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The Really Latest Sandbox
Jim Green
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"Sandbox I knew ye well" by Jameson Byronius Green Book 1 - The Whole Shootin' Match Part 1 - Administratia Chapter 1 - When Play Begins Maximum Score is 350. [Source updated 041224] [<><><><><> Things to add to this monstrosity <><><><><><><><><><<><] [implement zuni doll like adventure dwarfs sorta- done, sorta] [preuvian fertility idol light, mirror, raise pedestal trick.] [In saltmarsh, do the pitfall! bit w a pond 3 gators and a swinging vine] [in the back yard there is a 5x5 pit, w shrapnel of a bb gun co2 cartridge] [A play on the get wicker cage, get bird, drop bird, kill snake adventure bit done!] [have more random wandering things, most not requireing combat, but just another] [thing cruisin around the game world ie Gelatinous Cube,Dirk from dragons lair etc.] [cataclysmic] [Include Exit Descriptions by Matthew Fletcher.] test me with "gonear flood determination/ get cage/ drop lighter/ s/ get songbird/ gonear front yard" [Test me with "x sign/ x glacier/ x instruments/ x windows/ x radar/ x radios/ take the cushions/ take the glacier".] [test me with "w/ fget mailbox/ open mailbox/ get catalog/ x catalog/ x door/ w/ get primatine mist/ e/ s/ x huffy/ get huffy/ eat huffy/ l".] [test me with "g sub-search/ get bonkers/ get monday night talking football/ get Atari 2600/ get space invaders cartridge/get jaws piggie bank/ get pinball machine"] [Debugging tools testing inform: TREE, ACTIONS, RULES, RELATIONS, PURLOIN, GONEAR, TEST ME, ABSTRACT, SCENES, SCOPE and SHOWME.] [-=-=-=-=-=-== BANNERS PAGE,LINE BREAKS, ITALIC AND OTHER TEXT TRICKS -=-=-=-=-==-=-=] Rule for printing the banner text: say "[bold type]The Ultimate Sandbox - More Tips, More Tricks, MORE FASTERER, MORE BETTERER![line break][roman type]One man's attempt at learning Inform 7 by keeping snippets and examples in one document and rolling it all into a 'Game' hoping its not all completely illegible. Make no mistake I harbor no aspiration that this will be a releasable game, but hopefully a stepping stone to one. Another Fine Jimco (TM) Project![italic type] You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany. We must be cautious. This is a GIANT sandbox. Try not to get lost.[line break][roman type]" [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-] [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=WHEN PLAY BEGINS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] when play begins: Say "PLEASE READ: THIS IS NOT A 'Typical' GAME.[paragraph break]Please type [bold type]ABOUT[roman type] to get a full understanding of why and what this clusterf@#$ actually is. It's fairly important if you intend to delve into this at all, and you only need to be assaulted by the wall of text once. Thanks![paragraph break]If you have read the about page, lets carry on to the [bold type]intro[roman type]-[paragraph break]The letter said that you had been chosen. Chosen to beta test a new product from [bold type]Time Travel Vortex Inc Llc.[roman type] You'd never heard of them before. Your schedule is free, so you thought why not. And here you are. Why not indeed..." [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=- WHEN PLAY BEGINS part deux =-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [***rem above and use this to list items that currently don't have a description.] [When play begins (this is the run property checks at the start of play rule): repeat with item running through things: if description of the item is "": say "[item] has no description."] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-] Chapter 2 - Rules, Substitutions and Easter Eggs oh my Understand "about" as a mistake ("[paragraph break][bold type]What is this conglomoration and how on earth could it at all be useful to this deranged 'author' let alone me, random internet user trying to learn Inform 7? [paragraph break][roman type] When first learning Inform 7 I would find all sorts of interesting snippets of inform code and copy them to a cheatsheet. Then, I would lose the cheatsheet, start another one, lose it, then rinse and repeat. (To add more bloat to this wall of text, these snippets and examples of Inform 7 are the product of the extrememely generous IF community. From creators of Inform 7 to the person new to the community, I have never participated in a 'hobby' where its membership/creators are so giving of their knowlege and work. It is them alone that I have the responsibility of thanking. There are no words other than, Thanks, I can only try and pay it forward.) Ok, back to the cheatsheets, I thought creating a feaux game incorporating those snippets would do two things. Keep all the examples in one central spot making a nice one stop shop for Inform 7 examples, and introduce me to the basics of Inform game design. So, you had, random disjointed locations, ridiculous items and no story thread at all. As this document has progressed, a storyline (albeit very crude) has begun to emerge. I moved some stuff around, and I can see a nostalgia based direction coming to form. I know what you're saying, imagine that, someone writing a text adventure based on nostalgia, like that's never been done before. Well bottom line is, I began this to kind of create a how to document for my personal use. As it's progressed, I began to try to make a bit of sense out of the whole mess and thread it together as the beginnings of a story. This change in scope has allowed me to experiment with game design in the most lowest of forms. Before the rotten fruit begins to rain down, I have no illusion that the following mishmash could be formed into a coherent game. But the experience in doing this has a minute possibility of leading to that. I also am keenly aware that I am really not good at this at the current moment. And it may just stay that way, making the prospect of actually publishing a work of IF down the road unlikely. I'm ok with that, as I'm having a blast learning the tool. And no matter what happens, that's enough for me. To close this rambling manifesto-like statement, I'm not sure if anyone would ever find any of this remotely useful. But on the odd chance that you have, it would really be cool if you'd let me know. My email is [bold type]jimbgreen@gmail.com .[roman type] Thanks for taking time to read this.") [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=--=-=-= CUSTOM TEXT RESP.USING UNDERSTAND CMD.EASTER EGGS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=] Understand "graham" as a mistake ("[one of]This would not be possible without Graham Nelson for creating inform giving hope to us common folk that we actually have to tools to create works of IF. To release this free and now open source is a level of generosity I do not understand. To spend the massive amount of personal free time creating it, all the while enduring the 'gimmie, gimmie, I want it now, I want it free, and I want it done just the way I want it' internet user that has become so prevalent these days must take the patience of Job. So thanks Graham. And thanks to all those that contributed to making Inform what it is. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.[or]Thank You![or]Thank you![in random order]") Understand "8675309" as a mistake ("[one of]Jenny I got your number. [or] I wanna make you mine [or] Hey Jen, don't change that number. [in random order]") Understand "don bluth" as a mistake ("[one of]Lead on adventurer, your quest awaits. [or] Ah Daphne, you put any Disney Princess to shame[or] You know Don, he created the first Laser Disk arcade game: Dragons Lair. member? [in random order]") Understand "sing" as a mistake ("[one of]Never gonna give you up! [or] Never gonna let you down! [or] Never gonna run around and desert you! [or] Never gonna make you cry! [or] Never gonna say goodbye! [or] Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you! [then at random]") [THE ABOVE IS SHAMELESSLY TAKEN FROM TABITHA OCONNELL'S GREAT 'STEPENSON PARK'.] [A TINY BUT SUPER POLISHED FIRST PARSER EFFORT, PLEASE GO PLAY IT IF YOU HAVENT!] Understand "Zork" as a mistake ("[one of]Over
.[or]So there is a Dam under this white house in a field? A DAM? Yeah, that makes sense.[or]Please note, my besmirching of the classic is meant to infer that the pareser is smarmy and has a contrarion attitude. It's probably also a conspiracy theorist. I, on the other hand, worship the ground that Zork dungeon crawls on. It literally shaped my life.[or]The elvish sword ain't the only thing showing its great antiquity if you know what i mean. Check out Methusila over here, typing on the keyboard...[or]I don't get the big deal, lets run around steal stuff and display it in a strangers trophy case. Oof that sounds fun![in random order]") Understand "423956" as a mistake ("[one of]You could say she got it all.[or]Pretty? No. Small? No. Does she have it all? Yes![or]Ain't no skin and bones.[or]Aint no fairy story.[or]All through the nighttime, and right around the clock[or]Nineteen stone, how much is that?[or]She's a whole lotta woman, a WHOLE lotta woman.[or]Wanna tell you a story.[or]to my surprise Rosie never stopped.[in random order]") Understand "oasis" as a mistake ("[one of]Ready Player One?[or]Hey! I had myself a cameo in that movie, you remember? I was long neglected.[or]IOI Nolan Sorrento on line one sir[or]A Demi Liche. A joust cabinet = the best visual you will have all day.[or] Insert Coin first[or]You aint no sixxer are you?[at random]") Understand "north central positronics" as a mistake ("[one of]A subsidiary of the Sombra Corp?[or]Ah, good ol Stephen the King.[or]The beams are failing, save the Tower.[or]Would you, fine sir, care for me to read your horoscope?[or]Next thing you know, you will find a Dogan.[then purely at random]") Understand "Jimco" as a mistake ("[one of]TM![or]The last great corporation before the world moved on.[or]They sure had some fine products[or]Established 1985 GUE.[then purely at random]") Understand "Halloween Candy Roulette" as a mistake ("[one of]Hmmm I think this represents russian roulette, 6 pieces of candy, or bullets in this case, and there is a problem with one of them.[or]Seems like russian roulette with candy. 5 pieces are good but the 6th?[or]do you take a chance? This seems a bit sketchy to me.[then purely at random]") [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CREATE RULE FOR VERB THAT INFORM DOESNT KNOW -=--=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=] [yes Im that shallow] Farting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "fart" or "poot" as farting. Report farting: say "[one of]Gah! Someone step on a duck?[or]Ah the Canadian Geese are migrating.[or]Skillsaw Fart: a truly awesome fart.[or]Such action in a high class establishment as this.[or] Real mature.[then purely at random]" [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-= EVERY GAME HAS THIS CUSTOM RESPONSES FOR XYZZY AND PLUGH -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] Xyzzying is an action out of world applying to nothing. Understand "xyzzy" as xyzzying. Carry out xyzzying: say "[one of]The word escapes your mouth like a gentle zephyr and swirls in the air around you. You can feel powerful forces gathering, like a static charge before a storm. You glance around in anticipation. A long moment passes, but nothing happens. You begin to fear that something has gone truly awry with the fabric of the universe.[or]Nothing happens. But you do feel like you have satisfied an irresistible urge.[or]***You have died *** Hahah! I gotcha didn't I?[or]Cretin![or]For a moment you can almost hear a hoarse voice say something to you. But it passes.[or]BLEEP! (ping) zZaP *glorgle* The spell you have selected is out of service. [line break]Please try another game.[or]You have a vague feeling of unease after pronouncing that word.[or]You utter the ancient eldritch magic words but nothing happens. Yet.[or]A hostile silence greets your words.[or]All the other deities have USEFUL magic words, but you're stuck with this stupid one that DOESN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING![or]A hollow voice sighs, exasperated.[or]There's an older magic at work here.[or]This is a test of the emergency hollow voice system.[or]Based on your current living conditions, it's pretty obvious you don't have any magical powers.[or]Though you're not entirely sure why, merely saying that brings a smile to your face.[or]Amateur![or]Plebe![or]A hollow voice says 'Seek not to rise above your station, little demon.'[or]When you say the word, you feel like there's a disturbance in reality, but the feeling soon fades away.[or]A hollow voice says 'Every year, hundreds if not thousands of good ideas are brought to an early death by overuse and overexposure. You can help to stop the senseless waste of space, simply by avoiding the use of clichés. Join the campaign now, and help these decent and formerly original ideas to live out their last years with dignity'.[or]'Xyzzy!,' you cry, calling on the gods of old... but nothing changes.[or]The spell sputters briefly producing an ominous wisp of smoke and the smell of burnt insulation.[or]That word has worked its magic.[or]Bless you![or]You hear a hollow voice coughing in embarrassment as though it were caught off-guard without a witty response on hand.[or]A hollow voice says, 'Wow! You must be, like, really old.'[or]You are suddenly overcome with nostalgia for the good old days, when adventurers who spoke in two-word sentences and slew dragons with their bare hands...[or]Far in the distance, a hollow foghorn sounds.[or]You speak the word, but nothing happens. How did that adventurer do it? Perhaps you should have talked to him instead of repeatedly stealing his treasure.[or]You'll need to upgrade your video card if you really want to see magic happen.