle above the clouds. You see, some time ago, a bird belonging to the owner of the castle stole it from me. Take the southeast path from here, then when you come to the fork, go south, you will end at the base of a giant beanstalk. Once there you will know what to do. Good luck! I'll be waiting here until you give me my watch... For some reason you feel like Mr hedgehog is withholding important information..."; now Mr hedgehog is mad. Instead of asking an mad Mr hedgehog about "the beanie": say "I already told you, find me my special watch then ill tell you!" Instead of asking a mad Mr hedgehog about "watch": say "Well I'm waiting!!!" instead of asking a mad Mr hedgehog about "the owner of the house": say "ahhh...well...you see if I told you that you probably wouldn't fetch my watch..." The block giving rule is not listed in the check giving it to rules. After giving the watch to Mr hedgehog: say "You actually managed it! Heh, I'll admit I had my doubts. Ok, listen closely: Take the Northeast path. Follow the path until you reach a concrete structure. The structure is very old and is full of booby traps. You will find your beanie in a cell at the bottom. TO AVOID DEATH, I advise you examine every hallway BEFORE walking down it. You will know its a trap if there is a small amount of blue paint on the left wall. this may be the hardest part of your journey yet. I wish you the best of luck!" Watch is a object. The description of watch is "A very expensive looking gold watch." instead of going southwest while in the clearing of many ways: say "you managed to kill yourself...wow I'm impressed." Instead of going east while in the clearing of many ways: say "Wow you really are one dumb bear...Did you not read the sign!"; end the game in death. Instead of going north while in the clearing of many ways: say "Come on you didn't even try!"; end the game in death. Instead of going south while in the clearing of many ways: say "Your not very good..."; end the game in death. Southeast of the clearing of many ways is a fork. the fork is a room. South of the fork is the cloudy clearing. The cloudy clearing is a room. the description of the clearing is "congrats you finished the first part of mr hedgehogs instructions! you are at the base of a giant beanstalk. you see the beanstalk lead into the clouds far far...far above." Beanstalk is here. Beanstalk is a door. the beanstalk is above the cloudy clearing and below the clouds. The clouds is a room. Above the clouds is heaven. clouds are west of the massive glass door. The description of the clouds is "Beautiful! I doubt you could go any higher withiut being in heaven! the air is so crisp up here! To the east you can see a huge castle. You stop and wonder how the clouds could possibly hold such a huge and heavy thing." Heaven is a room. The massive glass door is east of the clouds. the massive glass door is west of the castle. "The door seems to lead into the castle. Hmm....why does this setup seem familiar? A beanstalk and a giant castle...To the west of you is the beanstalk." The castle is a room. castle is east of the massive glass door. "the room takes your breath away, it is so impossibly huge you wonder who could have built such a place. A giant door is east of you, a giant staircase leads to the second and third floors, and a small mouse hole is north of you. You hear a frighting noise coming from the second floor...The door you just came in is now to the west." The mouse hole is north of the castle. The massive glass door is west of the castle. the giant door is east of the castle. The giant staircase is a door. The giant staircase is above the castle and below the second floor. the second floor is a room. the second floor is above the giant staircase. instead of going up while in the castle: say "did you not get the hint? this is the giant's castle! As you creep up the stairs a giant suddenly grabs you and shoves you into his mouth."; end the game in death. The giant door is a door. the giant door is east of the castle. The giant door is west of the treasury. the treasury is a room. west of the treasury is the giant door. Instead of opening the giant door, say "try as you might, the door won't budge." the mouse hole is north of the castle. "this hole seems to have been inhabited by a giant mouse, so big that it is the perfect size for a bear. the hole continues to the north. South of the mouse hole is the castle." North of the mouse hole is the mouse hall continues. west of the mouse hole is the castle. The mouse hole is south of the mouse hall continues. the mouse hall continues is a room. south of the mouse hole continues is the mouse hole. east of the mouse hall continues is bird room. "on the walls are clumps of hair, undoubtedly left behind by the previous owner. The hole turns to the east." Bird room is a room. North of the bird room