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Özgür Menderes Tuna
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Include Armed by David Ratliff. When play begins: say "The year is 2145. Hackers known as the New Anonymous Order have taken over Earth and blocked all communications to and from Earth. You, Alex Carson, must escape Earth and rescue your family from something known only as the Usurpatation." The present health of the player is 100. After going up from the International Committee of Earth: say "'We now call to session Alex Carson. Mr. Carson, from what we understand, in order to save your family, you will need a shuttle Ticket and a vaccine to the Usurpatation."; now the player is carrying the Usurpatation Vaccine; now the player is carrying the Shuttle Ticket; Instead of going [north, east, west, south, or up] from the International Jail: say "A firm concrete wall stops you from doing that."; stop the action; The description of the International Jail is "An energy shield keeps you from escaping the jail to the north. In all other directions, a firm concrete walls keeps you from escaping. Below you is a crack in the ground and above you is a slow crumbling ceiling that nevertheless looks impassable." The Representative is carrying the Business Card. Instead of going up from the International Jail: say "A firm concrete wall stops you from doing that."; stop the action; After going down from the International Jail: say "The crack below you seems to open up revealing a small group of people including the Vigilante Leader, who is holding the Breacher. He beckons down to you, and you follow, slowly walking away from the jail, not knowing where you are headed..."; end the game in victory; The Group of Hackers is below the International Jail. Instead of asking the Vigilante Leader for the boat ticket: if the central key is not in the iron vault: say "I would give it to you, but I need to be sure that you're on our side. If you take the take the Central Key from the main jamming room, I'll give you the boat ticket. Since it's nearly impossible to assault them head-on, try using the Breacher in the medical center. We're still not really sure how it works so be careful."; stop the action; if the Vigilante Leader has the Central Key: say "Thank you. Good luck. You're gonna need it."; now the player has the boat ticket; otherwise: say "Here. Good luck."; now the player has the boat ticket; The Boat Ticket is in the cabinet. Instead of taking the Boat Ticket: say "You shouldn't take this without permission."; stop the action; Instead of taking the iron vault: say "You don't want to break your spine."; stop the action; The International Committee of Earth is east of the New London Airport. Above the International Committee of Earth is the Committee Room. Instead of going up from the International Committee of Earth while the Business Card is not carried: say "'I'm afraid if you don't have an appointment card, you can't see the committee.' a receptionist tells you."; stop the action; Inside the International Committee of Earth is an Appointment Machine. The description of the Appointment Machine is "A small metallic box. The touchscreen on it says 'Please take a card for an appointment. A representative will meet with you at the location.'." Inside the Appointment Machine is an Appointment Card. The description of the Appointment Card is "The card reads 'Cafe, Street Corner, New London.'." Instead of going up from the New London Airport while the Shuttle Ticket is not carried: say "You need a Shuttle Ticket to travel."; stop the action; The Shuttle Ticket is in the Committee Room. The Usurpatation Vaccine is in the Committee Room. Instead of dropping the Usurpatation Vaccine: say "You're going to need that."; stop the action; South of the International Committee of Earth is the Cafe. The description of the Cafe is "A quaint cafe on the corner of a street, it seems out of place in the bustling, industrious, and modern city. It keeps its business through pure nostalgia and the memories of seniors who remember the simpler times of digital phones and the Internet.[if the appointment card is carried]You see a man dressed in a brisk suit. He must be the representative sent to meet you. Then, he begins to walk to you.[paragraph break]'You must be Alex Carson. We saw you take the Appointment Card. I know what you are looking for, and I can help you get it.[end if]." After asking the representative for the business card: say "'Here you are, my Business Card. The clerk will let you see the committee while you are carrying this. Good luck.'." [if the Appointment Card is carried]The Representative is a person. The Representative is in the Cafe.