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Lil Lokkito
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"Kidnapper Creep" The Living Room is a room. "The Pedophile has Kidnapped your daughter and has her in his house. Go in and Find Her." The Stairs is room. The Stairs are west from The Living Room. "You can See the Pedophiles Room Up ahead" The Pedophiles room is a room. The Pedophiles room is north from The Stairs. " Wow there's a lot of creepy stuff in here. Look a cabinet." The cabinet is in the Pedophiles room. " This cabinet looks useless" A blue key is in the cabinet. After taking the blue key: Say " Hey I got the blue key I should go east" The Hall is a room. The Hall is east from The Pedophiles room. "Look at all these pictures of all these little girls.. This guy is a creep... I should keep going north or west or I don't know" The Bathroom is a room. The Bathroom is northwest from the Hall. " Man there's nothing in here............ (Boom) man someone closed this door on me and it appears to be Blue" The Blue door is a closed locked door. The blue key unlocks The Blue door. The Blue door is west from The Bathroom. After opening the Blue door: Say " Man this guy is good i should get out and keep looking for my daughter up north." The Attic Staircase is a room. The Attic Staircase are north from The Bathroom. " I'm guessing these stairs lead to an attic.. i should keep going up these stairs. Looks like that sign might be helpful. Should I look at it?" Here is a sign. The sign is fixed in place. The description of the sign is "If you ever find your daughter again its because she is dead...or keep going northeast at your own risk." The Rooftop is a room. The Rooftop is northeast from the Attic Staircase. After going to The Rooftop: Say "I finally found you love.... is that..... did you kill the Kidnapper honey? Actually who cares you are safe now." ; End the game in victory.