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The Death of Quentin Compson (English/History Project)
Infinity Theorist
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Use American dialect and the serial comma. Use no scoring. The story headline is "The Death of Quentin Compson!". Rule for printing the banner text: say "[bold type] The Death of Quentin Compson! [line break] [roman type] A STEM Academy English II Project!" A thing can be distant or near. A thing is usually near. The description of the player is "In the absence of a mirror, you're not quite sure what you look like today." Instead of doing anything other than examining to a distant thing: say "[The noun] is too far away." Instead of doing anything other than asking someone about something when the second noun is a distant thing: say "[The second noun] is too far away." A room has some text called the containing-name. The containing-name of a room is usually "". A thing can be huge. A thing is usually not huge. The toolbox is a container. The toolbox is locked. The toolbox is in the Station. The description is "Kaylee's tools! She uses this any time someone needs their equipment fixed!" Understand "tools" and "tool box" as toolbox. The Toolkey is an object. Kaylee is holding the Toolkey. The Toolkey unlocks the Toolbox. Direction-looking is an action applying to one visible thing and requiring light. Understand "look [direction]" as direction-looking. Carry out direction-looking: say "You see nothing unusual in that direction." Instead of Direction-looking west in the Station: say "There's the way out of the Station! Come back whenever!" Instead of Direction-looking east in the Station: say "That's the way to another room in the Station. I wonder what could be there..." Climbing through is an action applying to one thing. Understand "climb through [something]", "climb in [something]", "climb out [something]", and "climb out of [something]" as climbing through. Check climbing through: if the noun is not a door: say "You can't climb through [a noun]!" instead; otherwise: try entering the noun instead. Instead of going nowhere from the Station: say "That's a wall, you can't leave through a wall!" Instead of going nowhere from the Woods: say "You take a few steps into the woods, but decide there is nothing to get from it, so you go back." Instead of going up from the Woods: say "The trees are much too tall to climb." When play begins, say "Quentin Compson has been dead for nearly two decades, and it seems only the Compson family knows the cause! You and your friends are detectives from Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi tasked with figuring the mystery out! Using clues from the physical clues provided in the box, as well as role-play from other players, you must figure out how Quentin died! If you want to go somewhere else, type the cardinal direction.(NOTICE: IF YOU WANT TO CONVERSE WITH CHARACTERS YOU MUST START WITH 'ASK ABOUT!' THIS WILL CAUSE WEIRD CONVERSATIONS LIKE 'ASK CHARACTER ABOUT YES,' WE ARE SORRY!)." The Station is a room. The printed name of the Station is "The Station" The description of the Station is "[if unvisited]You are currently in the Station, a sort of home base. This is where all of the detectives can come to discuss new evidence about the case. Look, there's your buddy Officer Jefferson, go say hi! (If you want to know more about him, type 'look at Officer Jefferson.') Go on, ask him how the case is going! (type 'ask Officer Jefferson about case info') [end if] Welcome to the Station!" The Evidence Room is a room. The Evidence Room is east of the Station. The description of the evidence room is "You enter the evidence room. It is dimly lit and has one table in the middle. On it is a watch. (type 'look at watch' to learn more)". Understand "look out of [something]" and "look out [something]" as searching. The Golf Course is a room. The Golf Course is west of the Station. The description of the Golf Course is "A piece of land formerly belonging to the Compson family, sold to a golf course in order to pay for Quentin's tuition to Harvard. (If you want any more information on either of the people here, look at them!) " The Woods is a room. The Woods is northwest of the Golf Course. The description of the Woods is "Welcome to the woods! Your time as a detective gives you the knowledge that most people on the run from the county police hide here. You take a few steps and find Patrick Pollum. Try to convince him to talk to you! Ask about the Quentin case, if you can introduce yourself, or