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The Enchanted
NaKayla Bray
Played 675 times
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The Chamber is a room. "You wake up in authentic luxurious room. With the sunlight hitting your face." Hugo is here. "You look to your left and there's a tall man guarding the chamber door. His name is Hugo." The box is here. "You see a shimmering light coming from your right and you see a golden box." The description of the box is "There's lock on the box, in order to open it, you have to find the key." The bed is here. "You look under the bed, but the key wasn't there." The closet is here. "You scramble through the closet, but it wasn't there either." The Bathroom is north of the chamber. "You enter the bathroom to find the key." The vanity is here. " You look everywhere for the key, until you see something shining on a very vintage vanity." The key is on the vanity. " You find the key to unlock the box." The stool is here. "As you go back to the chamber, you trip over the stool to the vanity which open a secret passage way." The secret passage way is west of the bathroom. "A very dark and spooky with only a lantern lighting half the way." The lantern is here. "You grab the lantern and went inside." Trapdoor are here. "As you're going doing the stairs of the secret passage, one of the steps opened a trap door which lead to a top secret room." The Top secret room is south of the secret passage way. "You take a look around the room a look at all the artifacts and unknown things that you never knew existed." Argo is a man in the top secret. "As you're looking around, a medium size creature that you've never seen before approaches you. Their name is Argo." Talking is an action applying to visible thing. Understand "talking to [someone]" As talking. After talking Argo: say "Who are you? What are you doing here." A glowing box is here. "Before answering, you come across a pinkish/red glowing box." The description of the glowing box is "Just like the other box in the chamber it has lock on and you need a key." The guards are here. "The guards have entered the secret room and you need a place to hide." Rusty locker is here. "You find a rusty old locker that's a good hiding spot until the guards are gone." The description of the rusty locker is "As you try to stay quiet, you accidentally push too far back on the locker and it lead you to a old storage room." The Storage is a room. "You come across a very dusty room." The chair is here. "As you take a look around you see a chair in the middle of the room." Understand "touching [something]" As touching. After touching the Chair: say "It was a trap and you are automatically tied up to the chair." A Marshal is a man in The Storage. "A tall figure starts to approach you from the shadows and he goes by the name Marshal." Understand "talking to [someone]" As talking. After talking Marshal: say "Well what do we have here? Seems like someone has lost their way." Marshal minions is here. "Once Marshal tells you about his evil plan to take over the Enchanted he sent guards come in and take you back to the chamber, but then you pulled out the box you took from the top secret room and opened it to reveal the jewel." The jewel is here. "You didn't realized the had such strong power. So you take advantage of that power to fight Marshal." Fighting is an action applying to visible thing. Understand "Fighting to [someone]" As fighting. After fighting Marshal: say "You just ran out time." Flash is here. "You wake up to find out that everything is a dream, but still find the jewel in your hand."