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Legacies v0.1
Loren M. Ziem
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"Legacies v0.1" by Loren Ziem [1.0: Global Rules.] Use the serial comma. Use American dialect. Use BRIEF room descriptions. The carrying capacity of the player is 3. Include Postures by Emily Short. Include Room Description Headings by Erwin Genstein. Include Simple Chat by Mark Tilford. Include Epistemology by Eric Eve. Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Include Conversation Framework by Eric Eve. When play begins: forbid exiting on zero. Rooms are usually posture-unfriendly. A container can be posture-friendly or posture-unfriendly. A container is usually posture-unfriendly. A supporter can be posture-friendly or posture-unfriendly. A supporter is usually posture-unfriendly. The environment suit is edible. cake is scenery on the environment suit. A drawer is a kind of container. A drawer can be locked or unlocked. A drawer is usually unlocked. Drawers are always openable. A drawer is usually closed. Rations is a number that varies. FadeTakes is a number that varies. Cleanliness is a number that varies. Cleanliness is 15. Negativity is a number that varies. Negativity is 0. A table is a kind of supporter. A table is always fixed in place. A table is usually scenery. The veneer table is a table. The veneer table can be used or unused. The Veneer Table is unused. The veneer table can be set or unset. The veneer table is unset. A photograph is a kind of thing. A bookbox is a kind of container. A bookbox is always closed and openable. Understand "ruined skylight" as skylight. Understand "light/lights/lighting" as "[LPlaceholder]". Understand "advanced" as the advanced tools. Understand "persona" as advanced tools. Understand "ration cake" or "nutrient cake" or "cake" or "cakes" or "rations" or "ration" or "ration cake" or "cakes" or "ration cakes" as "[cake]". Understand "stairs" or "stairway" as "[stairway]". Understand "suit persona" as advanced tools. A lamp is a kind of thing. Understand the lit property as describing a lamp. Understand "on" as lit. Understand "off" as unlit. A lamp is usually lit. After printing the name of a lit lamp, say "(on)". After printing the name of an unlit lamp, say "(off)". Understand "unlock [something]" as lockpicking. Lockpicking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "floorboards" as floor. Understand "tatters" as the debris on the floor. A bookshelf is a kind of supporter. A bookshelf is always fixed in place. A bookshelf is usually scenery. A desk is a kind of supporter. A desk is usually fixed in place. A thing can be large or small. A thing is usually small. Understand the large property as referring to a thing. Understand the small property as referring to a thing. A container can be big or little. A container is usually little. Understand the big property as referring to a container. Understand the little property as referring to a container. A supporter can be big or little. A supporter is usually big. Understand the little property as referring to a supporter. Understand the big property as referring to a supporter. Lawbook for Everyman is a thing. Lawbook for Everyman can be pristine, clean, or dirty. Lawbook for Everyman is pristine. Reading is an action applying to one thing and requiring light. Understand "read [something]" as reading. Understand "photo" or "image" or "picture" as a photograph. Instead of inserting something large into something little, say "[The noun] won't fit in [the second noun]." Instead of putting something large on something little, say "[The noun] won't fit on [the second noun]." Table of Conversation0 Topic Reply "light/lights" "[one of]You're spoiling all the adventure, you know. A mere five senses, and you only care for one.'[or]I knew you'd see things my way.'[cycling][paragraph break][one of]As the area seems to light up, you see an icon of an eye fade in to your visor, and then blink several times before disappearing. In a moment the shadows will be illuminated, and only a faint greenish glow -- to inform you that others may not see those areas -- will be left to show that they ever existed.[or]As the area darkens, you see an icon of an eye blink on your visor, and then fade away. The light enhancement fades from your visor's input, revealing the shadows once more.[cycling]" After asking the advanced tools about a topic listed in the Table of Conversation0: if the low-light vision is unlit: now the low-light vision is lit; say "'You're spoiling all the adventure, you know. A mere five senses, and you only care for one.'[paragraph break]As the area seems to light up, you see an icon of an eye fade in to your visor, and then blink several times before disappearing. In a moment the shadows will be illuminated, and only a faint greenish glow -- to inform you that others may not see those areas -- will be left to show that they ever existed." instead; if the low-light vision is lit: now the low-light vision is unlit; say "'I knew you'd see things my way.'[paragraph break]As the area darkens, you see an icon of an eye blink on your visor, and then fade away. The light enhancement fades from your visor's input, revealing the shadows once more." instead. Table of Conversation1 Topic Reply "light/lights" "[one of]You're spoiling all the adventure, you know. A mere five senses, and you only care for one.'[or]I knew you'd see things my way.'[cycling][paragraph break][one of]As the area seems to light up, you see an icon of an eye fade in to your visor, and then blink several times before disappearing. In a moment the shadows will be illuminated, and only a faint greenish glow -- to inform you that others may not see those areas -- will be left to show that they ever existed.[or]As the area darkens, you see an icon of an eye blink on your visor, and then fade away. The light enhancement fades from your visor's input, revealing the shadows once more.[cycling]" "ancients" "I don't understand you biologicals. Global annihilation seems so inconvenient." "committee" "This location was on the protected list until today. How does it feel to be the Restoration Committee administrator's pet?" "administrator" "Did you know the committee administrator was a founding member of the Restoration and Archeology Project?" "Restoration and Archeology Project" or "R&A" "[one of]I expect you could tell me more. You've been studying history and archeology for a quarter of your life. Then again, [italic type]I[roman type] have been to the ruins before. I must say, this location has suffered more damage than its constituent materials suggest it should have.[or]It will be interesting to see if you are made a full committee member at your age.[cycling]" "biological relations" "I'm glad to see you're keeping in good spirits. Do you think you'll pass the course?" "course/education/class/test" "I couldn't help you even if I would. Helping you cheat on a test would violate my warranty." "animal DNA" "I'm just curious. In a mechanical sense. It would further so many useful branches." "DNA" "I'm just curious. In a mechanical sense. It would further so many useful branches." "ash storm/storms" "Never been in one? They're nasty things -- I can't even use my radar in them." "radiation" "Pity about that. I still wonder how it started. Oh, you? No, you're fine for now." "sunlight" "I suppose the whole world was like this before the eruption. I wish I could have seen it myself." "food/hunger" "Take one of the ration cakes. I certainly won't miss them." "side/bruise" "[if stairway is in the antechamber]Hm? When was your last scheduled maintenance?[otherwise]My medical database delineates a hilarious prognosis." "breathe/breath" "How do I exhale? Mostly as you move around. It saves power and provides cushioning." "help" "Excruciatingly humorous, Occupant. Do feel free to ask me about things; I am blessed with little capacity for boredom." "weather" "Isn't it distressing to know that today's ash storms are only the result of an aftershock?" "Aftershock" "Is it difficult, as a biological, to imagine how a mere 850 cubic kilometers of volcanic ejecta could cause this?" "Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy" or "Tolstoy" or "Lev" "1828 -1920, Russian Empire. In works including [italic type]The Kingdom of God Is Within You[roman type], Tolstoy set forward anarchist ideas on pacifism and nonviolent resistance which would become a foundation for later revolutionaries including Mohandas Gandhi." "Gandhi" or "Mohandas" or "Mohandas Gandhi" "1869 -1948, India. Lawyer and political leader. A supporter of democratic anarchy, social revolution, and pacifism including what might have become the beginnings of our own 'weaponized nonviolence.' A celebrity in pre-N-A EV figures -- and I do hope you're only testing my general knowledge database." "Napoleonic Era" "One stratum of sociopolitical phases which lasted from1799 to 1815, particularly pertinent to France." "France" or "Italy" or "India" "[one of]I hope you're amusing yourself, Gnitaki. As a would-be committee member, I'll categorize further basic questions as grounds for medical scanning. And you've already had enough rads today.[or]If you need to return to your basic courses, or for medical assistance, please go back to PGS Prime before one of us gets injured.[or]I was joking about the medical scans and leaving the dig, but aren't you supposed to be a pre-N-A EV historian?[stopping]" "Auguste Rodin" or "Rodin" "[italic type]The Poet[roman type] was part of [italic type]The Gates of Hell[roman type], a colossal portal commissioned for a Parisian art museum. The theme Rodin chose was based upon a scene from Durante Alighieri's [italic type]Divine Comedy[roman type]. A common interpretation is that the figure, perched above the doors looking down, sits in contemplation of the fates of those who have been damned. Rodin spent most of his life on the larger work; it was never finished. Though his contract was for five years, I am curious if the musuem felt it was a sound investment anyhow." "Dante" or "Durante Alighieri" or "Durante" "Durante degli Alighieri: born 1265, died 1321, Italy. Though best known for his theological works of poetry, Dante was a political exile, whose life's greater goal in physicality was of a united rule for his nation. Though his vision showed little promise of realization during his flight from his homeland and his composition of the [italic type]Divine Comedy[roman type], the poem alludes to an ultimate constructive nature embedded in reality, while still, at existence's most vindictive side, harshly condemning traitors." "Divine Comedy" or "Divine" or "Dante's Inferno" "Durante degli Alighieri: born 1265, died 1321, Italy. Though best known for his theological works of poetry, Dante was a political exile, whose life's greater goal in physicality was united rule for his nation. Though his vision showed little promise of realization during his flight from his homeland and his composition of the [italic type]Divine Comedy[roman type], the poem alludes to an ultimate constructive nature embedded in reality, while still, at existence's most vindictive side, harshly condemning traitors." "N-AEV" or "NAEV" or "extinction event" "Only the second most discussed topic in all history, the Neogene-Anthropocene extinction event has been estimated to have cut Earth's marine genera by nearly 30% and terrestrial vertibrates by 60%, so far. Though not Earth's first biotic crisis caused [italic type]by[roman type] biotics, it is the first to be caused or amplified by warfare. May it redouble your efforts to know, occupant, that it may yet be the first extinction event to be [italic type]reversed[roman type], thanks to the timely actions of intrepid Restoration and Archeology members such as yourself." "extinction" or "N-A extinction event" or "pre-N-A" "Only the second most discussed topic in all history, the Neogene-Anthropocene extinction event has been estimated to have cut Earth's marine genera by nearly 40% and terrestrial vertibrates by 60%, so far. Though not Earth's first biotic crisis caused [italic type]by[roman type] biotics, it is the first to be caused or amplified by warfare. May it redouble your efforts to know, occupant, that it may yet be the first extinction event to be [italic type]reversed[roman type], thanks to the timely actions of intrepid Restoration and Archeology members such as yourself." "N-A EV" or "pre-N-A EV" or "pre-N-A Extinction" "Only the second most discussed topic in all history, the Neogene-Anthropocene extinction event has been estimated to have cut Earth's marine genera by nearly 40% and terrestrial vertibrates by 60%, so far. Though not Earth's first biotic crisis caused [italic type]by[roman type] biotics, it is the first to be caused or amplified by warfare. May it redouble your efforts to know, occupant, that it may yet be the first extinction event to be [italic type]reversed[roman type], thanks to the timely actions of intrepid Restoration and Archeology members such as yourself." "itself" "[one of]I may not be the latest model, but I have extensive knowledge of biological relations... Hey, that wasn't supposed to be an innuendo.[or]My personality simulation was developed for entertainment purposes. It was later incorporated in the suits and ships of interstellar reconnaissance teams to alleviate boredom and loneliness. [italic type]Theirs[roman type], I presume.[cycling]" Table of Conversation2 Topic Reply "[photograph]" "[if the restored picture is handled]'It was actually quite challenging to restore. And you're welcome.'[end if][if the player carries the faded photograph]'I may be able to restore this image. Would you place it in the R&A collection satchel?'[end if][if the faded photograph is in the large gray satchel]'I only need to strip the biologicals and detritus by impurity content -- adjusting for settling against the frame cavities -- and check the filtered optic assay reconstruction against the spectrometric tables of the dyes, then molecularly reassemble a physical copy of the original image for your sentimental convenience and sense of continuity and persistence. This shouldn't take long.'[end if][if the ruined photograph is handled]There is no reply... at first.[paragraph break]'My emotive routines recommend the silent treatment, but I'm predictably indifferent. Anyway, yes, the baryonic matter of the image itself was largely converted into ionized gas, and it is literally no more, unless you happen to be a cleverly disguised temporal quantum field analysis engine. I will have to [']develop['] my image restoration skills at some other time.'