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Lauren Tuccy
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"Knight (a work in progress)" by Jsimmons Part 1 - A few universal rule changes Chapter 1 - Posture Section 1 - the posture rules [Taken from the example 'Slouching', and edited to fit the game] A posture is a kind of value. The postures are seated, standing, reclining, and kneeling. A person has a posture. The posture of a person is usually standing. A supporter has a posture. A container has a posture. Posture-permission relates various things to various postures. The verb to allow means the posture-permission relation. Understand the commands "stand" and "sit" and "lie" and "kneel" as something new. Understand "sit on/in [something]" as sitting on. Understand "lie on/in [something]" as lying on. Understand "stand on/in [something]" as standing up on. Understand "kneel on/in [something]" as kneeling on. Sitting on is an action applying to one thing. Lying on is an action applying to one thing. Standing up on is an action applying to one thing. Kneeling on is an action applying to one thing. Carry out an actor sitting on: if the holder of the actor is not the noun, silently try the actor entering the noun; if the holder of the actor is the noun: if the actor is not seated, try the actor taking position seated; otherwise follow the report taking position rules. Carry out an actor lying on: if the holder of the actor is not the noun, silently try the actor entering the noun; if the holder of the actor is the noun: if the actor is not reclining, try the actor taking position reclining; otherwise follow the report taking position rules. Carry out an actor standing up on: if the holder of the actor is not the noun, silently try the actor entering the noun; if the holder of the actor is the noun: if the actor is not standing, try the actor taking position standing; otherwise follow the report taking position rules. Carry out an actor kneeling on: if the holder of the actor is not the noun, silently try the actor entering the noun; if the holder of the actor is the noun: if the actor is not kneeling, try the actor taking position kneeling; otherwise follow the report taking position rules. Understand "lie down" as lying down. Understand "sit down" or "sit" or "sit up" as sitting down. Understand "stand" or "stand up" as standing up. Understand "kneel" or "kneel down" as kneeling. Lying down is an action applying to nothing. Sitting down is an action applying to nothing. Standing up is an action applying to nothing. Kneeling is an action applying to nothing. Taking position is an action applying to one posture. Instead of an actor lying down: try the actor taking position reclining; rule succeeds. Instead of an actor sitting down: try the actor taking position seated; rule succeeds. Instead of an actor standing up: try the actor taking position standing; rule succeeds. Instead of an actor kneeling: try the actor taking position kneeling; rule succeeds. Check an actor taking position: if the holder of the actor is not a room and the holder of the actor does not allow the posture understood: if the actor is the player: say "You can't take that position [in-on the holder of the actor]."; otherwise if the actor is visible: say "[The actor] can't take that position."; stop the action. Check an actor taking position: if the posture understood is the posture of the actor: if the actor is the player: say "You are already [the posture understood]."; otherwise: if the actor is visible, say "[The actor] is already [the posture understood]."; stop the action. Carry out an actor taking position: now the posture of the actor is the posture understood. Report someone taking position (this is the position-report rule): say "[The actor] is now [the posture of the actor][if the holder of the actor is not the location of the actor] [in-on the holder of the actor][end if]." Report taking position: say "You are now [the posture of the player][if the holder of the player is not the location] [in-on the holder of the player][end if]." To say in-on (item - a thing): if the item is a container, say "in [the item]"; otherwise say "on [the item]". Carry out an actor exiting (this is the departure-posture rule): let N be the holder of the actor; if N is a container or N is a supporter, now the posture of the actor is the posture of N; otherwise now the posture of the actor is standing. The departure-posture rule is listed after the standard exiting rule in the carry out exiting rulebook. The departure-posture rule is listed after the standard getting off rule in the carry out getting off rulebook. Carry out an actor entering something (this is the arrival-posture rule): if the noun is a container or the noun is a supporter, now the posture of the actor is the posture of the noun. The