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Dungeon Escape
Logan Orion Rooney
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"Dungeon Escape by Logan Rooney" [INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say "*THUD* You hit the floor which in turn knocks you out. A few hours later you wake up and don't remember anything, not even your own name. You find yourself in a dim room with one exit to the east. You can feel a chill creep up your spine." Section 1 - Weapons and Other Things A thing can be harmless or dangerous. A thing is usually harmless. A person has a text called a chosen-weapon-name. The chosen-weapon-name of a person is usually “pair of bare fistsâ€. The player-weapon is a text that varies. The player-weapon is “bare fistsâ€. After the player unequipping something: now the player-weapon is “bare fistsâ€. A thing has a number called a damage potential. The damage potential of the thing is usually 0. Section 2 – Wielding, Equipping, Unequipping Wielding relates one person (called the wielder) to one thing. The verb to wield (he wields, they wield, she wielded, it was wielded, she is wielding) implies the wielding relation. Equipping is an action applying to one carried thing. Understand "equip [something]" and "wield [something]" and "brandish [something]" and "use [something] as a weapon" and "use [something] as weapon" and "weaponize [something]" as equipping. Unequipping is an action applying to one thing. Understand "unequip [something]" and "stop wielding [something]" and "quit wielding [something]" and "stop brandishing [something]" and "quit brandishing [something]" as unequipping. Check the player equipping: if the noun is dangerous: if the player wields the noun: say “You're already wielding [the noun].â€; stop the action; otherwise if the player wields a dangerous thing: drop your weapon; otherwise: continue the action; otherwise: say “[one of]You doubt you could do any serious damage with [the noun].[or][if the noun is plural-named]Those are[otherwise]That's[end if] hardly a dangerous weapon.[or]You consider the possibility for a moment, then nix it. You need something more dangerous.[stopping]â€; stop the action. Check someone who is not the player equipping: if the noun is dangerous: if the actor wields the noun: say “[The actor] tries to equip [the noun], but is already wielding [if the noun is plural-named]them[otherwise]it[end if].â€; stop the action; otherwise if the actor wields a dangerous thing (called X): try the actor unequipping X; if the actor wields X: say “[The actor] attempts to switch weapons, but can't seem to get rid of [the X].â€; stop the action; otherwise: continue the action; otherwise: continue the action; otherwise: say “[The actor] tries to weaponize [the noun], with little success.â€; stop the action. Check unequipping: if the actor wields the noun: continue the action; otherwise: say “[if the actor is the player]You're not[otherwise][The actor] attempts to unequip [the noun], but isn't[end if] wielding that.â€; stop the action. To drop your weapon: if the player wields a dangerous thing (called X): try the player unequipping X; if the player wields X: say “You can't seem to get rid of [the X].â€; stop the action; otherwise: say “(first unequipping the [X])â€; continue the action. Carry out the player equipping a dangerous thing (called the weapon): now the player wields the weapon; now the player-weapon is the printed name of the weapon; let N be the damage potential of the weapon; increase the atk of the player by N. Carry out someone who is not the player equipping: now the actor wields the noun; now the chosen-weapon-name of the actor is “[printed name of the noun]â€; let N be the damage potential of the noun; increase the atk of the actor by N. Carry out unequipping: now the actor does not wield the noun; decrease the atk of the actor by the damage potential of the noun. Report the player equipping: say “[one of]You now wield [the noun].[or]You heft [the noun] in your hands, ready for combat.[or]You think [the noun] would make a fine weapon in battle, and equip it accordingly.[or]You equip [the noun]. No big deal, really.[purely at random]â€. Report someone who is not the player equipping: say “[The actor] equips [the noun].†Report unequipping: say “[if the actor is the player]You decide to put away [the noun] for now.[otherwise][The actor]stops brandishing [the noun] for a while.