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The Bamboo Heist
Nat L
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"The Bamboo Heist" by Natalie Lim & Peipei Ye When play begins: say "[italic type]A panda cub living in a modern world has his world rocked when the recipe for his favourite food is stolen. Now, he must recover it back at any cost, or suffer the fate of never enjoying Grandma's bamboo soup again.[roman type][paragraph break]Last night, you were sneaking down for your usual midnight snack when you faintly overheard your father talking about [bold type]some boring missing documents[roman type]. You shrugged and continued down the stairs, unsurprised that your disorganized dad had finally lost an important business document. That was, until he muttered those fated words:[paragraph break]‘...I can’t find [bold type]mother’s signature soup recipe[roman type] either...’[paragraph break]Your gasped in horror at this revelation - it wasn't some random paperwork that was missing, it was the most heavenly item in the world! Your mouth waters at the mere thought of Grandma's bamboo stew... the delicious aroma, the perfect tenderness of the shoots, just the right blend of soy sauce and sesame oil... you can't believe you might never eat it again! And it may not just be you, but future generations could also be deprived of such a delicacy if the recipe is never recovered! No. Not on your watch. You resolve to find the soup recipe, no matter the cost. But... you glance at the downstairs kitchen... It could wait after a little snack, couldn't it...?[paragraph break]It is now morning. You awaken full of energy, determined to unearth the mystery behind the missing recipe. However, from what you've overheard, you're not sure if the recipe is missing or simply misplaced. You remember that [bold type]your mother's study[roman type] was the last place the recipe was, at least to your knowledge. Your Grandma had brought it over for a family dinner and forgot to bring it back to her own house. Your mother had put it in her study to give back to Grandma the next time she came over. Perhaps you should [bold type]search your own house[roman type] first?" [SAFE CODE] A safe is a kind of container. A safe is closed, locked and opaque. The safe has a number called the combo. [CABINET CODE] A cabinet is a kind of container. A cabinet is always openable. A cabinet is usually closed. The specification of a cabinet is "Represents a container with a separately implemented top; the top is itself a supporter." A top is a kind of supporter. A top is part of every cabinet. The specification of a top is "A supporter attached to a cabinet." Check opening a top which is part of a cabinet (called the item): try opening the item instead. Check closing a top which is part of a cabinet (called the item): try closing the item instead. Check looking under a top which is part of a cabinet (called the item): try opening the item instead. [BODY OF WATER CODE] A body of water is a kind of container. A body of water is always open. The specification of a body of water is "Represents a container with a separately implemented lilypad; the lilypad is itself a supporter." A lilypad is a kind of supporter. A lilypad is part of every body of water. The specification of a lilypad is "A supporter attached to a body of water." Check opening a lilypad which is part of a body of water (called the item): try opening the item instead. Check closing a lilypad which is part of a body of water (called the item): try closing the item instead. Check looking under a lilypad which is part of a body of water (called the item): try opening the item instead. [YOUR BEDROOM] Your Bedroom is a room. “Home sweet home! ...Or it would be, if you weren’t preoccupied. This is your favourite place to relax with your favourite snack in tow, solving mind-twisters, puzzles and mysteries.[paragraph break]Your comfy bed is positioned in the corner. Across from your bed is a window overlooking the beautiful bamboo forest. A small bookshelf rests against the wall in the middle of your room. In the opposite corner from your bed is [bold type]a small work table[roman type], with an office chair in front of it. The table has four drawers, each possibly filled with knick-knacks that could help you on your adventure. You doubt that Grandma's recipe is here, but it wouldn't hurt to check.[paragraph break]To the east is the hallway that connects to the downstairs, your mother’s bedroom and study, your father’s room as well as the attic." Your bed is a supporter in Your Bedroom. The description is "Your comfy bed is home to only the [italic type]finest[roman type] blankets and pillows. Your mother's large salary allows her to purchase fine silk sheets and goose stuffed pillows, all made by the best seamstress in the Cat Clan. The expensive price tag sure doesn't stop you from using it as a trampoline, though!" Check taking your bed: say "You would love to bring your bed with you, but it's too heavy to lift, let alone travel with." instead. Check attacking your bed: say "That sounds like fun! ...but you would like to have a place to sleep tonight." instead. Check jumping on the bed: say "You jumped on your bed. [italic type]Boing.[roman type] It's quite squishy, so you bounce high into the air, almost touching the ceiling! You laugh, feeling like a bird in flight." instead. Understand "sheet" or "sheets" or "blanket" or "blankets" or "the bed" as bed. Your bookshelf is an object in Your Bedroom. The description is "A short bookshelf holding a collection of mystery and puzzle novels. A few books on top of the shelf; these are the ones you have yet to finish deciphering. In your spare time, you love to take notes and deduce the answers to mysteries before they're revealed. While you're itching to throw yourself back into that work, you have a real-life mystery to attend to - and it cannot wait.[paragraph break]Before you turn away, an idea occurs to you. You quickly scan the shelf for anything out of place. Unfortunately, everything is how you remember it, meaning Grandma's soup recipe [bold type]is not here[roman type].". Check taking the bookshelf: say "You can always come back to your novels later; there's no need to bring them with you when time is of the essence." instead. Understand "bookshelves" or "bookcase" or "shelf" or "shelves" or "books" or "book" as bookshelf. Your window is a closed openable container in Your Bedroom. The description is "[if your window is closed]The window is currently closed. Looking through the window, you can see the forest in full spring bloom. The trees and bushes are budding, and you see small mammals scurrying about, eager to start a new year. [paragraph break][otherwise if your window is open]The window is currently open. A gust of wind blows in pollen from the nearby flowering trees. [italic type]Achoo![roman type] Your eyes slightly sting as your allergies kick in. You can barely see what's outside as your nose sniffles.[end if]". Report opening your window for the first time: say "You unlatch the golden window clasp and slide up the bottom panel. A gust of wind blows in pollen from the nearby flowering trees. [italic type]Achoo![roman type] Your eyes slightly sting as your allergies kick in. You can barely see what's outside as your nose sniffles."; rule succeeds. Report opening your window: say "You unlatch the golden window clasp and slide up the bottom panel."; rule succeeds. Report closing your window: say "You slide down the bottom panel and latch the golden window clasp."; rule succeeds. Check taking your window: say "You don't think that's possible, at least not without destroying the window. Plus, what use would it serve?" instead. Check attacking your window: say "You don't think your parents would be happy with a shattered window. Also, you don't think you could do it without getting a million cuts." instead. Understand "windowsill" or "windowframe" or "the window" as window. Your work table is a closed openable container in Your Bedroom. The description is "[if your work table is closed]Your work table is currently closed. It's an exquisite display of woodcraft. Made from durable maple wood, it has a beautiful mahogany finish and elegantly carved table legs. It's currently covered with pages of notes about mystery and puzzle novels. A few assorted souvenirs sit at the back, purchased on family vacations. An ergonomic office chair sits in front of it, custom ordered to fit your frame perfectly.[paragraph break]There are [bold type]four drawers[roman type] built into the bottom of the table. They're all currently closed. Perhaps one of them contains something useful?[otherwise if your work table is open]Your work table is currently open. You look through your desk drawers; it's mostly just an assortment of stationery and more notebooks.[paragraph break]You [bold type]don't see[roman type] Grandma's bamboo soup recipe anywhere in here. However, you do find [bold type]a flashlight[roman type] - this could prove useful.[end if]". Report opening your work table for the first time: say "You slide open all of your desk drawers. You look through them; it's mostly just an assortment of stationery and more notebooks.