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Mountaniers Mystery
Erika PlayFic
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"Mountaineers Mystery" After reading a command: if the player's command includes "all/everything/every": say "You spin around, looking at all of the different things you could possibly grab. Overwhelmed and dizzy, you collapse onto the floor."; Now Sit is true; reject the player's command. Understand "lick [something]" as eating. Instead of eating [something]: if the noun is Dirt: say "You shovel a handful of dirt into your mouth. Yum."; now dirt is in Roomy; if the noun is Rope: say "You think about it, but decide that metal is not in your appetite for today."; if the noun is black sculpture: say "You think about it, but decide that metal is not in your appetite for today."; if the noun is silver sculpture: say "You think about it, but decide that metal is not in your appetite for today."; if the noun is white cushions: say "How???"; if the noun is skull: say "Cannibalism is one thing, but eating bones? Really?"; if the noun is human figurine: say "No doubt that you would taste good, but autosarcophagy is really not your style."; if the noun is image of climber: say "Looks a little too big for your mouth... and a little to tough."; if the noun is image of mountain: say "Looks a little too big for your mouth... and a little to tough."; if the noun is dust: say "Not extremly filling, but it does have a deep flavour and interessting texture." dust is an object. dust is in Roomy. understand "dust bunny", "pile of dust", "dust bunnies", "layer of dust", and "dust pile" as dust. The description is "Every surface of the room is covered in a layer of the fine powder. The amount has you coughing and sneezing every minute. It is truly strange how little the dust has been disturbed." Roomy is a room. The description is "You awake to the loud noise of a latch, jerking out of bed.... wait... You find yourself on the hardwood floor of a mysterious room. The air is stagnant and everything is covered in dust. Looking around you notice unused furniture decorating the room, yet there is a disturbing lack of a door. The four light blue walls, interrupted by a window to the north, house you in, trapping the small area. Next to the window, to the left is a large bookshelf, and to the right, a tall plant. Opposite to that is a couch and coffee table, with a mismatched armchair to the west. The east, however, is almost entirely covered by a strange painting. You stand up, still drowsy and with a throbbing headache, to get a better view of the room. What happened? How did you get here? Why? And most importantly, how do you get out?" Window is scenery in Roomy. The description is "The white wood framing of the window perfecty surrounds a foggy winter wonderland, fit with trees, rocky mountains and pile of snow. As you walk closer, to try and understand where you are, you start to realize that the scenery looks dull, lifeless, flat, almost... fake. The windowsill holds no opener and the glass is merely a screen. LEDs cover the surface in a mockery of light. Your breath hitches in your throat as you notice the layer of dust gathering on the edges of the window." A plant is an object in Roomy. Understand "plant", "plastic plant" or "the plant" as A plant. Instead of examining A plant: say "It's a very tall and thin plant, barely spread out further than its ground pot. As you get closer to try and identify the type, you spot the seem running down each 'leaf'. Yet despite the thin layer of dust atop the plastic plant the soil appears disturbed." Dirt is an undescribed object in Roomy. Understand "soil", "the soil" and "the dirt" as Dirt. Instead of examining Dirt: say "You dig your fingers in the thin layer of loose dirt around the plant, uncovering a small shiny copper object."; Now Object1 is true. Object1 is a truth state that varies. Object1 is false. Rope is an undescribed object in Roomy. Understand "rope thing", "copper sculpture", "object", "shiny object" and "shiny thing" as Rope. Instead of examining Rope: say "A small, coin-sized, metal sculpture of a rope. It's coiled up messily and cannot be manipulated. Dirt clings into small indents in the copper-coloured surface." Understand the command "switch" as something new. Switching is an action applying to one thing. Understand "switch [something] on", and "switch on [something]" as switching. Check switching: Say “You can't turn that on.” Understand the command "turn" as something new. OnTurning is an action applying to one