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The Time Traveller [ver. 1.1]
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When play begins: say “[bold type][roman type]You are a wandering traveller, suddenly waking up and finding yourself in the midst of a nostalgic yet unknown room. Wandering around book-filled hallways, you discover a mysterious set of puzzles leading you to an assortment of locations that feel so familiar yet you can’t seem to remember why. Solve these puzzles by travelling through time and unravel the mystery that lies within.[paragraph break]Will you discover the secrets of your past? Or will you choose to advance towards your future?[paragraph break]Will you discover how you ended up in this place? The person who brought you here? Or will you be stuck here until the end of time?[paragraph break]GAME RULES: You can pick up, examine, move around (n,e,s,w) and also touch or taste or smell things like portals, magic lamps, etc. Enjoy!![paragraph break]Brought to you by Annie and Kelly and created on a combined 2 hours of sleep and 2 shared braincells.". [>DEBUG<] Use no scoring. [The do room examine is a truth state that varies.] [Instead of examining the backpack when the player's command matches "examine": try examining the wallpaper instead.] After reading a command: if the player's command matches "x room" and the location is the Checker Box Room, try examining the wallpaper instead; continue the action. [>MECHANICS & GAMEPLAY<] [random hints] The hints are a list of text that varies. The hints are {"Hint: You may want to check the lights...", "Hint: The future is bright!", "Hint: Wouldn't it be cool to travel through time?", "Hint: ???", "Hint: Never leave a place the same way you enter.", "Hint: Portal is a series of first-person puzzle-platform video games developed by Valve. Set in the Half-Life universe, the two main games in the series, Portal and Portal 2, center on a woman, Chell, forced ...", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "} Every turn: let randomIndex be a random number between 1 and the number of entries in the hints; say "[entry randomIndex from the hints][line break]". [switch lit/unlit rooms] Understand the command "switch" as something new. Switching is an action applying to one thing. Understand "switch [something]" as switching. Understand "switch [something]" as switching. Check switching: say "That's not something you can switch!" instead. [>WORLD<] [Checker Box Room || ROOM] The Checker Box Room is south of the Brown door. “[if the Checker Box Room is unvisited]You slowly open your eyes as you adjust to the blinding fluorescent light that seems to consume the room. [line break]It is hard to make out the strange pattern on the wallpaper.[line break]There is a closed door north.[end if][if the Checker Box Room is visited]You are back to the origin. There is a brown door north.[end if]” [Wallpaper || SCENERY] The wallpaper is in the Checker Box Room. It is scenery. The wallpaper is fixed in place. Description of the wallpaper is “In this room the walls are covered in a blue and white checkered pattern. *CLINK* You suddenly notice a key laying on the ground beside you.” [Key || SCENERY] The key is in the Checker Box Room. It is scenery. The key is fixed in place. Instead of taking key: say "The key seems to do nothing, perhaps sent from a time traveller accidentally losing something in a magical portal. Don't let your imagination run wild though, it's only there to misdirect your attention. Sometimes the solution is in front of you." Instead of examining key: say "The key seems to do nothing, perhaps sent from a time traveller accidentally losing something in a magical portal. Don't let your imagination run wild though, it's only there to misdirect your attention. Sometimes the solution is in front of you." [Brown Door || SCENERY] The Brown door is a door. The door is scenery. The Brown door is unlocked. The Door is closed. [Hallway || PATH] The Hallway is north of the Brown door. "[if the Hallway is unvisited]The Hallway is a cozy space, furnished with a comfortable sofa and armchairs arranged around a crackling fireplace. A small bookshelf stands against one wall, filled with a variety of books on different subjects. The walls are adorned with colorful paintings, adding to the room's inviting atmosphere.[line break]However, there's no time to waste, you head onwards.[end if][if the Hallway is visited]You are in the Hallway. The Present is in front of you.[end if]" The book is in the Hallway. It is fixed in place. The description of the book is “A book about how to talk to people. You skim through the book, and a line catches your eye. ‘Remember to ASK, then TELL.’ Wise words indeed.”. The printed name of the book is “the book about manners”. [Present || ROOM] Understand "enter [something]" as touching. After entering or touching the portal: Move player to Future. The portal is in the Present. It is fixed in place. [cup of tea || item] The cup of tea is in the Present. The cup of tea is scenery. Description of the cup of tea is “You set this down on the floor so it wouldn’t spill over -- a wise decision. Crouching to investigate further, a shudder runs down your spine and you hear a voice in your head whispering: 'Are the game developers really going to kill you over a bag of tea? Not likely'. You pick up the tag gingerly, reading the label written in clean bold lettering: ERBIUM TEAS™ ”. [pluto posters + wall calendar || item] The posters are in the Present. The posters is fixed in place. Description of the posters is "Posters of the former planet Pluto, back when it wasn’t a dwarf planet.". The calendar is in the Present. It is fixed in place. Description of the calendar is "You can make out the year, 2005, recalling that it was the year before Pluto was classified as a dwarf planet.". Present is north of Hallway. "[if the Present is unvisited]After stumbling out of the long hallway lined with books, your surroundings appear to melt away - revealing a rather strange-looking portal glowing purple and green, carving a hole into the wall opposite you. (you have the overwhelming urge to touch the portal)[paragraph break]The walls are lined with posters about a planet. However, you find that those in proximity to the portal are either missing altogether or warped beyond recognition.[paragraph break]The desk in front of you is stacked full with papers, stationary, and various trinkets. Engulfing the surface of the desk there are even more papers stacked haphazardly on top of each other, vaguely resembling a small mountain. (This person *really* needs to learn how to organise)[paragraph break]A cup of tea, still warm, manages to squeeze itself amongst the carnage - you quickly move it — the owner of this room would probably not appreciate a tea stain on these papers. [line break] Suddenly, a cough emerges from the room. Glancing up, startled, a pair of silvery-grey eyes meet your gaze.[end if][if the Present is visited]The Portal glows a faint vibrant hue. Wouldn't it be cool to travel through time? [end if]". Instead of eating portal: Say "Why would you want to eat that? A cautious lick on the edge of the portal results in the corner of your tongue turning the colour of cooked salmon. You (and your tongue) make the wise decision not to proceed further before you get fried like a fish." [Present 2 || ROOM] Present 2 is north of Present."[if Present 2 is unvisited]Blinking, you slowly adjust yourself to your new location, cautiously standing up. The first thing your eyes are drawn to a pine green chalkboard, tattooed with symbols and equations scrawled on with white chalk in a smooth neat script. Dusting yourself off, you smell the flowery aroma of a familiar tea, warming the room like it was just poured. Another portal stands in this room, and upon noticing it, the room is overpowered with the salty scent of seawater and fresh fish. fishy...”. The printed name of Present 2 is "Present". The another Portal is in the Present 2. It is fixed in place. After entering or touching the another Portal: Move player to Past. The blue door is a door. The blue door is north of Present 2. The blue door is locked. The blue door is fixed in place. The W-74 key unlocks the blue door. Instead of unlocking the blue door with the W-74 key: Move player to Frames [Past || ROOM] Past is west of Hallway. "[if Past is unvisited]The smell of the ocean immediately invades you as you walk through the door. You’re suddenly surrounded by people as they walk around you as smoothly as a school of fish swimming towards the current. It appears you’re standing on a bridge next to the ocean. The sound of distant horns reach your ears as you look left to see a multitude of boats, in every shape and colour, lined up against the old wooden docks. The people weave around each other as wandering eyes glance at street vendors and carts filled with fruit and fish. But it looks like everyone has a destination in mind.[end if][if Past is visited]The familiar fishy smell once again filled your nose as you return to the bridge.