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The Oddhouse
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"The Oddhouse" To remove stray punctuation: (- PunctuationStripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove quotes: (- Quotestripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove apostrophes: (- SingleQuotestripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove question marks: (- Questionstripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove exclamation points: (- ExclamationStripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove periods: (- PeriodStripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To resolve punctuated titles: (- DeTitler(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) Include (- [ Detitler i j buffer_length flag; #ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; buffer_length = buffer->1+(WORDSIZE-1); #endif; #ifdef TARGET_GLULX; buffer_length = (buffer-->0)+(WORDSIZE-1); #endif; for (i = WORDSIZE : i <= buffer_length: i++) { if ((buffer->i) == '.' && (i > WORDSIZE + 1)) { if ((buffer->(i-1)=='r') && (buffer->(i-2)=='m') && ((buffer->(i-3)==' ') || ((i-3) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='r') && (buffer->(i-2)=='d') && ((buffer->(i-3)==' ') || ((i-3) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='t') && (buffer->(i-2)=='s') && ((buffer->(i-3)==' ') || ((i-3) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='s') && (buffer->(i-2)=='r') && (buffer->(i-3)=='m') && ((buffer->(i-4)==' ') || ((i-4) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='v') && (buffer->(i-2)=='e') && (buffer->(i-3)=='r') && ((buffer->(i-4)==' ') || ((i-4) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='f') && (buffer->(i-2)=='o') && (buffer->(i-3)=='r') && (buffer->(i-4)=='p') && ((buffer->(i-5)==' ') || ((i-5) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if (flag) buffer->i = ' '; } } VM_Tokenise(buffer, parse); ]; -) Include (- [ KeyPause i; i = VM_KeyChar(); rfalse; ]; [ SPACEPause i; while (i ~= 13 or 31 or 32) { i = VM_KeyChar(); } ]; [ GetKey i; i = VM_KeyChar(); return i; ]; -) To clear the/-- screen: (- VM_ClearScreen(0); -) To clear only the/-- main screen: (- VM_ClearScreen(2); -) To clear only the/-- status line: (- VM_ClearScreen(1); -). To wait for any key: (- KeyPause(); -) To wait for the/-- SPACE key: (- SPACEPause(); -) To decide what number is the chosen letter: (- GetKey() -) To pause the/-- game: say "[paragraph break]Please press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; clear the screen. To center (quote - text): (- CenterPrintComplex({quote}); -); To center (quote - text) at the/-- row (depth - a number): (- CenterPrint({quote}, {depth}); -); To stop the/-- game abruptly: (- quit; -) To show the/-- current quotation: (- ClearBoxedText(); -); Include (- #ifndef printed_text; Array printed_text --> 64; #endif; [ CenterPrint str depth i j; font off; i = VM_ScreenWidth(); VM_PrintToBuffer(printed_text, 63, str); j = (i-(printed_text-->0))/2; j = j-1; VM_MoveCursorInStatusLine(depth, j); print (I7_string) str; font on; ]; [ CenterPrintComplex str i j; font off; print "^"; i = VM_ScreenWidth(); VM_PrintToBuffer(printed_text, 63, str); j = (i-(printed_text-->0))/2; spaces j-1; print (I7_string) str; font on; ]; -) To decide what number is screen width: (- VM_ScreenWidth() -); To decide what number is screen height: (- I7ScreenHeight() -); Include (- [ I7ScreenHeight i screen_height; i = 0->32; if (screen_height == 0 or 255) screen_height = 18; screen_height = screen_height - 7; return screen_height; ]; -) To deepen the/-- status line to (depth - a number) rows: (- DeepStatus({depth}); -); To move the/-- cursor to (depth - a number): (- I7VM_MoveCursorInStatusLine({depth}); -) To right align the/-- cursor to (depth - a number): (- RightAlign({depth}); -) Include (- [ DeepStatus depth i screen_width; VM_StatusLineHeight(depth); screen_width = VM_ScreenWidth(); #ifdef TARGET_GLULX; VM_ClearScreen(1); #ifnot; style reverse; for (i=1:i
i; ]; -) Section 1Z (for Z-machine only) Include (- [ SerialNumber i; for (i=0 : i<6 : i++) print (char) HDR_GAMESERIAL->i; ]; -) Section 2 Include (- [ I7BuildVersion; print (string) NI_BUILD_COUNT, " "; print "(I6/v"; inversion; print " lib ", (string) LibRelease, ") "; #ifdef STRICT_MODE; print "S"; #endif; #ifdef INFIX; print "X"; #ifnot; #ifdef DEBUG; print "D"; #endif; ]; -) To decide if (s - text) is not blank: if s is "", decide no; decide yes. To say extended story headline: (- if (Headline ~= 0) print (string) Headline; -). To say story serial number: (- SerialNumber(); -). To say I7 version number: (- I7BuildVersion(); -). The story copyright string and story rights statement are text variables. Last for printing the banner text rule (this is the extended banner rule): say "[bold type][story title][roman type][line break][extended story headline][if story author is not blank] by [story author][end if][line break]"; if the story copyright string is not "", say "Copyright [unicode 169] [story copyright string][if story author is not blank] by [story author][end if][line break][if story rights statement is not blank][story rights statement][otherwise]All