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Animal Farm (in progress)
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"ANIMAL FARM" To remove stray punctuation: (- PunctuationStripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove quotes: (- Quotestripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove apostrophes: (- SingleQuotestripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove question marks: (- Questionstripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove exclamation points: (- ExclamationStripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove periods: (- PeriodStripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To resolve punctuated titles: (- DeTitler(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) Include (- [ Detitler i j buffer_length flag; #ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; buffer_length = buffer->1+(WORDSIZE-1); #endif; #ifdef TARGET_GLULX; buffer_length = (buffer-->0)+(WORDSIZE-1); #endif; for (i = WORDSIZE : i <= buffer_length: i++) { if ((buffer->i) == '.' && (i > WORDSIZE + 1)) { if ((buffer->(i-1)=='r') && (buffer->(i-2)=='m') && ((buffer->(i-3)==' ') || ((i-3) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='r') && (buffer->(i-2)=='d') && ((buffer->(i-3)==' ') || ((i-3) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='t') && (buffer->(i-2)=='s') && ((buffer->(i-3)==' ') || ((i-3) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='s') && (buffer->(i-2)=='r') && (buffer->(i-3)=='m') && ((buffer->(i-4)==' ') || ((i-4) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='v') && (buffer->(i-2)=='e') && (buffer->(i-3)=='r') && ((buffer->(i-4)==' ') || ((i-4) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='f') && (buffer->(i-2)=='o') && (buffer->(i-3)=='r') && (buffer->(i-4)=='p') && ((buffer->(i-5)==' ') || ((i-5) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if (flag) buffer->i = ' '; } } VM_Tokenise(buffer, parse); ]; -) Use undo prevention. Use no scoring. Understand "dont wait" or "don't wait" as unwaiting. Unwaiting is an action applying to nothing. Report unwaiting: say "Time doesn't pass."; now time of day is time of day - 1 minute Instead of jumping: say "You attempt to jump, but this is not something horses can do, and as a result you lie flat on your side on the ground. You get up." Understand "look at [things]", "l [things]", "examine [things]" or "x [things]" as examining. The chapter count is a number variable. The chapter count is 1. The beastsing count is a number variable. The beastsing count is 0. The fedup count is a number variable. The fedup count is 0. The Manor Farm is a room. "[one of]You are a hard-working horse named Boxer. You are in the Manor Farm, a farm owned by Mr Jones, who is fast asleep in the farmhouse. Old Major, the prize white boar, has asked you to come to a meeting in the big barn to the south. The meeting starts at 10:00 PM.[or]You are in the Manor Farm, a farm owned by Mr Jones, who is fast asleep in the farmhouse. Old Major, the prize white boar, has asked you to come to a meeting in the big barn to the south. The meeting starts at 10:00 PM.[stopping]" There is the car. The car is scenery. There is Mr Jones. Mr Jones is scenery. There is the farmhouse. The farmhouse is scenery. The Big Barn is a room. "You can see all of the animals gathered at the barn, except for Moses the tame raven, who is sleeping on a perch behind the back door. Old Major is in the center of the room. He gets up onto the pile of hay, clears his throat and starts to speak: [paragraph break]'Now, comrades, what is the nature of this life of ours? Let us face it, our lives are miserable, laborious and short. We are born, we are given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies, and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength; and the very instant that our usefulness has come to an end we are slaughtered with hideous cruelty. [paragraph break]'But is this simply part of the order of Nature? No, comrades, a thousand times no! Why then do we continue in this miserable condition? Because nearly the whole of the produce of our labour is stolen from us by human beings. There, comrades, is the answer to all our problems. It is summed up in a single word — Man. Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished for ever.' [paragraph break]You cheer, along with all the animals. [paragraph break]'Many years ago,' Old Major continues, 'when I was a little pig, my mother and the other sows used to sing an old song of which they knew only the tune and the first three words. I had known that tune in my infancy, but it had long since passed out of my mind. Last night, however, it came back to me in my dream. And what is more, the words of the song also came back - words, I am certain, which were sung by the animals of long ago and have been lost to memory for generations. I will sing you that song now, comrades. I am old and my voice is hoarse, but when I have taught you the tune you can sing it better for yourselves. It is called [']Beasts of England['].