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Pirates of the High Seas
Andy Marnach
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"Pirates of the High Seas" by Andy Marnach, Marcello Guadagno, Aaron Julian Tortuga Tavern is a room. "You awake in a tavern to the sounds of sailor shanties, your parrot singing along with them. You shakily rise from your table and stumble into the night street. Before you lay the pirate haven of Tortuga: to some a den of wickedness and villainy. To others, the last free place in the world. Your mind clears: your quest is to explore the high seas, amass a fortune, and find native relics to unlock the secrets of Treasure Island. To the east is the harbor." A map is in Tortuga Tavern. Instead of examining map: Say "J |?---⇞----⇞---≈---⨇---X---☠---≈---≈---≈ [line break]I |⇞---⇞----?---≈---☠---⨇---≈---≈---≈----âš“ [line break]H|âš“- ⨇---≈---≈---≈--- ≈---≈---≈---≈----⤊ [line break]G|≈---≈---≈---≈---≈----≈---≈---≈---≈----≈ [line break]F|≈---?----≈---≈---⇞----⇞---⤊---≈---≈----? [line break]E|☠---≈---≈---âš“--⇞----⇞---⇞----≈---≈---⨇ [line break]D|≈---≈---⨇---⇞---⤊---⇞---âš“----≈---≈---≈ [line break]C|≈---≈---≈---⨇---âš“----≈---≈----≈---☠---≈ [line break]B|≈---⨇---☠---≈---≈-----≈---≈----≈---≈---⨇ [line break]A|☆--âš“---≈---⨇---≈---≈---âš“---⤊---⇞----?[line break]--- 1---2----3----4---5---6----7----8---9---10[line break]Legend: ≈ - Sea, ☠- Pirates, ☆ - Home, âš“ - Harbor/Cove, ⨇ - Dangerous Shoals, ⤊ - Town/Village, ⇞ - Jungle, ? - Mystery"; Continue the action Tortuga Harbor is east of Tortuga Tavern. "A center of trade, bustling with activity, some legal, most not. At the end of the pier is your ship, the Adventure Galley. A crew member shouts from atop the crow’s nest: ’Cap’n yer ship is ready to set sail!’ Head " Tortuga Bay is east of Tortuga Harbor. "There is a shoal to the east, but it looks dangerous. Tortuga Harbor is to the east. To the north you spot Pirate Roberts! Go north to fight him!" Tortuga Breakers is east of Tortuga Bay. Every turn: If the player is in Tortuga Breakers: Say “You’ve grounded the ship, Cap’n."; end the story West Royale Sound is east of Tortuga Breakers. “There is a shoal to the west, but it looks dangerous. Open sea is to the north and east.†East Royale Sound is east of West Royale Sound. "Looks like there's a place to dock to our east Captain. Open sea is to the north and west." Cove Royale is east of East Royale Sound. “Looks like a nice place to dock the ship. The sea is to the north and west. The town of Port Royale is to the east.†Port Royale is east of Cove Royale. “Port Royale is a small, mysterious town. Can it offer any hints towards finding the treasure of Treasure Island? The cove is to the west and the jungle is to the east. There are inaccessible cliffs to the north.†Black Jungle is east of Port Royale. “A lush and beautiful jungle full of mystery.†A stone key is in Black Jungle. The description of the stone key is “A well-crafted, but worn, stone block with a complex pattern embedded into the surface.†Forbidden Temple is east of Black Jungle. “You stumble upon an ancient native temple. Its bright, intricate stonework is a stark contrast to the dark jungle that surrounds you. Within the temple is some sort of locked tomb. Does it hold the secrets to Treasure Island? The only way out is to the east.†Ancient tomb is a locked container in Forbidden Temple. Ancient glyph is an object in the Ancient tomb. The stone key unlocks the Ancient tomb. Shipwreck Shoal is north of Tortuga Harbor. Every turn: If the player is in Shipwreck Shoal: Say “You’ve grounded the ship, Cap’n."; end the story Tortuga Coast is west of Shipwreck Shoal. “The wide open sea. There is a rocky coast to the east, but it looks dangerous. You can see your starting point of Tortuga Tavern, but can’t reach it. To the north is the sea.†Pirate Raiders is east of Shipwreck Shoal and north of Tortuga Bay. “You have encountered the dreaded Pirate Roberts! There’s no escape, and if you don’t fight off the scurvy dog he’ll take all your treasure. Fire your cannons at the different parts of his galleon in order to move on! To the west is a dangerous shoal and open sea is to your north, east, and south." Cargo Hold is a locked container in Pirate Raiders. Gold is an object in the Cargo Hold. The description of the Cargo Hold is "Where the pirates hide all of their plunder!" Captains Quarters is a locked container in Pirate Raiders. Rubies is an object in the Captains Quarters. The description is "This is where Roberts