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Josh odermatt
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The plane is a room."the plane has no one on it but yourself and a bathroom to the east and the Isle to the north.". the bathroom is a room. the bathroom is east of the plane. "inside the bathroom is a key." there is a iron key inside the bathroom. description of a key is "A iron key." after taking the key: say "it looks old and is missing a piece it may not even work." the Isle is a room. the Isle is north of the plane. "it is dark and all you can see is the door to the cock pit in front of you." the cockpit is a room. the cockpit is north of the Isle. "the cockpit door is really hard to open but you manage to break it open and then you see the front windows cracked and outside is a rainforest and somehow the plane had crashed and gotten stuck in a big rainforest tree, but to the left of you is a big chest." chest is a room. "seems that the chest was locked but had been busted open, and inside is a lamp lit by a glow stick." chest is west of the cockpit. there is a lamp in the chest. description of a lamp is "a lit lamp" forest is a room. "the whole plane shakes and the cockpit breaks off and falls all the way down to ground level, in front of you there is nothing but a very foggy, swampy marshland." forest is north of the chest. south of the chest is nowhere. east of the chest is nowhere. west of the chest is nowhere. south of the forest is nowhere. the swamp is a room. the swamp is north of the forest. "you enter the swampy place and there is a long scary bridge across a canyon to the west and straight ahead through the fog of the swamp you can see a creepy old log cabin." the scary bridge is a room. the scary bridge is west of the swamp. "the bridge seems very dangerous, you can not see across to the other side through the thick fog" the cabin is a room. the cabin is north of the swamp. "the door is locked you try to open the door with your key but it doesn't work, you see a face in the window, the door slowly creeps open and then you hear a thundering noise come towards you and a huge rock rolls down the stairs and crushes you, Game over type restart to play again" South of the cabin is nowhere. the creek is a room. the creek is north of the scary bridge. "You slowly walk across the bridge, each step you take feels like the boards will give out under you but you manage to make it across and in front of you is a creek of very cold water coming from the mountains it looks like it goes down to the east, to a village in the valley" the water is in the creek. the description of water is "water". the water is edible. Valley village is a room. Valley village is east of the creek. "this looks like an old mountain village, it looks like there is a pub to the west and an old broken down barn north of you" the pub is a room. the pub is west of the Valley village.