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black clock
Quinten Tucker
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[Clearing] Clearing is a room. "You look around and find yourself in a clearing, you see mist to the north and a wall to the South. In front of you there is a cave leading down into the dark" [Dark Cavern] The dark cavern is down from the clearing. "You go down into the tunnel and get into a dark cavern with a red button to you're west and a blue button to you're east" [Mist] The mist is north from the clearing. "You go North into the mist until you feel a sharp pain in your side and you faint. You are forced to start over" [Red button] The red button is west of the dark cavern. "You press the red button and a ogre drops down and blocks the way to the blue button. The ogre is to you're east." [Blue button] The blue button is east of the dark cavern. "You go east and press the blue button. The iron door is to you're south." [Ogre] The ogre is east from the red button. "You go up to the ogre and starts punching him. He laughs at you and slams you into the wall. Then he lunges at you and you black out. You should probably start over. " [Iron door] The iron door is south from the blue button. "You go south to the door and to you're relief it is unlocked. You open it with ease and it shows a dark staircase leading down into the abyss." [dark staircase] The dark staircase is down from the iron door. "You start going down into the abyss and eventually you get to a part where it is to dark to see much. You come into a small room where sitting in front of you is a smiling clown staring at you." [smiling clown] The smiling clown is south from the dark staircase. "You walk over to meet the smiling clown. He starts talking. Hello child, unless you turn back I will kill you. When he stops talking he tilts his head back and goes back to smiling at you. You nervously back up. If you want to go back over to the clown go south. There is a chest next to the clown." The chest is a container. The chest is inside the smiling clown. The chest is fixed in place. The chest is lockable. The chest can be opened. The chest is closed. The blue cat is an object. The blue cat is inside the chest. [Walk up to the clown] The walk up to the clown is south from the smiling clown."You walk up to the smiling clown but as you aproach he stands up and says, I thought I told you leave little boy! Then he pulls out a knife and starts walking towards you. To the east there is a tunnel that you could escape through." [Tunnel] The tunnel is east from the walk up to the clown. "You are in a dark tunnel. To your east the tunnel leads to a bright room that looks very peaceful. To your west you can see the clown smiling at you through the darkness." [Peaceful room] The peaceful room is east from the tunnel. "You come into a huge stone room with ivy on the wall and a waterfall in the middle. You hear the chirps of birds all over the room. There is a bench to your north with a little girl named Susie sitting on it. Go north to kill Susie." [Killing Susie] The killing Susie is north from the peaceful room. "You walk over to Susie and she looks up at you with big cute eyes. Hello, she says, my name is Susie do you want to be my friend. I don't have many friends and all I want is- Before she can finish you cut off her face. To the east there is a cave with ivy on it." [Cave] The cave is east from the killing susie. "As you get into the cave things start getting weird. You look back and see Susie's dead body in the distance. You see gems sticking out of the rock walls as you continue. It starts to get brighter and eventually you come into a bright room. To the north you see a stone door and to the south you see a wooden door" [Stone door] The stone door is north from the cave. "You get to the stone door and hoist it open. It seems to be a closet of some sort. There is no passage ways leading anywhere else but you do find a wood crate." The wood crate is a container. The wood crate is inside the stone door. The wood crate is fixed in place. The wood crate is lockable. The wood crate can be opened. The wood crate is closed. The black cat is an object. The black cat is inside the wood crate. [Wood door] The wood door is south from the cave. "You go over to the wood door and manage to open it. You come into a room with a bunch of angry tigers. Go east to pet the tiger's. Go west to destroy all tiger's." [Pet tiger's] The pet tiger's is east from the wood door. "You walk up to a cute tiger and aggressively start petting it. The tiger looks up at you and licks it's lips. You look around and the tigers start growling at you." [Destroy all tigers] The destroy all tigers is west from the wood door. "You go up to a big group of tigers and start biting them. After you are done biting them, there is a group of dead bloody tigers on the ground. To the north there is a rainbow." [Rainbow] The rainbow is north from the destroy all tigers. "You are on a colorful rainbow that leads up into the sky. To the east there is a magical land called leprechaun land. To the west there is a magical land called Antarctica." [Antarctica] The Antarctica is west of the rainbow. "You come into a cold world were there are polar bears and penguins. Wait a minute you say, polar bears don't live in Antarctica. But the polar bears don't even care. To the south there is a polar bear house." [Polar bear house] The polar bear house is south from the Antarctica. "You walk in a room with lots of polar bears and a penguin. They are all crowded around Santa clause. He is laughing and giving out presents. He looks up at you and you realize that it isn't Santa at all. It's a panguinbear. Next to the panguinbear there is a white box" The white box is a container. The white box is inside the polar bear house. The white box is fixed in place. The white box is lockable. The white box can be opened. The white box is closed. The yellow cat is an object. The yellow cat is inside the white box. [Leprechaun land] The leprechaun land is east from the rainbow. "You come into a world with little green men with beards. They are jumping around from rock to rock. One of them comes up and kicks you in the shin. Tee hee, he says and then he scampers off. There is a clump of leaves to the north." [Clump of leaves] The clump of leaves is north from leprechaun land. "You walk over to a clump of leaves which doesn't look like much but when you kick some leaves to the side you see a golden chest." The golden case is a container. The golden case is inside the clump of leaves. The golden case is fixed in place. The golden case is lockable. The golden case can be opened. The golden case is closed. The red cat is an object. The red cat is inside the golden case. [Cloud] The cloud is up from the rainbow. "You walk up the rainbow and get to a place where it flattens out and leads to a cloud. You go over to the cloud and it appears to be just a white puffy land with nothing occupying it. To the south you see Susie's angel from after you killed her. To the north you see a blue cloud." [Blue cloud] The blue cloud is north from the cloud. "You are on a blue cloud with a sign that says candy land. All around it there are are huge candy canes and jelly beans. Next to the jelly beans there are huge piles of skittles and gum drops. A candy man comes out of a hut to the east and says, hey little boy do you like candy? Than he stuffs a huge candy cane in his mouth and runs away." [Hut] The hut is east from the blue cloud. "You come into a hut with a huge table covered with piles of candy and junk food. Under the table you spot a black basket." The black basket is a container. The black basket is inside the hut. The black basket is fixed in place. The black basket is lockable. The black basket can be opened. The black basket is closed. The fat cat that is sucking on a candy cane is an object. The fat cat that is sucking on a candy cane is inside the black basket. [Dead Susie] The dead Susie is south from the cloud. "You walk over to Susie's angel and she says, You have reached the end of the game. Even though you killed me you did it to get to the end of the game so I forgive you. The goal was to get 5 cats. If you got 5 cats you get the black clock which means you won the game. If you did not get all 5 cats you have failed. Goodbye. And Susie's angel floats away."