thing. Understand "turn on [something]", and "turn [something] on" as turning. Check turning: Say “You can't turn that on.”; Stop the action. Lamp is an object in Roomy. Lamp is fixed in place. Understand "light", "lampost" and "the lamp" as Lamp. The printed name of Lamp is "a lamp". LampOn is a truth state that varies. LampOn is false. Instead of examining Lamp: if LampOn is false: say "The old brown-toned lamp sits in the northwest corner of the room, its cord carefully drawn through the wall. Beneath the beige cloth lampshade is a small switch."; if LampOn is true: say "The old brown-toned lamp sits in the northwest corner of the room, its cord carefully drawn through the wall. Beneath the beige cloth lampshade is a small switch. With the light on, you can now see the faint outline of letters on the lampshade." Lampshade is scenery in Roomy. Instead of examining Lampshade: if LampOn is false: say "A light brown to beige cloth lampshade rests atop the victorian lamp. It is covered in an uneven layer of dust with an even more uneven and unpleasant texture to the touch."; If LampOn is true: say "On four sides of the hexagonal lampshade you see the shadowed outline of the letters I, S, N, and B. They appear to be created through a thicker sewing in certain areas of the lampshade." instead of switching Lamp: if LampOn is false: say "You reach beneath the lampshade to the small switch and turn on the lamp. As light fills the room, you notice strange-looking shadows. Now that it's on, the lampshade does look strange."; Now LampOn is true; if LampOn is true: say "You reach beneath the lampshade to the small switch and turn off the lamp. The room loses the light warm glow and your eyes start to adjust to the semi-darkness"; Now LampOn is false. instead of OnTurning Lamp: If LampOn is false: say "You reach beneath the lampshade to the small switch and turn on the lamp. As light fills the room, you notice strange-looking shadows. Now that it's on, the lampshade does look strange."; Now LampOn is true; if LampOn is true: say "You reach beneath the lampshade to the small switch and turn off the lamp. The room loses the light warm glow and your eyes start to adjust to the semi-darkness"; Now LampOn is false. A bookshelf is an object in Roomy. A bookshelf is fixed in place. The description is "Standing tall from celing to ground is a large dark wood bookshelf. It consists of three shelves, equal in size, that are filled with items. The bookshelf protrudes out of the wall a considerable amount and strangly the shelves do not appear to match that distance." Top Shelf is scenery in Roomy. the description is "The top of the bookshelf is mostly full of books. They start to taper out towards the right side, with a snowball shaped bookstopper holding them up. Besides the bookstopper is a small square of a light coloured wood unlike the darker one surrounding." Books is an undescribed object in Roomy. Books are fixed in place. Understand "book", "a book", "the books" and "one book" as Books. Instead of examining Books: say "The top and bottom shelf are stocked full of book with all different names, colours, sizes, and even shapes. Sprinkled throughout are ones with silver, gold, and bronze stripes, or strange shapes on the spines. None of the spines have as much as a crack running down them." Instead of taking Books: say "You reach towards the top shelf of the bookshelf and grab a book titled[one of] 'The Art of War'[or] 'A Light in the Attic'[or] 'How to Eat Food'[or] 'This is a Book'[or] 'Shneeble's Guide to the Galaxy' [or] 'Hitchhiker's Copyright'[or] 'Doctor What'[or] 'Sherlock and the case of the Mountaneer'[or] 'Irony'[or] 'A History of the Empire'[purely at random], but as you go to open it, you notice the book is blank. Disappointed, you put the book back." goldies are objects in Roomy. goldies are undescribed. Understand "golden books", "special books", "gold books", "marked books", and "painting books" as goldies. goldies are fixed in place. Instead of taking goldies: say "You reach towards one of the specially marked books, yet despite what you were hoping for, the book is painfully blank. Every page you turn to is the same, devoid of words." Instead of examining goldies: say "The four books with gold bars on thier spine are place exactly where the painting sugguests. They are titled 'What is 1? Volume B', 'How 3 S's Changed the World', 'The interconnections of N and 8', and a childrens book named 'The Letter I 4 You'. You look inside for clues, but there is nothing." Middle shelf is scenery in Roomy. The description