[in random order]" Plughing is an action out of world applying to nothing. Understand "plugh" as plughing. Carry out plughing: say "[one of]sighs [or] ***You have died***, dont I wish. [or]A hollow Voice says 'I do not dance like a monkey for every adventurer that passes by.[or]That was funny the 359th time I heard it. [or]Seriously, the last time someone said plugh was like 1981.[or] The Hollow Voice can't even get audiobook work these days. So keep your magic words to yourself buttnutt.[or]Great googly-GUE c'mon you are better than that.[or] Cretin![or] plebe![or] Listen, it aint funny no more, my hollow voice is not so hollow.[at random]" [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-] rasacanasanafaning is an action out of world. Understand "rasacanasanafan" as rasacanasanafaning. Report rasacanasanafaning: say "cotton." jimcotming is an action out of world. Understand "jimcotm" as jimcotming. Report jimcotming: say "One of the great last corportations before the world moved on. Starting out humbly by selling such items such as the simple and purposeful jello spoon and rocketed to meteortic heights. The naming of a corporation can be such a key development, something that can litterally make or break a corportation and leave no doubt that marketing guru and jingleist extroidinaire (not to mention the worlds foremost keeper of the dead art of puns.) Phillip Millers simple idea to name the company JimCO TM. Helped the company reach unheard of heights. Unfortunately it rise to the stratosphere was almost as spectacular as its fall back to earth. Enourmous crater doesn't come close describing it's demise. And in story as old as sillicon valley, the person responsible for a large part of it's success is left holding a big bag of nothing once again. Alas, when the burned bright, there were few that shone brighter. A lot those item are located within the confines of Time Travel Inc. LLC." [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OTHER NAMES FOR ALREADY DESCRIBED ITEMS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] Understand "beskar" and "money" as the galactic credit. Understand "plug" as the atari computer dongle. [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] [=-=-=-=-=- CHANGING STANDARD RESP TO YOUR CUST RESPONSES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] Instead of jumping: say("[one of]might as well.[or]what's a record machine.[or]VH and keyboards, who knew?[in random order]") [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DISPLAYING A RANDOM NUMBER BETWEEN X AND Y =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] Instead of waiting: say "You stop doing anything for exactly [a random number from 1 to 10] seconds. Nothing seems to have changed in that time. Ed. Note: Look at the little author using substituitions and random numbers. Ain't it Cute?" [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] Chapter 3 - Of Random Encounters The Zuni Doll is a man The nasty spear is a thing. The description of the Zuni Doll is "Litterally a thing of your nightmares. You had many dreams as a kid involving the evil little doll and his knife. It looks as twisted and evil as you remember, and just as deadly. You proceed very carefull from this point. Think of the Zuni Doll as an African artifact with teeth." Every turn: if a random chance of 1 in 20 succeeds and the Zuni Doll is not in the location of the player: now the Zuni Doll is in the location of the player; say "A threatening little Zuni Doll skulks out of the shadows!"; if the nasty spear is nowhere: the Zuni Doll throws the spear in 1 turn from now. At the time when the Zuni Doll throws the spear: say "The Zuni Doll throws a nasty little spear at you, misses curses like a sailor and runs away."; move the spear to the location of the player; remove the zuni doll from play. Every turn when the Zuni Doll is somewhere: if the location of the Zuni Doll is not the location of the player: move the Zuni Doll to the location of the player; if (the spear is somewhere) and (a random chance of 3 in 4 succeeds): say "the evil little Zuni Doll throws a nasty little knife at you,"; if a random chance of 95 in 1000 succeeds: say "and it hits!"; end the story saying "It looks as though you're dead. I think we'll just call it a day."; else: say " but misses! The deadly poisoned tipped knife whistles by your ear, and sticks into the wall behind you. After a second or two, it disappears in the requisite puff of greasy orange smoke!"; if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: say " Tiring of this, the Zuni Doll slouches away into the shadows."; remove Zuni Doll from play. Instead of throwing the spear at the Zuni Doll: move the spear to the location of the player; if a random chance of 2 in 3 succeeds: remove zuni doll from play; Say "[paragraph break]you killed the evil little Zuni Doll, his body vanished in a cloud of greasy black smoke!"; else: Say "[paragraph break]Dang! Barely missed him. The little Zuni Doll nimbly dodges out of the way of the spear." The description of the nasty spear is "This weapon has been shaved to a maniacle point by someone, or thing, that is a master weaponmaker. The wooden spear gets noticibly darker as you look towards its needle like tip, an almost certain indication that it's been coated with some sort of poison. Probably a pretty potent one at that. Be careful if you handle it." [BELOW HERE WELL HAVE A QUICK VIEW OF A PASSING GELATIOUS CUBE EACH VIEWING IT WILL CONTAIN A DIFFERENT] [VICTIM. NOTE THE PLAYER WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO EXTRACT ANY TREASURE THAT IT CONTAINS. HE WILL GET TWO WARNINGS] [AFTER THE THIRD, WE HAVE DEATH, HEY CANT SAY WE DIDN'T WARN THEM. I WANT TO MAKE IT A PRETTY RARE FEATURE] [JUST TO ADD AMBIANCE. MY FAVE DND MONSTER EVER.] [SHOULD THAT BE ALL RANDOM ENCOUNTERS? BY RANDOM ENCOUNTER I REALLY MEAN PASSIVE SOMETHING THE PLAYER JUST] [CATCHES OUT OF THE CORNER OF HIS EYE ETC. THINKNG OUT LOUDHERE.] Chapter 4 - Concerning The Actor [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- INITIAL PLAYER DESC AND ASSIGNING INITIAL INV. & LIMITS -=-=-=-=-=] The description of the player is "You are a fictional character who looks very much like the non-fictional you looks. Almost exactly, in fact, except the non-fictional you is slightly more attractive, and the fictional you is a slightly better speller.". The carrying capacity of the player is 10. The player is wearing the Rad Members Only jacket. The player is carrying the flashlight. The player is carrying the galactic credit. The player is carrying the atari computer dongle. The player is carrying a translucent D20. The player is carrying a pack of cigarettes. The player is carrying the tramadol pill. The tramadol pill is edible. The player is carrying a lighter. The description of the lighter is "Oh my, it doesn't get more retro than this! A product of it's era, it is a classic fliptop Zippo stainless steel lighter. It's simple beauty is only matched by it's reliability. They sure don't make them like this anymore. Just as you are about to put the lighter away, you notice tiny lettering that reads 'Keep Away From Tiny Songbirds! Huh keep away from birds? Whatever." Understand "zippo" as the lighter. [=-=-=-=- WEARABLE ITEM WPOCKET. CANT GET It TO INITIALLY DESCRIBE POC CLOSED -=-=-=-] The description of the Rad Members Only jacket is "I think everyone in the civilized free world had one of these. Yours is sort of polished turd brown with two front hand pockets. You pop the collar." The Rad Members Only jacket is wearable. The pocket is a part of The Rad Members Only jacket. The pocket is a closed openable container. [The description of the pocket is "You use these two handy front hand pockets to warm your hands and store all kinds of rad stuff."] A floppy disk is in the pocket. The description of the floppy disk is "Verbatim. Elephant. Genius." [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] The description of the flashlight is "This is one of those small super bright flashlight. You know the kind that are way too bright. This one has some red cellophane stretched across the lens making it's beam less bright therefore preserving your night vision. I wouldn't try to remove it if I were you." The red cellophane is part of the flashlight. The description of the red cellophane is "Description of said red cellophane." Understand "flash" and "light" as the flashlight. Instead of doing something to the red cellophane: say "WHAT is with you Adventurers? You never listen. Leave the damn cellophane alone." Instead of eating the galactic credit: say "I see a dentist and an doctor of gastric medicine in your future. What is wrong with you, you dolt? Of course you can't eat the galactic credit. SMH." The galactic credit is wearable. The description of the galactic credit is "The galactic creidit is about the size of a credit card but much thicker. It looks to be made of Beskar and likely worth a pretty penny. You need to keep up with this bad boy." The description of the tramadol pill is "White, oblong and purely ineffective recreationally (not that you would, youv'e seen that movie and know how it ends) nor when used for intednded purposes. Nothing like getting your hopes up for pain relief and it ends up being one of these. I think baby asprin is stronger than trammies." Understand "trammie" as the tramadol pill. The description of the atari computer dongle is "You immediately recognize this as a security dongle. Back in the day, it was a ham fisted, hard core, over the top copy protection scheme. Some games came with a physical dongle like this. This dongle has 9 female inputs that went into the joystick port of the atari 8 bit computers (or any standard DB9 port). When loading the software, it checked for the physical dongle, if it wasn't there, the software wouldn't load. Moral? Don't loose that dongle." The description of the d20 is "Ahh tabletop role playing, another fond memory with You and your party of adventurers, Bruce and Phillip, hacking and slashing your way through yet another dank dungeon. How can you not like a game that has a monster called a Gelatinous Cube? Cmon man, thats freakin awesome. Oh I'm sorry, you did not ask for another Wonder Years story (TM), you just wanted to look at the damn die. Well, it's your normal see through, icosahedron, twenty sided die. If you care to relive your dungeon crawling past you can 'Roll D20' for old times sake." Understand "icosahedron" and "die" as the D20. The description of the Halloween Bag is "A rather old school paper Halloween bag with a paper looped handle. This bag was designed to HOPEFULLY make it through at least one season of trick or treating. Any more than that would probably lead to leaks. Candy leaking out and tears leaking down the disappointed childs face when he realizes that he lost half his candy due to a crappy paper sack. Some joker has written is stilted text with a fat black magic marker [italic type]'Russian Candy Roulette Inside. Six pieces. Five are good (representing an empty chamber), but the sixth? Do you dare try to cheat death for big points? You choose.'[roman type] Sounds ominous." [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= KLUDGE FOR ROLLING A D20 WITH RANDOM RESULTS -=-=-=-=-=-=--] Rolling is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "roll [something]" as rolling. Instead of rolling D20: say "The D20 hits the ground and wobbles in a circle for a moment and comes to rest with a [a random number from 1 to 20] on the face."; move d20 to the location. Instead of dropping D20: say "The D20 hits the ground and wobbles in a circle for a moment and comes to rest with a [a random number from 1 to 20] on the face."; move d20 to the location. [need figure out how make it actually drop, i know, Im dumb. UPD! Ha I figured it out on my damn own!] [rolling or dropping the d20 would give the random # like i wanted, but i couildnt figure out to get it] [out of the players inventory and at the player current location. thanks to the IF Forum I learned that] [Inform recognizes the players current location as 'the location'] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [The description of the piece of candy is "Each piece of candy is blood red and twisted on each end for freshness. On the face of each piece is a logo of a magnum pistol with a thin whisp of smoke drifting upward indicating that it has recently been fired. Below that in stylized lettering it says 'Red Russin Roulette Candy Bullets'. On the back 'One of us is poision, simulate spinning the chamber by eating a piece at a time. Go on press your luck. Another fine product from The JimCO tm. magic candy company'."] [=-=-=-=-=-=- RND PIECE OF CANDY IS POISON IF EAT WILL DIE =-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] [Yes, I completely understand this kind of rando-death is a no no in the currrent IF] [community, just remember this is more of a testbed than a game. Thanks :-) ] The plural of piece of candy is pieces of candy. A piece of candy is a kind of thing. A piece of candy is always edible. Six pieces of candy are in the Halloween bag. Toxicity is a kind of value. The toxicities are safe and poisonous. A piece of candy has a toxicity. A piece of candy is usually safe. The player carries the Halloween bag. After eating a safe piece of candy, increase score by 50. After eating a poisonous piece of candy: say "Yow that doesn't taste right. You smell almonds. You feel queasy, you think you've been poisoned!"; end the story saying "You can almost feel the poison candy coursing through your veins. You have died." When play begins: now a random piece of candy is poisonous. [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [smoking from Aaron Reeds must buy book- creating IF with Inform 7] Smoking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "smoke [something]" as smoking. Understand "light up [something]" as