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The Island
Patrick Williams
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Include Plurality by Emily Short. Include Bulk Limiter by Eric Eve. Include Hiding Under by Eric Eve. Include Scheduled Activities by John Clemens. Include Senses by ShadowChaser. the bulk capacity of the player is 10. The description of the player is "You're naked!" When play begins: change the right hand status line to "[score] / [time of day]". when play ends: say "To be continued in [bold type]The Island 2: Hope's Revenge." When play begins: now the time of day is 8:00 am; say "You have made it to the Island." Bedroom is north of Top of the Stairs. bedroom is a room. description of bedroom is "Your bedroom is small and cozy. The walls and ceiling are paneled wood, lending the room a certain rustic charm. A door to the South leads to a darkened hallway." Here is a bureau. here is a window. window is fixed in place. Here is a bed. bed is fixed in place supporter. hidden under bed is a pair of crusty socks. the bulk of the crusty socks is 5. the odour of the crusty socks is "like vinegar and moldy cheese". Instead of searching the window: say "The outside world looks tantalizingly inviting. Why don't you give it a shot?" Understand "look out of [something]" and "look out [something]" as searching. instead of entering bed: say "You just woke up. There's a lot to do. This is no time for a nap." Bureau is a fixed in place closed openable container. description of bureau is "The old cedar bureau has seen better days." inside bureau is a bathing suit. the bulk of the bathing suit is 5. bathing suit is a wearable object. description of bathing suit is "The pinnacle of modern beachwear, your bathing suit is printed with flattering red and white horizontal stripes." after wearing the bathing suit for the first time: say "The suit is crusty from repeated soakings in salty water. As you pull it on something sharp and metal in the pocket scrapes against your thigh."; award 5 points; change description of player to "Lookin fine!" Price is a kind of value. $10.99 specifies a price. A thing has a price. The price of a thing is usually $0.00. After examining something for sale, say "It can be yours for [the price of the noun]." Definition: a thing is free if the price of it is $0.00. Definition: a thing is for sale if it is not free. Instead of taking something for sale: say "You'll have to pay for that." Before buying something for sale when the money is not in the wallet: say "You're broke." instead. Before buying something for sale when the money is free: say "You're broke." instead. Before buying something for sale when the price of the money is less than the price of the noun: say "You can't afford [the noun]." instead. Instead of buying something: decrease the price of the money by the price of the noun; say "You gladly shell out [the price of the noun] for [the noun], leaving yourself with [the price of the money]."; if the money is free, remove the money from play; now the price of the noun is $0.00; now the player is carrying the noun. inside bathing suit is a pocket. pocket is fixed in place closed openable container. the bulk capacity of the pocket is 5. inside pocket is brass key. the bulk of brass key is 3. Inside the bureau is flip flops. the bulk of the flip flops is 5. flip flops are a wearable object. the description of the flip flops is "Your flip flops represent a symbol of your individuality and your belief in personal freedom." after wearing the flip flops for the first time: say "Your tender soles are now protected from sharp pebbles and slimy slugs."; award 5 points. Inside the bureau is a towel. the bulk of the towel is 5. the description of the towel is "A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value - you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet it for use in hand-to- hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mindboggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a bush, but very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitch hiker) discovers that a hitch hiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitch hiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitch hiker might accidentally have 'lost'. What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with." after taking towel for the first time: award 5 points. Top of the Stairs is a room. here is painting. painting is fixed in place. scrap of paper is here. scrap of paper is scenery. the bulk of the scrap of paper is 1. description of Top of the stairs is "At the top of the Stars, the wood paneled hallway continues south to the Guest Bedroom. To the west is the Bathroom. East and down is a steep, narrow staircase." description of scrap of paper is "4 8 15 16 23 42" reading-material of scrap of paper is "4 8 15 16 23 42" instead of taking scrap of paper: say "You reach out and gently pluck the scrap of paper from behind the painting, noticing a series of tiny numbers printed on one side."; now the player is carrying scrap of paper. description of painting is "It is a painting of a buoy." After examining the painting for the second time: say "The painting is an utterly unremarkable example of folk art, uninspiring composition, drab colors, obvious mistakes. And it's of a buoy." after examining the painting for the third time: say "You really believe there's something going on with this painting, don't you? Well good for you. You notice a the corner of a scrap of paper sticking out from behind the painting." Bathroom is east of top of the stairs. here is a toilet. instead of entering toilet: say "Nobody ever goes to the bathroom in the movies." here is a shower. instead of entering the shower: say "You are trying to conserve water." here is a sink. sink is fixed in place device. instead of switching on sink: say "You are trying to conserve water." here is a mirror. description of mirror is "Your skin is sun-dappled, ruddy and glowing." After examining the mirror for the second time: say "Your hair is the kind of awesome that can only be achieved through repeated soakings in salty seawater and falling asleep under the noonday sun." After examining the mirror for the third time: say "You're so vain, I bet you think this game is about you." After examining the mirror for the fourth time: say "Don't you?" After examining the mirror for the fifth time: say "Don't you?" After examining the mirror for the sixth time: say "Don't you?" toilet is fixed in place supporter. description of toilet is "The old porcelain toilet has a handwritten sign taped to the tank." instead of looking in mirror for the first time: say "Your skin is sun-dappled, ruddy and glowing." instead of looking in mirror for the second time: say "Your hair is the kind of awesome that can only be achieved through repeated soakings in salty seawater and falling asleep under the noonday sun." instead of looking in the mirror for the third time: say "You're so vain, I bet you think this game is about you." instead of looking in the mirror for the fourth time: say "Don't you?" instead of looking in the mirror for the fifth time: say "Don't you?" instead of looking in the mirror for the sixth time: say "Don't you?" on toilet is a handwritten note. the bulk of the handwritten note is 1. reading-material of handwritten note is "If it's yellow, leave it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down." Guest bedroom is south of Top of the stairs. here is a large bed. large bed is fixed in place enterable supporter. here is an armoire. armoire is fixed in place openable closed locked container. inside armoire is Super 8 Camera. bulk of super 8 camera is 10. description of guest bedroom is "Rather bland, the only thing of interest here is the armoire." instead of entering bed: say "You just woke up. There's a lot to do. This is