arrival-posture rule is listed after the standard entering rule in the carry out entering rulebook. Check an actor going somewhere: if the actor is in a room and the actor is not standing: say "([if the actor is not the player][the actor] [end if]first standing up)[command clarification break]"; silently try the actor taking position standing; if the actor is not standing, stop the action. Section 2 - Some Generic Kinds A chair is a kind of supporter. A chair is always enterable. Every chair allows seated and standing. A chair is usually seated. A sofa is a kind of supporter. A sofa is always enterable. Every sofa allows seated, standing and reclining. A sofa is usually seated. A bed is a kind of container. A bed is always enterable. Every bed allows seated, standing and reclining. A bed is usually reclining. A rug is a kind of container. A rug is always enterable. Every rug allows standing, and kneeling. A rug is usually standing. [A thing can be seen or unseen. A noun is seen if it has been examined. A noun is usually unseen.] Part 2 - The main Story Chapter 1 -Prologue Chapel is a room. "A small stone chapel, with tall stained glass windows. Dark wooden pews line the area. You are in front of the altar, which depicts a large iron cross, and many candles." Vigil is a scene. Vigil begins when play begins. Instead of doing something other than [kneeling,] looking, examining, waiting or taking during vigil, say "The priest gives you a stern look, and you freeze in place, settling slowly back into a kneeling position until he looks away again." The Priest is a man in the Chapel. "A priest is here, praying over you in Latin." The description of the priest is "An old man in richly embroidered white robes and a tall hat. He carries a staff." The altar is scenery in the chapel. "A table with a white cloth draped over it, topped with a large iron cross and several long white candles." Understand "cross" as the altar. A candle is on the altar. The candle is lit. The description of the candle is "A long, tapered altar candle." The initial appearance of the candle is "One of the candles stands on the alter before you, just within reach. The flame sputters in the drafty chapel." When vigil begins: now the player is kneeling; say "You've finished your training, now all that's left is the all-night vigil. The night spent in prayer and meditation, before you can set out on a quest of your own and become a hero." Every turn during vigil: Say "The priest[one of] intones[or] mutters[or] whispers[or] chants[at random][one of] something in Latin[or] a solemn prayer[or] something that sounds oddly arcane[at random]."; Say "[one of]A vapor creeps across the floor toward you.[or]Mist seems to pour from a nearby window.[or][or]The candles on the altar sputter in a sudden chill breeze.[at random]" Vigil ends when the player holds the candle. When Vigil ends: say "The mist billows up and fills the room. A harsh wind winds through the chapel and you drop your candle, which goes out. You are left in darkness."; now the player is in the dark hall; now the player is standing; Now the candle is on the altar. The Dark Hall is a room. The description of the dark hall is "You wander through dark mists. A faint light comes from the northeast." Instead of going nowhere in the Dark Hall, say "You wander through dark mists." Stone Chamber is northeast of the Dark Hall. "Moonlight pours through a window on the northern wall. In the center of the room are three glowing altars, lit from within with a bright white light." A left altar is in the stone chamber. a right altar is in the stone chamber. A center altar is in the stone chamber. A silver knife is on the left altar. The description of the knife is "'A path, not for the faint of heart.' The voice intones. 'A path of agility and strength. Use your talents for good, and never fear entrapment by your enemies. Take the knife, and choose the path of the assassin.'(WIP)". A silver sword is on the right altar. The description of the sword is "'Those with courage and strength of heart should choose this path.' The voice says, 'Defend the weak and challenge those who oppress them. Take the sword and choose the path of the knight.'(WIP)". A silver wand is on the center altar. The description of the wand is "'For those with a quick wit and a sharp tongue, this is their path. Though fiercely powerful, if this talent is used for evil, the darkest traps are laid here. Take the wand and choose the path of the sorcerer.'