what he knows about the Quentin case!" The Compson House is a room. The description of the Compson House is "This is where the Compsons grew up." The Compson House is west of The Blue Door. The Blue Door is an openable door. It is scenery. The description of Blue Door is "This is the door to the Compson family's house. You need a warrant to enter. Ask Officer Jefferson about 'searching' to receive it!" The Blue Door is northeast of the Golf Course. Blue Door can be locked or unlocked. Blue Door is closed. Blue Door is locked. Dilsey is a woman. The description of Dilsey is "The old caretaker of the Compson family. She basically raised all of the Compson children. If anyone would know anything about Quentin's college, it would be her!" Dilsey is in the Compson House. Instead of asking Dilsey about "Quentin's college": say "Dilsey explains how Quentin went to Harvard and died a few years into it. She tells you that he kept to himself a lot so he didn't have many friends. When you ask about enemies, she confidentently tells you that he didn't have any of those, either. She tells you she misses him and asks for no further questioning and gives you a cookie."; now the player carries the cookie. The Cookie is an object. The description of the Cookie is "Delicious chocolate chip." The Cookie is edible. Dilsey carries the Cookie. The Post Office is a room. It is northeast of the Station. The Post Office is north of Downtown. The description of it is "Welcome to the Post Office! This is where Jason Compson, Quentin's brother, works. Maybe you can get some information out of him! Go ahead and ask him about his relative named Quentin!" Jason Compson is a man. Jason Compson is in the Post Office. Understand "Jason", "Compson", and "Mr Compson" as Jason Compson. The description of Jason Compson is "The second youngest Compson child, and the only one actively participating in society." Instead of asking Jason Compson about "his relative named Quentin": say "His eyes go wide, he whispers a curse, and asks if the girl has finally managed to get caught by the law. You explain that she hasn't, and you are a detective looking into Quentin's death, and he tells you that he doesn't like to dwell on the past. You understand and leave. As you walk away, you hear him muttering about wishing the bridge was in Mississippi."; now the player carries the envelope The envelope is an object. Jason Compson is carrying the envelope. The description of the envelope is "If I didn't add this the Jason interaction completely broke. Here's an envelope." Downtown is a room. Downtown is southeast of the Station. The description of it is "You are now downtown. The streets are filled with many people preparing to go to the circus. You see a man in a red tie and a young girl." The Man in the Red Tie is a man. He is in Downtown. Understand "Man", "Man in Tie", "Red", "Red Tie", and "The Man" as the Man in the Red Tie. The description of the man in the red tie is "An obvious employee of the circus, this man seems to be spending much of his time with Miss Quentin Compson, Jason Compson's niece named after the person you are currently investigating." Miss Quentin Compson is a woman. She is in Downtown. Understand "Miss", "Miss Quentin", "Quentin", and "Miss Compson" as Miss Quentin. The description of Miss Quentin Compson is "the seventeen-year-old grandaughter of Caroline Compson and daughter of mysteriously absent Candace 'Caddy' Compson. Miss Quentin is known to wander around downtown without supervision and is a notorious rebel. Maybe you can get some information from her... Go on, ask about Quentin's death." After asking Miss Quentin Compson about "Quentin's death": say "Miss Quentin says 'I'm not dead, you're talkin' to me! Oh, you mean my uncle. Well that man had a bit of a screw loose. It was no wonder he attached those weights to his shoes...'" After asking Miss Quentin Compson about "the weights": say "Miss Quentin elaborates. 'Uncle Quentin died at the bottom of the Charles River." After asking Miss Quentin Compson about "weights": say "Miss Quentin elaborates. 