[paragraph break]You [bold type]don't see[roman type] Grandma's bamboo soup recipe anywhere in here. However, you do find [bold type]a flashlight[roman type] - this could prove useful."; rule succeeds. Report opening your work table: say "You slide open all of your desk drawers."; rule succeeds. Report closing your work table: say "You shut all of your desk drawers."; rule succeeds. Check taking the table: say "Lugging a heavy maple table around seems like a bad idea. You'd probably break some part of your body before you got it out of the house." instead. Check attacking the table: say "You wouldn't want to scratch it up - knowing your parents, it would probably take a fortune to repair. Besides, you would probably sustain more damage than the table would from an attack." instead. Understand "table" or "desk" or "drawer" or "drawers" as your work table. The dizziness value is a number that varies. Your chair is an enterable supporter in Your Bedroom. Check taking your chair: say "It'd be a real hassle to get your chair down the stairs. If you needed to rest on your adventure, you could just sit on the ground." instead. Check attacking your chair: say "Why would you ruin one of the comfiest things in your room?" instead. Check entering your chair: if the dizziness value is 0: now the dizziness value is 1; say "You plop down onto the chair cushion and push yourself away from your desk with your paws. Using the leftover momentum, you spin around and around and around your room, giggling with glee. Eventually you end up back in front of your table, feeling a little dizzy." instead; if the dizziness value is 1: now the dizziness value is 2; say "You rotate your chair in circles around your room once more, laughing to yourself as you do so. When you stop in front of your table again, you feel a little nauseous." instead; if the dizziness value is 2: now the dizziness value is 2; say "You should probably stop now; you don't want to get sick, after all." instead; Check going to the Second Floor Hallway: now the dizziness value is 0. Understand "sit on" or "sit in" as entering. The flashlight is an open container in the work table. Report taking the flashlight: say "[bold type]Taken[roman type].[paragraph break]As you pick it up, you notice that it's surprisingly light. Perhaps you should check it out before putting it to use."; rule succeeds. Check attacking the flashlight: say "You'd rather not break something that could be useful later." Check eating the flashlight: say "Metal isn't an appetizing substance. If you feel hungry, you should probably go to the kitchen instead of eating something that could break your teeth apart." instead. Check examining the flashlight: if player does not carry the flashlight: say "It's a medium-sized flashlight with a smooth, grey exterior. It's currently off. A light source would serve you well on your adventure." instead; otherwise: say "You flick the ON switch of the flashlight, but nothing happens. You open the bottom compartment to find nothing inside. You'll need to find [bold type]some batteries[roman type] to power it." instead. Check inserting battery into the flashlight: now a battery is in the flashlight; say “You pop open the bottom compartment of the flashlight and slide the battery into position. You close the bottom panel and flick the ON switch, and a beam of bright yellow light appears in front of you, illuminating the wall.[paragraph break]You now have [bold type]a working flashlight[roman type].†instead. [SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY] The Second Floor Hallway is east of Your Bedroom. The Second Floor Hallway is below the Trapdoor. The Second Floor Hallway is a room. "A vase with a bouquet of tiger lilies sits on a small table in the middle of the hallway. The floor of the house is a beautiful smokey marble, and the walls are a light cream colour. Ink paintings of Zodiac animals are hung up along the walkway.[paragraph break]To the north is your Dad's room. To the northeast is your Mom's bedroom, which leads to her study. To the west is your Bedroom. The downward stairs lead into the living room. The attic can also be accessed through a trapdoor in the ceiling. However, it's currently locked." The tiger lilies are scenery in the Second Floor Hallway. The description is "What a beautiful flower. This bouquet was given to your family by one of your mother's friends. Unfortunately, the pollen triggers your allergies, but it's a small price to pay for the sight of the gorgeous orange petals." Check taking the tiger lilies: say "You wouldn't want to trigger your allergies further. It'd be a miserable adventure if you were sneezing every 5 seconds." instead. Check attacking the tiger lilies: say "Why would you want to ruin the scenery? The lilies are pretty, and they give you a sense of contentment." instead. Understand "tiger lily" or "lily" or "vase" or "flower vase" as tiger lilies. [DAD'S ROOM] Dad’s Room is north of the Second Floor Hallway. Dad's desk is a closed openable container in Dad's Room. The description is "[if dad's desk is closed]Dad's desk is currently closed. It used to be beautiful, but it's been marked with a series of deep gouge marks made by your father during stressful project deadlines. A laptop lies on top of the table, currently unlocked and displaying new messages from his co-workers and clients. There are two drawers near the bottom - it wouldn't hurt to look through them.[otherwise if dad's desk is open]Much like his room, his desk contains a random collection of papers and stationery items. You do find a few items of note however - [bold type]the attic stick and an AA battery.[roman type][end if]". Report opening dad's desk for the first time: say "You slide open all of the drawers in Dad's desk. Much like his room, his desk contains a random collection of papers and stationery items. You do find a few items of note however - [bold type]the attic stick and an AA battery.[roman type]"; rule succeeds. Report opening dad's desk: say "You slide open all of the drawers in Dad's desk."; rule succeeds. Report closing dad's desk: say "You shut all of the drawers in Dad's desk."; rule succeeds. Check taking the dad's desk: say "Even if you could carry it, you're not sure if you would want to carry a literal depiction of your Dad's stressed and chaotic lifestyle." instead. Check attacking the dad's desk: say "The table's been through enough already. You slowly walk up to it and pat it gently, hoping your father gets a new table soon, and also a new way to vent his feelings." instead. Understand "table" or "work table" or "drawer" or "drawers" as Dad's desk. The Battery is in Dad's desk. "The battery can be used to power the flashlight." The stick is in Dad's desk. The stick unlocks the trapdoor. The description is "The attic stick unlocks the trapdoor." Report taking the stick: now the printed name of the stick is "attic stick"; say "You take the attic stick."; rule succeeds. Understand "attic stick" as stick. [DAD NPC] DR value is a number that varies. Dad is a person in Dad's Room. Dad is proper-named. Check going to Dad's Room: if Dad is in Dad's Room: now the DR value is 1; say “What a mess! Paperwork and files are scattered everywhere throughout the room, and several binders have fallen off the table and onto the floor. Dad decided to stay home today, so he’s furiously typing away on his computer. He’s so swamped, he doesn't even notice you. The recipe could easily be lost in his room, but [bold type]he'll never let you search while he's working[roman type].[paragraph break]You can hear him mutter [one of]'...So hungry... I'd love something to eat...' under his breath.[or]'..I hate deadlines, I wish I could take a snack break...' under his breath.[or]'...Ugh, another confirmation email? You gotta be kidding me, I thought I could leave for lunch...' under his breath.[at random][paragraph break]You remain in the [bold type]Second Floor Hallway[roman type]. You now know your Dad is [bold type]hungry[roman type].†instead; if Dad is not in Dad's Room: now the player is in Dad's Room; say "Dad may be eating in the dining room now, but he certainly didn't clean up beforehand. His room is still a tornado of [bold type]papers and files[roman type]. Your father's bed is buried under mounds of paperwork and binders. The only other thing you can see among the maelstrom of papers is [bold type]a desk[roman type] with [bold type]a laptop[roman type] on it. There are two drawers under the table; perhaps Grandma's recipe is in there? You can see your father's laptop is still on, making pinging noises as new emails and messages come in.[paragraph break]To the south if the Second Floor Hallway." instead. Check asking Dad about something: say "You open your mouth to say something to your father, but as you do, a creeping sensation crawls up your spine. Something tells you that it'd be best to not disturb him when he's eating." instead. Check telling Dad about something: say "You open your mouth to say something to your father, but as you do, a creeping sensation crawls up your spine. Something tells you that it'd be best to not disturb him when he's eating." instead. [MOM'S ROOM] Mom’s Room is northeast of the Second Floor Hallway. “There's not much to see here, it's mainly just her bed and a cabinet. To the east is a metal door that leads to Mom’s study - however, it’s locked. Mom never lets you in because the room is filled with her important, secretive research documents. To the southwest is the Second Floor Hallway.