[end if]" After asking the advanced tools about a topic listed in the Table of Conversation1, say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds,[at random] '[reply entry]'[line break]" After asking the advanced tools about a topic listed in the Table of Conversation2, say "[reply entry][line break]" After quizzing the advanced tools about the metal box: if the metal box is not handled: say "It's a sealed metal box of unusual construction. I'd rather not bombard it with x-rays until I have some contact information.'"; if the player carries the metal box: say "Your computer extrudes a hairlike projection from your hand to the metal box, which forms a vacuum seal. The suit tools then drill a microscopic hole into the metal box to extend sensory fibers into its interior.[paragraph break]'It is a book. It's intact -- sealed in argon -- and it is [italic type]not[roman type] currently in the R&AP catalog! Congratulations occupant; you are now the proud owner of one 1886 edition of David Monrad Schøyen's [italic type]Lovbog for Hvermand: en Oversigt over den Amerikanske Civil - og Privatret[roman type]. And by 'you,' of course, I mean the Restoration and Archeology Project.'"; remove the metal box from play; now the player carries the argon case; now Lawbook for Everyman is in the argon case. After quizzing the advanced tools about the argon case: if the restored picture is handled: say "'From the specialized contents of the other bookshelf, the likely expense of this estate, the facial structures from the restored picture, and the subject of the book, the book was very likely a generational heirloom of the maternal side of the last legal occupants of this residence, and it is possible that the legal profession was also generational within the family.'"; if the restored picture is not handled: say "'This book was probably valuable. I hope radiocarbon dating in a proper facility proves it to be authentic.'". After quizzing the advanced tools about yourself: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random]'You're a fine occupant! Don't worry so much.'". After quizzing the advanced tools about the advanced tools: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random]'[one of]I may not be the latest model, but I have extensive knowledge of biological relations... Hey, that wasn't supposed to be an innuendo.[or]My personality was developed for entertainment purposes. It was later incorporated in the suits and ships of interstellar reconnaissance teams to alleviate boredom and loneliness. [italic type]Theirs[roman type], I presume.[cycling]'". After quizzing the advanced tools about the environment suit: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random]'I'm reading all functions as nominal. Do you need something I don't? Light or food, perhaps?'". After asking the advanced tools about "[cake]": say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random]'[If rations is 0]Hungry? The command [']eat suit['] ought to do it, silly as it sounds. [otherwise]Don't blame me! To me they all taste like a deep desire for maintenance.'[paragraph break]". After quizzing the advanced tools about cake: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random]'[If rations is 0]Hungry? The command [']eat suit['] ought to do it, silly as it sounds.[otherwise]Don't blame me! To me they all taste like a deep desire for maintenance.'[paragraph break]". After quizzing the advanced tools about the stairway: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random][if the wreckage of the stairs is in the antechamber]'I know! That was fun!'[otherwise]'Structural analysis: superlatively unstable.'[end if]". After quizzing the advanced tools about the wreckage of the stairs: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random][if the wreckage of the stairs is in the antechamber]'I know! That was fun!'[otherwise]'Structural analysis: superlatively unstable.'[end if]". After quizzing the advanced tools about the large gray satchel: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random]'The R&A collection satchel is operational. It can contain items which need special preservation, from delicate artifacts to the life support of small biologicals.'". After quizzing the advanced tools about the skylight: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random]'[if the player is in the antechamber]Analysis of the broken flooring between our position and the skylight suggests an impacting object which was slowed by the beams above and the stairway's central junction prior to its arrival here on the first floor. It was too large and not sufficiently massive to be a natural event; the object entered at a controlled velocity. A large refrigerator or safe dropped from a low-flying helicopter might be a good comparison.[otherwise]I can't make a proper analysis from this location.'". After quizzing the advanced tools about the deadbolt: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random]'I hazard the guess that this is the product of a breaching round, as employed by the ancients['] security forces, fired from outside the door. It is probable that the last legal owners of this residence were criminals.'" After quizzing the advanced tools about the floor: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random]'[If the player is in the Southern Main Hall]The floor of the hall to your north will not endure your traversal. I recommend finding an alternate route.'[otherwise]I see nothing greatly interesting there, occupant.'" After quizzing the advanced tools about the statuette: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random][one of]This statuette is a model of a statue cast by Auguste Rodin nearly five hundred years ago. It is known as [italic type]The Poet[roman type] or [italic type]The Thinker[roman type].[or]There are no hidden details on the statuette; no coded information in the glass impurities, no inscriptions.[cycling]" After quizzing the advanced tools about War & Peace: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random]One moment... this expansive, philosophical work by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy focuses on events historical and fictional through the Napoleonic Era. Its popular acclaim even today is in its representation of the human condition rather than its perspectives on once current issues. The edition is already filed with R&A, so the loss of the book is no major concern." After quizzing the advanced tools about Lawbook for Everyman: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random]I haven't read it. It needs proper containment -- [if Lawbook for Everyman is pristine]I recommend leaving it in the argon case[otherwise]the collection bag will do. It will be added to the virtual library when we return." After reading a command while the player is wearing the environment suit: If the player's command matches "say [LPlaceholder]": if the low-light vision is lit: now the low-light vision is unlit; say "As the area darkens, you see an icon of an eye blink on your visor, and then fade away. The light enhancement fades from your visor's input, revealing the shadows once more." instead; if the low-light vision is unlit: now the low-light vision is lit; say "As the area seems to light up, you see an icon of an eye fade in to your visor, and then blink several times before disappearing. In a moment the shadows will be illuminated, and only a faint greenish glow -- to inform you that others may not see those areas -- will be left to show that they ever existed." instead. Helptext is a truth state that varies. Helptext is false. Before reading a command while the turn count is 1: if Helptext is false: say "You may wish to read the 'help' documentation now."; now Helptext is true. Bagspace is a number that varies. Instead of taking inventory: if the number of things enclosed by player is 0, say "You are empty-handed." instead; say "You are carrying: [line break]"; list the contents of the player, with newlines, indented, not listing concealed items, giving inventory information, including contents, with extra indentation. Check lockpicking: if the noun is not lockable, say "There's no lock." instead; if the noun is unlocked, say "[The noun] is already unlocked." instead. Carry out lockpicking: say "'[one of]Hold your hand against [the noun][']s lock,' says your suit's computer.[paragraph break]You place your suited palm over the lock and wait. You shortly feel gentle tugging sensations tickling your palm as shapeshifting machinery is extruded into the lock from your environment suit to analyze and manipulate the locking mechanism. Several tinkling sounds come from the lock, followed by a click, and the absence of the pressure which helped hold your palm against the lock. You withdraw your hand and hold it up in fascination; there is a tiny gauze of weblike material, like the framework of girders in a miniature skyscraper, rising out of your palm. The structure glows red, then white, as ablative layers of the machinery are destroyed to prevent contamination of your suit by external materials. The ethereal tower retracts into your hand and disappears.[or]Hold your hand against [the noun][']s lock,' says your suit's computer.[paragraph break]You confidently place your fingertip against the keyhole. You soon feel a strange pressure helping hold your finger in place as the shapeshifting machinery is extruded into the lock. Several tinkling sounds come from the lock, followed by a click. You withdraw your fingertip from the lock to watch the tiny wisps of smoke rise from your finger as the ablative layers disintegrate.[or]You place your fingertip against the keyhole. Several tinkling sounds come from the lock, followed by a click, and the withdrawal of your fingertip from the lock. You grin, wondering what the ancients would think of your handy magic tricks.[or]You place your fingertip against the keyhole. Several tinkling sounds come from the lock, followed by a click.[stopping][line break][The noun] is now unlocked."; Now the noun is unlocked. After reading a command: if the player's command includes "please": say "'Begging will avail you naught, o Occupant; I know no mercy.'"; reject the player's command; if the player's command matches "help": say "[line break]Legacies - Alpha Version --- ADVISORY: this is a testing version. Some commands will not have the same effects as they will in the release version! As a tester, your powers include: leaving the house (where you will find an assortment of example items to do silly things with) and re-entering it, removing the environment suit, and hopping up floors with ease.[paragraph break]Welcome to Legacies, a post-apocalyptic archeological mystery game. If this is your first IF game, you should find a list of basic interactions here: http://pr-if.org/doc/play-if-card/[paragraph break]There have been some minor changes from basic IF gameplay. You have several essential non-standard tools at your disposal, and it's recommended that you use all of them. For example, you begin the game with one extremely important item which can be asked about almost everything. [paragraph break]Legacies is about investigation. Few objects will be in plain sight; most will have to be pried out of the environment in various ways. Merely using the 'l'ook command will not suffice. In most areas, you can look in the four -- or six, if you will -- cardinal directions: (n)orth, (e)ast, (s)outh, (w)est, (u)p, and (d)own. You will never need to look in the four extended (ne, sw, etc) directions unless something is indicated to be there (such as in the room description). Example: the command 'l s' will examine the area south of the character, including any obviously important details about the room to the south, if one is in sight.[paragraph break]E(x)amine everything. Do everything to everything (but only if it's what you want to do -- there are multiple endings, and you should not expect to be prohibited from doing something dangerous or destructive). If you can't examine an item you see described, it probably isn't important -- but do give it a couple tries with different terms.[paragraph break]The commands 'use,' 'tell,' and 'ask (person) for' are not used in this game. Almost anything you could want to do with them can be accomplished through 'ask (person) about (thing)'. [paragraph break]'Ask (someone) about' has been abbreviated to 'a.' Example: 'a suit' means 'ask (someone) about suit.'[paragraph break]Enjoy the game. Don't get hung up on mistakes; the 'bad' paths aren't going to stick you with a boring ending or an unwinnable game.[paragraph break]" instead. [DEBUG HELP TEXT] After reading a command: If the player is wearing the environment suit: if the player's command includes "ask suit": say "The suit itself does not respond; you must address its persona."; reject the player's command; if the player's command matches "a [LPlaceholder]": if the low-light vision is lit: now the low-light vision is unlit; say "'I knew you'd see things my way.'[paragraph break]As the area darkens, you see an icon of an eye blink on your visor, and then fade away. The light enhancement fades from your visor's input, revealing the shadows once more." instead; if the low-light vision is unlit: now the low-light vision is lit; say "'You're spoiling all the adventure, you know. A mere five senses, and you only care for one.'[paragraph break]As the area seems to light up, you see an icon of an eye fade in to your visor, and then blink several times before disappearing. In a moment the shadows will be illuminated, and only a faint greenish glow -- to inform you that others may not see those areas -- will be left to show that they ever existed." instead; if the player's command matches "ask [person] for [LPlaceholder]": if the low-light vision is lit: now the low-light vision is unlit; say "'I knew you'd see things my way.'[paragraph break]As the area darkens, you see an icon of an eye blink on your visor, and then fade away. The light enhancement fades from your visor's input, revealing the shadows once more." instead; if the low-light vision is unlit: now the low-light vision is lit; say "'You're spoiling all the adventure, you know. A mere five senses, and you only care for one.'