[end if]â€. Check dropping a dangerous thing: if the actor wields the noun: try the actor unequipping the noun; if the actor wields the noun: say “[if the actor is the player]You try[otherwise][The actor] tries[end if] to get rid of [the noun], but [the noun] is stubborn and will not leave [if the actor is the player]your[otherwise if the actor is female]her[otherwise if the actor is male]his[otherwise]their[end if] person.â€; stop the action; otherwise: continue the action; otherwise: continue the action. Section 3 – Vital Statistics A player has a number called hp. The hp of a player is usually 30. A person has a number called maxhp. The maxhp of a person is usually 30. A person has a number called hp. The hp of a person is usually 10. A person has a number called maxhp. The maxhp of a person is usually 10. A person has a number called atk. The atk of a person is usually 2. A person has a number called accuracy. The accuracy of a person is usually 2. A person has a number called defense. The defense of a person is usually 4. Before examining the player: say “HP: [hp of the player]/[maxhp of the player] | ATK: [atk of the player] | DEF: [defense of the player] | ACC: [accuracy of the player][line break]CARRY CAPACITY: [number of things carried by the player]/[carrying capacity of the player] ([carrying capacity of the player – number of things carried by the player] slots remaining)[paragraph break]â€. Section 4 – Attacking The block attacking rule is not listed in any rulebook. Check attacking a person (called the target): if the target is a person: if the target is the player: say “This seems like a poor decision.â€; stop the action; otherwise: continue the action; otherwise if the target is friendly: say “What? No. [The target] is your friend, for goodness sake!â€; otherwise: say “And what exactly would that accomplish?â€; stop the action. Check attacking something (called the target): if the target is worn by the player: say “This seems very ill-advised.â€; stop the action; otherwise if the noun is not a person: say “[one of]And what exactly would that accomplish?[or]That seems a tad pointless.[or]Violence really isn't the answer to this one.[or]Now, now, what did the [target] ever do to you?[purely at random]â€; stop the action. Recentdamage is a number that varies. Carry out a person (called the attacker) attacking someone (called the target): now recentdamage is 0; let D be a random number between 1 and 10; increase D by the accuracy of the attacker;[ say “([D])[line break]â€;] if D is greater than the defense of the target: decrease the hp of the target by the atk of the attacker; increase recentdamage by the atk of the attacker; if a random chance of 1 in 8 succeeds: decrease the hp of the target by the atk of the attacker; increase recentdamage by the atk of the attacker; say “(critical hit!)â€; otherwise: continue the action; otherwise if a random chance of 1 in 8 succeeds: say “(glancing blow)â€; decrease the hp of the target by 1; increase recentdamage by 1; otherwise: say “[italic type]whiff[roman type]â€. Carry out the player attacking a person (called the target): now recentdamage is 0; let D be a random number between 1 and 10; increase D by the accuracy of the player;[ say “([D])[line break]â€;] if D is greater than the defense of the target: decrease the hp of the target by the atk of the player; increase recentdamage by the atk of the player; if a random chance of 1 in 8 succeeds: decrease the hp of the target by the atk of the player; increase recentdamage by the atk of the player; say “(critical hit!)â€; otherwise: continue the action; otherwise if a random chance of 1 in 8 succeeds: say “(glancing blow)â€; decrease the hp of the target by 1; increase recentdamage by 1; otherwise: say “[italic type]whiff[roman type]â€. Report the player attacking a person (called the target): if the target is indifferent: now the target is hostile; say “[if recentdamage is 0]You miss[otherwise]You attack [the target], dealing [recentdamage] damage[end if].â€; if the hp of the target is less than 1: if the target is dead: say “[if recentdamage is 0]Not that it matters, since [the target] is already dead.[otherwise]You're just beating a dead [target] now.[end if]â€; otherwise: try the player killing the target; say “You just killed [the target].â€; otherwise: do nothing. Report someone who is not the player attacking a person (called the target): say “[The actor] attacks [if the target is the player]you[otherwise][the target][end if], [if recentdamage is 0]but misses.[otherwise]dealing [recentdamage] damage.[end if]â€; if the hp of the target is less than 1: if the target is dead: say “[if recentdamage is 0]Apparently [the actor] can't even hit a dead [target].