no time for a nap." Staircase is west of top of the stairs. staircase is up from Living Room. staircase is a room. description of staircase is "The dark, steep staircase leads to the Living Room below." Living room is down from staircase. a couch is here. a backpack is here. couch is enterable supporter. a TV is here. The TV is a fixed in place device. The TV is switched off. instead of switching on tv: say "'[italic type]Anne of Green Gables [roman type]Night' was last night." The backpack is a player’s holdall. backpack is closed wearable container. inside backpack is wallet. bulk of wallet is 5. The wallet contains money. The price of the money is $22.00. The printed name of the money is "[price of the money] in cash". Understand "cash" as the money. understand "bag" as backpack. understand "sack" as backpack. understand "pack" as backpack. understand "back pack" as backpack. Description of Living Room is "Many rainy nights have been wiled away here watching moivies or playing games. North is the dining room. To the west is the front door." west of living room is Front Door. front door is a door. Front door is closed. front door is locked. brass key unlocks front door. west of Front Door is Front Porch. The bulk capacity of the backpack is 50. Dining Room is north of Living room. here is dining room table. dining room table is fixed in place supporter. vase is here. vase is container. vase contains wild flowers. description of dining room is "Though small, this room has played host to many great feasts." description of dining room table is "The table is old and covered in scratches. A vase of wildflowers sits in the center." instead of taking wild flowers: say "The flowers really brighten up the room. Better leave them where they are." Understand the commands "light" and "burn" as something new. Understand "burn [something] with [strikable-match]" as burning it with. Understand "burn [something] with [something preferably held]" as burning it with. Burning it with is an action applying to one thing and one carried thing. Understand the command "light" as "burn". A thing can be flammable or impervious. A thing is usually impervious. Check burning something with something (this is the burn only with flaming matches rule): if the second noun is not a strikable-match, say "You can only light things with matches." instead; if the second noun is not flaming, say "[The second noun] needs to be burning first." instead. Check burning something with something (this is the burn only flammable things rule): if the noun is impervious, say "[The noun] cannot be burned." instead. pile of ashes is a thing. pile of ashes is scenery. Carry out burning something with something (this is the simplistic burning rule): remove the noun from play. Report burning something with something: say "You burn up [the noun]." Rule for implicitly taking the second noun while burning something with something which is not a strikable-match: say "You can only light things with matches."; stop the action. A strikable-match is a kind of thing. The plural of strikable-match is s-matches. A strikable-match has a number called duration. The duration of a strikable-match is usually 3. Rule for printing the name of a strikable-match: say "match". Rule for printing the plural name of a strikable-match: say "matches". Understand "match" as a strikable-match. Understand "matches" as a strikable-match. Flame-state is a kind of value. The flame-states are burnt, flaming, and new. Understand "burning" or "lit" as flaming. Understand "unused" as new. A strikable-match has a flame-state. A strikable-match is usually new. Understand the flame-state property as describing a strikable-match. small pile of sticks has a flame-state. Before printing the name of a strikable-match while asking which do you mean: say "[flame-state] ". Before printing the name of a strikable-match while taking inventory: say "[flame-state] ". Before printing the plural name of a strikable-match while taking inventory: say "[flame-state] ". Before printing the name of a strikable-match while clarifying the parser's choice of something: if not taking inventory, say "[flame-state] ". After printing the name of a strikable-match (called special-target) while clarifying the parser's choice of something: if the player carries the special-target: say " you're carrying"; otherwise if the special-target is in the location: say " on the ground"; otherwise: say " [if the holder of the special-target is a container]in[otherwise]on[end if] [the holder of the special-target]". Understand "strike [something]" as attacking. Understand "strike [strikable-match]" as striking. Striking is an action applying to one carried thing. Understand "burn [strikable-match]" as striking. Does the player mean striking a new strikable-match: it is very likely. Does the player mean striking a burnt strikable-match: it is unlikely. Check striking a strikable-match (this is the strike only new matches rule): if the noun is burnt, say "[The noun] has already burnt down and cannot be relit." instead; if the noun is flaming, say "[The noun] is already burning." instead. Carry out striking a strikable-match (this is the standard striking rule): now the noun is flaming; now the noun is lit. Report striking a strikable-match (this is the standard report striking rule): say "You light [the noun]." Before burning something with a new strikable-match (this is the prior lighting rule): say "(first [if the player does not carry the second noun]taking and [end if]lighting [the second noun])[command clarification break]"; silently try striking the second noun; if the second noun is not flaming, stop the action. Rule for implicitly taking a strikable-match (called target) while striking: try silently taking the target. Does the player mean burning something with a flaming strikable-match: it is very likely. Does the player mean burning something with a new strikable-match: it is likely. Does the player mean burning something with a burnt strikable-match: it is unlikely. Instead of burning a burnt strikable-match with something: say "[The noun] is completely consumed and cannot be relit." Every turn: let N be 0; repeat with item running through flaming s-matches: decrement the duration of the item; if the duration of the item is 0: now the item is burnt; now the item is unlit; if the item is visible, increment N; if N is 1: say "[if the number of visible flaming s-matches is greater than 0]One of the matches [otherwise if the number of burnt visible s-matches is greater than 1]Your last burning match [otherwise]The match [end if]goes out."; otherwise if N is greater than 1: let enumeration be indexed text; let enumeration be "[N in words]"; if N is the number of visible s-matches: if N is two, say "Both"; otherwise say "All [enumeration]"; otherwise: say "[enumeration in title case]"; say " matches go out[if a visible strikable-match is flaming], leaving [number of visible flaming s-matches in words] still lit[end if]." on dining room table is matchbox. bulk of matchbox is 5. matchbox is closed openable container. matchbox contains 5 s-matches. bulk of s-match is 1. description of matchbox is "Diamond strike anywhere matches. Keep away from children." The Kitchen is east of dining room. here is kitchen table. here is fridge. here is cup. the bulk of the coffee cup is 5. cup is container. tin box is here. the bulk of the coffee tin is 5. tin box is container. bulk capacity of tin box is 10. inside cup is piping hot coffee. kitchen table is fixed in place supporter. fridge is closed openable fixed in place container. inside fridge is snack. the bulk of the snack is 5. snack is edible. inside fridge is TaB. the bulk of the TaB is 5. description of kitchen is "The provincial kitchen is stocked with all the modern amenities. It smells of exotic spices and fresh-brewed