[paragraph break]As the area seems to light up, you see an icon of an eye fade in to your visor, and then blink several times before disappearing. In a moment the shadows will be illuminated, and only a faint greenish glow -- to inform you that others may not see those areas -- will be left to show that they ever existed." instead; if the player's command matches "ask [person] about [stairway]": if the player is in the antechamber: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random][if the wreckage of the stairs is in the antechamber]'I know! That was fun!'[otherwise]'Structural analysis: superlatively unstable.'[end if]" instead; if the player's command matches "a [stairway]": if the player is in the antechamber: say "[one of]The suit persona chirps back,[or]The persona replies,[or]The advanced tools['] computer responds, [at random][if the wreckage of the stairs is in the antechamber]'I know! That was fun!'[otherwise]'Structural analysis: superlatively unstable.'[end if]" instead. [1.05: SMELL] Instead of smelling a noun: if the noun is the environment suit: say "Thankfully, the air purifiers on this model are powerful and reliable."; if the noun is yourself: say "Thankfully, the air purifiers on this model are powerful and reliable."; if the noun is mold: say "Chemical receptors in your suit inform you that the mold was not dangerous to the house's inhabitants, but naturally, your own immune system has a dangerously poor profile of it."; if the noun is the restored picture: say "It still has that new matter smell."; if the noun is the southern main hall: say "Your suit detects large amounts of plant and fungus particulates in the hall, as well as hightened water vapor." instead; if the noun is a room: say "Your suit's chemical receptors detect no unexpected airborne particles in the [noun]."; otherwise: say "Your suit's chemical receptors detect no unexpected aerial exudates from the [noun].". [1.1: The Player's Items: Self, Suit, Tools, Satchel, Nametag.] [1.1.1: Self] Check attacking yourself: if the player is wearing the suit, say "You doubt that your suit would allow you to deliberately inflict serious harm to yourself." instead; otherwise say "You're too nervous to beat yourself up right now." instead. Check examining yourself: if the player is wearing the suit and the player does not have the satchel, say "You are alive, and probably will stay that way during the near future. Your immediate second priority is that you seem to have dropped your committee-issued multispectral environment--generating carryall. It is an expensive article of high technology which is vital to your current activities as well as your educational and financial future." instead; if the player is wearing the suit and the player is wearing the satchel, say "You're an intrepid young student, dedicated and fortunate enough to have been given this opportinity. You're in good health, as far as you and your suit know, but that's liable to change if you stay here all day.[line break][line break] You must look strange inside your suit. You wonder what the people who lived here would think of you prowling through their house, pocketing their most beloved possessions." instead; if the player is carrying a large gray satchel and the player is wearing the suit, say "You're an intrepid young student, dedicated and fortunate enough to have been given this opportunity. You're in good health, as far as you and your suit know, but that's liable to change if you stay here all day.[line break][line break]You have your collection satchel with you. Perhaps you should wear it -- after all, the magnetic smart straps will make it easy to access the bag's contents." instead; if the player is not wearing the suit, say "You seem to have emerged intact from your adventure. Right now, you're more worried about how useful you made yourself." instead. Instead of telling yourself about something, say "[one of]You mumble about your odds of finding something worthwhile.[or]You curse a treacherous floorboard.[or]You reminisce to your suit personality about the time your older sibling found a beehive.[or]You don't have much to say. Talking about the ancients would be too depressing.[as decreasingly likely outcomes]" [1.1.2: Suit.] The player is wearing an environment suit. The environment suit is portable. The description of the environment suit is "You're covered head to toe by this radiation-shielded suit, which, while cumbersome, will allow you to stay here for a considerable amount of time. It is an aging utilitarian model, incapable of simulating complex environments, instead merely providing a bubble of survivable conditions around your body.[line break][line break]Your environment suit includes a suite of tiny advanced tools, which are fit for investigations in much more technologically inclined environments, and a controlling persona with rudimentary curiosity." Instead of taking off the environment suit: say "Though the suit is stifling and prevents you from taking in the ambient breeze --- which the suit's sensors assure you is cool and moist -- you are not so uncomfortable or so depressed by your environment that you would consider such a horrible death."; continue the action. [DEBUG COMMAND!] Check tasting something: if the noun is cake, say "You'd rather not. Come to think of it, they were probably designed to taste barely edible, to extend the life of the suit occupant during an emergency." instead; if the noun is player, say "You taste like saliva." instead; if the noun is advanced tools, say "No. Just no." instead; if the player is wearing an environment suit, say "Your suit does not support gustation of external objects. In retrospect, this might be for the best." instead. Instead of eating the environment suit: if Rations is at most four, say "You decide to order up a cake of rehydrated synthetic [one of]fungal fruit[or]chipped fish liver[or]homogenous proteins[or]yellow stuff[or]starch medley[in random order] from your suit. Within seconds, little tendrils in your helmet have broken the comestible into bits and thrown it gracefully into your open gob.[line break][line break][one of]It could have been worse.[or]You think you just ate the [italic type]opposite[roman type] of cake.[or]It eliminated your appetite, but you think it could have done so in a more polite way.[or]Hmm. It wasn't bad.[or]You're thankful to have recycled suit water to get the taste out of your mouth, but it lingers even after you've drank your fill.[in random order]"; if Rations is five, say "You've exhausted your rations. If the suit's next occupant is lucky, someone will forget to restock them."; if Rations is six, say "You've exhausted your rations. If the suit's next occupant is lucky, someone will forget to restock them."; if Rations is at least seven, say "You fear the taste of the [one of]fungal fruit[or]chipped fish liver[or]homogenous proteins[or]yellow stuff[or]starch medley[in random order] has begun to grow on you... in one way or another."; increment rations. Instead of eating or taking cake: if rations is at most four, say "You decide to order up a cake of rehydrated synthetic [one of]fungal fruit[or]chipped fish liver[or]homogenous proteins[or]yellow stuff[or]starch medley[in random order] from your suit. Within seconds, little tendrils in your helmet have broken the comestible into bits and thrown it gracefully into your open gob.[paragraph break][one of]It could have been worse.[or]You think you just ate the opposite of cake.[or]It eliminated your appetite, but you think it could have done so in a more polite way.[or]It wasn't bad.[or]You're thankful to have recycled suit water to get the taste out of your mouth.[in random order]"; if Rations is five, say "You've exhausted your rations. If the suit's next occupant is lucky, someone will forget to restock them."; if Rations is six, say "You've exhausted your rations. If the suit's next occupant is lucky, someone will forget to restock them."; if Rations is at least seven, say "You fear the taste of the [one of]fungal fruit[or]chipped fish liver[or]homogenous proteins[or]yellow stuff[or]starch medley[in random order] has begun to grow on you... in one way or another."; increment rations. Instead of doing something other than eating or taking or tasting with the cake: say "You can't see any such thing." Instead of putting cake on something, say "You can't see any such thing." Check eating something: if the player is wearing an environment suit, say "Even if you felt like overriding the safties, cycling the radioactive [noun] through the filters, and having the helmet's little robotic arms helpfully stuff it down your gullet, the [noun] is not your idea of yummy." instead. Instead of tasting the suit, say "You lick one of the tiny, coiled nutrient delivery arms. It blushes.[paragraph break]... Well, in your mind. You really have better things to do than court your environment suit." Every turn when a random chance of 1 in 30 succeeds: if the player is wearing the suit, say "[one of]Your suit's persona chirps, 'Do you think we'll find more animal DNA?'[or]Only the intermittent breeze and the sounds of your own exertions fill the air.[or]You're getting hungry. Your suit should have been stocked with nutrient cakes.[or]The ghosts of the past take on a benthic pressure here. Why couldn't you be there to help when they needed it?[or]Your suit's persona chirps, 'There's an ash storm a few degrees [one of]south[or]west[at random], but we aren't in its path.'[or]Your environment suit is in contact with your skin. All of it, and at all times. It feels stifling in an intimate and disconcerting way, and the suit smells strongly of nothing.[then at random]" Every turn when a random chance of 1 in 15 succeeds: if the player is wearing the suit, say "[one of]You hear a quiet hiss and feel a slight change in your suit's tension as it draws a breath, bringing new air into its decontamination and compression chambers.[or]You hear a soft hiss as your suit draws a breath.[or]You hear a quiet hiss as your suit draws a breath.[or]As your suit takes a breath, it occurs to you for a moment how heavy the suit is -- a weight offset as much by its movement assisting mechanisms as by your own muscles.[then at random]" Every turn while Lawbook for Everyman is clean: If Cleanliness is 1: now Lawbook for Everyman is dirty; If Lawbook for Everyman is not inside the large gray satchel: decrease Cleanliness by 1. The advanced tools are plural-named scenery people on the suit. "Arrays of minuscule, interlinked, shape-shifting gadgetries, invisible to the naked eye in most of their active or inactive states, are built into your environment suit. You don't imagine you'll be using them for many of the complicated assays and investigations for which they were designed, but they may stoop to such a mundane task as picking a lock for you --- if you ask the controlling persona nicely." Instead of taking the advanced tools, say "You cannot easily physically manipulate the flowing, shape-shifting layer of machinery built into your environment suit. Furthermore, removing it from the suit is the worst idea that has ever occurred to you, as you would effectively be buried alive, immobile and suffocating, as the suit locks into rigidity and ceases its functions." Instead of attacking the advanced tools, say "'Punching yourself in the arms is unseemly stress relief. Please allow me instead to submit a formal complaint about myself to my manufacturer.'" Instead of kissing the advanced tools, say "It proves difficult.[line break][line break]'If you like, I could relay your satisfaction with my design to a customer relations department.'" Instead of touching or smelling the advanced tools, say "Even if it were possible, it almost certainly wouldn't be worth the snark bombardment." The advanced tools carries a low-light vision. A low-light vision is a lamp. The low-light vision is scenery. The low-light vision is unlit. Instead of doing anything other than examining or taking with the low-light vision, say "It's a voice-activated suit component. It is not user servicable in any sense of the words." [1.1.4: Satchel.] The player is wearing a large gray satchel. The large gray satchel is large. The satchel is the player's holdall. The carrying capacity of a large gray satchel is 15. Understand "bag" as a large gray satchel. The large gray satchel is open and not openable. The description of the satchel is "This heavy composite cylindrical container -- 'bag,' as you've affectionately named it -- was assigned to you and temporarily emblazoned with your name by the committee.[line break]It is a symbol of the trust that has been placed in you. It is nearly indestructible, and thanks to its internal computer system guiding its shock absorption, it confers this durability to its contents somewhat reliably. It makes up in durability and roominess for what it lacks in comfort and pliability. It is currently secured to your suit by its magnetic tethers. Within the complicated lighter-weight material of its inner folds, you can see what you've collected so far." Check examining the satchel: if the player is wearing the large gray satchel: say "This heavy composite cylindrical container, assigned to you and temporarily emblazoned with your name by the committee, is a symbol of the trust that has been placed in you. It is nearly indestructible, and thanks to its internal computer system guiding its shock absorption, it confers this durability to its contents somewhat reliably. It makes up in durability and roominess for what it lacks in comfort and pliability. It is currently secured to your suit by its magnetic tethers. Within the complicated lighter-weight material of its interior compartments, you can see:[line break] [list of things in the satchel].[paragraph break]"; if the number of things enclosed by the large gray satchel is less than 15: let N be the number of things in the large gray satchel; let bagspace be 15 minus N; say "[Bagspace] empty partitions remain in the collection satchel." instead; if the number of things enclosed by the large gray satchel is 15: say "All partitions of the collection satchel are filled." instead. Instead of touching the satchel, say "The satchel's material feels rough and unyielding." Instead of taking off the large gray satchel: say "You detach the environment generating container from its magnetic anchors.[if the number of things in the satchel is greater than 8]Suddenly you feel a little lighter, and the bag feels quite heavy.