[end if]" The magic lamp is in the Past. It is fixed in place. Instead of touching the magic lamp: If the player does not carry the broken lightbulb: say “You give the magic lamp a few rubs. You gaze at your stunning reflection (despite not having bathed for who knows how long, your hair still remains immaculate). Waiting with bated breath, the magic lamp responds: 'Krill issue: the genie is on vacation right now'. Come back later. However, if you would like to rent a space here, it costs less than a broken lightbulb! (In this economy? What a steal!)”; if the player carries the broken lightbulb: say “*swoosh* a shower of sparkles and the scent of fresh tea engulfs you, and you suddenly find yourself covered in chalky white powder. Coughing and wiping your dusty glasses clean, you realize that you're back to a very familiar place, as the sight of the pine green chalkboard greets you, still scrawled with an script unknown to you."; Move player to Present 2. The dock is south of Past. “The dark wooden boards creak and cry as you carefully walk across it, for some reason it gives you a sense of peace and familiarity even though you’re almost positive you’ve never been this close to such a large body of water before.” Mr Fisherman is a person in the dock. Every turn: If player is in the dock for 1 turn, say “‘HEY YOU! YEAH YOU THE CONFUSED LOOKING WEIRDO!’A hankering old man marches towards you with such astonishingly good posture that you feel almost ashamed for slouching away from him. But before you can think of something to reply with— ‘OI! EYES OVER HERE LAD! THIS IS MY DOCK. YOU KNOW THE DRILL IF YOU WANT TO BE HERE YOU GOTTA EARN IT!!’ NOW GO GET ME MY TEA AND MAYBE I'LL CONSIDER LETTING YOU OFF THE HOOK!’” Instead of asking Mr Fisherman about “how to fish”: Say “‘Lad to be a good fisher one must be patient, it's not for everyone so I’m warning you now it's harder than it looks.’ [line break][line break]After what feels like a millennia you finally catch a darn fish.”; Now player holds the bass Instead of asking Mr Fisherman about “the blue key”: Say “‘Fine fine. Yer a nosy little fella aren't cha'? The blue key is said to be a treasure hidden at the bottom of the sea. It glows like a thousand moons and is said to hold the answers to all the questions of the universe… that's enough storytelling for today.’ He slowly gets up, dusts his pants off and walks away.”; Move Mr Fisherman to the bookstore. Understand “the blue key” as the W-74 key. The market is west of Past. “The bustling streets of the market are hard to navigate, you quickly realise. Everyone moves in harmony yet you seem to be an outlier, pushed around and almost thrown into a stand until you find yourself at another fork.” The bookstore is south of the market. The bookstore owner is a person in the bookstore. “[if the bookstore is unvisited]Excitedly you leap into the bookstore, startling the person organizing the book shelves. The establishment is painted from head to toe in chains of blue books, ranging from encyclopedias to children's picture books.” Instead of asking the bookstore owner about something: Say “mhmm…” Instead of asking the bookstore owner about “why all the books are blue”: Say “oh, it's not everyday I get asked that question. One of our town's oldest tales is that once upon a time, the town was stuck in a horrible storm, the thunder boomed as the waves raged. Something had upset the gods. They fought for weeks, until the townspeople were starving and sick from the cold and the rain. Then, in their darkest hour, a bright blue beam of light shot through the town and the rain stopped. Next thing we knew the clouds cleared and the water fled to the west, creating a beautiful and rich ocean that helped shape the town we know today. [line break]That beam of light was hope, and it saved the town as well as my grandfather, so to commemorate I’ve dedicated my life's work to the colour blue, it is my favourite after all.” Instead of asking the bookstore owner about “who their grandfather is”: Say “why its old Mr Fisherman by the dock of course, can’t you see the resemblance?” The tea shop is west of the market. “Leaves, flowers, buds, roots, herbs, all sorts of witchcraft worthy items fill the shelves of this store. [line break]’you would think there would be more tea and less… everything else’ you mutter to yourself as you continue to look around.” Dusty old chart is a thing. Dusty old chart is scenery. The Dusty old chart is fixed in place. The counter is a thing. The counter is fixed in place. Instead of looking under the counter: Move the Dusty old chart to player; say "you find a chart, its worn and the ink is fading but it looks like a picture of a key.." Instead of asking Erbium about “where the tea is”: Say “Erbium barely spares you a glance