sleeps while his crew be sufferin' in the hold!" Forward Hull is a locked container in Pirate Raiders. Gemstones is an object in the Forward Hull. Understand "fire cannons at [something]" as firing cannons. Firing cannons is an action applying to one thing. Instead of firing cannons the Cargo Hold: now the player carries the Gold; say "We've blown his cargo hold to smithereens and plundered some of his treasure, Cap'n![line break]Gold added to inventory."; Instead of firing cannons the Captains Quarters: now the player carries the Rubies; say "Woah, did you see that explosion, Cap'n? I see some more treasure, too![line break]Rubies added to inventory."; Instead of firing cannons the Forward Hull: now the player carries the Gemstones; say "They're taking on water, Cap'n![line break]Gemstones added to inventory." Before going to Keel Splitter Pass: if the player is not carrying the Gold: Move the player to Pirate Raiders, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, we can't just abandon the battle! Destroy each part of his ship to move on."; Stop the action. Before going to Keel Splitter Pass: If the player is not carrying the Rubies: Move the player to Pirate Raiders, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, we can't just abandon the battle! Destroy each part of his ship to move on."; Stop the action. Before going to Keel Splitter Pass: If the player is not carrying the Gemstones: Move the player to Pirate Raiders, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, we can't just abandon the battle! Destroy each part of his ship to move on."; Stop the action. Before going to East Isle Strait: if the player is not carrying the Gold: Move the player to Pirate Raiders, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, we can't just abandon the battle! Destroy each part of his ship to move on."; Stop the action. Before going to East Isle Strait: If the player is not carrying the Rubies: Move the player to Pirate Raiders, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, we can't just abandon the battle! Destroy each part of his ship to move on."; Stop the action. Before going to East Isle Strait: If the player is not carrying the Gemstones: Move the player to Pirate Raiders, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, we can't just abandon the battle! Destroy each part of his ship to move on."; Stop the action. East Isle Strait is east of Pirate Raiders and north of Tortuga Breakers. â€There is a rocky shore to the north, open sea to the east and west, and a dangerous shoal to the south.†South Curacao Bay is east of East Isle Strait and north of West Royale Sound. â€LAND HO! There is a harbor to the north. To the west, south, and east lies the open sea.†Royale Sea is east of South Curacao Bay and north of East Royale Sound. “Open sea surrounds the ship.†North Royale Sound is east of Royale Sea and north of Cove Royale. “The cliffs of Royale are seen to the East, protecting the harbor town of Port Royale to the South of them. ’There’s a patch of rocks to the east, but it looks like we can dock to our south. Cliffs lie to the East as well’†Cliffs of Royale is east of North Royale Sound. Every turn: If the player is in Cliffs of Royale: Say “‘Captain, we can’t sail on bloody cliffs!’â€; end the story Dark Coast is east of Cliffs Royale. â€You enter what appears to be a protected bay for safe landing, only to find unscalable cliffs facing you to the east and west. 'But wait, Cap'n, to the south I see a jungle where we can anchor! What mysteries do yee think be in this dark part of the world?'" Misty Breakers is east of Dark Coast. Every turn: If the player is in Misty Breakers: Say “You’ve grounded the ship, Cap’n."; end the story West Tortuga Sea is north of Tortuga Coast. "'Clear waters on all sides!'" East Tortuga Sea is east of West Tortuga Sea and north of Shipwreck Shoal. “Open water to the north, ease and west. There’s a patch of rocks to the south. Best stay clear. †Keel Splitter Pass is east of East Tortuga Sea and north of Pirate Raiders. “Beware the shallows to the north and east, Capt’n! These waters be lined with the wrecks of the foolhardy. There be open water to the west and what remains of Pirate Roberts to the south.†Curacao Reef is east of Keel Splitter Pass and north of East Isle Strait. Every turn: If the player is in Curacao Reef: Say “Cap’n, you got us stuck! Quite the spectacle of a reef but don’t sail into the blasted thing!