rights reserved[end if][run paragraph on][line break]"; say "Release [if release number is not 0][release number][otherwise]1[end if] / Serial number [story serial number] / Inform 7 build [I7 version number][line break]" instead. Use undo prevention. The maximum score is 200. The release number is 2. The confusion count is a number variable. The confusion count is 0. Every turn: if the confusion count is 0: now the confusion count is 1; otherwise: now the confusion count is 0; The hungry count is a number variable. The hungry count is 1. Before waiting: now turn count is turn count + 2; After reading a command: let T be indexed text; let T be the player's command; replace the regular expression "\p" in T with ""; change the text of the player's command to T; repeat with pleasecount running from 1 to number of times T matches the text "please": if the player's command includes "please": cut the matched text; Understand "help" or "help me" or "hint" or "clue" or "what do i do" or "what should i do" as help-asking. Help-asking is an action applying to nothing. Report help-asking: if the player is in the Entrance: say "What do buttons do?"; otherwise if the player is on the chair: say "What do buttons do?"; otherwise if the player is in Odd Room 1 and the golden door is locked and the player is carrying the Key of Confusion: say "This is a golden door, not a Door of Confusion. There's not even such a thing as a Door of Confusion!"; otherwise if the player is in Odd Room 1 and the golden door is locked and the player is not carrying the Key of Confusion: say "Hmm... This key seems to do the opposite of whatever you tell it to do..."; otherwise if the player is in Odd Room 1 and the golden door is unlocked: say "The only place you can go from here is to the east."; otherwise if the player is in Odd Room 3: say "If you can't see yourself in this strange mirror, maybe it's not a mirror at all!"; otherwise if the player is in the 3 mooR ddO and the player is carrying the Key of Confusion: say "The only place you can go from here is to the north."; otherwise if the player is in the 3 mooR ddO and the player is not carrying the Key of Confusion: say "Hmm... This key seems to do the opposite of whatever you tell it to do..."; otherwise if the player is in the 4 mooR ddO and the printed name of the rabbit is "hungry rabbit": say "Maybe you have something in your inventory that can help the hungry rabbit."; otherwise if the player is in the 4 mooR ddO and the printed name of the rabbit is "rabbit": say "What do you think you do with this Key of Normality?"; otherwise if the player is in the Oddhouse Power Room: say "What's with this dial? Turning it must do something..."; otherwise if the player is in Odd Room 32: say "There might be something at the other end of the maze..."; otherwise if the player is in a maze room: say "If you're really stuck, drop an object so that you will know if you come back to this spot."; otherwise if the player is in Odd Room 0 and the player is carrying the particle fuser: say "What would happen if you went inside the teleporter?"; otherwise if the player is in Odd Room 0 and the player is not carrying the particle fuser: say "Have you tried taking and examining the particle fuser yet?"; otherwise if the player is in Odd Room 33 and the creng count is 0: say "Try coming back here later..."; otherwise if the player is in Odd Room 34 and Odd Room 0 is unvisited: say "Try coming back here later..."; otherwise if the player is in Odd Room 34 and Odd Room 0 is visited: say "Fusing might help with this situation..."; otherwise if the player is in Odd Room 100: say "Have you tried reading the sign yet?"; otherwise if the player is in Odd Room Infinity: say "Fusing is the key to this puzzle."; otherwise if the player is in Exit: say "You're so close to beating the game now!"; otherwise: say "Just trust your instincts here..."; A hand is a kind of thing. The plural of hand is hands. A hand is part of every person. Understand "hands" as a hand. The description of your hand is "Your hand seems to be faint, as if you're not really here.". Instead of inserting something into your hand: try taking the noun; An eye is a kind of thing. The plural of eye is eyes. An eye is part of every person. Understand "eyes" as an eye. The description of your eye is "Don't try that, you'll go cross-eyed!". A nose is a kind of thing. The plural of nose is noses. A nose is part of every person. The description of your nose is "Don't try that, you'll go cross-eyed!". A mouth is a kind of thing. The plural of mouth is mouths. A mouth is part of every person. The description of your mouth is "You can't see your mouth, as your nose is audaciously blocking that line of vision.". An ear is a kind of thing. The plural of ear is ears. An ear is part of every person. Understand "ears" as an ear. The description of your ear is "You attempt to see your own ear, but end up spinning around like a dog chasing its tail.". Before eating a not edible thing: say "Stuffing [the noun] in [if the noun is your mouth]itself[otherwise]your mouth[end if] would do little to help at this point." instead. There is a Key of Oddness. The description of the Key of Oddness