as they point to the shelves next to the counter before returning to restocking something hidden underneath the counter.” The tea bag is a thing in the tea shop. The tea bag is scenery. Description of the tea bag is “chamomile tea, good for sleeping”. Instead of taking the tea bag: Say “the cloaked figure quickly takes the tea bag and moves it out of your reach, with their hand help out you realize what they want is …. Money….”; Now Erbium holds the tea bag. Instead of player giving the money to Erbium: Say “Erbium takes the money and nods, handing you the tea bag as you run off to find Mr Fisherman.”; Now player holds the tea bag; Now Erbium holds the money. The fish cart is north of the market. “Baskets of fish are lined up against this rickety old wooden stand. There’s something comforting, almost familiar about it too. You can’t name why but at the bare minimum it looks well used.” The owner of the fish cart is a person in the fish cart. Instead of player giving the bass to the owner of the fish cart: Say “You follow the instructions of that crazy old geezer and hand the nice looking fish shop owner the fish you had freshly caught. ‘Wow that's a big one, you must have really good luck huh?’ He voices, grinning kindly at you. ‘I guess so, beginner's luck?’ You laugh sheepishly, returning the smile.”; Now the owner of the fish cart holds the bass; Now the player holds the money. The bass is a thing. Description is “a big fat fish, rainbow scales and a flopping tail.” The money is a thing. The titanium door is a door. It is closed. It is locked. The hidden room is north of the titanium door. "[if The hidden room is unvisited] the devs say not to go here [end if]" [Future || ROOM] Future is east of Hallway. "A giant planetary system is displayed in front of you. The plants are rotating slowly around the sun but something seems off… mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto, guess they're all here. On closer inspection, you realize that the planets are—floating?[line break]A black door lies in front of you.". The DeLorean time machine is in the Future. The Delorean time machine is fixed in place. After entering or touching the DeLorean time machine: Move player to Present. The solar system is a thing. The solar system is scenery. The solar system is fixed in place. Telescope is a thing in Future. Telescope is fixed in place. Description is “the telescope faces the planets, you can't move it.” Instead of examining Telescope: Say “[one of]you find nothing special about the Telescope except for its obnoxiously cartoonish size, having almost a 50 cm diameter of the largest lens.[or] you decide to fiddle around with the mechanics and— *click*. You realize that the revolver around the eye of the telescope can turn.[stopping]” Instead of examining the largest lens: Say “The large convex lens can be removed. You gently unscrew it and place it in your pocket.”; Now player holds the largest lens. Pluto is a thing in Future. Pluto is opaque. Pluto is scenery. Pluto is a closed openable container. the black key is inside Pluto. Instead of examining Pluto: Say “huh— I thought this was a planetary system…” The black key is a thing. Instead of climbing the solar system: Say “you cannot even reach them” Instead of turning Telescope: Say “[one of]as you turn the telescopes revolver and listen to the calming sound of it clicking in and out of place, you notice that the planets in the room are getting smaller and larger?[or]the more you turn it the more evident the difference is. The larger the planets get, the closer to the ground it becomes. The smaller it gets, the higher it floats.[or]you keep turning it until the planets are touching the floor[stopping]” The largest lens is a thing in Future. The largest lens is scenery. Description is “removable convex lens”. The largest lens is scenery. Instead of touching Pluto: Say “Your fingertips barely graze the surface of Pluto before it disappears in a puff of smoke. A key clatters to the ground in its place. Picking it up gingerly, you slide it into your pocket. It may be useful later.”; Move Pluto to the hidden room; Move the black key to player Black door is a door. Black door is locked. Black door is fixed in place. Black door is north of Future. The black key unlocks black door. [Future Hallway || PATH] FHallway is north of Black door. The printed name of FHallway is "Hallway". [Future 2 || ROOM] The lab is north of FHallway. The printed name of The lab is "The lab". “A chilly gust of wind assaults you as you step into this new unfamiliar room. Shivering you wrap your arms around yourself only to realize you are