[end if] The Iron Vault is a container. The iron vault is in the Underground Hacker Vigilante Rebellion HQ. Instead of going east from New York Harbor while the Boat Ticket is not carried: say "You need a boat ticket to get across." The player is in Times Square. The Breacher is in the HVR Medical Center. Instead of going down from the Underground Hacker Vigilante Rebellion HQ while the Breacher is not carried and the Main Signal Jammer Server Room is unvisited: say "The ground remains firm. Perhaps something might be able to get through it..."; stop the action; Instead of going down from the NAO Official HQ Entrance: say "There is an armed guard that prevent you from going into the Main Server Room."; stop the action; The Armed Guard is a person. The armed guard is in the NAO Official HQ Entrance. The Heavy Machine Gun is a projectile. The maximum damage of the Heavy Machine Gun is 100. The armed guard is carrying the Heavy Machine Gun. The description of the Armed Guard is "Armed with a heavy machine gun and heavy armor plating. It wouldn't be wise to pick a fight with him." Instead of shooting the Armed Guard with [projectile]: say "You obviously don't know the basic rules of combat. Never Attack someone with a stronger gun than you."; end the game in death; Instead of going up from the Main Signal Jammer Server Room: say "That armed guard outside wouldn't be happy that you got in..."; stop the action; Instead of taking the cabinet: say "The cabinet is firmly nailed to the wall. You are not Superman. Just stop."; stop the action; Below the Main Signal Jammer Server Room is the Breach Trapdoor. The Breach of Code is west of the Breach Trapdoor. The description of the Breach Trapdoor is "A strange wooden trapdoor above you." When play begins: say "Warning, there is absolutely no organization in the source code whatsoever. Change log will be included once I pick up the effort to do so." The Pistol is a kind of projectile. There is a Pistol in Times Square. The Central Key is in the Main Signal Jammer Server Room. After going up from the Breach of Code: if Main Signal Jammer Server Room is visited: say "The Breach closes and the ground seems to seal up."; Instead of going down from Underground Hacker Vigilante Rebellion HQ while the Central Key is carried and Main Signal Jammer Server Room is visited: say "The Breach seems to have been sealed. Using the Breacher has no effect on the ground."; stop the action; Instead of going down from the Underground Hacker Vigilante Rebellion HQ while the Central key is in the Iron Vault: say "The Breach seems to have been sealed. Using the Breacher has no effect on the ground."; stop the action; Instead of dropping the Central Key: say "You shouldn't leave this lying around."; stop the action; Below the Underground Hacker Vigilante Rebellion HQ is a Breach of Code. The description of the Breach of Code is "A strange fabric like material surrounds you. It is dark, yet seems to be dotted with strange star-like spots of light. You can see a ladder to the east." The NAO Guard is docile. The NAO Guard is a person. The NAO Guard is in the NAO Official HQ Entrance. The Assault Rifle is a kind of projectile. The NAO Guard is carrying the Assault Rifle. The maximum damage of the Assault Rifle is 25. The Manual **READ** is in the Smartphone. The description of the manual is "This Manual will tell you how to use your SmartPhone.[paragraph break]Using the SmartPhone, you can examine people and objects from a distance as long as you are within sight of them. To do this, just type 'examine'.[paragraph break]You can also use the SmartPhone to hack into certain objects. However, higher security objects will require a higher tier of Hack Devices to hack. The SmartPhone will automatically hack objects for you as you perform any actions that require it." The Lacertaean Embassy Official LEO is docile. Instead of going [direction] while the Pistol is not carried: say "In these times, it would be wise to keep your pistol with you."; stop the action; The description of the pistol is "Your normal 9MM pistol. Strange how weapons have not evolved over time." The description of the NAO Guard is "Dressed in standard black NAO Armor. Can do great damage to you if you are not wearing armor. Possesses standard N7-AR Assault Rifle." Times Square is a room. "You are standing in Times Square, filled with people jostling you around and loud with the talking of hundreds of people, HoverCrafts fly over you as you look up, you see streets going north, west, and south. You hear the faint announcements of the news anchor saying 'The Usurpatation has been confirmed to have infected colonies Intricus, Victus, Solarious...Please stay away from these colonies.'[if the Times Square is unvisited]You hear the message tone on your SmartPhone go off.[end if]" Instead of going east from the Abandoned Asteroid Mine while the Usurpatation Vaccine is not carried: say "Colony Victus has been reported to have been infected by the Usurpatation. You shouldn't go there until you have some way of protecting yourself."; stop the action; The description of Colony Victus is "Colony Victus. It's a barren wasteland after the Usurpatation swept through. Luckily you have the vaccine so the potential of getting it is extremely low.