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A Tale of Barizan
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"Tale" by Omegaland When play begins: say "Another new boring day... Oh thats right you have to go to the Chemical Plant down the street, but you forgot why. But its still early. Why don't you explore a bit? (It might be useful to have a piece of paper to keep track of locations)".; The description of the player is a "You are a boy named Iam and just passed your 17th birthday. You live in Barizan the capital of the Ikkyrian Empire. Your father is a government official, and your mother is a natural scientist. You have just woken up and remember something about going to a chemical plant". The maximum score is 5. [Game rules and variables] X is a number variable. X is 0. Y is a number variable. Y is 0. Z is a number variable. Z is 0. N is a number variable. N is 0. S is a number variable. S is 0. T is a number variable. T is 0. Shooting it with is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "shoot [something] with [something]" as shooting it with. Instead of shooting [something] with [something]: say "You can't shoot that!". Instead of shooting [something] with handcannon when the player is not carrying firepowder or player is not carrying small rocks: say "you point the handcannon, but then you realize that you don't have the materials needed to fire it.". Instead of shooting [something] with handcannon when the player is carrying firepowder and the player is carrying small rocks: say "You load the handcannon, putting the firepowder and rock in, but then realize you probably shouldn't shoot it.". Instead of shooting landslide with handcannon when the player is carrying firepowder and the player is carrying small rocks: say "You load the handcannon, putting the firepowder and rock in, and fire. The landslide blocking the cave starts to collapse.".; now the landslide is unlocked.; now the landslide is open.; change the description of landslide to "a pile of burnt rubble". [Locations] Bedroom is a room. "Home sweet home. The bedroom is just how you left it. There is a cluttered desk with many books scattered about, a bed, and a small closet. The exit is to the west." Living Room is a room. It is west of the Bedroom. "The living room has a couch, a coffee table and many other things. There is also a chest in one corner, an old picture and a map on the wall. Your bedroom lies to the east and the entrance to the house in the north." Esser Road is a room. It is north of Living Room. "It is a nice day. The sun shines bright on the usually dusty road. There is a mailbox next to your house and a large tree. To the South is your house. To the West is Central Square. To the North is Finr Cliff." Barizan Square is a room. It is west of Esser Road. "This is the center of the city of Barizan. Once upon a time, it was a very small and only the townspeople would meet here. Things sure change. There is a sign saying 'Langren Chemical Plant' and a huge fountain in the center. To the east is Esser Road. To the west is the chemical plant." The Chemical Plant is a room. It is west of Barizan Square."This is The Langren and Co Chemical Plant. There are many couches and a counter. There is a picture on the wall and many large windows." Finr Cliffs is a room. It is north of Esser Road. "The wind blows extremely hard at Finr Cliffs. At the bottom of the cliffs you see the great blue sea. The ruins of ships from a foreign land are at the bottom. There is a cave in the east leading to the bottom of the cliff, but it seems to have caved in. There are many boulders and small rocks. To the south is Esser Road, to the east is the cave." The Cave is a room. It is east of the landslide. "A not-so-dark cave. Not much in here." [Items and Scenery] The counter is scenery in the chemical plant. "A large black counter. It is clean and tidy unlike the desk in your room. But why are you looking at the counter when you can look at the person behind it?" The bed is scenery in the bedroom. "Your comfy bed." The landslide is a door. The landslide is east of Finr Cliffs and west of the cave. The landslide is lockable and locked. The landslide is closed and openable. The description is "A jumble of rocks. You here someone calling for help when you put your ear to the rocks.". The Closet is scenery in Bedroom. It is a closed openable container. "Lets not open it. I don't want to be reminded of all the clothes in there." The ground shells is a thing. The description is "White, powdery, shells. Apparently used in firepowder." The large tree is scenery in Esser Road. "A Large acorn tree. You used to love climbing it." Instead of attacking the large tree: say "You attack the tree and a few acorns fall out on to the ground. Now you have a few bruises, but also some acorns. worth it.".; if player does not have acorn, move acorn to Esser Road. The acorn is a thing. The description is "A acorn. It looks quite nice, but it's just a normal acorn." The mailbox is scenery in Esser Road. "A