smoking. Understand "have [pack of cigarettes]" as smoking. Understand "smoke" as smoking. Rule for supplying a missing noun while smoking: if pack of cigarettes is visible, now the noun is the pack of cigarettes; otherwise say "You slip your hand into your pocket and remember you don't have your smokes on you." Instead of burning the pack of cigarettes: try smoking the pack of cigarettes. Original cigarette count is a number variable. Original cigarette count is 6. The pack of cigarettes has a number called count. The count of pack of cigarettes is 6. Check smoking when count of pack of cigarettes is 0: instead say "You're out of cigarettes." Carry out smoking: decrease count of pack of cigarettes by 1. Check smoking when noun is not pack of cigarettes: instead say "Sounds like something your high school buddies would try." Check smoking when lighter is not held: instead say "You pat your pockets, but can't seem to find your lighter." Before smoking when lighter is not held and lighter is visible: say "(first taking the lighter)"; try silently taking lighter. Before smoking when pack of cigarettes is not held and pack of cigarettes is visible: say "(first taking the cigarettes)"; try silently taking pack of cigarettes. First report smoking: say "You pull out a cigarette and flick it into life. You feel the nicotine course through your veins. Ahhhhhh." Last report smoking: say "And you still haven't quit smoking. [if count of pack of cigarettes is 0]That was your last cigarette, too[otherwise]You've got [count of pack of cigarettes in words] cig[s] left[end if]." Instead of smoking for at least two turns: say "Hey, go easy on those." Report smoking at least three times: say "You're smoking like a chimney." Instead of examining the pack of cigarettes: say "Its a well worn, used pack of Red Apple Cigarettes. If they are good enough for Bruce Willis, and Quinten, they are good enough for you. Still, it's a nasty habit, you have [count of pack of cigarettes in words] cancer stick[s] left." Understand "cigs" as the pack of cigarettes. [Scoring] Part 2 - The Rooms Chapter 1 - The Laboritory [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- STARTING ROOM -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-] Laboratory is a room. the description is "After a whirl-wind, turbulance filled trip you have made it to Time Travel Inc Llc. Entering the front door you seem to be in some sort of laboratory. All around you, scattered haphazardly about, youre see beakers, bunsen burners and other labaratory paraphenalia. Looking back at the way you came in, you notice that the door is no longer there. The same goes for the company escorts, you know the guys that were supposed to give you a tour of the place? They have disappeard too. There is a single path to the east where you hear tinny carnival music, a small passage to the northwest and a rather ominous looking opening to the south. There is a sign on the east wall." The beakers, tinny music, and paraphenalia is scenery in the laboratory. Understand "beaker" as the beakers. The Petri dish is here. The description of the petri dish is "Looks like a regular standard laboratory grade petri dish. You notice, etched in a miniscule font, a message wrappping the circumfrence of the lid. You can barely read it: 'Another laboratory grade product from the fine folks at The Magic Laboratory Grade Petri Dish Company, TM (a subsidary of North Central Positronics)'." Instead of taking the petri dish: say "You gently pick up the Petri Dish, behind its hazy glass you can barely make out tiny wriggling maggot-like insects. Being a severe insect-o-phobe you immediately drop the fragile dish to the concrete floor in suprise. It shatters in a million little pieces. Pieces so small that you can see no evidence of the solid object you had just physically held. Boy I sure hope those wriggling maggot-like insects are'nt harmful, because I don't think your high tone Members Only jacket is HAZMAT approved."; Remove the petri dish from play. Instead of listening to tinny music: say "You faintly hear carnival or circus 'music' played on a caliope, its the same tune you hear all the time when at carnivals or fairs. As you listen closer, buried in the bed of the music you hear a deep baritone voice say [bold type]'Howdy Folks! Welcome the State F...'[roman type] the voice goes quiet and all you hear is the music." The note is here. The description of the note is "So I had forgotten to mention in the banner that almost all of the examples used herein are a product of the wonderful, knowledgeful and generous group of people forming the IF community.I wish I could tell each person whose code I've borowed Thanks. More thanks continued so don't forget to read the sign and really indulge my over-use of the word Thanks!!!" The sign is here. The sign is fixed in place. The description of the sign is "Welcome to Time Travel Laboratories! [paragraph break]You are about to embark on an adventure unlike any you have ever experienced. As you travel location to location within our facility, you will be 'nano flashed' with one of our patented 'Time Travel Vortex Thing A Ma Bobs (TTVTAMB)'. Once embeded to your nervous system, it will travel with you into each previously unvisited area of the facility, harnessing and decoding your brainwaves within a millisecond creating the scene appearing before you. Each 'scene' will represent a good, positive and nostalgic time from your past that you can FULLY interact with. The more coveted and precious the memory is, the more rich and detailed the TTVTAMB will make your personalized experience. So lead on adventurer you quest awaits, (with apologies to Don Bluth.)[paragraph break]Just a note to ease any misgivings you may have. The patented TTVTAMB has built in 'paradox buffers' guaranteeing NOTHING can actually go wrong with the time-stream on your travels. No unresolvable paradoxes will be created. The time space continuum will not be ripped or changed in any way. We tested extensively. Really. We Did. No chance of time-space based problems. Zero. None. At all. Nada.[paragraph break]Damn either that is a huge sign or a tiny font." [=-=-=-=-=-=--=-= CREATE OBJECT WITH A DIFF DESC AFTER INITIAL EXAM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] A sword is here. "A familiar looking sword has been discarded here. It has tinges of Elvishness and looks a bit antique. Its faint bluish glow beckons you longingly." The description of the sword is "[if we have not examined the sword]Deja vu is strong with this one.[otherwise]as you rexamine the weapon, you realized its almost custom fitted for you. A small inscription states, The Adventurer was here. And below that [italic type]'Another fine weapon from Great Underground Weapon Company, TM a subsidiary of North Central Positronics.'"[roman type] [end if] After taking the sword for the first time: increase the score by 10; [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=] Chapter 2 - The Christmas Vista [THIS WAS JUST A PURE NOSTALGIA SECTION WITH ZERO GAMEPLAY. INDULGE ME LOL] Christmas Vista is a room. Christmas Vista is northwest of the laboratory. The description of the Christmas Vista is "Oh my, you have stepped into what looks to be a recreation of your favorite Christmas mornings rolled in one big room. The living room of your childhood home is faithfully recreated. Favorite toys that you received across multiple Christmases are here. Board games like Sub Search, Bonkers, and Talking Monday Night football. One year you got a pinball machine (not a real one, a plastic standup model). Theres the Jaws piggy bank and the crown jewel of all Christmases, the iconic Atari 2600 and Space Invaders game cartridge. It looks like they even got the tinsel on the tree right." The album is here. The description of the album is "This looks to be another familiar item. You had this album as a kid. It's a 3 record set called 40 funky hits. You played this so much you wouldn't have been surprised if the needle wore all the way through the wax. Some of your favorite tracks were:[line break][bold type][one of]Hot Rod Lincoln by Johnny Bond.[or]Mr. Custer by Larry Verne.[or]Surfin Bird by The Trashmen.[or]Snoopy vs The Red Baron by The Royal Guardsmen.[or]Beep Beep by the Playmates.[or]Alley Oop by the Hollywood Argyles.[or]Stagger Lee by Lloyd Price.[or]Guitarzan by Ray Stevens.[or]Purple People Eater by Joe South.[or]Ahab the Arab by Ray Stevens.[roman type][in random order]" The Jaws Piggy Bank is scenery in the christmas vista. "This was a very cheap, knockoff trying to capitolize on Jaws craze of 1974. To be honest it looks more like a dolphin than the man-eater of movie fame. For whatever reason, you always liked this little shark. You never could get much money save up using it, but as later life went on to prove, it sure wasnt the piggy banks fault." Sub Search is scenery in the christmas vista. "This game by Milton Bradley was a spin-off off their hit Battle Ship. As a matter of fact, the best way to describe sub search is that it is a 3D version of battleship. It had three levels. It was really a thinking mans game." Bonkers is scenery in the christmas vista. "Bonkers is fun, Bonkers is nice, Bonkers is never the same game twice! That was this board games jingle. The board game masters at Parker Brothers had another hit on their hand with this one. It was unlike anything we had seen at the time. The main board was basically blank and you had 'board' cards where you built the board as you played. Thus the 'never the same game twice' motto." The Atari 2600 is scenery in the christmas vista. "Quite possibly the pinnacle of you Christmas gifts. You could have received nothing for the next two years and it would not matter. The 2600 with Combat and Space Invaders made for a combination that almost fried your TV on the 26th and 27th as it was rare that it was not on and being played." The Pinball Machine is scenery in christmas vista. "You can't recall the make of this machine. But it was a credible attemp at a pinball machine for the day. It certainly no Attack From Mars or Mideval Madness but fun none the less." The talking monday night football is scenery in the christmas vista. "This one came out of left field. Lets face it the so-called 'father' rarely deserves credit much less actually getsget it, but in this case looks like he was ahead of the curve with this one. In this board game Mattel delivered an ahead of the time product that included a tiny record player. Each side (offense and defense) has their own record with 8 plays on each record. Each side calls their play (inserts it into the record player) and hitting play on the record player results in the announcer calling the results of the play. Greatness. Just a hint for offense. Gadget plays." Space Invaders game cartridge is scenery in Christmas Vista. "This is a standard Atari 2600 cartridge. The label has the same artwork that was on the box. Very syleized air brush Space Ships doing what they do best, Invading. If you squint your eyes at it, they ships almost look like the ones on the Boston album cover. This cartridge has 112 variations of Space Invaders" Instead of taking bonkers, say "While youd love nothing more than sitting down and reliving your childhood, doing so won't help you to finish the story." Instead of taking Monday Night Talking Football, say "While youd love nothing more than sitting down and reliving your childhood, doing so won't help you to finish the story." Instead of taking Jaws Piggy Bank, say "While youd love nothing more than sitting down and reliving your childhood, doing so won't help you to finish the story." Instead of taking pinball machine, say "While youd love nothing more than sitting down and reliving your childhood, doing so won't help you to finish the story." Instead of taking Atari 2600, say "While youd love nothing more than sitting down and reliving your childhood, doing so won't help you to finish the story." Instead of taking sub search, say "While youd love nothing more than sitting down and reliving your childhood, doing so won't help you to finish the story." Instead of taking Space Invaders Cartridge, say "While youd love nothing more than sitting down and reliving your childhood, doing so won't help you to finish the story." Chapter 3 - The Zork Tribute Section 1 - The Troll Room [=-=--=-=-=-=-=-= A RECREATION OF A SMATTERING OF ZORK LOCATIONS -=--=-=-=-=--==-=-] The Troll Room is a room. The Troll Room is south of the laboratory. The description of The Troll Room is "This is a small room with passages to the east and south and a forbidding hole leading west. Bloodstains and deep scratches (perhaps made by an axe) mar the walls. A nasty-looking troll, brandishing a bloody axe, blocks all passages out of the room. Just kidding, there is no troll here or puffs of greasy black smoke, just a room that takes you back to the glory days of the original zork." The mouldy scroll is a thing in the troll room. Understand "moldy" as the mouldy scroll. Instead of examining mouldy scroll: say “You gently unroll the crinkly ancient scroll and read the following:[line break][line break][italic type]Ok, 4th wall here, coming at you one more time. You may find the upcoming rooms familiar. You might even say that I need to be sued for blatantly copying locations from Zork. Well fair use and all. But seriosly folks, Ive copied room descriptions verbatim from a few rooms in Zork to try some things in inform and have familiar zork locations to compare them to. Well, it made sense when I was doing it. Now? Not so much. Sue me. So it's just to tinker and not to profit. Carry on with your bad selves...[roman type][line break] [line break]Shortly after reading the scroll, the air around you pops, snaps and sizzles, you smell ozone, and the scroll vanishes right from your hand in a puff of greasy orange smoke.