[if player is not carrying family]This is where you heard your family was last. Wait, there they are! They're in a cage![end if]" Instead of taking the family while the Cage Key is not carried: say "You will need the key to open the cage."; stop the action; North of Colony Victus is the Abandoned Settlement. Below the Abandoned Settlement is Deserted Bunker. Inside the Deserted Bunker is a Desk. Inside the desk is the Cage Key. Inside the desk is the Time Log. Inside the Time Log is Log 1. Inside the Time Log is Log 2. Inside the Time Log is Log 3. Instead of taking the Log 1: say "You can't take that!"; stop the action; Instead of taking the Log 2: say "You can't take that!"; stop the action; Instead of taking the Log 3: say "You can't take that!"; stop the action; The description of Log 1 is "You hear the Log begin to play its message.[paragraph break]'It's been three weeks since the Usurpatation arrived. We've diagnosed 5 people with it, but nothing's happened since. As the Committee said, we're keeping a close eye on them, but to be honest, I think this Usurpatation is all a hoax to get us to pay more money to the Committee for aid.'[paragraph break]The Log recording ends." Instead of taking the Desk: say "You can't carry that around!"; stop the action; The International Jail is east of the International Committee of Earth. after taking your family: say "You've found your family safe and sound, now you've got to take them back to Earth." After going down from Colony DA4 while the family is carried: say "As you land, sirens and loud noises surround you. You hear the loud shouts of 'Freeze, put your hands in the air!' of NAO Officers all around. You can do nothing but look as you are handcuffed and your family scurries away into the crowd."; remove your family from play; now the player is in the International Jail; Instead of examining the message: if player does not have the Smartphone: say "You must take the SmartPhone first!"; stop the action; otherwise: say "You click the View Message button."; say "To User [bold type] ALEX CARSON [roman type] It has come to the attention of the New Anonymous Order (NAO) that you have been performing actions associated with unauthorized hacking. This is your first warning. Any further actions will result in disciplinary action. ~New Anonymous Order.[paragraph break]You scoff at the message. The NAO has been threatening all 'good' hackers for a while now, but they don't have the guts to actually do anything." The Portal Gun is in the Easter Egg. Instead of taking the Portal Gun: say "It would be better to leave it here. Some crazy homicidal robot might come after you." Instead of inserting the Assault Rifle into the SmartPhone: say "Yeah...I don't think that'll work."; stop the action; Instead of inserting the family into the SmartPhone: say "Yeah...I don't think that'll work."; stop the action; Instead of inserting the Pistol into the SmartPhone: say "Yeah...I don't think that'll work."; stop the action; The Vigilante Leader is a person. The Vigilante Leader is in the Underground Hacker Vigilante Rebellion HQ. The SmartPhone is in times square. There is a message in the SmartPhone. The description of the SmartPhone is "Your most valued asset in today's hacker ruled world. The SmartPhone, in the right hands, can breach any security and keep the user undetected. It has a range of powers that can affect people and technology around you. On the backside of it, you can see Trapezoid Technologies printed in orange letters. You have managed to secure your SmartPhone from outside intrusions." Instead of shooting yourself with the pistol: say "And why would you do that? Think man! Think!"; stop the action; Easter Egg is below Times Square. The orange jumpsuit is in the Easter Egg. The description of the orange jumpsuit is "A simple orange jumpsuit labelled Aperture Laboratories." The orange jumpsuit is wearable. Stabbing yourself is an action applying to nothing. Report stabbing yourself: say "Don't kill yourself, you have so much to live for! 1-800-273-8255." Using something is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "stab yourself" as stabbing yourself. After eating MediGel: say "You are healed!"; now the present health of the player is 100; instead of going [direction] while the SmartPhone is not carried: say "You forgot the most important thing to have as a hacker in these times. Nice job. Take the SmartPhone dummy."; stop the action. Understand "delete [something]" as dropping. north of times square is the Lacertae Embassy. The lacertae embassy is a room. there is a box of 50 Hazenite Units in the Lacertae Embassy. "The Lacertae Embassy is an embassy for the Lacertae, a race of humanoid creatures. It is a huge iron dome, with faded pictures. The Embassy was built after the First War, (of the humans against the Lacertae,) a