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The Dark Lord of RiverPark
Jarom Norris
Played 889 times
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"The Dark Lord of RiverPark" by David Lye After reading a command: if the player's command includes "777" begin; move player to Training Day instead; end if. Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Train Platform is a room. "You are standing on a train platform. The train can be seen disappearing in the distance. Across the tracks, to the west, you see large and tall building with walls like black mirrors. The train platform runs north and south.". Train Platform is east of Parking Lot. The backpack is a container in the Train Platform. "There is a backpack sitting at your feet." The backpack is wearable and openable and closed. Understand "bag" and "pack" as backpack. train1 is scenery in Train Platform. The printed name of train1 is "the train". Understand "train" as train1. "The train is gone." The letter is a thing inside the backpack. The description of the letter is "[welcome letter]". To say welcome letter: say "Welcome to LUCID. We're so happy for you to be joining us. Come to the third floor of SoJo and we can begin." Check going south while in Train Platform: say "You start to head south but see that the south end of the platform is a dead end. The exit is on the north side." instead. Dumb Train is a truth state that varies. Dumb Train is false. Check going west while in Train Platform: if Dumb Train is false begin; now Dumb Train is true; say "Look, you seem like a smart kid. We're going to pretend you don't want to step onto the train tracks." instead; else; end the story saying "Really? Alright. You step out onto the train tracks, and are promptly hit by a train. What a dumb way to die."; end if. Parking Lot is north of Train Platform. "You are standing in a parking lot that is full of cars. To the west is the multi-story building. To the southwest there are several shuttles waiting for passengers. To the east is a train platform.". Parking Lot is outside of SoJo Entrance Hall. Parking Lot is east of SoJo Entrance Hall. Parking Lot is north of South of SoJo. nice cars is a container in Parking Lot. "There are some nice cars here.". The description of the cars is "There is a Jaguar F-type in the parking lot that appears to be unlocked.". The cars is fixed in place, closed, and openable. Understand "car" and "Jaguar" as cars. Check opening the cars: end the story saying "An alarm goes off. You see security swarming the parking lot, led by a dark figure in all black. You're quickly arrested. Guess that's the end of your adventure!". Check going west while in Parking Lot: say "The building almost seems to get taller as you approach it. It casts a long shadow over you as you push open the door." SoJo Entrance Hall is west of Parking Lot. "You are standing in a long, wide hallway. Doors lead out the west and east ends. There is an elevator here, and a glass door to the southwest leading into a room with LUCID in large letters." SoJo Entrance Hall is north of SoJo Security Room. SoJo Entrance Hall is north of SoJo Elevator. SoJo Security Room is southwest of SoJo Entrance Hall. "The word LUCID looms above you as you enter this small room. There is an empty desk, on which is a small device." security desk is scenery in SoJo Security Room. "The desk looks like someone normally sits at it, but it's currently empty. There is a device attached to the desk." tablet is scenery in SoJo Security Room. "The small device appears to have a screen, but no buttons. It's shaped like a tablet.". understand "device" and "screen" as tablet. Check touching the tablet: say "The device's front lights up with a little jingle and these words:"; now the command prompt is "WELCOME. ENTER YOUR NAME. > ". To decide whether collecting names: if the command prompt is "WELCOME. ENTER YOUR NAME. > ", yes; no. The player’s forename is a text that varies. The player’s full name is a text that varies. The temp card is an object. After reading a command when collecting names: if the number of words in the player’s command is greater than 5: say “[paragraph break]THAT IS A LONG NAME. CANNOT COMPUTE THAT MANY NAMES. TRY AGAIN.â€; reject the player’s command; now the player’s full name is "[the player’s command in title case]"; now the player's forename is "[word number 1 in the player's full name]"; now the command prompt is “>â€; say “WELCOME, [player’s forename].