no longer wearing the clothes you were wearing before but instead a fluorescent white lab coat that reaches well below your knees, almost reaching the floor. A set of goggles dangle around your neck as well as a pair of blue medical gloves covering your hands. Test tubes, flasks and all sorts of other classware line the room on top of neat white shelves.” Every turn: If player is in the lab for 2 turns, say “‘Now running scan,’ startled you look around to find who said that when a red glow shoots out of the clock landing directly on top of you onto a little section of the modern looking white table standing in front of you. Curiously, you walk closer to see what all the commotion is about…” Lab bench is a thing in the lab. Lab bench is fixed in place. Lab bench is scenery. Description is “the lab bench is covered in papers, numbers sprawled across the walls and gadgets cover every open space on the walls. Hmm, is that a note?” Note is a thing in the lab. Note is scenery. Description is “my life's work is in the petri dish.” Petri dish is a thing in the lab. Petri dish is fixed in place. Description is “It's a petri dish containing what appears to be—an odourless clear liquid?”. Instead of examining petri dish: Say “is it water?” Instead of examining wooden block: Say “Looks oddly flammable.” Wooden block is a thing in the lab. Instead of burning wooden block: Say “*fshhhshhehshcracklecrackle* A tiny spark is formed, and as the oxygenated air in the lab reaches it, the spark expands into a powerful flame.” Instead of putting the largest lens on wooden block: Say “A light ray is formed. You gently cup it in your hands, for it is far too large to fit in your pocket. The ray is quite powerful, and it seems that you can melt various items with ease. Hint: Use the command *unlock* to melt items.”; Now player holds light ray. Instead of unlocking obsidian door with light ray: Say “the keyhole melts.”; Move player to Frames; Continue the action; Move light ray to the hidden room Light ray is a thing obsidian door is a door. [obsidian door is fixed in place]. obsidian door is north of the lab. Obsidian door is locked. Obsidian door is closed. Light ray unlocks obsidian door. [Frames/Final Room] Frames is north of the blue door Frames is east of the titanium door. “Three large picture frames stand before you. They loom over you, reflecting the dim light that bounces off the walls. Their dark murky fillings swirl and dance, almost mockingly as they continue to stand still against the wall. This is it. The final room. [line break]An altar sits in the middle of the room, the candles on both sides of it beckon you to walk towards it.” The future frame is a thing in Frames. It is fixed in place. The present frame is a thing in Frames. It is fixed in place. The past frame is a thing in Frames. It is fixed in place. The altar is a thing in Frames. The altar is fixed in place. Instead of examining the altar: Say “[one of]it feels like its made of smooth marble, standing tall and strong, completely free from imperfections except a little dented design on the face of it…[or]…it feels like a key..? Or maybe more like a where a key should be..[stopping]” Every turn: If player is in Frames for 3 turns, say “A mighty gust of wind blows through the room, the flames instantly dying away as you are now soaked in complete darkness.” Instead of putting the W-74 key on the altar: Say “Cautiously, you walk up to the altar. *clink*, the key slips out of your hand and everything falls silent once again. Only the sound of your own heartbeat pounds against your ribcage. [line break]And suddenly, it all stops.[line break]A brilliant blue starts emitting from the frames, what was once grey now shown so brightly it illuminated the entire room, basking it in its cool blue glow. [line break]You look down to see that in the place of the tungsten key, now sits a crystal clear, glass of water.”; Move the W-74 key to the hidden room; Move the glass of water to the player The glass of water is a thing. The glass of water is edible. Description is “it’s just a glass of the finest H2O one can find.” Instead of drinking the glass of water: Say “the cool beverage slides down your throat as relief washes over you. You didn’t realize just how dehydrated you were during this adventure, but lest not forget that water is key to life!”; Move glass of water to the hidden room; Move the empty glass to player The empty glass is a thing. Instead of touching the present frame: If player has the empty glass, say “ You are greeted by a familiar scent of tea that you have come to grow to love. It beckons you over to take