is "Despite its name, this shelf does not contain any books, simply various trinkets and images. The shelf itself has 5 circles of a lighter wood equidistant from eachother, most with an object centered inside. While the second from the left is blank, the leftmost holds an image of a mountain, the rightmost holds a unnervingly realistic human skull, the second from the right holds an image of a climber, and the center, a human figurine." LittleMe is a truth state that varies. LittleMe is false. image of mountain is an object in Roomy. image of mountain is undescribed. image of climber is an object in Roomy. image of climber is undescribed. skull is an object in Roomy. skull is undescribed. human figurine is an object in Roomy. human figurine is undescribed. instead of examining [noun]: if the noun is skull: say "You are no doctor, but that skull looks human. It has the texture and colour expected of bone and the shape is exactly as you'd imagine. The dust does nothing to sooth you as you stare into its cold eye holes."; if the noun is image of mountain: say "Within the smooth wood frame is an image of a mountain that you don't quite recognize, covered in snow."; if the noun is image of climber: say "It is a candid photo of someone too far away to recognize climbing up a section of rock."; if the noun is circle: say "A hand sized circle of lighter wood on the middle shelf of the bookshelf. It is level with the surrounding area, yet the grain is different."; if the noun is square: say "A hand sized square of lighter wood on the top shelf of the bookshelf. It is level with the surrounding area, yet the grain is different."; if the noun is triangle: say "A hand sized triangle of lighter wood on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf. It is level with the surrounding area, yet the grain is different."; if the noun is human figurine: say "The figure is no larger than a can yet it resembles you at an uncanny level of detail. Your hair, eyes, clothes, even proportions are all identical. The only differance is the scarf it is wearing."; now LittleMe is true; otherwise: continue the action. Instead of taking skull: say "You try to pry the skull off the shelf, but it is stuck on extremly tight. It does swivel however, facing directly at you now."; Bottom shelf is scenery in Roomy. the description is "The bottom of the bookshelf also holds books, but not as pressed together as they are in the top shelf. They are leaning against each side of the shelf with an empty spot in the middle. The middle section contains a small triangle of a light coloured wood imbedded in the darker one of the bookshelf." Understand "place [something] on [something]" as putting it on. square is a supporter in Roomy. square is undescribed. Understand "lighter square", "wood square", and "lighter wood square" as square. circle is a supporter in Roomy. circle is undescribed. Understand "lighter circle", "wood circle", and "lighter wood circle" as circle. triangle is a supporter in Roomy. triangle is undescribed. Understand "lighter triangle", "wood triangle", and "lighter wood triangle" as triangle. squaregood is a truth state that varies. squaregood is false. circlegood is a truth state that varies. circlegood is false. trianglegood is a truth state that varies. trianglegood is false. Instead of putting [something] on [something]: if the second noun is square: if the noun is black sculpture: say "As you go to place the mitten down on the shape, it snaps into place as if magnetically drawn. Now in the perfect center of the square it sits. A second goes by and you start to doubt yourself, but then a click rings out, echoing across the room. Vaguely you hear what seems to be gears turning within the walls and eastward."; now squaregood is true; now black sculpture is on square; stop the action; if the noun is white cushions: say "How??"; stop the action; if the noun is armchair cushion: say "How??"; stop the action; otherwise: say "You place the [noun] down and wait. Seconds go by as you anxiously stand by for something to happen. [line break] ... [line break] After a few minutes nothing seems to be happening. You guess that wasn't it."; now noun is on second noun; stop the action; if the second noun is circle: if the noun is rope: say "As you go to place the rope down on the second to the left circle, it snaps into place as if magnetically drawn. Just like it's neighbours, it sits in the direct center. The snap causes you to jerk your hand back in shock and you stand there watching it dumbly, but then a click rings