brown box for putting mail in. Only the rich, officials, and nobility have them." The couches are scenery in Chemical Plant. The large windows are scenery in Chemical Plant. "Large glass windows. Whoever owns this place must be rich, to afford such large and clear windows. The glass must be made in saffrins, and probably cost a fortune. You doubt that even the imperial palace has such large, clear windows." The huge fountain is scenery in Barizan Square. "A large fountain. Although it is located at the center of Barizan in the center of the Ikkyrian Empire, the foreign influence shows clearly on the fountain." The sign is scenery in Barizan Square. "It reads Langren Chemical Plant" The picture is scenery in Chemical Plant. "A large picture depicting a battle. On one side, Ikkyrian troops armed with repeaters shoot upon foreign troops armed with handcannons and swords. An explosion sends many Ikkyrian troops running. On another part of the picture, we can see a man loading a handcannon. He places firepowder into the cannon and then places a round stone or ball into it." The small rocks is a thing in Finr Cliffs. The description is "Just some small round stones." The Desk is scenery in Bedroom. "There are a bunch of papers and books that you don't feel like reading on it. The pile of books looks slightly different than how you left it." The Books are on the desk. The description is "Books of all shapes and sizes written in both the New Standard script and the older traditional script. A red book stands out, and you don't remember putting it there." The Red Book is a thing. It is a closed openable container. The description is "Strange. You don't remember putting leaving this book here. It lies slightly ajar. You have an urge to open it." Instead of examining the Books: say "Books of all shapes and sizes written in both the New Standard script and the older traditional script. A red book stands out, and you don't remember putting it there."; move the Red Book to the desk. Instead of opening the red book: say "Within the Red book, there are many detailed maps of far away lands. You doubt even your tutor or parents know where these maps are from. The script is also exceedingly strange. You can't read any of it. Strange sketches are found throughout the book of wars and strange war machines. A page has a bunch of pictures of herbs, but you can't recognize any of them."; if T < 1, increase score by one.; increase T by 1. The map is scenery in Living Room. "A map of the Empire before the war. It reaches from the eastern sea to the Chengshan mountains in the west. The map is so old that Barizan is not even there yet." The Chest is scenery in Living Room. It is a closed openable container. It is locked and lockable. "An old chest that has been sitting there since time immemorial. It is rather large and plain. There is a rusty six sided star by the keyhole." The old picture is scenery in Living Room. "A picture showing some of king and general Kothes' inventions. There is a detailed picture of a single repeater, a spear, and a flamelance." The flamelance is scenery in Living Room. "A long pole made of bamboo, wood, and stone. It seems to be shooting a stream of fire. Strange, you don't think the technology was invented for weapons like that in Kothes' time." The single repeater is scenery in Living Room. "A rather chunky looking weapon. Even today, the repeater remains the standard weapon of the Empire's army, although it much different than king Kothes original. Today its official name is a single repeating crossbow to differentiate it from the heavy crossbow and double repeating crossbow." The spear is scenery in Living Room. The spear can be discovered or undiscovered. The description is "A normal spear. Strange Kothe didn't invent them." The old key is a thing. The old key unlocks the chest. The description is "An old rusty key you can make out a six sided star on one side. Once upon a time, this key must have been truly stunning." The handcannon is a thing. It is inside the chest. The description is "An ancient looking handcannon. It must have been used by your great-grandfather in the Great War. To bad you don't how to make firepowder, but perhaps someone else does. (to use: shoot something with handcannon)" The firestick is a thing. The description is "A silver firestick. I wonder who it belongs to." Instead of examining the spear when spear is discovered: say "A normal spear. Strange Kothe didn't invent them" Instead of examining the spear: if the spear is undiscovered, now the spear is discovered; say "A simple spear. King Kothes may have used spears even more than his repeater, but he definitely didn't invent them. Maybe it was his tactics with the spear?.... Upon closer inspection, the spearpoint is not actually a spearpoint... It looks almost like a firestick. You pick it up."; move the firestick to the player. The coffee table is scenery in Living Room. "A square shaped coffee table made from a dark brown wood." The couch is scenery in Living Room. "A