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Drako Connail
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"Amnesia" by Pantsu Use no scoring. Include Exit Lister by Eric Eve. When the entire game begins: say "To move, type the direction you wish to go in: n, e, s, or w. To examine something, type x-insert object/self/person. To check your inventory, type 'i'. To speak to an NPC, type 'ask/tell--person--about something'. When in doubt, examine everything." The Forest of Magic is a region. The Overgrown Clearing is in the Forest of Magic. "[If the Overgrown Clearing is unvisited]You wake up in a dark forest, cold and hungry. It is raining heavily, huge drops of water splattering onto you. You should probably find some shelter before you catch pneumonia, or worse, drown." A large pile of rubble is an open container in the Overgrown Clearing. The large pile of rubble is fixed in place. The lock-picking set is in the large pile of rubble. The lantern is in the large pile of rubble. The stuffed bat plushie is in the large pile of rubble. A photo album is in the large pile of rubble. The description of the large pile of rubble is "An enormous pile of rubble and smashed wood. Judging by the pieces of cracked tile and shingle within the mess, you surmise that this is the remains of someone's house." The description of the photo album is "It's a scuffed photo album. Most of the pictures are missing or damaged, but there are a few whole ones that mostly detail pictures of a short blonde girl in black and white with various other girls. Though there are very few pictures of her in the album, a slender girl with a wry smile and short yellow hair is the one who catches your eye the most." The description of the stuffed bat plushie is "The stuffing is falling out of this toy. It is soft, however, and at one point must have been some child's favorite playmate." The description of the lock-picking set is "A small case filled with lock picks. The handles look a little rusty, but the tips and edges of the picks look perfectly serviceable." The description of the lantern is "A lantern with no bulb or candle. You don't think you can use it." Mysterious Cottage is south of the Overgrown Clearing. "You find an old, dilapidated cottage some distance from where you woke. It shows signs of having once been a handsome home, but is now little more than a crumbling shelter. Despite it's worn-down state, light shines through its cracked window panes. Is there someone inside...?" The Rotting Front Door is a closed door. The Rotting Front Door is north of the Mysterious Cottage. The Ravaged Living Room is north of the Rotting Front Door. "You enter the house and step into the foyer. The light you saw from outside is coming from several lamps scattered around the room, though the rest of the foyer shows signs of disuse. Odd..." The desk is in the Ravaged Living Room. The desk is fixed in place. The description of the desk is "A scratched desk made of handsome mahogany. One of its drawers is askew; you wonder what's in it." The drawer is a part of the desk. The drawer is a closed openable container. In the drawer is a note. The description of the note is "A yellowed piece of paper covered in barely legible writing. It reads, 'Hello. This is the game's FAQ. The hint to winning the game is to find the mirror.' You don't know what that even means." The bookshelf is a container in the Ravaged Living Room. The bookshelf is fixed in place. Magical Theory 1.0 is in the bookshelf. The small chest is in the bookshelf. The small chest is a closed, openable container. In the small chest is a key set. The description of the small chest is "A small wooden chest with a complicated insignia carved into the base. You shake it, and something rattles inside." The Trapdoor is below the Ravaged Living Room. The Trapdoor is a closed, locked door. The description of the Trapdoor is "It's a trapdoor. The handle has been snapped clean off, leaving you with nothing to pull it open with. You'll need to find a tool that can pry it open, if you want to explore what's beneath it." The chisel unlocks the Trapdoor. The Basement is below the Trapdoor. "[If the Basement is unvisited]You climb down into basement and look around. It is filled with broken dolls. It is starting to seem as though the house's owner resident was--is--a doll maker." In the Basement is a broken red doll. In the Basement is a chipped green doll. In the Basement is a incomplete blue doll. The description of the broken red doll is "It's a doll dressed in red. Or at least, the remains of it. The poor thing is missing an arm, both of its legs, and it is clear to see that its torso has been reduced to shards. You feel the intense urge to try repairing it, but that's ridiculous. You've never had any experience with dolls before. You'd just end of breaking it even more." The description of the chipped green doll is "A doll in a green dress. Its nose has been chipped off." The description of the incomplete blue doll is "A doll missing its eyes and hair. It is dressed in blue. Its empty eye sockets glare at you accusingly, and you feel distinctly disturbed." A staircase is in the Ravaged Living Room. The staircase is fixed in place. The staircase is scenery. The description of the staircase is "A crumbling staircase leading to the upper levels of the house. It is illuminated by light from above." The Rusted Metal Door is west of the Ravaged Living Room. The description of the Rusted Metal Door is "A rusty door covered in locks. You might need several keys for this..." Rusted Metal Door is a closed, locked door. The key set unlocks the Rusted Metal Door. The Abandoned Workshop is west of the Rusted Metal Door. The worktable is in the Abandoned Workshop. The chisel is on the worktable. The description of the chisel