out, echoing across the room. Vaguely you hear what seems to be gears turning within the walls and eastward."; now circlegood is true; now rope is on circle; stop the action; if the noun is white cushions: say "How??"; stop the action; if the noun is armchair cushion: say "How??"; stop the action; otherwise: say "You place the [noun] down and wait. Seconds go by as you anxiously stand by for something to happen. [line break] ... [line break] After a few minutes nothing seems to be happening. You guess that wasn't it."; now noun is on second noun; stop the action; if the second noun is triangle: if the noun is silver sculpture: say "As you go to place the pick down on the lowest shape, it snaps into place as if magnetically drawn. Now in the middle of the triangle is the pick, standing straight up. You are confused at its orientation, but are snapped out of your stupor by a click ringing out, echoing across the room. Vaguely you hear what seems to be gears turning within the walls and eastward."; now trianglegood is true; now silver sculpture is on triangle; stop the action; if the noun is white cushions: say "How??"; stop the action; if the noun is armchair cushion: say "How??"; stop the action; otherwise: say "You place the [noun] down and wait. Seconds go by as you anxiously stand by for something to happen. [line break] ... [line break] After a few minutes nothing seems to be happening. You guess that wasn't it."; now noun is on second noun; stop the action; otherwise: say "You place the [noun] on the [second noun]... what did you expect?"; now noun is on second noun; stop the action. [east] Every turn: if circlegood is true: if squaregood is true: if trianglegood is true: say "The faint gear noises get louder and louder until all you can hear is the metalic grating. Suddenly theres a bang to the east, right on the left side of the painting. It sounded exactly like the latch of a door."; now painting is unlocked; otherwise: continue the action; otherwise: continue the action; otherwise: continue the action. Instead of examining the player: say "You know what you look like." painting is a closed locked door. painting is east of Roomy. The description is "The painting on the east wall of the small room is unlike any you've seen before. It's really more a collection of three equal sized paintings, all done in an abstract style, compressed on top of eachother. The top section depicts a grouping of tree trunks, more dense and closer to the left side, while a large section of the right is taken by one trunk. Within the large trunk is a stylized silhouette of a mitten. The middle section showed five bowls of soup next to eachother. Faintly you can make out a skull design in the left most bowl, however the bowl directly to the right of that was the silhouette of a coiled rope. The last section looked to be a collection of triangular race flags, organized as if they were a sharks teeth. The middle most flag contained the embelem of a sharp pick. You also notice scattered throught the painting, in the top and bottom layer are percicly placed golden lines. Maybe they are marking a location? Most concerning however, was the extremly detailed minature version of yourself smack dab in the middle of the painting." Instead of opening painting: if painting is unlocked: say "You pull on the edge of the painting nervously. The smallest touch sends it flying open as it swings out. Where it once sat is a door way, leading out into the dark unknown..."; end the story saying "Good Job."; Otherwise: say "You pull on the painting with all your might, but nothing happens." [West] armchair is an object in Roomy. armchair is a supporter. armchair is enterable. Understand "chair" as armchair. armchair is fixed in place. The description is "Pushed to the back of the west wall sits a large armchair. It's dark navy fabric warps around several decorative buttons. [if ScarfGrab is false] Resting on the back of the armchair is a scarf, unbothered by the dusty surface.[end if][if armcushiongrab is true] The cusion of the chair has been removed, revealing the coloured decking beneath. A small crumpled strip of paper is wedged in the corner.