comfortable couch. Nothing out of the ordinary about it." The firepowder is a thing. The description is "A black powder. Just a tiny spark could cause an explosion or at the very least, a fire." [Character Langren] Langren is a woman in Chemical Plant. The description of Langren is "The owner??? of Langren Chemical Plant. She looks to be about sixteen years old, too young to be owner of a company. She has black hair and does not to be from around here. You have noticed her a few times before in the city. She looks slightly surprised, but quickly hides it and smiles at you. (try: TELL LANGREN ABOUT I AM IAM or ASK LANGREN ABOUT WHO ARE YOU or ASK LANGREN ABOUT WHERE ARE YOU FROM)". [Conversation for Langern] Instead of asking Langren about "who are you": say "I am Langren, although not the owner of this chemical plant...Are you Iam? (try: TELL LANGREN ABOUT I AM IAM)". Instead of asking Langren about "where are you from": say "My family is from Gyredesh. (Try: ASK LANGREN ABOUT GYREDESH or ASK LANGREN ABOUT HOW DID YOU GET HERE)". Instead of asking Langren about "Gyredesh": say "Langren: Gyredesh is the country I originally came from. It was a great country. The city I lived in, Sylon was... exciting to say the least. In the markets, you could hear a million different languages being spoken. At the docks, you would always see merchants, nobility, and officials talking and inspection cargo. Apparently, long ago the Grand Armada was also there. 40 galleys, 10 heavyships, 20 transports, 4 lightships, and of course the flagship. (try: ASK LANGREN ABOUT THE GRAND ARMADA or ASK LANGREN ABOUT SYLON)". Instead of asking Langren about "Sylon": say "Langren: Sylon is my home town-perhaps city. It is the second largest city in all of Gyredesh. There are wonders that you have never even thought imaginable there. I think the fountain in barizan square was made there originally.". Instead of asking Langren about "the grand armada": say "Langren: The Grand Armada was the imperial navy of Gyredesh. It was used to police the trade routes and also in several wars. Sadly now most of it lies at the bottom of the sea. Before we were born, the Grand Armada was destroyed by the same people that you fought in what you call the great war. (try: ASK LANGREN ABOUT THE GREAT WAR)". Instead of asking Langren about "the great war": say "Langren: The great war was fought between the Kingdom of Emir against the Ikkyrian Empire and the Gyredesh Republic. And you know how that turned out... The last Gyredesh holds in the eastern sea destroyed, and all of the eastern Ikkyrian land taken. (try: ASK LANGREN ABOUT KINGDOM OF EMIR or ASK LANGREN ABOUT IKKYRIA)". Instead of asking Langren about "kingdom of emir": say "Langren: They come from a far away continent. Once upon a time, they belonged to the Ars Maghul Federation, Gyredesh's former allies. Once Ars Maghul began to fall apart, they quickly consolidated their power and left the federation. They made many large expeditions, and eventually they found this continent. Gyredesh was going through troubled times, so they were able to defeat our colonies, trading cities, and vassals in the Eastern Sea. Soon, they invaded your country which led to the fall of a dynasty and the loss of nearly all your eastern ports. (try: ASK LANGREN ABOUT ARS MAGHUL FEDERATION)". Instead of asking Langren about "ars maghul federation": say "Langren: Once upon a time, there was the Great Enemy. The Empire of Ars Maghul led a coalition against the darkness and was victorious. However, the Great Enemy in his despair, let out his new creations, dragons that destroyed many cities, and nations. In the end, Ars Maghul collapsed along with many other great nations. Or so the legend goes. But that was over 5000 years ago. The Ars Mughal Federation today probably took their name from the old kingdom. I also is on the verge of collapse too. Apparently strange monsters have been coming out of some of their mines and apparently they are at war with the orcs or something. Nonsense if you ask me, orcs, monsters, just stuff from legends. The Great Enemy fled once, and will never come back".; if Y < 1, increase X by 1.; increase Y by 1.; Instead of asking Langren about "Ikkyria": say "Langren: Your country. Once the dominant nation in this continent, and on the rise again.". Instead of asking Langren about "how did you get here": say "Langren: Oh my grandfather moved here during the great war. He was a military engineer and was sent to help the Ikkyrian Empire build cannons and other field artillery. I my parents lived here, but then went back to Sylon briefly. My family moved back here when I was about 11 years old. (try: ASK LANGREN ABOUT THE GREAT WAR)".; Instead of telling Langren about "I am Iam": say "Langren: Oh nice to meet you! Are you here to bring me the firestick your dad borrowed? (try: ASK LANGREN ABOUT WHAT FIRE STICK or ASK LANGREN ABOUT YOUR FATHER)". Instead of asking Langren about "your father": say "Langren: Hmm? You don't know where your dad went? I think he