â€; end the story Curacao Harbor is north of South Curacao Bay. â€Your ship enters the harbor of Curacao, a trading hub for the Southern Caribbean. Your ship drops anchor and your crew readies for a trek on land to Curacao to the North. ‘By the Way Captain, don't forget about the reef to the East.’†West Indies Trade Route 1 is east of Curacao Harbor and north of Royale Sea. “There’s a harbor to the west, we can finally get off this ship. Water be to the south and east.†West Indies Trade Route 2 is east of West Indies Trade Route 1 and north of North Royale Sound. "There's water to the east, west, and south. 'I spot a cove for safe anchor to the north, Cap'n.'" West Indies Trade Route 3 is east of West Indies Trade Route 2 and north of Cliffs of Royale. "'The sea is rough to the south, best to stay clear.' There be what looks to be a caravel of some sorts to the east and water to the north and west." Pirate Waters is east of West Indies Trade Route 3 and north of Dark Coast. "Argh, I can see Pirate Pelto on the horizon and she be coming right for us! Try to 'fire cannons at' parts of her caravel!" Foremast is a locked container in Pirate Waters. Ancient mask is an object in the Foremast. Officers cabin is a locked container in Pirate Waters. Foreign spices is an object in the Officers cabin. Magazine is a locked container in Pirate Waters. Cotton is an object in the Magazine. Instead of firing cannons the Foremast: now the player carries the Ancient mask; say "We've blown his mast to smithereens and plundered some of his treasure, Cap'n![line break] Ancient mask added to inventory."; Instead of firing cannons the Officers cabin: now the player carries the Foreign spices; say "Woah, did you see that explosion, Cap'n? I see some more treasure, too![line break] Foreign Spices added to inventory."; Instead of firing cannons the Magazine: now the player carries the Cotton; say "They're taking on water, Cap'n![line break] Cotton added to inventory." Before going to Dark Coast: if the player is not carrying the Ancient mask: Move the player to Pirate Waters, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, we can't just abandon the battle! Destroy each part of his ship to move on."; Stop the action. Before going to Dark Coast: If the player is not carrying the Foreign Spices: Move the player to Pirate Waters, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, we can't just abandon the battle! Destroy each part of his ship to move on."; Stop the action. Before going to Dark Coast: If the player is not carrying the Cotton: Move the player to Pirate Waters, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, we can't just abandon the battle! Destroy each part of his ship to move on."; Stop the action. Misty Sea is east of Pirate Waters and north of Misty Breakers. “A thick fog covers your ship as you glide through a silent sea. ’These waters be too quiet for me cap’n.' There be rocks to the south, water to the north, and a battle-worn sea to the west." Stillwater Sea is north of West Tortuga Sea. "'Enemy corsairs to the north, Cap'n!' The sea is wide open to the south and east." Curacao Shallows is east of Stillwater Sea and north of East Tortuga Sea. â€The reefs to the east are no place for a ship Captain. There be water in all other directions!" West Curacao Reef is east of Curacao Shallows and north of Keel Splitter Pass. Every turn: If the player is in West Curacao Reef: Say “You’ve grounded the ship, Cap’n."; end the story Town of Curacao is a room. It is north of Curacao Harbor. “You and your crew enter the Frontier City of Curacao, surrounded by jungle on three sides. It’s inhabited by rag-tag settlers who defend against weekly attacks from natives who hide in the shadows of the jungle.†Curacao Woods is west of Town of Curacao. “A forest extends beyond Curacao Proper, but a well trodden path curves to the North here. A cove be to the north and Curacao is to the east." Curacao Trail is east of Town of Curacao. “A jungle trail runs East-West, with cliffs to the south and thick jungle to the North. ‘Capt’n, this trail can take us to Curacao. Hopefully there be no natives prowling about.’†Trader’s Landing is north of West Indies Trade Route 2 and east of Curacao Trail. â€A resting spot for traders and smugglers alike. Your ship drops anchors on the pristine white beaches here. A trail to Curacao leads to the West, while thick jungle extends to the North. ‘If we’re here any longer captain, I’m going to consider living on this beach!’