is the prize room. "hmmm, the mouse hole seems to have led around the big door...There are cages and cages of birds in this room. One cage, in particular, catches your eye. the cage is on top of a giant table. It looks as though you will have to climb onto a chair, then climb onto the table. To your north is the prize room.The mouse hole is to your west." The bird room is below the chair. West of the bird room is the mouse hole continues. the chair is a room. the chair is above the bird room, and below the table. "you are closer to the birdcage..." The chair is below the table. the table is a room. the table is above the chair. "you have a good view of the birdcage(to your north). As you look closer you can see a sparkling gold watch in to bottom of the cage." The birdcage is north of the table. inside the birdcage is the watch. "bones litter the bottom of the cage..." instead of going south while in the table: say "the table isn't endless...you walk south and fall off. You splat when you hit the floor."; end the game in death instead of going east while in the table: say "you keep walking, over the edge of table. You splat when you hit the floor."; end the game in death instead of going west while in the table: say "you keep walking, over the edge of table. You splat when you hit the floor."; end the game in death The prize room is a room. south of the prize room is the bird room. "shhhhh! don't move! A giant stands in the center of the room with her back to you. there are treasures to the east and west of you." mrs Giant is in the prize room. instead of going west while in the prize room: say "You move to late! Mrs Giant turns around and eats you!"; end the game in death. instead of going north while in the prize room: say "You move to late! Mrs Giant turns around and eats you!"; end the game in death. instead of going east while in the prize room: say "You move to late! Mrs Giant turns around and eats you!"; end the game in death. Instead of going southeast when in the fork: say "so were you not paying attention or what?"; end the game in death. Northeast of the clearing of many ways is the road. The road is a room. "East of you is a haunted-looking grey structure.***CHILLS RACE UP YOUR SPINE*** There is a rotten wood door on the East wall of the structure." East of the road is the rotten wood door. The rotten wood door is a closed openable door. the rotten wood door is east of the road. the rotten wood door is west of the concrete room. the concrete room is a room. the gloomy hallway is below the concrete room. The description of the concrete room is "very spooky...a staircase leads down into the gloom." There is a dark staircase here. The gloomy hallway is below of the concrete room. the dark staircase is above the gloomy hallway. the gloomy hallway is a room. East is the east hallway. West is the west hallway. the description of the gloomy hallway is "dank and musty, 2 new halls stretch to your east and west." instead of examining west while in the gloomy hallway: say "good catch! you examine the left wall and see a splatter of blue paint." Instead of going west while in the gloomy hallway: say "you are shot with 2 darts straight through your eyes. Unlucky!"; end the game in death the east hallway is a room. below the east hallway is the cold hallway. "You have come to another fork. a staircase leads down. To your south is another hallway." instead of examining south while in the east hallway: say "that was close! you examine the left wall and see a splatter of blue paint." instead of going south while in the east hallway: say "Ouch! you have been decapitated by a swinging axe."; end the game in death. the cold hallway is below the east hallway. "BRRR! As you go farther down the air seems to get chillier. You can see your breath start to cloud as you breathe out. You can either go north or down." North of the cold hallway is the stone hallway. instead of examining down while in the cold hallway: say "dark paint covers one wall." Instead of going down while in the cold hallway: say "aw well maybe next time...The floor falls out from under you."; end the game in death. stone hallway is a room. East of the stone hallway is the dungeon. The stone hallway is north of the cold hallway. "you can either go east or down." instead of examining down while in the stone hallway: say "blue paint covers one wall." Instead of going down while in the stone hallway: say "aw well maybe next time...The floor falls out from under you."; end the game in death The dungeon is east of the stone hallway. red beanie is in the dungeon. "Sitting in the middle of the dungeon is your beloved red beanie! Oh beloved beanie I will wear you forever!" After taking red beanie: say "So that concludes the story of our heroine, Mrs bear, who went through much to see her red beanie again."; end the game in victory.