is "A key that holds the universe together.". There is a Key of Infinity. The description of the Key of Infinity is "An infinitely odd key.". There is a device called a projector. The description of the projector is "You can put this projector on a flat surface and turn it on to watch whatever is on it.". There is a piece of gold. The description of the piece of gold is "Extremely shiny and extremely valuable.". There is a diary. The diary can be closed. The diary can be locked. The diary is closed and locked. The description of the diary is "The diary seems to be locked.". Instead of opening the diary: say "It seems to be locked."; Instead of closing the diary: say "That's already closed."; Instead of unlocking the diary with something: say "That doesn't seem to fit the lock."; Instead of locking the diary with something: say "That's locked at the moment."; Understand "fuse [something preferably held] with [something preferably held]" as fusing. Fusing is an action applying to two things. Understand "crenghort" as crenghorting. Crenghorting is an action applying to nothing. Carry out crenghorting: say "That's not a verb I recognise."; Check fusing: if the player is not carrying the particle fuser: say "[if Odd Room 0 is unvisited]That's not a verb I recognise[otherwise]You need to be holding the particle fuser[end if]."; stop the action; Carry out fusing: if the noun is the second noun: say "Nice try."; otherwise if the noun is the Key of Confusion and the second noun is the Key of Normality: say "You fuse them together into a Key of Oddness."; now the Key of Confusion is off-stage; now the Key of Normality is off-stage; now the player carries the Key of Oddness; increase the score by 20; otherwise if the noun is the Key of Normality and the second noun is the Key of Confusion: say "You fuse them together into a Key of Oddness."; now the Key of Confusion is off-stage; now the Key of Normality is off-stage; now the player carries the Key of Oddness; increase the score by 20; otherwise if the noun is the Key of Oddness and the second noun is the toy rabbit: say "You fuse them together into a Key of Infinity."; now the Key of Oddness is off-stage; now the toy rabbit is off-stage; now the player carries the Key of Infinity; increase the score by 20; otherwise if the noun is the toy rabbit and the second noun is the Key of Oddness: say "You fuse them together into a Key of Infinity."; now the Key of Oddness is off-stage; now the toy rabbit is off-stage; now the player carries the Key of Infinity; increase the score by 20; otherwise if the noun is the broken camera and the second noun is the lightbulb: say "You fuse them together into a projector."; now the broken camera is off-stage; now the lightbulb is off-stage; now the player carries the projector; otherwise if the noun is the lightbulb and the second noun is the broken camera: say "You fuse them together into a projector."; now the broken camera is off-stage; now the lightbulb is off-stage; now the player carries the projector; otherwise if the noun is the Key of Foolishness and the second noun is the mysterious book: say "You fuse them together into a diary."; now the mysterious book is off-stage; now the Key of Foolishness is off-stage; now the player carries the diary; otherwise if the noun is the mysterious book and the second noun is the Key of Foolishness: say "You fuse them together into a diary."; now the mysterious book is off-stage; now the Key of Foolishness is off-stage; now the player carries the diary; otherwise if the noun is the coin and the second noun is the Key of Foolishness: say "You fuse them together into a piece of gold."; now the coin is off-stage; now the Key of Foolishness is off-stage; now the player carries the piece of gold; otherwise if the noun is the Key of Foolishness and the second noun is the coin: say "You fuse them together into a piece of gold."; now the coin is off-stage; now the Key of Foolishness is off-stage; now the player carries the piece of gold; otherwise if the noun is the particle fuser: say "You can't fuse the particle fuser!"; otherwise if the second noun is the particle fuser: say "You can't fuse the particle fuser!"; otherwise: say "The fuser does not seem to work on those two objects."; Understand "flip [something]" or "toss [something]" as flipping. Flipping is an action applying to one thing. Check flipping: if the noun is not the coin: say "That's not something you can flip."; stop the action; Carry out flipping: say "You flip the coin. [one of]Heads[or]Tails[purely at random]!"; Understand "use [something] on [something]" or "use [something] to unlock [something]" or "use [something] with [something]" as unlock-using. Unlock-using is an action applying to two things. Carry out unlock-using: try unlocking the second noun with the noun; Understand "find [text]" as it-finding. It-finding is an action applying to one topic. Report it-finding: say "Nice try. You can't cheat in this game, you've got to find things by yourself."; Understand "find" as finding. Finding is an action applying to nothing. A thing can be playing or nonplaying. A thing is usually nonplaying. The player is playing. Report finding: say "I only understood