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Monday Morning
Nicky Lindell
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The bedroom is a room. You are inside the bedroom. "You are standing in your bedroom. To the south is the hall. You just woke up and you're still groggy. You pressed snooze one too many times, and you're verging on being late for your exam. You need to find a pencil, find your backpack, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, and get your shoes on before you can leave." The nightstand is in the bedroom. The bed is in the bedroom. The TV is in the bedroom. The shelf is in the bedroom. The nightstand is a closed, openable container. In the nightstand is a pencil. The description of the pencil is "It's a number 2." The description of the nightstand is "You like to keep important things in the drawer." The description of the bed is "It's not the most comfortable, but it was on sale." The description of the TV is "If only you could lay in bed and watch Netflix all day." The description of the shelf is "Your textbooks are lined up neatly." Instead of taking pencil: say "Phew. You'll need that for your exam."; award 50 points. The hall is south of bedroom. The hall is a room. "To the west is the kitchen. To the south is the living room. To the east is the bathroom." The shoes are in the hall. Instead of taking shoes: say "you put your shoes on."; award 50 points. The living room is south of hall. The living room is a room. "Your living room is very minimalist: just a couch and a small TV." The couch is in the living room. The backpack is on the couch. The description of the couch is "You got it off of Craig's list. It's a bit ratty, but it was only $50." The description of the backpack is "The same backpack you've been using since Freshman year." Instead of taking backpack: say "You put your backpack on. It's heavy."; award 50 points. The bathroom is east of hall. The bathroom is a room. "You don't have time to shower this morning, but you do have some personal hygiene." The sink is in the bathroom. The toothbrush is on the sink. Instead of taking toothbrush: say "You brush your teeth."; award 50 points. The kitchen is west of hall. The kitchen is a room. "There's not much food in here at all. College life." The table is in the kitchen. The apple is on the table. The description of the apple is "It looks good enough to eat. Surprisingly there aren't any brown spots on it yet." The apple is edible. After eating the apple: say "You guess that'll hold you over for now."; award 50 points. Every turn: if score is 250 begin; say "You're ready for that exam! Time to go to class. And you're only two minutes late"; end the game in victory; end if