was heading down to Finr Cliffs... Oh thats right, he forgot this old key here (you got an old key)(try: ASK LANGREN ABOUT FINR CLIFFS)"; if player does not have old key, move old key to player. Instead of asking Langren about "finr cliffs": say "Langren: Finr cliffs is not that far from here. Just take Esser Road and go north. Sure is windy over there and it is getting late. You should probably see if your father is alright."; if Z < 1, increase X by one.; increase Z by one. Instead of asking Langren about "what fire stick": say "Langren: The silver one your dad borrowed? Hmmm maybe he forgot to tell you. Well the firestick is quite small and silver. About the size of spearpoint.". Instead of asking Langren about "can I have firepowder": say "Langren: Hmmm normally I would charge, but I'll give you some for free I guess. I'll need some ground shell though. I heard you can find some at Finr Cliffs.". [Actions with Langren] Instead of giving the firestick to Langren: say "Langren: Thank you very much! This is the firestick I was looking for!"; move the firestick to Langren.; increase score by one.; increase X by one.; Instead of showing the firestick to Langren: say "Langren: ...Oh yup thats the firestick your dad borrowed."; Instead of showing the handcannon to Langren: say "Langren: that looks like an old handcannon. Do you need some firepowder for it? (try: ASK LANGREN ABOUT CAN I HAVE FIREPOWDER)". Instead of giving the ground shells to Langren: say "Langren: Thanks! those are the last things I needed for the firepowder. (a few minutes later) Here's your firepowder!".; move firepowder to player. Instead of kissing Langren when N < 1: say "Langren: Who do you think you are?!". Instead of touching Langren when N < 1: say "Langren: Who do you think you are?!". Instead of taking Langren when N < 1: say "Langren: Who do you think you are?!". Instead of rubbing Langren when N < 1: say "Langren: Who do you think you are?!". Instead of taking Langren when N > 0: say "Langren (blushing): You know Iam, lets save the messing around for later. Not here, not now.". Instead of rubbing Langren when N > 0: say "Langren (blushing): You know Iam, lets save the messing around for later. Not here, not now.". Instead of touching Langren when N > 0: say "Langren (blushing): Haha what are you doing? We have known each other for less than a day and here is not the place.". Instead of kissing Langren when N > 0: say "Langren (blushing): Haha maybe tonight, but not now, in a place like this.". [Langren secret actions] Instead of asking Langren about "yes": say "Langren (shyly): This might be a bit sudden like we did just meet today but... Tonight there is going to be a play at the theater. Do you wanna come with me? (try: TELL LANGREN ABOUT YES or TELL LANGREN ABOUT NO)". Instead of telling Langren about "yes": say "Langren (ecstatically): Really? Wow! Ok I'll meet you at my place tonight at 6 if thats ok with you.".; increase N by 1. Instead of telling Langren about "no": say "Langren: Oh ok... (she looks slightly disappointed) Well, nice meeting you, hope to see you around...". [Character Old Man] Old Man is a man in Finr Cliffs. The description of Old man is "An old man, surrounded by a shroud of adventure and mystery. You can't help but think that fate has brought you to him. He has a case full of books. (try: ASK OLD MAN ABOUT BOOKS or ASK OLD MAN ABOUT FINR CLIFFS)". Instead of asking old man about "books": say "Old Man: Books... I guess you could say I am a fan of them. They hold the words of those who have passed. These were the few I was able to take with me when I fled. If you have any strange or wondrous books, don't hesitate to show them to me (try: ASK OLD MAN ABOUT FLEEING)". Instead of asking old man about "Fleeing": say "Old Man: Ah that is a story for another day. Ars Maghul and the Great Enemy once again you could say...(he looks wistfully across the waves and sighs)". Instead of asking old man about "Finr Cliffs": say "Old Man: Ah these cliffs. It feels so good here... Free almost. The wind, the waves, and my books. There are also so many shells here. (try: ASK OLD MAN ABOUT SHELLS or ASK OLD MAN ABOUT CAVE)". Instead of asking old man about "Cave": say "Old Man: Rocks seem to have collapsed on it. Only magic or a cannon of some sorts could clear this.". Instead of asking old man about "Shells": say "Old Man: Why, do you want some? I'll give you some special ones if you can find me an acorn". Instead of asking old man about "why acorns": say "Old Man: Oh, where I come from, acorns are extremely rare. Although they are not super valuable, many still display them as a status symbol. In this country, Acorns are everywhere. Its quite ironic. At my home, to have acorns was to be rich. Now I have acorns, but I'm never going back. (try: ASK OLD MAN ABOUT HOME)". Instead of asking old man about "home": say "Old Man: I come from a far away place, where what you consider legend or rumor is everyday life. Orcs, monsters, the darkness... (try: ASK OLD MAN ABOUT MONSTERS or