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Life Goals
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The Office is a room. The office door is south of the office. Description of the office is "You are in the boss' office. The walls are painted a dark grey, the windows are latched up and the curtains are pulled down. The office always has an aroma of bitter coffee. There is a picture of the boss’ family hanging on the north wall and is always on a slant. On the west wall hangs all of the boss’s trophies and awards and on the east wall are pictures of his 4 cats. South of the boss' office is the main office door. Through the main office door are the cubicle offices. " The desk is an object in The office. The desk is fixed in place. Description of the desk is "It is a white desk with lots of coffee stains. On the desk is a mug of coffee and a computer" The chair is an object in The office. The chair is fixed in place. Description of the chair is "There is a leather chair tucked into the white desk with a whole patched up with some duct tape. The chair is across from the desk. As you sit on the chair, the odor of rotting eggs and coffee begins to intensify." The mug is in the office. The mug is a container. Description of the mug is "The mug of coffee is in front of the computer more to the right. As you get closer to the desk the aroma of the coffee strengthens. The mug is half empty. The mug is labelled 'Number one boss'" coffee is in the mug. coffee is edible. After eating the coffee, say "It tastes like disappointment and your boss' tired life." The Office door is a closed, unlocked door. The office door is south of the office. The office door is north of the Main Office. The Main Office is a room. The main office is south of the office door. "The main office is filled with cubicles. There are four columns and five rows of cubicles in the main office. To the east of you is the bathroom door. At the south end of the main office is your cubicle." The Bathroom door is a closed unlocked door. The bathroom door is east of the main office. Description of the Bathroom door is "To the east of you is a bathroom door". The main office is west of the Bathroom door. The Lavatory is a room. The Lavatory is east of the door. The bathroom door is west of the Lavatory. Description of the Lavatory is "The bathroom, the place where people take breaks, to get their crap together. When you walk in you see a man, looking at himself in the mirror. He turns to you, starts walking very slowly towards you, and starts singing, ‘Hello! Is it me you're looking for? I can see it in your eyes I can see it in your smile’ and stokes your face smoothly. He continues walking past you still humming the song. You thought to yourself, ‘did that just happen’ and then you wash your face" The Cubicle is a room. The cubicle is south of the Main Office. Description of the cubicle is "Your cubicle sits four rows back in the third column among all the others. You just moved here two days ago and you're already bored to tears. You haven't had a chance to move all your things so all that is there is a cat calendar hanging on the wall. There is a chair, a desk with a computer, a green mug and a stack of papers." Your desk is an object in The Cubicle. Your desk is fixed in place. Description of your desk is " In your cubicle there is a desk. On your desk is a sheaf of paper and a green mug. The green mug and sheaf of paper lay side by side in front of your computer." Your chair is an object in The Cubicle. Your Chair is Fixed in place. Description of your chair is "Your chair is a white leather, plush and has 3 wheels. Its boring, and smells like cats, maybe it was the boss'." The computer is an object in The Cubicle. Description of the computer is "When you look at the computer you see nothing out of the ordinary. Until you look closer at the L key and see it glowing softly" The L key is on the computer. The L key is a fixed in place device on the computer. Description of the L key is "The L key will teleport you to an unknown world". Carry out switching on the L key: move player to Candyland Candyland is a room. The jellybean door is west of Candyland. Candyland is east of the jellybean door. Candyland is north of the candy cane door. Description of Candyland is "You wake up in a grassy field, the grass is soft, too soft. You look down and realize it’s also slightly sticky and smells so sweet. You look into the bright blue sky to find pink and blue cotton candy clouds. All around you, the smell of baking cookies, melting sugar and sweet fruit is taking over your senses. Right in front of you is a stack of chocolate bars and on top a candy cane key. To the west, is a jellybean door and to the South, a candy cane door." The candy cane key is an object in Candyland. The candy cane key unlocks the candy cane door. The candy cane door is a closed, locked door. The candy cane door is south of candyland. Description of the candy cane door is "Giant candy canes are looped around each other forming the doorway. The door itself is red and white striped and it smells very sweet." The