†West Indies Trade Route 4 is north of West Indies Trade Route 3 and east of Trader's Landing. “A trade route runs North-South here. ‘Captain, there’s a port to the east. We can go get our land legs.’†New Indies Sea is east of West Indies Trade Route 4 and north of Pirate Waters. “A trade route runs North-South here.†Sawtooth Bay is east of New Indies Sea and north of Misty Sea. “Looks like rough waters to the north.†Corsair Waters is north of Stillwater Sea. “This be the the waters of the corsair raiders! Be weary of masts o’er the horizon me mateys. Fire the cannons at 'em Cap'n, before they destroy us! There be sea to the north, south, and east.†Rudder is a locked container in Corsair Waters. Aztec gold is an object in the Rudder. Bow is a locked container in Corsair Waters. Booty is an object in the Bow. Crew quarters is a locked container in Corsair Waters. Rum is an object in the Crew quarters. Instead of firing cannons the Rudder: now the player carries the Aztec gold; say "We've blown his rudder to smithereens and plundered some of his treasure, Cap'n![line break] Aztec gold added to inventory."; Instead of firing cannons the Bow: now the player carries the Booty; say "Woah, did you see that explosion, Cap'n? I see some more treasure, too![line break] Booty added to inventory."; Instead of firing cannons the Crew quarters: now the player carries the Rum; say "They're taking on water, Cap'n![line break] Rum added to inventory." Lonely Sea is east of Corsair Waters and north of Curacao Shallows. â€â€™Wreckage spotted to the East! Corsairs to the West too. Was probably their handywork.’†Curacao Cliffs is east of Lonely Sea. “The sea to the south is far too shallow for a ship like ours, Captain.†Smuggler’s Cove is east of Curacao Cliffs and north of Curacao Woods. “A break in the cliffs to the east reveal a hidden cove, safe for making landfall. Here you see other ships loading and offloading illegal goods. The cove leads into thick jungle to the South and East.†Smuggler Jungle is north of Town of Curacao and east of Smuggler’s Cove. “This patch of jungle be rife with the likes of smugglers haulin’ goods to Curacao.†Deep Jungle is north of Curacao Trail and east of Smuggler Jungle. “The jungle envelopes your crew of pirates on all sides. The light of the sun doesn't shine in these parts. You feel that something is watching you.†Old Jungle is north of Trader’s Landing and east of Deep Jungle. “The jungle here is thick as trees and seldom traveled into. Rumors be that vengeful spirits prowl these parts…†West Indies Trade Route 5 is north of West Indies Trade Route 4. “A trade route runs North-South here†Sawtooth Approach is east of West Indies Trade Route 5 and north of New Indies Sea. “Those be mighty large rocks to the east capt’n.†Sawtooth Shoal is east of Sawtooth Approach and north of Sawtooth Bay. Every turn: If the player is in Sawtooth Shoal: Say “Cap'n, you've gotten her stuck."; end the story North Stillwater Sea is north of Corsair Waters. â€Floating remains of ships drift past your ship, they must of come from somewhere. Your crew alerts you to Pirate activity to the South!†Merchantman Shipwreck is east of North Stillwater Sea and north of Lonely Sea. “You come across what remains of merchant’s ship. Perhaps there is some gold to plunder?†Sunken ship is a locked container in Merchantman Shipwreck. Muskets is an object in Sunken Ship. Instead of exploring the Sunken Ship: now the player carries the Muskets; say "Our men have found some preserved muskets, Cap'n! It be a miracle they still work![line break]Muskets added to inventory."; Smuggler Lane is east of Merchantman Shipwreck and north of Curacao Cliffs. “This be a route for the movement of less-than-legal goods, if ye catch my lingo Capt’n†Rum Runner Bay is east of Smuggler Lane and north of Smuggler’s Cove. “A slew of ships loaded down with goods leave and enter through a narrow pass at the south of the bay†Mangrove Jungle is north of Smuggler Jungle. “The roots and branches of this swampy jungle nearly interlock. Travelling will be slow from here on.†New Jungle is east of Mangrove Jungle and north of Deep Jungle. “This patch of jungle is surprisingly young, and shows signs of occupation… You see smoke rising into the sky coming from the East†Native Village is north of Old Jungle and east of New Jungle. “A clearing in the jungle reveals a hidden Native Village! How weary are they of outsiders? Wearily natives watch your crew from their stone temples as you and your crew stride into the center of the village. You see a path leading to the West and South. [line break] ’It be best not to attract the ire of these well-armed peoples cap’n. Let’s get out of here!' [line break] Before you leave, you see on the highest temple whom you presume the chief of this settlement, gesturing for you to join him." West Indies Trade Route 6 is north of West Indies Trade Route 5. “A trade route runs North-South here.