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Today, Just as Always [ RWBY fangame ]
Drako Connail
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"Today, Just as Always" by Pantsu Include Exit Lister by Eric Eve. When the entire game begins: say "You are Yang Xiao Long, the blondest, most bodacious bombshell to ever walk the halls of Beacon Academy.[line break][line break]Today is a special day for you and your sister. Today, the hottest day of mid-July, is the anniversary of the when the two of you decided to become Huntresses! Not exactly something most people get excited about, but hey, whatever. People'll do their thing, and you and Ruby will do yours.[line break][line break]Anyways, back to the point. You and Ruby have been throwing extravagant 'Happy Career Choice' parties for years. The two of you had been planning today's party for weeks now, the first anniversary the two of you would be having at Beacon, with all your new pals and buddies and possible paramours! Great things, all in all.[line break][line break]Problem is, you haven't seen Ruby ever since class ended. How can you set up a party when your co-conspirator has gone missing? And worst of all, nothing's been set up! You've got a mindful of sweet ideas, pockets full of cash, a missing sister, and four hours before the party starts. It's time to get that booty rollin', Yang! ----- To move, type the direction you wish to go in: n, e, s, or w. To examine something, type 'x-insert object/self/person.' To check your inventory, type 'i'. To speak to an NPC, type 'ask/tell--person--something'. Try to be as specific as you can when it comes to initiating dialogue!" Professor Port's Classroom is north of the Class Hall. "Professor Port's class is the last one of the day. Most of the students have already left to sleep off Port's horribly dull lessons, though a few dedicated pupils have stayed behind to make up work or study. The Professor himself is standing in the middle of the classroom, admiring his newest prize, a suspiciously large crate that emits the occasional loud 'moo!'. What a weirdo." Understand "talk to [someone]" as a mistake ("To start a conversation, try to ASK [the noun] ABOUT something or TELL [the noun] ABOUT something."). Understand "ask [someone]" as a mistake ("To start a conversation, try to ASK [the noun] ABOUT something or TELL [the noun] ABOUT something."). Understand "tell [someone]" as a mistake ("To start a conversation, try to ASK [the noun] ABOUT something or TELL [the noun] ABOUT something."). The player carries an ID, a checklist, and the Ember Celicas. The description of the student ID is "A student ID assigned to all Beacon students. The ID can be used as a messaging device, a credit card, and a key to access your dorm room! Ain't technology grand?" The description of the Ember Celicas is "Shotgun gauntlets that you made back in your first year at Signal. What can you say? You've always liked firearms. The gauntlets are your most prized possession; not only are they powerful, but they're fashionable to boot!" The description of the checklist is "A crumpled piece of paper with must-have party items scrawled on it. The paper reads, 'Streamers. Party Hats. Food. Invite victims. Music. Utensils and shit. Disco ball. Ruby Rose.'" Professor Port is a person in Professor Port's Classroom. The Supply Closet Door is west of Professor Port's Classroom. The Supply Closet Door is a closed, locked door. The supply closet key unlocks the Supply Closet Door. The Stationary Closet is west of the Supply Closet Door. The Stationary Closet is a room. In the Stationary Closet is a white suitcase, a green box, a cardboard box, a red cylinder, a black sack, a gold barrel, a tub of pink bottles, and a scarlet duffel. "You unlock the supply closet. Professor Port gives you a strange look, but you flash him your brightest smile and he says nothing. Whew, there sure is a lot of stuff in here!" The white suitcase is a closed, openable container. A green box is a closed, openable container. A cardboard box is a container. A black sack is a container. A gold barrel is a container. A scarlet duffel is a closed, openable container. The red cylinder is a container. In the white suitcase are boxes of coloring utensils. In the green box are posterboard sheets. In the cardboard box are