coffee." description of tin is "Blake's Faust Blend #1. A Strictly High Grade Coffee." description of cup is "The ceramic mug has a picture of a morose looking dog printed on it." description of snack is "It looks good enough to eat." description of TaB is "TaB's got sass." Instead of eating snack: remove noun from play; say "The snack fills you up for now, but you sense a certain craving for something you just can't quite put your finger on."; award 5 points. Instead of drinking TaB: remove the noun from play; say "Where There's Tab, There's Refreshment."; award 5 points. understand "coffee" as piping hot coffee Instead of drinking piping hot coffee: remove the noun from play; say "You swill the dark aromatic brew with gusto."; award 5 points. Front Porch is a room. here is a rocking chair. rocking chair is fixed in place enterable supporter. description of Front Porch is "You have finally arrived outside. As you breathe in the sea air with gusto, your eyes squint, adjusting to the bright morning sun. To the west, just past the front lawn, Sunrise road runs north and south." description of rocking chair is "The old red rocking chair was surely crafted from the finest materials avasilable by a skilled and careful hand." instead of entering rocking chair: say "You sit and rock for a spell. The gentle back and forth motion and the euphonious creaks and clacks of the rockers against the porch floorboards lulls you into a blissful state. You arise from the chair, tranquil yet invigorated."; award 5 points. Front Lawn is west of Front Porch. here is large smooth stone. large smooth stone is scenery. description of front lawn is "The front lawn is small, but well manicured. A path leads south. A large, smooth stone rests by the corner of the porch" understand "rock" as large smooth stone. understand "stone" as large smooth stone. hidden under stone is a small green snake. instead of taking snake: say "The narrow fellow unbraids in the sun, wrinkles, and is gone."; remove noun from play; award 5 points instead of examining snake: say "The narrow fellow unbraids in the sun, wrinkles, and is gone."; remove noun from play; award 5 points Garden Path is south of Front Lawn. Garden Path is a room. description of Garden Path is "The quiet garden path continues to the North and South." South of Garden Path is Old Stone Library. Old Stone Library is a room. shelf is here. shelf is fixed in place supporter. on shelf is cardboard box. cardboard box is closed openable container. inside cardboard box is Zotz. Old Stone Library is a room. description of Old Stone Library is "The Old Stone Library is closed right now, but there are some books set out on a shelf marked 'free for the taking'." A thing has some text called the reading-material. The reading-material of a thing is usually "". The description of Zotz is "A first edition of [italic type]Zotz[roman type], by Walter Karig." The reading-material of Zotz is "You read Zotz cover to cover. You now possess the power to end a life with but a word." Understand the command "read" as something new. Reading is an action applying to one thing. Understand "read [something]" as reading. Check reading: if the reading-material of the noun is "": say "Nothing is printed on [the noun]." instead. Carry out reading: say "[reading-material of the noun]." after reading Zotz for the first time: award 20 points. West of Front Lawn is Sunset Road-S. Sunset Road-S is a room. description of Sunset Road-S is "A gently sloping dirt road, sunny Sunset Road South provides a means of conveniently accessing many island locals. It continues to the north, and intersects with Wharf Road to the south. " South of Sunset Road-S is Wharf Road. Wharf Road is a room. Here is ACE Events Bulletin Board. ACE Events Bulletin Board is fixed in place supporter. on ACE Events Bulletin Board is a sign. here is a flagpole. A Post Office is here. A Fire House is here. A Tennis Court is here. Tennis Court is supporter. on Tennis Court are Mr Vanderfeller and Mrs Vanderfeller. ACE Hall is here. description of Wharf Road is "The beating heart of the island, Wharf Road is home to ACE Hall and the island's pristine tennis court. ACE Hall houses the tiny island post office and the all-volunteer fire brigade. The CIA meets here monthly to discuss topics as varied as 'Planning the next Olympics' to 'What to do about the Seventh Day Adventist Problem.' Wharf Rd is the island's major intersection. It continues east and west. To the south is Island Avenue. To the west you can see the boathose and the ferry dock." description of Tennis Court is "Some of the island's upper crust have gathered here to volley fuzy yellow balls back and forth. Their lithe, meticulously tanned bodies jog effortlessly around the court as they play, languishing in the kind of carefree elation that is the birthright of the upper crust. Their bright white tennis clothes shine almost as brilliantly as their million dollar smiles." instead of entering ACE Hall: say "If you wanted to learn how to weave a basket you should have signed up like everybody else." instead of entering post office: say "You have nothing to mail." instead of entering Fire House: say "There are no conflagrations to report." instead of entering tennis court: say "Mr. and Mrs. Vanderfeller would not look kindly upon the Hoi Polloi intruding on their game." flagpole is fixed in place. description of flagpole is "Leif appears briefly behind the flagpole and then disappears." description of ACE Events Bulletin Board is "The ACE Events Bulletin Board is where community events, classified ads, and other random notes are posted." The reading-material of the sign is "ACE EVENTS Today:[line break]1. Basket Weaving at ACE HALL 9am to 11am[line break]2. Kickball at ACE Field 12 pm to 1:30 pm[line break]3. Don't miss the meteor Shower tonight ! The best place to see them is ACE Field after 10 pm.[line break]Reminder: Stinky Beach Cleanup has been cancelled due to a recent rash of goat attacks." West of Wharf Road is Wharf Road W. Wharf Road W is a room. description of Wharf Road W is "You have arrived at the cultural epicenter of the island. To the south is Larry's, where islanders gather to catch up on the latest gossip while savoring a delicious ice cream cone." A shop is a kind of room. A shop has a time called the opening hour. The opening hour of the shop is usually 8 AM. A shop has a time called the closing hour. A shop usually has closing hour 6 PM. Check going to a shop (called the target): if the time of day is before the opening hour of the target, say "[The target] doesn't open until [the opening hour of the target]." instead. Check going to a shop (called the target): if the time of day is after the closing hour of the target, say "[The target] has been closed since [the closing hour of the target]." instead. Every turn when the location is a shop: let deadline be the closing hour of the location; if the deadline is before the time of day: let target be a random adjacent room which is not a shop; say "You are gently but firmly ushered out, since [the location] is closing."; move the player to the target. Larry's is south of Wharf Road W. Larry's is a shop. The opening hour of Larry's is 9:00 am. The closing hour of Larry's is 6:00 pm. here is Teenage Girl. Teenage Girl is a woman. Ms Pac-Man is here. Ms Pac-Man is scenery. description of Ms Pac-Man is "Someone appears to have left the classic tabletop arcade game with one free play." A thing is either playable or unplayable. Things are usually unplayable. Ms Pac-Man is playable. playing is an action applying to one thing. understand "play [something]" as playing. instead of playing Ms Pac-Man: say "You sit down at the game and press the start button. The game springs to life, the familiar strains of 8-bit sound fill the cafe. 'That's it... That's it... Come closer…' you say, gobbling a power pellet. 