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Survive Math Class
Jared E. Goone
Played 1,429 times
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When play begins: say "Everyone who has ever ventured into Ms. Gary's room has never come back. Will you be the first, young challenger, to survive?" The Hallway is a room. "[if the Hallway is unvisited] You have just come from homeroom into the hallway to get your math books. 'Bye, Morris,' you say to your friend Morris. 'I need to get to math class.'[line break][line break] The bustling hallway is suddenly silenced.[line break][line break]'M-m-m-math class?' asks Morris nervously. 'Nobody's ever come back from math class.'[line break][line break]'Dude, it's OK,' I respond.[line break][line break]The students in the hallway look suprised.[line break][line break]'Well, Jared, we wish you luck on your perilous quest. I believe that you will be the first to conquer the class of math.' he says.[line break][line break]The students in the hallway applaud loudly.[line break][line break] The math classroom is to the east.[end if][if Hallway is visited] Idiot. Nobody leaves math class without getting pounded to oblivion. Go back to the classroom.[end if]" The Classroom is a room. It is east from the Hallway. "Here it is. Math class.[paragraph break]Ms. Gary is staring at you. 'Late for class again, Jared? I guess that will have to be a detention,' she says, rolling her eyes.[paragraph break] She goes on like nothing happened. 'Class, I have a surprise for you!' she says excitedly. The class stops sleeping at starts smiling. [paragraph break] 'A pop quiz.' I see Ms. Gary look at me and smile. I swear, she had wolf teeth.[paragraph break] 'This is on a book I have never told you to read. Better be prepared,' she says. She hands me my quiz." A terribly hard pop quiz is here. It is edible. The description is "'Question 1: What is the name of the magic talking frog in 'Charlotte's Web?' Wait, what?" A Ms Gary is here. It is scenery. The description is "A normal math teacher. OR IS IT??!?!?!" After eating the pop quiz: say "You eat the pop quiz, and Ms. Gary looks at you with red eyes. She transforms into a bright red demon and incenerates you with her fire breath. Better luck next time!"; end the game in death; Test taking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "finish [something]" as test taking. Understand "answer [something]" as test taking. Things have a number called quizability. The quizability of a thing is usually 0. The terribly hard pop quiz has quizability 1. Check test taking: if the quizability of the noun is 0, say "Thankfully, that's not a blank quiz." instead; Carry out test taking: say "Quiz finished. Take that, Ms. Jones!."; change the quizability of the noun to 0.