[line break][line break]See, I didn't lie, there were no puffs of greasy black smoke...”; remove mouldy scroll from play. [now the mouldy scroll is nowhere.<--- This no longer compiles in v10 or up. above is how it works now] Section 2 - The Kitchen The Kitchen is a room. The Kitchen is west of The Troll Room. The description of the Kitchen is "You are in the kitchen of the white house. A table seems to have been used recently for the preparation of food. A passage leads to the west and a dark staircase can be seen leading upward. A dark chimney leads down and to the east is a small window which is open." The staircase, chimney and small window are scenery in the Kitchen. The Dinner Table is a fixed in place supporter in The Kitchen. The description of the the Dinner Table is "Looks like a mid century modern kitchen table, spacious enough for a family of five." The elongated brown sack is on the Dinner table. The elongated brown sack is an closed openable container. The description of the elongated brown sack is "a run of the mill lunch size brown sack." The pepper sandwich is in the elongated brown sack. The pepper sandwich is edible. The description of the pepper sandwich is "oi. I'm not sure who actually eats pepper sandwiches." The glass bottle is on the Dinner Table. The glass bottle is a closed openable transparent container. The glass bottle contains a quantity of water. The quantity of water is edible. The description of the quantity of water is "Just like you like your women, cold and wet." Section 3 - The Attic and Secret Room via Bookcase [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=] The Attic is up from The Kitchen. The description of the Attic is "This is the attic. The only exit is a stairway leading down." A large coil of rope is here. The description of the large coil of rope is "A large coil of rope is lying in the corner. Looks like your everyday garden variety hemp based rope." A nasty looking knife is here. The description of the nasty looking knife is "On the floor, in the corner is a nasty-looking knife." Secret Nook is a room. The description of the Secret Nook is "Nice! You've found a secret room. We'll make an adventurer out of you yet. Your only exit is the way you came in." The water water wiggle is here. The description of the water wiggle is "Wow another great toy from Wham-O. You would hook this up to your water faucet outside and when turned on, water would jet out of the bottom making the water wiggle flail around and randomly squirt people. One small problem that it had, it tended to wrap around an unsuspecting childs neck and choke them to death. Other than this minor inconvenience, it was a hoot!!" The bookcase is a locked openable door. The bookcase is west of the attic and east of secret. The description of the bookcase is "The bookcase takes up almost all of the west wall. Hundreds of books line the shelves here. As there is no presence of dust you figure they get read alot or they have a good maid. As you examine the shelves you notice that the bookcase wobbles from left to right if you put any pressure on it." The button is a device in the attic. The button is fixed in place. The description of the button is "It's a quarter sized red button. On it is inscribed 'Another Fine Magic Button from the folks at Jimco TM Magic Button Company.'" Instead of pushing the button when the bookcase is closed: say “The bookcase slides quietly open, slowly revealing a hidden room to the west.”; now the bookcase is open. Instead of pushing the button when the bookcase is open: say “The bookcase slides closed into its original position.”; now the bookcase is closed. [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=] Section 4 - The Living Room The Living Room is a room. The Living Room is west of the kitchen. The description of the Living Room is "You are in the living room. There is a doorway to the east, a wooden door with strange gothic lettering to the north, which appears to be nailed shut, a trophy case, and a large oriental rug in the center of the room." The large oriental rug is scenery in the Living Room. Understand "carpet" as the large oriental rug. The trophy case is in the Living Room. The trophy case is a fixed in place closed openable transparent container. The description of the trophy case is "The fit and finish on this case is uncomparable. Its puropose is to store all your treasure in it." Section 5 - The Canyon View Canyon View is a room. Canyon View is west of the living room. The description of the Canyon View is "You are at the top of the Great Canyon on its west wall. From here there is a marvelous view of the canyon and parts of the Frigid River upstream. Across the canyon, the walls of the White Cliffs join the mighty ramparts of the Flathead Mountains to the east. Following the Canyon upstream to the north, Aragain Falls may be seen, complete with rainbow. The mighty Frigid River flows out from a great dark cavern. To the west and south can be seen an immense forest, stretching for miles around. A path leads northwest. It is possible to climb down into the canyon from here." Section 6 - Flood Control Dam #3 Flood Control Dam #3 is a room. Flood Control Dam #3 is southeast from The kitchen. The description of Flood Control Dam #3 is "You are standing on the top of the Flood Control Dam #3, which was quite a tourist attraction in times far distant. There are paths to the north, south, and west, and a scramble down. The sluice gates on the dam are closed. Behind the dam, there can be seen a wide reservoir. Water is pouring over the top of the now abandoned dam. There is a control panel here, on which a large metal bolt is mounted. Directly above the bolt is a small green plastic bubble." Section 7 - Dam Lobby Dam Lobby is a room. The Dam Lobby is south of Flood Control Dam #3. The description of the Dam Lobby is "This room appears to have been the waiting room for groups touring the dam. There are open doorways here to the north and east marked 'Private', and there is a path leading south over the top of the dam. Some guidebooks entitled 'Flood Control Dam #3' are on the reception desk. There is a matchbook whose cover says 'Visit Beautiful FCD#3' here." Chapter 4 - Cabin Landing Cabin Landing is a room. Cabin Landing is down from Canyon view. The description of Cabin Landing is "You are at the front of a rustic log cabin. While it looks fairly used, you do get the impression that it has been well kept. A wooden door to the cabin is north. A thick forest is to the west and the only other path is the way you came." Cabin Door is a door. Cabin door is north of Cabin Landing and south of Rustic Living Room. The description of Cabin Door is "Looks like a normal wooden door. It doesn't seem to be locked." Chapter 5 - Rustic Living Room [=-=--=-=-=-=-=-= BUNCH OF EXAMPLE FROM THE RECIPE BOOK IN INFORM7 =-=--=-=-=-=--==-=-] The Rustic Living Room is a room. "The front of the small cabin is entirely occupied with navigational instruments, a radar display, and radios for calling back to shore. Along each side runs a bench with faded blue vinyl cushions, which can be lifted to reveal the storage space underneath. A glass case against the wall contains several fishing rods.[paragraph break]Scratched windows offer a view of the surrounding bay, and there is a door south to the deck. A sign taped to one wall announces the menu of tours offered by the Yakutat Charter Boat Company." The Rustic Living Room contains a glass case. In the glass case is a collection of fishing rods. The case is closed, transparent, and openable. The case is scenery. The bench is in the Rustic Living Room. On the bench are some blue vinyl cushions. The bench is enterable and scenery. The cushions are scenery. Understand "cushion" as the cushions. Some navigational instruments, some scratched windows, a radar display, and some radios are scenery in the Rustic Living Room. The description of the windows is "They're a bit the worse for wear, but you can still get an impressive view through them. There were whales earlier, but they're gone now." Understand "window" as the windows. The description of the instruments is "Knowing what they do is the Captain's job. IE, these things won't be essential in your success of completing the game." The description of the radar display is "Your normal standard pulse dopler radar display. Its apparently necessary to avoid the larger icebergs. Luckily you wont need this to complete the story." The description of the radios is "Looks like a Realistic Bearcat scanner with regular AM/FM bands also. Luckily for you, you won't need this to finish the story." Understand "radio" as the radios. A Taped Sign is scenery in the rustic living room. The description is "You can get half-day and full-day sight-seeing tours, and half-day and full-day fishing trips, complete with beverages and lunch served on all day trips. Brought to you by the fine folks and The Jimco Magic Sightseeing Tour Corp TM." The view of the Malaspina glacier is a backdrop. It is everywhere. The description is "The Malaspina glacier covers much of the nearby slope, and -- beyond it -- an area as large as Rhode Island." [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=] Chapter 6 - Fun House Fun House is east of Laboratory. "This is an early indication of how weird the experience with Time Travel Laboratories Inc. LLC is going to be. You are in a seemingly exact recreation of the classic Fun House you frequented as a kid at The State Fair Of Texas. Looks like it has it all, the spinning room, the upskirt air gun, the scissoring floor etc. Really the only thing missing is Deanna Peoples, the 6th grade girlfriend you last visited the fun house with. Spectacular Fall days in Texas, hand in hand with your 6th grade girlfriend is quite a fine thing. A path continues to the south from here along with two other exits, one southeast and the other is north to an opening that shimmers and hazes. You hear a faint sizzling coming from that direction also." Popcorn is here. The description of popcorn is "this ain't Orville Redenbachers for sure!" Gum is here. Gum is edible. The description is "this ain't Hubba Bubba thats for sure!" [Candy is here. Candy is edible. The description is "You eyeball the piece of candy. It is an individually wrapped piece of salt water taffey. You could never understand what the big deal about salt water taffy was. Is, like it 1849 or something and no one told me?"] the air gun, scissoring floor, and the spinning room are scenery in the Fun House. understand "upskirt" as the air gun. [=-=-- TRANSPORT PLAYER TO RANDOM ROOM -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] Instead of going north in the Fun House: say "You step toward the humming opening and are blocked by a solid (albeit, transparent) object. As your body comes into contact with it again, a shower of sparks spit off of you. Suddenly your head snaps back violently as an unseen force sucks you into the force field. You begin to lose your vision at the periphery. You begin to fill faint and can sense the onset of a blackout. Your last coherent thought is thinking you were being transported somewh........"; move player to random room. [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] Chapter 7 - The Convenience Store The Convenience Store is a room. The Description of The Convenience Store is "Ok now this room is a replica of the Mr M food store that you frequented as a kid. You remember collecting glass bottles to turn in for redfund money (seven cents a bottle) and using these quarters on the stores pristine Donkey Kong machine. A Donkey Kong machine that held your high score of 359+ thousand until it was carted out of the store. You regretfully put your girlfriends initial into in instead of your own. Needless to say she wasn't your girfriend much longer. You had to be reminded of her everytime you played the game. The store is as you remember, the penny candy aisle looks as good as it always had been and there are still two arcade games up by the front door. You can exit the way you came in, there is also a door to a small room, north to the back of the store." [=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=- TRYING TO CREATE SHRINK RULE, -=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=--=-=-=] [Shrinking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "shrink [something]" as shrinking. Unshrinking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "unshrink [something]" as unshrinking. A xm301 is here. A xm301 is a thing. A thing can be shrunk or unshrunk. A thing is usually unshrunk. Instead of examining the xm301 say "tiny." After shrinking xm301: now xm301 is shrunk; say "OI! The xm301 disappears in a puff of greasy orange smoke. When the smoke clears you see you have shrunk the xm301. It's tiny now." After unshrinking xm301: now the xm301 is unshrunk; say "With a snap of your fingers, xm301 returns to his normal size. It looks relieved."] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] The Convenience Store is northeast of Wacky Crypt. The Convenience Store is north of Lake of the Moon. [Instead of examining stand: say("Looks line your classical Ikea stand. The only thing of note is its single drawer.")] Chapter 8 - The Wacky Crypt or Destined for The Cutting Room Floor The Wacky Crypt is southeast of Fun House. "here is the descrip." [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MAKING A DRAWER "PART" OF AN OBJECT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] The desk is in the wacky crypt. The description of the desk is "This is either an actual Ikea Jerker or a damn fine knockoff. Sturdy and practicle, everything a desk should be. Under the table top you notice a small slideout." The slideout is part of the desk. The slideout is a closed openable container. In the slideout is a Bart Simpson Pog. The description of the slideout is "Looks to be a small utility drawer. Doesn't seem to be secured in any way." [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=] A pile of wacky packages are in the Wacky Crypt. The description of the pile of wacky packages is "One of your favorite things as a kid. The greatness of wacky packages. These look as if they are in good condition. The one you examine is [one of]'Bludweiser the fear beer.'