you as far as wanting to find[if a nonplaying thing is in the location of the player] [the random nonplaying thing in the location of the player][end if]."; Instead of singing: if the player is not carrying the Key of Confusion: say "Your singing attracts the ghosts of the Oddhouse, who kick you out immediately for not having a Key of Confusion."; end the story saying "You have lost"; otherwise: say "Your singing attracts the ghosts of the Oddhouse, who kick you out immediately for going too far in their Oddhouse."; end the story saying "You have lost"; Instead of jumping: if the player is not carrying the Key of Confusion: say "Your jumping attracts the ghosts of the Oddhouse, who kick you out immediately for not having a Key of Confusion."; end the story saying "You have lost"; otherwise: say "Your jumping attracts the ghosts of the Oddhouse, who kick you out immediately for going too far in their Oddhouse."; end the story saying "You have lost"; Instead of going nowhere while going north: say "[if the player is in a maze room]That way seems to be a dead end[otherwise]You try to go that way but instead you find yourself face to face with the wall[end if]."; Instead of going nowhere while going east: say "[if the player is in a maze room]That way seems to be a dead end[otherwise]You try to go that way but instead you find yourself face to face with the wall[end if]."; Instead of going nowhere while going south: say "[if the player is in a maze room]That way seems to be a dead end[otherwise]You try to go that way but instead you find yourself face to face with the wall[end if]."; Instead of going nowhere while going west: say "[if the player is in a maze room]That way seems to be a dead end[otherwise]You try to go that way but instead you find yourself face to face with the wall[end if]."; Instead of going nowhere while going northwest: say "[if the player is in a maze room]That way seems to be a dead end[otherwise]You try to go that way but instead you find yourself face to face with the wall[end if]."; Instead of going nowhere while going northeast: say "[if the player is in a maze room]That way seems to be a dead end[otherwise]You try to go that way but instead you find yourself face to face with the wall[end if]."; Instead of going nowhere while going southeast: say "[if the player is in a maze room]That way seems to be a dead end[otherwise]You try to go that way but instead you find yourself face to face with the wall[end if]."; Instead of going nowhere while going southwest: say "[if the player is in a maze room]That way seems to be a dead end[otherwise]You try to go that way but instead you find yourself face to face with the wall[end if]."; Instead of going up: say "You try to climb up to the ceiling, but you just can't."; Instead of going through the wooden door while the Oddhouse Power Room is visited: say "You try to climb up to the ceiling, but you just can't."; Instead of going nowhere while going down: say "You start to dig, but then you realise that your efforts are worthless."; Instead of going inside: say "But you aren't outside at the moment."; Instead of attacking something (called the victimized thing): say "Why would you want to harm such a great [victimized thing]?" instead. Check requesting the pronoun meanings: say "I didn't understand that sentence." instead; Check switching score notification on: say "I didn't understand that sentence." instead; Report switching score notification off: say "I didn't understand that sentence." instead; Instead of pushing: say "That's not something you can push." instead; Instead of pushing something to: say "That's not something you can push." instead; Instead of saying yes: say "You sound rather positive."; Instead of saying no: say "You sound rather negative."; Instead of swearing mildly: say "That's not a verb I recognise."; Instead of swearing obscenely: say "That's not a verb I recognise."; Rule for printing the banner text: say "[bold type]The Oddhouse[roman type][line break]A Very Odd Fiction by Quantum Games[line break]Release 1 / Serial number XYZZY / Inform 7 build [I7 version number][line break]" instead. Understand "die" or "kill self" or "kill me" or "kill yourself" or "kill myself" or "kill my self" as dying. Dying is an action applying to nothing. Carry out dying: say "You almost convince yourself not to do so. Almost."; end the story saying "You have died"; Understand "dont wait" or "don't wait" as unwaiting. Unwaiting is an action applying to nothing. Report unwaiting: say "Time doesn't pass."; now turn count is turn count - 1 There is a carrot. The carrot is edible. After eating the carrot: say "You eat the carrot. It tastes like something meant for a rabbit."; Understand "turn [something] to [text]" as number-turning. Number-turning is an action applying to one thing and one topic. Check number-turning: if the noun is not the dial: say "That's not something you can turn."; stop the action; Carry out number-turning: if word number (number of words in the player's command) in the player's command is "32": if the dial count is 32: say "The dial is already turned to '32'."; otherwise: say "You turn the dial to '32'."; now the dial count is 32; otherwise