†Shipwreck Sea is east of West Indies Trade Route 6 and north of Sawtooth Approach. “Be weary capt’n, many a ship been crushed to splinters by the accursed sawteeth. Maybe there be loot floatin’ around there on yonder†Galleon Shipwreck is east of Shipwreck Sea and north of Sawtooth Shoal. “I know a treasure galleon when I see one captain! It’d be a shame to leave her unexplored. Try to explore the wreck!†Wreck is a container in Galleon Shipwreck. Diamonds is an object in the wreck. Understand "explore the [something]" as exploring. Exploring is an action applying to one thing. Instead of exploring the wreck: now the player carries the Diamonds; say "We've recovered some diamonds, Cap'n![line break]Diamonds added to inventory."; Bay of Cortez is north of North Stillwater Sea. “Land is spotted to the north, full of dense jungle. In an opening between the trees you spot a cove, good for safe landing. In all other directions seems to be the open ocean. ‘’Looks to be a haven to the north’’†Toltec Coast is east of Bay of Cortez and north of Merchantman Shipwreck. “To the north be the accursed Toltec Breakers, where Cortez’s fleet is said to of run aground. It would be best to avoid sharing their fate. Floating wreckage is spotted to the south ‘’Shallow waters to the north Captain! Adjust your heading or we’ll be smashed to smithers!’’†Toltec Sea is east of Toltec Coast and north of Smuggler Lane. “‘’Rumor has it that in these waters lay the wreck of Cortez’s fleet.’’ The ocean expands into the horizon in all directions.†Rum Runner Pass is east of Toltec Sea and north of Rum Runner Bay. â€Open waters surround your ship in all directions. To the south you see small unmarked ships heading to an unknown location beyond the horizon.†Mangrove Coast is east of Rum Runner Pass. “A thick mangrove jungle blocks your way to the south. The sea seems to be clear in all other directions.†Jungle Coast is east of Mangrove Coast. “The Mangroves to the West give way to thick jungle blocking any attempt to land. ‘’I hear the natives in there capt’n eat adventurers for supper.’’ ‘’Parrots Too!’’ Calm seas in all other directions.†Barren Cliffs is east of Jungle Coast. “The Jungle to the East disappears as you sail by barren cliffs at the tip of Curacao Island. For some strange reason, you see smoke rising from the top of the cliffs. ‘’There ain’t no volcano in these parts Capt’n’’. Safe waters to the North and West, but to the East you spot the bustling activity of a trade route†West Indies Trade Route 7 is east of Barren Cliffs and north of West Indies Trade Route 6. “The waters here are bustling with activity. Ships of various sizes and allegiances are sailing to and fro along this path, heading either North or South. To the East and West, the waters look safe to sail in.†West Indies Gyre is east of West Indies Trade Route 7 and north of Shipwreck Sea. â€The wind begins to die down in this still patch of water. ‘’Best we be moving to more adventurous waters captain. Open seas in all directions.’’†Santiago Bay is east of West Indies Gyre and north of Galleon Shipwreck. “To the south, you see floating cargo in the waters. It must of come from somewhere. And to the North, the fort of Santiago is clearly visible on it’s rocky cliff.†Conquistador's Landing is north of Bay of Cortez. “Your ship drops anchor as you prepare to disembark into the jungle to the north. On the beach your crew finds the ruins of ships and old corpses of explorers. ‘’I don’t like this one bit captain.’’ Jungle extends to the North of you and the Bay of Cortez to the South.†Toltec Breakers is north of Toltec Coast. Every turn: If the player is in Toltec Breakers: Say “Cap’n, we’ve wrecked her!â€; end the story North Toltec Coast is east of Toltec Breakers and north of Toltec Sea. “‘’Looks like hazardous waters to the east. It appears to be some pour soul found out the hard way and sunk to the North of us’’†Grenada Sea is east of North Toltec Coast and north of Rum Runner Pass. “‘’Be it pirates or breakers, more ships be lost in these waters than anywhere else. Horizons clear in all directions captain!’’