†Your Mom's Bed is an object in Mom's Room. The description is "Your mother's bed is extremely neat and organized. The duvet cover pictures a single beautiful white lily - you stare at its beauty with admiration. The blanket pulled overtop the sheets doesn't have even a single wrinkle on it. Your mother typically comes home after you sleep, and leaves before you wake up. Where she finds time to make up her bed, you have no idea. A pile of supplementary cotton coverings rests on a table near the foot of her bed for the colder months.". Check taking your Mom's Bed: say "The bed is too heavy to carry around, but more importantly, disturbing the beautiful bedspread feels almost criminal." instead. Check attacking your Mom's Bed: say "The mere thought of creating wrinkles in your mother's perfectly spread bed makes you shudder. It just feels [italic type]wrong[roman type]." instead. Understand "mother's bed" or "bed" or "sheet" or "sheets" or "pillow" or "pillows" or "the mom's bed" or "coverings" or "covers" or "blanket" or "blankets" as Mom's Bed. Your Mom's Cabinet is a cabinet. Your Mom's Cabinet is in Mom's Room. The description is "[if your mom's cabinet is closed]The cabinet is currently closed. Your mother only has one cabinet in her room, likely due to her closet being extremely large, which is situated beside her bed. If you were to guess, you would say that she puts assorted accessories and unimportant documents in there. As with most things in your house, it's clear that it was extremely expensive. A small jade carving of a dragon rests on top of the cabinet.[otherwise if your mom's cabinet is open]The cabinet is currently open. As it turns out, your suspicions were correct. The cabinet is mostly full of gloves, scarves and similar clothing items. You don't think you've ever seen your mother wear some of these things; perhaps they just have sentimental value?[paragraph break]You find a stack of old receipts in the bottom drawer - you riffle through them, but [bold type]none of them[roman type] are your Grandma's recipe.[end if]". Report opening your Mom's Cabinet for the first time: say "You slide all the drawers open, one by one. As it turns out, your suspicions were correct. The cabinet is mostly full of gloves, scarves and similar clothing items. You don't think you've ever seen your mother wear some of these things; perhaps they just have sentimental value?[paragraph break]You find a stack of old receipts in the bottom cabinet - you rifle through them, but [bold type]none of them[roman type] are your Grandma's recipe."; rule succeeds. Report opening your Mom's Cabinet: say "You slide all the drawers open, one by one."; rule succeeds. Report closing your Mom's Cabinet: say "You slide all the drawers shut, one by one."; rule succeeds. Check taking your Mom's Cabinet: say "You're not sure if that would technically constitute theft, as you are her son, but you're not going to find out!" instead. Check attacking your Mom's Cabinet: say "Your mother is usually understanding, but you think you'd have a hard time explaining to her why you decided to scratch up her cabinet." instead. Understand "mother's cabinet" or "cabinet" or "drawer" or "cabinets" or "drawers" or "the mom's cabinet" as your Mom's Cabinet. The description of your mom's cabinet's top is "It's just the top part of your mother's cabinet. It's made of the same wood as the rest of the cabinet, and has the same qualities, which is what you expected." Check taking your Mom's Cabinet's Top: say "You're not sure if that would technically constitute theft, as you are her son, but you're not going to find out!" instead. Check attacking your Mom's Cabinet's Top: say "Your mother is usually understanding, but you think you'd have a hard time explaining to her why you decided to scratch up her cabinet." instead. Understand "cabinet top" as top. Your Mom's Cabinet's top supports a Miniature Jade Dragon. The description of the miniature is "A delicately carved jade miniature. It depicts a Chinese dragon soaring upwards to the heavens. It's extremely beautiful, with white tipped edges around the spikes and tail. It seems similar to the jade dragon statue in the living room. You notice a tag on the bottom that reads, [bold type]'A reminder for when the paths are all closed: the dragon always holds the key.'[roman type] How peculiar.". Understand "jade dragon" or "miniature dragon" as the Miniature Jade Dragon. [METAL STUDY DOOR] The Metal Study Door is a closed locked openable door. The Metal Study Door is east of Mom's Room and west of Mom's Study. The description is "A sturdy steel door guards the way into your Mom's Study. You've pointed out to her many times that someone could just break through the wall, but instead of responding, she just rustles your fur affectionately before walking away. There's a panel to the right of the door; you can either insert a password into a keypad, or tap a keycard. You remember your parents having a spare set of keys made after the 'incident', but they never told you where it is.". Check taking the Metal Study Door: say "If only it were that easy to get into your mother's study - it probably would have gotten robbed long ago!" instead. Check attacking the Metal Study Door: say "You probably wouldn't get in trouble for hitting a metal door. But your paws would likely appreciate it if you didn't." Understand "door" or "study door" as the metal study door. [MOM'S STUDY] Mom's Study is east of The Metal Study Door. "You can see Mom's Work Table to the right and a couple metal safes in the back." Mom's Work Table is a supporter in Mom's Study. The description is "Where the recipe was seen last. It's surprisingly empty; you wonder if someone stole the recipe? You see a plum blossom on the desk. Strange, that flower only grows in the far away village." The plum blossom is an object on Mom's work table. Metal Cabinets are a locked container in Mom's Study. The description is "An impenetrable safe. Better not touch it." [LIVING ROOM] Living Room is below the Second Floor Hallway. “The largest and classiest room in the mansion. Your parents surely spared no expense when it came to the furnishings and decorations. Placed in the center of the room is a large [bold type]jade dragon statue[roman type]. There are two black leather couches on either side of the room. A beautiful Persian rug covers the floor. A glittering wide-screen 4k HD TV is mounted on the wall at the back of the room. To the northeast is the Kitchen. To the south is the main entrance that leads to the Bamboo Forest. The stairs lead down to the basement or up to the upstairs hallway.†The alarm value is a number that varies. The Jade Dragon Statue is a safe. The Jade Dragon Statue is in the Living Room. The description is "It's a large statue of a Chinese dragon, made out of high-quality jade. The material is so clear and refined that you could use the reflection as a mirror. The statue is placed on a marble podium designed in the style of the Greeks, with gold paint lining the edges. When you were a toddler, you always tried to play with it, so your parents hid the statue somewhere until you were older. There seems to be [bold type]something different[roman type] about it compared to when you were younger, but you can't pinpoint what changed.[paragraph break]Maybe if you [bold type]look at it again[roman type], you'll remember what it is?". Check examining the Jade Dragon Statue for the second time: say "You peer closer at the Jade Dragon Statue, trying to recall what it looked like in your youth. After staring at it for 10 solid minutes, you become exasperated and throw yourself to the floor, giving up. From your new-found angle on the marble floor, you see a series of numbered buttons built into the underside of the podium, reminiscent of a keypad... You suddenly realized what changed - the podium didn't used to have the overhang of the Greek podium style - it was changed to hide the existence of a keypad! But what would your parents hide in a secret statue safe, and why would they never tell you it was there?" instead. Check examining the Jade Dragon Statue for more than the second time: if the Miniature Jade Dragon was not seen and the Metal Study Door was not seen: say "It's a large statue of a Chinese dragon, made out of high-quality jade. The material is so clear and refined that you could use the reflection as a mirror. The statue is placed on a marble podium designed in the style of the Greeks, with gold paint lining the edges. When you were a toddler, you always tried to play with it, so your parents hid the statue somewhere until you were older.[paragraph break]There is a secret keypad built under the overhang of the podium, which likely opens a secret safe. You're not sure what would be in this safe, or why your parents never told you about it." instead; if the Miniature Jade Dragon was seen and the Metal Study Door was not seen: say "It's a large statue of a Chinese dragon, made out of high-quality jade. The material is so clear and refined that you could use the reflection as a mirror. The statue is placed on a marble podium designed in the style of the Greeks, with gold paint lining the edges. When you were a toddler, you always tried to play with it, so your parents hid the statue somewhere until you were older.[paragraph break]There is a secret keypad built under the overhang of the podium, which likely opens a secret safe. You remember the tag at the bottom of the miniature jade dragon in your mother's room: [bold type]'A reminder for when the paths are all closed: the dragon always holds the key'[roman type]. You wonder if this is what that note was referring to?" instead; if the Metal Study Door was seen and the Miniature Jade Dragon was not seen: say "It's a large statue of a Chinese dragon, made out of high-quality jade. The material is so clear and refined that you could use the reflection as a mirror. The statue is placed on a marble podium designed in the style of the Greeks, with gold paint lining the edges. When you were a toddler, you always tried to play with it, so your parents hid the statue somewhere until you were older.