if word number (number of words in the player's command) in the player's command is "33": if the dial count is 33: say "The dial is already turned to '33'."; otherwise: say "You turn the dial to '33'."; now the dial count is 33; otherwise if word number (number of words in the player's command) in the player's command is "34": if the dial count is 34: say "The dial is already turned to '34'."; otherwise: say "You turn the dial to '34'."; now the dial count is 34; otherwise if word number (number of words in the player's command) in the player's command is "1234": if the dial count is 1234: say "The dial is already turned to '1234'."; otherwise: say "You turn the dial to '1234'."; now the dial count is 1234; otherwise: say "The dial does not seem to have that setting."; Understand "visit" or "site" or "website" or "visit our website" or "visit our site" or "visit website" or "visit site" or "visit the website" or "visit the site" as "[visitsite]". Understand "show" or "amusing" or "show something amusing to try" or "show something amusing" or "show something" or "something amusing" or "something amusing to try" as "[showamusing]". Table of Final Question Options (continued) final question wording only if victorious topic final response rule final response activity "VISIT our website" false "[visitsite]" visit our site rule -- "SHOW something amusing to try" true "[showamusing]" list amusing things rule -- This is the visit our site rule: say "Paste the following link into your address bar:[line break][bold type]http://quantumgamesofficial.webs.com/[roman type][line break]"; This is the list amusing things rule: say "Have you tried [one of]turning the dial to '1234'[or]fusing the mysterious book with the Key of Foolishness[or]typing 'don't wait' [or]jumping or singing at certain points throughout the game[or]typing 'xyzzy' [then purely at random]?" The former location is a room that varies. First carry out going rule: now the former location is the location. Understand "go back" as retreating. Understand "back" or "return" or "retreat" as retreating. Retreating is an action applying to nothing. Carry out retreating: let way be the best route from the location to the former location, using doors; if way is a direction, try going way; otherwise say "You can't see an open way back to [the former location]."; Instead of retreating when the former location is the location: say "You haven't gone anywhere yet." When play begins: choose row with a final response rule of immediately undo rule in the Table of Final Question Options; delete the final question wording entry; now the former location is the Entrance; now the player carries the carrot; silently try switching score notification off; now the turn count is 0; Understand "xyzzy" or "say xyzzy" or "cast xyzzy" as casting xyzzy. Casting xyzzy is an action applying to nothing. Report casting xyzzy: say "Ha ha, very funny. This isn't a text-based game - wait..."; A maze room is a kind of room. The printed name of a maze room is usually "Oddhouse Maze". The description of a maze room is usually "This is a room in the Oddhouse Maze.". There is a room called the Entrance. "This is the entrance to the Oddhouse." A chair is a kind of supporter. It is always enterable. The description of the chair is "The chair is brown and wooden. It is not really much to look at.". The description of the player is "That's odd, you can't seem to remember who you are!". Instead of taking the chair: say "You are not strong enough to lift it."; A button is a kind of thing. It is never portable. On the chair in the Entrance is a button. The initial appearance of the chair is "You can see a chair here.". The description of the button is "It is very odd to see a button on a chair. Then again, this is the Oddhouse.". Instead of pushing the button: say "As you push the button, you start to hover up through the ceiling into a very odd room..."; now the player is in Odd Room 1; increase the score by 10; Odd Room 1 is a room. "This is an odd room in the Oddhouse." Odd Room 2 is a room. "This is an odd, odd room in the Oddhouse." Odd Room 3 is a room. "This is an odd, odd, odd room in the Oddhouse." The 3 mooR ddO is a room. "This is an odd, odd, odd room in the Mirror Oddhouse.[paragraph break]To the north is 4 mooR ddO." The 4 mooR ddO is a room. "This is an odd, odd, odd, odd room in the Mirror Oddhouse.[paragraph break]To the south is 3 mooR ddO." North of the 3 mooR ddO is the 4 mooR ddO. There is a Key of Confusion in Odd Room 1. The description of the Key of Confusion is "This is a key that is very hard to work with.". Instead of dropping the Key of Confusion: if the player is not carrying the Key of Confusion: now the player carries the Key of Confusion; say "Taken."; otherwise: say "You already have that."; Instead of taking the Key of Confusion: if the player is carrying the Key of Confusion: now the Key of Confusion is in the location of the player; say "Dropped."; otherwise: say "The Key of Confusion is already here."; Instead of examining the Key of Confusion while the confusion count is 1: say "Time passes."; now turn count is turn count + 2; The golden door is a door. The golden door is east of Odd Room 1 and west of Odd Room 2. "There is a golden door leading to the [if the player is in Odd Room 1]east[otherwise]west[end if]." The golden door is closed and locked. The matching key of the golden door is the Key of Confusion. There is a person called a ghost in Odd Room 2. Before doing something other than crenghorting or fusing while the player is in Odd Room 2: if the player carries the Key of Confusion: say "The ghost suddenly notices you. It says, 'What are you doing in the Oddhouse? Oh, I now see you have the Key of Confusion. I apologise that I thought you were not one of us. Very well, I will take you to Odd Room 3.'