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David Li
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The maximum score is 10. Every turn: if score is 10 begin; say "Out of bed so early little Billy?[paragraph break]You made too much noise!";end the game in death; end if. Every turn: if score is 11 begin; say "It is past your bed time little Billy?[paragraph break]You made too much noise!";end the game in death; end if. Every turn: if score is 12 begin; say "Having a nightmare, little Billy?[paragraph break]You made too much noise!";end the game in death; end if. Every turn: if score is 13 begin; say "Need me to tuck you in, little Billy?[paragraph break]You made too much noise!";end the game in death; end if. Every turn: if score is 14 begin; say "Not tired, little Billy?[paragraph break]You made too much noise!";end the game in death; end if. Every turn: if score is 15 begin; say "Play time is over, little Billy.[paragraph break]You made too much noise!";end the game in death; end if. When play begins: say "Little Billy awakens in the late hours of the night to a unrelenting soreness and a dry throat. He reaches for the night light, so that he can fetch himself a cup of warm milk (and maybe a cookie), but as he gropes the approximate area of where it should be situated, he finds that he is not where his parents had tucked him in hours prior. Drowned in complete darkness, all Billy knows is he has something within his pocket." [TheMysteriousRoom] The Mysterious Room is a room. "Little Billy finds himself within an unfamiliar setting; it is uncharacteristically dark and cold, and is definitely not his bedroom. As his eyes adjust, he notices that he is within a small room, with a lever bolted to the ceiling, and a chair in the corner. There is a metal door to the east, but when Billy tries it, he finds that it is locked. 'Where am I? Mom? Dad?', Billy calls, but there is no response.[Paragraph break]In this game, try not to make too much noise, or you will lose! The points represent how loud you are, and once you reach 10 or more it's game over!"The Mysterious Room is dark. The player carries a small flashlight. The small flashlight is a thing. Instead of switching on flashlight: now the small flashlight is lit. Using is an action applying to one thing. Understand "use [something]" as using. After using [something]: if the noun is the flashlight, now the flashlight is lit. The metal door is a door. The metal door is locked. The lever unlocks the metal door. The metal door is east of the mysterious room and west of the Hallway. The lever is a device in the Mysterious Room. The lever is fixed in place. The lever is switched off. The description is "Bolted to the ceiling, and way to high up to reach. " The chair is an enterable supporter in the Mysterious Room. The description is "Wood is cracked and wobbly, from old age. It is very dusty." Understand "step on [something]" as entering. Check switching on the lever: if the player is not on the chair: say "You are only four feet; you are unable to reach the lever."instead. Check switching off the lever: if the player is not on the chair: say "You are only four feet; you are unable to reach the lever."instead. carry out switching on the lever: now the metal door is unlocked. carry out switching off the lever: now the metal door is locked. Report switching on the lever: say "The door is now unlocked." report switching off the lever: say "The door is now locked." [The Hallway] The Hallway is a room. The Hallway is east of the metal door and west of the wood door. "As Billy leaves the room, he enters a dark and claustrophobia-inducing hallway. That combined with the ear splitting silence strike fear into little Billy. There is a wooden door straight down to the east, and a room to the north. There is light visible coming from the room behind the wood door."The hallway is dark. The slip of paper is a thing in the Hallway. The description is "Billy examines the messy and shaky hand writing, barely making out the words, 'Be quiet, or he will find you.'" The wood door is a door. The wood door is east of the Hallway and west of the Lounge. [Storage Room] The Storage Room is a room. The Storage room is north of the hallway. "Right in the middle of the room, is a medium sized chest, similar to the toy chest Billy was used to seeing at the daycare." The hammer is a thing in the storage room. The description is "A little rusty, but looks like it would do the trick." The pillow is a thing in the storage room. The description is "Tempting but now is no time to sleep." Instead of dropping the hammer: award 3 points; say "Oof that was loud." The chest is a closed openable container in the storage Room. The description is "Kind of like the toy chest at the daycare, but there is probably nothing fun in there." Destroying it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "break [something] with [something]" as destroying it with. Instead of destroying chest with something: if the second noun is the hammer and the player has the hammer: say "You bring the hammer crashing down on the chest, cracking the wood open and revealing the contents within. But boy, was that loud.