[paragraph break]There is a secret keypad built under the overhang of the podium, which likely opens a secret safe. You wonder if this is where your parents kept the spare keys after the 'incident'." instead; if the Metal Study Door was seen and the Miniature Jade Dragon was seen: say "It's a large statue of a Chinese dragon, made out of high-quality jade. The material is so clear and refined that you could use the reflection as a mirror. The statue is placed on a marble podium designed in the style of the Greeks, with gold paint lining the edges. When you were a toddler, you always tried to play with it, so your parents hid the statue somewhere until you were older.[paragraph break]There is a secret keypad built under the overhang of the podium, which likely opens a secret safe. The tag you found under the miniature jade dragon in your mother's room now makes sense - you're almost certain this is where your parents kept the spare keys after the 'incident'." instead. When play begins: now the combo of the Jade Dragon Statue is 13487. Understand "keypad" or "safe" as the Jade Dragon Statue. Check typing on it: if the jade dragon statue is unlocked and the alarm value is 0: now the alarm value is 1; say "The panel on the back of the podium is already open, but you type in a password anyway for fun! To your horror, a loud beeping alarm sounds from the keypad. You put your paws under the overhang in an attempt to muffle the sound, and look upstairs, praying that your father didn't hear it. Luckily, he seems to be too swamped with his work to pay attention. [italic type]Phew![roman type]" instead; if the jade dragon statue is unlocked and the alarm value is 1: say "You already know what happens if you do that - even if your father has severe tunnel vision, you're not going to push your luck any further than you need to." instead. Carry out typing on it: if the number understood is the combo of the second noun: now the second noun is unlocked; now the second noun is open; Report typing on it: if the jade dragon statue is unlocked: say "You hear a low beeping sound, followed by a click. Suddenly, a panel in the back of the podium swings open - you jump back in surprise. The edges of the panel were perfectly aligned with the gold inlaid, you didn't even realize it was there. Taking a deep breath, you look into the panel and see a ring of spare keys... and one spare keycard."; rule succeeds. The Key Ring is in the Jade Dragon Statue. The Key Ring unlocks the Metal Study Door. Understand "key card" or "keys" or "key" or "keycard" or "keyring" as key ring. [KITCHEN] The Kitchen is northeast of the Living Room. Check going to the Kitchen: if DR value is 1: now the player is in the Kitchen; say “Where the magic is made! And by magic, you mean food, of course. Your father usually cooks, but your mother occasionally helps. [bold type]The cabinets[roman type] are stocked with ingredients, cooking utensils and other assorted supplies. Your parents recently went shopping, so there's no need to worry about a lack of food. There's [bold type]a recipe book[roman type] on the counter that holds a collection of your parent's favourite dishes. The gas stove sits near the middle of the right wall of the room; you can cook on this, but only if you have the proper ingredients.[paragraph break]You remember that your father is [bold type]hungry[roman type]. He'll leave his room if you make his favourite dish, the problem is you forgot what it was. You might remember if you look at the ingredients for the kitchen.[paragraph break]To the west is the Dining Room. To the southwest is the Living Room.†instead; otherwise if DR value is 0: now the player is in the Kitchen; say “Where the magic is made! And by magic, you mean food, of course. Your father usually cooks, but your mother occasionally helps. [bold type]The cabinets[roman type] are stocked with ingredients, cooking utensils and other assorted supplies. Your parents recently went shopping, so there's no need to worry about a lack of food. There's [bold type]a recipe book[roman type] on the counter that holds a collection of your parent's favourite dishes.[paragraph break]To the west is the Dining Room. To the southwest is the Living Room.†instead. An ingredient is a kind of thing. The Kitchen Cabinets are a closed openable container in the Kitchen. The description is "[if Kitchen Cabinets are closed]The cabinets run across the entirety of the kitchen. They're made out of basic plywood, which is what most cabinets in a house are typically made of. However, this is quite unusual to you, as you live in what is essentially a mansion. You wonder if your parents plan to renovate the kitchen anytime soon. As you scrounge around in the cabinets, you find tofu, bamboo shoots, rice noodles, honey, pea sprouts and mushrooms here.[end if]". The Pea Sprouts are an ingredient in the kitchen cabinets. The description is "[if DR value is 0]A leafy green vegetable, commonly used in Chinese cooking. It's typically fried in oil, sometimes with tofu or mushrooms.[otherwise if DR value is 1]A leafy green vegetable, commonly used in Chinese cooking. It's typically fried in oil, sometimes with tofu or mushrooms. Your father feels is neutral about this.[end if]". The Tofu is an ingredient in the kitchen cabinets. The description is "[if DR value is 0]A silky and soft white block made of condensed soy milk. It's delicious when stir-fried. [otherwise if DR value is 1]A silky and soft white block made of condensed soy milk. It's delicious when stir-fried. Your father is neutral about this.[end if]". The Honey is an ingredient in the kitchen cabinets. The description is "[if DR value is 0]A sweet and velvety syrup produced by bees. This jar of organic honey was bought straight from the village marketplace.[otherwise if DR value is 1]A sweet and velvety syrup produced by bees. This jar of organic honey was bought straight from the village marketplace. Your father generally dislikes sweet things.[end if]". The Bamboo Shoots is an ingredient in the kitchen cabinets. The description is "[if DR value is 0]The fresh and tender sprouts of bamboo trees. Your mouth waters instantly when seeing them, but you stop yourself from taking a bite. Your father loves this.[otherwise if DR value is 1]Your father loves this.[end if]". The Rice Noodles are an ingredient in the kitchen cabinets. The description is "[if DR value is 0]Hand-pulled noodles made from rice. The noodles are carefully packaged in a brown paper bag. Although you and your mother love noodles, your father hates them.[otherwise if DR value is 1]Your father hates this.[end if]". The Mushrooms are an ingredient in the kitchen cabinets. The description is "[if DR value is 0]Fleshy and aromatic shiitake mushrooms. Your mother likes them, but your father hates them.[otherwise if DR value is 1]Your father hates this.[end if]". The Recipe Book is an open container in the Kitchen. The description is "You can see the recipe for rice noodles, honey water tofu, pea sprouts & mushrooms and stir fry tofu & bamboo shoots in here." Rice Noodle Recipe is scenery in the Recipe Book. The description is "You need rice noodles and bamboo to make this.". Honey Water Tofu Recipe is scenery in the Recipe Book. The description is "You need honey and tofu to make this.". Pea Sprouts & Mushrooms Recipe is scenery in the Recipe Book. The description is "You need pea sprouts and mushrooms to make this.". Stir Fry Tofu & Bamboo Shoots is scenery in the Recipe Book. The description is "You need tofu and bamboo shoots to make this.". The Stove is a supporter in the Kitchen. The description is "You can cook things by putting them here.". Check putting [things] on the stove: if the thing is the tofu or the thing is the bamboo shoots: now the noun is on the stove; say "Your dad likes this ingredient. You think. Probably. Hopefully. You're just going to go with it." instead; otherwise: say "Your dad doesn't like this ingredient. You think. Probably. Hopefully. You're just going to go with it." instead. Every turn: if bamboo shoots are on the stove and tofu is on the stove: now Dad is in the Dining Room; remove bamboo shoots from play; remove tofu from play; say "You set about making Bamboo & Tofu Stir Fry. In the process of cooking, you almost burn yourself multiple times, but you somehow come out uninjured and successful in creating an edible dish. Just as you finish plating the Stir Fry, you hear monstrous thumping coming from the stairs. Your dad enters the kitchen, immediately takes the food you just made and goes to sit down in the dining room. You almost say 'A thanks would be nice!' as he leaves, but as you hear the desperate chewing noises from the dining room, you feel that wouldn't be the wisest choice in this scenario.". Understand "put [things] on [something]" as putting it on. [DINING ROOM] The Dining Room is west of the Kitchen. "[if Dad is not in Dining Room]A dark maple table takes up the majority of the room, with a collection of similarly designed chairs surrounding it. The dining room is usually a lonely place, as most days consist of you and your dad eating in silence, with 8 other empty chairs around you. The only time it feels lively is during dinner parties, and with your parent's busy schedules, those events rarely happen. A huge fancy glass chandelier hangs from the ceiling.