misunderstanding where the Lacertae had believed that the human race had been entirely infected by the Usurpation, and sought to rid the galaxy of the disease. It was the first place where humans and an alien race had worked together, creating the prototype Usurpation Vaccine, which has since been lost. An LEO, Lacertae Embassy Official, is standing inside of the Embassy near a small box with a sign that says 'FREE HAZENITES TO EAT!' A worn gold-plated path leads to the north, and a worn, beaten pavement road leads southward." After shooting the Lacertaean Embassy Official LEO with the Pistol: say "The Lacertaean Embassy Official, trained for these kind of events, takes out his Plasma Pistol and shoots you. Turns out it's a perfect headshot."; end the game in death; The Lacertaean Embassy Official LEO is a person in the Lacertae Embassy. The description of the Lacertaean Embassy Official LEO is "Reptilian and bipedal. The flanging in his voice is quite pronounced." The Plasma Pistol is a projectile. The Lacertaean Embassy Officiaal LEO is carrying the Plasma Pistol. The description of the plasma pistol is "Weak, yet agile, but can still cause massive damage to the head." Instead of shooting yourself with the Assault Rifle: say "Dude, you need help."; stop the action; Understand "LEO" as the Lacertaean Embassy Official LEO. The Basic Security Bypass is in the SmartPhone. The description of the Basic Security Bypass is "The most basic hacking program. The Basic Security Bypass allows passage through low security doors and allows you to jam low security communications." Understand "hazenites" as hazenite. The Cake is in the Easter Egg. The cake is edible. The description of the Cake is "A small brown cake with cherries on top. Not a lie or anything." Instead of taking the Cake: say "Oh no! The cake was a lie. A giant weight falls on your head and you die."; end the game in death; Your family is in Colony Victus. Colony Victus is east of Abandoned Asteroid Mine. Abandoned Asteroid Mine is above Colony DA4. Colony DA4 is above New London Airport. New London Airport is east of A Boat Deck. A Boat Deck is east of New York Harbor. The HVR Medical Center is west of the Underground Hacker Vigilante Rebellion HQ. New York Harbor is east of New York Slums. Instead of shooting yourself with the Concussion Cannon: say "If you're going to die, you want your head intact for an open casket."; stop the action; The description of Colony DA4 is "Once known as Mars, Colony DA4 has since become an economic capital. Even though they haven't been trading with Earth since the comms block, it still thrives. Although the buildings here aren't as tall as those in New York City, there is still as much activity. A small group of about 5 actors seem to be filming a science-fiction movie, one of whom is wearing a strange police officer outfit. The spaceport you land at is conveniently placed right in the middle of all the activity." East of Colony DA4 is Usurpatation Reseach Facility. The description of the Usurpatation Research Facility is "The center of research of the Usurpatation," The description of A Boat Deck is "[if the chunk of coral is not carried and the Dead Coral Habitat is not visited]Your boat has grinded to a halt. You hear the captain yell 'We're stuck on a dead piece of coral!' and the replying groan of the the sailors.[end if]." A Boat Deck is above the Dead Coral Habitat. The Survival Case is in the Boat Deck. The Concussion Cannon is in the Survival Case. Instead of taking the Survival Case: say "That is firmly nailed to the bottom of the Boat. Besides, you don't feel like going super-rage mode and destroying the Deck just to carry a metallic box."; stop the action; The Concussion Cannon is a projectile. The Chunk of Coral is in the Dead Coral Habitat. The description of the Chunk of Coral is "An abnormally large piece of coral. This seems to be keeping the boat from moving anywhere. It looks like something powerful will be the only thing able to move it." After shooting the Dead Coral Habitat with the Concussion Cannon: say "A large shockwave ripples through the water and shakes your body. A couple chunks of coral fall to the ocean floor. You reach your hand out and catch one. You decide to keep it, who knows, it might be useful."; Instead of going west from the Boat Deck while the Chunk of Coral is not carried: say "The Boat is still stuck. You cannot go anywhere."; stop the action; Instead of going east from the Boat Deck while the Chunk of Coral is not carried: say "The Boat is still stuck. You cannot go anywhere."; stop the action; Instead of going east from the International Committee of Earth: say "The couple hundred of Armed Guards keep you from doing that."; stop the action; The description of the New York Harbor is "A Harbor, located in New York City, it is a place of very turbulent waters, and the home of mysterious sea dwelling creatures. Boats offer ferry across the water