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Murder Mystery
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"Murder Mystery" by Jack Jadin Release along with the "Parchment" interpreter. Release along with the source text. When play begins: say "There has been murder in the Bryce estate! Frank Bryce, the loving husband of Anne and Father of Caroline and Frank Jr. was murdered last night in his own living room. The suspects have been gathered at the crime seen. They are Anne, Franks wife, Caroline, Franks daughter, Frank Jr., Franks son, Elenore, Franks mother-in-law, Jeffery, the butler, and Consuela, the maid. None of them have confessed to committing the crime but its known that one of them has done it. Gather evidence and intel to find out who did the crime. When you have a murder weapon and believe who murdered Frank talk to the Police Chief, for example say to him , I think Charlie kille Frank with a spoon. Once you find out who did it and what with the game is over.". The Kitchen is a room."The room is very cluttered. There is a set of kitchen knives with one missing, a rag covered in something red, a sink that is wet like it has been recently used, one of the corner drawers is slightly open, and the garbage can is three quarters full with a few items on the floor around it." knives are in the Kitchen. The description of knives is "The set of knives is missing the smallest knife. I wonder where it could be?" instead of taking knives, say "That won't be necessary.". rag is in the Kitchen. The description of rag is " The rag is covered in something red could it be blood......nope its just strawberry jelly." instead of taking rag, say "Someone should really clean that.". corner drawer is in the Kitchen. The description of corner drawer is "I open it and look inside...there is nothing special in it." instead of taking corner drawer, say "I don't think I can get that out.". The sink is in the Kitchen. The description of the sink is "The sink is still wet and there is a wet rag in the sink with a little blood on it. Whoever committed the crime must have washed off in the kitchen sink." instead of taking sink, say "That's too much work.". West of the kitchen is the Living room. The Living room is a room. "The living room is very neat only there is a dead man on the floor near the piano. The piano bench is broken, as if someone tripped over it in a hurry to leave. There are also five portraits on the wall, one for each family member that lives in the house, one is the man who is dead on the floor, another is his wife, another is a young girl about 14 years old, the next is a young boy about 10, and lastly is an elderly woman, the wife's mother. All of the suspects are also in the room, Anne, Caroline, Frank Jr., Elenore, Jeffery, and Consuela. The police cheif is in the room also waiting to hear who you think murdered Frank." dead man is in the Living room. The description of dead man is "You cannot clearly see how he was killed." instead of taking dead man, say "That would be disrespectful.". piano is in the Living room. The description of piano is " It looks as though someone has tripped over the piano bench trying to run out of the room. It looks as though it was kicked to the west a bit." instead of taking piano, say "Thats way to heavy.". Franks portrait is in the Living room. The description of Franks portrait is "Frank is about 50 years old but looks older than that with his mix of brown and grey hair and his body looks old, worn, and bony. He looks happy in the picture." instead of taking Franks portrait, say "Its secured to the wall somehow and I can't get it off.". Annes portrait is in the Living room. The description of Annes portrait is "Anne looks much younger than Frank, upper thirties to lower forties, she has gorgeous long blonde hair, pale skin, and a stern unhappy look on her face." instead of taking Annes portrait, say "Its secured to the wall somehow and I can't get it off.". Carolines portrait is in the Living room. The description of Carolines portrait is "Caroline looks as though shes the same age in the portrait as right now. She is tall and thin, has long dark brown hair, a pale complexion like her mother, and a wide smile like her fathers." instead of taking Carolines portrait, say "Its secured to the wall somehow and I can't get it off.". Frank Jr portrait is in the Living room. The description of Frank Jr portrait is "Frank Jr. is about the same age in the portrait as right now also. He is an exact replica of a young Frank. He has fair brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a broad, strong body build. He has a distant look in his face, as if he is very reluctant to be having his picture taken." instead of taking Frank Jr portrait, say "Its secured to the wall somehow and I can't get it off.". Elenores portrait is in the Living room. The description of Elenores portrait is "Elenore looks as if she is about 75 but looks very good for her age. She has pampered white hair, slighlty wrinkly skin, and deep green eyes. Her face is comforting but she has a cold frown." instead of taking Elenores portrait, say "Its secured to the wall somehow and I can't get it off.". Anne is a woman in the Living room. After asking Anne about something, say "I don't want