post-it notes. In the black sack are cotton balls. In the gold barrel are spools of elastic string. In the scarlet duffel are bandages. In the red cylinder is glue. The description of the white suitcase is "A white suitcase. It looks pretty familiar. Where have you seen this before..?" The description of the green box is "A dark green box. In between the wooden slats you can see large stacks of paper." The description of the cardboard box is "A cardboard box with post-it notes. You don't think you'll need any of it for the party." The description of the black sack is "A black canvas sack. You shake it, but hear nothing. It's pretty light." The description of the gold barrel is "A gold barrel. You peek inside; string?" The description of the scarlet duffel is "A sporty red bag. It's pretty light, but then again, most things are light for you!" After taking the boxes of coloring utensils: say "You take the crayons and color pencils."; award 50 points. After taking posterboard sheets: say "You take the posterboard sheets and roll them up into cones."; award 50 points. After taking cotton balls: say "You take the cotton balls. Must... resist... urge... to tear apart..."; award 50 points. After taking spools of elastic string: say "You take the string. Stretchy!"; award 50 points. After taking bandages: say "You take the bandages. Mm... high quality!"; award 50 points. After taking glue: say "Ugh. Next time, just take the container too."; award 50 points. Understand "string" as spools of elastic string. Understand "boxes of crayons" as boxes of coloring utensils. The description of the boxes of coloring utensils is "A bunch of crayons and color pencils. Hm... if you can get your hands on something to draw on, then you can start coloring when you get back to the dorm!" The description of the posterboard sheets is "Sheets of thick, sturdy paper. It's almost like cardboard in consistency, except, you know. Not. Hey, this could be useful." The description of the spools of elastic string is "Spools of stretchy string." The description of the tub of pink bottles is "A tub filled with pink bottles.You open one and sniff it. Is this... Pepto Bismo? Who keeps stomach medicine in a stationary closet? Weirdos." The description of the post-it notes is "A bunch of post-it notes. You don't really need it." The description of the cotton balls is "A bunch of small white fluff balls. They're so soft!" The description of the red cylinder is "A red metal cylinder. What's inside?" The description of the glue is "Ugh, sticky. Better not touch your hair while working with this stuff." Ruby is a person. Understand "your sister" or "sister" as Ruby. A party is a thing. Instead of asking Professor Port about "Ruby": say "'Why, hello Miss Xiao Long! Have you come to hear about my newest specimen? No? What a shame, it truly is a magnificent tale--why, what's that? Miss Rose? Ah, yes! I believe she asked to use the restroom half and hour before class ended, and never returned! I have never seen anyone try to flee from me in such great haste! Well, anyone human, anyways!'" Instead of telling Professor Port about "Ruby": say "'Why, hello Miss Xiao Long! How would you like to fight my newest conquest tomorrow? No? What a shame, I had truly thought that I had found a monster that might finally brook a challenge against a fighter as strong yourself. Why, what's that? Miss Rose? Ah, yes! I believe she asked to use the restroom half and hour before class ended, and never returned! I have never seen anyone try to flee from me in such great haste! Well, anyone human, anyways!'" The description of Professor Port is "A large, portly man with smiling eyes and an enormous mustache. He's a pervert with a huge ego, but according to Weiss, he's also got some serious Yoda-esque vibes going on behind that 'small name big ego' thing, so you suppose he's alright." benches are objects in Professor Port's Classroom. The description of the benches are "Rows and rows of wooden benches arranged around the center of the classroom. They're embossed with gold designs, and have long rows of desks in front of them. Pretty stylish!" the crate is an object in Professor Port's Classroom. The description of the crate is "A large crate containing some unknown Grimm. Every once in a while you can hear a loud THUD and a