[paragraph break]To the east is the Kitchen.[otherwise if Dad is in Dining Room]A dark maple table takes up the majority of the room, with a collection of similarly designed chairs surrounding it. Your Dad is currently stuffing his face full of Bamboo & Tofu Stir Fry. In his eyes, you see a haunted expression of pure misery. You shudder as you make eye contact, quickly averting your gaze. A huge fancy glass chandelier hangs from the ceiling.[paragraph break]To the east is the Kitchen." [BASEMENT] The Creepy Basement is below the Living Room. "The basement is pretty plain, it's mainly full of [bold type]storage containers[roman type]. [bold type]A stack of books[roman type] lies next to one of the containers; your parents must have taken them out to make room for something else." Check going to the Creepy Basement: if the player does not carry the plushie and the player does carry the flashlight: if the battery is not in the flashlight: say "The basement is your least favourite room in the house due to its lack of windows. It's tolerable with the lights on, but the light bulbs burned out a few days ago and your parents haven't had time to replace them. You're not going into that forsaken horror hole without [bold type]a working light source[roman type], no matter how bad you want to find Grandma's recipe.[paragraph break]You remain in [bold type]the Living Room[roman type]." instead; if the battery is in the flashlight: say "The basement is your least favourite room in the house due to its lack of windows. It's tolerable with the lights on, but the light bulbs burned out a few days ago and your parents haven't had time to replace them. You're not going into that forsaken horror hole without [bold type]a light source[roman type] and [bold type]something to soothe you[roman type], no matter how bad you want to find Grandma's recipe.[paragraph break]You remain in [bold type]the Living Room[roman type]." instead; if the player does not carry the flashlight and the player does carry the plushie: say "The basement is your least favourite room in the house due to its lack of windows. It's tolerable with the lights on, but the light bulbs burned out a few days ago and your parents haven't had time to replace them. You're not going into that forsaken horror hole without [bold type]a light source[roman type], no matter how bad you want to find Grandma's recipe.[paragraph break]You remain in [bold type]the Living Room[roman type]." instead; if the player does carry the plushie and the player does carry the flashlight: if the battery is in the flashlight: continue the action; if the battery is not in the flashlight: say "The basement is your least favourite room in the house due to its lack of windows. It's tolerable with the lights on, but the light bulbs burned out a few days ago and your parents haven't had time to replace them. You're not going into that forsaken horror hole without [bold type]a working light source[roman type], no matter how bad you want to find Grandma's recipe.[paragraph break]You remain in [bold type]the Living Room[roman type]." instead. Report going to the Creepy Basement: if the player is in the Creepy Basement for the first time: say "You flick on your flashlight and walk hesitantly into the basement. You get goosebumps on your back as you proceed deeper into the nightmare, clutching your Detective Pan plushie close for comfort.[paragraph break]You are now in [bold type]the Creepy Basement[roman type][paragraph break]". The books are an open container in the Creepy Basement. The description is “These are mostly Mom and Dad’s childhood books. They used to read them to you when you were a toddler. They're covered in a light layer of dust. Most of them are classic fairy tales, such as [bold type]‘Little Red Panda’[roman type] and [bold type]‘The Jay and The Panda’[roman type] and [bold type]‘The Legend of the Jade Dragon’[roman type].†Understand "book stack" or "stack of books" or "book" as books The Little Red Panda is an object in the books. The description is "A story about a red panda who gets lost in a forest, becoming separated from its clan. It goes through many challenges and trials, eventually learning to fend for itself, forming a family of its own." Check taking the Little Red Panda: say "While the story is entertaining, you don't have room to carry unnecessary weight on your adventure. Best to leave it behind for now." instead The Jay & The Panda is an object in the books. The description is "A story about a panda that befriends a jay. The jay is initially rude and distant, but eventually warms up to the panda. The two become detectives later in life, with the panda using his innate strength to defeat the bad guys while the jay uses his smarts to outwit criminals.". Check taking the Jay & the Panda: say "While the story is entertaining, you don't have room to carry unnecessary weight on your adventure. Best to leave it behind for now." instead The Legend of the Jade Dragon is an object in the books. The description is “A legend about a dragon deity. Millions of years ago, the Jade Dragon was a legendary creature that ruled over the skies. He created the clouds, controlled the brightness of the sun, and protected all flying creatures. Revered by the people, the Jade Dragon was a symbol of honour and protection. However, the first emperor of China was a selfish and greedy man. He demanded for the Jade Dragon to give him power and immortality. The Jade Dragon refused, and turned himself into jade statue to prevent anybody from trying to harness his power.[paragraph break]You notice that the page numbers of the book don't make sense - they're either out of order or more than the actual amount of pages. The numbers are 13, 4, 8 and 7.â€. Check taking the Legend of the Jade Dragon: say "While the story is entertaining, you don't have room to carry unnecessary weight on your adventure. Best to leave it behind for now." instead [ATTIC] The Trapdoor is a closed locked openable door. The Trapdoor is above the Second Floor Hallway and below the Attic. The Attic is a room. The Attic is above the Trapdoor. "Your parents usually store things in the attic. It's quite boring other than that; there are no decorations. The walls aren't even painted; they're just bare wood. There are three supply sections - one for toiletries, one for hardware, and one for cleaning supplies." The toiletries section is scenery in the Attic. The description is "Just assorted toiletries, bought in bulk in case your family runs out. Unsurprisingly, Grandma's recipe is not here.". The cleaning supplies section is scenery in the Attic. The description is "Just assorted cleaning supplies. To your surprise, you find your old Detective Pan plush here. Your parents must have put it up here at some point. Other than that though, Grandma's recipe is not here.". The hardware section is scenery in the Attic. The description is "A collection of power tools and home hardware supplies. You don't think you've ever seen your father use half of these. Grandma's recipe is not here.". The plushie is an object in the Cleaning Supplies Section. The description is "The plushie is of the cartoon character Detective Pan, the main character from 'Mysteries of the Earth', the best show ever made. No matter what danger they face, they always put on a brave face and come out unscathed. The plushie reminds you to be brave during difficult times." Report taking the plushie: say "[bold type]Taken[roman type][paragraph break]You'll need all the courage you can get if you want to find Grandma's recipe."; rule succeeds. Check attacking the plushie: say "You would never even dare consider the notion of hurting Detective Pan, even if it's just a fabric version of them!" instead. Check eating the plushie: say "You might be constantly hungry, but you would [italic type]never[roman type] dream of eating your favourite plushie to satisfy that urge." instead. Understand "plush" and "Detective Pan" and "Detective Pan plush" and "Detective Pan plushie" as plushie. [BAMBOO PATH] The Bamboo Path is south of the Living Room. "A long narrow path paved with beige stone bricks leads from the front of your house to the bamboo maze. There used to be wild thickets growing on the side of the path, but your parents have relocated most of the plants to other parts of the forest. Now, the outskirts of the path consist of evenly trimmed grass, with the occasional weed or flower. As you step outside, you hear a rumbling from your house, and some distinctively yelling [bold type]'Where are you?'[roman type]. Your father must have finished eating his food already - if he catches you, you'll never find Grandma's soup recipe![paragraph break]To the north, you see the Bamboo Maze.". Check examining something in the Bamboo Path: say "You'd love to look at that object, but unfortunately you're a little busy trying to run away currently!" instead. Check taking something in the Bamboo Path: say "You'd love to look at that object, but unfortunately you're a little busy trying to run away currently!" instead. Check attacking something in the Bamboo Path: say "You'd love to look at that object, but unfortunately you're a little busy trying to run away currently!" instead. Check putting something on something in the Bamboo Path: say "You'd love to look at that object, but unfortun ately you're a little busy trying to run away currently!" instead. Check inserting something into something in the Bamboo Path: say "You'd love to look at that object, but unfortunately you're a little busy trying to run away currently!" instead. Check going to the Living Room: if the player is in the Bamboo Path: say "You think there's a better course of action available instead of running into the hands of your father!" instead. Check going to the Bamboo Path: if player does not have the plum blossom: say "You're not going outside! Grandma's soup recipe could just be misplaced in your house. There's no need to risk entering the Bamboo Maze yet.