[paragraph break]Suddenly, there is a flash of light, and you find yourself in Odd Room 3."; now the player is in Odd Room 3; increase the score by 30; stop the action; otherwise: say "The ghost suddenly notices you. It says, 'What are you doing in the Oddhouse without a Key of Confusion? Get out immediately!'[paragraph break]The ghost takes you, and everything fades into darkness."; end the story saying "You have lost"; stop the action; There is a container called a mirror in Odd Room 3. "You can see a mirror here." The mirror is not portable. Instead of inserting something which is not the player into the mirror: say "That can't contain things."; Instead of searching the mirror: say "You see what you would expect to see in a mirror. Strangely enough, though, you can't see yourself..."; Instead of examining the mirror: say "This mirror is very unusual somehow..."; Before entering the mirror: say "You jump into the mirror and find yourself on the other side. You cannot seem to find the mirror you came in from here..."; now the Key of Confusion is in the 3 mooR ddO; now the player is in the 3 mooR ddO; increase the score by 50; stop the action; There is an animal called a rabbit in the 4 mooR ddO. The printed name of the rabbit is "hungry rabbit". Understand "bunny" as the rabbit. Understand "hungry rabbit" as the rabbit while the printed name of the rabbit is "hungry rabbit". Understand "hungry bunny" as the rabbit while the printed name of the rabbit is "hungry rabbit". The description of the rabbit is "[if the hungry count is 1]This rabbit has a Key of Normality, and might give it to you if you ask.[otherwise]This rabbit seems very satisfied.[end if]"; There is a Key of Normality. The rabbit carries the Key of Normality. The description of the Key of Normality is "This is a key that is very easy to work with." Persuasion rule for asking the rabbit to try giving the Key of Normality to the player while the rabbit carries the Key of Normality: say "The rabbit says, 'I'll give it to you if you give me something to eat.'"; persuasion fails. Instead of asking the rabbit about "the key of normality" while the hungry count is 1: say "The rabbit says, 'I'll give it to you if you give me something to eat.'"; Instead of asking the rabbit about "key of normality" while the hungry count is 1: say "The rabbit says, 'I'll give it to you if you give me something to eat.'"; Instead of asking the rabbit about "the key" while the hungry count is 1: say "The rabbit says, 'I'll give it to you if you give me something to eat.'"; Instead of asking the rabbit about "key" while the hungry count is 1: say "The rabbit says, 'I'll give it to you if you give me something to eat.'"; Instead of asking the rabbit about "normality" while the hungry count is 1: say "The rabbit says, 'I'll give it to you if you give me something to eat.'"; Instead of telling the rabbit about "the key of normality" while the hungry count is 1: say "The rabbit says, 'I'll give it to you if you give me something to eat.'"; Instead of telling the rabbit about "key of normality" while the hungry count is 1: say "The rabbit says, 'I'll give it to you if you give me something to eat.'"; Instead of telling the rabbit about "the key" while the hungry count is 1: say "The rabbit says, 'I'll give it to you if you give me something to eat.'"; Instead of telling the rabbit about "key" while the hungry count is 1: say "The rabbit says, 'I'll give it to you if you give me something to eat.'"; Instead of telling the rabbit about "normality" while the hungry count is 1: say "The rabbit says, 'I'll give it to you if you give me something to eat.'"; Instead of showing the carrot to the rabbit: say "The rabbit takes the carrot and cheerfully nibbles on it. He then gives you the Key of Normality in return."; remove the carrot from play; now the player carries the Key of Normality; now the printed name of the rabbit is "rabbit"; now the hungry count is 0; increase the score by 10; Instead of giving the carrot to the rabbit: say "The rabbit takes the carrot and cheerfully nibbles on it. He then gives you the Key of Normality in return."; remove the carrot from play; now the player carries the Key of Normality; now the printed name of the rabbit is "rabbit"; now the hungry count is 0; increase the score by 10; The Oddhouse Power Room is a room. "This is the room that controls the entire Oddhouse.