[otherwise][The actor] is really just beating a dead [target] now.[end if]â€; otherwise: try the actor killing the target; if the target is not the player: say “[The actor] has now killed [the target]. Yikes.â€; otherwise: do nothing; otherwise if the hp of the target is 1: say “[if the target is the player]You're down to a single hit point. Better be careful.[otherwise][The target] is taking some serious damage here.[end if]â€; otherwise: do nothing. Section 5 – Death? A person can be alive or dead. A person is usually alive. Killing is an action applying to one thing. Check the player killing something (called the victim): if the victim is dead: say “[The victim] is already dead.â€; stop the action; otherwise: continue the action. Carry out the player killing something (called the victim): now the victim is dead. Check someone who is not the player killing something (called the victim): if the victim is dead: say “[The actor] attempts to kill [the victim], but [the victim] is already dead.â€; stop the action; otherwise: continue the action. Carry out someone who is not the player killing something: now the noun is dead. Report someone killing something: say “...â€. Check a dead person trying going: if the actor is the player: say “You can't do much of anything, since you are now dead.â€; stop the action; otherwise: say “You think [the actor] would be trying to do something right about now, but they're dead.â€; stop the action. Check a dead person trying taking: if the actor is the player: say “You can't do much of anything, since you are now dead.â€; stop the action; otherwise: say “You think [the actor] would be trying to do something right about now, but they're dead.â€; stop the action. Check a dead person trying taking inventory: if the actor is the player: say “You can't do much of anything, since you are now dead.â€; stop the action; otherwise: say “You think [the actor] would be trying to do something right about now, but they're dead.â€; stop the action. [OPTIONAL] [After examining a dead person (called the corpse): say “[The corpse] is now dead.â€] Instead of asking a dead person (called the corpse) about something: say “[The corpse] is dead and cannot answer.†Instead of telling a dead person (called the corpse) about something: say “[The corpse] is dead and cannot answer.†Instead of showing something to a dead person (called the corpse): say “[The corpse] is dead and cannot respond.†Carry out someone (called the murderer) killing the player: end the game in death. Check taking something carried by a dead person: ignore the can't take people's possessions rule. Check taking something worn by a dead person (called the corpse): say “(stripping it off of [the corpse]'s body...)â€; ignore the can't take people's possessions rule. Check a dead person taking something: stop the action. Check a dead person going: stop the action. Check a dead person attacking something: stop the action. Section 6 – Disambiguation Attacking it with is an action applying to two things. Understand “attack [something] with [something]†and “hit [something] with [something]†and “murder [something] with [something]†and “kill [something] with [something]†and “stab [something] with [something]†and “slice [something] with [something]†and “harm [something] with [something]†and “shoot [something] with [something]†as attacking it with. Understand “shoot [something]†as attacking. Carry out the player attacking a person with something: if the player wields the second noun: try the player attacking the noun; otherwise if the second noun is dangerous: try the player equipping the second noun; try the player attacking the noun; stop the action; otherwise: say “[The second noun] is hardly a functional weapon.â€; stop the action. Carry out someone who is not the player attacking a person with something: if the actor wields the second noun: try the actor attacking the noun; otherwise if the second noun is dangerous: try the actor equipping the second noun; try the actor attacking the noun; if the actor is hostile: try the actor attacking the noun; otherwise: stop the action; otherwise: say “[The actor] seems to consider attacking [if the noun is the player]you[otherwise][the noun], but [the second noun] is hardly a functional weapon.â€; stop the action. Section 8 – Friends and Enemies A person can be friendly, hostile, or indifferent. A person is usually indifferent. Persuasion rule for asking a friendly person (called the ally) to try doing something: if the ally is dead: say “[The ally] is dead and cannot respond to your instructions.