[paragraph break]You remain in [bold type]the Living Room[roman type]." instead; if player does have the plum blossom: continue the action. [BAMBOO FOREST CLEARING] The Bamboo Forest Clearing is north of the Bamboo Path. "[if player is in the Bamboo Forest Clearing for the first time]You enter the Bamboo Maze, wandering through a maze of twists and turns. Just when you think you're about to get lost, you get to the end point of the maze - a large wooded clearing. You've been here many times before, but you usually don't pay attention to the scenery. You see a beautiful orchid growing to the side, surrounded by deadly wolfsbane. A well stands in the center of the clearing. You see a Red Panda licking her paws.[paragraph break]To the west, you see a small temple. To the east, you hear a raging waterfall in the distance. To the south, you see the path to the village; unfortunately it's been blockaded by rubble. There's most definitely a way around it through the maze, but you're not trying that without a guide.[otherwise]A large wooded clearing. You've been here many times before, but you usually don't pay attention to the scenery. You see a beautiful orchid growing to the side, surrounded by deadly wolfsbane. An old well stands in the center of the clearing, the roof cracked and leaking in rain water. To another side, you see a grass patch, with a Red Panda frolicking and rolling around in it.[paragraph break]To the west, you see a small temple. To the east, you hear a raging waterfall in the distance. To the south, you see the path to the village; unfortunately it's been blockaded by rubble. There's most definitely a way around it through the maze, but you're not going to try that without a guide." The wolfsbane is an open transparent container in the Bamboo Forest Clearing. The description is "A patch of poisonous wolfsbane. You remember reading in a history book that every part of the plant is poisonous; making it a perfect coating for arrows back in the day.". Check taking the wolfsbane: say "While touching wolfsbane won't necessarily kill you, it's still better to not take the risk. If you want to pick the orchid, you'll have to think of a different method." instead. Check attacking the wolfsbane: say "While touching wolfsbane won't necessarily kill you, it's still better to not take the risk. If you want to pick the orchid, you'll have to think of a different method." instead. The orchid is an object in the wolfsbane. Check taking the orchid: if player is wearing gloves: continue the action instead; if player is not wearing gloves: say "While touching wolfsbane won't necessarily kill you, it's still better to not take the risk. If you want to pick the orchid, you'll have to think of a different method." instead. Report taking the orchid: say "[bold type]Taken.[roman type][paragraph break]Though it pains you to stop the growth of such a beautiful plant, it's for the sake of Grandma's soup recipe. You close your eyes and gently pluck the orchid."; rule succeeds. The well is an open container in the Bamboo Forest Clearing. The description is "A extremely old well built in the center of the Bamboo Clearing. You doubt that it's been used in decades. You peek over the ledge, only to see that it's been sealed up. Rainwater seems to have poured through the broken roof and gathered at the bottom.[paragraph break]You can see a shiny object glittering at through the water.". Check taking the well: say "It's built solidly into the ground, so you're not even sure if it's physically possible to remove it. Besides, it's not like it would serve a purpose." The gold coin is in the well. The description is "A gold coin you found at the bottom of the well. It seems to be in mint condition, so it hasn't been sitting there for long. You wonder if the person who threw it in lost it accidentally, or if they were actually trying to make a wish.". Understand "shiny object" or "shining object" or "shiny thing" or "shining thing" as gold coin. Check giving the Orchid to Yumi: remove the Orchid from play; now the Orchid is held by Yumi; say "The Red Panda smiles pleasantly, taking the Orchid and tucking it into her fur, right under her ears." instead; Check giving the Incense Sticks to Yumi: remove the Incense Sticks from play; now the Incense Sticks are held by Yumi; try silently giving the Incense Sticks to Yumi; say "The Red Panda takes the incense sticks gingerly from you, and you watch as they suddenly disappear into thin air. You gasp in astonishment, and the Red Panda notices your shock, winking at you playfully." instead. Check giving something to Yumi: say "The Red Panda notes that you're carrying that item, but doesn't seem interested in it." instead. Check going to Village: if Yumi does carry the incense sticks and Yumi does carry the orchid: now player is in the Village Square; say "You motion to the Red Panda that you would like to head toward the Village Square. The Red Panda immediately stands up, whisking away toward another passage through the maze. She leads you through a series of twists and turns. At first, you attempt trying to remember the path, but you quickly give up. After a few minutes, you find yourself in the Village Square." instead; if Yumi does carry the incense sticks and Yumi does not carry the orchid: say "You motion to the Red Panda that you would like to head toward the Village Square, but she keeps frolicking in her flower field. You must be missing something." instead; if Yumi does not carry the incense sticks and Yumi does carry the orchid: say "You motion to the Red Panda that you would like to head toward the Village Square, but she keeps frolicking in her flower field. You must be missing something." instead; if Yumi does not carry the incense sticks and Yumi does not carry the orchid: say "You motion to the Red Panda that you would like to head toward the Village Square, but she keeps frolicking in her flower field. You must be missing something." instead. [TEMPLE] The Temple is west of the Bamboo Forest Clearing. "You enter a temple. It's built on a pond, the water likely coming from the waterfall you heard earlier. There are a few depictions and drawings of a red panda here. You can see a dispenser for incense sticks on the wall." The Incense Dispenser is a closed container in the Temple. The description is "A dispenser of Incense Sticks. Apparently even temples have made a switch to modern technology. The price is one gold coin for a bundle of incense sticks." Check taking the Incense Dispenser: say "You may be desperate to find Grandma's soup recipe, but you're not willing to desecrate a temple... yet." instead. The incense sticks are an object. The incense sticks are in the Incense Dispenser. Check inserting the gold coin into the Incense Dispenser: remove the gold coin from play; now the incense sticks are held by the player; say "You put the gold coin in the Incense Dispenser, wondering why something so modern is in a temple. To your surprise, a bundle of incense sticks is dispensed into your paws." instead. [YUMI NPC] Yumi is a person. Yumi is in the Bamboo Forest Clearing. The description of Yumi is "A red panda that you encountered in the woods. She seems to be suspiciously mute. You can ask the Red Panda about the bamboo forest." Check asking Yumi about "bamboo /path/forest/maze/guide/guidance": say "The Red Panda offers to guide you through the forest, but demands a price. They would like an Orchid and an Incense Stick from the Temple." instead. Check asking Yumi about something: say "The Red Panda giggles; she doesn't seem to understand what you mean, however." instead. Understand "red panda" as Yumi. [WATERFALL] The Waterfall is east of the Bamboo Forest Clearing. "You see a huge waterfall. It must lead to the stream you saw at the temple. A pair of gardening gloves lies to the side of the waterfall." The gardening gloves are a wearable object in the Waterfall. The description is "A pair of worn gardening gloves. No wonder they were left in the forest; they're covered with so much grime you doubt washing them would change how they appear. Still, they're fully intact, and fully capable of protecting your paws, no matter how disgusting they appear." [VILLAGE SQUARE] The Village Square is south of the Bamboo Forest Clearing. “The Village Square is the heart of the city. It’s a great place to chill with friends and take photos, or have a delicious snack. Your grandparents always bring you here, as their house is nearby. Vendors are usually selling all sorts of unique items and tasty foods - such as egg tarts, steamed buns, fresh fruits, and ice cream - the list is practically endless! You can also purchase designer clothing, cute plushies, and souvenirs. However, they're all currently closed for the moment, as it's quite early in the morning. You see a few vendors walking around, and notice that one is waving at you; a mare selling pastry buns. She’s probably trying to get your attention so you’ll buy her products. To the west is your grandparents’ house, and to the east is a library.