(WIP)". A thing can be examined or unexamined. A thing is usually unexamined. Before taking something unexamined: say "You look at the [noun] closely before you decide to try taking it: [run paragraph on]"; try examining the noun; stop the action. Carry out examining something: now the noun is examined. [Instead of taking something that hasn't been examined:; try silently examining the noun.] Choosing is a scene. Choosing begins when the Player is in the stone chamber for the first time. Choosing ends swiftly when the player holds the silver knife. Choosing ends forcefully when the player holds the silver sword. Choosing ends magically when the player holds the silver wand. When Choosing begins, say "'Choose wisely, my child,' A voice booms. 'For each leads down a different path.'" When choosing ends swiftly: say "You feel a sudden burst of strength, and your mind quickens. The altars vanish, and the window does not seem so unreachable as it once did."; Now the description of the knife is "A shining silver knife with a razor sharp edge."; Now the player is in Stone ChamberS. The printed name of Stone ChamberS is "Stone Chamber". When choosing ends forcefully: say "..."; Now the description of the sword is "A glowing silver sword, sharpened to perfection."; Now the player is in Stone ChamberF. The printed name of Stone ChamberF is "Stone Chamber". When choosing ends magically: say "A number of magical things happen."; Now the description of the wand is "A glowing silver wand, the point is sharp and it looks lethal."; Now the player is in Stone ChamberM. The printed name of Stone ChamberM is "Stone Chamber". Chapter 2.1- Assassin The description of Stone ChamberS is "Though the bare stone walls haven't changed, and the window to the north still hangs in the wall, the ledge about 8 feet above your head, the room doesn't feel as dead-end-ish as it did before. That window could be a very valid doorway." Instead of going north in stone chamberS, try going up. Before going from Stone ChamberS to Window Ledge, say "You take a running start, and, by running several steps up the wall, you are able to grab the ledge and pull yourself up." Before going down from Window Ledge to Stone ChamberS, say "You drop lightly to the floor." Before going from Window Ledge to Wide Sill, say "Deftly finding handholds in the smooth stonework of the wall, you climb easily upwards." Before going from Wide Sill to Window Ledge, say "Lowering yourself carefully down by your hands, you drop back down." Window Ledge is up from Stone ChamberS. The description of window ledge is "From up here, you can see out of the building, into a starlit night. Far, far below you lies a blanket of dark green forest. Another window ledge is cut into the wall above this one." Up from Window Ledge is Wide Sill. The description of wide sill is "Higher up on the wall of the building, you can see that the tower is not extremely high, but apparently floating in midair. The entire building is drifting along slightly, pushed by the wind over the vast forest below. Inside looks as solid as the room before, though lit with candles. [If EvilMonk is in Candle-lit Chamber] Someone moves around inside, and you instinctively keep out of their sight." Inside from Wide Sill is Candle-lit Chamber. The description of candle-lit is "A spacious stone chamber, with candles spaced evenly around the rim of the room. An open window in the north wall is all that's between you and the outside." EvilMonk is in Candle-lit Chamber. The printed name of EvilMonk is "a monk". Understand "man" and "monk" as EvilMonk. The description of EvilMonk is "A man in a brown robe, his head typically shaved in the style of monks. There's something in his face though, in his eyes." Chapter 2.2-Knight Chapter 2.3-Sorcerer Stonesill is north of Stone ChamberM. The description of Stonesill is "A silver staircase of mist leads up to this precarious spot, but there doesnt seem to be anywhere to go from here." The moon is a thing in Stonesill. The moon is lit. The description of the moon is "The moon, in all its round, silver glory. [if the moon is handled] It's travel-sized for your convenience![otherwise] Wait a second, it's a lamp!". the initial appearance of the moon is "The moon hangs here, remarkably close." The description of Stone ChamberM is "Darkness pervades the stone chamber, and you feel an ill-will in the air. Still, a silver staircase of mist ascends to the north. [if the player carries the moon] The demons cower before your light, and a doorway is clear to the east.[end if]" Every turn when the player is in Stone ChamberM, say "[One of]Something moves in the mist, just out of the corner of your eye.[or]You hear a faint rustle in the dark.[or]Did you hear that mumbled curse?[at random]". Instead of going nowhere when the moon is not carried: say "Strange demons rise out of the mist, making frightening faces and barring your way." Instead of going east when the moon is not carried: say "Strange demons rise out of the mist, making frightening faces and barring your way."; stop the action. Arcane hall is east of Stone ChamberM. The description of Arcane Hall is "There are candles in sconces, but they are dark."