'Uncle Quentin died at the bottom of the Charles River.'" The Circus Complex is a room. It is southwest of Downtown, southeast of the Golf Course, and south of the Station. The description of it is "Acrobats, animals, and much more! The circus is in town for a limited time only! Of course, you will not be able to enjoy it because you are on the case. Why not ask around about Quentin while you're here?" Henry is a man. Henry is in the Circus Complex. The description of Henry is "A local former-detective-now-lawyer with whom you have worked with on many occasions. He may know something, ask about Quentin!" After asking Henry about "Quentin": say "Henry says 'The girl has always been trouble. The man that died a while back, though... he was trouble in a different way. Always obsessed with clocks and making everything right... I can imagine getting tired of that and not wanting to deal with it anymore. I remember his obsessions getting so much worse after all that scuttlebutt about his sister went through town." The Courthouse is a room. The description of the Courthouse is "The ornate county courthouse, filled with notable gossipers from all over the county, is ready to hear your case." The Courthouse is west of the Ornate Door. The Ornate Door is an openable door. It is scenery. The description of the Ornate Door is "The door to the county courthouse. You need a valid casebook to enter." The Ornate Door is west of the Circus Complex and east of the Courthouse. The Ornate Door is locked. The Ornate Door is closed. The Casebook is an object. The Casebook unlocks the Ornate Door. Officer Jefferson carries the Casebook. The description of the Casebook is "All of your compiled evidence!" Officer Jefferson is a man. Officer Jefferson is in the Station. The description of Officer Jefferson is "He is a tall man with jet black hair and blue eyes wearing a navy blue uniform. He is a very kind man and was your mentor when you entered the force." Understand "officer", "jeff", and "jefferson" as Officer Jefferson. The newspaper is an object. The description of the newspaper is "go read the newspaper provided!" Officer Jefferson is holding the newspaper. It is edible. After asking Officer Jefferson about "case info": say "Officer Jefferson says: 'We got a lead on it, actually! I was just about to talk to you about it! We found a newspaper that describes the Compson family's situation real well. Read it and maybe you'll get some more information. ' (type 'look at newspaper' for more information)." Instead of asking Officer Jefferson about "quitting": end the story saying " Officer Jefferson's eyes go red and he says 'No. You will not quit. You will be a detective until you die and much longer after.' You become trapped in his spell and are out of the game."; Instead of kissing Officer Jefferson: say "Officer Jefferson says: 'I...I don't know what to say! I've loved you from the second you joined the force! Forget the case, let's get married!'" The table is scenery. The table is a supporter. The table is supporting the watch. The description of the table is "Built with mahogany wood, small scratches from use, and many other minor disfigurements." The table is in the Evidence Room. The table is edible. The watch is an object. The description of the watch is "The watch does not have any hands on it. It is inside of an evidence bag. There is a note on the evidence bag that says 'recovered from the Charles River in August, 1910.'" The watch is edible. Benjy is a man. Benjy is in the Golf Course. The description of Benjy is "Thirty-three-year-old Benjy Compson, the youngest Compson child is walking around the golf course, crying. Luster, his teenage caretaker, is running after him." Instead of asking Benjy about something: say "Benjy only cries." Luster is a man. Luster is in the Golf Course. The description of Luster is "Teenage Luster, Benjy's caretaker, is playing golf. You notice that every time he talks about the caddy, Benjy cries harder. Go on, ask Luster about Quentin or Quentin's death." After asking Luster about "Quentin": say "Luster says 'Did that girl get into trouble again? Jason's gonna be real angry...' You remember that Quentin is the name of Caddy Compson's daughter. If you want more specifics about the case, ask about Quentin's death." After asking Luster about "Quentin's death": say "You say 'I'm a detective with the county. We know Quentin died a while back and wanted to figure out how. Do you know anything about how he died?' Luster replies: 'Like I told your buddy before, I ain't talkin'. That's private information. I gave that other cop way too much information...It's a good thing he was kicked off the force.' You remember a few years ago when Detective Patrick Pollum was kicked off the force for harming innocents. You have heard rumors that he's living in the woods now..." Patrick is a man. Patrick is in the Woods. The description of Patrick is "Patrick has a long unkempt beard. He has obviously been living here for a long time. He has dark brown eyes and