[otherwise]Suddenly you feel a little lighter, and it feels a little heavier."; now the player is carrying the large gray satchel. Instead of wearing the large gray satchel: say "You snap the bag back onto its anchors[if the number of things in the satchel is greater than 8], and try not to feel too encumbered as its weight is disributed tactfully over your body.[otherwise]."; If the faded photograph is in the satchel: say "Your computer says, 'I will attempt to restore some information to this image, Occupant. Give me some time to work with it.'"; The Image is Restored in 15 turns from now; now the player is wearing the satchel. [1.1.5: Nametag] The emblazoned name is scenery on the environment suit. Check examining the emblazoned name: If the player has the satchel, say "Your name looks good on the Restoration and Archeology Society's logo. With luck, you could be seeing it there for some time." instead; if the player does not have the satchel, say "Your name is on the satchel, which you will soon need to find if you intend to ogle your name on the committee's logo at any time in the future." instead. Understand "logo" as the emblazoned name. Instead of taking the emblazoned name, say "You suppose you could use your suit's tools to scalp the golden logo from the satchel as a keepsake of your then-failed endeavor, but your obvious egotism may be better fueled by success." [1.1.9: Play Begins] When play begins, say "Rain and algae squelch under your rubbery boots as you walk north into the house, finding yourself in a spacious antechamber, which has been robbed of its once-great majesty by so many forms of entropy and enthalpy. Broken picture frames adorn the walls, and the floor is coated in debris which was once the possessions of this home's occupants --- both owners and squatters. [paragraph break]You hope you can find something of worth here.[line break][line break]" [1.2.0: Regions] The House is a region. The first story is a region. The First Story is in The House. The Basement is a region. The Basement is in The House. The Second Story is a region. The Second Story is in The House. The Attic is a region. The Attic is in the House. The Roof is a region. The Roof is in the house. Check examining down: if the player is in the antechamber, say "Sections of several heavy supporting beams from the attic's floor lay here amid discolored, soggy clumps of insulation.[paragraph break]'The beams seem to have broken [italic type]before[roman type] they decayed, Occupant.'" instead; if the player is in the first story, say "Your suit's thick boots stir pools of sunlight and rainwater as you pace the debris-covered rooms. Though most of the flooring is rotten, you're reasonably sure you're in no danger of falling into the basement." instead. [1.2.1: The First Story] The antechamber is in the first story. The Southern main hall is in the first story. The Study is in the First Story. The Office is in the First Story. The debris on the floor is a backdrop in the first story. "Tatters of what might have been family pictures, children's drawings, and junk mail are strewn throughout the rooms['] floors; they are indecipherable and useless, nearly dust." Instead of putting something on the debris on the floor, try dropping the noun. Understand "tatters" as the debris on the floor. [1.2.2: The Antechamber] The Antechamber is a room."You are in the antechamber. Sunlight and a weak drizzle of rain filter down from the shattered attic skylight, worming through the broken beams of the ceiling to form pools on the floor. [if stairway is in the antechamber]The stairway to the second floor has collapsed, leaving patches of rotting timbers to the northeast and northwest.[otherwise]The main stairway to the second floor is now little more than a painful memory.[end if][line break][line break][if the low-light vision is unlit]In the dim light coming in from the skylight, y[otherwise]Y[end if]ou can see that the hall is to the north, the dining room is west, and the living room is east. The wooden double doors to the south lead back outside." The skylight is scenery in the antechamber. "High above you, through a hole in the timbers of the attic floor, you see a ruined skylight, which has been transformed into a ragged hole in the roof. Droplets of rain, along with weak beams of sunlight -- a rare spectacle enjoyed by this location -- are pouring through the skylight's broken panes and dilapidated framework." The stairway is scenery in the Antechamber. "Frayed planks held precariously by metal brackets, columns broken like giant pikes, and an abundance of rotten wood define this area of the antechamber." Check examining up: if the player is in the antechamber, say "High above you, through a hole in the timbers of the attic floor, you see a ruined skylight, which has been transformed into a ragged hole in the roof. Weak beams of sunlight, a rare spectacle enjoyed by this location, are pouring through the skylight's broken panes and dilapidated framework." instead. The broken deadbolt is portable scenery. "[if the player has handled the broken deadbolt]This lock was smashed nearly free of its housing long before you arrived. The bolt has been severed; the steel bar that once would have held the great doors firmly closed is now shrapnel.[otherwise]You can't see much from here, except that the lock has been violently unpurposed." Instead of examining south in the antechamber: say "You see before you the great double doors of the house: half-broken, half-rotten, and still imposing.[paragraph break]"; if the broken deadbolt is unfamiliar: say "Something about the locks strikes your curiosity; their brassy casings are bent, and the locking bolts are snapped in half. Though the doorknob is still somewhat securely fastened to the doors, the broken deadbolt looks like it could be taken for a closer examination with ease."; now the broken deadbolt is in the antechamber; now the broken deadbolt is familiar. Instead of examining north in the antechamber, say "You see the entrance to the house's arched main hall ahead, framed on all sides by the [if the stairway is in the antechamber]remains of the divided stairway.[otherwise]rubble of the stairs.[end if][line break]The hall is dark[if the low-light vision is lit], though you can see it perfectly well[end if], and nearly unreachable through the broken rafters piled before it." Instead of examining west in the antechamber, say "The western area of the antechamber is barren, aside from discolored flooring, shreds of peeling paint, and blotchy drywall. The broad, arched entryway to the dining room lies ahead. It seems to be one of the less damaged areas." Report going north from the Antechamber: say "You squeeze carefully through the splintered beams and into the damp gloom of the hallway." The faded photograph is a photograph. The description of the faded photograph is "You can see a few dark shapes through the mildew. The image appears to be nearly blank. It best resembles an inkblot -- perhaps an M, or a butterfly." Instead of inserting the faded photograph into the large gray satchel: If the player is wearing the satchel: say "Your computer says, 'I will attempt to restore some information to this image, Occupant. Give me some time to work with it.'"; The Image is Restored in 15 turns from now; Now the faded photograph is in the large gray satchel; If the player is not wearing the satchel: say "'I can't work on the photograph without physical connections between the suit and the R&A bag.'"; Now the faded photograph is in the satchel. Check taking the faded photograph: If the faded photograph is in the large gray satchel: If FadeTakes is 1: say "Against your suit persona's protests, you reach through the R&A collection bag to grab the photo from its mechanical cocoon. Just before you touch the photograph, you hear a muffled pop. Through the conveniently transparing high-tech fabric, you watch as the faded photograph between your fingers combusts in a brilliant white light. It is immediately extinguished by the satchel's failsafes, which encase the object within resilient expanding foam; it happens almost as quickly as the popping noise reaches your ears through your suit's aural proxies.[paragraph break]As you remove the ruined photograph from the bag, you hear a sigh from the suit persona."; Remove the faded photograph from play; Now the ruined photograph is carried by the player; If FadeTakes is 0: say "'It isn't ready yet, Occupant. I've never done this before; it's fun, in a mechanical data-compiling sort of way.'"; Increment FadeTakes; stop the action. The ruined photograph is a photograph. The description of the ruined photograph is "This rough beige wafer of fire-retardant foam was once a high quality photo. After restful centuries of aging within its glass tomb, it was extracted, subjected to the first half of a jerry-rigged experimental spectrometry process, exposed to an unintended electromagnetic bombardment which lit it up like so much oxidized magnesium, then sealed in an abraisive shell of carbon compounds. It must be among the most worthless things you have ever seen." At the time when the Image is Restored: If the faded photograph is in the large gray satchel: say "Your computer pipes in, using a more proud tone of voice than any simple emotion simulating construct ought to possess. 'Occupant, I've finished restoring the photograph.'[paragraph break]"; Remove the faded photograph from play; Now the restored picture is in the satchel; Now the restored picture is handled. The restored picture is a photograph. The description is "This restored picture, through its flat, smoothed details, shows a family of three, professionally posed, in the height of pre-N-A extinction event finery. The elder two, presumably couple and antecedent, each hold one arm of their infant, supporting him as he stands upon a chair. The faces of the family stand out against their simple clothing; their grins, distracted eyes, flushed cheeks, and natural postures tell a story more personal, profound, and enduring than their time-worn traditional backdrops." Instead of examining east in the antechamber for the first time: say "The living room lies to the east. The floorboards there are especially worn, and several are missing.[paragraph break]On the wall beside the arched portal to the living room are several framed photographs. One seems nearly intact and relatively undamaged by microbial infiltration or water, but the image is faded and gone.[paragraph break]You can see a faded photograph here."; Now the faded photograph is in the antechamber. Instead of examining east in the antechamber, say "The living room lies to the east. The floorboards there are especially worn, and several are missing." Instead of examining northwest in the antechamber, say "[if the stairway is in the antechamber]Frayed planks held precariously by metal brackets, columns broken like giant pikes, and an abundance of rotten wood define this area of the antechamber.[otherwise]There's almost nothing left above waist height. The stairs are gone. Let them go." Instead of examining northeast in the Antechamber, say "[if the stairway is in the antechamber]Frayed planks held precariously by metal brackets, columns broken like giant pikes, and an abundance of rotten wood define this area of the antechamber.[otherwise]There's almost nothing left above waist height. The stairs are gone. Let them go." Instead of taking the broken deadbolt: If the broken deadbolt has not been handled: say "You tug gently at the lock. It tumbles into your hands as its last screw leaves the door's rusted, bent metal supports."; now the broken deadbolt is not scenery; Continue the action. Instead of jumping in the antechamber, say "Your environment suit lacks the extensions to propel you to the second floor. You'll have to find another way to reach it." [1.2.3: The Ruined Stairway] The Ruined Stairway is a room. The Ruined Stairway is northwest from the antechamber. The Ruined Stairway is northeast from the antechamber. The Ruined Stairway is up from the antechamber. The wreckage of the stairs is a scenery supporter. The wreckage of the stairs allows reclining. The wreckage of the stairs has carrying capacity 0. The description of the wreckage of the stairs is "There's almost nothing left above waist height. The stairs are gone. Let them go." Instead of going to The Ruined Stairway the first time, say "Two steps and three handholds into your attempt to climb the ruined stairway, the remains of a stair cumble under your foot, sending you back where you started. It's a soft landing; you only made it about one foot from the ground. There's still another possible climbing route left on the stairs, although it looks difficult." Instead of going to The Ruined Stairway the second time: say "Resolved to access the second story at once, you find a few spots still willing to support your weight and begin climbing again. It's almost too easy this time. When you are a dozen feet from the ground, nearly close enough to jump to the second floor landing, a deep retching sound comes from the wood below you. You attempt to jump, and the added pressure on the brackets folds the column you were braced against at a 90-degree angle on top of you. You crash toward the floor, along with most of the rest of the stairs.[paragraph break]You manage to push yourself away from the heavy beam that would have landed on you, but ten feet downward and one plank to the face later, you land flank first squarely on the pointy sheared tip of the thick wooden column which used to support the outer, upper curve of the stairs. Your suit becomes skin-tight and rigid, shielding you from being run through before you can even register your predicament. Against your full body weight and the suit's suddenly unyielding material, the pointed tip of the water-damaged support splatters more than splinters, sending a spray of wood chips through the antechamber. With the threat diminished, the suit alters its pliability in an instant, flexing your body for you as you collide with the post, spreading the impact over you in a fraction of a second.