â€; otherwise: persuasion succeeds. Check giving something to a friendly person (called the ally): ignore the block giving rule. Check someone who is not the player giving something to the player: ignore the block giving rule. Persuasion rule for asking an indifferent person (called the stranger) to try attacking the player: if the stranger is dead: say “[The stranger] is dead and cannot respond to your instructions.â€; otherwise: say “[first time][The stranger] does not seem opposed to the idea.[only]â€; persuasion succeeds. A person can be ready for combat or unready for combat. A person is usually unready for combat. Every turn when a hostile person (called the enemy) can see the player: if the enemy is ready for combat: try the enemy attacking the player; otherwise: say “[The enemy] notices you. [if the enemy is male]He doesn't[otherwise if the enemy is female]She doesn't[otherwise]They don't[end if] look friendly.â€; now the enemy is ready for combat. Section 10 - Help [For confused players.] Helping the player is an action out of world. Understand "help" and "help me" and "help please" and "please help" and "what do i do" and "hints" as helping the player. Carry out helping the player: say "[italic type]A quick guide to combat-related actions:[roman type][line break] EQUIP: equip and wield a weapon. [line break]UNEQUIP: stop wielding a weapon. Dropping it or equipping a different weapon will do this automatically. [line break]ATTACK: attack someone or something. [paragraph break][italic type]A quick guide to vital statistics:[roman type] [line break]ATTACK (ATK): baseline damage from your attacks. [line break]DEFENSE (DEF): increases how high a roll your attacker needs to hit you. [line break]ACCURACY (ACC): increases the odds you can hit someone else. [line break]HIT POINTS (HP): your health and durability. If a character's HP is 0, they die. [paragraph break]Hope this helped!" [Dim Room] The Dim Room is a room. The description of the Dim Room is "This room is cold and dark with an exit to your east." [Lounge] The Lounge is a room. The Lounge is east of the Dim Room. The description of the Lounge is "You can see a hole with a creaking ladder leading down." The fireplace is in the Lounge. The fireplace is fixed in place. "There is a fireplace." The description of the fireplace is "It is your standard fireplace with a sword and candle on top." The sword is on the fireplace. The sword is dangerous. "[if the player wields the sword]Currently equipped and providing +1 to your ATTACK.[otherwise]Adds +1 to your ATTACK. You'll need to EQUIP it first, though." The description of the sword is "This is a weapon that can be used to kill foes." The candle is on the fireplace. The description of the candle is "Use this to light your way." The hole is in the lounge. The hole is fixed in place. The description of hole is " There is a creaky ladder leading into the hole. This hole is deep and when you look into it all you see is an endless obis." [Ladder Hole] The Ladder Hole is a room. The Ladder hole is below the Lounge. The description of the Ladder hole is "You can faintly see the ground below." [Dungeon Entrance] The Dungeon Entrance is a room. The Dungeon Entrance is below the Ladder hole. The description of the dungeon entrance is "The ladder is broken on the floor beside you. There is an exit to the east and south." [Goblin Room] The Goblin Room is a room. The Goblin Room is east of the Dungeon Entrance. The description of the goblin room is "It is dusty in here. There are exits in every direction." The Goblin 1 is hostile. The Goblin 1 holds a dagger 1. The Goblin 1 is in the Goblin Room. The goblin 1 blocks all exits A dagger 1 is an object. The description of the dagger 1 is "A weapon." The Goblin 2 is hostile. The Goblin 2 holds a dagger 2. The Goblin 2 is in the Goblin Room. A dagger 2 is an object. The description of the dagger 2 is "A weapon." The Goblin 3 is hostile. The Goblin 3 holds a dagger 3. The Goblin 3 is in the Goblin Room. A dagger 3 is an object. The description of the dagger 3 is "A weapon." . [Treasure Room] The treasure room is a room. The treasure room is north of the goblin room. The description of the treasure room is "You can see gold, diamond and riches all around." Diamond is an object. Diamond is fixed in place. Gold is an object. Gold is fixed in place. Riches is an object. riches is fixed in place [!Easter Egg!] !easter egg! is a room. !easter egg! is below the goblin room. The description of the !easter egg! is "Congratulations! Here