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The 29th Song
Christopher Bevard
Played 1,538 times
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Bus Stop is a room. "You stand at a bus stop, having left the air conditioning behind for a dusty, sweltering dirt road baked by Alabama sun. To your right is what looks to be an abandoned general store, the windows caked with dust, hiding whatever is inside from your immediate view. A dirt road winds to the north, into the few buildings that make up Strawapple." A General Store is a room. General store is west of Bus Stop. "The weathered steps creak under your shoes as you enter the General Store. Inside, time seems to have stopped. Seventy-year old magazines and newspapers sit on shelves buried in dust." A barrel is a kind of container. A barrel is here. A barrel is an object. "A large barrel sits at the end of the counter, which is topped with a cash register so old it takes you a second to realize what it is." A brass key is an object.