[paragraph break]You lie in the ruins of the stairs for a moment, wondering where you're hurt worst. Your head didn't fare exceptionally well; it's a sign that you nearly exceeded your suit's abilities to keep you alive. You wonder what the other students would say if they could see you now."; Now the wreckage of the stairs is in the antechamber; Remove the stairway from play; The Side Hurts in three turns from now; Increment Negativity; Move the player to the wreckage of the stairs, without printing a room description. Instead of going to the Ruined Stairway at least three times, say "There's almost nothing left above waist height. The stairs are gone. Let them go." Instead of exiting from the wreckage of the stairs for the first time, say "Ouch. Try getting up again, slowly now..." At the time when the Side Hurts: say "You absently attempt to rub your side, then yank your hand away when you contact the offended area; it really smarts. You're sure your suit persona could tell you that you have an impressive bruise. [if the turn count is less than 30]This isn't the best start to your endeavor, but at least you aren't seriously injured." [1.2.4: the front door] The wooden double doors are an open door. The description is "These wooden double doors, nearly twice your height, lead to the exterior of the estate." The wooden double doors are south of the antechamber. The wooden double doors are scenery. Instead of closing the wooden double doors: if the player is in the Antechamber: say "You have little reason to shut out the light, and in the event of a structural failure, you may find yourself wishing to leave in a great hurry.". Front Doors, Leave the House, and Turn From Doors are chat nodes. Instead of going south from the Antechamber: run a conversation from Front Doors. Carry out finding responses to Front Doors: link to Leave the House; link to Turn from Doors. Report giving text for Front Doors: instead say "You stand before the great double doors of the estate. They are still impressive, even discolored, mildewed, and hanging half-open as they are now. The sunlight peeking through the cracks in their paneling somehow reminds you of how much here has gone horribly, dangerously wrong. You feel that if you leave now for the comfort of the outdoors and the promising proximity of safety -- where you can at last bid your suit farewell and return to scratching your own itches -- you may not be able to persuade yourself to return to these lonely, radiation-baked environs." Report giving link to Leave the House: say "[If the number of things in the large gray satchel is less than 8]Leave the house with what little you have.[otherwise if the number of things in the large gray satchel is less than 15]Leave the house with what you have.[otherwise if the number of things in the large gray satchel is 15]Leave the house with the items you've collected." instead. Report giving link to Turn From Doors: say "Turn from the doors and continue your exploration." instead. Report giving text for Turn From Doors: instead say "You tear your eyes from the sun, the rain, the sparse patches of grass, and the promise of returning to your life. [if the number of things in the large gray satchel is less than 15]You know that you have more to do here.[otherwise]". [1.2.5: The Southern Main Hall] North of the Antechamber is the Southern Main Hall. West of the Southern Main Hall is a door called the Study Door. The Study Door is a locked scenery door. The Study Door is closed. The SMH Floor is a privately-named thing. The SMH Floor can be unbroken, badly collapsed, or collapsed. The SMH Floor is unbroken. The southern main hall is a room. The description of the southern main hall is "[if the low-light vision is lit]Paint chips and detritus from the hall's ceiling litter the floor here, forming a chaotic lattice with the thick strata of moss which grows through them. The spongy green moss is holding the debris in place against the breezes and trickles of water, and the debris in turn seems to be providing the moss with an intricate surface on which to grow.[paragraph break]Strands of insulation and frayed wires, dotted with algae and water, hang down from the ceiling at each support beam, like a series of slimy beaded curtains.[otherwise]Thick squishing and sucking sounds emante from your feet as you try to discern your surroundings in the darkness. You hope against rationality that your eyes find some way to adjust even further to compensate.[paragraph break]Unseen objects brush against your shoulders." Rule for printing the locale description of the Southern Main Hall: If the low-light vision is unlit, say "You see nothing at your feet but the thick shadows of the fallen timbers to the south."; If the low-light vision is lit: now all things are unmarked for listing; now all things in the Southern Main Hall are marked for listing; now yourself is unmarked for listing; now the moss is unmarked for listing; now all doors are unmarked for listing; now the debris on the floor is unmarked for listing; if at least one thing is marked for listing: say "You can see "; list the contents of the southern main hall, not listing concealed items, listing marked items only, as a sentence; say " here.". Instead of taking something in the Southern Main Hall: if the player encloses the noun: continue the action instead; If the low-light vision is unlit: say "[one of]You know [the noun] should be here, but all you can feel is something rough and slimy.[or]As you fumble in the darkness looking for [the noun], something brushes your face. You recoil in horrified surprise.[or]The interior of your suit's gloves feel disconcertingly slimy; the tacticle simulation is uncanny. You pause your search for [the noun] to wipe your hands on your thighs, signaling to the suit that you wish it to run a cleaning program on the external sides of the gloves. Moments later, your hands feel clean again.[cycling]"; If the low-light vision is lit: continue the action. Instead of examining west in the Southern Main Hall: If the low-light vision is unlit: say "You see darkness in that direction."; If the low-light vision is lit and the Study Door is closed: say "You see a closed door."; If the low-light vision is lit and the Study Door is open: say "The windowless room is dark, though its contents are revealed to you. You can see piles of items in the corners." Instead of examining up in the Southern Main Hall: if the low-light vision is unlit: say "You see darkness in that direction."; if the low-light vision is lit: say "You see the ceiling. A couple boards are sagging and dripping with water, and it's encrusted with mold. It's in a bad way, but it looks like it'll hold for now." Instead of opening the Study Door: if the study door is locked: say "The doorknob doesn't turn. It appears to be locked from the inside.[paragraph break]'Occupant, I can unlock this. For your convenience, the vocal command is [']unlock['].'"; if the study door is unlocked: say "You press against the warped frame of the door in several different ways, each time hearing groans and a few alarming sharp cracks from the floor underneath you, before you realize that the door frame is the only really solid area nearby. You lean sideways in the door frame, with your feet in its hinged corner and your shoulder just below the doorknob. With a deep breath preceeding the attempt, you shove the doorknob upward and outward from your body, and the door at last swings open."; Now the Study Door is open. Instead of closing the Study Door: if the player is in the Study: say "You have no reason or desire to seal yourself in this musty and structurally questionable room."; if the player is in the Southern Main Hall: say "[if the Squatters' Remains are familiar]You feel a strange desire to protect the poor forms huddled in the corner, but the warped door defies your attempts to respect the sanctity of the tomb.[otherwise]The frame is badly warped, and you might need to come back. You decide it's not worth the bother.". Instead of examining north in the Southern Main Hall: If the low-light vision is unlit: say "You see darkness in that direction."; If the low-light vision is lit: say "The green auras over your vision intensify as you peer north, then fade back into a full color view as you suit begins supplying more photons to the environment. There are two doors farther north in the hall, and a large irregular shape beyond them which blocks the hallway.[if the SMH Floor is unbroken][line break]The floorboards ahead are very rotten, and sag dangerously. In several places, the boards are cracked through, and hang at angles."; if the SMH floor is unfamiliar: Now the SMH Floor is familiar instead; If the SMH Floor is familiar: If the SMH Floor is unbroken: say "[paragraph break]The floor to the north looks unstable."; If The SMH Floor is badly collapsed: say "[paragraph break]Just looking at it makes your head hurt. You can see no simple way to cross the gap; a running jump would most likely cause further collapses."; If the SMH Floor is collapsed: say "[paragraph break]The floor north of you is broken. It does not appear as though you can cross it on foot.". Instead of going north in the Southern Main Hall for the first time: If the low-light vision is lit: If the SMH Floor is familiar: say "You carefully tread north, feeling out the edges of the more stable floorboards before testing them with your weight. It's no use; halfway to the less damaged side of the hall's waterlogged mossy patch, the boards you thought were safest splinter under you and begin to break. You have time to brace your nerves for the fall, and you manage to keep your balance as the floor gives out from under you, dropping you into the basement.[paragraph break]Prepared for the worst, you land on your feet and roll through the shower of moldy splinters and insulation from above. The fall was shorter than you expected, and your suit barely had to absorb any of the impact. Despite the damage to the ancient house, you're somewhat proud of how you handled yourself."; Now the SMH Floor is collapsed; Now the player is in The Basement1; [DEBUG: ADD BASEMENT ROOMS] If the SMH Floor is unfamiliar: say "You walk north. Almost as soon as you recognize the bouncing sensation of the floorboards bending up and down under you, a deep woody gagging noise resounds through the hall, as though the house was choking on you and was about to disgorge you. As the feeling of weightlessness disorients you, you spin, attempting to catch some solid object, a floor support beam perhaps, to stop your fall. You do indeed catch one, as you fall backward; to the back of your head. Your suit constricts uncomfortably tight in the instant before the impact, flowing and stiffening to spread the force out. The impact of the beam feels as though a giant had slapped your entire posterior surface with a flyswatter. You shout in surprise and frustration as you tumble into the basement.[paragraph break]Your first impression of the basement floor is an unpleasant one, as your environment suit snaps your arm out, forcefully and at an angle you would never yourself have moved it, to prevent you from landing on your head. The suit tightens again, squeezing the breath out of you and forcing you into a short and awkward roll.[paragraph break]As you lie on the basement floor catching your breath, y[if the wreckage of the stairs is in the antechamber]you curse the ancients['] shoddy designs. It hasn't even been four hundred years since the cataclysm began, and already this -- this gigantic, expensive status symbol, big enough to be a community center -- is a deathtrap. You know they had the ability to build enduring, advanced structures, but twice now you've been subject to the failure of simple materials, likely the product of heating energy conservation, which would not even be needed in a more reasonably-sized domicile.[paragraph break]Y[end if]ou survey your new basement surroundings."; Now the SMH Floor is badly collapsed; Increment Negativity; Now the player is in The Basement1; [DEBUG BASEMENT] If the low-light vision is unlit: say "You stumble north with your hands ahead of you, clearing the unseen creepers away from your face. Almost as soon as you recognize the bouncing sensation of the floorboards bending up and down under you, a deep woody gagging noise resounds through the hall, as though the house itself were choking on you and was about to disgorge you. As the feeling of weightlessness disorients you, you spin, attempting to catch some solid object, a floor support beam perhaps, to stop your fall. You do indeed catch one, as you fall backward; to the back of your head. Your suit constricts uncomfortably tight in the instant before the impact, flowing and stiffening to spread the force out. The impact of the beam feels as though a giant had slapped your entire posterior surface with a flyswatter. You shout in surprise and frustration as you tumble into the basement.[paragraph break]Your first impression of the basement floor is an unpleasant one, as your environment suit snaps your arm out, forcefully and at an angle you would never yourself have moved it, to prevent you from landing on your head. The suit tightens again, squeezing the breath out of you and forcing you into a short and awkward roll.[paragraph break]As you lie on the basement floor catching your breath, y[if the wreckage of the stairs is in the antechamber]you curse the ancients['] shoddy designs. It hasn't even been four hundred years since the cataclysm began, and already this -- this gigantic, expensive status symbol, big enough to be a community center -- is a deathtrap. You know they had the ability to build enduring, advanced structures, but twice now you've been subject to the failure of simple materials, likely the product of heating energy conservation, which would not even be needed in a more reasonably-sized domicile.[paragraph break]Y[end if]ou wonder how you will find your way in the pitch blackness of the basement."; Now the SMH Floor is badly collapsed; Increase Negativity by 2; Now the player is in The Basement1. [DEBUG BASEMENT] NegatFall is a truth state that varies. NegatFall is false. Instead of going north in the Southern Main Hall for more than one time: If the low-light vision is unlit: say "[one of]You stumble through the hole in the floor, shouting and cursing all the way. You miraculously land without physical injury, but your confidence is not as fortunate.[or]Wary of the hole somewhere ahead in the darkness, you slide forward on your butt, feeling for the hole with your feet; upon finding it, and painstakingly searching in vain for a solid area by which to cross the gap, you give up and drop down.[or]You sigh in despondence as you blindly walk to the familiar pit, not caring to push the strange tendrils out of your face. You tap the floor ahead with your foot as you move, and when you find nothing under it to tap, you turn, grab the last solid board you can find, and drop yourself down into the basement.