â€. Check examining the Village Square: say "You're too busy to partake in shopping, even if the market was open. Besides, you didn't bring any money with you." instead; [TARO NPC] Taro is a person. Taro is in the Village Square. Understand “mare†or “horse†as Taro. Check examining Taro: say "A mare who runs a pastry stand in the village square. You can ask her about the plum blossom you found, strange happenings in the village or about herself." instead. Check asking Taro about "plum blossom/flower": now a red bean bun is held by the player; say "She says, 'Such a shame that your family was robbed. Yeah, that flower only grows around here. Something about the soil quality makes plum trees love the village. If you found it near the crime scene, it's very likely that the thief is from around here... You know what? How about you take this red bean bun, on the house. I feel bad that your family had something stolen." instead. Check asking Taro about "strange happenings/things/events": say "She says, 'Now that you mention it, I did notice something strange the past week. A few rats had been walking in and out of the library. Not saying that rats don't read, but I've never seen them around these parts before. Most rats prefer to live in more urban environments. Perhaps they were just moving in? But even so, it's peculiar I haven't heard anything about it." instead. Check asking Taro about "herself/horse/mare": say "She says, 'My name's Taro! I've been living in the Village for a long, long time. I started selling pastries when I was about, hmm, 8? It's been a family tradition to have a market stall - it might be pretty mundane, but it's a living.'" instead. Check asking Taro about "mice": say "She says, 'Mice are animals, much like you and I. Due to their small size though, they're usually quite hard to listen to - their voices aren't too loud. They're also quite fond of sweet things; one might say to a fault. Why, I've heard they abandon all reasons at the sight of such a treat! I'd love to have some of them for customers - I bet they'd demolish my whole cart! Metaphorically, of course. To be fair though, that's most likely just a rumor - you shouldn't pay too much attention to that.'" instead. [GRANDPARENTS’ HOUSE] Grandparents’ House is west of the Village Square. Grandparents' House is a room. “It’s always fun visiting your grandparents! You enter the cozy and warm house, and smell the sweet aroma of steamed custard buns. You wish you could eat one, but you’re in a rush to find the recipe, as it’s starting to get late. The front entrance is the same as always; in the corner of the room is a porcelain vase on top of a glass table, a wooden coat rack is right near the door, and a large family portrait of Grandma, Grandpa, and Dad (when he was ten) hangs on the left wall. In the opposite corner sits a metal cage. Whenever you visit, Grandma cooks her specialty dishes, and Grandpa tells you various interesting stories and legends. However, today’s not the day to relax and have fun. You must ask Grandma and Grandpa what they think happened to the legendary bamboo stew recipe. They might provide you with helpful clues and tips on finding the recipe.â€. The porcelain vase is a supporter in Grandparents' House. The description is "A beautiful blue and white porcelain vase. Drawings of a majestic phoenix and several peonies decorate the exterior." Check taking the porcelain vase: say "You can't take that! It belongs to Grandma and Grandpa!" instead. Check attacking the porcelain vase: say "Are you just trying to get yourself in trouble?" instead. The glass table is a supporter in Grandparents' House. The description is "A handcrafted glass table. It holds the beautiful porcelain vase." The coat rack is a supporter in Grandparents' House. The description is "Just a plain old coat rack. Grandma and Grandpa's jackets hang on it." Check taking the coat rack: say "Why would you take that? It's almost twice your height!" instead. The family portrait is a supporter in Grandparents' House. The description is "Younger versions of Grandma, Grandpa, and Dad smile back at you. You realize that you look quite similar to your Dad!" Check taking the family portrait: say "That should stay on the wall. Why would you even need that?" instead. The cage is a open openable container. The cage is in Grandparents' House. The description is "An extremely elaborate metal cage. The lock mechanism is awfully confusing - you wonder why your Grandparents even own this? Regardless, it could come in handy if you need to catch a rat..." Check going to Grandparents' House: if the player does carry Boring Documents and the player does carry Grandma's Soup Recipe: say "As you enter your grandparents’ house, you spot your Dad, Grandpa, and Grandma talking to each other. They all have worried expressions on their faces. You hand Grandma her recipe and you hand Dad the documents. Everyone’s face lights up with joy! Grandma gently embraces you and says, ‘What a smart grandson I have! Thank you for finding my recipe!’ Then, Dad pats your head and says, ‘Well done, son! Thank you very much, your Mom and I really need these documents. For your hard work, I’ll get you a treat! How about a new Detective Pan book and some ice cream?!’ You nod back energetically and smile. What a great day today was! You can’t wait for what the future has in store… "; end the game in victory instead; if the player does carry Boring Documents and the player does not carry Grandma's Soup Recipe: say "As you enter your grandparents’ house, you spot your Dad, Grandpa, and Grandma talking to each other. They all have worried expressions on their faces. You sadly hand Dad the documents, and say you were unable to recover the recipe. Dad is slightly disappointed, but relieved that the documents were recovered. He says, ‘You tried your best, and that’s all that matters. Thank you for finding the documents, your Mom and I really need them.’ Grandma comforts you and says ‘At least you found the documents, your parents need them! Don’t worry about it, I will try to remake that recipe. It may be hard since I am becoming more forgetful, but I will try.’ Although you helped your parents, your heart is broken. You couldn’t find Grandma’s recipe, and it’s gone forever…"; end the game in victory instead; if the player does not carry Boring Documents and the player does carry Grandma's Soup Recipe: say "As you enter your grandparents’ house, you spot your Dad, Grandpa, and Grandma talking to each other. They all have worried expressions on their faces. You hand Grandma her recipe and she smiles back at you. She pats your head and says, ‘Thank you for finding my recipe, little one! I’ll make some bamboo stew for you tonight!’Although you found the recipe, Dad is still pretty upset. You weren’t able to recover the important documents, which disappoints you. Dad said that he contacted the police, but they weren’t able to find any evidence of the documents being stolen. At least you got the legendary recipe…"; end the game in victory instead; if the player does not carry Boring Documents and the player does not carry Grandma's Soup Recipe: continue the action instead. [GRANDMA NPC] Grandma is a person. Grandma is in Grandparents' House. Grandma is proper-named. Check examining Grandma: say "Grandma is one of the best chefs you know! Maybe she knows what might have happened to her recipe." instead. Check asking Grandma about "recipe": say "Grandma replies, 'I am unsure where my recipe is, little one. These days, I am starting to become more and more forgetful. I am afraid that one day I will forget how to make my bamboo soup. However, I am sure that I left it in your house. If you were unable to find the recipe in your house, it must have been stolen.'" instead. [GRANDPA NPC] Grandpa is a person. Grandpa is in Grandparents' House. Grandpa is proper-named. Check examining Grandpa: say "Grandpa is the greatest story-teller in the village! He enjoys visiting the Village Square and chatting with the vendors there. Maybe he knows what might have happened to Grandma's recipe." instead. Check asking Grandpa about "recipe": say "Grandpa frowns and says, 'Like you, I am also wondering where your Grandma's recipe is. Your parents are very responsible people, they would never misplace the recipe. Therefore, it must have been stolen! I talked with a few folks in the Village Square this morning, and some mentioned that they spotted mice running around and holding papers. The mice may have nothing to do with the recipe, but mice holding papers that are nearly twice their size seems odd. Usually, mice only use post-it notes.'" instead. Check asking Grandpa about "his life": say "You would love to listen to Grandpa's intriguing life stories, but that may take more than an hour. Maybe next time you can listen to some!" instead. Check asking Grandpa about "mice": say "Grandpa says, 'I haven't talked to many mice in my life, but I do know that they get frightened very easily. When I was about your age, I saw a young mouse that was lost. I tried giving him directions, but he was afraid of me and scurried away. Mice are very fast runners!'" instead. [LIBRARY ENTRANCE] The Library Entrance is east of the Village Square. "This is one of the best libraries in the city. The library was recently renovated and is filled with new books! This is the first time you have visited the library after the renovations were completed, so you're unsure where each section is. You spot a crane librarian sitting at the front desk. You should ask him for directions." [KAGU NPC] Kagu is a person. Kagu is in the library. Understand "crane" or "librarian" as Kagu. The description is "You can ask them about directions." Check asking Kagu about "directions": say "The crane smiles and says, 'Welcome to Bamboo Bay Library! I'm Kagu, nice to meet you! We recently renovated, so some of the sections got moved around. The Classic Literature section is to the northeast, the Children's section is to the north, and the DVDs & Recipes are to the northwest. Visitors have been recently complaining about some noises in that section - hopefully it's a little quieter today. Enjoy your day!'" instead. [CLASSIC LITERATURE] Classic Literature is northeast of the library entrance. "Classic titles fill the bookshelves here. Some famous works include 'Piglet', 'Rateo & Jaguarette', and 'King Llama'. There are many students studying here. You shouldn't disturb them.