distressed moo. Uh, ooookaaay." Velvet Scarlatina is a person in Professor Port's classroom. The description of Velvet is "A rabbit Faunus attending Beacon. She has a bad history of being picked on by Team Douchebirds. Poor girl. Velvet is currently bent over her homework, with her teammates nowhere in sight. Her ears twitch in time with her pencil, and you don't think you've ever seen anyone more lonely." Instead of asking Velvet about "Ruby": say "'Oh. Hi. Look, can you not bother me right now? I want to finish my essay before my teammates return to the dorms. Um, your sister? Sorry, I've been in here all day. I haven't seen her at all. Look, I'm really busy right now. Please, can you leave me alone?'" Instead of telling Velvet about "Ruby": say "'Your sister? I've been in here all day. I didn't see her.'" Instead of telling Velvet about "party": say "'A party? I can't go. Look, I'm really busy, so can you not bother me?'"; award 50 points. Instead of asking Velvet about "party": say "'You're throwing a party? I... sorry. I'm too busy to go.'"; award 50 points. Black-haired student is a person in Professor Port's Classroom. The description of the black-haired student is "A black-haired student viciously erasing the writing on her paper. She's probably doing math or something." Instead of telling the black-haired student about something: say "'I forgot to carry the one!'" Instead of asking the black-haired student about something: say "'I'm never going to graduate, and I'm never going to get a job, and, and I'll never be able to pay off my student loans! God, why, why!?'" The description of Class Hall is "A large hallway with arches on either side of its gilt walls. Besides leading to the classrooms, the hallway also branches off into the gardens, the courtyard, the cafeteria, the locker room, the gym, and the dorms. There's red carpeting to boot; perfect for a star like you!" Northwest of the Class Hall is the Gym. The Gym is a room. Pyrrha is a person in the Gym. Jaune is a person in the Gym. In the Gym are dumbbells, treadmills, punching bags, weights, target pads, and weapon racks. "You shoulder your way through the doors and take a deep breath. Sweat, blood, and gunpowder wafts through the air. All you need is a bit of alcohol, and you'd have all your favorite scents in one place!" The description of dumbbells is "Ooh, dumbbells. You lift one up, toss it in the air, and catch it. Pretty high quality!" The description of treadmills is "Large machines used to simulate running. You don't really use these, mainly because you rarely need to run. You've got a BIKE." The treadmills are fixed in place. The description of punching bags is "Bags made for punching. You swing at one a few times, and send it rocking away from you." The description of target pads is "Round circular pads with targets painted on them." The description of weapon racks is "Big racks with weapons on them. Used for training non-lethally!" The description of Pyrrha is "A tall Amazonian woman with red hair. She's pretty much the hottest person besides you. And maybe Blake, but it's not right to compare the two when their attractiveness falls in two different levels. Blake has a feline ( geddit? ) sort of beauty while Pyrrha's got this leggy barbarian princess thing going on. Hot." The description of Jaune is "A scraggly blond guy, and leader of Team JNPR. He vomited on the trip to Beacon, and you've never been able to stop thinking of him as Vomit Boy." Instead of asking Jaune about "Ruby": say "'Ruby? Sorry, I've been in here the whole day. Did she, uh, go missing?'" Instead of telling Jaune about "Ruby": say "'Uh, did she go missing or something? Er, what I mean is, I've been in here the whole day, so...'" Instead of telling Jaune about "party": say "'You're hosting a party? Uh, just for us and a few other people? Yeah, I'd be glad to come! Let me just, uh, change into something... nicer?'"; award 50 points. Instead of asking Jaune about "party": say "'A party? Yeah, I'd be glad to come. Uh, it's not a sleepover, right? Wh-Why I'm asking? No reason, no reason!'"; award 50 points. Instead of asking Pyrrha about "Ruby": say "'Your sister? I'm sorry, but I haven't seen her. Do you require assistance in looking for her? Just a minute, let me just put on my greaves, I'll help you search for