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Kyla Olivas
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"Obekeyashiki" Use no scoring The House is north of the Car. "[if House is unvisited]Your car had broken down from driving on a long lonely road. A House is north of the Car. To go to the House in the north, Type 'north' or 'n' to go north.[end if]" "[if the House is visited] You have gotten inside the House with no problem. Now that your are inside you see a long unlit Hall to the west. Type 'W' to go west into the Hall.[end if]" "[If Hall is visited]After walking aimlessly around the House you decide to go to the west, since its unlit, you start thinking this might have been a bad idea. After thinking that, lights suddenly flash and you can finally see everything of the Hall. You then see a rather large Door to the east, but also seeing a long Staircase to the north. Where do you want to go?[end if]" "[If Door is visited] You decided to take the rather large Door. It seemed more inviting then a dark Staircase. Who knows whats down there? Maybe some spooky stuff! When you walk through the Door your suddenly in a Room to the north.[If Room is unvisited]Type 'north' to go in." "[If Room is visited]Once inside you realize something odd and misplaced in the Room. A crowbar was sitting next to a closed up Door. Take crowbar? Type yes or no.[end if]" [If crowbar is taken]When you try taking the crowbar a large hand slips through the wall and a scream could be heard from the other side of the Door." After trying to take crowbar: Say, "W-well, that was unexpected..." [If Hole is unvisited] "Suddenly, you realize a slight Hole in the wall. You walk towards it and start picking at the paint coming off slightly. Then the wall that had the Hole started to shake, you took noticed of this but, continued to peel the paint to finally visit the hole. Type 'in' to slip through the human size hole?[end if]" [If Hole is visited]You crawl through the Hole and dust off your clothes. You take a look around the room and realize a slightly disconfigured human thing"