from this harbor, but they can only be accessed by a boat ticket. However, the NAO has set a limit for boat tickets and they are rare. Rumors have been circulating that the leader of the Hacker Vigilante group has one... Boats have become more advanced in time, using a card machine to recognize a Boat Ticket. The boats are hovercrafts that are designed to be able to withstand the water and propel themselves at speeds and strengths that the normal hovercrafts are not able to go at, to keep its passengers safe from sea creatures." New York Slums is east of NAO Checkpoint. The description of the New York Slums is "The remainder of Upper Manhattan and Brooklyn. Shambles and crumbling ruins make up the majority of the area. A few buildings are still mostly intact, and the streets are populated with rats, cats, bats, and the homeless. Vegetation is covering the lower walls of old skyscrapers." NAO Checkpoint is east of NAO Official HQ Entrance. The description of the NAO Checkpoint is "A large steel blockade guarded by multiple guards. They all seem to be napping however, confident that the security system and the sheer strength of the gate will keep the poor citizens out, and the rich citizens in. It seems that you will need a strong hack device to be able to hack through." The MediGel is in the HVR Medical Center. The MediGel is edible. The description of the MediGel is "A pack of MediGel seen in hospitals and medical centers all around Earth." The description of the HVR Medical Center is "The medical center for the Hacker Vigilante Rebellion group. When the NAO took over, the Hacker Vigilante Rebellion group had to take refuge underground, as well as building a medical center next to the underground HQ. Inside the Medical Center is the most advanced medical technology up to date: Medigel. Medigel can heal any would almost instantaneously. However, it is a very long and arduous process to create a single Medigel unit. You see one Medigel unit as well as a Breacher. Someone has left a Breacher in the Medical Center by mistake. Breachers can be used to open a Breach of Code." The High Level Hack Device is in the cabinet. Instead of going east from the NAO Checkpoint: if player does not have the High Level Hack Device: say "You are going to need some better hack device to get through this."; stop the action; otherwise: say "The gate opens. You'd better move quickly to avoid being spotted."; continue the action; After shooting NAO Guard with pistol: say "The Armed Guard notices you pointing your pistol at the NAO Guard and puts a few hundred rounds in your chest."; end the game in death; Above the NAO Official HQ Entrance is the heavy iron door. The Heavy Iron Door is a closed, locked door. It is scenery. The Heavy Iron Door is above the nao official hq entrance and below the NAO Hack Tools Warehouse. The Archive Hack Device is in the NAO Hack Tools Warehouse. Instead of unlocking the Heavy Iron Door with the OmniKey: say "The OmniKey unlocks the OmniLock and disappears."; remove OmniKey from play; now the Heavy Iron Door is open; Instead of taking the Manual: say "You can't take a virtual PDF!"; stop the action; The OmniKey unlocks the heavy iron door. NAO Official HQ Entrance is north of Lacertae Embassy. The description of the NAO Official HQ Entrance is "You face a large marble building. A large engraving stands out saying 'New Anonymous Order - Nos autem non dimiseritis, non oblitus. Simus.' You can see a vault-like door at the top of some stairs with a sign saying DO NOT ENTER. You can also see a set of stairs leading down and an armed guard with a heavy machine gun guarding that door. The sign above it says Main Server Room." West of Times Square is the Historical Library. Above the Historical Library is the Lost Archives. Below the NAO Official HQ Entrance is Main Signal Jammer Server Room. The description of the Main Signal Jammer Server Room is "You hear a monotone hum of the server boxes. This is the room that monitors all signals transferred within Earth and jams all signals out of and to Earth. Removing the block will allow communications through. It's a wonder that you got into this room considering there is an armed guard right outside that iron door." West of the NAO Official HQ Entrance is the Abandoned Tunnel. Below the Abandoned Tunnel is the Underground Hacker Vigilante Rebellion HQ. There is a cabinet inside the Underground Hacker Vigilante Rebellion HQ. The OmniKey is inside the cabinet. The Historical Library is a room. "The Historical Library is perhaps the last place on Earth with actual historical information. Other libraries have fabricated or edited history meant to glorify the New Anonymous Order. You can see a stairwell leading up to small data bank." The Lost Archives is a room. "The Lost Archives is a data bank with all sorts of information regarded technology on Earth and Space Colonies. You can see different data bank downloads." Inside the Lost