a sip. A gentle sip, smooth like water and as clear as day, washes over you. The memories, first trickling like dew on a spring day, then pouring in bucketloads that would parallel a flood, splash your greasy hair. Glasses set haphazardly on your desk, your life as a researcher was far from easy. It was hard to find a job, hard to give up coffee and replace it with tea. Hard to organise your papers. However, just like how you got into grad school for an astrochemistry degree, replaced your caffeine addiction with a slightly lesser evil, you also manage to gather your papers and pile them up in a way that doesn’t resemble Mt. Kilimanjaro. Looking out the window, you imagine yourself in 5 years. A Ph.D. would sit on that wall, your tea now replaced with water, the papers replaced with a neat computer. You realise that, just like water, the present slowly flows toward a bright future."; Continue the action; End the game in victory. Instead of touching the future frame: If player has the empty glass, say “You wake up in a room with a killer headache, was that all a dream you think to yourself. Sneakily, you poke your head outside a black door— ‘Hey good morning sleepy head!’ A girl wearing a red sweatshirt calls to you from the lab, ‘You got to come see this,’ excitement ringing in her voice, ‘I think we are actually going to get rain today on Pluto!’"; End the game in victory. Instead of touching the past frame: If player has the empty glass, say “….hm… why does it feel so… COLD—screeching you almost jump out of your own skin as you look down to see a bass still flopping around at your feet. ‘Thats what you get for sleeping in!!’ A cheeky voice sounds from behind the counter while you’re still gawking at them in horror, ‘better get going or Mr Fisherman is going to use you as bait for his next adventure!’[line break]‘OI! LAD YOU'RE LATE AGAIN!’ You flush a bright red and call back a hiccupy ‘sorry!’, dashing to grab your fishing rod."; End the game in victory. Instead of touching the present frame: If player does not have the empty glass, Say “Overworked and exhausted, you forget to turn off the stove one night as you’re making your favourite tea. When you realize your mistake, it’s already too late.”; End the game in death. Instead of touching the past frame: If player does not have the empty glass, Say “You can’t breathe. Its like you’ve been thrown into the depths of the coldest and darkest parts of the ocean with no life jacket.”; End the game in death. Instead of touching the future frame: If player does not have the empty glass, Say “You feel weird when you wake up, like you haven't been able to breathe so well in weeks. Making your way to the lab, you see your companion playing with their gadgets. ‘Hey! Look at this!’ They say with a huge grin stretching across their face as they hold up their new metal tinker toy. Suddenly, you realize why you’re feeling strange. The ship has been filled with pure oxygen. Your eyes widen in fear but it was too late.”; End the game in death. [NPCS] Tungsten is a person in Present. Every turn: if Tungsten can be seen by the player, say "a figure cloaked in blue wanders aimlessly around the room." Every turn: Instead of telling Tungsten about something: say "The cloaked figure doesn’t even turn around, instead they walk away quietly." Instead of asking Tungsten about something: say "The temperature in the room suddenly increases. You feel sweat form on your brow the rooms walls start glowing an angry red and the heat is almost suffocating. The cloaked figure still refusing to look at you, threatening you to say another word." The matches is a thing. Tungsten holds the match. Tungsten holds the notebook. Description of the matches is “one match is all you were given.” Instead of player giving the broken lightbulb to Tungsten: say “The broken lightbulb seems to teleport into Tungstens hand as they carefully examine the object.[line break] After a few seconds they nod and fish something out of their pocket.”; now Tungsten carries the broken lightbulb; say "Tungsten hands you the match and a notebook."; now the player carries the match; Now the player carries the notebook. the bottle of H2O2 is a thing in the lab. The bottle of H2O2 is a closed container. The box of yeast unlocks the bottle of H2O2. Instead of putting the box of yeast on the bottle of H2O2: say “you close the bottle as soon as the H2O2 is in as you suddenly recall that hydrogen peroxide + yeast makes pure oxygen.”; Move box of yeast to hidden room; Move bottle of H2O2 to hidden room; Now player holds bottle of O2. Bottle of O2 is a thing. The notebook is a