[paragraph break] The device spits out a flimsy badge with the words 'TEMPORARY CARD FOR [the player's full name]' You take the badge.â€; now the player has the temp card; reject the player’s command. Before entering SoJo Elevator: if player does not have temp card and player does not have an access card begin; say "The elevator doesn't open for you. Maybe you need something to get upstairs?" instead; end if. SoJo Elevator is south of SoJo Entrance Hall. "You're in a clean, modern elevator. The doors have closed behind you." SJeleLevel is a number that varies. SJeleLevel is 1. Elevator Panel is a container in SoJo Elevator. "The panel has three buttons, one for each floor." SoJo 1st Button is an object in the Elevator Panel. Understand "button 1" and "floor 1" and "1st floor" as SoJo 1st Button. Check pushing SoJo 1st Button: if SJeleLevel is 1 begin; say "You're already on the 1st floor. The elevator doesn't do anything."instead ; else; now SoJo Entrance Hall is mapped north of SoJo Elevator; now SJeleLevel is 1; say "The elevator moves quickly and smoothly to the first floor." instead; end if. SoJo 2nd Button is an object in the Elevator Panel. Understand "button 2" and "floor 2" and "2nd floor" as SoJo 2nd Button. Check pushing SoJo 2nd Button: if SJeleLevel is 2 begin; say "You're already on the 2nd floor. The elevator doesn't do anything."instead ; else; now SoJo 2nd Floor is mapped north of SoJo Elevator; now SJeleLevel is 2; say "The elevator moves quickly and smoothly to the second floor." instead; end if. SoJo 3rd Button is an object in the Elevator Panel. Understand "button 3" and "floor 3" and "3rd floor" as SoJo 3rd Button. Check pushing SoJo 3rd Button: if SJeleLevel is 3 begin; say "You're already on the 3rd floor. The elevator doesn't do anything."instead ; else; now SoJo 3rd Floor Reception is mapped north of SoJo Elevator; now SJeleLevel is 3; say "The elevator moves quickly and smoothly to the third floor." instead; end if. SoJo 2nd Floor is a room. "You've made it to the second floor. There is a staircase here leading up and an elevator to the south.". Check entering SoJo 2nd Floor when the player has the temp card: say "You remember you need to go to the third floor.". South of SoJo 2nd Floor is SoJo Elevator. Up from SoJo 2nd Floor is SoJo 3rd Floor Reception. Fridge is a container in SoJo 2nd Floor. Fridge is openable, fixed in place and closed. Hot Sauce is an object inside Fridge. Instead of eating or drinking hot sauce: End the game saying "The hot sauce seems fine and first, but soon your entire body is begins to burn, starting with your throat and spreading through your limbs. Next thing you know you're writing on the floor, staring up into the lights." SoJo 3rd Floor Reception is a room. "You are at the reception desk on the third floor. No one is there but you can see someone busily stocking the break room to the east. A sign points new recruits to go north to Training Day." South of SoJo 3rd Floor Reception is SoJo Elevator. Training Day is north of SoJo 3rd Floor Reception. "The conference room is filled with people. A women stands at the front giving a presentation. Strangely, nobody reacts to you entering.". trainingtable is a fixed in place supporter in Training Day. The printed name of trainingtable is "A table". Laptop is an object on trainingtable. Access Card is an object on trainingtable. Check taking the Access Card: now the player has the Access Card; remove temp card from play; say "You find the access card that says [player's full name]. You swap out your temporary card for the permanent one." instead. Janet is a woman. Donut is an edible object. Check going south from Training Day when the player is carrying the Access Card: now the description of SoJo 3rd Floor Reception is "You are at the reception desk on the third floor. A bubbly woman sits at the desk with a badge that says 'Janet'. She has a box of donuts and insists that you take one."; now player is in SoJo 3rd Floor Reception; now Janet is in SoJo 3rd Floor Reception; now Donut is in SoJo 3rd Floor Reception. Shuttle Pickup is a room. Shuttle Pickup is mapped south of Parking Lot. Wizened Old Man Brian is a man in Shuttle Pickup. "An old man stands here, leaning on an electric guitar." Check talking to Wizened Old Man Brian: say "The man smiles at you. 'Have your access card? Hop onto a shuttle. Don't pick the wrong one. And beware the Dark Lord.'".