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Story Thieves
Blue Chaan
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"Story Thieves Book One: WIP" The School is a room. "A boring classroom. Mr. Barberry is sitting up front, droning on about fractions and history." A book is here. "There's a worn copy of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Bethany's desk. The chocolate stains on it are annoying, even if they do fit the story. Bethany herself is nowhere to be found..." Road Home is a room. "A semi-busy street leading to the library in the north." Your house is a room. "You step into your house, which is comfortably messy and almost as book-filled as the library. 'Hey, Owen!' your mom calls. 'Can you reshelve some books at the library for me?' You sigh but head to do that. (Go back southwest to the library)." Home is northeast of the Library. The School Door is a door. The School Door is east of the School and west of Road Home. Bethany is a person. "A bookish girl with bronze-colored hair. You've never paid her much attention before now, but she is most definitely the coolest person you know. " Owen is a person. "You're nothing special." Understand "me" as Owen. The Library is a room. "The nice, well lit place your mom works at. Coming here always makes you happy. Your house is close by to the northeast through the woods." The Library is north of Road Home. A shelf is here. "A shelf crammed full of books and spilling out onto the floor." Shelf is a container. Instead of putting the book on the shelf: say "Suddenly, the book falls out of your hands. Someone's reaching out of it- but that isn't possible? Who even is this?" Bethany is in the Library;