is "A rusted chisel. It looks strong enough to pry things open, however." The Blueprint is in the Abandoned Workshop. The description of the Blueprint is "It's a blueprint detailing what appears to be a giant... doll? Why would anyone want to make a giant doll?" The safe is a closed, openable container in the Abandoned Workshop. The safe is fixed in place. The description of the safe is "It's a solid metal safe. You grip the handle and try pulling, but no dice. You'll need to find something that can unlock this... that is, if you want to unlock it. For some odd reason, you feel as though some things should just be left alone." The safe can be opened with the lock-picking set. In the safe is the Grimoire of Alice. The Grimoire of Alice can be taken. The description of the Grimoire of Alice is "It's a thick leather tome bound in chains. Judging by the words written across its front, it is a grimoire belonging to Alice, whoever that is. The book is warm to the touch, despite the fact that books kept in safes for who-knows-how-long shouldn't be warm." The Hallway is above the Ravaged Living Room. "You step into a dank, decaying hallway. You can make out the outlines of two doors from here, and you notice that the door on the right lacks a doorknob. You'll need something pointy to reach into the hole left from the doorknob and unlatch the door." A Torn Painting is in the Hallway. The description of the torn painting is "A framed portrait of a tall woman holding a young girl. Although the woman shown exudes a regal air, it is the child that grabs your attention. She's small, so very small, with delicate features and golden hair, and the sight of her makes something in your chest catch. Just who is she...?" The dented spear is an object in the Hallway. The description of the dented spear is "A rusty, dented spear with emblems cut into the metal. It must have been a wonderful weapon, back when it was new. Its tip looks sharp enough to pierce through two inches of wood! You can probably use it to unlock the right door!" The Left Door is a closed door. The Left Door is unopenable. The Left Door is west of the Hallway. The Bathroom is west of the Left Door. In the Bathroom is a mirror. "[If the Bathroom is unvisited]You carefully lower yourself into the room, trying not to get your clothing snagged on any nails or large wood splinters from the attic. You land neatly, and look around to see that you are in a bathroom. Outstanding! Now you can really get cleaned up! Assuming the plumbing works, anyways." In the Bathroom is a toilet. The description of the toilet is "It's a toilet. You lift up the lid and see that there is no water in the bowl. Dang. And you kind of wanted to use it too." A sink is a kind of container. A sink is usually fixed in place and scenery. Understand "look at [something]" as examining. The mirror is fixed in place. The description of the mirror is "You glance into the mirror and raise your eyebrows curiously. It's been a while since you last looked in a mirror, and you must say, you really didn't expect yourself to look so good.[line break][line break]Your face, pale and delicate, has fared well despite having spent at least an hour pressed against the muddy ground. And though your blonde hair is tangled and much too long for your tastes, it is, at least, leaf and mud free. A worn crimson ribbon sits atop your head like a crown, and something about that hair accessory is bringing up an intense feeling of deja vu, and for the life of you, you just don't know what it is you're feeling.[line break][line break]But it's not really important. It's just your reflection after all, and your sudden surge of emotion could easily be attributed to your nervousness of invading someone's home. You shrug, and then continue on to explore the rest of the house." ; After examining the mirror, end the story. The Battered Right Door is a closed door. The Battered Right Door is east of the Hallway. The Battered Right door is a locked door. The dented spear unlocks the Battered Right Door. The Bedroom is east of the Battered Right Door. The bed is in the Bedroom. The bed is fixed in place. The description of the bed is "The bed is worn and moth-eaten. The covers are dusty and filled with holes. You aren't sure if you want to touch it..." The wardrobe is a closed, openable container in the Bedroom. The wardrobe is fixed in place. In the wardrobe is a navy dress. The navy dress is wearable. The description of the navy dress is "It's a fine dress made of sturdy fabric. It is remarkably clean and well-kept, despite the condition of the rest of the house. You think that the wardrobe must have protected it from pests." Instead of wearing the navy dress: say "You strip, then slip on the dress. You sigh in relief as your body is freed from the horrors of muddy and twig-covered cloth. Your new dress is a little dusty, but it feels so good that you hardly even care. This garment is comforting and puts you at ease, despite the dingy and frankly, creepy atmosphere in this cottage, so you have no right to complain about a little dust. " The Dark Side of the Attic is above the Hallway. "[If the Dark Side of the Attic is unvisited]You climb up into the attic, coughing madly. It's dusty in here! But at least there's light. An unusual amount of it, actually. It's coming from... from... why is there a giant hole in the ground?" The Brighter Side of the Attic is west of the Dark Side of the Attic. The Brighter Side of the Attic is above the Bathroom. "You creep over to the brighter side of the attic and peer into the hole. It seems to lead into the bathroom." The Gaping Hole is in the Brighter Side of the Attic. The description of the Gaping Hole is "It's a great big hole in the attic floor. Light is filtering through it; it seems to lead to the bathroom."