ASK OLD MAN ABOUT THE DARKNESS)". Instead of asking old man about "monsters": say "Old Man: Orcs, giant lizards, more... Up in Ars Maghul, monsters are pretty common... Possibly even more common now that Ars Maghul, the only thing stopping them from spreading south has collapsed.". Instead of asking old man about "the darkness": say "And the Great Enemy bound himself to the world. He would never be as powerful as before, but everything to come after would carry a hint of darkness, of evil for The Enemy to control... That is the darkness". [Old Man Actions] Instead of giving the acorn to Old Man: say "Old Man: Thanks! Here are your special shells! (try: ASK OLD MAN ABOUT WHY ACORNS)".; move ground shells to player. Instead of showing books to Old Man: say "Old Man: Hmmm. Interesting, although I do not think I need more books." Instead of giving books to Old Man: say "Old Man: Hmmm. Interesting, although I do not think I need more books.". Instead of showing red book to Old Man: say "Old Man: ...... ...... Wow... This is written in the Ars Maghul language. 'The Militaries of the World'... Interesting..... You know, sometimes I really miss my home... You have given me hope... Maybe, if you want, I can teach you some of the skills I learned in Ars Maghul.... Could I take this book? I'll give it back in a few days I promise.". Instead of giving red book to Old Man: say "Old Man: ...... ...... Wow... This is written in the Ars Maghul language. 'The Militaries of the World'... Interesting..... You know, sometimes I really miss my home... You have given me hope... Maybe, if you want, I can teach you some of the skills I learned in Ars Maghul.... Thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me... For me to finally see something familiar".; increase score by one.; Increase S by one.; move red book to old man. Instead of kissing Old Man: say "If you want that kind of story, visit fanfiction.net".; [everyturn rules] Every turn: if X > 2, say "Langren: You know Iam... (try: ASK LANGREN ABOUT YES)".; if X > 2, increase score by 1.; if X > 2, change X to 0. [Endgame] After going to the cave: increase score by one.; end the game in victory. When play ends: if N < 1, say "Dad: Wow I thought I was gonna die in here! I can't believe you saved me! (Epilogue) Iam grew up to be an official within Ikkyria like his father. He would be known to be incorruptible and would become respected by many. The day he saved his father would be forever burned in his mind. (This is the most basic ending of the three possible)".; if N > 0 and S < 1, say "Dad: Wow I thought I was gonna die in here! I can't believe you saved me! (Epilogue) Two years after saving his father, Iam married Langren. They would travel throughout Ikkyria and Gyredesh and would become very famous for their chemical plants. They would help many people in Ikkyria by spreading their advancements. The two would always remember the day they met and how fate brought them together. (The second ending of three)".; if N > 0 and S > 0, say "Dad: Wow I thought I was gonna die in here! I can't believe you saved me! (Epilogue) Langren and Iam soon got married. They planned on living a peaceful life in Gyredesh or Ikkyria, but one day the old man Iam met on that fateful day would come again and ask if he wanted to go to Ars Maghul. Iam and Langren would accept and would travel the world. Adventure and danger would always be near, and never would Iam and Langren settle down peacefully, but the two would be known in legends across the three continents. The Old Man would travel to the remains of Ars Maghul and would be greeted as a King. But of course, these stories are for another day. Iam, Langren, and the Old Man would always remember that fateful day. That day, Forgotten in even the millions of legends about the three. (There are three endings. This is the 'true' ending.)". [shortest route: w, n, w, w, x Langren, continue to talk to Langren until you get old key. e, e, n, x old man, talk to old man, take small rocks, s, attack tree, take acorn, n, give old man acorn (you now have ground shells), s, s, unlock chest with old key, take handcannon (show to Langren and continue the conversation), n, w, w, give Langren ground shells to get firepowder, e, e, n, shoot landslide with handcannon, enter into cave] [second route: Make sure you talk to Langren about everything possible and find the firestick (it is hidden in the picture of the spear so x spear in living room), give langren firestick, when she asks, tell her yes. Complete the game as normal] [third route: same as second route, but x books, then take the red book you find. Open red book to get the +1 score, and then talk to old man and give him the book. Finish the game as normal (be sure to do the things with Langren)] [commands for fun and ones you might need: shoot (something) with (something). kiss, take, touch, push, rub etc you can try on some of the NPCs to see how they react. Depending on what you did and when you do the commands, their reactions may be different.]