to talk about it.". Caroline is a woman in the Living room. After asking Caroline about something, say "(She can't stop crying long enough to say anything.)". Frank Jr is a man in the Living room. After asking Frank Jr about something, say "I didn't do it! Can I go by my mom now.". Elenore is a woman in the Living room. After asking Elenore about something, say "I never liked that man, but I would never kill anyone.". Jeffery is a man in the Living room. After asking Jeffery about something, say "All I know is that I wasn't out of my room all night so it couldn't have been me.". Consuela is a woman in the Living room. After asking Consuela about something, say "(She looks confused, I think she only speaks a different language.)". Police Chief is a man in the Living room. After asking Police Chief about "Anne" , say "No, she didn't do it". After asking Police Chief about "Caroline" , say "No, she didn't do it". After asking Police Chief about "Consuela" , say "No, she didn't do it". After asking Police Chief about "Frank Jr" , say "No, he didn't do it". After asking Police Chief about "Jeffery" , say "No, he didn't do it". After asking Police Chief about "Elenore" , say "I knew it was her, she had that look in her eye.". After asking Police Chief about "small knife" , say "I knew it looked like a knife wound.". After asking Police Chief about "lamp" , say "No, a lamp couldn't have done it". After asking Police Chief about "baseball bat" , say "No, a baseball bat couldn't have done it". After asking Police Chief about "books" , say "No, books couldn't have done it". After asking Police Chief about "cup" , say "No, a cup couldn't have done it". After asking Police Chief about "necklace", say "No, but there is blood on it. Who's necklace is this?". After asking Police Chief about "medicine", say "No, it wasn't an overdose.". After asking Police Chief about "bucket" , say "No, he wasn't drowned.". After asking police Chief about "revolver", say "No, he wasn't shot.". North of the Living room is the Master bedroom. The Master bedroom is a room. "The bedroom is clean and well-kept. There is a bed, a big clothes hamper, 2 big dressers with a few drawers slightly open, and a silver platter with a cup on it." bed is in the Master bedroom. The description of bed is "The bed looks as if it hasn't been made since it was last used. There is nothing out of the ordinary about it". instead of taking bed, say "No, that can stay there.". clothes hamper is in the Master bedroom. The description of clothes hamper is "It is nearly empty. I look through the clothes but find nothing.". instead of taking clothes hamper, say "There's nothing important here.". big dresser is in the Master bedroom. The description of big dresser is "It is too heavy and cant be moved. I look through the drawers and find an antique sword, but its broken in half and the sharp end is missing.". instead of taking big dresser, say "It's much to heavy to lift.". other big desser is in the Master bedroom. The description of other big dresser is "It is too heavy to move. I look through the drawers, but don't find anything.". instead of taking other big dresser, say "It's much to heavy to lift.". cup on silver platter is in the Master bedroom. The description of cup on silver platter is "The cup is half empty with some coffee spilled on the platter as though it was set down in a hurry.". before taking cup on silver platter: say "This could be the murder weapon."; continue the action. South of the Living room is the Kids bedroom. The Kids bedroom is a room. " The bedroom is strewn with dirty clothes and toys. There is a big pile of stuff in the corner, an overflowing laundry basket on the other side of the room, a bunk bed in the middle of the room, 2 medium sized dressers against the wall, and a baseball bat leaning against one of the dressers." pile of stuff is in the Kids bedroom. The description of pile of stuff is " There is dirty clothes, unfinished food, broken toys, and a few mice in the pile. Its too disgusting to explore any further.". instead of taking pile of stuff, say "That's disgusting.". laundry basket is in the Kids bedroom. The description of laundry basket is "It is overflowing with dirty laundry and smell of sweat and a strong perfume. I look through it and find a metal lamp that is bent like it hit something hard.". instead of taking laundry basket, say "There's no need for that.". lamp is in the laundry basket. The description of lamp is "Bent out of shape like it hit something hard.". before taking lamp: say "This could be the murder weapon"; continue the action. bunk bed is in the Kids bedroom. The description of bunk bed is "Nothing special in either bed.". instead of taking bunk bed, say "There is no way to take this.". dressers is in the Kids bedroom. The description of dressers is "Both have nothing but a few clothes in them.". instead of taking dressers, say "Its much to heavy to carry.". baseball bat is in the Kids room. The description of baseball bat is "The bat has a dent in it and some red substance dried on it.". before taking baseball bat: say "This could be the murder weapon."; continue the action. West of the Kids bedroom is the Bathroom. The Bathroom is a room. "The bathroom is a small room with a bath/shower, a