[stopping]"; if NegatFall is false: increment Negativity; now NegatFall is true; If the low-light vision is lit: say "You carefully navigate the creaking and broken floorboards to the edge of the collapsed section of the hall, and lower yourself down into the basement."; Now the player is in The Basement1. [DEBUG BASEMENT] Instead of going down in the Southern Main Hall: if the SMH floor is unbroken: if the SMH Floor is familiar: say "[if the stairway is in the antechamber]Feeling a bit guilty at first, y[otherwise]Y[end if]ou stomp on the floor ahead of you, testing out strong and weak areas, sending many floorboards down into the basement. The hole quickly becomes large enough to fit through, whereupon you lower yourself down into the basement."; now the player is in The Basement1; [DEBUG BASEMENT] if the SMH Floor is unfamiliar: say "You can't go that way."; otherwise: if the low-light vision is unlit: say "[one of]You stumble through the hole in the floor, shouting and cursing all the way. You miraculously land without physical injury, but your confidence is not as fortunate.[or]Wary of the hole somewhere ahead in the darkness, you slide forward on your butt, feeling for the hole with your feet; upon finding it, and painstakingly searching in vain for a solid area by which to cross the gap, you give up and drop down.[or]You sigh in despondence as you walk up blindly to the familiar pit, not caring to push the strange tendrils out of your face. You tap the floor ahead with your foot as you move, and when you find nothing under it to tap, you turn, grab the last solid board you can find, and drop yourself down into the basement.[stopping]"; if the low-light vision is lit: say "You lower yourself down into the basement."; now the player is in The Basement1. [DEBUG BASEMENT] Instead of examining down in the Southern Main Hall: If the low-light vision is unlit: say "You see nothing at your feet but the thick shadows of the fallen timbers to the south."; If the low-light vision is lit: say "You see piles of paint chips and bits of the rotting ceiling enmeshed in a thick carpet of vivid green moss.". The moss is scenery in the Southern Main Hall. Instead of examining the moss: if the moss sample is handled: say "The bright green moss looks happy just being moss, despite its seeming competition with the flakes of painted fiberglass peeling away from the walls and settling in its midst."; if the moss sample is not handled: say "This thick layer of moss might make an interesting floral sample[if the player does not have the dustpan], but you'd prefer a better collection method than stuffing it into your satchel with your suit's gloves.[end if][if the player has the dustpan]. Sweeping some up in the dustpan should be easy enough.". Instead of examining south in the Southern Main Hall, say "To the south you can see light pouring into the antechamber from the open front doors, but little makes it to you through the shattered remains of the stairway." Instead of examining east in the Southern Main Hall: If the low-light vision is unlit: say "You see darkness in that direction."; If the low-light vision is lit: say "The office door is here, and it seems to be stuck open. Beyond it, you see bookcases, and desks topped with sleek, vaguely portable hexahedral devices. Against the far wall, you see stacks of large cube-shaped machines. The room appears to be structurally sound.". Check rubbing something: if the noun is yourself: say "You wipe your hands on your legs, signaling to your suit that it should clean its outer layers. In a moment, your hands feel clean again." instead; if the player does not have the dustpan: if the player has the broom: say "You suppose you could try to push the [noun] around with the broom, but it wouldn't do much." instead; if the noun is the moss: if the moss sample is handled: say "You've already taken one. It would be wasteful to get another sample." instead; if the moss sample is not handled: if the player does not have the dustpan: say "The moss would die, your hands would get slimy, and you'd end up with a messy ball of sludge in your satchel." instead; if the player has the dustpan: if the dustpan encloses less than 1 thing: say "Your suit extends a long, slim blade from your fingertip, allowing you to cut a dustpan-sized portion from the moss. Displays on moss physiology instruct you to use the flexing blade to cut into the wood undernearth the moss as well. You scoop up the sample and its thin wooden bottom stratum with the dustpan."; now the moss sample is in the dustpan; now the moss sample is handled instead; otherwise: say "You remove the [list of things in the dustpan] and place it on the hallway floor." instead; now everything in the dustpan is in the location; try rubbing the moss instead. Instead of taking the moss, try rubbing the moss. The moss sample is a thing. The description is "[if the dustpan is in the satchel]'The sample is alive and well, Occupant.'[otherwise]This chunk of bright green moss was harvested from the southern main hallway. It could be stored indefinitely in the collection satchel." [The Office] The Office is a dark room. The description of the Office is "[if the player is in the metal closet]The interior of the closet is remarkable only in its relative cleanliness.[otherwise]This room seems to have functioned as a workstation or classroom. There are two desks side by side across from the door -- the northern desk and the southern desk -- each of which holds three drawers. An old desktop computer sits atop each desk.[end if][paragraph break]There are two bookshelves here; an eastern bookshelf and a western bookshelf. Both are heavily laden with dust and baubles, and several of their shelves have collapsed.[paragraph break]At the northern end of the office, you see two large, blocky machines, a hatch set into a portion of the wall, and a metal closet with a sliding door.[if the player is reclining on the veneer table][paragraph break]A large table stands in the middle of the room; and you're finding it comfortable.[end if][if the player is seated on the veneer table][paragraph break]A large table stands in the middle of the room; and it really wasn't designed for you to sit comfortably upon it.[end if][if the player is standing on the veneer table][paragraph break]A large table stands in the middle of the room; and you're standing on it precariously.[end if][if the number of things supported by the veneer table is 0][paragraph break]A large table stands in the middle of the room; its surface is clear of all but dust and the omnipresent microbiotic invaders." The desktop is scenery in the office. The description is "Busted desktop computers not yet implemented." Rule for printing the locale description of the Office: now all things are unmarked for listing; if the player is in the metal closet: if the sliding metal door is open: do nothing instead; now all portable things in the office are marked for listing; now all things in the metal closet are marked for listing; now all things in containers are unmarked for listing; if the sliding metal door is open: now all things in the metal closet are marked for listing; now all things carried by the player are unmarked for listing; now all things supported by the veneer table are marked for listing; now the metal closet is unmarked for listing; now yourself is unmarked for listing; If at least one thing in the office is marked for listing: say "On the office floor, you see "; List the contents of the office, as a sentence, listing marked items only; say ".[line break]"; if at least one thing on the veneer table is marked for listing: say "On the veneer table, you see "; List the contents of the veneer table, not listing concealed items, as a sentence, listing marked items only; say ".[line break]"; If at least one thing in the metal closet is marked for listing: say "In the closet to the north, you see "; List the contents of the metal closet, not listing concealed items, as a sentence, listing marked items only; say ".". The eastern bookshelf is a bookshelf in the office. Instead of examining east in the office, try examining the eastern bookshelf. instead of examining the eastern bookshelf for the first time: now the statuette is on the eastern bookshelf; say "The shelves are a ruin of decomposing boards in the center of the bookshelf, which presumably sagged and eventually split under the weight of the damp, decomposing books.[if the statuette is on the eastern bookshelf][line break]There is a statuette within the ruined boards.[end if][line break]The books themselves have mostly turned into dust, although some covers and bindings remain. You scan the legible titles left upon the bindings and translate the names: most of these bindings -- the few solidly bound hardbacks that remain, at least -- dealt with astronomy and physics, although a couple basic education titles are also present." instead. instead of examining the eastern bookshelf more than one time: say "The shelves are a ruin of decomposing boards in the center of the bookshelf, which presumably sagged and eventually split under the weight of the damp, decomposing books.[if the statuette is on the eastern bookshelf]There is a statuette within the ruined boards.[end if]The books themselves have mostly turned into dust, although some covers and bindings remain. You scan the legible titles left upon the bindings and translate the names.[paragraph break]Most of these bindings -- the few solidly bound hardbacks that remain, at least -- dealt with astronomy and physics, although a couple basic education titles are also present." Instead of putting something on the western bookshelf, say "It's a mess. [The noun] would just get dirty." Instead of putting something on the eastern bookshelf, say "The bookshelf is destroyed. You don't want to lose [the noun] that badly." The covers are scenery on the eastern bookshelf. The description of the covers is "These mostly empty, mostly decayed covers and bound scraps focus on astronomy, physics, and basic education. There are no intact books here." The statuette is a thing. The description is "This small glass statuette depicts a nude male human seated on a column. One hand rests on his knee, the other supports his chin." Instead of taking the covers, say "They aren't worth further investigation. Your suit's equipped to log everything you see anyway." The Western bookshelf is a bookshelf in the office. Instead of examining west in the office, try examining the western bookshelf. Instead of examining the western bookshelf for the first time: say "This bookshelf seems to have contained mostly paperbacks, as nothing is left but dust. It's a common enough sight in your occupation -- your [italic type]intended[roman type] occupation. One leather binding remains; a laser scan indicates that it was once stamped 'War & Peace.' Just before you turn from the bookshelf, you notice that the top shelf has not collapsed. Standing on the tips of your toes, you discover that a book-shaped metal box rests sideways upon it."; now the metal box is on the western bookshelf. The plastic toys are a plural-named thing on the western bookshelf. The indefinite article of the plastic toys is "some". The description is "These tiny plastic toys -- a leopard, a lion cub, and a car with large wheels -- could all fit easily in your palm." Instead of examining the Western bookshelf: if the metal box has not been handled: say "This bookshelf seems to have contained mostly paperbacks, as nothing is left but dust. It's a common enough sight in your occupation. One leather binding remains; a laser scan indicates that it was once stamped 'War & Peace.' The top shelf has not collapsed; you can barely see a book-shaped metal box resting sideways upon it."; if the metal box has been handled: say "This bookshelf seems to have contained mostly paperbacks, as nothing is left but dust. It's a common enough sight in your occupation. One leather binding remains; a laser scan indicates that it was once stamped 'War & Peace.' The top shelf has not collapsed, but all that remains are two broken book-ends[if the plastic toys are on the bookshelf] and some plastic toys[end if].". Instead of taking the metal box: if the metal box has not been handled: if the veneer table is set: if the player is standing on the veneer table: say "You take the neglected metal box from its perch between two rusted and broken bookends. You can see some plastic toys on the shelf."; now the player is carrying the metal box; now the metal box is handled instead; otherwise: say "You climb onto the table and take the neglected metal box from its perch between two rusted and broken bookends."; Move the player to the veneer table, without printing a room description; now the player is carrying the metal box; now the metal box is handled instead; say "You can't reach it from here. Perhaps you could pull something closer to stand on."; otherwise: continue the action. The metal box is a bookbox. The description is "[if the metal box has not been handled]Toward the back of the top shelf, you can see the corner of what might be a protective metal book box lying on its side.[end if][if the metal box has been handled]Your suit's compression sensors inform you that the pressure within this featureless aluminum and titanium box shows a small discrepency from the ambient pressure." Instead of inserting something into the metal box: if the noun is not Lawbook for Everyman: say "That seems a bit useless. Your collection satchel can preserve items slightly better than the metal box, which is only designed for books.". Instead of inserting something into the argon case: if the noun is not Lawbook for Everyman: say "That seems a bit useless. Your collection satchel can preserve items slightly better than the metal box, which is only designed for books.". Lawbook for Everyman is in the metal box. The description of Lawbook for Everyman is "This Danish book was written to provide legal information and reference to anyone inclined to visit or study the United States of America.