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Final Draft 2
Joseph Young
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"Creative Project" by Joseph Young The bedroom is a room. "Your name is Huey Byron. You are finally back in your apartment....Safe, in your five-room apartment complete with: bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room (that often functions as a dining and smoking area). Besides the large amount of clothes strewn all over the floor & the heaping bile of books on the desk, the room seems intentionally bare. North of the room is a black door that leads to the rest of the apartment. However, east of the bedroom is the Vault that you secretly installed the day you moved in." The bed is in the bedroom. North of the bedroom is the black door. The Bed is fixed in place. The desk is in the bedroom. The desk is fixed in place. The chair is in the bedroom. The chair is a enterable supporter. The chair is fixed in place. [examine chair] The black door is a door. The black door is lockable and locked. Pants are a kind of thing. Pants are always wearable. A pocket is a kind of container. A pocket is a part of every pants. The carrying capacity of a pocket is always 2. After examining pants: let target be a random pocket which is part of the noun; say "The [black pants pocket] contains [the black key]." The black pants are on the chair. The black key is in the black pants pocket. The black key unlocks the black door. North of the black door is the hallway. The running shoes are on the hallway floor. "You navigate through the hallway with calculated movements, as if you'd planned this route many times in your head. Nothing of notice is here save your favorite running shoes, on them lies a red stain." [inspect red stain] Understand "running shoes" or "shoes" as running shoes. The red stain is on the running shoes. "You touch the splattered red stain on your favorite pair of running shoes. It is unclear whether it's yours or his-but it is definetly blood. " The gun is on the desk. The book is on the desk. The book has a number called the last page read. The book has a number called the length. The length of the book is 7. Understand the command "read" as something new. Understand "read [something]" or "consult [something]" as reading. Reading is an action applying to one thing, requiring light. Understand "read [number] in/from/of [something]" or "read page [number] in/from/of [something]" or "look up page [number] in/from/of [something]" or "consult page [number] in/from/of [something]" as reading it in. Reading it in is an action applying to one number and one thing, requiring light. Named page is a kind of value. The named pages are first page, last page, next page, previous page. To decide what number is the effective value of (L - last page): decide on the length of the book. To decide what number is the effective value of (F - first page): decide on 1. To decide what number is the effective value of (N - next page): let X be the last page read of the book plus 1; decide on X. To decide what number is the effective value of (P - previous page): let X be the last page read of the book minus 1; decide on X. Understand "read [named page] in/from/of [something]" or "read the [named page] in/from/of [something]" as reading it relatively in. Reading it relatively in is an action applying to one named page and one thing, requiring light. Does the player mean reading something in the book: it is very likely. This is the book requirement rule: if the player is not carrying the book, say "You're not reading anything." instead. Check reading it relatively in: if the second noun is not the book, say "There are no pages in [the second noun]." instead; abide by the book requirement rule. Carry out reading it relatively in: let N be the effective value of the named page understood; now the number understood is N; try reading N in the book. Check reading it in: if the second noun is not the book, say "There are no pages in [the second noun]." instead; abide by the book requirement rule. Check reading it in: If the number understood is greater than the length of the book, say "There are only [length of book in words] pages in the book." instead; if the number understood is less than 1, say "The page numbering begins with 1." instead. Carry out reading it in: read page number understood. Check reading: if the noun is not the book, say "There are no pages in [the noun]." instead; abide by the book requirement rule. Carry out reading: let N be a random number between 1 and the length of the book; now the number understood is N; say "You flip the pages randomly and arrive at page [the number understood]:[paragraph break]"; try reading the number understood in the book. Table of Book Contents page content 1 "AFFRAY AND MURDER / Portsmouth, (Ohio) Aug. 22, 1829 / A most shocking outrage was committed in Kentucky, about eight miles from this place, on 14th inst. A negro driver, by the name of Gordon, who had purchased in Maryland about sixty negroes, was taking them, assisted by an associate named Allen, and the wagoner who conveyed the baggage, to the Mississippi. The men were handcuffed and chained together, in the usual manner for driving those poor wretches, while the women and children were suffered to proceed without incumbrance. It appears that, by means of a file the negroes, unobserved, had succeeded in separating the iron which bound their hands, in such a way as to be able to throw them off at any moment. About 8 o'clock in the morning, while proceeding on the state road leading from Greenup to Vanceburg, two of them dropped their shackles and commenced a fight, when the wagoner (Petit) rushed in with his whip to compel them to desist." 