[end if]" armchair cushion is undescribed. armchair cushion is on armchair. armcushiongrab is a truth state that varies. armcushiongrab is false. Before of taking armchair cushion: now armcushiongrab is true. Sit is a truth state that varies. Sit is false. Before entering: if noun is enterable: say "You feel tired from all this work. You sit on [the noun]."; Now Sit is true; continue the action. Before exiting: say "Enough of that. Back to work."; Now Sit is false; continue the action. After reading a command: If Sit is true: if the player's command includes "get/off/stand/sit": continue the action; otherwise: say "You should stand up."; reject the player's command; Otherwise: continue the action. the floor is scenery in Roomy. the floor is a supporter. the floor is enterable. The description is "A classic hardwood floor." Understand "floor" as the floor. Scarf is an undescribed object in Roomy. Scarf is wearable. ScarfGrab is a truth state that varies. ScarfGrab is false. Before taking Scarf: now ScarfGrab is true. ScarfOn is a truth state that varies. ScarfOn is false. Instead of examining Scarf: If LittleMe is false: Say "A medium length scarf that is rather precariously draped across the edge of the armchair. It is striped in many different colours, all faded from use."; If LittleMe is true: Say "A medium length scarf eerily similar to the one wrapped around the little statue of you. It is precariously placed on the edge of the armchair, as if someone wants you to wear it. Despite it's rather ugly and faded colored stripes, you feel ever so slighty drawn to it." [South] couch is an object in Roomy. couch is a supporter. couch is enterable. couch is fixed in place. On the couch are some white cushions. Understand "couch" as couch. The description is "The south side of the room is almost entirely covered by the large white couch. It did not look exeptionally comfortable, with it's thin cusion and scratchy surface, yet you still wanted to sit down. It can't have costed more than a hundred dollars, maybe two. The right cushion is ever so slightly astray and there is a small handprint disrupting the dust layer, yet other than that it looks unused. [if couchcushiongrab is true] The two tattered cushions have been removed from the couch. Underneath where they once sat is a solid plastic box.[end if]" Before entering couch: say "[if couchcushiongrab is true] Without the cushions you may as well be sitting on the floor.[otherwise] You slump against the couch to feel some relief, but the cushion provided none. It felt like you just fell on top of a concreate box."; now Sit is true; continue the action. white cushions are undescribed. Understand "couch cushions" as white cushions. couchcushiongrab is a truth state that varies. couchcushiongrab is false. Instead taking white cushions: now couchcushiongrab is true; say "Underneath where the cushions once sat is a solid plastic box."; now the player carries white cushions. plastic box is on the couch. plastic box is a closed openable container. plastic box is fixed in place. plastic box is undescribed. Understand "solid plastic box", "solid box", and "box" as plastic box. Instead of examining plastic box: say "A dark grey, rock coloured, half-meter by half-meter box, imbedded into the couch.[if plastic box is open] The inside of the box is much the same, coloured with the same tone.[otherwise] It's lid is almost imperceptable with how perfectly it fits over the box." Instead of taking plastic box: say "You try to grab the box from the couch, but it's stuck in there." instead of opening plastic box: say "You wrench the lid of the perfectly fitting box off to reveal its contents. A small black sculpture lying in the box as if thrown in a hurry looks back up at you."; now plastic box is open. black sculpture is inside plastic box. black sculpture is undescribed. Understand "mitten", "glove", "black thing", "mitten sculpture", and "black mitten" as black sculpture. Instead of examining black sculpture: say "A small sculpture made of a shniy black material. It's in the shape of a single mitten with incredible detail." coffee table is an object in Roomy. Understand "table", "mahogany table", and "side table" as coffee table. The description is "To the west of the couch sits the mahogany table, reaching just up to the couch's arm. Atop is a blue clock and more dust. In the front of the table is a locked drawer." clock is an object in Roomy. The description is "It is an analog clock with a matte ice blue coating. The few metal bits are rusted, but the rest of the clock appears new. The arms of the clock are spinning around rapidly, in opposite directions. It currently reads around [a random number from 1 to 12] o'clock." the drawer is a closed openable container in Roomy. the drawer is undescribed. Understand "locked drawer", and "drawer" as the drawer. Instead of examining the drawer: say "The drawer is made of the same wood as the table and fits snugly underneath the surface. On the front surface of the drawer, next to a small indented handle is a comination lock. It consists of four dials, each with consecutive numbers on them. Above the dials is the word BINS in all caps, one letter for each dial.