openable container. Astatine holds the box of yeast. Poster is a thing in the lab. Poster is fixed in place. Description of poster is “I’m vital to life, yet invisible to the eye. Without me, all living things would sure to die. I feel the flame yet I work to extinguish it, what am I?” Instead of telling Astatine about “oxygen”: say “Astatine, who has been quietly observing your every move visibly relaxes once you give them your answer. [line break]After a moment they stand up a little taller and hold out an orange box for you to take.” Instead of telling Astatine about something: Say “…*shakes their head*”; Continue the action Instead of taking the box of yeast: say “you hesitate. Do you take the box? What if its dangerous. But as you continue to look at it longingly the curiosity overtakes you and you reach out to take the box. Astatine gently presses the box into your hands, and you cant help but feel a sense of joy once you have the item in your hands.”; Now player holds the box of yeast Understand “orange box” as the box of yeast. Astatine is a person in the lab. Description of the orange box is “a stumpy looking paper box filled with a whitish yellow powder, ‘YEAST’ it says in big words.” Description of the bottle of H2O2 is “A piece of scotch tape neatly covers the side of the bottle, ‘H2O2’.” The broken lightbulb is a thing in the tea shop. The little metal cube is a thing. Erbium holds the little metal cube. Understand “match” as the matches. Instead of burning the notebook: say “a fire roars to life in front of you.”; Move the fire to the player. The fire is a thing. The fire is a container. Instead of putting the bottle of O2 on the fire: say “the fire changes colours from red to a blinding white. You take a step back in surprise at the heat radiating from the object.”; Move the fire to the hidden room; Move the white fire to the player; Move the notebook to the hidden room; Move bottle of O2 to the hidden room; Move the match to the hidden room; The white fire is a thing. Instead of putting the little metal cube on the fire: Say “nothing happens.” Instead of putting the little metal cube on the white fire: Say “The little metal cube dissolves as the fire extinguishes, leaving behind a key..?”; Move the W-74 key to the player; Move the fire to hidden room; Move the white fire to the hidden room; Move the little metal cube to hidden room; The W-74 key is a thing. Instead of examining the little metal cube: say “[one of]it’s almost a perfect cube, nice and neat as the light around you reflect off its shiny surface.[or]You’re so bedazzled by this that you almost miss the little imprint on the bottom, ‘made in Ytterby’.[stopping]” Instead of telling Erbium about “the broken lightbulb”: say “As soon as the words leave your mouth, Erbium snatches the broken bulb out of your hands and gives you a little metal cube no bigger than the size of your palm.”; now Erbium holds the broken lightbulb; now player holds the little metal cube. Instead of telling Erbium about “broken lightbulb”: say “As soon as the words leave your mouth, Erbium snatches the broken bulb out of your hands and gives you a little metal cube no bigger than the size of your palm.”; now Erbium holds the broken lightbulb; now player holds the little metal cube. Erbium is a person in the tea shop. Instead of asking Erbium about “the broken lightbulb”: say “ They stare at you, though you can’t quite tell since their hood covers their eyes, and gently wrap the lightbulb with some thin coffee stained paper.”; now player holds the broken lightbulb. Instead of asking Erbium about “broken lightbulb”: say “ They stare at you, though you can’t quite tell since their hood covers their eyes, and gently wrap the lightbulb with some thin coffee stained paper.”; now player holds the broken lightbulb. Money is a thing. Instead of asking Erbium about something: say “[one of]Silence.[or]More silence.[or] You feel anxiety crawl up your throat as even the crickets are weary of singing in this awkward situation.[or]You try again.[or]Refusing to back down you ask again.[or]Again.[or] Once again you are met with silence, and you start to wonder if Erbium can even hear you…[line break]…Nahhhhhh.[or]You try again.[or]And again.[or]And again…[or]HELLOOOOOOO DONT YOU KNOW ITS RUDE TO IGNORE PEOPLE WHEN THEY'RE TALKING TO YOU??[line break] This time Erbium roughly turns their head towards you, you can feel the annoyance radiating off them but you smirk in satisfaction for finally getting a reaction from them.[stopping]” Every turn: if Erbium can be seen by the player, say “a cloaked figure stands behind the checkout desk.”