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computer lab
Hurg DeBlurg
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[ROOMS] The Computer Lab is a room. The description of the Computer Lab is "There are two oak tables here, lined with currently unused laptops. The exit is to the east." After taking laptop for the first time: award 5 points. The laptop is not described. The laptop is in the Computer Lab. The description of the laptop is "Attempting to turn on one of the computers only results in it making a sad whirring noise. They clearly don't work." East of the Computer Lab is the Hallway. The description of Hallway is "To the south is another hallway, and west is back to the computer lab. North is a staircase." North of the Hallway is the Staircase. The description of the staircase is “A staircase going between the first and second level. What do you expect? It is indoors and made of flat yellow tile, like the rest of the school floor.†Up from the staircase is A Nother Hallway. The description of A nother hallway is “There are a lot of hallways in this school. Perhaps I should call them something else, like a corridor. Yeah. Ok.[line break][line break]This hallway has a fair amount of locked doors, one of which you know from experience leads to the rest of the school. They keep it closed after hours. Straight ahead(north) from here leads to the back of the school, and back down leads to the hallway past the staircase.†North of a nother hallway is The back of the school. The description of the back of the school is “Lots of weeds and gravel. You can go east or west from here.†West of The back of the school is The Baseball Diamond. The description of the baseball diamond is “Just a small field and a diamond. The grass is neat and trim and the white lines have recently been redone.†East of The back of the school is A Dead end. The description of a dead end is “OOooh a spooky alleyway.†In the Dead end is a box. The box is a closed, openable container. In the box is a knife. The box is fixed in place. The description of the knife is "Why was there a knife in that box? Oh well. It's a little rusty pocketknife but it seems to be functional." After taking knife for the first time, award 5 points. South of the Hallway is Another Hallway. Another Hallway is a room. The description of Another Hallway is "Oh, fun. [line break][line break]Back north is more hallway, and west is a greenish door. east is an open doorway." The cookie is in Another Hallway. The cookie is edible. The description of the cookie is "Gross. That was on the floor." After eating cookie: say "It fills your mouth with dusty crumbs. "; award 2 points. The greenish door is a closed door. The greenish door is west of the Another Hallway. It is scenery. Classroom is west of the greenish door. The Another Hallway is east of the greenish door. The greenish door is east of the Classroom. The Classroom is a room. The description of the Classroom is "Walking into the classroom, you are filled with nostalgia. You remember sitting in these seats for many of your elementary school years. There is a whiteboard at the front of the classroom, and rows of desks. The exit is back to the east." The whiteboard is in the Classroom. The whiteboard is fixed in place in the Classroom. It is scenery. The description of the whiteboard is “Old and smudged. Someone has written a swear word in permanent marker on the bottom right. Opposite it is written the teacher’s name, Ms. Troyce, in red wipe-off marker.†After examining whiteboard for the first time: award 2 points. On the whiteboard is the pen. The description of the pen is “Doesn’t have any ink left in it, evidently.†After taking pen for the first time: award 5 points. The open doorway is an open door. The open doorway is east of the Another Hallway. It is scenery. east of the open doorway is Front steps. west of the open doorway is Another Hallway. The description of Front steps is “The front of the school. There is no one in sight. Come to think of it, there hasn’t been anyone at school at all… what day is it today?[line break][line break]There are flowering bushes lining the staircase down to the pavement below.†Down from the Front steps is the Cul-de-sac. The description of the cul-de-sac is “A short turnabout for parents to drop off their kids. To the north you can see the entry to the parking lot, and to the east, the road. The steps lead back up onto the school grounds.†The dead bird is in the Cul-de-sac. The description of the dead bird is “Why are you examining this. Disgusting. You disgust me.†The dead bird is edible. After eating the dead bird: say "You eat the bird and die because the bird had a disease."; end the game in death. north of the cul-de-sac is the Parking lot. The description of the parking lot is “Empty. Not a car in sight. Only place to go from here is back south to the Cul-de-sac.†east of the cul-de-sac is the Green Street. The description of the Green Street is “A side street, not usually very busy. Still… everything is so quiet… it’s honestly a little suspicious…[line break][line break]Goes from north to south.†north of Green Street is the Hospital Grounds. The description of the hospital grounds are “A little ways up the sidewalk is the Ferry Hospital. It’s not locked or anything, but you don’t need to go that way." north of the Hospital Grounds is the Residential Area. The description of the residential area is “Rows of houses on interlocking roads. This place is easy to get lost in, you have many times before. Besides, you don’t feel like going home yet.