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Suppa Hero
Edgar Vargas
Played 969 times
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walk home is a room the description of walk home is " You are an ordinary boy named Muhammad, you are walking home from school, you hear a call for help east, you can go to it or keep walking home west." Mugging is east of Omar mugging is a room home is a room House is west of walk home the description of house is " Your mom is making food and you say hi, she offers you food, take some." food is edible. food is in house after eating the food: say "yuumm"; award -100 points. after eating the cookie: say "hmm pretty good!Now lets go north to parents house."; award 50 points. every turn while in house: if score is -100 begin; say "you now live a normal life, cool"; end the game in victory; end if. every turn while in parents house: if score is 50 begin; say "you got the robbers to run away and helped your parents calm down, you talked to them about your super powers and they let you be a super hero! You lived the rest of your life helping people and saving lives![line break]The heros journey steps: 1. His ordinary life is him walking home from school 2.Call to adventure is the scream for help 3. his refusal is going home or asking if he should help to Omar 4. His mentor is Omar telling him to help out 5 and 7. his 'crossing the threshold' and 'approach' is him finding the thug and lady 6. him testing his allies is him eating the cookie and seeing it actually tasted good 8.his great ordeal is getting that guy to run away from the lady 9. his reward is the super powered cookie that game him powers 10. his road back is him going back to his parents house 11. his resurrection is him finding his house getting robbed 12.him returning with the elixir"; end the game in victory; end if. description of mugging is "there is a woman getting mugged by a masked man, you can try to help by going west." Helping out is a room. helping out is west of mugging . the description of helping out is "You grab the man by the shirt and out of no where he screams and runs away!You then help the woman gather her things. ’Thank you! Here's a cookie, says the woman’. You should eat the cookie your kind of hungry." Omar is a room. Omar is east of walk home. the description of Omar is " You pass by your friend on the way to go help, you ask him if you should.'Oh dang! you hear a lady in danger! Go help her!',says Omar. Keep going east to look for them or head back home." cookie is edible. cookie is in helping out. Soccer kids is a room. description of soccer kids is "you see some kids playing soccer on your way home, the ball rolls your way so you kick it, instead of a weak kick that you normally have, the ball goes flying into the air to the point you can't see it! You have super strength, it was that cookie!!! You went to their house just open the door." parents house is east of the wood door. parents house is a room. the wood door is east of soccer kids. the wood door is a closed door. soccer kids is north of helping out. the description of Parents house is "You turn the corner to go into your parents house and you see three men with guns and masks on, they're robbing your house!!!" the robber is a person in parents house. every turn when the player is in parents house: say " 'haha! what are you gonna do little guy!', says the robber. You prepare to punch the robber with your super strength when you hear a light whistle getting close. Everyone looks up and sees a ball falling down. The ball lands right on top of the robber knocking him out and scaring his friends.[line break]"