her! Oh, you don't need help? Alright then. Good luck!'" Instead of telling Pyrrha about "Ruby": say "'I'm sorry, but I've been training with Jaune all day. I haven't seen her, but if you need help searching for Ruby, then I can go lead a search party! Let me just get my greaves on and--you don't need help? Are you sure I can't help you at all? Alright then. Good luck!'" Instead of telling Pyrrha about "party": say "A party? Of course I'll come! Are you sure you don''t need help setting up?'" ; award 50 points. Instead of asking Pyrrha about "party": say "'A party? Of course I'll come! Are you sure you don't need help setting up?'"; award 50 points. Northeast of the Class Hall is the Cafeteria. The Cafeteria is a room. "The cafeteria is filled to the brim with hungry students. You stomach rumbles as the smell of food reaches you, but you can't eat. If you eat now, you won't be able to snack during the party! Still, the clink of forks and spoons against the dinner plates are really tempting..." Nora is a person in the Cafeteria. Cardin is a person in the Cafeteria. Russel is a person in the Cafeteria. Dove is a person in the Cafeteria. Sky is a person in the Cafeteria. The description of Nora is "A bubbly redhead. She's got a fork in her hand and syrup all over her face, and you've never seen anyone so happy." The description of Cardin is "Big, strong, and stupid. A big bully that likes picking on Velvet and other Faunus. With people like him running around Beacon, you can see why Blake doesn't like going around without her ribbon." The description of Russel is "One of Cardin's teammates. He's got a green mohawk." The description of Dove is "One of Cardin's teammates. He's got this stupid pre-puberty Justin Beiber haircut. What a dumb." The description of Sky is "One of Cardin's teammates. He's got long, greasy blue-black hair." Instead of telling Sky about something: say "Sky sneers at you and turns away." Instead of asking Sky about something: say "Sky sneers and you and turns away." Instead of telling Cardin about something: say "'Hey Blondie! C'mere, I've got something to tell ya!' You turn, give him your middle fingers, and shout, 'Call me 'sir' and I'll think about it!'" Instead of asking Cardin about something: say "'Hey Blondie! C'mere, I've got something to tell ya!' You turn, give him your middle fingers, and shout, 'Call me 'sir' and I'll think about it!'" Instead of telling Russel about something: say "Russel leers at you and turns away." Instead of asking Russel about something: say "Russel leers at you and turns away." Instead of asking Dove about something: say "Dove sneers and flips you off." Instead of telling Dove about something: say "Dove sneers and flips you off." Instead of telling Nora about "Ruby": say "'Ruby? Ooh, I didn't see her. I was here eating see, and trying to think of new sloth calls! Wanna hear? Okay, it's like, 'Awwoooo'! Don't try and copy it, alright?'" Instead of asking Nora about "Ruby": say "'Ruby? Ooh, I didn't see her. I was here eating see, and trying to think of new sloth calls! Wanna hear? Okay, it's like, 'Awwoooo'! Don't try and copy it, alright?'" Instead of asking Nora about "party": say "'A party? Where? When? In a few hours? Okay! Give me an hour, and then I'll sneak into the kitchens with Ren, and we'll go make some...' Nora leans forward until she's nearly nose to nose with you. '... pancakes.'"; award 50 points. Instead of asking Nora about "party": say "'Oh, a party? Ooh, will there be pancakes? If there isn't any, we can break Cardin's legs!' Cardin is totally unrelated to pancakes and parties, but you don't see the harm in that. You quietly hope to yourself that Nora won't get any pancakes during the party."; award 50 points. Instead of asking Nora about "Ren": say "Ren and I have been together foreeeever. Well, I mean, not together together, y'know? Like... together as in how Pyrra and Jaune are together!'" Instead of asking Nora about "Ren": say "'Hm... if I ever get a pet sloth, should I name it after Ren? Or would that be too weird, having two Rens around?'" Professor Oobleck's Classroom is east of Professor Port's Classroom. "You step into Professor Oobleck's classroom and look around. Unlike Professor Port's classroom, Oobleck's is usually empty. You can understand why. Port's bragging is bearable, but