'Muhahaha! Ironic isn't it. The hunter has become the hunted! Hahahaha!!"; award 5 points. description of Larry's is "Larry's is where everybody comes to get snacks, ice cream, or play Ms. Pac-Man. The dischordant strains of modern alternative rock blare from a cheap boombox in the corner. The girl behind the counter bobs her head to the tune and smiles at you, patiently awaiting your order." description of teenage girl is "The teenage girl smiles and patienly waits for you to buy something." Teenage Girl carries black rasberrry ice cream cone. black raspberry ice crem cone is edible. The price of the ice cream is $1.45. The description is "Black raspberry ice cream was surely invented by a flavor genius who toiled ceaselessly in his flavor laboratory on top of flavor mountain to create the ultimate in frozen dairy-based treats." Instead of eating ice cream: remove noun from play; say "You have been craving black raspberry ice cream since you woke up this morning. You devour the cone with gusto, greedily licking any errant drips from your fingers."; award 20 points. Instead of going to Larry's when the time of day is before the opening hour of Larry's for the second time: say "You really need that ice-cream, don't you?." a thing is either jumpable or unjumpable. things are usually unjumpable. understand "jump" as jumping. jumping in is an action applying to one thing. jumping off is an action applying to one thing. jumping from is an action applying to one thing. understand "jump in/into [something]" as jumping in. understand "jump off [something]" as jumping off. understand "jump off of [something]" as jumping off. understand "jump from [something]" as jumping from. report jumping (this is the jumping rule): say "You can't jump." instead. report jumping in something (this is the jumping in rule): say "You can't jump into [the noun]." report jumping off something (this is the jumping off rule): say "You can't jump off [the noun]." report jumping from something (this is the jumping from rule): say "You can't jump from [the noun]." a thing is either divable or undivable. things are usually undivable. diving is an action applying to nothing. understand "dive" as diving. diving in is an action applying to one thing. diving off is an action applying to one thing. diving from is an action applying to one thing. understand "dive in/into [something]" as diving in. understand "dive off [something]" as diving off. understand "dive off of [something]" as diving off. understand "dive from [something]" as diving from. report diving (this is the diving rule): say "You can't dive." instead. report diving in something (this is the diving in rule): say "You can't dive into [the noun]." report diving off something (this is the diving off rule): say "You can't dive off [the noun]." report diving from something (this is the diving from rule): say "You can't dive from [the noun]." before diving off The Boathouse: if player is carrying backpack: say "You should probably leave your backpack on the dock before you jump in the water."; otherwise: say "You expertly scramble to the top of the boathouse. You pause only for a moment to steely yourself for the leap. The water below is dark and undulating. On three. One... Two... Three! You hurl yourself from the roof of the boathouse. [line break]There is a point between leaping and falling, a solitary moment where your fear grabs your exhiliration by the hand and they dance the tarantella up and down your spine. [line break]Then, before you know it, you plunge into the murky depths below! The water is shockingly cold, roiling and foaming about your body as you claw for the surface. You breach the water and breathe deeply, the salty sea mist swirls around you. You swim to the float, climb the ramp, towel yourself off, and stretch your arms, feeling more alive than ever." after diving off The Boathouse for the first time: award 50 points. before jumping off The Boathouse: if player is carrying backpack: say "You should probably leave your backpack on the dock before you jump in the water."; otherwise: say "You expertly scramble to the top of the boathouse. You pause only for a moment to steely yourself for the leap. The water below is dark and undulating. On three. One... Two... Three! You hurl yourself from the roof of the boathouse. [line break]There is a point between leaping and falling, a solitary moment where your fear grabs your exhiliration by the hand and they dance the tarantella up and down your spine. [line break]Then, before you know it, you plunge into the murky depths below! The water is shockingly cold, roiling and foaming about your body as you claw for the surface. You breach the water and breathe deeply, the salty sea mist swirls around you. You swim to the float, climb the ramp, towel yourself off, and stretch your arms, feeling more alive than ever." after jumping off The Boathouse for the first time: award 50 points. west of Wharf Road W is Ferry Dock. Ferry Dock is a room. The Boathouse is here. The Boathouse is fixed in place supporter. The Boathouse is divable. boathouse is jumpable. bucket is here. the bulk of the bucket is 5. bucket is container. bulk capacity of the bucket is 10. inside bucket is mackerel. bulk of mackerel is 5. wooden dock is here. wooden dock is fixed in place supporter. wooden dock is divable. instead of diving off wooden dock: if player is carrying backpack: say "You should probably leave your backpack on the dock before you jump in the water."; otherwise: say "You jump into the ocean below, splashing hard into the salty water. Though refreshing, your brief dip leaves you wanting more. Perhaps there are more exhilirating leaps in your future…" instead of jumping off wooden dock: if player is carrying backpack: say "You should probably leave your backpack on the dock before you jump in the water."; otherwise: say "You jump into the ocean below, splashing hard into the salty water. Though refreshing, your brief dip leaves you wanting more. Perhaps there are more exhilirating leaps in your future…" description of bucket is "The white plastic bucket has flecks of fish blood and scales encrused on its side." description of Ferry Dock is "You have arrived at the ferry dock. Strong thick piling support the platform where passengers and their boxes are loaded and unloaded onto the hulking ferry boats. There is no boat here now, so the dock is blissfully empty. The Boathouse is here." description of The Boathouse is "You look closely at the huking gray boathouse, noticing a white bucket inside." description of mackerel is "The mackerel is beyond help. Caught and killed recently, it has not yet begun to stink." The Mainland is a room. The Maquoit II is an enterable container. inside the Maquoit II is passengers. description of Maquoit II is "The Maquoit II is a stunning example of naval engineering." after entering the Maquoit II: end the game saying "You have chosen to leave The Island and return to The Mainland. Why you would chose to do so is, frankly beyond me." at 9:00 am: say "A deep horn sounds, letting you know that the Maquoit II has arrived at the Ferry Dock." at 9:00 am: move the Maquoit II to Ferry Dock; say "[if player is in Ferry Dock] The Maquoit II arrives. Passengers and their posessions are loaded and unloaded from the Ferry Dock" at 9:10 am: move the Maquoit II to The Mainland; say "[if player is in Ferry Dock] The Maquoit II pulls away from the dock, churning the water in its wake into a violent froth." at 12:00 pm: say "A deep horn sounds, letting you know that the Maquoit II has arrived at the Ferry Dock." at 12:00 pm: move the Maquoit II to Ferry Dock; say "[if player is in Ferry Dock] The Maquoit II arrives. Passengers and their posessions are loaded and unloaded from the Ferry Dock" at 12:20 pm: move the Maquoit II to The Mainland; say "[if player