[paragraph break]To the north is Odd Room [dial count]." The wooden door is a door. The wooden door is below the 4 mooR ddO and above the Oddhouse Power Room. "There is a wooden door leading [if the player is in the 4 mooR ddO]down[otherwise]up[end if]." The wooden door is closed and locked. The matching key of the wooden door is the Key of Normality. There is a room called Odd Room 32. "This is an extremely odd room in the Oddhouse Basement.[paragraph break]To the south is the Oddhouse Power Room.[paragraph break]There is a maze to the north." South of Odd Room 32 is the Oddhouse Power Room. There is a room called Odd Room 33. "This is an extremely odd room in the Oddhouse Basement.[paragraph break]To the south is the Oddhouse Power Room." South of Odd Room 33 is the Oddhouse Power Room. There is a room called Odd Room 34. "This is an extremely odd room in the Oddhouse Basement.[paragraph break]To the south is the Oddhouse Power Room." South of Odd Room 34 is the Oddhouse Power Room. The dial count is a number variable. The dial count is 32. There is a dial in the Oddhouse Power Room. The dial is not portable. The description of the dial is "What's with this dial? Turning it must do something...". Instead of turning the dial while the dial count is 32: say "You turn the dial to '33'."; now the dial count is 33; Instead of turning the dial while the dial count is 33: say "You turn the dial to '34'."; now the dial count is 34; Instead of turning the dial while the dial count is 34: say "You turn the dial to '32'."; now the dial count is 32; Instead of turning the dial while the dial count is 1234: say "You turn the dial to '32'."; now the dial count is 32; Instead of turning something which is not the dial: say "That's not something you can turn."; Instead of going north while the player is in the Oddhouse Power Room: if the dial count is 32: now the player is in Odd Room 32; otherwise if the dial count is 33: now the player is in Odd Room 33; otherwise if the dial count is 34: now the player is in Odd Room 34; otherwise if the dial count is 1234: now the player is in Odd Room 1234; There is a room called Odd Room 1234. "This is a hidden room in the Oddhouse." South of Odd Room 1234 is the Oddhouse Power Room. There is a mysterious note in Odd Room 1234. The description of the mysterious note is "The note reads:[line break][italic type]TOWN OF ODDNESS[roman type]". There is a room called Odd Room 0. "This is the fabled Odd Room 0, a room with undivided oddness.[paragraph break]To the south is the Oddhouse Maze.". There is a particle fuser in Odd Room 0. The description of the particle fuser is "You can fuse any two objects while holding this particle fuser by typing 'fuse (object) with (object)'.". There is a teleporter in Odd Room 0. The description of the teleporter is "This teleporter looks like it will take you back to the Oddhouse Power Room.". The teleporter can be enterable. The teleporter is enterable. The teleporter is not portable. Instead of entering the teleporter: say "Light flashes all around you, and when the light clears you find yourself in the Oddhouse Power Room."; now the player is in the Oddhouse Power Room; There is a maze room called A1. There is a maze room called A2. There is a maze room called A3. There is a maze room called A4. There is a maze room called A5. There is a maze room called A6. There is a maze room called A7. There is a maze room called B1. There is a maze room called B2. There is a maze room called B3. There is a maze room called B4. There is a maze room called B5. There is a maze room called B6. There is a maze room called B7. There is a maze room called C1. There is a maze room called C2. There is a maze room called C3. There is a maze room called C4. There is a maze room called C5. There is a maze room called C6. There is a maze room called C7. There is a maze room called D1. There is a maze room called D2. There is a maze room called D3. There is a maze room called D4. There is a maze room called D5. There is a maze room called D6. There is a maze room called D7. There is a maze room called E1. There is a maze room called E2. There is a maze room called E3. There is a maze room called E4. There is a maze room called E5. There is a maze room called E6. There is a maze room called E7. There is a maze room called F1. There is a maze room called F2. There is a maze room called F3. There is a maze room called F4. There is a maze room called F5. There is a maze room called F6. There is a maze room called F7. There is a maze room called G1. There is a maze room called G2. There is a maze room called G3. There is a maze room called G4. There is a maze room called G5. There is a maze room called G6. There is a maze room called G7. North of A1 is Odd Room 0. East of A1 is A2. South of A1 is B1. East of A2 is A3. East of A3 is A4. South of A4 is B4. East of A5 is A6. South of A6 is B6. South of A7 is B7. South of B1 is C1. South of B2 is C2. East of B2 is B3. East of B3 is B4. East of B4 is B5. East of B6 is B7. South of B7 is C7. East of C1 is C2. East of C2 is C3. South of C3 is D3. East of C3 is C4. East of C4 is C5. South of C4 is D4. South of C5 is D5. East of C6 is C7. South of C6 is D6. South of C7 is D7. East of D1 is D2. South of D1 is E1. East of D2 is D3. South of D2 is E2. South of D3 is E3. East of D4 is D5. South of D4 is E4. South of D5 is E5. South of D7 is