[or]'Hostage Cupcakes - the food kidnappers give their hostages.'[or]'Minute Lice - Makes Six Sloppy Servings.'[or]'Cheap Stick lip bomb - youll get a bang out of it.'[or]' Dynamites 40 exploding sticks.'[or] 'Tic Toc's - Tiny Time Bombs.'[or]'View Monster - Sight for sore eyes.'[or]'Slayskool - Build your own atomic bombs.'[or]'Mashbox - Superbusted toy cars.'[in random order] God these are great." Chapter 9 - The Hallway The hallway is a room. "You are in a hallway. To the East is the door to the conference room. To the West is the gold door leading to the boss's office. To the north appears to be an iron grating." [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- FIXED IN PLACE OBJECT WITH A DRAWER INSIDE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] A stand is in the hallway. The stand is fixed in place. The stand is a unlocked open openable container. The drawer is part of the stand. The drawer is a closed openable container. The description of the drawer is "Looks like your normal slide out drawer. Insert snarky GUE timeline reference here." The gold key is in the drawer. The drawer is fixed in place. The description of the gold key is "It has some teeny tiny writing down its length, just big enough to be legible though. It says, 'Another Fine Key from the Great Underground Locksmith corportation. Unlocking Gold doors throughout the empire since 123GUE. Copyright 739GUE, JIMCo Inc'." [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=] Instead of examining stand: say("Looks line your classical Ikea stand. The only thing of note is its single drawer.") [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DOORS AND KEYS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] The wood door is a closed door. The description of the wood door is "'Sportin a woody!'"The gold door is a closed locked door. The gold key unlocks gold door. The description of the gold door is "The term gold is used very loosely in this description as it is gold in color only. It seems to be made out of some sort of compressed particle board." The iron grating is a locked closed door. The gold key unlocks the iron grating. The description of the iron grating is "This grating is straight from central casting. It's your classic movie grade iron portcullis. There is a key size hole on the grating also." The wood door is east of the hallway. The gold door is west of the hallway. The iron grating is north of the hallway. [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=] Chapter 10 - The Cavern [-=-=-=- AN OBJECT CLOSEABLE OPENABLE CONTAINER THAT CURRENTLY CONTAINS ITEM -=-=-=-] Cavern is a room. Cavern is north of the iron grating. The description of Cavern is "A beautiful cavern opens up for a spectacular view. Down the ledge appears to be a pond. Your not sure how this area is lit." A Infocom Box is here. The Infocom Box is a closed openable container. The Infocom Box contains a moonstone. The description of the moonstone is "hey man its from the moon." The description of the Infocom Box is "Look at me im an infocom gray box!" [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=] Instead of eating the moonstone: say("[one of]I'm not sure the moonstone would agree with you. Not to mention it's probably poison.[or]If I had some seasoning on me, it wouldn't be a problem, but since I don't...[or]What is WITH you adventurers? Running around, trying to eat everything.[or]Neil Armstrong rolls over in his grave.[or]let me get this straight, eat the rock. The rock that came FROM SPACE![at random]") The pond is scenery in Cavern. The description of the Pond is "big pond glassy surface etc." Chapter 11 - Conference Room Conference room is east of the wood door. "You are inside the conference room. A gorgeous slate executive table takes up the bulk of the room, but strangely there are no chairs. The door back to the hall is to the West." The executive table is a supporter in the conference room. The description of the executive table is "looks to be a very expensive, yet beautiful conference room table." On the executive table is a candle. The candle is a closed openable transparent container. The candle is lit. [Ok I know the whole candle thing is broken, remember to change it from being a transparent container] The description of the candle is "It's a big fat standalone candle. Mmmmm smells like vanilla." Check burning the candle: if the candle is lit: say “You’ve already done that. The candle is burning brightly.” instead. Check burning the candle: if the player does not carry the lighter: say “You’re pretty good at creating fire, but you need to be holding a lighter to create sparks.” instead. Carry out burning the candle: now the candle is lit [Conference room is west of The Convenience Store.] Chapter 12 - The Office Office is west of the gold door. "You made your way into the boss's office. The gold door is to the East." The gold box is in the office. The gold box is a locked closed openable container. The description of the gold box is "Looks like a fancy schmancy golden box to me. And no, its probably not real gold." The gold key unlocks the gold box. Inside the gold box is the book. The description of the book is "Whoa, talk about nostalgia flashback, it's a Johnson and Smith novelty catalog." Chapter 13 - Lake of the Moon [ =-=-=-=-=-=- DESCRIBING A ROOM , ASSIG UNIMPORTANT ITEMS AS SCENERY -=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-] Lake of the Moon is a room. Lake of the Moon is south of The Convenience Store. "The narrow passage opens up grandly to a view of a spectacular cavern and its small pond. A haunting light, the source of which you are not sure, is emitted throughout the room casting an otherworldly hue over the grandiose cavern. You recognize many cave structures. There's the every present stalactite and stalagmites, lime stone flows and even a small section of fragile soda straw. From the west, A cool rush of air seems to beckon you to follow." the limestone flows, stalactites, stalagmites, soda straw are scenery in the Lake of the Moon. [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=] Chapter 14 - The Arcade The Arcade is a room. The Arcade is west of Lake of the Moon. "The room transitions strangely to what looks like and old fashioned arcade. Looking straight out of the 80's Golden Age of arcades, this small room seems to have it all. Containing row after row of classic arcade games. The smells of the snack bar waft pleasantly around the room while the bleeps and bloops of the games give you the feeling of well being." The Arcade Machine is here. The description of the Arcade Machine is "There are rows and rows of golden age arcade games. Including [one of]Space Invaders[or]Tron[or]Moon Patrol[or]AsteroidsDeluxe[or]Starfire[or]Vanguard[or]Venture[or]Centipede[or]Crazy Climber[or]Frogger[or]Defender[or]Donkey Kong[or]Missile Command[or]even a Gorf Machine[at random]. The sight of them takes you right back to your senior year when arcades ruled the earth." [=-=-=-=- ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF A SUPPORTER AND SOMETHING ON IT -=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] A Coin changer is a supporter in The Arcade. The description of the coin changer is "It's like every other coin changer you have used from the 80's. Brown, Squat and utilitarian. As the British say, it just does what it says on the tin, mate. Makes change. This one dispenses tokens. There are some small inscriptions on the right side of the dispenser." On the Coin Changer is a Brass Token. The description of the Brass Token is "This small brass coin is about the size of a U.S. Quarter. It has a stylized eagle on the heads side. Flipping it over it read 'Putt Putt Golf and Games.'" [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=] Chapter 15 - Flood Determination Room Flood Determination is a room. It is northeast of the Fun House. "This is the office of the Flood Determination Group. The purpose of this group is to determine if a specified parcel of property lies within a FEMA defined flood hazard area. One would think that such an important and precise job would require precise documents and an organized office. In this instance, not the case. One exit is to the north and a door to the north." The whiz bang PC is here. The whiz bang PC is fixed in place. The description of the whiz bang pc is "What can I say. It truly is really whiz bang. The screen is on, and displaying something." The screen is part of the computer. The description of the screen is "Playfic.com is open on the screen. There is a half written line of code, stating that Room 7 will be filled with traps that go off after a few turns." [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF A DIFF WAY TO DO DOORS =--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [[Bathroom] The Bathroom is north of the bathroom door. [bathroom door] The bathroom door is a closed locked door. The bathroom door is north of the First Floor Hallway and south of the Bathroom. The description of the bathroom door is "It's locked, but why would you want to come in here anyways? Strange it's locked from this side though. "] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=--=-=-=-=- ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF A SUPPTR. W A CONTAINER ON TOP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] The end table is a fixed in place supporter in Flood Determination. The description of the end table is "the table is a simple 4 leg table. The surface is about 3 feet off off the ground, and 3 x3 on the tabletop. Looks very much like it could call itself the Floooshmeirdiom from Ikea or something like that." On the end table is a mesh cage. The mesh cage is a closed openable transparent container. In it is an iron rod. The description of the mesh cage is "This mesh cage looks similar to other mesh cages that you've seen before. On the front of the cage is a door. On top of the mesh cage is some small writing. It says 'Jimco Magic Computer Co. C2019, Another fine meshy, cagey product from your friends at Jimco TM.'" The description of the iron rod is "Oh there it is again, overwhelming deja vu. This is a very familiar looking rod with a star on the top. Its anodized black." [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-] A Pencil is here. The description of the pencil is "[one of]its pearl harbor, itll jap you.[or]its sharp as a bitch[or]You were hoping for the Palamino Blackwing[or]I love the smell of a wooden pencil in the morning.[or]you check the hardness label, no self respecting pencil afficianado uses more than a 4B.[at random]." [-=THIS PRINTS THE WHOLE DESCRIP ON 1ST VIS. AFTERWARDS, JUST THE BITS AFTER 'END IF'] [Roly Poly Containment is northeast of the Flood Determination. "[if unvisited]When you first step into the room, you notice a painting on the wall. It's a portrait with a girl in a field of daffodils. She has a roly poly covering her left eye. [end if]You have been in this room before. That painting? Something is weird about it. It's a portrait with a girl in a field of daffodils. She has a roly poly covering her right eye."] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-] Chapter 16 - Roly Poly Containment [-=-= DESCRIBING ROOM DIFFERENTLY AFTER FIRST ENTRY'IF UNVISITED' AND 'OTHERWISE -=-=-=-=-] Roly Poly Containment is south of the Flood Determination. "[if the location is unvisited]When you first step into the room, you are bothered by the sense that something is not quite right: perhaps the lighting, perhaps the angle of the walls. There is a painting on the wall, a portrait of a woman in a field of daffodils. She has a roly poly over her left eye.