is in Ferry Dock] The Maquoit II pulls away from the dock, churning the water in its wake into a violent froth." at 3:40 pm: say "A deep horn sounds, letting you know that the Maquoit II has arrived at the Ferry Dock." at 3:40 pm: move the Maquoit II to Ferry Dock; say "[if player is in Ferry Dock] The Maquoit II arrives. Passengers and their posessions are loaded and unloaded from the Ferry Dock" at 3:50 pm: move the Maquoit II to The Mainland; say "[if player is in Ferry Dock] The Maquoit II pulls away from the dock, churning the water in its wake into a violent froth." at 7:00 pm: say "A deep horn sounds, letting you know that the Maquoit II has arrived at the Ferry Dock." at 7:00 pm: move the Maquoit II to Ferry Dock; say "[if player is in Ferry Dock] The Maquoit II arrives. Passengers and their posessions are loaded and unloaded from the Ferry Dock" at 7:15 pm: move the Maquoit II to the Mainland; say "[if player is in Ferry Dock] The Maquoit II pulls away from the dock, churning the water in its wake into a violent froth." wake is enterable container. at 9:10 am: move wake to ferry dock. at 9:13 am: move wake to mainland. at 12:20 pm: move wake to ferry dock. at 12:23 pm: move wake to mainland. at 3:50 pm: move wake to ferry dock. at 3:53 pm: move wake to mainland. at 7:15 pm: move wake to ferry dock. at 7:20 pm: move wake to mainland. instead of jumping off dock: if player is carrying backpack: say "You should probably leave your backpack on the dock before you jump in the water."; otherwise: say "You jump fromn the dock into the blissfully cold Atlantic, swim to the float and climb back up." after jumping off dock for the first time: award 10 points. instead of jumping in wake: if player is carrying backpack: say "You should probably leave your backpack on the dock before you jump in the water."; otherwise: say "You take three confident strides and hurl yourself with abandon into the seething backwash. The force of the ferry's giant propellors buffets you with wave after wave of churning, foamy seawater, pushing you away from the dock at an incrddible speed. You fight against the artificial current, chopping at the wake with Tarazan-like strokes. Pulling yourself out of the water, you sputter and cough, your heart pounds, your chest heaves, and your nerves sing as endorphans freight train through your blood. The wood of the dock is spectacularly warm against the tingling soles of your feet, the air prickles against your salty skin, you spit, shake, towel yourself off, and pause for a moment, enjoying a brief moment where you are perfectly at home in your own body, alive and at peace."; award 50 points. Island road is south of wharf road. Island road is a room. Description of Island Road is "The southernmost throughway on the island, Island Road is a long, quiet route that leads to the Rocky Beach." south of Island Road is Rocky Beach. Rocky beach is a room. a rock is here. water is here. water is enterable container. "You have arrived at Rocky Beach, the southernmost point of the Island. Thousands of rocks of varying shapes and sizes lie on top of one another. To the East you can see a makeshift flag flying." Instead of entering water: say "The water is far too beardy to swim in right now." East of Rocky Beach is Rocky Beach E. Rocky Beach E is a room. Fort Goode is here. Fort Goode is an enterable container. "On the other side of the sloping rocky beach, someone has painstakingly built a small, sturdy fort out of large flat rocks and driftwood. Above the door of the fort, on a blue piece of foam, someone has carved the words 'FORT GOODE.'" Inside Fort Goode is an oyster. Oyster is closed openable container. bulk of oyster is 3. Inside oyster is a rainbow pearl. bulk of rainbow pearl is 5. after entering Fort Goode: say "You duck down and carefully clambor into the Fort. You feel safe and protected here. In the corner, you see that someone has left behind a giant oyster." Description of oyster is "The giant bivalve's shell is rough and gray, barnacles have grafted themselves to its many nooks and crannies." after opening oyster: say "It takes all of your might to pry open the giant oyster. Inside, nestled among the pink, mucousy folds of flesh is a rainbow pearl the size of a golfball." description of rainbow pearl is "The rainbow pear is perfectly spherical, its dark opalescence almost swims as the deep oily colors shift in the light. Looking at the strange bauble, you feel that if your eyes linger too long on its enigmatic beauty, you might just loose your mind." after taking pearl for the first time: award 20 points. east of Wharf Road is Wharf Road-E. Wharf Road-E is a room. Description of Wharf Road-E is "The eastern part of Wharf Road is the main access point to the other side of the Island. Church Road begins to the north. To the east is a grassy path leading down to a small cove." East of Wharf Road-E is Little Beach. Little Beach is a room. description of Little Beach is "You stand on the little beach at Griffin's Cove. An idyllic little spot tucked away on the east side of the island, the cove offers bathers a warmer place to wade or swim, or simply bask on the grass. Floating in the serene waters is a round, wooden object that resembles an enormous cookie." a thing is either swimmable or unswimmable. a thing is usually unswimmable. swimming is an action applying to nothing. swimming in is an action applying to one thing. swimming across is an action applying to one thing. swimming under is an action applying to one thing. swimming over is an action applying to one thing. swimming around is an action applying to one thing. swimming through is an action applying to one thing. understand "swim" as swimming. understand "swim in [something]" as swimming in. understand "swim across [something]" as swimming across. understand "swim under [something]" as swimming under. understand "swim over [something]" as swimming over. understand "swim around [something]" as swimming around. understand "swim through [something]" as swimming through. understand "swim thru [something]" as swimming through. report swimming: say "Where do you want to swim?" report swimming in an unswimmable thing: say "You can't swim in [the noun].". report swimming over an unswimmable thing: say "You can't swim over [the noun].". report swimming under an unswimmable thing: say "You can't swim under [the noun].". report swimming around an unswimmable thing: say "You can't swim around [the noun].". report swimming across an unswimmable thing: say "You can't swim across [the noun].". report swimming through an unswimmable thing: say "You can't swim through [the noun].". report swimming in a swimmable thing: say "You swim in [the noun].". report swimming over a swimmable thing: say "You swim over [the noun].". report swimming under a swimmable thing: say "You swim under [the noun].". report swimming around a swimmable thing: say "You swim around [the noun].". report swimming across a swimmable thing: say "You swim across [the noun].". report swimming through a swimmable thing: say "You swim through [the noun].". here is cove. cove is enterable container. inside cove is cookie. cookie is fixed in place supporter. cove is swimmable. instead of swimming in cove for the first time: if player is carrying backpack: say "You should probably leave your backpack on the dock before you wade into the cove."; otherwise: say "You wade into the cove. The still, clear water is blissfully warm. You lackadaislically stroke out to deeper water. After a blissful float, you return to shore."; award 5 points. instead of entering cookie: if player is carrying backpack: say "You should probably leave your backpack on the dock before you swim out to the cookie."; otherwise: say "You swim out to the cookie, mindful of splinters as you hoist yourself out of the water. You float for a while, then return