†Erie Sea is east of Grenada Sea and north of Mangrove Coast. “‘’These waters have my stomach crawling cap’n. Spotter says there be a great nasty ship sportin’ black flags to the North of us. All else clear for now’’†Jagged Strait is east of Erie Sea and north of Jungle Coast. â€Better stay clear of the shallows to the north.†Old Indies Sea is east of Jagged Strait and north of Barren Cliffs. “‘’Clear Seas in all directions Captain’’. You see a pod of whales breach and submerge again into the depths of the water as you sail alone in the Old Indies Sea.†West Indies Trade Route 8 is east of Old Indies Sea and north of West Indies Trade Route 7. â€A thoroughfare for ships of all kinds, running North from Santiago to Curacao in the South.†West Indies Trade Route 9 is east of West Indies Trade Route 8 and north of West Indies Gyre. â€Fort Santiago looms over the trade route to the East, guarding the ships which sail on it. Peaking just behind the fort to the north appears to be a harbor town†Fort Santiago is east of West Indies Trade Route 9 and north of Santiago Bay. “Fort Santiago lies on a cliff, only accessible from the harbor to the North. Inside the fort is a bustling town. People of all walks of life stroll the streets and take note of your Pirate Crew. As you walk through the stalls of the fortress town, a mysterious merchant approaches you:†Cortez Jungle is north of Conquistador's Landing. “A thick forest lies beyond the cove to the south, and expands further on East and North. ‘’Rumor has it the Conquistador Cortez led an expedition through these parts, as to what he found, or where he went, we know nothin’ of.’’ “ Toltec Forest is east of Cortez Jungle. “ ‘’This cursed forest be named after the people who inhabat’d these parts -until Cortez got to em’- ...’’ The forest expands further into the North and West. [line break] The ruins of man made structures lay between massive trees; perhaps they lead to something bigger? To the South are cliffs and the breakers below. You spot from your high vantage point what appears to be a sunken ship in a bay to the East.†Sunken Warship is north of North Toltec Coast. “You come across the remains of a forgotten ship. ‘Dead men have no use for gold.'†Old ship is a locked container in Sunken Warship. Gems is an object in old ship. Instead of exploring the old ship: now the player carries the Gems; say "We've recovered some Gems, Cap'n![line break]Gems added to inventory."; South Toltec Strait is east of Sunken Warship and north of Grenada Sea. “In these clear waters you see small parts of ships dotting the floor of the sea. Waters seem clear to the North and South. ‘’Captain! Black flags o’er the horizon to the East! They be fly’in the colours of Red Beard’s Crew!’’ “ Pirate's Cove is east of South Toltec Strait and north of Erie Sea. "Cap'n, I spot Pirate Jonesies on the horizon! Word be that he and his crew have been trying to unlock the secrets of Treasure Island for years! We best attack him before he takes us out! There are rocky shoals to the north and east, but the open sea is to the south and west." Stern is a locked container in Pirate's Cove. Jewelry is an object in the Stern. Brig is a locked container in Pirate's Cove. Silver is an object in the Brig. Storeroom is a locked container in Pirate's Cove. Gunpowder is an object in the Storeroom. Instead of firing cannons the Stern: now the player carries the Jewelry; say "We've blown his Stern to smithereens and plundered some of his treasure, Cap'n![line break] Jewelry added to inventory."; Instead of firing cannons the Brig: now the player carries the Silver; say "Woah, did you see that explosion, Cap'n? I see some more treasure, too![line break] Silver added to inventory."; Instead of firing cannons the storeroom: now the player carries the Gunpowder; say "They're taking on water, Cap'n![line break] Gunpowder added to inventory." Jagged Shoals is east of Pirate's Cove and north of Jagged Strait. Every turn: If the player is in Jagged Shoals: Say “Cap'n, we've hit ground!"; end the story Cursed Narrows is east of Jagged Shoals and north of Old Indies Sea. “Those rocks to the east seem too large to sail on. There appears to be more Pirates to the North†Rock Island Sea is east of Cursed Narrows and north of West Indies Trade Route 8. “A small piece of rock sticks out from the sea here. Nothing else is spotted by in any direction.†West Indies Trade Route 10 is east of Rock Island Sea and north of West Indies Trade Route 9. “The trade route we’re on looks to lead right into the harbor to the east.