Oobleck's machine gun speech is much harder to deal with. The professor isn't in right now, thankfully. His desk is empty and covered with paper and coffee. What should you do now?" A cherry desk is scenery in Professor Oobleck's Classroom. The description is "A really expensive looking desk, with scrollwork legs and gilt touches. Professor Oobleck's papers and coffee cups are scattered all over the top. The cherry desk features three drawers." After examining the desk for the first time, say "(Sun was able to tell you to look for it, but not which drawer to look in. Blake's friend or no, you're starting to really dislike this guy.)" A drawer is a kind of container. A drawer is always openable and closed. The description of a drawer is "A scratched drawer. The words 'DS' are carved on it." The top drawer is a drawer. The middle drawer is a drawer. The bottom drawer is a drawer. The top drawer, the middle drawer, and the bottom drawer are part of the desk. A drawer can be explored or unexplored. A drawer is usually unexplored. Instead of searching a closed drawer, try opening the noun. After opening a drawer when no drawers are explored: now the noun is explored; say "There is a tremendous screech, but you don't see anything of interest, only coffee-stained papers." After opening an unexplored drawer when exactly one drawer is explored: now the noun is explored; say "You struggle to open this one a bit more quietly, conscious all the time of noise... but no, there's nothing in this drawer too. Bummer." After closing a drawer: say "There is a racket of wood protesting against wood as you open the drawer, which makes you wonder if you hadn't better just leave them open from now on. At this rate, Oobleck will come back in a great gust of paper and spilled coffee, and'll throw you in detention or something." Before opening an unexplored drawer when exactly two drawers are explored: move the black book to the noun; now the noun is explored. There is a black book. The description is "A black, leather bound book with the words 'Ninjas of Love' scrawled across the cover. You don't think you want to know." Instead of opening the desk when at least one drawer is unexplored: let the next drawer be a random unexplored drawer; say "(starting with [the next drawer])[line break]"; try opening the next drawer. Instead of looking under the desk when no drawers are explored: say "You carefully survey the ground around the desk. There don't seem to be any hidden tripwires or traps to prevent you from having a look in the drawers. Knowing the questionable sanity of most Beacon teachers, that wouldn't be out of the question." Instead of looking under the desk when at least one drawer is unexplored: say "Nothing there but paper and dust." Instead of looking under the desk when all drawers are explored: say "There's nothing down there, but this doesn't come as a great surprise." Instead of searching the desk when at least one drawer is unexplored: move the black book to the player; say "You perform a hasty, squeaky search of "; if no drawer is explored, say "all three drawers, discovering nothing and nothing in rapid succession. But on the third drawer you "; if exactly two drawers are unexplored, say "the remaining two drawers. There's nothing in the second, but in the third you "; if exactly one drawer is unexplored, say "the last drawer. In it, you "; say "find a leather bound book. It's been shoved in rather haphazardly. Is this... Blake's?"; now all the drawers are explored. The Courtyard is west of Class Hall. "You sprint out into the courtyard and nearly trip into the crater that Ruby had exploded into the ground on your first day. You have a great view of the surrounding countryside, such as the Emerald Forest and the Forever Fall Forest. How pretty!" Weiss is a person in the Courtyard. The description of Weiss is "A short girl with long white hair and a dancer's body. She has her arms crossed and is tapping her feet impatiently. What could Weiss-Weiss-Baby be doing out here in the cold?" Instead of telling Weiss about "Ruby": say "'Finally! I've been waiting for you to show up! Listen; Ruby headed into the Emerald Forest awhile ago, but she didn't say what she was doing! We have to go and find her before she hurts herself--Wait, what do you MEAN you're going