is a tip: Complete the maze and claim a prize. " [Armor Room] The armor room is a room. The armor room is northwest of the treasure room. The description of the armor room is "There are many armorstands here. You can see a faint light above you." The hole in the ceiling is a door. The hole in the ceiling is fixed in place. The hole in the ceiling can be locked or unlocked. The hole in the ceiling is closed. The hole in the ceiling is locked. The hole in the ceiling is above the armor room. The hole in the ceiling is below the the end?. The grappling hook unlocks the hole in the ceiling. [The End?] The The End? is a room. Every turn while in the the end?: if score is 0 begin; say "Congratulations! You have won? Wait... Wham, you are hit on the back of the head. You wake up on the ground outside what you presume is the dungeon. Thank you for playing!"; end the game in victory; end if. [Troll Room] The troll room is a room. The troll room is east of the goblin room. The giant troll is in the Troll Room. The giant troll is hostile. The giant troll holds a club. the club is dangerous. The description of the troll room is "There is an exit to your west and south." [Giant Web] The Giant web is a room. The giant web is south of the goblin room. The Spiderweb is in the giant web. The spiderweb is fixed in place. The spiderweb can be broken. The giant spider is in the giant web. The giant spider is hostile. The giant spider holds a fangs. The fangs is dangerous. The description of the giant web is "There is an exit to your north and east." [Spike Room] The spike room is a room. The spike room is south of the troll room and east of the giant web. The description of the spike room is "There are spikes all around you." Every turn while in the spike room: if score is 0 begin; say "You have died"; end the game in death; end if. [Ork Room] The ork room is a room. The ork room is south of the dungeon entrance. The description of the ork room is "There are exits to the NW, N, SE, and S." The ginormous ork is in the ork room. The axe is an object. The axe is dangerous. The ginormous ork holds an axe. [Library] The Library is a room. The library is south of the ork room. The description of the library is "There are no books in here. It looks like you can´t get smarter :( . There are exits to your north, west, and south." [Bottomless Pit] The Bottomless Pit is a room. The Bottomless Pit is south of the library. The description of the Bottomless Pit is "You appear to have walked right into a pit that seems to never end." Every turn while in the Bottomless Pit: if score is 0 begin; say "You endlessly fall for the rest of your life and die a slow and painful death."; end the game in death; end if. [Meme Room] The Meme Room is a room. The meme room is southeast of the ork room. The description of the meme room is "This is a place you could lose your time in. It is full of fun and entertainment. If you don't leave now you will never escape." The computer is an object. The computer is in the meme room. After taking the computer: say "You spend a delightful time looking at all the new memes and some of the old ones, but then someone stabs you in the back and you die."; end the game in death. [Tool Room] The Tool Room is a room. The tool room is northwest of the ork room. The description of the tool room is "choose a tool at your own risk. One will allow you to escape, but the others will give you death. There are exits to the SE, S, and N." The shelf is an object. The shelf is fixed in place. The shelf is in the tool room. The Pickaxe is an object. The pickaxe is on the shelf. After taking the pickaxe: say "Wrong one"; end the game in death. The Hammer is an object. The hammer is on the shelf. After taking the hammer: say "Wrong one"; end the game in death. The Shield is an object. The Shield is on the shelf. After taking the Shield: say "Wrong one"; end the game in death. The Grappling Hook is an object. The grappling hook is on the shelf. The Teleporter is an object. The teleporter is on the shelf. After taking the teleporter: say "Wrong one. This isn't even possible."; end the game in death. [Time Room] The Time Room is a room. The time room is south of the tool room. The Time Machine is a device. The time machine is in the time room. The time machine is fixed in place.Carry out switching on the teleporter: say "When you tried to use the time machine you didn't know that it aged you. You aged too far."; end the game in death. [Buffet] The Buffet is a room. The buffet is west of the library. The Table is an object. The