low, gruff voice." Instead of asking Patrick about "the Quentin case": say "Patrick says 'What, no introduction? Straight to business, eh? Oh, well, I respect that. I do remember you, Detective...ah, I don't much care about your name. Quentin died up in Boston at the bottom of the Charles almost 20 years ago. That's all I give ya, because, to be honest, that's all I really remember." Instead of asking Patrick about "Quentin": say "Patrick says 'What, no introduction? Straight to business, eh? Oh, well, I respect that. I do remember you, Detective...ah, I don't much care about your name. Quentin died up in Boston at the bottom of the Charles almost 20 years ago. That's all I give ya, because, to be honest, that's all I really remember." Instead of asking Patrick about "Compson": say "Patrick says 'What, no introduction? Straight to business, eh? Oh, well, I respect that. I do remember you, Detective...ah, I don't much care about your name. Quentin died up in Boston at the bottom of the Charles almost 20 years ago. That's all I give ya, because, to be honest, that's all I really remember." Instead of asking Patrick about "the Compson Case": say "Patrick says 'What, no introduction? Straight to business, eh? Oh, well, I respect that. I do remember you, Detective...ah, I don't much care about your name. Quentin died up in Boston at the bottom of the Charles almost 20 years ago. That's all I give ya, because, to be honest, that's all I really remember." The warrant is an object. The warrant unlocks the Blue Door. Officer Jefferson is holding the warrant. The warrant is edible. The description of the warrant is "This allows you to search the Compson House!" Instead of asking Officer Jefferson about "searching": say "Officer Jefferson hands you a warrant to search the Compson House."; now the Player carries the Warrant. Understand "the warrant" and "search warrant" as warrant. Kaylee is a woman. Kaylee is in the Station. The description of Kaylee is "Your good friend Kaylee, the mechanic, is here. Ask her about her plans!" After asking Kaylee about "her plans": say "I'm planning to go down to the Serenity Bowler Club later, want to come?" Instead of asking Kaylee about "yes": say "Kaylee says 'Well that's great, I'll see you there!' and gives you a party hat."; Now player carries Party Hat. Party Hat is an object. The Party Hat is wearable. Kaylee is holding Party Hat. The description of the Party Hat is "A fun hat for a fun time!" Instead of asking Kaylee about "no": end the game saying "Kaylee begins crying because you were mean to her and now you must spend the rest of the game comforting her. You are out. Lesson: don't be mean to people." Daisy is a woman. The description of Daisy is "A kind woman known to help ex-cons get back on their feet." Daisy is in the Woods. Instead of asking Daisy about something: say "She politely answers your question and goes to back to her work. You do not get any new case information." Weather is a thing. Understand "clouds", "rain", and "wind" as weather. Instead of asking [someone] about "weather": say "[noun] says 'That's a rather boring topic to discuss, don't you think?'" Instead of asking [someone] about "the weather": say "[noun] says 'That's a rather boring topic to discuss, don't you think?'" Include Conversational Defaults by Eric Eve. Include Conversation Responses by Eric Eve. Instead of asking officer jefferson about "quentin's suicide": say "Yep, you are right! Quentin Compson was not murdered, he killed himself. You are so close to finishing the case! All you have left is to go to court! Officer Jefferson gives you the Casebook with all of the evidence to ask the judge about."; now the player carries the Casebook. Instead of asking officer jefferson about "suicide": say "Yep, you are right! Quentin Compson was not murdered, he killed himself. You are so close to finishing the case! All you have left is to go to court! Officer Jefferson gives you the Casebook with all of the evidence. When you get to the Courthouse, ask the judge about the case!"; now the player carries the Casebook. The Judge is a man. The Judge is in the Courthouse. The description of the Judge is "An old man in a white wig holding a gavel." After asking the Judge about "The Case": end the story saying "You've solved the mystery! Congratulations, you finished the game! If you are the first person in your group to have finished, you have also won!"; now the player carries the gavel The Gavel is an object. The Judge carries the Gavel. The description of the Gavel is "A cool wooden hammer."