†Santiago Harbor is east of West Indies Trade Route 10 and north of Fort Santiago. “The trade route leads into a large fortified harbor. Ships of all sizes, in all colours, bearing the flags of nations you fail name, lay anchored here. Your ship slides quietly into the entrance and docks. To the South, a large fort looms over the harbor.†Ancient Temple is north of Cortez Jungle. “An abandoned native temples sits on the jungle floor, nearly hidden from the dense foliage. Within, a large crypt stands tall, but it is locked. There is jungle to the east and south.†Crypt is a locked container in Ancient Temple. Golden skull is an object in the crypt. Aztec Amulet unlocks the Crypt. Ancient Jungle is east of Ancient Temple and north of Toltec Forest. “The ruins here appear to run along a mossy road headed West.†Aztec amulet is an object in Ancient Jungle. The description is “An old Aztec amulet from a long time ago is found in the ruins of a vine-encrusted building.†Forgotten Jungle is east of Ancient Jungle. “Between the ancient trees, the skeletons of conquistadors and natives alike are strewn about in a haphazard fashion. ‘’Their expedition seems to have encountered less than welcoming guests’’.†North Toltec Strait is north of South Toltec Strait. “Best avoid the shallows to the east.†Pirate Shoals is east of North Toltec Strait and north of Pirate's Cove. Every turn: If the player is in Pirate Shoals: Say “You’ve grounded the ship, Cap’n."; end the story Pirate's Landing is north of Cursed Narrows. "These pirates be guarding the entrance to Treasure Island! Attack 'em Cap'n!" Galley is a locked container in Pirate's Landing. Stolen tobacco is an object in the Galley. Poop deck is a locked container in Pirate's Landing. Coins is an object in the Poop deck. Gun deck is a locked container in Pirate's Landing. Stolen dyes is an object in the Gun deck. Instead of firing cannons the Galley: now the player carries the Stolen tobacco; say "We've blown his galley to smithereens and plundered some of his treasure, Cap'n![line break] Stolen tobacco added to inventory."; Instead of firing cannons the Poop deck: now the player carries the Coins; say "Woah, did you see that explosion, Cap'n? I see some more treasure, too![line break] Coins added to inventory."; Instead of firing cannons the Gun deck: now the player carries the Stolen dyes; say "They're taking on water, Cap'n![line break] Stolen dyes added to inventory." Treasure Island is west of Pirate's Landing. "I think this is it, Cap'n! Try to 'unlock the secrets of Treasure Island!" Understand "unlock the secrets of [something]" as unlocking. Unlocking is an action applying to one thing. Instead of unlocking Treasure Island: say "You've done it, Cap'n! There be mountains of gold in this heaven!"; end the story Before going to Treasure Island: if the player is not carrying the Stolen tobacco: Move the player to Pirate's Landing, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, they're blocking the entrance to the island! Destroy each part of his ship to move on."; Stop the action. Before going to Treasure Island: If the player is not carrying the Coins: Move the player to Pirate's Landing, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, they're blocking the entrance to the island! Destroy each part of his ship to move on."; Stop the action. Before going to Treasure Island: If the player is not carrying the Stolen dyes: Move the player to Pirate's Landing, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, they're blocking the entrance to the island! Destroy each part of his ship to move on."; Stop the action. Before going to Treasure Island: If the player is not carrying the Golden Skull: Move the player to Pirate's Landing, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, we can't get into Treasure Island, we must be missing one of the ancient relics!"; Stop the action. Before going to Treasure Island: If the player is not carrying the Ancient Glyph: Move the player to Pirate's Landing, without printing a room description; Say "Cap'n, we can't get into Treasure Island, we must be missing one of the ancient relics!"; Stop the action. West Santiago Sea is east of Pirate's Landing and north of Rock Island Sea. “ ‘’Pirates be fooling about to the West, clear waters to the South and East’’. “ East Santiago Sea is east of West Santiago Sea and north of West Indies Trade Route 10. “ ‘’These waters be dreadful borin’ capt’n’’.†North Santiago Bay is east of East Santiago Sea and north of Santiago Harbor. “A harbor is spotted to the south.â€