Archives is Data Bank Download - Hazenites. Inside the Lost Archives is Data Bank Download - SmartPhone. Inside the Lost Archives is Data Bank Download - New Anonymous Order. Inside the Lost Archives is Data Bank Download - The Lacertae. Inside the Lost Archives is Data Bank Download - CBU. Inside the Lost Archives is Data Bank Download - Trapezoid Technologies. Inside the Lost Archives is Data Bank Download - InfiniTool. Inside the Lost Archives is Data Bank Download - HoverCars. Inside the Lost Archives is Data Bank Download - Communications Block of Earth. Inside the Lost Archives is Data Bank Download - Synthetic Programs. The description of the Data Bank Download - Synthetic Programs is "Synthetic Programs are programs that are directly downloaded to your brain through the CBU and can accomplish a variety of tasks such as entertaining yourself as well as determine safety factors. Whatever you need there's a Synthetic Program for that.[if player has Archive Hack Device][italic type]Malware Synthetic Programs can cause major damage to your CBU and brain. Watch for these programs. Also, Synthetic Programs have little to minimal security, allowing hackers to hack Synthetic Programs with absurd ease.[end if]" The description of the Data Bank Download - The Lacertae is "The Lacertae is a humanoid reptilian race discovered in 2100 after humanity reached the outer belt. They currently reside on KP214, an Outer Depths planet. Their intelligence is very slightly lower than that of an average human. However, the higher intelligence group of Lacertaeans have contributed greatly to CBU study.[if player has Archive Hack Device]The Lacertaeans have always regarded humans as violent and destructive, yet they continue to cooperate with humans in the hope that they may leave the Lacertaeans alone.[end if]" The description of the Data Bank Download - New Anonymous Order is "Originally the hacktivist society Anonymous, The New Anonymous order, created in 2130, is the current ruling form of government on Earth. After overthrowing all the major countries' governments after hacking every Trapezoid Device, the New Anonymous Order rose. Afterwards, the New Anonymous Order blocked all communications to and from Earth, effectively stopping any resilience to the NAO.[if player has Archive Hack Device][italic type]However, a small group of hacker vigilantes has been fighting the NAO since 2135. Their current HQ whereabouts are unknown, although there has been speculation that it may be in New York.[end if]" The description of the Data Bank Download - CBU is "The CBU, or Central Brain Unit, is a chip installed into the brain that manages Synthetic Programs.[if player has Archive Hack Device][italic type]CBUs also pose a medical and security risk. If your CBU is hacked, your Synthetic Programs can also be hacked, causing immense damage to your brain and allows the hacker to gain access to all your thoughts.[end if]" The description of the Data Bank Download - Hazenites is "Hazenites is the artificial energy in the form of food necessary for running the CBU." understand "install [something] in [a container]" as inserting it into. Instead of shooting your family with the pistol: say "You traveled all this way, through dangers and death, to reach your family, and shoot them. Wow. Just no."; stop the action; Instead of shooting your family with the Assault Rifle: say "You traveled all this way, through dangers and death, to reach your family, and shoot them. Wow. Just no."; stop the action; The description of the Data Bank Download - Trapezoid Technologies is "Trapezoid Technologies is the corporation responsible for many of humanity's technological advances today, however, a hacker part of the New Anonymous Order managed to infiltrate Trapezoid Technologies and disable all of their security systems, effectively giving all of the New Anonymous Order control over every Trapezoid device." Instead of dropping the message: say "Message Deleted"; remove message from play; Understand "read [something]" as examining. Understand "DBD - Hazenites" as Data Bank Download - Hazenites. Understand "DBD - Trapezoid Technologies" as Data Bank Download - Trapezoid Technologies. Understand "DBD - SmartPhone" as Data Bank Download - SmartPhone. Understand "DBD - NAO" as Data Bank Download - New Anonymous Order. Understand "DBD - The Lacertae" as Data Bank Download - The Lacertae. Understand "DBD - CBU" as Data Bank Download - CBU. Understand "DBD - Synthetic Programs" as Data Bank Download - Synthetic Programs Understand "download [something]" as taking. The Hazenite is edible. After eating Hazenite: say "Nice! You found Hazenite! Hazenite is necessary to run your synthetic programs when performing CBU intensive actions."; award 50 points; When play ends: say "Thank you for playing 'Breach of Code'! We welcome feedback of any kind at al113@bedminsterschool.org , dh113@bedminsterschool.org , or ac213@bedminsterschool.org.";