to shore, reflecting on how boring the cookie is without other people on it." north of Wharf Road-E is Church Road-S. Church Road-S is a room. description of Church Road-S is "The southern end of Church Road continues to the North, and meets Wharf Road to the South. Chester's Road is to the West." West of Church Road-S is Chester's Road. Chester's Road is a room. description of Chester's Road is "Chester's Road is a convienient way of getting form one side of the island to the other. Running over a steep hill, Chester's house sits at the crest of the road. Chester's front lawn is decorated with a cornucopia of ridiculous lawn ornaments. From garden gnomes to glass baubles, from birdbaths to fat old lady bending over butts, Chester's ornaments run the gamut." Ornaments are here. Instead of taking Ornaments: say "You have never stolen anything in your life. Why start now?"; award 5 points. West of Chester's Road is Sunset Road. description of Sunset Road is "Sunset Road Continues to the north and south. To the east is Chester's Road." Church Road is north of Church Road-S. Church Road is a room. Description of Church Road is "Church Road continues north and South. To the east is Sue's Dock." Sue's Dock is a room. Sue's Dock is east of Church Road. Description of Sue's Dock is "You stand on a rickety old dock, where boats come to refuel. Strong wafts of diesel fuel vapor make your eyes sting. The entrance to Sue's Store, tiny shop where islanders are gouged for necessities is just to the north." Sue's Store is north of Sue's Dock. Inside Sue's Store is Sue. Sue's Store is a shop. Sue is a woman. The opening hour of Sue's Store is 12:24 pm. The closing hour of Sue's Store is 4:52 pm. Inside Sue's Store is X-MEN gum. x-men gum is closed openable container. inside x-men gum is pink gum. inside X-MEN gum is Wolverine Tattoo. Wolverine Tattoo is wearable. pink gum is edible. the price of X-MEN gum is $0.10. Sue carries Miller High Life beer. Miller High Life Beer is closed openable container. inside beer are 12 Miller High Lifes. The price of beer is $20.00. description of Sue's Store is "You are inside Sue's tiny store. The redolence of decades of cigaretts smoke permeates everything. The walls are decorated with yellowed newspaper clippings, old postcards, and dust. Behind her tiny counter sits Sue. Sue Sits and Sue smokes. Sue rarely speaks. Besides your various goods and sundries, Sue is selling X-MEN gum." description of Sue is "Its hard to tell whether Sue's deeply browned, leathery skin is due a lifetime under the unforgiving sun or a lifetime exposure to nicotene." After taking Wolverine Tattoo: say "You have found the rarest of X-MEN tattoos: Wolverine. Many believe that the wearer of this tatto is granted special powers." after wearing Wolverine Tattoo for the first time: say "You lick and stick the tattoo to your skin, noticing an electrical kind of tingling in your forearms." North of Church Road is Church Road-N. Church Road-N is a room. Description of Church Road-N is "Church Road ends here. Branching west is the Fire Trail, and a path to the northeast leads to Kennedy Beach. To the East is Island Avenue." Northeast of Church Road-N is Kennedy Beach-W. Kennedy Beach-W is a room. east of Kennedy Beach-W is Kennedy Beach. South of Kennedy Beach-W is Mosquito Alley. Mosquito Alley is a room. Here is swarm of mosquitos. Every turn when the location is Mosquito Alley: say "The mosquitos sting and suck at your flesh. Best not linger here too long." South of Mosquito Alley is Island Avenue. East of Church Road-N is Island Avenue. Island Avenue is a room. description of Island Avenue is "Island Avenue connects the western leg of the island to the smaller eastern part. To the south is Stinky Beach. To the North is Mosquito Alley. To the east is Cliff Street." North of Church Road-N is Fire Trail-E. Fire Trail-E is a room. description of Fire Trail-E is "A woody path on the northernmost tip of the island connects Sunset and Church Roads. To the west you can hear the cries of a hungry sea hawk." South of Island Avenue is Stinky Beach. Stinky Beach is a room. Description of Stinky Beach is "You have foolishly blundered into the Beach of Eternal Stench, home of [bold type]Buddy the Undead Goat.[roman type] He detects your presence immedately, bleats an unholy 'BAAAAA-A-A-AH!' and charges at you" Buddy the Undead Goat is a man. Black Horns are a thing. popping claws is an action applying to nothing. Understand "pop claws" as popping claws. Understand "pop my claws" as popping claws. Check popping claws: if the player does not wear the Wolverine Tattoo, say "What makes you think you can do that?" instead; if the player is not in Stinky Beach, say "But there's nothing to slash." instead. Carry out popping claws: say "SNICKT! You grimace as six razor-sharp adamantium blades slide from the skin between your knuckles. You crouch down as the Buddy the Undead goat bears down on you. When he gets within striking distance you leap into action, slashing furiously at his bloated, rotting body. One final swipe separates Buddy's head from his neck. The zombie goat's head and body quickly putrefy, melting into a puddle of goo which is washed away by the rapidly incoming tide, leaving only his black horns behind.[line break]SNAKT! Your claws retract, and the Wolverine Tattoo crumbles, its magic exhausted."; remove buddy the undead goat from play; Remove Wolverine Tattoo from play; move Black Horns to Stinky Beach; award 100 points zotzing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "say zotz" as zotzing. Understand "zotz" as zotzing. Check zotzing: if the player does not carry zotz, say "What makes you think you can do that?" instead; if the player is not in Stinky Beach, say "'Zo-' you begin, but stop yourself, remembering that with great power comes great responsibility." instead. Carry out zotzing: say "You plant your feet firmly in the ground, face down the charging monstrosity and with mighty bellow shout…[line break] [bold type] 'ZOTZ!' [line break][roman type]Buddy the Undead Goat stops dead in his tracks, Just as you think your belief in the power of Zotz is misplaced, the goat explodes with a resounding 'POP' spewing putrefied viscera all over the beach. Buddy's remains quickly melt into a revolting puddle which is washed away by the rapidly incoming tide, leaving only his black horns behind."; remove buddy the undead goat from play; move black horns to stinky beach; award 100 points. Every turn when Buddy the Undead Goat is in Stinky Beach: let X be a random number from 1 to 3; if X is 1: say "You freeze in terror as Buddy the Undead Goat bears down on you. His terrible gaping maw is the last thing you see as he buries his razor-sharp teeth into your face."; end the game in death. Goat Attack is a scene. Goat Attack begins when the player is in Stinky Beach for the first time. Goat attack ends when Buddy the Undead goat is not in stinky beach. When Goat Attack begins: say "Surely a demon sent straight from Hell itself, Buddy's eyes glow blod red, his greasy black horns are slick and sharp. His awful snout steams and froths, his terrible hooves spark against the stones on the beach, and his bloated, gassy guts undulate violently as he gallops toward you. You better figure something out quick."; move Buddy the Undead Goat to Stinky Beach. When Goat Attack Ends: say "As the corrupt remains of the Undead goat wash away, you notice a large, bright orange object at the east end of the beach."; change description of stinky beach to "Stinky beach, once home to the abomination known as Buddy the Undead Goat, is now safe for all the islanders to visit. It still smells pretty bad, though." east of Stinky Beach is Stinky Beach-E. Stinky beach-E is a room. here is kayak. kayak is enterable container. Punch Bowl is a room. description of Punch Bowl is "Standing