table is fixed in place. The table is in the buffet. The Food is an object. The Food is edible. The food is on the table. After eating the food: say "You don't feel so well. You die of sickness. Steeling is wrong."; end the game in death. The description of the buffet is "There are exits to the east and west." [Long Hall] The Long Hall is a room. The long hall is west of the buffet. Every turn while in the long hall: if score is 0 begin; say "Oops. It appears you fell through a trap door into a cell."; end the game in death; end if. [Maze] The Maze1 is north of the tool room. The maze1 is a room. The Maze2 is east of the maze1. The maze2 is a room. The Maze3 is north of the maze2. The maze3 is a room. The Maze4 is east of the maze3. The maze4 is a room. The Maze5 is north of the maze4. The maze5 is a room. The Maze6 is north of the maze5. The maze6 is a room. The Maze7 is west of the maze6. The maze7 is a room. The Maze8 is west of the maze7. The maze8 is a room. The Maze9 is north of the maze6. The maze9 is a room. The Maze10 is north of the maze9. The maze10 is a room. The Maze11 is north of the maze10. The maze11 is a room. The Maze12 is west of the maze11. The maze12 is a room. The Maze13 is west of the maze12. The maze13 is a room. The Maze14 is south of the maze13. The maze14 is a room. The Maze15 is west of the maze14. The maze15 is a room. The Maze16 is north of the maze15. The maze16 is a room. The Maze17 is north of the maze14. The maze17 is a room. The Maze18 is north of the maze17. The maze18 is a room. The Maze19 is north of the maze18. The maze19 is a room. The Maze20 is east of the maze19. The maze20 is a room. The Maze21 is north of the maze20. The maze21 is a room. The Maze22 is east of the maze21. The maze22 is a room. The Maze23 is north of the maze22. The maze23 is a room. The Maze24 is north of the maze23. The maze24 is a room. The Maze25 is west of the maze24. The maze25 is a room. The Maze26 is west of the maze25. The maze26 is a room. The Maze27 is north of the maze24. The maze27 is a room. The Maze28 is north of the maze27. The maze28 is a room. The Maze29 is north of the maze28. The maze29 is a room. The Maze30 is west of the maze29. The maze30 is a room. The Maze31 is west of the maze30. The maze31 is a room. The Maze32 is south of the maze31. The maze32 is a room. The Maze33 is west of the maze32. The maze33 is a room. The Maze34 is north of the maze33. The maze34 is a room. The Maze35 is north of the maze32. The maze35 is a room. The Maze36 is north of the maze35. The maze36 is a room. [MazeDeath] Death is a room. Death is north of maze1. Death is west of maze1. Death is east of maze2. Death is west of maze3. Death is north of maze3. Death is south of maze4. Death is east of maze4. Death is east of maze5. Death is west of maze5. Death is east of maze6. Death is north of maze7. Death is south of maze7. Death is south of maze8. Death is north of maze8. Death is west of maze9. Death is east of maze9. Death is west of maze10. Death is east of maze10. Death is east of maze11. Death is north of maze11. Death is north of maze12. Death is south of maze12. Death is west of maze13. Death is north of maze13. Death is south of maze14. Death is east of maze14. Death is west of maze15. Death is south of maze16. Death is west of maze16. Death is east of maze16. Death is west of maze17. Death is west of maze18. Death is north of maze19. Death is west of maze19. Death is east of maze20. Death is north of maze21. Death is west of maze21. Death is east of maze22. Death is south of maze22. Death is west of maze23. Death is east of maze23. Death is east of maze24. Death is south of maze25. Death is north of maze25. Death is north of maze26. Death is south of maze26. Death is east of maze27. Death is west of maze27. Death is west of maze28. Death is east of maze28. Death is north of maze29. Death is east of maze29. Death is south of maze30. Death is north of maze30. Death is north of maze31. Death is west of maze31. Death is south of maze32. Death is east of maze32. Death is west of maze33. Death is south of maze34. Death is west of maze34. Death is east of maze34. Death is west of maze35. Death is east of maze35. Death is west of maze36. Death is east of maze36. Every turn while in the death: if score is 0 begin; say "You have died"; end the game in death; end if. [Pointless Room] The Pointless Room is a room. The pointless room is north of maze36. The description of the pointless room is "lol" [EEG] The EEG is a room. The eeg is below maze7. The description of the eeg is "Finished 10/3/18"