[paragraph break]The Library Entrance is to the southwest." [CHILDREN'S SECTION] The Children's Section is north of the library entrance. "The best section in the library! You see many Detective Pan books, fun puzzle books, and comic books. There are even comfy green chairs to relax on. However, this isn't the time to have fun. You must find Grandma's recipe![paragraph break]The Library Entrance is to the south." [DVDs & RECIPES] The DVDs & Recipes is northwest of the library entrance. "This section is an collection of assorted books and media. Along with the namesakes of the section, you can see some biographies, encyclopedias and magazines on the shelves. You're about to leave when you notice something peculiar about the recipe shelf...[paragraph break]The Library Entrance is to the southeast." The Recipe Shelf is a open container in the DVDs & Recipes. The description is "A bookshelf containing cooking guides. Along with the usual Chinese ones, you can see books detailing Mexican, American and European cuisines as well. Your Grandma would love this place, but that's not currently important, because you notice something extremely peculiar. There's a crack in wall to the left of the shelf... but wasn't the library newly renovated?" The Wall Crack is an object in the DVDs & Recipes. The description is "A centimeter wide crack in the wall. There are two mice in here, seemingly chatting about their day-to-day duties. You know for certain that one of them has Grandma's recipe on them; you have to figure out a way to lure them out somehow!." Check examining the Wall Crack for the first time: say "You examine the crack in the wall, which is a few centimeters wide - far too big to just be a hairline fracture. From where you are, you can hear strange high-pitched chattering. As you look into the crack, you can make out the body of a mouse through here - so they were behind this! As you focus harder on the squealing noises, you hear one of them say:[paragraph break]'...just transporting this recipe to the storage room'[paragraph break]Of course the rats stole your Grandma's soup recipe for themselves! But their hideout is too small for you to fit through; you'll need to think of a way to lure them out."instead. Check taking the Wall Crack: say "You're not sure how you would accomplish that. Or how it would help you in any way." The brown mouse is a person. The brown mouse is proper-named. Every turn: if the Lock Value is 2: now the brown mouse is in the cage; now the Lock Value is 3; say "As you place your trap down, you watch in amazement as a brown mouse holding two documents in its mouth soars through the air, its eyes dilated as the scent of the red bean bun reaches its nostrils. As if in a trance, the mouse steps into the cage and starts nibbling the bun."; if the brown mouse has been in the cage for two turns: if the cage is open and the Lock Value is 3: now the Lock Value is 4; now a random end object is held by the player; say "[if the player does carry Grandma's soup recipe]As you doddle on closing the door to the cage, the brown mouse snaps out of its trance. You quickly attempt to close the cage, but the mouse is faster than you and gets out before you can fasten the lock. It soars through the air, landing back into the crack in the wall. You can see one of the documents it was holding sitting inside the cage, but the other one was taken with it.[paragraph break]Luckily for you, the document it dropped was Grandma's soup recipe! Even if your parents might be dismayed at the loss of their boring documents, you honestly couldn't be happier. Well, you better go tell Grandma the good news![otherwise if the player does carry Boring Documents]As you doddle on closing the door to the cage, the brown mouse snaps out of its trance. You quickly attempt to close the cage, but the mouse is faster than you and gets out before you can fasten the lock. It soars through the air, landing back into the crack in the wall. You can see one of the documents it was holding sitting inside the cage, but the other one was taken with it.[paragraph break]Unfortunately for you, the document it dropped was the boring documents. Well, you better go tell Grandma the bad news...[end if]" instead; if the cage is closed and the Lock Value is 3: now the Lock Value is 4; now Grandma's soup recipe is held by the player; now Boring Documents is held by the player; say "The rat attempts to claw itself out of the cage, but it's a futile effort. You deftly put your claws through the bars of the cage and snatch the two documents out of its hands. Luckily, these are just the papers you needed - you've found both Grandma's soup recipe and the boring documents! You better go tell Grandma the good news!" instead. Lock Value is a number that varies. Check inserting the Red Bean Bun into the Cage: now the Red Bean Bun is in the Cage; increase the Lock Value by 1; say "You put the Red Bean Bun in the Cage. The scent of the pastry is heavenly, but you repress your hunger - if all goes well, you'll have something much better than a bun soon." instead; Check dropping the Cage: if the player is in the DVDs & Recipes: increase the Lock Value by 1; now the cage is in the DVDs & Recipes; say "You set the cage on the ground, but not before fiddling around with the locking mechanism. Even though it's still incredibly complicated, you think you could close it in time to capture a mouse." instead; Check taking the Cage: if the cage is in DVDs & Recipes: say "You've already placed the cage down; no need to pick it back up again." instead. Check taking the Red Bean Bun: if the Red Bean Bun is in DVDs & Recipes: say "You've already put the bun in the cage; no need to pick it back up again." instead. Check closing the Cage: if the brown mouse is in the Cage: continue the action instead; if the brown mouse is not in the Cage: say "The cage has an incredibly complex closing method - likely due to it being owned by your grandparents. You're not sure if you could open it again if you closed it." instead. Check opening the Cage: if the brown mouse is in the Cage: say "You've already caught the brown mouse inside the cage; no point in letting it go!" instead. An End Object is a kind of thing. Grandma's Soup Recipe is an End Object. The description is "The most heavenly item in the world! You would take a peek at its contents, but it almost feels as if you're defiling something sacred. Better not learn what goes in the soup until Grandma deems you worthy." Boring Documents is an End Object. The description is "Just some boring paper documents that were stolen from your family. Looking through them, they seem to concern 'passports' and 'credit card information'... how dull." The Red Bean Bun is an edible object. The description is "A sweet treat often enjoyed in China. The soft, white doughy exterior combined with the sweet red bean paste interior makes for a delightful snack." Check eating the Red Bean Bun: say "While you would love to indulge yourself with buns, there may be another use for it. Besides, you prefer bamboo chips to pastries." [NEW ACTIONS] Jumping on is an action applying to one thing. Jump on is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump on [something]" and "jumping on [something]" as jumping on. Check jumping on: say "You're not sure that's the most logical course of action." instead. Typing on it is an action applying to one number and one thing. Understand "type [a number] on [something]" or "type [a number] in [something]" as typing on it. Check typing on: if the second noun is not a safe: say "Instead of typing, you tap a funky rhythm. That didn't accomplish anything, but it was fun!" instead. Understand "use [a wearable thing]" as wearing. [GAME SETTINGS] Rule for listing nondescript items: do nothing. The examine supporters rule is not listed in any rulebook. The examine containers rule is not listed in any rulebook. The block giving rule is not listed in the check giving it to rules. Paws are a thing. Paws are a part of the player. Check player sleeping: say "There's no time for you to rest - You have to find Grandma's recipe before it's too late, after all!" instead. Check putting it on: say "You probably still need this; no point in putting it down." instead. Check inserting it into: say "You probably still need this; no point in putting it down." instead. Check dropping: if the object is the cage: continue the action instead; otherwise: say "You probably still need this for the future - if you drop it now, who knows if you'll find it again?" instead. A thing can be seen or unseen. Carry out examining a thing: now the noun is seen.