[paragraph break] There is a teddy bear, a bell and a toy car in the chest."; award 6 points; now the chest is open; otherwise: say "You're going to need something harder than that to break the chest."; rule fails; The teddy bear is in the chest. The bell is in the chest. The toy car is in the chest. The bell is a thing in the chest. The description is "Sounds like a normal bell; but maybe I should try to keep quiet." After taking the bell: award 1 points. Every turn when the player is carrying the bell: award 1 points. The toy car is a thing in the chest. The description is "Small, heavy, metallic and wheels are extremely squeaky." After taking the toy car: award 1 points. Every turn when the player is carrying the toy car: award 1 points. The teddy bear is a thing in the chest. The description is "Furry, soft, and chewed up, looks like it lost its owner." [Lounge] The Lounge is a room. The lounge is east of the wood door. "When Billy enters, he is surprised by a whole different scene. There are other kids, roughly the same age as him sitting around, eyeing him attentively as he walks in. Billy does not know their names, and can only recognize them by their features. Also, there is a shelf standing in the corner, and rooms to the north and south. It is excruciatingly quiet here, like all the rooms prior, which makes the crying from the north room sound much more piercing." Brown hair is a person in the Lounge. The description is "Shorter than Billy, with brown hair. Also carries a pretty blank expression." Green eyes is a person in the Lounge. The description is "Has cold green eyes that really twinkle even in the darkness." Big forehead is a person in the Lounge. The description is "Even at such a young age, his hairline seems to already be receding. " Every turn when the player can see Brown Hair: say "The brown haired boy watches you anxiously." Every turn when the player can see Green Eyes: say "The green eyed boy cringes at every sudden noise you make." Every turn when the player can see big forehead: say "Big forehead seems to be asleep." Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “speak to [someone]†as talking to. Instead of asking Brown Hair about something: say "huh" Instead of telling Brown Hair about something: say "uh" Instead of talking to Brown Hair: say "'Where am I? What is this place?'Billy asks.[paragraph break]'We've been in here for as long as we can remember. This is our home.' replies Brown Hair." Instead of asking Green Eyes about something: say "Shhhh" Instead of telling Green Eyes about something: say "quiettt" Instead of talking to Green Eyes: say "'Why is it so quiet around here?'Billy asks.[paragraph break]'If you make too much noise, he will wake up.'answers Green eyes in a hushed tone." Instead of asking Big forehead about something: say "I'm sooo tired." Instead of telling Big Forehead about something: say "zzzzZzZzzzzz" Instead of talking to Big Forehead: say "'What's with the crying?' Billy inquires.[paragraph break]'Oh... that's Ryan... he's always crying.'replies Big Forehead drowsily." The shelf is a supporter in the Lounge. The description is "A wooden mahogany shelf, the only piece of furniture in the room." The pair of scissors is a thing on the shelf. The description is "Sharper than the scissors that they use for crafts at the daycare. " [Ryan's Room] The North room is a room. It is north of the Lounge. "Billy enters the north room; and instantly sees the source of the crying. In the room, not to different from the one he had awoken in, is an abnormally large boy bawling in the corner. There is a cupboard right behind him, which he is leaning on." A person can be happy or scared. Ryan is a person in the North Room. The description is "Looks about the same age as Billy, but sizeably larger in height and weight. There is no way Billy can check the contents of the cupboard if he is going to just sit there and cry, blocking his path." Ryan is scared. The cupboard is a closed openable container in the North room. The key is in the cupboard. The cookie is in the cupboard. The key is a thing inside the cupboard. The description is "Glimmering with hope, but not too shiny physically." The cookie is a thing inside the cupboard. It is edible. The description is "Oooooh a cookie. Billy loves cookies." Instead of eating cookie: say "Oh boy that was pretty crunchy. Kind of stale actually."; award 2 points. Check opening the cupboard: if Ryan is scared: say "Being the gentle soul you are, you decide not to intrude on the boys emotional episode."instead. carry out opening the cupboard: now the cupboard is open. Report opening the cupboard: say "After reuniting Kevin with his long lost teddy bear, he moves out of the way, giving you enough space to open the cupboard." Instead of giving the teddy bear to Ryan: say "Ryan is OVERJOYED to be reunited with his long lost best friend. He cannot thank you enough, and begins to roll around the room, ensnaring the teddy bear in a tight hug."; now Ryan is happy. Instead of telling Ryan about something: if Ryan is scared: say "WAaAAh."; otherwise if Ryan is happy: say "TEDDY I'M SO GWAD YOU AWE BACK." Instead of talking to Ryan: if Ryan is scared: say "waaAAaah."; otherwise if Ryan is happy: say "I FOT I WOST YOU FOWEVA." Instead of asking Ryan about something: if Ryan is scared: say "Sniff.. sniff... WAaAAaah."; otherwise if Ryan is happy: say "My PWeCIoUS... MY PWeCIOUS... maybe I shouwd be mowe quiet... so master won't punish me." [Kevin's Room] The South Room is a room. It is south of the lounge. "Billy opens the door to the south room, and instantly hears a subtle and repetitive noise which he identifies as snoring. There are two doors in this room; one to the east and one to the west . Right beside the door to the east room, there is a wide eyed boy sitting and fidgeting with what seems to be a rope around his wrists." Kevin is a person in the South Room. "Kevin is tied in the corner, beside the door to the east." The description is "A wide eyed boy, seems to have been through something rough before." Kevin is scared. The rope is scenery in the South Room. The rope can be cut. Cutting it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "Cut [something] with [something]" as cutting it with. Instead of cutting rope with something: if the second noun is the scissors and the player has the scissors: say "Kevin is freed! Kevin now sees you as a friend."; remove rope from play; now Kevin is happy; otherwise: say "That's not going to work; this heavy duty rope is going to require some heavy duty tools."; rule fails; Instead of talking to Kevin: if Kevin is scared: say "Help me."; otherwise if Kevin is happy: say "[one of]'Are you okay?'Billy asks.[paragraph break]'Yea, I'm great, thanks! Those ropes were really beginning to dig into my skin. What can I do for you in return? If you have any questions ask away,'Kevin offers politely. [paragraph break] Type talk to Kevin or g to continue the conversation. [or]'What's going on?' Billy asks,'where the heck are we?'[paragraph break]'Oh you're one of the new people. Basically this is where he keeps us and punishes us. Also please watch your language,' Kevin replies. 'And try not to talk to loud, or he will come for you.'[or]'Who is he?'Billy whispers tensely.'[paragraph break] 'He's the master of this dungeon or whatever this is. He's kind of sadistic, meaning he likes to hurt us. But he still keeps us alive at least. Sometimes I wonder if it is still worth it,'Kevin answers softly.[or]'How do you get out of here?'Billy inquires,'I really really really want to get out of here.'[paragraph break]'You have to get the key. It is in the cupboard in the room north of the lounge. Once you get it, you use it to unlock one of these two doors.'Kevin states while gesturing to the east and west doors,'However, I have never made it past this point, so I do not know which one it is.'[or]'So you have tried to get out?'Billy asks curiously,'Maybe you can come with me.'[paragraph break]'No you are going to have to go alone. Last time me and my friend Ryan tried to escape it didn't go so well. He busted us, hurt us, and stopped feeding us for a week,'recalls Kevin painfully as tears form in his eyes,'He then tied me up and took Ryan's teddy bear. It was tough for me, but devastating for Ryan. So that's why I've made a promise to myself to never try to escape again. It's for my own sake and for my friends'[or]Billy decides to stop talking any further with Kevin for now, seeing him in his fragile state. [stopping]". The west door is a closed locked door. The east door is a closed locked door. The key unlocks the east door and the west door. The west door is west of the south room. The east door is east of the south room. [West Room] The West Room is a room. The west room is west of the west door. "There is a menacing vibe to this room. Billy knows that he is not alone within the room; and his suspicions are confirmed when he barely makes out someone, or something lying in the bed. It seems really risky to explore, but the contents of the room are quite interesting." Every turn while in the west room: award 1 point. The lollipop is a thing in the West Room. It is edible. The description is "Billy loves candy, and this lollipop looks especially appetizing. Pretty weird that it is right on the ground tho" After taking the lollipop: award 2 points. Before eating the lollipop: say "Maybe it's not a good idea to eat that here..." Instead of eating the lollipop: say "SLuRP!"; award 4 points. The juice box is a thing in the West room. It is edible. The description is "Billy could really go for a drink right about now...after all his thirst has still not been quenched." After taking juice box: award 2 point. Before drinking the juice box: say "Maybe save it for later?" Instead of drinking the juice box: say "*loud sucking noises*"; award 4 points. The bear trap is a thing in the West Room. The bear trap is an enterable supporter in the West Room. The description is "Looks like a lot of fun." After entering the bear trap: end the game saying "Why did you think this would ever be a good idea?" [East Room] The East Room is a room. The east room is east of the east door."Billy enters to a blinding light, and a warmth that he has not felt in a while, and begins to hear a familiar sound; a constant droning in his ear that he knows all too well. As he listens more and more intently he finally comprehends it. [Paragraph Break] 'Billy time to wake up!'" Every turn while in the east room: say "Good thing it was all just a dream :)";end the game in victory.