[paragraph break]Old Major begins to sing. He teaches you and the other animals the melodic tune and the heroic lyrics of [']Beasts of England[']." A pile of hay is scenery in the Big Barn. Old Major is scenery in the Big Barn. "A wise white boar who is highly regarded on the farm." When play begins: now the time of day is 9:59 PM; now the left hand status line is "Chapter I / [the player's surroundings]"; now the right hand status line is "Time: [time of day]"; now the command prompt is "[time of day] >"; The description of the player is "You are Boxer, the hard-working horse." At 9:59 PM: if the player is in the Manor Farm: if the chapter count is 1: now the time of day is 10:00 PM; say "You are late for the meeting. After the Rebellion, the pigs kick you out of the farm for not participating."; end the story saying "You have lost" Instead of going south when the player is in the Manor Farm: if the chapter count is 1: now the player is in the Big Barn; now the beastsing count is 1; otherwise: say "You can't go that way." Understand the command "sing" as something new. Understand "sing", "sing song", "sing again", "beasts of england" or "sing beasts of england" as beastsinging. Beastsinging is an action applying to nothing. Report beastsinging: if the beastsing count is 0: now the time of day is 1 minute before the time of day; say "I didn't understand that sentence."; otherwise if the beastsing count is 1: say "You sing a chorus of [']Beasts of England['] along with the other animals. They are about to start singing the song again."; now the beastsing count is 2; otherwise if the beastsing count is 2: say "You sing another chorus of [']Beasts of England['] along with the other animals. They are about to start singing the song again."; now the beastsing count is 3; otherwise if the beastsing count is 3: say "You sing a third chorus of [']Beasts of England['] along with the other animals. They are about to start singing the song again.[paragraph break]Suddenly, you hear a rifle shot in the distance. You realize Mr Jones has been woken up by the singing, and you begin to suspect Old Major was right about mankind.[paragraph break]All of the animals scatter."; now the chapter count is 2; now the left hand status line is "Chapter II / [the player's surroundings]"; now the car is scenery in the Manor Farm; now the description of the car is "Mr Jones['] red tattered car. You can not see much more about it as you are too focused on your hunger and all you can do now is WAIT."; now the description of the Manor Farm is "[one of]Three nights after his speech, Old Major died in his sleep, but you and the other animals have not forgotten him. You have been planning the Rebellion for three months now, sure it is about to happen. Particularly delighted for the Rebellion are three young pigs: Snowball, vivacious and snow-coloured; Napoleon, haughty and confident; and Squealer, clever and extremely convincing.[paragraph break]You and the other animals have been unfed for quite a while now, and you see Mr Jones['] car coming toward the farm. All you can do now is WAIT.[or]The farm is a blur to you as you are extremely hungry. You can see Mr Jones['] car coming toward the farm. But all you can do for now is WAIT.[stopping]"; now the player is in the Manor Farm; now the time of day is 12:59 AM; now the beastsing count is 4; now the fedup count is 1; otherwise if the beastsing count is 4: say "You sing [']Beasts of England['] out loud. It motivates you to work harder."; Instead of waiting while the fedup count is 1: say "You watch Mr Jones get out of his car, waiting for him to come and feed you."; now Mr Jones is scenery in the Manor Farm; now the description of Mr Jones is "Your master who seldom pays attention to you. All you can do now is WAIT."; now the fedup count is 2; Instead of waiting while the fedup count is 2: say "You see Mr Jones approach the farmhouse."; now the farmhouse is scenery in the Manor Farm; now the description of the farmhouse is "Mr Jones is going back inside instead of feeding you. But all you can do is WAIT."; now the fedup count is 3; Instead of waiting while the fedup count is 3: say "You watch as Mr Jones goes inside, your stomach rumbling."; now the description of the farmhouse is "Mr Jones has gone back inside instead of feeding you. But all you can do is WAIT."; now the fedup count is 4; Instead of waiting while the fedup count is 4: now the fedup count is 5; say "Time passes."; Instead of waiting while the fedup count is 5: now the fedup count is 6; say "Time passes."; Instead of waiting while the fedup count is 6: now the fedup count is 7; say "Time passes.[paragraph break]You have had enough, and so have the other animals. You all charge simultaneously at the cowshed, and it breaks open. You look around at all the food and wondered why you had not done this before.[paragraph break]Suddenly, you hear a noise, and you and the other horses and cows turn around to see Mr Jones and his men, with whips in their hands. Without thinking, you fling yourself upon Mr Jones, and find the other animals doing the same. In less than a minute, Mr Jones and his men return to their heels and flee. The Manor Farm is yours.[paragraph break]You notice the horses murmuring and stepping outside, and you do the same. You see Snowball next to a sign reading 'MANOR FARM' at the entrance of the farm. You watch in triumph as Snowball paints out the words 'MANOR FARM' and in its place paints 'ANIMAL FARM'. Snowball then proceeds to write Old Major's Seven Commandments of Animalism on the wall under the sign. The commandments are as follows:[paragraph break][italic type]1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.[line break]2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.[line break]3. No animal shall wear clothes.[line break]4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.[line break]5. No animal shall drink alcohol.[line break]6. No animal shall kill any other animal.[line break]7. All animals are equal.[roman type][paragraph break]At that time, the other pigs had begun to milk the cows, who had not been milked for twenty-four hours, and the resulting bucket of milk was set down as you and the other animals start the harvest. By the time you return, you notice the milk has disappeared."; now the chapter count is 3; now the left hand status line is "Chapter III / [the player's surroundings]"; now the car is off-stage; now Mr Jones is off-stage; now the farmhouse is off-stage; now the time of day is 7:59 AM; Every turn while the player is in the Big Barn: if the time of day is 10:00 PM: if the chapter count is 1: now the time of day is 9:59 PM; Every turn while the chapter count is 2: if the time of day is 1:05 AM: now the time of day is 1:04 AM;