toilet, a counter, and a small closet." shower is in the Bathroom. The description of shower is "The shower is wet like something has been washed in it recently.". instead of taking shower, say "Why would I want that?". toilet is in the Bathroom. The description of toilet is "There is a glint in the bottom of the toilet, as I look closer I see its a small kife.". instead of taking toilet, say "That would make a mess.". small knife is in the toilet. The description of small knife is "It is the knife missing from the kitchen, why is it in the toilet?". before taking small knife: say "This could be the murder weapon."; continue the action. closet is in the Bathroom. The description of closet is "there are only toothbrushes and other toiletries in the closet.". instead of taking closet, say "It's not possible to take a closet.". North of the Bathroom is the Basement. West of the Living room is the Basement. The Basement is a room. "The Basement is baren except for a bucket next to a small pool of water around a drain." bucket is in the Basement. The description of bucket is "the bucket is wet, it must have been emptied lately. It also has stretch marks on it where it has been bent.". before taking bucket: say "This could be the murder weapon."; continue the action. pool of water is in the Basement. The description of pool of water is "Water is overflowing because the drain is clogged, but there are no water pipes or hoses running any water to the drain. Where could the water have come from?". instead of taking pool of water, say "There is no need there is some left over in the bucket.". East of the Kids bedroom is Elenore's bedroom. South of the Kitchen is Elenore's bedroom. Elenore's bedroom is a room. "The room looks as though nobody has lived in it for years. There is a neat bed, a closet with the door open just a crack, a stack of books on a nightstand, and a pearl necklace." Elenore's bed is in Elenore's bedroom. The description of Elenore's bed is "It is made so well I could bounce a quarter off it. There is nothing on it but a pillow.". instead of taking Elenore's bed, say "There's no need for that.". Elenore's closet is in Elenore's bedroom. The description of Elenore's closet is "Even her closet is perfectly clean and organized, she only has perfectly folded clothes in here." instead of taking Elenore's closet, say "You can't take a closet.". books is in Elenore's bedroom. The description of books is " They are book about Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. and their ways of pacifism.". before taking books: say "I guess this could be the murder weapon."; continue the action. pearl necklace is in Elenore's bedroom. The description of pearl necklace is "Its a beautiful necklace but it has some dried red specks on it.". before taking pearl necklace: say "I guess this could be the murder weapon."; continue the action. East of Elenore's bedroom is the Maids bedroom. The Maids bedroom is a room. "This room is quite messy with clothes near a basket in the corner, garbage littering the floor, and a bottle of medicine on a nightstand." pile of clothes is in the Maids bedroom. The description of pile of clothes is "Clothes have been thrown near a clothes basket but didnt quite make it in. Theres nothing else in the pile except clothes.". instead of taking pile of clothes, say "There's nothing of use in there.". medicine is in the Maids bedroom. The description of medicine is "Its a liquid medicine that has a labal on the side saying that if its taken in a high dosage it can be lethal. Its mostly empty.". before taking medicine: say "This could possibly be the murder weapon."; continue the action. North of the Maids bedroom is the Butlers bedroom. East of the Kitchen is the Butlers bedroom. The Butlers bedroom is a room. "The room has 2 deer head, a moose head, and a full bear mounted, a gun case in the corner, a big ammo box under the bed, and a pile of hunting magazines on a nightstand along with a revolver." deer heads is in the Butlers bedroom. The description of deer heads is "They seem to be hunting trophies that the butler has collected.". instead of taking deer heads, say "Better not mess with his decorations.". bear is in the Butlers bedroom. The description of bear is "This seems to be another hunting trophy. The bear is about 8 feet tall and has black fur.". instead of taking bear, say "Better not mess with his decorations.". ammo box is in the Butlers bedroom. The description of the ammo box is "Its very heavy and unable to be moved and also is locked.". instead of taking ammo box, say "Someone can't kill a man with just ammo and the box seems to be full.". instead of opening ammo box, say "It's locked." gun case is in the Butlers bedroom. The description of the gun case is "There are many shotguns, rifles, and assorted handguns in the case which is too heavy to move and is locked.". instead of taking gun case, say "Its too heavy to move.". instead of opening gun case, say "It's locked.". revolver is in the Butlers bedroom. The description of the revolver is "The revolver is black with a wooden handle. It can hold six rounds but only has five in it. Where could that other bullet be?". before taking revolver: say "this could very well be the murder weapon."; continue the action.