E7. South of E1 is F1. South of E2 is F2. East of E2 is E3. South of E3 is F3. East of E4 is E5. East of E5 is E6. South of E6 is F6. East of E6 is E7. South of E7 is F7. South of F1 is G1. East of F2 is F3. South of F3 is G3. East of F3 is F4. South of F4 is G4. East of F4 is F5. South of F5 is G5. East of F5 is F6. South of F6 is G6. South of F7 is G7. East of G1 is G2. East of G2 is G3. East of G3 is G4. East of G5 is G6. South of G7 is Odd Room 32. There is a room called Odd Room 100. "This is an extremely odd room in the Oddhouse Basement." The silver door is a door. The silver door is north of Odd Room 34 and south of Odd Room 100. "There is a silver door leading [if the player is in Odd Room 34]north[otherwise]south[end if]." The silver door is closed and locked. The matching key of the silver door is the Key of Oddness. The creng count is a number variable. The creng count is 0. There is a sign in Odd Room 100. The sign is not portable. Instead of examining the sign: say "The sign says:[line break][italic type]We have finally reached our 100th Odd Room! To celebrate, we will now release our super-secret instructions on how to solve the mystery of Odd Room 33. They are as follows:[paragraph break]Go to Odd Room 33. Once you are there, type the word 'crenghort'.[roman type][line break]"; now the creng count is 1; There is a room called Exit. "This is the exit to the Oddhouse.". There is a room called ???. There is a room called Odd Room Infinity. "This is an infinitely odd room in the Oddhouse." Instead of crenghorting in Odd Room 33 while the creng count is 1: say "Odd Room 33 seems to transform before your very eyes..."; increase the score by 30; now the player is in Odd Room Infinity; The normal door is a door. The normal door is north of Exit and south of ???. "There is a normal door leading north." After going through the normal door: end the story finally saying "You have finally escaped. You look up at the Oddhouse as you walk away, reflecting on your adventure..."; The marble door is a door. The marble door is north of Odd Room Infinity and south of Exit. "There is a marble door leading [if the player is in Odd Room Infinity]north[otherwise]south[end if]." The marble door is closed and locked. There is a supporter called a table in Odd Room Infinity. "You can see a table here." There is a coin on the table. There is a toy rabbit on the table. Understand "toy" as the toy rabbit. Understand "bunny" as the toy rabbit. Understand "toy bunny" as the toy rabbit. The description of the toy rabbit is "This toy rabbit looks very much like the rabbit you met in 4 mooR ddO.". There is a mysterious book on the table. The description of the mysterious book is "The book reads:[line break][italic type]To have oddness is to be. The energy of the odd has the strength of-[roman type][paragraph break]The rest of the pages seem to be ripped out of the book.". There is a broken camera on the table. The description of the broken camera is "This broken camera seems to have absolutely no use at all.". There is a Key of Foolishness on the table. The description of the Key of Foolishness is "A key that has the power of foolishness.". There is a container called a closet in Odd Room Infinity. "You can also see a closet[if the closet is closed] (closed) here[otherwise if the closet contains things] here.[paragraph break]In the closet [is-are a list of things in the closet][otherwise] (empty) here[end if].". The closet is closed, openable and locked. The closet is not portable. The closet has carrying capacity 6. The matching key of the closet is the Key of Infinity. There is a lightbulb in the closet. The description of the lightbulb is "The light coming from this lightbulb is extraordinarily odd.". Understand "light" as the lightbulb. Understand "bulb" as the lightbulb. Understand "light bulb" as the lightbulb. There is a device called a robot in the closet. The description of the robot is "This robot seems to be missing a battery.". Instead of switching on the robot: say "Nothing happens. The robot seems to be missing a battery."; There is a mat in Odd Room Infinity. The description of the mat is "This mat looks very fluffy.". The video count is a number variable. The video count is 0. There is a battery. Instead of taking the mat: if the video count is 0: say "Oddly, you can't bring yourself to do that."; otherwise: now the player is carrying the mat; now the battery is in Odd Room Infinity; say "Taken. As you lift up the mat, you spot a battery under it."; Instead of switching on the projector: if the projector is on the table: say "You watch a movie on the projector. After watching it, you feel like you can bring yourself to do anything!"; now the video count is 1; otherwise: say "You turn the projector on, but the image is shaky and blurry due to the projector not being on a flat surface."; Instead of inserting the battery into the robot: say "The robot springs to life and walks towards the door. The door automatically opens and the robot walks out of the room, leaving the door open behind him."; now the battery is off-stage; now the robot is off-stage; now the marble door is unlocked; now the marble door is open; increase the score by 30;