2 "At this moment, every negro was found to be perfectly at liberty; and one of them seizing a club, gave Petit a violent blow on the head, and laid him dead at his feet; and Allen, who came to his assistance, met a similar fate, from the contents of a pistol fired by another of the gang. Gordon was then attacked, seized and held by one of the negroes, whilst another fired twice at him with a pistol, the ball of which each time grazed his head, but not proving effectual, he was beaten with clubs, and left for dead. They then commenced pillaging the wagon, and with an axe split open the trunk of Gordon, and rifled it of the money, about $2,400. Sixteen of the negroes then took to the woods; Gordon, in the mean time, not being materially injured, was enabled, by the assistance of one of the women, to mount his horse and flee; pursued , however by one of the gang on another horse, with a drawn pistol; fortunately he escaped with his life barely, arriving at a" 3 "plantation, as the negro came in sight; who then turned about and retreated / The neighborhood was immediately rallied, and a hot pursuit given-which, we understand, has resulted in the capture of the whole gang and the recovery of the greatest part of the money. Seven of the negro men and one woman, it is said were engaged in the murders, and will be brought to trial at the next court in Greenupsburg/ Here, my brethren, I want you to notice particularly the in the above article, the ignorant and deceitful actions of this coloured woman. I beg you to view it candidly, as for ETERNITY!!!!! Here a notorious wretch, with two other confederates had SIXTY of them in a gang, driving them like brutes-the men all in chains and handcuffs, and by the help of God they got their chains and handcuffs thrown off, and caught two of the wretches and put them to death, and beat the other until they thought he was dead, and left him for dead; however, he deceived them, and rising from the ground, this" 4 "servile woman helped him upon his horse, and he made his escape. / Brethren, what do you think of this? Was it natural fine feelings of this woman, to save such a wretch alife? I know that the blacks, take them half enlightened and ignorant, are more humane and merciful than the most enlightened and refined European that can be found in all the Earth. Let no one say that I assert this because I am prejudiced on the side of my colour, and against the whites or Europeans. For what I write, I do it candidly, for my God and the good of both parties: Natural observations have taught me these things; there is a solemn awe in the hearts of the blacks, as it respects murdering men: whereas the whites, (though they are great cowards) where they have the advantage, or think that there are any prospects of getting it, they murder all before them, in order to subject men to wretchedness and degradation under them. This is the natural result of pride and avarice. But I declare, the actions of this black woman are really" 5 "insupportable. For my own part, I cannot think it was any thing but servile deceit, combined with the most gross ignorance: for we must remember that humanity, kindness and the fear of the Lord, does not consist in protecting devils. / Here is a set of wretches, who had SIXTY of them in a gang, driving them around the country like brutes, to dig up gold and silver for them, (which they will get enough of yet.) Should the lives of such creatures be spared? Are God amd Mammon in league?What has the Lord to do with a gang of desperate wretches, who go sneaking about the country like robbers-light upon his people wherever they can get a chance, binding them with chains and handcuffs, beat and murder them as they would rattlesnakes? Are they not the Lord's enemies? Ought they not to be destroyed? Any person who will save such wretches from from destruction, is fighting against the Lord, and will receive his just recompense. The black men acted like blockheads. Why did they not make sure of the wretch? He" 6 "would have made sure of them if he could. It is just the way with black men-eight white men can frighten fifty of them; whereas, if you can only get courage into the blacks, I do declare it, that one good black man can put to death six white men; and I give it as a fact, let twelve black men get well armed for battle, and they will kill and put to flight fifty whites.-The reason is, the blacks, once you get them started, they glory in death. The whites have had us under them for more than three centuries, murdering, and treating us like brutes; and, as Mr. Jefferson wisely said, they have never found us out-they do not know, indeed, that there is an unconquerable disposition in the breasts of blacks, which when it is fully awakened and put in motion, will be subdues, only with the destruction of the animal existence." 7 "Get the black started, and if you do not have a gang of tigers and lions to deal with, I am a deceiver of the blacks and whites / How sixty of them could let that wretch escape unkilled, I cannot conceive-they will have to suffer as much for the two whom, they secured, as if they had put one hundred to death: If you commence, make sure work-do not trifle, for they will not trifle with you-they want us for for their slaves, and think nothing of murdering us in order to subject us to that wretched condition-therefore, if there is an attempt made by us, kill or be killed. Now, I ask you, had you not rather be killed than to be a slave to a tyrant, who takes the life of your mother, wife, and dear little children? Look upon your mother, wife, and children, and answer God Almighty! and believe this, that it is no more harm for you to kill a man, who is trying to kill you, than it is for you to take a drink of water when thirsty; in fact, the man who will stand still and let another murder him, is worse than an infidel, and, if he has common sense, ought not to be pitied." To read page (N - a number): now the last page read of the book is N; if there is a content corresponding to a page of N in the Table of Book Contents: choose row with a page of N in the Table of Book Contents; say "You read: '[content entry]'[paragraph break]"; otherwise: say "Page [N] appears to be blank." The Vault is east of the bedroom. The newspaper clippings are in the Vault. "MAN HUNT CONTINUES FOR HITMAN ACTIVIST." The Vault is a room. "Beyond the vault is secret room stocked with weapons, newspaper clippings, a packed backpack, a telephone, and a secret elevator. On the walls are a series of newspaper clippings from a news article. It cost a nice chunk of your earnings to have this secretly installed in your apartment. But in your line of work--secrecy is key." The Safe is here. "A mammoth safe, with a dial which can spin to any number." Instead of opening the Safe, say "The safe opens only when turned to the correct combination." In the Safe is a