on the pebbly beach at the edge of the tiny island, you see a path to the south. " South of Punch Bowl is Wooded Path-N. Wooded Path-N is a room. description of Wooded Path-N is "The path through the woods was once a dirt road. Grass and weeds have grown over the road, which continues to the north and south." South of Wooded Path-N is Grassy Clearing. Grassy Clearing is a room. description of grassy clearing is "As you enter the clearing you are immediately confronted with an imposing staircase leading up to a tall, concrete tower. The formidable structure is old, and has begun to crumble. You peer up into the door on at the top of the stairs, the darkness insise is ominous.." FP is a scene. FP begins when small pile of sticks is on fire pillar. FP ends when Fire Pillar is not in Tower Floor 1. When FP begins: say "Okay, so the sticks are on the fire pillar. What's the obvious next step?" instead of burning small pile of sticks with strikable-match: if pile of sticks is on Fire Pillar: say "You set the small pile of stick alight. At first, the flames seem to gutter and die. Then, green and blue sparks pop from the pile, and the sticks burst into flame. Soon, the whole pillar is engulfed in flames. The fire glows with a white hot intensity, and as quickly as it began, dies, leaving nothing but a pile of ashes at your feet."; remove Fire Pillar from play; move pile of ashes to Tower Floor 1; award 20 points Tower Floor 2 is a room. Tower Floor 2 is up from Tower Floor 1. Here is Earth Pillar. Earth Pillar is fixed in place supporter. Earth Pillar is scenery. Tower Floor 1 is a room. Tower Floor 1 is up from Grassy Clearing. Here is Fire Pillar. Fire pillar is fixed in place supporter. description of Tower Floor 1 is "It is surprisingly dry on the first floor of the tower. Long black scortch marks criss-cross the walls. There is a vague smell of sulphur. In the center of the round room is a pillar, about three feet in height. On top of the pillar is a series of marks that resemble flames. Along the far wall, stairs lead up to the second floor of the tower." description of Fire Pillar is "[bold type]W" pile of ashes is a thing. pile of ashes is scenery. dust is a thing. dust is scenery. puff of air is a thing. puff of air is scenery. puddle is a thing. puddle is scenery. When FP begins: say "Okay, so the sticks are on the fire pillar. What's the obvious next step?" instead of burning small pile of sticks with strikable-match: if pile of sticks is on Fire Pillar: say "You set the small pile of stick alight. At first, the flames seem to gutter and die. Then, green and blue sparks pop from the pile, and the sticks burst into flame. Soon, the whole pillar is engulfed in crackling flames. The fire glows with a white hot intensity, and as quickly as it began, dies, leaving nothing but a pile of ashes at your feet."; remove Fire Pillar from play; move pile of ashes to Tower Floor 1; award 20 points Tower Floor 2 is a room. Tower Floor 2 is up from Tower Floor 1. Here is Earth Pillar. Earth Pillar is fixed in place supporter. Earth Pillar is scenery. Description of Tower Floor 2 is "The second floor of the terrible tower is encrusted in dirt and smells like a barn. Stairs lead up to the floor above. In the center of the room sits another pillar, the same height, marked with a glyph that strongly resembles the head of a horned animal." description of Earth Pillar is "[bold type]¥" instead of putting Black Horns on the Earth Pillar: say "You place the greasy black horns on the pillar in the center of the room. The stone pillar begins to rumble and shake. The pillar vibrates with an intensifying frequency, emitting a horrendous noise. It shatters in to a hundred pieces, taking the horns with it. The pieces of horns and stone continue to vibrate around the floor, shaking themselves into a fine layer of dust."; remove Earth pillar from play; remove black horns from play; move dust to Tower Floor 2; award 20 points Tower Floor 3 is a room. Tower Floor 3 is up from Tower Floor 2. Here is Water Pillar. Water pillar is fixed in place supporter. Water Pillar is scenery. description of Tower Floor 3 is "The third floor of the tower is damp, and salty smelling. The drops of water from the ceiling splace against the floor, echoing around the room. The pillar in the center of this room is marked with a circular glyph." description of the water pillar is "[bold type]O" instead of putting Rainbow pearl on water pillar: say "As soon as the rainbow pearl touches the top of the pillar, both it and the pillar are transmuted into water that splashes at your feet."; remove rainbow pearl from play; remove water pillar from play; move puddle to Tower Floor 3; award 20 points Tower Floor 4 is a room. Tower Floor 4 is up from Tower Floor 3. Here is Air Pillar. Air Pillar is fixed in place supporter. Air Pillar is scenery. description of Tower Floor 4 is "You have reached the top floor of the dark tower. Small turret like window slots around the circumfrence of the room act as vents, allowing gusts of wind in and out of the room. The pillar here is marked with a wavy symbol." description of Air Pillar is "[bold type]≈" instead of putting Osprey Feather on Air Pillar: say "You touch the osprey feather to the pillar. A sudden gust of air engulfs the pillar, ripping the feather from your fingers. You step back. The wind rips at your clothes, cycloning arouund and around. The pillar slowly lifts into the air, held aloft by the violent cyclone. The wind tears at your eyes, forcing you to squeeze them shut. With an incredible 'POOF!' You sense a sudden vacuum in the room. You stagger back and open your eyes. The pillar and the feather are gone."; remove Air Pillar from play; remove osprey feather from play; award 20 points; move puff of air to Tower Floor 4 OSM is a scene. osm begins when puff of air is in Tower Floor 4 and puddle is in Tower Floor 3 and dust is in Tower Floor 2 and ashes is in tower floor 1. when OSM begins: say "A glowing light appears before you and a ghostly voice fills your ears, 'My champion, you have successfully destoyed the four pillars of despair.'[line break]'Who are you?' you ask.[line break]'I am the spirit of Hope. I was imprisoned here centuries ago by an evil magician. Since then, my home has been occupied by evil, undead forces. Now you have freed me, ushering in a new age of hope and joy.'[line break]So what do I get out of this whole deal?'[line break]'My hero,' the voice continues, 'It has been ordained that the soul who frees me shall be the rightful keeper of Hope Island. There is but one thing you must do...'[line break]'What is that, dread spirit?' you ask,[line break]'Why you must travel to my island, dear champion. You must travel to Hope Island. And when you arrive there, you must KILL EVERYTHING YOU SEE! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"; end the game in victory; award 1000 points. instead of entering kayak: if player is in Stinky Beach-E: say "You push the kayak into the water, climb in, grab the oar, and row for the open ocean. The only other land in sight is off to the east, a tiny island with two towers on either end. You row with all your might for the island as waves batter your boat from all sides. Finally after a herculean effort, you arrive at a protected little cove on the north side of the tiny island that strongly resembles a punchbowl. You steer the kayak to shore, get out, stretch, and take in your surroundings."; move player to Punch Bowl; move kayak to Punch Bowl; otherwise: say "Feeling somewhat at a loss, you row the kayak back to Stinky Beach, get out, and resume your quest."; move player to Stinky Beach-E; move kayak to Stinky Beach-E. East of Island Avenue is Cliff Street. Cliff Street is a room. here is a Mulberry Tree. Mulberry tree is fixed in place container. inside mulberry tree is mullberries. instead of taking mullberries: if player is not carrying coffee tin: say "You need something sturdy to keep the berries in. They are very delicate and will squish easily."; otherwise: say "You pick the berries from the mulberry tree, dropping them into the coffee tin with a satisfying plunk."; move mullberries to coffee tin; award 5 points. description of Cliff Street is "Cliff Street, the Easternmost street on the island, Cliff Street provides access to ACE Field, to the East, Pitkin Point to the South, and Kennedy Beach to the North. " North of Cliff Street is Kennedy Beach. description of Kennedy beach is "Kennedy Beach is the island's flagship beach. Visitors flock here by the twos and threes to walk dogs, collect sea shells and sea glass, sunbathe, or swim in its welcoming waters." teenagers are people. There are 5 teenagers. East of Kennedy Beach is Kennedy Beach-E. description of Kennedy Beach-E is "Kennedy beach ends here. To the east is a path to the Bluffs." at 9:00 pm: move teenagers to Kennedy Beach-E. description of teenagers is "Five teenagers sit around a fire, looking bored." instead of giving beer to teenagers: say "You hand out the Miller High Lifes. The teenagers come to life, hooting and hollering. One breaks out a guitar and strums a jaunty tune."; award 10 points. East of Kennedy Beach-E is The Bluffs. The Bluffs is a room. A small pile of sticks is here. Small pile of sticks is flammable. description of the bluffs is "The Bluffs are a long, treacherous stretch of rocky outcroppings that run up and down the easternmost side of the island. Violent waves crash against the cliff face. Sea birds swim and dive in the ocean." South of Cliff Street is Pitkin Point. Pitkin Point is a room. The Whales of August House is here. description of Pitkin Point is "You have found your way to the [italic type]boringest [roman type] palce on the island. How is it that you haven't left already?" description of Whales of August House is "It's so boring it's actully hard to look at. But as you fight through the nigh-overwhelmingly soul-crushing ennui, you are able to make out a number of bland, drab tiresome geriatrics puttering around the house, waiting for something; perhaps death." instead of entering Whales of August House: say "If you were to set foot in the Whales of August house, you would literally be bored to death." East of Cliff Street is ACE Field. Description of ACE Field is "ACE Field is the place where islanders gather to picnic, play various games, or stargaze." at 10:30 pm: say "[if player is in ACE Field]You look up, gazing deeply into the night sky. Suddenly, the night is alive with speeding streaks of brilliant white. [line break]'Oh glory of glories,' you exclaim, 'oh heavenly testament to the eternal majesty of God's creation...[line break][line break]HOLY MACARONI!'" East of Ace FIeld is ACE Beach. description of ACE Beach is "Nobody really comes here to do much." West of Fire Trail-E is Fire Trail. Fire Trail is a room. Great Osprey is here. Great Osprey is an animal. tree stump is here. tree stump is fixed in place supporter. description of Fire Trail is "In the middle of the fire there is a large stump. A huge Osprey circles above, chirping loudly." description of tree stump is "The huge stump has been recently cut. It's many rings lead you to believe that this tree was incredibly old when it was cut down. Deep claw marks mar its surface. The stump is flecked with blood and scales, remnants surely of the Great Osprey's last meal." West of Fire Trail is Fire Trail-W. description of Fire Trail-W is "A woody path on the northernmost tip of the island connects Sunset and Church Roads. To the east you can hear the cries of a hungry sea hawk." OOF is a scene. OOF begins when mackerel is on tree stump. OOF ends when the time since OOF began is four minutes. When OOF begins: say "You place the fish in the center of the tree stump." osprey feather is a thing. When OOF ends: say "The Osprey descends fron the sky and alights gracefully on the stump with a great beating of wings. It tears at the fish's belly with its talons, the mackerel's blood and intestines spring forth, staining the exposed wood a deep crimson. Ripping the fish's flesh away with its powerful beak, the Great Osprey looks into your eyes as if to thank you, leaps from the stump with your gift in his talons and flies away. [line break] As the Osprey Flaps his enormous wings, a feather is dislodged. It floats to the ground in front of your feet."; award 50 points; move osprey feather to Fire Trail; remove osprey from play; remove mackerel from play. South of Fire Trail-W is Sunset Road-N. Sunset Road-N is a room. description of Sunset Road-N is "You have arrived at the northern end of Sunset Road. To the north, the fire trail begins. To the West is the spooky cemetery." West of Sunset Road-N is Spooky Cemetery. Spooky Cemetery is a room. description of Spooky Cemetery is "You have dared to set foot in side the Spooky Cemetery. It is [italic type] super[roman type] spooky here. Old graves nestled in dry yellow grass surround you. The spiked iron gate clangs loudly. There is only one thing that could be done to liven up this place..." dancing is an action applying to nothing. understand "dance" as dancing. Check dancing: if the player is not in Spooky Cemetery, say "Summer's here, and the time is right for dancing in the streets." instead; if the player is in Spooky Cemetery, say "You dance to save your life. You dance to wake the dead. You cabbage-patch, you mashed-potato, you shuck and you jive, you crank-dat, you cat-daddy, you do the robot. Around you, ghosts rise up from their graves, and begin to dance as well. They tango, they Lindy-hop, they skank and do the running-man. From far off, the wind carries a ghostly tune...[line break]Running just as fast as we can.[line break]Holding on to one another's hands[line break]Trying to get away into the night[line break]And then you put your arms around me[line break]And we tumble to the ground[line break]And then you say[line break]I think were alone now[line break]There doesn't seem to be anyone around[line break]I think we're alone now[line break]The beating of our hearts is the only sound..."; award 20 points. North of Sunset Road-S is Sunset Road. North of Sunset Road is Sunset Road-N. Every turn when a random chance of 1 in 7 succeeds: say "[if player is in Church Road-N] A startled deer bounds past you and disappears into the brush." Every turn when a random chance of 1 in 7 succeeds: say "[if player is in Island Road] A startled deer bounds past you and disappears into the brush." Every turn when a random chance of 1 in 7 succeeds: say "[if player is in Sunset Road-N] A startled deer bounds past you and disappears into the brush." Every turn when a random chance of 1 in 7 succeeds: say "[if player is in Sunset Road] A startled deer bounds past you and disappears into the brush." Golf kids is a scene. Golf Kids begins when player is in Sunset Road-N for the first time. When Golf Kids begins: say "A golf cart laden with half a dozen screaming teens careens past you. The driver of the cart seems not to understand how to steer the thing. She gesticulates wildly as the out of control cart swerves off the dirt road and into the ditch below." Waiting more is an action applying to one number. Understand "wait [a time period]" or "wait for [a time period]" or "wait for a/an [a time period]" or "wait a/an [a time period]" as waiting more. Carry out waiting more: let the target time be the time of day plus the time understood; decrease the target time by one minute; while the time of day is not the target time: follow the turn sequence rules. Report waiting more: say "It is now [time of day + 1 minute]." Check waiting more: if the time understood is greater than one hour, say "You really haven't got that kind of patience." instead.