†North of the residential area is the End of the alley. The description of the end of the alley is “the end of the alley to the west. Back south is the residential area. You can see a box sitting there.†West of the end of the alley is the dead end. south of Green Street is an Intersection. The description of an intersection is “The place where Green street meets Hill Road. There is no stop light, but that won’t stop you. Run south into the street. I dare you.†West of the intersection is Hill road. The description of hill road is “Huff huff… there’s a reason they called it Hill road…†West of Hill road is The Park. The description of the park is “A field of grass, a couple trees, and a little play structure. There’s someone by the big tree with their dog.†The field is west of the big tree. The field is north of the play structure. The description of the field is “a field. Nothing special.†North of The park is The Big tree. The big tree is a room. “[if the big tree is unvisited]A large oak tree shading the whole area. This guy Henry is just chillin with his dog. He knows you from school a few years back. As you walk up, he says ‘Hey.’ nonchalantly. Wow, you wish you could be that cool.[end if][if the Big tree is visited]You’re under the Big oak tree. Henry is here.[end if]" The oak is fixed in place in the Big tree. It is scenery. The play structure is west of the park. The description of the play structure is “Old and faded, but was once colorful.†A car is a room. South from the Intersection is A Car. The description of A car is “you attempt to cross the street and are instantly killed by a speeding car. You shouldn’t take dares from me. Lol.†Every turn: if the player is in A car: end the game in death. Hillroad is a room. East of the intersection is hillroad. The description of hillroad is “Thank goodness THIS hill is downhill…†south of hillroad is Nulberry Loop. Nulberry loop is a room. East of Nulberry Loop is Henry’s House. Henry’s house is a room. Instead of going east from Nulberry loop: Say “If you want to go to henry’s house, go to https://playfic.com/games/Hurgdeblurg/henrys-house†The description of Nulberry Loop is “a little loop with some houses. You recognise Henry’s house on the East, but the rest you don’t know.†[NPCS] Henry is a person. Henry is in the big tree. Henry is not described. Every turn when player can see Henry: say "[one of]...[or]...[or]Henry asks you what’s up but you pretend not to hear him. [or]Henry pats Blake on the head.[or]Henry checks his phone. [at random]" The description of henry is “You get closer to henry to look at him. He gives you an odd look and shuffles to the side away from you.†After asking Henry about "Blake", say "'Blake?’ He says. ‘He’s a good dog. I got him from the pound a few years ago.’" After asking Henry about “Schoolâ€, say “He looks at you quizzically. ‘Why were you in school? It’s Saturday.†After telling Henry about “Schoolâ€, say “He looks at you quizzically. ‘Why were you in school? It’s Saturday.†Instead of showing the laptop to the Henry: say “Henry gives you a serious look. ‘did you steal this from the school? You better put this back…’†Instead of showing the dead bird to the Henry: say “Henry runs away. You die.â€; end the game in death. Instead of showing the cookie to the Henry: say “‘I don’t want this.’†Instead of showing the knife to the Henry: say “You accidentally stab Henry. He is dead. Your hands are covered in blood. You’re probably craazy. You stab yourself.â€; end the game in death. Every turn: if the player has been in the big tree for 6 turns, say "Henry looks at you sideways and says ‘What are ya doin pacing around like that?’'" Instead of touching Henry: say "Henry lets you pat his shoulder." Blake the dog is person. Blake the dog is in the big tree. Blake the dog is not described. Every turn when player can see Blake the dog: say "[one of]Blake pants wildly.[or]Blake is chasing his tail. He is a very happy dog.[or]Blake touches his wet nose to the back of your leg.[or]...[or]Blake stares at the ground.[or]Blake looks at Henry.[or]Blake sniffs.[or] Blake looks at you.[or]Blake blinks.[or]Blake sneezes.[or]Blake whines.[at random]" The description of blake the dog is “A pit bull that Henry adopted a few years ago. He likes to run. Henry treats him well. Makes you wish you had a dog.†After touching Blake: say “He loves you more now.â€; award 1 point. [OTHER] When play begins: say "In this fic, use n/north to go north, s/south to go south, w/west to go west, e/east to go east, d/down to go down, or u/up to go up. Make sure to x/examine as many things as you can. You can also ‘touch’ things, ‘take’ things, ‘show’ things, or ‘eat’ things" Understand “pet [something]†as touching. Understand “smooch [something]†as touching. Every turn: if score is 20: say "congrats. You have petted a dog now."; end the game in victory. Understand "[any room]" as going by name. Understand "go to [any room]" as going by name. Going by name is an action applying to one thing. Check going by name: if the noun is the location, say "You're already in [the location]." instead; if the noun is not adjacent and the noun is unvisited, say "You wouldn’t know how to get there." instead. Carry out going by name: let aim be the best route from the location to the noun, using doors; if aim is not a direction, say "You can't think how to get there from here." instead; say "(heading [aim])[command clarification break]"; try going aim; if the location is not the noun, say "You'll have to stop here."