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Test Object
Jiana He
Played 383 times
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"Object test" The English room is a room. "You are in the English room. You see a small table and a large table. There is a common chest on the small table. There is an exquisite chest on the large table. The common chest and the exquisite chest are both closed, openable containers." [Don't forget to specify that the objects are in the room.] There is a small table in the English room. There is a large table in the English room. The small table is a supporter. The large table is a supporter. [I don't think the 'supporter' is necessary.] The common chest is a thing. The exquisite chest is a thing. On the small table is a common chest. The common chest is a closed openable container. In the common chest is fowl and a dull blade. [Don't forget 'openable container'] The exquisite chest is on the large table. The exquisite chest is a closed openable container. Inside the exquisite chest is hero's wit, a flower artifact, and a crown artifact. The description of the large table is "This is a normal table. Or is it two small tables pushed together to make a big one?" The description of the small table is "This is a small table." The description of the common chest is "This is a wooden, old, yet charming chest. There seems to be a key hole but it doesn't seem to be locked. But there's so many holes that whatever is inside can't be worth much anyway." The description of the exquisite chest is "This is a large, metal chest. There seems to be a key hole but it doesn't seem to be locked. There must be many goodies inside this chest!" The description of the fowl is "This is an old, moldy fowl retrieved from a pigeon. It probably should not be eaten." The fowl is edible. The description of the dull blade is "This is a simple dull blade. It can barely cut through anything. Better switch it for something you can actually fight with." The description of the hero's wit is "This is a magical item that can heal you! It is better to take it with you." The description of the flower artifact is "You found three star doctor's artifact!" The description of the crown artifact is "You found a four star ice crown artifact!"