jellybean door is a door. Description of the jellybean door is "This door is made of thousands of jellybeans every colour of the rainbow." The Gingerbread Room is a room. The jellybean door is east of gingerbread room. Description of gingerbread room is "The walls are gingerbread, the floor is gingerbread, everything around you is made of gingerbread, everything is lined with the same bright blue sugary icing as the door. On the wall is a cabinet, the gingerbread door is swung open and inside is a chocolate bar, maybe you should pick it up." The chocolate bar is a object in the gingerbread room. Description of the chocolate bar is "The chocolate bar sits on the bottom shelf of the cabinet, its shiny gold wrapper meticulously folded around its geometric form. Looks tasty, good enough for someone to eat." The Witch's Lair is a room. The Witch's Lair is south of the candy cane door. The candy cane door is north of the Witch's Lair. Description of the Witch's Lair is "In complete contrast to everything else in this candy filled world, the witch’s room is dark, sour smelling with candy wrappers littering the floor. You notice that most of the wrappers are gold, heavy creases embedded in them. The witch seems hungry. The chocolate bar might come in handy here." The Witch is a person in The Witch's Lair. "The witch is sitting on a pile of golden candy wrappers and lollipop sticks. She looks hungry." Every turn when player can see the witch: say "The witch [one of] works hardly on her stew [or]looks up and says 'I'm hungry, I have been starving for ages now. How happily for you to come by. I like chocolate so maybe i will coat you with chocolate. But since i do like chocolate, i will make an exception. Bring me a chocolate and and i will spare your life you pathetic human!' - Hurry or your life will end[at random]." Instead of giving the chocolate bar to witch: say "The witch inspects the chocolate bar, gazing at its sweet surface and pops it into her mouth. 'OMG!!! This is the only food that i have had for ages. What a treat! Hey what are you doing in here, anyway? You're trapped, right? I know a way out, switch on this peppermint light switch.'"; remove the chocolate bar from play. The peppermint light switch is in The Witch's Lair. The peppermint light switch is a fixed in place device in the Witch's Lair. Description of the peppermint light switch is "Looks out of this world.". Carry out switching on the peppermint light switch: move player to Space lab The Space Lab is a room. Description of the space lab is "Instead of walking you now are floating. There’s a port hole that shows you a beautiful view of the sun, the brightness makes you squint. You look around to see that the spaceship is vast and glimmering silver. You notice these cabinets, one to the left of you and one to the right and a shiny metal door that is glistening in the sun to the East of you." The left cabinet is in the space lab. The left cabinet is a closed openable container. Description of the left cabinet is "The cabinet to the left of you is silver and has star stickers all over it. It has a door that is slightly open." The spacesuit is inside the left cabinet. Description of the spacesuit is "Inside the cabinet is an orange and white space suit with an embroidered monogram in the colour of blue and silver." The right cabinet is in the space lab. The right cabinet is a closed openable container. Description of the right cabinet is "The cabinet to the right of you is white with martian stickers all over it. It's door is ajar." The space tool is inside the right cabinet. Description of the space tool is "You open a cabinet to notice a shiny, bright metal space tool floating in the air. Looks like you might need it to fix something." The Metal door is a door. Description of the Metal door is "This is a metal door, airlock door to protect you from the airlock room." The Metal door is east of the space lab. The Metal door is west of the airlock room. The Airlock Room is a room. Description of the airlock room is "This room resembles the other except this is an airtight location in order to prepare you for what you are to experience out in space. You must go into space with a space suit, or you will never be seen again :)." The White door is a door. The white door is south of the airlock room. The white door is north of outer space. Description of the white door is "The white door has a red emergency pulley that is located to the right of the door. The white door leads you into space." Outer Space is a room. Outer Space is south of the white door. Description of Outer Space is "All around you is the vast landscape of space. You can see stars and galaxies and even some planets. Fair off in the distance is the sun, it's great white light blinding you. Suddenly, something hits you: it is a silver lever of some kind, try to look closer at it." The silver lever is in Outer Space. The silver lever is a fixed in place device in Outer Space. Description of the silver lever is "This very futuristic lever seems to be vibrating in the air, maybe it will take you out of here." Carry out