[otherwise]A mural on the far wall depicts a woman in a field of daffodils. She has a roly poly over her right eye. She appears to be watching you." [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=-=- AN HOMAGE TO ADVENT USING BIRD, CAGE AND DEADLY BEETLES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] Understand "bird", "songbird", "song" and "tiny" as the tiny songbird. The tiny songbird is in roly poly containment. "You hear the warbing of a tiny songbird. Every now and again you can see it flit across your vison." Before taking the tiny songbird: if the player encloses the tiny songbird: say "You already have the tiny songbird you bird brain. If you take it you of the cage it will likely fly away from you."; stop the action; else if the player is carrying the lighter: say "The tiny songbird was unafraid when you entered, but as you approach it becomes disturbed and you cannot catch it."; stop the action; else if the player is carrying the mesh cage: now the tiny songbird is inside the mesh cage; say "You manage to manuver the tiny songbird into the mesh cage."; stop the action; else: say "you can catch the bird but it keeps getting away, you need something to hold it."; stop the action. [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] Chapter 17 - Nostalgia Via 2449 Section 1 - Front Yard Front yard is a room. Front yard is south of Fun House. "Your adventure has now officially gone from weird to actually sublime. You find yourself standing in the front yard of your childhood home, 2449 Larchmont. It's just as you remember, a single level modest ranch house with a large cottonwood tree to the south, a path to a small flight of steps leading to the front door between the feux columns decorating the porch to the west. Behind you is Charles A. Tosch elementary school. Lotsa memories there." The Trident is here. The description of the Trident is "Posiedons own Trident. Posiedons own JEWEL ENCRUSTED Trident. What in the world is it doing here. The amount of jewels is staggering, it's price would be astronomical in todays funds." Section 2 - Columned Porch Columned Porch is a room. The Columned Porch is west of the Front Yard. The description of the Columned Porch is "You are standing on the front porch of your childhood home. A big percentage of your memories have made on this location. There are two feaux columns to the right of the black front door. A heavy black door is to the south, head west in the tight squeeze behind the bushes, or east the way you came." The aluminum mailbox is here. The aluminum mailbox is a closed fixed in place openable container. The description of the aluminum mailbox is "This is one of those small rectangular mailboxes permanently affixed to the entryway siding of the house." The Johnson Smith catalog is in the aluminum mailbox. The description of the Johnson Smith catalog is "One of your favorites as a kid. You could not believe that there was a physical building somewhere that its only purpose in this life was to stock such groundbreaking novelty items as rubber vomit, rubber puke and shocking cigarette lighters. The thought of visiting said warehouse was almost too much, so you had to settle for peruising all their awesome stock in this catalog and and ordering until your hearts content, or your wallet is flat." Section 3 - Behind Bushes Behind Bushes is a room. Behind bushes is west of the columned porch. The description of Behind Bushes is "You squeeze in the small space behind the bushes. For some reason you think that this would be a nice place to hide from an automobile that you hit with water soaked newspaper wads. That was an oddly specific thought. The bushes are to thick to go anywhere but back to the east from whence you came." The Primatine Mist Inhaler is here. The description of the primatine mist inhaler is "an old school asthma rescue inhaler, your not sure if this product is even made any more." Section 4 - Entryway The entryway door is a door. The entryway door is south of the columned porch and north of the Foyer. The entryway door is scenery. Understand "black", "heavy" as the entryway door The description of the foyer is "You are in the small tiled entry room of your childhood home. You can head south to the living room or back north to the porch." The huffy is in the foyer. "Takeing up half of the space here is the Huffy Thunder Road. Number 54. You would LOVE to know how many miles you put on this bike. You absolutely wore it out. All your friends had mongoose. You had the huffy. Yet another thing to thank your father for from the bottom of your heart. Not. You can continue south into the living area or go back out on the porch." The description of the huffy is "Thunder Road 54. Nothing more to be said. Except maybe that the bike you are now looking at still holds the Tosch Parking lot Longest Wheelie Of All Time." Section 5 - Living Area Living Area is a room. The Living area is south of the foyer. The description of The Living Area is "This is the living area of 2449 it looks as though it's been encapsulated in the early 80's. It's a rather large space with deep shag carpet and a cloth covered living room suite. A mammoth entertainment center covers the east wall, A rectangular coffee table rests in front of the couch. To the right of the entertainment center is a nick nack shelf, In front of the nick nack shelf is a black and white tv on a cart, sitting underneath, on the bottom of the cart appears to be an early generation videogame console. Next to it, east, is the entrance to a Kitchen. Other exits are south through the glass sliding door or west down a hallway of doors." Section 6 - Sliding Door The sliding door is a door. The sliding door is south of the Living area. The description of the sliding door is "sliding door desc. placeholder here." Section 7 - Patio The Patio is a room. The patio is south of the Sliding door. The patio is east of the driveway. The description of the patio is "should be able to complete circle going west to a driveway. Im the patio you see. You can go north back to the living area. The only other path leads to the west." Section 8 - Dining Room Dining room is a room. Dining Room is east of the Living Area. The Description of the Dining Room is "The room, looks to have been used for family dining a food prep, is also stuck it a time warp of the early 80s. Strangely in the corner of the kitchen is a wrought iron six foot tall birdcage. You can go west back to the living room or north to a closed door." The Wrought Iron Birdcage is a closed, openable, transparent container in the dining room. The Sweet Cockatiel is in the Wrought Iron Birdcage. The description of the Sweet Cockatiel is "the cockatiel, according to Wikipedia, is also known as the weero/weiro or quarrion, is a medium-sized parrot that is a member of its own branch of the cockatoo family endemic to Australia. They are prized as household pets and companion parrots throughout the world and are relatively easy to breed. As a caged bird, cockatiels are second in popularity only to the budgerigar. What this indegenous Austrailian bird was doing at 2449 Larchmont when caught by the family living there can only be accredited to spectacular unfortunate luck for the sweet cockatiel." Section 9 - Utility Space Utility door is a door. The utility door is north of the Dining Room. The description of the utility door is "Placeholder number 2345 c Jimco TM Magic Utility Door Company." Utility Space is a room. The utility space is north of the utility door. The description of the utility space is "Placeholder for utility room description. You can go north or there is another door to the south back to kitchen." Garage Door is a door. The garage door is north of the utility space. The description of the Garage Door is "Garage door placeholder." Section 10 - Car Park Car park is a room. The car park is north of the garage door. The description of the car park is "2449s garage, a messterpiece! Exits are north through a door or south the way you came." The French Door is a door. The French door is north of the Car Park. The description of the french door is "oui, oui monsieur im a door." Section 11 - Driveway The driveway is a room. The driveway is north of the French door. The driveway is west of the patio. The description of the driveway is "You are at the oilstained drive way of 2449. The concrete slab look like you could fit up to four vehicles here. The driveway continues to a rolling gate for access to the alley behind 2449. Also to the east, you see a patio or you can go back south into the car park (fancy name for a garage)." Section 12 - Hall Path One Hall Path One is a room. Hall Path One is west of The Living Area. The description of Hall Path One is "Hall path one. Bathroom door to the north." Bathroom Door is a door. The Bathroom door is north of Hall Path One. The description of the Bathroom Door is "Hi mate Im the bathroom door placeholder, pleased to meet you." Front Bathroom is a room. Front Bathroom is north of the Bathroom Door. The description of the Front Bathroom is "Hey mate your right its me the placeholder for the famous bathroom." Section 13 - Hall Path Two Hall Path Two is a room. Hall Path Two is west of Hall Path One. The Description of Hall Path Two is "The short hallway continues westwardly here. Or you could go through the door south." Jimdoor is a door. Jimdoor is south of Hall path two. The initial appearance of the jimdoor is "A boring wooden door leads out of the room. The door is [if the jimdoor is open]open[else]closed[end if]."[The description of jimdoor is "here you find your home builder low grade hollow wooden door. As its name implies, its the door to Jim's bedroom."] [The initial appearance of the wooden door is "A boring wooden door leads out of the room. The door is [if the wooden door is open]open[else]closed[end if]."] Section 14 - Jims Bedroom Jims Bedroom is a room. Jims bedroom is south of jimdoor. The Description of Jims Bedroom is "Well this is it isn't it. The absolute epicenter of the focus of all your nostalgia. The room is a pretty non descript twelve by twelve. It has the normal eight food ceilig with the two input incandecent ceiling lights as the main light source. The floor looks to be some sort of and old 70's linoleum, much of it chipped. Eighty percent of the floor is covered by one of those circular multi-colored knitted rugs. You dont remember not ever having it. There is a desk as you walk in to the left, 2 twin beds l shaped in a corner and a left closet door and a right closet door, both closed. There are no exits here unless you count north, the way you came in. " Bedroom closet is a closed openable door. the Bedroom closet is east of Jims Bedroom. [Instead of examining jimwindow: say "Looking south, is a window that frames the Elementary school across the street. You remember that same window being nearly knocked down by your drunk friend and his super hot new girlfriend. He crashed his car and she had to be home by midnight. You tell him its 11:54 and in a crazed voice with eyes to match said 'DUDE please take her home!' So what can be bad about taking a girl that I have never met or no clue whe she is home? Well of course i'll take her home, I'm dumb, but I sure ain't stupid. Stopping in front of her house she leaned into this clueless author and we made out for about 15 mintutes. I don't kiss and tell but we did get to more than one base wink wink, nod nod. She then pulls her shirt down, and says 'button up, i gotta get outta here thanks for the ride.' I think that may be my only Dear Penthouse, you won't believe this... letter I could have written in my life. I hook back up with my best friend and he is thanking me profusely for getting her home on time. She obviously never told him, and we never met again. Hell I didn't even know her name, we'd pass in the hall and in stead of ignorig me she would give the ol' bite the lip sexy wink and just walk by. Hey, that was enough for me. He went out with her for a long time and it never came to light. I suppose that makes me a bad person. This was also the same window that you crawled out when everyone else was asleep to go pick up your future wife and cruise for the next 5 hours. How you got caught you'll never know." Instead of examining jimdoor: Say: "The back of the door, like the two closets here are festooned in posters. Holding the place of honor (eyelevel and middle) is the famous Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders poster. Above and to right is an action post of the Thunder From Down Under, the best rock band on the face of the Planet AC/DC. Around in other various spots on the closet are Wacky Packages is varoious states of repair." Instead of examinig desk: Say: "This looks just like a fred green special. Four two by fours connected to a splintery particle board for your 'Desktop'. On top of the desk are some cassette tape, a radioshack cassette tape recorder/player and a really Mod green desklamp.] Section 15 - Hall Path Three Hall Path Three is a room. Hall Path Three is west of Hall Path Two. The description of Hall Path Three is "The short hallway comes to an end here with two doors here one to the south and the other to the north. Or you can go back the way you came to the east." The Fucking door is a door. The fucking door is north of hall path three. the description of the fucking door is "fucking door." Section 16 - Master Suite Master Suite is a room. master suite is north of the fucking door. the description of the master suite is "master suites are here bitch." The showers is a room. The showers is northeast of the master suite. Siblings door is a door. the siblings door is south of hall path three. Section 17 - Brosis Room brosis is a room. brosis is south of siblings door. Section 18 - Tosch Elementary Tosch Elementary is a room. Tosch Elementary is south of Front Yard. The description of Tosch Elementary is "The quientascential government building. Colorless, sqaut and utilitarian, Charles A Tosch Elementary services kids in Mesquite Texas grades 1-6. Your six years spent here was definitely memorable. Play Day, watching the new gym being built, Sparky the Firedog, BoBo the Magician, the massive Monarch butterfly migration, burning shit with a magnifying glass and your crowning achievement, lead in the sixth grade play. You will never find a more powerful performance of the jack-in-the-box. Your interpretation to this day has never been topped. It was certainly a far cry from 'zoom zoom zoom, I dip and dive around the room'." Section 19 - The Playground The Playground is a room. The Playground is south of Tosch Elementary. The description of The Playground is "The playground of Tosch looks as it did when you attended. A three foot high brick wall surrounds the playground. it has the normal acoutraments of your everyday playground, the monkey bars, merry-go-round, swings and the always popular giant slide. Amazingly, the playground was/is paved. Actual pebbely pavement. I'm sure OSHA would approve. NOT. Off to the east, you can see 'The Mushroom', it was a concrete, covered sitting area." The monkey bars, merry-go-round, giant slide, and swings are scenery in the playground. The description of the monkey bars is "An average set of monkey bars. Though you think your in shape to try them, luckily you won't need the monkey bars to complete the story." Section 20 - The Mushroom The Mushroom is a room. The Mushroom is east of The Playground. The description of The Mushroom is "You are in the mushroom. It looks like a seating area for a picnic or some other gathering. Three concrete seats curve around matching the curvature of the above overhang. This looks like it would be a fine place to seek refuge from the Texas sun after a hard day of playground playing." The superball is