[if Lawbook for Everyman is dirty] It looks a little worn." After opening the metal box: if Lawbook for Everyman is pristine: say "A soft whoosh comes from the metal box as you open it. Your suit reports a mild increase in the level of argon in the nearby atmosphere."; Now Lawbook for Everyman is clean. After opening the argon case: if Lawbook for Everyman is pristine: say "A soft whoosh comes from the book box as you open it. Your suit reports a mild increase in the level of argon in the nearby atmosphere."; Now Lawbook for Everyman is clean. The argon case is a bookbox. The argon case is transparent. The description is "You found this gray box sealed and pressurized with argon on top of the office's western bookshelf." [Lovbog for Hvermand: en Oversigt over den Amerikanske Civil - og Privatret] War & Peace is scenery on the western bookshelf. The description of War & Peace is "The shredded leather binding of an old book. The arthropods that likely devoured it are as dead and gone as it is.". Instead of taking War & Peace, say "Without the pages between these scraps of binding, this article is of no worth. The Restoration and Archeology Society has no shortage of garbage." the southern desk is a supporter in The Office. The description of the southern desk is "This desk, opposite the door on the southern side of the office, is a sheet metal and plywood construct from a manufacturer named Vendaval. Like its kin, this model has held up somewhat well over the centuries; it appears that the rubberized plastic seals on the drawers have only recently begun to fail.[paragraph break](You can interact with the three desk drawers using 'D1', 'D2', and 'D3', e.g. 'open d1'.)". D1 is a drawer with printed name "the southern desk's top drawer" and carrying capacity 4. D2 is a drawer with printed name "the southern desk's middle drawer" and carrying capacity 4. D3 is a drawer with printed name "the southern desk's bottom drawer" and carrying capacity 4. D1, D2, and D3 are parts of the southern desk. The northern desk is a supporter in The Office. The description of the northern desk is "The northern desk is identical in construction to the southern one; another Vendaval, built to survive anything from hurricanes to low-grade tsunamis. Having waterproof seals like these on anything and everything didn't come into fashion until very shortly before the cataclysm, and then only among the affluent. It's a fortuitous sign for this location's chances of usefulness.[paragraph break](You can interact with the three desk drawers using 'D4', 'D5', and 'D6', e.g. 'open d4'.)". D4 is a drawer with printed name "the northern desk's top drawer" and carrying capacity 4. D5 is a drawer with printed name "the northern desk's middle drawer" and carrying capacity 4. D6 is a drawer with printed name "the northern desk's bottom drawer" and carrying capacity 4. D4, D5, and D6 are parts of the northern desk. after reading a command while the player is in the office: if the player's command includes "southern desk's top drawer": replace the matched text with "D1"; if the player's command includes "southern desk's middle drawer": replace the matched text with "D2"; if the player's command includes "southern desk's bottom drawer": replace the matched text with "D3"; if the player's command includes "northern desk's top drawer": replace the matched text with "D4"; if the player's command includes "northern desk's middle drawer": replace the matched text with "D5"; if the player's command includes "northern desk's bottom drawer": replace the matched text with "D6". Before opening D2: if D1 is open: try closing D1. Before opening D3: if D1 is open: try closing D1; if D2 is open: try closing D2. Before opening D5: if D4 is open: try closing D4. Before opening D6: if D4 is open: try closing D4; if D5 is open: try closing D5. After opening D1: say "The watertight seals on the northern top drawer groan and crack as you tug the drawer open.[if D1 encloses fewer than 1 things] Aside from [one of]what might have been some papers[or]a bit of goo and the remnants of a tiny plastic bottle[or]some tiny bent metal rods[or]dust[or]plastic wrappers and a thin scattering of organic compounds[sticky random], the drawer is empty.[end if]". After opening D2: say "The watertight seals on the northern middle drawer groan and crack as you tug the drawer open.[if D2 encloses fewer than 1 things] Aside from [one of]what might have been some papers[or]a bit of goo and the remnants of a tiny plastic bottle[or]some tiny bent metal rods[or]dust[or]plastic wrappers and a thin scattering of organic compounds[sticky random], the drawer is empty.[end if]". After opening D3: say "The watertight seals on the northern bottom drawer groan and crack as you tug the drawer open.[if D3 encloses fewer than 1 things] Aside from [one of]what might have been some papers[or]a bit of goo and the remnants of a tiny plastic bottle[or]some tiny bent metal rods[or]dust[or]plastic wrappers and a thin scattering of organic compounds[sticky random], the drawer is empty.[end if]". After opening D4: say "The watertight seals on the southern top drawer groan and crack as you tug the drawer open.[if D4 encloses fewer than 1 things] Aside from [one of]what might have been some papers[or]a bit of goo and the remnants of a tiny plastic bottle[or]some tiny bent metal rods[or]dust[or]plastic wrappers and a thin scattering of organic compounds[sticky random], the drawer is empty.[end if]". After opening D5: say "The watertight seals on the southern middle drawer groan and crack as you tug the drawer open.[if D5 encloses fewer than 1 things] Aside from [one of]what might have been some papers[or]a bit of goo and the remnants of a tiny plastic bottle[or]some tiny bent metal rods[or]dust[or]plastic wrappers and a thin scattering of organic compounds[sticky random], the drawer is empty.[end if]". After opening D6: say "The watertight seals on the southern bottom drawer groan and crack as you tug the drawer open.[if D6 encloses fewer than 1 things] Aside from [one of]what might have been some papers[or]a bit of goo and the remnants of a tiny plastic bottle[or]some tiny bent metal rods[or]dust[or]plastic wrappers and a thin scattering of organic compounds[sticky random], the drawer is empty.[otherwise]DEBUG: force printing an item list here! (There is an item here.)". The slipcased binder is in d6. "This large binder seems intact." Instead of reading the slipcased binder, try examining the binder. Instead of examining the slipcased binder: run a conversation from SlipcaseBinder. Carry out finding responses to SlipcaseBinder: link to binder-read-court-record; link to binder-put-the-binder-away. SlipcaseBinder, binder-read-court-record, and binder-put-the-binder-away are chat nodes. Report giving link to SlipcaseBinder: instead say "Stamped on the cover of this heavy binder are the words [italic type]Iceland, Denmark, and the Netherlands v. the Western Democratic Bloc, International Court of Justice, 2040.[roman type]"; Report giving link to binder-put-the-binder-away: instead say "Never mind.". Report giving text for binder-put-the-binder-away: say "You close the binder.". Report giving link to binder-read-court-record: instead say "Skim through the record.". Report giving text for binder-read-court-record: say "PRIORITY DEBUG" The metal closet is a big container in the office. The metal closet is fixed in place. The metal closet is enterable. The description is "This walk-in closet extends several feet into the north wall of the office. " Before inserting the player into the metal closet: if the sliding metal door is closed: try opening the sliding metal door instead. Instead of inserting something into the metal closet while the player is in the office: if the sliding metal door is closed: try opening the sliding metal door; continue the action. Instead of taking something which is in the metal closet while the player is in the office: if the sliding metal door is closed: try opening the sliding metal door; continue the action instead; if the sliding metal door is open: continue the action. The sliding metal door is a closed scenery door. The sliding metal door is closed. The description is "This sliding door could be retracted almost fully into the eastern wall of the office, but its lock and handle have been pried free, bending the door outward. A simple laser scan of the bent area suggests that a crowbar produced the damage.[paragraph break][if the sliding metal door is open]The sliding door is currently open.[end if][if the sliding metal door is closed]The sliding door is currently closed." The sliding metal door is north from the office. Instead of examining the metal closet: if the sliding door is closed: say "The closed sliding metal door obscures the closet. The lock is broken; it seems someone took a crowbar to it."; otherwise: continue the action. Instead of going north from the office: if the sliding metal door is closed: try opening the sliding metal door; now the player is in the metal closet. Instead of going south while the player is in the metal closet: if the sliding metal door is closed: try opening the sliding metal door; say "You walk back into the office."; move the player to the office, without printing a room description. The broom is a large thing in the metal closet. The dustpan is a portable container in the metal closet. The dustpan has carrying capacity 1. The Ball Pit is north of the sliding metal door. The description is "It smells funny in here...[paragraph break]You hear a voice boom through unseen speakers: 'Congratulations, you've done something impossible! Please inform the author of how you reached this location, and do remember to UNDO your last action!'". Instead of going to the Ball Pit, try entering the metal closet. The mold is a part of the veneer table. The mold is scenery. The description is "It's a little moldy. The wooden veneers on the metal frame of the table have far exceeded their intended lifespans." Understand "microbiotic invaders" or "omnipresent microbiotic invaders" or "invaders" as the mold. The veneer table is a table in The Office. The Veneer Table is enterable. The Veneer table allows reclining, seated, and standing. The carrying capacity of the Veneer Table is 20. The description of the veneer table is "This large utilitarian table is the prominent feature of the southern half of the office, and it seems to be as sturdy as it ever was. It is a long-lived composite of metal with a thin surface of wood, plus various treatments, synthetics, and polymers. In its day, it may have supported anything from a home chemistry laboratory to architectural blueprints, or perhaps both at once. A thin layer of dust and mold now coats its surface." Instead of pushing or pulling the veneer table: say "You pull the table closer to the bookshelf."; now the veneer table is set. Before lying on the Veneer Table: if the number of things supported by the Veneer table is greater than 1: say "You'd rather not lie on [list of things on the Veneer Table]."; stop the action; if the number of things supported by the Veneer Table is 1: if the player is on the Veneer Table: if the player encloses the large gray satchel: say "You deposit the bulky collection satchel from your back onto the office floor.[paragraph break]"; now the large gray satchel is in the location; say "As gently as possible -- so as not to drive the table legs through the rotten floor -- you lie down atop the inviting, relatively clean surface of the large office table. It bears your weight without complaint."; otherwise: say "You'd rather not lie on the stuff on the table."; stop the action; if the number of things supported by the Veneer Table is 0: if the player encloses the large gray satchel: say "You deposit the bulky collection satchel from your back onto the office floor.[paragraph break]"; now the large gray satchel is in the location; say "As gently as possible -- so as not to drive the table legs through the rotten floor -- you lie down atop the inviting, relatively clean surface of the large office table. It bears your weight without complaint.". After lying on the Veneer Table: if the Veneer Table is unused: say "You fold your hands under your neck and look at the mildewed ceiling of the office. Your suit's vision enhancement gives the shower of infrared light from the hall a mild sunny glow. You turn the enhancement up to 200% and close your eyes.[paragraph break]For a moment, you don't feel as though you're risking being buried alive in a damp, dark tomb of poisons, no -- you might as well be sunning yourself on the smooth contours of the synthetic beach rocks, high above in PGS Prime, drinking your fill (and then some) of ethanolic smoothies, exchanging backrubs and no-strings pillow talk with acquaintences from other departments...[paragraph break]Though you've only been here a moment, the fantasy almost felt real; you swear you can still feel the imprints of fingertips in your shoulder muscles. For better or worse, the incapacitating deluge of spoiled fruit drinks did not follow you back from wonderland."; decrease Negativity by 1; now the Veneer Table is used. Before sitting on the Veneer Table: say "You sit on a corner of the large table, hoping the weight doesn't pound the table leg into the ground like a pneumatic pile driver. It turns out to be more uncomfortable than unsafe, but you're glad to attempt to do something relaxing anyhow.". The Office Door is an open scenery door. Instead of examining the Office Door: say "[if the low-light vision is lit]Despite the odd molds still growing in this lightless wooden cave, the office door still looks like a door. The doorframe, however, has mutated.[end if][if the low-light vision is unlit]You feel an open door here.[end if]". The Office Door is east of the Southern Main Hall. The Office is east of the Office Door. Instead of closing the Office Door, say "[one of]It's really stuck. The hole which the door is supposed to fit in is no longer rectangular.[or]The door cannot be closed. It's less a door now, and more a right-angled wooden object with a doorknob, which is attached by hinges to completely alien architecture that, while quadrilateral, is not door-shaped.[or]Door? You can't see any such thing.[stopping]" Dust is scenery in the office. The description is "The presence of dust in this room indicates relatively recent dissemination of particles, such as skin cells or paper fibers. It is overwhelmingly likely to be the latter of those two." Instead of touching or smelling or taking the dust, say "You slide your fingertips across the surface of the table, and move your eyes to the external information feed in the lower right corner of your visor. Your suit recognizes the signal and brings up a HUD.