switching on the silver lever: move player to North Pole. North Pole is a room. Description of North Pole is "It’s warm and cozy in here. you can hear the fire crackle at the Stone Chimney. It’s quite, no noise, just the sweet sound of Christmas music. playing from an old phonograph. Santa is sleeping in his rocking chair with cookie crumbs in his beard that move with every exhale of his breath. To the West is the Reindeer Stable. To the North is a Workshop. To the south is a Winter Wonderland." The Wooden door is a door. Description of the wooden door is "This Door looks ancient, almost in ruins, like it has been opened repeatedly, probably by the elves working away." The wooden door is north of the North pole. The wooden door is south of Santa's workshop. The winter wonderland is a room. Description of the winter wonderland is " The White snow is blinding your eyes, the wind is swirling around you. And you hear a faint sound. 'Sleigh bells ring Are you listening In the lane Snow is glistening A beautiful sight, We're happy tonight Walking in a winter wonderland' " The Outside Door is a door. The outside Door is south of the North pole. The outside Door is north of the winter wonderland. Santa's workshop is a room. Description of Santa's workshop is "This place is huge, it’s full of tools and gadgets that you don’t even know what it is for. Maybe you shouldn’t touch it. But it's quiet in here, the place is dusty, nobody has been in here for a while." The Gate is a door. Description of the Gate is "The Gate is unlocked, but was l, but maybe a key will open it. I hear reindeer on the other side." The Gate is east of the Stable. The Gate is west of the north pole. The Stable is a room. Description of the Stable is "It smells like wild animals and their droppings. You hear 8 reindeer making reindeer noises. There is also a faint jingling, like Christmas bells coming from the harnesses that are attaching the reindeer to...Santa's Sleigh! You feel suddenly draw to the sleigh to go look closer at it." Santa's Sleigh is in The Stable. Santa's Sleigh is a fixed in place device in The Stable. Description of Santa's Sleigh is "It is bright red, shimmering in the soft glow of the fireplace in the far corner of the room. Sitting on the driver's seat of the sleigh is a note that reads: 'Hello, is it me you're looking for? I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your smile'. There is a shiny metal switch in the centre of the dashboard, it is switched off." Carry out switching on Santa's Sleigh: move player to Creepy Room. Creepy Room is a room. Description of Creepy Room is "This room is dark. It’s walls have 3 sentences, one to the left, right and on straight ahead of you. The writing was recently made, for the blood that was used, is still dripping. One sentence says, ‘One WiLl kiLL yoU’ The other says, ‘onE WILL sAVe yOu’ and the last one says. ‘oNe WilL MAKe YouR LIfe FALl ApARt’. The lighting in here is coming from one source, the dim, flickering light bulb hanging above a table. The table has 3 buttons, one to the left, middle and right. You look up and the void is coming closer, the fear of death is near. A ⅔ chance of dying is dancing in your head. It's life or death, literally which will you choose?" lever 1 is in Creepy Room. lever 1 is a fixed in place device in Creepy Room. Carry out switching on lever 1: move player to Cliff. Cliff is a room. Description of Cliff is "You were teleported to a cliff. The vast horizon is beautiful, the sun is setting, and the clouds are fluffy. Life is beautiful, and the issue is… you turn around, a car is parked 50 feet away from you and you see your boss. Your boss starts walking toward you. Now your boss is 20 feet away now and still coming closer. 10 feet away now and says, ‘You have cost me so much money, you know. I hired you to work, not lay your shit everywhere in my company. I told you 5 times to pick your shit together, so now you can be with your shit, in the trash.’ He gives you a big shove into the big open ravine. Your heart stops, your mind goes blank, and you ask yourself this, ‘Is this a Dre….’ Splat. YOU HAVE LOST THE GAME, NO POINTS REWARDED. thanks for playing :)" lever 2 is in Creepy Room. lever 2 is a fixed in place device in Creepy Room. Carry out switching on lever 2: move player to Your Lonely Life. Your Lonely Life is room. Description of Your Lonely Life is "If you chose the second button, you will forever be lonely, no spouse, kids, job, nothing. You won’t have anyone not even a pet. I’m sorry that this is the life you have to go through. YOU HAVE LOST THE GAME, 50 POINTS FOR MAKING IT THIS FAR. thanks for playing :)" lever 3 is in Creepy Room. lever 3 is a fixed in place device in Creepy Room. Carry out switching on lever 3: move player to Life Goals. Life Goals is a room. Description of Life Goals is "The happy world is where all your worries disappear. You have gone back to school and opened up your own company. You got married and had two children and are now staying home with them for a couple months. YOU HAVE WON THE GAME 100000 POINTS ARE REWARDED. thanks for playing :)"