[if the drawer is open] The drawer is open.[end if]" Combination Lock is scenery in Roomy. Understand "lock", "dials", and "the spinny thing" as Combination Lock. Combination Lock is undescribed. Instead of examining Combination Lock: say "A small dial lock consisting of four sections. Maybe the letters above mean something?" silver sculpture is inside drawer. Understand "pickaxe", "ice pick", "silver pickaxe", "silver ice pick", "silver pick", and "pick" as silver sculpture. Instead of opening the drawer: If dial1 is true: if dial2 is true: if dial3 is true: if dial4 is true: say "Confident in the code, you pull the drawer out. With a loud click, it opens revealing the contents inside. A small silver sculpture in the shape of a pickaxe rests along side some dustbunnies. "; continue the action; Otherwise: say "You pull on the drawer but nothing happens. The combination must be wrong."; stop the action; Otherwise: say "You pull on the drawer but nothing happens. The combination must be wrong."; stop the action; Otherwise: say "You pull on the drawer but nothing happens. The combination must be wrong."; stop the action; Otherwise: say "You pull on the drawer but nothing happens. The combination must be wrong."; stop the action. dial1 is a truth state that varies. dial1 is false. dial2 is a truth state that varies. dial2 is false. dial3 is a truth state that varies. dial3 is false. dial4 is a truth state that varies. dial4 is false. dial is a kind of thing. Understand "set [something] to [number]" as setting the state of it to. Setting the state of it to is an action applying to one thing and one number. Understand "turn [something] to [number]" or "turn [something] to setting [number]" or "turn [something] to position [number]" or "adjust [something] to [number]" or "adjust [something] to position [number]" or "adjust [something] to setting [number]" as setting the state of it to. first dial is a dial in Roomy. current setting of the dial is a number variable. first dial is fixed in place. first dial is undescribed. current setting of the dial is 1. Instead of examining first dial: say "The first rotary dial has 10 numbers, 1 through 10. At the moment it's set to [current setting of the dial]." Every turn: if the current setting of the dial is 1: now dial1 is true. second dial is a dial in Roomy. current setting of the dial2 is a number variable. second dial is fixed in place. second dial is undescribed. current setting of the dial2 is 1. Instead of examining second dial: say "The second rotary dial has 10 numbers, 1 through 10. At the moment it's set to [current setting of the dial2]." Every turn: if the current setting of the dial2 is 4: now dial2 is true. third dial is a dial in Roomy. current setting of the dial3 is a number variable. third dial is fixed in place. third dial is undescribed. current setting of the dial3 is 1. Instead of examining third dial: say "The third rotary dial has 10 numbers, 1 through 10. At the moment it's set to [current setting of the dial3]." Every turn: if the current setting of the dial3 is 8: now dial3 is true. fourth dial is a dial in Roomy. current setting of the dial4 is a number variable. fourth dial is fixed in place. fourth dial is undescribed. current setting of the dial4 is 1. Instead of examining fourth dial: say "The fourth rotary dial has 10 numbers, 1 through 10. At the moment it's set to [current setting of the dial4]." Every turn: if the current setting of the dial4 is 3: now dial4 is true. Check setting the state of it to: if the noun is not a dial: say "You can't set [the noun] to a number." instead; if the number understood < 1: say "The lowest setting is 1." instead; if the number understood > 10: say "Sorry, the dial can only be set from 1 to 10." instead; otherwise: if the noun is first dial: now the current setting of the dial is the number understood; say "You turn the dial to [number understood]."; if the noun is second dial: now the current setting of the dial2 is the number understood; say "You turn the dial to [number understood]."; if the noun is third dial: now the current setting of the dial3 is the number understood; say "You turn the dial to [number understood]."; if the noun is fourth dial: now the current setting of the dial4 is the number understood; say "You turn the dial to [number understood]."