here. The description of the superball is "Another fine Wham-O product. Do you detect a theme here? Superball is nothing but a compressed rubber ball that has some serious bounce to it. At the time this was made, it was enough to entrtain that eras children. Wouldn't work today." Section 21 - Concrete Seating The Concrete Seating is a room. The Concrete Seating is up from The Mushroom. The description of The Concrete Seating is "You hop up onto the concreate seating like the nimble sprite that you are. You are suprised to find that you can reach the lip of the mushroom, or you can get back down." Section 22 - Shroomtop Shroomtop is a room. Shroomtop is up from the Concrete Seating. The Description of the Shroomtop is "Up here where the air is rare, Mesquite Texas spreads out before you. Off in the distance you can see the venerable Town East Mall and its unique spire, to the right of it there is the ten story black glass building that you called 'The Darth Vader' building as a kid. As you got older you realize that was the location of ID Software. It was in that exact building in your exact hometown that the game DOOM was developed and released. The curved surface of the mushroom is some sort of glazed concrete. Funnily enough, there are multiple bicycle tracks visible. Who would ride their bike up here? Looks like the only exit is down." Section 23 - Weedy Trail Weedy Trail is a room. Weedy Trail is south of the the Playground. The description of the Weedy Trail is "This trail leads away from the playground and civilization in general. The further down the path you go, the thick underbrush is preventing you from traveling east or west. You can continue the path southward, or return to the playground to the south." Section 24 - Hobo Encampment Hobo Encampment is a room. Hobo Encampment is south of the Weedy Trail. The description of the Hobo Encampment is "This area open to space about 30 feet by 30 feet. It has obiously been cleared And the two chairs and table indicate that it was once inhabited. Recently. On the giant oak tree, you see a trifold piece of paper attached to it." The trifold paper is here. The trifold paper has the printed name "Centerfold." The description of the trifold paper is "You immediately recognize the paper as an iconic Playboy Magazine centerfold. Every month featured a playmate of the month. That playmate would have her pictoral culmination across the magazines singature 3 page gatefold. This one, which is in a suprisingly pristine state for being outdoors, is Playboys Playmate of the year for 1978. In your 55 years of existence you have never had a bigger crush than the crush you had on the beautiful Ms Patti McGuier. It was one of those crushes that actually hurt. The less said about that the better. Here are a few facts gleaned directly from her Playmate data sheet. Yes by memory. Whats your point? Just to be safe you make a note to self to focus on not talking with your mouth full and being a more patient person. Name: Patti McGuire Connors.[line break] Nationality: American.[line break] Date of Birth: 09-15-1951.[line break] Marital Status: Married to 70's tennis great Jimmy Connors.[line break] Children: 2, Brett and Aubree.[line break] Height: 5'11'.[line break] Sign: Virgo.[line break] Turn Offs: People who talk with their mouth full. Impatient people.[line break] Turn Ons: An attentive lover. Quiet nights with a glass of red wine and no tv."[line break] [line break] Understand "centerfold" as the trifold paper. Section 25 - The Winding Trail The Winding Trail is a room. The Winding trail is south of the Hobo Encampment. The description of the Winding Trail is "This is a north south passage that heads deeper and deeper into thick underbrush. You can head back to where you came from or continue south where the underbrush seems to thin out." Section 26 - Saltmarsh Swamp [note to self: self, put the pitfall vignette here. Swinging vine over 3 pixleat gators] Saltmarsh swamp is a room. Saltmarsh swamp is south of the winding trail. The description of the saltmarsh swamp is "The dusty trail opens up to the edge of a small swampy pond. Cat o Nine Tails form in bunches around the circumfrence of the body of water. ED NOTE, i HAVE to flesh out the pitfall idea where a vine comes out of nowhere and you grab it as swing over strangely pixelated alligators spaced perfectly apart lol." Section 27 - Mall Parking Lot The Mall Parking Lot is a room. The Mall Parking Lot is south of the saltmarsh swamp. The description of the Mall Parking Lot is "The underbrush opens to the relatively empty parking lot for Town East Mall." Section 28 - The Crouasal Room The Crouasal Room is a room. The Crouasal Room is southwest of The Mall Parking Lot. The Description of The Crouasal Room is "You enter the mall through its northeast entrance. On this 'wing' of the mall a small section of food court starts here. You are standing in front of the first business in this food court and its cheery neon sign humming quietly that says [italic type]'Famous Ramos Hotdogs and More - a wholly owned subsidiary of Diott Enterprises' (it's tiny tiny neon). [roman type]Puzzled you glance up at the top of your computer screen, coming to rest at the status line. 'Wonder why it says that i am at The Crouasal Room'? Strange things are afoot at the Circle K for sure my friend." Section 29 - Cotton Wood Tree The Cottonwood Tree is a room. The Cottonwood Tree is east of Front Yard. "This is a nice tree. It has the unfortunate luck of being a Cottonwood. Just because she is fertile when time comes to bloom, can she help it that her seed, is floating flufff er, well, uhm Cotton? Just because it's flying around everywhere all spring doesn't make her a bad tree. Some people are so closed minded. Anyway, She looks sturdy and climbable if you want me to be brief about it." The red rubber baseball is here. The description is "[if we have not examined the red rubber baseball]This is one of those balls that you could buy in the supermarket toy aisle. They were a pink and made of a squeezable soft rubber. This one however, is deep into the aging process where it has changed colors to a dark red and is hard as cement. When touching the ball, for reasons you cannot begin to comprehend, it now looks sinister in nature, as a vision begins to play out before you. This vision is crystal clear. You see a boy of about seven, he is running toward the Cottonwood Tree. The unabashed glee on his face is suddenly replaced with a grimmace of unending pain as a streaking missile has rocketed out of nowhere and slammed into the poor childs head. He drops like a sack of potatoes unmoving, as the red rubber baseball comes to rest near him. After just a moment, the boy suddenly staggers to his feet, points his glassy eyed stare directly at you, and mumbles, 'hey, I think im unconscious!' The vison disperses as quickly as it had started. You are left wonder what in the hell that was about. And why do you suddenly feel the onset of laryngytis?[otherwise]Damn, this thing is hard as a freakin rock." The cottonwood beetles are fixed in place in the cottonwood tree. the description of the cottonwood beetles is "In the insect world, there is one that you are deathly afraid of and will nope the fuck out of their general location in a heartbeat. There are two here. For insects, they are giant, some reaching three inches long. Their markings are a yellow back with black spots. If that is not their defining feature then their super long antenna is. I think that is the feature that gives you the most heebie jeebies. That or the fact that THEY CAN FLY!! I forgot to add your tendancy to uncontrollably scream like a girl in their presence." [omg how could i miss the obvious here, why am i using a tiny song bird when a cockatiel lived in a giant] [cage in the kitchen for 12 years lol. We didn't even fuckin name that sweet bird. Humans suck.] Before going: if not going west: if the location of the player is the cottonwood tree and the location of the cottonwood beetles is cottonwood tree: say "[one of]You can't get close enough to the tree as a pair of cottonwood beetles block your way. One actually rears up and hisses at you menacingly.[or]Your fear of these evil insects is preventing you from passing them. There HAS be a way to get by them.[or]The giant cottonwood beetles block your path.[or]As you get closer to the hated bugs one rears up, it anntenna reaching toward the sky, and hisses at you. The other spreads its back slowly and threatens to fly at you with a couple flaps of its black and yellow wings daring you to take another step forward.[or]Two insects are preventing your passage. Do I have that right? oh yeah, THEY ARE COTTONWOOD BEETLES![in random order]"; stop the action. Before dropping the tiny songbird: if the player does not enclose the tiny songbird: say "The little bird is already here."; stop the action; if the location of the player is cottonwood tree and the location of the cottonwood beetles is cottonwood tree: say "The tiny songbird accelerates out of the cage and transforms from a sweet tiny songbird to a deadly cottonwood beetle assassin right before your eyes. In an astounding flurry of feathers and insect carapice, she kills and eats each cottonwood beetle right before your eyes! You take a slight amount of glee at this action as the tiny songbird seems to make them suffer before ingesting them."; remove the cottonwood beetles from play; else: say "The tiny songbird flies free."; now the tiny songbird is in the location of the player; stop the action. Section 30 - Up A Tree Up A Tree is a room. Up A tree is up from The Cottonwood tree. "You find yourself about a third of the way up the tree. Being a bit older than you were the last time you climbed this tree, you still feel as if you can go higher. A branch to pull yourself up seems to be sturdy enough and in reach, or you can climb back down." Section 31 - Tree Middle Tree Middle is a room. Tree Middle is up from Up A Tree. "You are officially high off the ground. A fall from this distance would probably involve paramedics. You are about even with the gable of the roof of the house. You see small round things hanging from the tree in various places." A pompom is here. The pompom is edible. The description of the pompom is "pompoms description." Section 32 - Tip Top Tip Top is a room. Tip Top is up from Tree Middle. "You find yourself atop the massive cottonwood tree of your youth. Falling from here would substantially involve your healh provider. There is one more branch where you could theoretically go higher, but I can't be resposible for you if you do. This is high enough. You notice the branch that you are on is paralell to the roof top of 2449 Larchmont to the north. I'm not sure about getting over there though." Instead of going up from Tip Top: say "Why listen to me. One day, I may get that respect, but this is not that day. Against all advice you reach for the higher branch and begin to pull yourself up. As you are about half way from establishing a perch on the upper branch, it cracks with a shotgun snap and the ground comes to meet you post haste. Landing awkwardly you manage to break your neck."; end the story saying "You have died." Section 33 - Rooftop Rooftop is a room. Rooftop is north of Tip Top. "Whoa! as you shimmy out towards the edge of the branch thinking you may be able to jump from the branch to the rooftop. The fact that your weight has bent the branch easing to slowly down to come to rest on the gutter taking the dangerous jump out of the picture. It looks like you can just walk across the branch directly to the roof. [paragraph break] You do just that and now have firm footing on the roof. All around you the neighborhood comes into view. You espescially remember the Shero's back yard across the alley. Their twin daughters (your age, you recall) REALLY liked to jump on the trampoline. Not like you secretly watched for hours through the fence or anything like that. You especially did not use your phone to make hours of trampoline videos. Nothing at all like that. Looks like you can continue north over the peak of the roof to the other side or south back to the tree." Section 34 - Overpeak Overpeak is a room. Overpeak is north of Rooftop. The description of Overpeak is "You creep slowly across the top of the roof. There is an aluminum awning connected to the the roof and provides shade for the patio below. A rain gutter encircles the rooftop." The trak ball is here. "there is a trak ball in the gutter." The description of the Trak Ball is "Trak Ball. Your nostalgia meter peaks out. You fondly remember playing this for hours until it got so dark you could no longer see the ball. It's yet another quality product from the fine folks at Wham-o, who brought you such products as the Water Weinie and the infamous Water Wiggle." Section 35 - Fallen Fallen is a room. Fallen is up from Tip Top. Chapter 18 - Snippets, Examples and Stolen Code [<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><><><><><><><] [<><><><><><><> BELOW THIS LINE ARE RANDOM EXAMPLEs <><><><<><><><><><><><><><] [<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><><><><><><><] [TABLE OF CONTENTS VARIOUS 'ONE LINERS' TEXT SUBSTITUTION OPTIONS EXAMPLE OF USING UNICODE SUPER SIMPLE SNIP TO SHOW OPEN/CLOSE STATUS OF A DOOR A ROOM WHOSE DOOR DESCRIP IS DIFF DEPENDING ON WHICH ROOM VIEWING FROM SIMPLY A SIMPLE SIMPLE UNDERSTAND CMD W MULTIPLE ITEMS THE FIVE HIERARCHICAL HEADINGS DOOR LOCKED, KEY UNDER MAT, MOVE MAT, REVEAL KEY REMOVE OBECT FROM PLAY NITIAL APPEARANCE AND DESCRIPTIONS DIFFERENCES EXAMPLE OF PLAYING A PIANO DEPENDING IF ITS IN TUNE OR NOT MOORE DOORS NICE BLURB ON DARKNESS IN A ROOM W A SWITCH ZARFS WAY TO WORK WITH A DARK ROOM ITEM NOT DESCRIBED,A NOTE IN ANOTHER ROOM IS THE CLUE TO FIND IT ASSIGNING FLAVORS TO FOOD MAKE RANDON PIECE OF CANDY POISON TEMPLATE FOR REPLYING WITH MULTIPLE ANWERS EXAMPLE OF FIXED OBJECT OPENABLE CONTAINER UNVISITED, OTHERWISE WHEN CLIMBING TREE GREAT RESPONSE FOR PLAYER THAT PICKS UP EVERYTHING AND CARRIES IT ALL AROUND WITH HIM A PLAY ON A TRAP DOOR] [REMEMBER ACTION PROCESSING IS BROKEN INTO 'CHECK' 'CARRY OUT' AND 'REPORT'] [=-=-=- TEXT SUBSTITUTION OPTIONS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] [[at random] - random order w no sub showing back to back. [then at random] - show subs in seq. from beg until all seen. then at random w no choice showing back to back. [purely at random] - lists subs randomly, allowing same sub showing back to back. [then purely at random] - lists subs once in order then at randon allowing same sub showing back to back [sticky random] - randomly sel one text sub, then using it from that point. [as decreasingly likely outcomes] - txt subs listed first more likely to be sel. on down to last sub. [in random order] - list all in rdm no rep. cycl - then new cycl once all shown in diff order but no repeats [cycling] - list first to last in order, repeating aft last sub reached. [stopping] - list txt sub in order, when reaching last one, uses it from then on. [first time] - only 2 txt subs. First on is shown 1st time only. After just 2nd one. [only] - same as [first time]] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= EXAMPLE OF USING UNICODE =-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [Instead of taking sub-search, say "[unicode 10020][unicode 10020][unicode 10020][paragraph break]'Why is Sidney nice all of a sudden?'