piece of paper. The description is "When the time comes call 999-9999. Be outside and ready, your driver will only wait for a maximum of 35 seconds. After that, you're on your own." [read piece of paper] The Safe is closed and fixed in place. Understand "dial" as the Safe. Spinning it to is an action applying to one thing and one number. Check spinning it to: if the noun is not the Safe, say "The [noun] does not spin." instead. Report spinning it to: say "Click! and nothing else happens." Understand "spin [something] to [a number]" as spinning it to. After spinning the closed Safe to 1384: now the Safe is open; say "Clonk! and the safe door swings slowly open, revealing [a piece of paper]." Test safe with "open safe / spin safe to 1131 / open safe / spin safe to 1384 / x safe / get piece of paper". After examining the piece of paper: say "You stop dead in your tracks. Several months of life on the run have sharpened your senses--In the distance you hear a sound; steps. A group of clumsy boots marching up the steps of your apartment complex. The time has come." The telephone is in the Vault. Understand “phone†or “telephone†as a telephone. A phone number is a kind of value. 999-9999 specifies a phone number. Understand “dial [phone number] on [telephone]†as dialing it on. Understand “dial [phone number] on [something]†as dialing it on. Understand the commands “phone†or “telephone†or “call†as “dialâ€. Understand “call [text]†or “phone [text]†or “dial [text]†or “telephone [text]†as a mistake (“That’s not a number you know.â€). Dialing it on is an action applying to one phone number and one thing. Report dialing it on: say “You dial [the phone number understood].†The outside communal area is a room. The Secret Elevator is east of the Vault. The Secret Elevator is east of the outside communal area. After going to the Secret Elevator: say "The doors automatically close, there is a rush of motion, and they open again."; if the Vault is mapped west of the Secret Elevator, now the outside communal area is mapped west of the Secret Elevator; otherwise now the Vault is mapped west of the Secret Elevator; continue the action. The parking lot is west of the communal area. "Your ride should be here any second now--but it won't be long before the task force discovers the Vault and secret elevator in your apar--Swoosh! You hear the sound of a bullet speeding past your head. The task force is gaining on you." [shoot gun] A road is a kind of room. Definition: a room is offroad if it is not a road. Instead of going by a vehicle (called the auto) to somewhere offroad: say "You can't drive [the auto] off-road." Main Street is a road. "Just beyond the apartment parking lot lies Main street. On main street you see the unmarked car purposed with picking you up." The car is a vehicle in Main Street. The ignition is a device. The ignition is part of the car. Instead of going by the car when the ignition is switched off: say "The ignition is off at the moment." Instead of switching on the car, try switching on the ignition. Instead of switching off the car, try switching off the ignition. Test me with "get in car / n / e / turn on car / n / e / get out / w / n / s / e / get in car / turn off car / w / turn on ignition / w." After switching on ignition, end the story saying "You slam on the gas and head north of Main Street towards the Highway. Once again you escape capture by the skin of your teeth. You merge onto the highway a free man--But how long will it stay that way? " East of the hallway is the red door. The red door is a door. East of the red door is the bathroom. The bathroom is a room. [examine bathroom] The bloody bathtub is in the bathroom. In the bathroom there is a mirror. Instead of searching the mirror: say "You see [the bloody bathtub] reflected back at you." The bloody shirt is on the bathroom floor. The bloody pants are on the bathroom floor. "Theses are your clothes. The thick patches of blood appear to have ran down the clothes rather than splattered. From this you deduce that the blood is also yours." West of the hallway is the kitchen. The kitchen is a room. [examine the kitchen] The empty refrigerator is in the kitchen. The empty refrigerator is a openable container. "The kitchen is also bare, save the single bowl and spoon that lay on the counter. There is nothing in the pantry, cabinets, or refrigerator. The only source of food in the entire house is a variety pack of these cheap ramen noodles from Walmart. It can be gathered from the bareness of the kitchen that you often don't have the time to waste on lengthy meals. So ramen it is." North of the hallway is the living room. The living room is a room. There are four posters on the living room wall. "The decorum in this room rivals that of the kitchen, bahtroom, and bedroom combined. This must be where you spend most of your time. On the walls are four posters of your idols: Assata Shakur, Marcus Garvey, Huey Newton, and El-Hajj Malik Shabazz. Above the sofa is a massive comissioned abstract painting. Many nights you stared at the glorious painting trying to decipher the figures. In the bottom right corner of the painting is a date 11/31.In the corner of the room lies a healthy music collection complete with CD's, cassette tapes, vinyls, and a record player. In the backgorund To Pimp A Butterfly plays softly." West of the living room is the glass door. The glass door is a door. The glass door is unlocked. "West of the living room is a huge three doored window leading to the patio. Covering each section of the massive door and keeping out the peering eyes of the outside world." East of the living room is a green door. The green door is a door. The green door is lockable and locked. In the living room there is a record player. The record player can be turned on and off. The end table is in the living room. The reocrd player is on the end table. In the living room there is sofa. The sofa is a enterable supporter. "The sofa looks comfortable. After the sort of day you've had, you could use a brief rest." [sit on sofa] After entering sofa: say "You settle into the sofa and let your mind wander for a few seconds. It's a good idea for you to take this time, there is no telling what could happen over the course of the next half hour. In the corner of your eye you see metallic glare."