alone! Wait, Yang!'" Instead of asking Weiss about "Ruby": say "'Yang, there you are! Listen, your dunce of a sister just jumped into the Emerald Forest, and we need to go find her before she gets herself KILLED! Wait, what do you MEAN you're going alone! Yang, stop, come back! Hey, don't leave me here!'" Instead of asking Weiss about "party": say "'You're throwing a party in our DORM ROOM? Yang, that's against every rule in the book! What do you mean you've already set up! That's a lie, everything was perfectly normal when we left this morning! What are you trying to pull?'"; award 50 points. Instead of telling Weiss about "party": say "'A party? But that's against the rules! You can't throw a party in the dorms--what do you MEAN you've already set up! That's a lie, everything was perfectly normal this morning! I--alright, FINE. I'll go to the party. But only to prove that you're lying, okay?'"; award 50 points. The Emerald Forest is north of the Courtyard. "You leap down into the forest, using your gauntlets to propel you through the air. The forest is as green as green could possibly be, and off in the distance, you hear a howl. Spooky." The Cliffside Altar is north of the Emerald Forest. "You head to the temple ruins where you and your team had killed the Nevermore. Ah, and there she is; Ruby stands atop a pillar with her red cape flowing in the wind and Crescent Rose in hand. With a flick of your wrist, your gauntlets fire a series of shells that send you up, up... and with a grunt, you land before your sister." The description of Ruby is "A youthful girl with silver eyes and a red cape. She's chewing on her lip like it's bubble gum, and she seems worried. What's going on?" Instead of asking Ruby about something: say "'Yang! There you are! Listen, I may have... um, accidentallydroppedourdiscoballdowninthatcrackandIcan'tgoandgetitbecauseI'mnotstrongenoughto--' A pause for breath. '--liftupthatbigrockthereandIdidn'twanttoshootittobitsbecausethat'dattractGrimmand please, please, please go get it for me?'" Instead of telling Ruby about something: say "'Yang! There you are! Listen, I may have... um, accidentallydroppedourdiscoballdowninthatcageandIcan'tgoandgetitbecauseI'mnotstrongenoughto--' A pause for breath. '--climbdownandgetiandIdidn'twanttoshootmyselfdownbecausethat'dattractGrimmand please, please, please go get it for me?'" The Abandoned Temple is north of the Cliffside Altar. "You shimmy down to a little ledge just shy of the abyss at the center of the ruins. You see something shiny in a--cage? Is that a cage? Huh. Probably because the temple's past inhabitants were a bit... cagey about their religion. Hey, any religion with an altar as big as the one Ruby was standing on has to be practicing some freaky-deaky sacrificial shit, ya know? Anyways, you need to get in that cage and grab the disco ball. How'd Ruby manage to drop something like that in there anyways?" A cage is in the Abandoned Temple. The disco ball is an object in the cage. The cage is enterable, openable, transparent, and closed. Every turn when the player is in the cage: if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds, say "The abyss. It beckons. Creeepy."; otherwise say "The cage creaks ominously. Yikes." The description of the cage is "A dilapidated old cage, perched precariously near the edge of the ledge. The disco ball is inside the cage; you'll need to enter the cage to grab it." The cage is fixed in place. The description of the disco ball is "A shiny ball meant to be mounted on the ceiling. You need it for the party!" After taking the disco ball: say "You grab the disco ball and shimmy out of the cage as fast as you can. And just in time; the cage crashes to the ground as soon as you step out. You breath a sigh of relief, and climb back up to your sister. You and Ruby share a sisterly chest bump, and head back to the school."; award 400 points. The rocky path is a container in the Abandoned Temple. The Forever Fall Forest is east of the Emerald Forest. "Red leaves, red trees, and red sap. Red, red, everywhere, as red as roses and as red as blood. Off in the distance, you hear a howl. It's probably not wise to stay in the forest." A broken jar is an object in the Forever Fall Forest. Instead of examining the broken jar: say "A broken glass jar. Bits of dried sap cling to