[paragraph break]Your suit confirms that the dust is mostly composed of paper from the rotting books. There is evidence of animal proteins, but only the most recent additions to the medley -- chitinous composites from small arthropods, deposited over the last decade or so -- are intact enough to study, so the dust holds no clues or worth." The metal hatch is a closed openable scenery door. The metal hatch is up from the office. The description of the metal hatch is "This smallish silvery hatch is set at chest height in the northern wall of the office.[if the metal hatch is closed] The hatch is closed.[otherwise] The hatch is open, exhibiting what may be the cleanest surface left in the house: a long and featureless chute, which reaches upward to the second story." Check going through the metal hatch: if the player is in the office: if the player has the large gray satchel: say "There's barely room enough for [italic type]you[roman type] in the chute, so you elect to deposit the collection bag on the office floor before entering the chute. [paragraph break]"; now the large gray satchel is in the location; if the player has a large thing: say "You can't enter the hatch carrying large items, so you drop the [list of large things carried by the player] on the office floor[line break]."; now all large things carried by the player are in the location; if the metal hatch is open: say "You wriggle into the laundry chute."; if the metal hatch is closed: say "You slide the metal hatch upward into the wall in which it's set and wriggle into the laundry chute."; now the metal hatch is open; now the player is in the bottom of the laundry chute instead; if the player is in the bottom of the laundry chute: if the metal hatch is open: say "You curl through the hatch and lower yourself to the office floor."; if the metal hatch is closed: now the metal hatch is open; if InnerHatch is true: say "You open the hatch and peer into the office." instead; if InnerHatch is false: say "The smooth surface of the closed hatch puzzles you for a moment as you hunt for a way to raise the hatch door, but you quickly spot a groove near the bottom, which is large enough for your fingers to gain traction; it might as well be [italic type]intended[roman type] as a means to open the hatch from the inside."; increment ChuteSuspicion; now InnerHatch is true; Now the player is in the office instead. InnerHatch is a truth state that varies. ChuteSuspicion is a number that varies. ChuteSuspicion is 0. Check opening the metal hatch: If the player is in the office: if the metal hatch is closed: say "You slide the hatch upward into the wall with a small squeak, revealing a shaft whose ends terminate not far below the office hatch, and high above, in the second story."; now the metal hatch is open instead; if the metal hatch is open: say "That's already open." instead; if the player is in the bottom of the laundry chute: if the metal hatch is open: say "That's already open." instead; if the metal hatch is closed: if InnerHatch is false: say "The smooth surface of the closed hatch puzzles you for a moment as you hunt for a way to raise the hatch door, but you quickly spot a groove near the bottom, which is large enough for your fingers to gain traction; it might as well be [italic type]intended[roman type] as a means to open the hatch from the inside."; increment ChuteSuspicion; now the metal hatch is open; now InnerHatch is true instead; if Innerhatch is true: say "You open the hatch and peer into the office."; now the metal hatch is open instead. [The Laundry Chute] The chute is a region in the house. The indented rings are a backdrop in the chute. The description of the indented rings is "These half-meter spaced indentations, which curl downward into the metal, are set just deep enough in the walls of the chute to allow your fingers and toes comfortable purchase for a relatively safe climb." Instead of examining the indented rings for the first time: increment ChuteSuspicion; say "These half-meter spaced indentations, which curl downward into the metal, are set just deep enough in the walls of the chute to allow your fingers and toes comfortable purchase for a relatively safe climb.". The bottom of the laundry chute is a dark room. The bottom of the laundry chute is in the chute. The bottom of the laundry chute is down from the top of the laundry chute. The description is "[if BasementChute is false]This chute seems unusual; the metal is smooth and firm, and it voices no objections about supporting your weight. Suit sensors, continually upgrading their hypothetical blueprint of the house, indicate that it must have considerable structural support from the house's frame.[paragraph break]The only feature in the chute is a series of subtle indented rings, each of which run horizontally along the chute's four right-angled edges. They offer excellent finger- and toe-holds -- as though the dangerous and uncomfortable chute was meant to be an adventurous alternative to simply walking up a flight of stairs.[paragraph break]You are at the bottom of the laundry chute. You can climb upward or exit.[end if][if BasementChute is true]With the concealed trapdoor aside, you can now descend the chute into the basement, climb upward to the second story, or exit the chute through the metal hatch to the south.[end if]" The metal hatch is south from the bottom of the laundry chute. The top of the laundry chute is a dark room. The top of the laundry chute is in the chute. The top of the laundry chute is up from the bottom of the laundry chute. Instead of examining west in the bottom of the laundry chute: say "The chute's smooth metal walls are bare, aside from the indented rings, and the [if the metal hatch is open]open[end if][if the metal hatch is closed]closed[end if] hatch to the south." Instead of examining east in the bottom of the laundry chute: say "The chute's smooth metal walls are bare, aside from the indented rings, and the [if the metal hatch is open]open[end if][if the metal hatch is closed]closed[end if] hatch to the south." Instead of examining north in the bottom of the laundry chute: say "The chute's smooth metal walls are bare aside from the indented rings, and the [if the metal hatch is open]open[end if][if the metal hatch is closed]closed[end if] hatch to the south." Instead of examining south in the bottom of the laundry chute: say "[if the metal hatch is open]Through the open hatch, you can see the interior of the office.[end if][if the metal hatch is closed]You see a closed metal hatch here.[end if]" Instead of examining up in the bottom of the laundry chute: say "Above you lies the top of the shaft. A metal hatch, identical to the one here, is set in the south wall above." Instead of examining west in the top of the laundry chute: say "The chute's smooth metal walls are bare, aside from the indented rings, and the [if the laundry chute hatch is open]open[end if][if the laundry chute hatch is closed]closed[end if] hatch to the south." Instead of examining east in the top of the laundry chute: say "The chute's smooth metal walls are bare, aside from the indented rings, and the [if the laundry chute hatch is open]open[end if][if the laundry chute hatch is closed]closed[end if] hatch to the south." Instead of examining north in the top of the laundry chute: say "The chute's smooth metal walls are bare aside from the indented rings, and the [if the laundry chute hatch is open]open[end if][if the laundry chute hatch is closed]closed[end if] hatch to the south." Instead of examining south in the top of the laundry chute: say "[if the laundry chute hatch is open]Through the open hatch, you can see the interior of the Second Story1.[end if][if the laundry chute hatch is closed]You see the closed laundry chute hatch here.[end if]" Instead of examining up in the top of the laundry chute: say "The chute ends inches over your head." Instead of examining down in the top of the laundry chute: say "You can see the [if the metal hatch is open]open[otherwise]closed[end if] metal hatch to the office below you, and [if BasementChute is true]the dark maw of the basement below it[otherwise]the end of the chute just below it.[end if]" NoWaterChute is a truth state that varies. NoWaterChute is false. Check searching in the bottom of the laundry chute: if NoWaterChute is false: say "The floor of the laundry chute is sturdy and bare. There is no buildup of water, and no insects."; now NoWaterChute is true; increment ChuteSuspicion instead. Instead of examining down in the bottom of the laundry chute: if ChuteSuspicion is less than four: if NoWaterChute is false: say "The floor of the laundry chute is sturdy and bare. There is no buildup of water, and no insects."; now NoWaterChute is true; increment ChuteSuspicion instead; say "The floor of the laundry chute is sturdy and bare."; if ChuteSuspicion is greater than three: if BasementChute is true: say "You can see into the basement through the open hatch below you." instead; if BasementChute is false: say "You know the laundry chute is hiding something. You instruct your suit persona to perform a serious search of the chute's floor.[paragraph break]Moments later, the suit is under the persona's control, and you are suspended by your toes from one of the indented metal rings as the suit uses your hands to examine the end of the shaft. While requiring no effort on your behalf, the position becomes more dizzying as your blood rushes to your head, and you hope the search will be completed before you pass out.[paragraph break]Suit material flows down your arms and into the tiny cracks in the chute floor, as though you were a flayed carcass hung out to dry in a slaughterhouse.[paragraph break]'Occupant, you were right -- as I suspected, hence hanging you upside down, the reasons for which should be momentarily clear -- there is a hidden mechanism on the other side of this floor panel.'[paragraph break]You watch the suit's actions in your HUD; the images overlaid on your visor do little to help your disorientation, but much to elucidate the situation. The micromechanical structures spreading out from your arms have slid between the floor panel and its outer housing, and are investigating something the suit has marked as an electronic lock.[paragraph break]'Assuming the springs and the battery still store some potential, this should be a snap,' says the suit persona.[paragraph break]True to its comedic conversational programming, the hatch mechanism is triggered on cue, and the floor of the chute slams northward into a housing structure with a loud metallic snap.[paragraph break]"; if anything is in the bottom of the laundry chute: if there are fewer than two portable things in the bottom of the laundry chute: say "The [list of portable things in the bottom of the laundry chute] falls into the basement.[paragraph break]"; otherwise if there is more than one portable thing in the bottom of the laundry chute: say "The [list of portable things in the bottom of the laundry chute] fall into the basement.[paragraph break]"; say "With their job done, the strange and intricate block of micromachines extruded from your arms begins to flow back into your suit.[paragraph break]With no easy way to descend from your upside-down position, your suit flexes you in strange but not quite painful ways, quickly depositing you through the metal hatch and into the office.[paragraph break]"; now BasementChute is true; say "(Press any key to continue.)"; wait for any key; now the player is in the Office; now everything in the bottom of the laundry chute is in the Basement1. Yourself is not portable. BasementChute is a truth state that varies. BasementChute is false. Instead of dropping anything in the top of the laundry chute: if BasementChute is false: say "You drop the [noun], and it falls to the bottom of the laundry chute."; now the noun is in the bottom of the laundry chute; if BasementChute is true: say "You drop the [noun]. It falls through the shaft into the basement."; now the noun is in the Basement1. Check dropping anything in the bottom of the laundry chute: if BasementChute is false: continue the action; if BasementChute is true: say "You drop the [noun]. It tumbles through the concealed hatch into the basement."; now the noun is in the Basement1 instead. Instead of exiting in the bottom of the laundry chute, try going south. [PRIORITY DEBUG] Instead of examining the floor in the bottom of the laundry chute, try examining down. [The Study] Instead of examining the Study Door: if the Study Door is closed, say "[if the low-light vision is lit]This door is closed. The lock seems undamaged.[end if][if the low-light vision is unlit]You feel a closed door here.[end if]"; if the Study Door is open, say "[if the low-light vision is lit]The Study Door hangs open. The lock seems undamaged.[end if][if the low-light vision is unlit]You feel an open door here.[end if]". The Study Door is west of the Southern Main Hall. A room called the Study is west of the Study Door. The description of the Study is "There is nothing here yet." The Squatters' Remains are a thing. [DEBUG: BASEMENT] The Basement1 is a dark room. The description is "There is nothing here yet." The Basement1 is down from the Southern Main Hall. Instead of going up from The Basement1: say "Your suit might allow you to jump high enough to grab on to the floor above, but the ragged edges of the hole would splinter rather than hold your weight. Furthermore, having your legs extended with that much force might injure you."; now the player is in the Southern Main Hall. [DEBUG COMMAND] [DEBUG ROOM] The Second Story1 is a room. The description is "There is nothing here yet." The Second Story1 is south of the laundry chute hatch. The top of the laundry chute is north of the laundry chute hatch. [DEBUG ROOM] South of the wooden double doors is the smelly owl-infested ballroom. The description of the smelly owl-infested ballroom is "DEBUG ROOM; the hat grants magical knowledge of a trap door." A triangle is a kind of thing. There are 15 triangles in the smelly owl-infested ballroom. Instead of smelling the triangles, say "OH GOD NO!" A glass, an ashtray, a pencil, a notebook, a computer, a can, a bucket, a hat, and a monkey are things in the smelly owl-infested ballroom. The computer is large. Check taking the hat: now ChuteSuspicion is 5. [DEBUG -- NEEDS WORK] Report giving text for Leave the House: now player is in smelly owl-infested ballroom; say "You leave the decaying house behind." instead.