[paragraph break]'Well, I thought about just abandoning Janine."] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=- 2 ROOMS SEPERATED BY LOCKED GRATE AND ASSIGNING MATCHING KEY TO UNLOCK -=-=--=] [There is a room called Outside Grate. The ornate key is here. There is a room called Below Grate. The steel grate is a locked lockable door. The steel grate is down of Outside Grate and up of Below Grate. The matching key is the ornate key.] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=- SUPER SIMPLE SNIP TO SHOW OPEN/CLOSE STATUS OF A DOOR -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] [There is a room called My Office. There is a room called The Hallway. A wooden door is a door. The wooden door is east of My Office and west of The Hallway. The initial appearance of the wooden door is "A boring wooden door leads out of the room. The door is [if the wooden door is open]open[else]closed[end if]."] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=- A ROOM WHOSE DOOR DESCRIP IS DIFF DEPENDING ON WHICH ROOM VIEWING FROM =-] [There is a room called At Top of Small Pit. There is a room called In Hall of Mists. The description of In Hall of Mists is "You are at one end of a vast hall stretching forward out of sight to the west. There are openings to either side. Nearby, a wide stone staircase leads downward. The hall is filled with wisps of white mist swaying to and fro almost as if alive. A cold wind blows up the staircase. There is a passage at the top of a dome behind you." Some rough stone steps are an open unopenable door. Some rough stone steps are down of At Top of Small Pit and up of In Hall of Mists. The initial appearance of some rough stone steps is "Rough stone steps lead [if the location is At Top of Small Pit]down the pit[else]up the dome[end if]."] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=- SIMPLY A SIMPLE SIMPLE UNDERSTAND CMD W MULTIPLE ITEMS -=--=-=-=-=--=-==-=-=] [Understand "tree/trees/oak/maple/hardwood/pine/spruce" as the Overgrowth.] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=- THE FIVE HIERARCHICAL HEADINGS --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=--=-==-=-=-=-] [THE FIVE HIERARCHICAL HEADINGS STARTS WITH ONE OF THESE 5WORDS VOLUME BOOK PART CHAPTER SECTION NO LINE BREAK AND MUST HAVE FULL SPACE BEFORE AND AFTER.] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-] [=-=-=- DOOR LOCKED, KEY UNDER MAT, MOVE MAT, REVEAL KEY -=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=--=-==-=-=-=] [BREAKTHROUGH, i actually did this from scratch, nothing groundbreaking but maybe im starting to understand!] [the mat is a supporter in the porch Instead of examining mat: say "Moving the mat reveals a key."; move gold key to porch. The oaken door is a door. The oaken door is north of the porch and south of the foyer. The oaken door is a locked, closed openable door. The gold key unlocks the oaken door.] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=- REMOVE OBECT FROM PLAY -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=--=-==-=-=-=] [instead of taking the bug: say "the bug accidentall squishes in your hand."; remove the bug from play. A note: until v10, {now bug is nowhere} was used to remove object from game, this no compiles in 10] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=- INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DESCRIPTIONS DIFFERENCES =-=-=-=-=--=-==-=-=---] [understand DESCRIPTION property and INITIAL APPEARANCE property. {thing}s can have both properties {room}s cannot. Examples: A wham-o is in Jim's Room. "first set of quotes will be the wham-o's INITAL appearance." The description of the wham-o is "This is the description that will show every time its examined {look, x, examine}." A flashlight is in Jim's Room. "This will prinT the flashlights initial appearance. This will print everytime player enters its room. After the flashlight is manipulated (GET, DROP) Inform will set its handled property to 'TRUE'. When property is TRUE Inform considers it out of it's INITIAL state and will no longer print flashlights INITIAL appearance."] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EXAMPLE OF PLAYIN A PIANO DEPENDING IF ITS IN TUNE OR NOT -=-=-=-=-=-=-] [The Studio is a room. A piano is in the studio. A piano can be either tuned or out of tune. The piano is out of tune. Tuning is an action applying to one touchable thing. Understand "tune [something]" as tuning. Check tuning: if the noun is tuned: say "It's already perfectly in tune."; stop the action. Carry out tuning: now the noun is tuned. Report tuning: say "You meticulously tune [the noun]." Playing is an action applying to one touchable thing. Understand "play [something]" as playing. Report playing: say "You play a tune on [the noun]. It sounds [if tuned]lovely[else]awful[end if]."] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- MOORE DOORS --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [The Oak Door is a closed door. The oak door is locked and openable. The oak door can be unlocked with Office Key. The Oak door is east of the Office and west of the Second Floor Bedroom.] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NICE BLURB ON DARKNESS IN A ROOM W A SWITCH =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] [Starting room is a room. [doh] Test room is a dark room. The iffy door is a door. It is north of starting room and south of test room. Understand “door” as the iffy door. After opening iffy door: now test room is lit. After closing iffy door: if light switch is off: now test room is dark. The light switch is a thing in the test room. The light switch can be on or off. The light switch is off. Instead of pushing the light switch: if the light switch is off: say “You push the switch. Phew, light!”; now the light switch is on; now test room is lit; otherwise: now the light switch is off; if iffy door is closed: now test room is dark; say “You push the switch. Oops, darkness!”; otherwise: say “The electric lights go off, but luckily there’s still the open door.”] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ZARFS WAY TO WORK WITH A DARK ROOM =-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [Starting room is a room. Test room is a dark room. [Create a third room to make sure "normal" darkness hasn't changed.] Permanently-dark room is a dark room. It is east of the starting room. The iffy door is a door. It is north of starting room and south of test room. Understand "door" as the iffy door. [Alter the room lighted/dark condition each time the door is opened or closed. We continue the action to allow the normal "You open the door" messages.] After opening the iffy door: now the test room is lighted; continue the action. After closing the iffy door: now the test room is dark; continue the action. ["Device" means it has a switched on / switched off property.] The light switch is a fixed in place device in the test room. [Accept "push switch" in addition to the normal "switch on / switch off switch" grammar.] Instead of pushing the light switch: if the light switch is switched off: try switching on the light switch; otherwise: try switching off the light switch; [Alter the switch lit/unlit condition each time it's toggled. Note that this is independent of the room lighted/dark condition!] After switching on the light switch: now the light switch is lit; say "The light comes on." After switching off the light switch: now the light switch is unlit; say "The light goes out." Rule for printing the description of a dark room when the location is the test room: instead say "It is pitch dark, but you can see the outline of a light switch." [Make sure the switch is in scope regardless of illumination.] After deciding the scope of the player while the location is the test room: place the light switch in scope.] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-= ITEM NOT DESCRIBED,A NOTE IN ANOTHER ROOM IS THE CLUE TO FIND IT -=-=-=-=-=-=] [Front Yard is a room. "To the west you can see a lush garden, and to the east is a weed filled yard with a trailer in it." The ornate key is in the front yard. the ornate key is undescribed. the description of the ornate key is "A beautifully designed key with swoops and vines in the handle and three little notches at the end.". a clue is in the front yard. a piece of paper is a kind of thing. a clue is a piece of paper. the description of a clue is "The clue reads, 'het atoner kye si ni het tonfr dray.' weird... Maybe it's written in some kind of code.".] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ASSIGNING FLAVORS TO FOOD -=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [Testing Facility is a room. The player carries some green eggs and a ham. The player carries a moon pie. The player carries a sweet tart. The player carries some paper. The paper is edible. A food is a kind of thing that is edible. Food has some text called flavor. The flavor of food is usually "Tolerable." The moon pie is food. The flavor of the moon pie is "moooon-tacular!" The sweet tart is food. The flavor of the sweet tart is "Daaaang thats tangy!" The ham and the green eggs are food. The flavor of the green eggs is "Delicious!" After eating something: if the noun provides the property flavor, say "[the flavor of the noun][paragraph break]"; otherwise say "It's [noun]-flavored."] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MAKE RANDOM PIECE OF CANDY POISON -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [The plural of piece of candy is pieces of candy. A piece of candy is a kind of thing. A piece of candy is always edible. Four pieces of candy are in the Halloween bag. Toxicity is a kind of value. The toxicities are safe and poisonous. A piece of candy has a toxicity. A piece of candy is usually safe. The player carries the Halloween bag. After eating a poisonous piece of candy: say "Oh, that didn't taste right at all. Oh well!" When play begins: now a random piece of candy is poisonous. Test me with "eat candy / g / g / g".] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TEMPLATE FOR REPLYING WITH MULTIPLE ANWERS -=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=--] [say "[one of]Reply one.[or]Reply two.[or]Replay three[or]Reply four.[then purely at random]"] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EXAMPLE OF FIXED OBJECT OPENABLE CONTAINER -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [THIS SNIP IS FROM ANOTHER CHEATSHEET I HAD, TRYING TO CONSOLIDATE.] [The Mailbox is scenery in the porch. The Mailbox is a closed openable container. Inside the mailbox is the catalog. "The mailbox is a rather pedestrian mailbox. Basically a rectangle of black metal affixed to the brick."] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UNVISITED, OTHERWISE WHEN CLIMBING TREE -=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-] [THIS SNIP IS FROM ANOTHER CHEATSHEET I HAD, TRYING TO CONSOLIDATE.] [Instead of going up in the sidewalk: if Up A Tree is unvisited: say "Sure its a Cottonwood Tree, but it's sturdy enough to climb i think."; otherwise: continue the action. Instead of climbing the cottonwood tree: change the up exit of steps to Up a Tree; change the down exit of Up a Tree to Steps; say "You shimmey up the tree like the monkey you are."; now the player is in Up A Tree.] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [ GREAT RESPONSE FOR PLAYER THAT PICKS UP EVERYTHING AND CARRIES IT ALL AROUND WITH HIM ] [It is not wrong to carry around a [INSERT NOUN]. You would be breaking no laws. On the other hand, because one can do a thing does not mean one should do a thing. You decide to leave it where it is.] [from the game FISH BOWL] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A PLAY ON A TRAP DOOR =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=] [The floor is a locked door. Floor is below Temple's gate and above the Old Winery. It is scenery. Instead of closing the floor: say "Excuse me? You want to close the floor? Are you mad?" The panel is a part of the statue. The description of the panel is "A small panel sticking out of the side of the statue." Instead of pushing panel: now floor is unlocked; now floor is open; say "C-rash! You press the panel and to your surprise, you fall through a trap door and land in a heap on the floor."; move player to the Old Winery.] [=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=]