the insides. As you scoop it up to examine it, you hear a growl from behind. You whirl around just in time to see a large paw approaching your head. You yell, but not even you can block this, it's too close, oh shit, oh shit shitshitshitshit---" ;end the game in death. The Dorms are south of Class Hall. "You can hear giggling, yelling, and grunts of exertion coming through the walls of each team's rooms. So much for 'soundproof walls' or whatever gibberish Beacon put on its brochures." RWBY's Door is west of the Dorms. JNPR's Door is east of the Dorms. RWBY's Door is a closed locked door. JNPR's Door is a closed door. East of JNPR's Door is Vomit Boy's Place. Ren is a person in Vomit Boy's Place. The description of Ren is "A handsome guy with long hair. He's pretty much married to that weird Ursa-riding girl, as far as you can tell." Instead of asking Ren about something: say "Ren nods at you as you walk in. He hands several CDs to you and says, 'Your sister came in earlier and said that she wanted to borrow a few albums. Could you pass them onto her, please? I'd like them back after your party, if possible.'"; award 50 points. Instead of telling Ren about something: say "Ren nods at you as you walk in. He hands several CDs to you and says, 'Your sister came in earlier and said that she wanted to borrow a few albums. Could you pass them onto her, please? I'd like them back after your party, if possible.'"; award 50 points. The ID unlocks RWBY's Door. The description of the RWBY's Door is "It's the door to your dorm. You need your student ID to open it. You're pretty sure you have it on you already. Just take out that sucker and unlock the door!" The Crib is west of RWBY's Door. "You stick your ID into the keyhole and open the door. You step into your dorm room that you've dubbed, 'The Crib' and close the door behind you. Tastefully decorated with a random assortment of paintings, posters, and of course, your precariously balanced bunk beds, everything about it screams 'warmth' and 'family'. Just your type of place." Blake is in the The Crib. The description of Blake is "Your black-haired, yellow eyed partner. Recently she revealed herself to be a cat Faunus, and after one seriously fucked up argument between Blake and Weiss, came to accept you all as her family and friends. Which you really should be celebrating, actually! You make a mental note to treat Blake to seafood sometime soon." Understand "give Blake [something]" as giving Blake something. Giving Blake something is an action applying to one visible thing. Instead of giving a book to Blake: say "Blake takes the 'Ninjas of Love' from you with a relieved expression. She sure is embarrassed about her shitty smut. 'Thanks, Yang. Port keeps the keys in the tool shed. You know, south of the garden. Good luck setting up.'"; award 500 points. Instead of telling Blake about "Ruby": say "'Yeah, I saw Ruby a little while ago. She ran in here and nearly knocked me over. Yang... is she okay?'" Instead of asking Blake about "Ruby": say "'She ran into the courtyard after coming up here about an hour ago. Nearly knocked me over too... is everything alright?'" Instead of telling Blake about "Blake": say "'What about me? Did you forget to take notes again in Oobleck's class?'" Instead of asking Blake about "Blake": say "'Yes, I was part of the White Fang. ... No, I'm not proud of it, and I'm not associated with them anymore, I promise. Is that what you wanted to hear?'" Instead of asking Blake about "party": say "'A party? Here? ... Weiss is going to flip.' Blake smiles at you. 'Hey, how about we make a... deal? If you can get my book back from Sun, I'll tell you where Professor Port hides the keys to the supply closet.'"; award 50 points. Every turn while in Dorms: if score is 1600 begin; say "You've got all your stuff; you've made the party hats out of posterboard paper, glue, cotton balls, and color pencils! You've dipped the bandages in Pepto Bismo and made pink streamers ( shhh, don't tell Weiss what's she's putting up ), and taken the CDs from Ren. You've talked Nora into getting pancakes, and invited everyone worth inviting! Well done you! This party is going to be soooo epic! That is, if Glynda and Ozpin don't catch you, but whatever, right?"; end the game in victory.; end if. Instead of telling Blake about "party": say "A party? Weiss is going to flip.' Blake smirks. 'I'll make you a deal. If you can get my book back from Sun, I'll tell you where Professor Port keeps the keys to the supply closet. How about it?'"; award 50 points. Instead of asking Blake about "Sun": say "'We're... just friends. Is that what you wanted to know?' Blake smiles at you. 'Speaking of Sun, have you taken the book from him yet?" Instead of telling Blake about "Sun": say "'Did you get the book back from him?'" Bunkbeds are objects in The Crib. The bunkbeds are fixed in place. The description of the bunkbeds is "Two pairs of bunkbeds that you and your team made the day you all moved in. The beds that you and Blake share are shoved up against the right side up the room, and are held up by stacks of books. Ruby and Weiss's beds are on the left side, and is supported by ropes." The Achievemen poster is an object in The Crib. The poster is fixed in place. The description of the Achievemen poster is "A poster filled with all of your favorite guys. You've never really had a favorite dude, but Ruby's favorite has always been Michael." The Gardens are east of Class Hall. "'You step into the gardens, and take a deep breath. The complicated arches and sweeps that make up Beacon's towers can be seen from here. Combined with the huge large trees and other pretty plants, it's the perfect date spot. Assuming, of course, that people actually come here for dates. Most people, like yourself, have... other plans that require large trees and big bushes.'" Sun Wukong is a person in the Gardens. The description of Sun is "'A muscular ape Faunus and one of Blake's friends. At least, you hope he's just a friend. He's got nearly as many abs as you do, and hey, it'd suck if you didn't manage to get Bellabanged this year. He must have sneaked into the school, the sly monkey.'" Instead of asking Sun about "Ruby": say "'Yo, what's up? You're Blake's partner, right? Woah, what's that? Lil' Red's gone missin'? Uh, I think I saw her going... towards the dorms, I think? She seemed to be in a real hurry!'" Instead of telling Sun about "Ruby": say "'You're looking for Ruby? She's the one with the cloak, right? I think she went towards the dorms! Uh, emphasis on 'I think'. All I saw was a red and black blur, but... pretty sure that's her, right?'" Blake is a person. Understand "partner" and "Belladonna" as Blake. Instead of asking Sun about "Blake": say "'Oh, speaking of Blake; have you seen her? I need to return... uh, a book to her. It'd be great if... you know, you could deliver it for me?'" Instead of telling Sun about "Blake": say "'Haha, yeah, Belladonna's pretty cool, huh? Hey, have you seen her around? I need to, uh, give her back a book she let me borrow. Could you... maybe deliver it for me?'" Instead of asking Sun about "book": say "'Eh... y'see, I maaaay have stashed that book in one of the classrooms. What, don't look at me like that! One of the teachers saw me sneaking into Beacon, and started chasing me around. I had to hide the book somewhere, or I'd get arrested for 'stealing from a student' or something. I think I stashed it in that green-haired teacher's classroom or something. When you find it, just run it to Blake, 'kay?'" Instead of telling Sun about "book": say "'Er... see, I may have lost that book. Hey, don't look at me like that! I was a little busy trying to, you know, sneak in without getting caught! Say what you'd like, but I'm a great stowaway! Uh, I think I stashed it in that green guy's classroom? Could you just run it to Blake when you find it? Thanks!'" Instead of telling Sun about "party": say "'A party? Count me in! It's at your dorm, right? No problem! Just make sure the windows are unlocked, and I'll be able to get in.'"; award 50 points. Instead of asking Sun about "party": say "'A party? Count me in! It's at your dorm, right? No problem! Just make sure the windows are unlocked, and I'll be able to get in.'"; award 50 points. The Clearing is south of the Gardens. "You pass through a tasteful stone arch and head into a clearing. Birds chirp, and in the distance, you can hear gunshots. Ah, the sweet aura of Beacon." In the Clearing is a toolshed. A toolshed is a closed container. In the toolshed is a supply closet key, a broom, a bucket, and a toolbox. The toolshed is fixed in place.