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Mossy Brick
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[Extra Base code] [Random] Rule for printing room description details of a closed container: stop. Rule for printing the name of a closed container (called C) while taking inventory: say "[printed name of C]"; omit contents in listing. [Death by head trauma=====================================================] RedForehead is a number variable. RedForehead is 0. Every turn: If RedForehead is 5: Say “Blood begins to trickle from your forehead. Perhaps you should watch where you are going.”; Increase RedForehead by 1. Every turn: If RedForehead is 11: Say “Suddenly, your surroundings start to blur and your head feels light. You can barely hear your own footsteps as you stumble backwards. With a large thump, you drop down unconscious on the floor after suffering from severe head trauma.”; End the game in death. After reading a command: if the player's command includes "all/everything/every": say "You spin around, looking at all of the different things you could possibly grab. Overwhelmed and dizzy, you collapse onto the floor. [Line break] [Line break] After a few moments, you pick yourself up. You feel a bit of pain on your head."; Increase RedForehead by 1; reject the player's command. [Player Description] Instead of examining player: If KnockedOut is false: Say “As a noble yet curious adventurer, you always wear a smolder on your face. You’re dressed in a pale green, khaki safari-style shirt and tough beige cargo pants. Despite the cold, your many thick layers keep you warm. Little cuts line your hands and face from your trek through the dangerous forest, and your boots are caked in mud. Your shoulders hurt from the camping bag on your shoulder, despite how lightly you packed. A wide-brimmed hat still rests on your head; it’s useless now with the sun blocked, but you like the look of it.”; Otherwise: If the location is Home: Say “You’ve had a rough journey. However, as a noble yet curious adventurer, you are still wearing a smolder on your face. Your pale green, khaki safari-style shirt and tough beige cargo pants are stained from your escape and trip home, and you’ve lost your favourite wide-brimmed hat.[If FaceCut is true] The cuts all over your body have healed and stopped bleeding, it does still hurt, though.[end if] You can still feel the bump on your head and the bruises on your body, but they seem to have healed pretty well. Most of all, you’re glad to be home.”; Otherwise: If EyesAdjCount is greater than 1: If FaceCut is true: Say “As a noble yet curious adventurer, you always wear a smolder on your face. You’re still dressed in a pale green, khaki safari-style shirt and tough beige cargo pants. However, you seem to have lost your hat. You can feel a bump on your head and some bruises on your body, presumably from transporting you to this building. You are in pretty rough shape. Blood slowly flows out of the cuts that line themselves all over your body. You also have a terrible headache. Perhaps you shouldn’t have tried to drink that glass of water earlier.”; otherwise: Say “As a noble yet curious adventurer, you always wear a smolder on your face. You’re still dressed in a pale green, khaki safari-style shirt and tough beige cargo pants. However, you seem to have lost your hat. You seem to be in pretty good condition. Your clothes are rather intact and you don’t have any severe injuries. You can feel a bump on your head and some bruises on your body, presumably from transporting you to this building.[If DoorBroken is less than 4] Your muscles are sore from being bound to a chair for a long period of time.[end if]”; Otherwise: Say “You can’t see yourself very well in the dark. However, you do feel a splitting headache, a bump on your head, and bruises along your body. You try to move, but you seem to be bound to a chair. You don’t feel your hat on your head.” [Examine room code=======================================================] After deciding the scope of the player when the current action is examining: place the location in scope, but not its contents. instead of examining the location: try looking. does the player mean doing something to the location: it is unlikely. locality is a scenery backdrop. locality is everywhere. understand "room" as the locality. understand “around” as the locality. does the player mean doing something to the locality: it is unlikely. Before doing anything to the locality: now the noun is the location; continue the action. [Action Definitions] Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]” as talking to. Check talking to: say "[The noun] doesn't reply." Understand the command "cut" as something new. Slashing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "Cut [something]" as slashing. Sitting on [thing] is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand “sit on [thing]", and "sit [thing]" as sitting on [thing]. Check sitting on: say “There’s no time to sit around! Get back to it!” Understand the command "tie" as something new. Attaching the rope to [something] is an action applying to one thing. Understand "Tie ropes to [something]" as attaching the rope to [something]. Understand "Tie rope to [something]" as attaching the rope to [something]. Understand the command "break" as something new. Breaking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "break [something]" as breaking. Understand “hit [something]” as breaking [something]. Check breaking: Say “You’re not sure you can break that.” Understand the command “shoot” as something new. Shooting is an action applying to one thing. Understand “shoot [something]” as shooting. Check shooting: If pistol is open: Say “You can’t shoot if the cylinder is sticking out the side. Perhaps you should close your pistol first.”; Otherwise if BulletCount is less than 0: Say “A loud click sounds out from your gun. You’re out of bullets.”; Otherwise: Say “Is this really worth your bullets?”. Understand the command “detonate” as something new. Detonating is an action applying to one thing. Understand “blow up [something]” as detonating. Check detonating: If player is carrying C4: If player is carrying detonator: If second noun is Pile of Rubble: If BlownUp is false: Continue the action; Otherwise: Say “You already blew that to smithereens.”; Otherwise: Say “You’re not sure using explosives here is a good idea.”; Otherwise: Say “You have nothing to activate the explosives.”; Otherwise: Say “You have nothing to blow that up with.” [Top of Sewer Variables] RopeLength is a truth state that varies. RopeLength is false. hasRope is a truth state that varies. hasRope is false TieRope is a truth state that varies. TieRope is false. [Instructions] When play begins: Say “[bold type]Instructions: [Line break] [Roman type]Would you like a list of commands? [line break] [line break] {type yes or no}: ”; If the player consents: Say “ [Line break] Movement: N/NE/E/SE/S/SW/W/NW/Up/Down [Line break] Examine/X/Look at [Line break] Search/Look inside/in/into/through (something) [Line break] Look under [Line break] Wait/Z [Line break] Inventory/I [Line break] Again/G [Line break] Take (something) [Line break] Open/Close [Line break] Lock/Unlock (something) with (something) [Line break] Undo [Line break] Put (something) in/on (something) [Line break] Eat [Line break] Attack/Hit [Line break] Break [Line break] Shoot [Line break] Cut/Slash [Line break] Attach/Tie rope(s) to (something) [Line break] Detonate/Blow up [Line break] Sit on (something) [Line break] Throw (something) at (something) [Line break] Talk to (someone) [Line break] Ask (someone) about (something) [Line break]”. [Outside] [Forest Clearing] Forest Clearing is a room. “Surrounded on all sides by a thick cover of trees blocking the little warmth the sun could offer from reaching the surface. Having just trekked a journey worthy of a legendary tale, you rest your eyes on the dull, megalithic structure that beckoned wanderers to enter its chasms. Even though bitter cold stings the hairs on your unshaven beard, you feel an odd warmth arise inside of you. You hold the treasure map you’d bought from the pawn shop just two weeks ago, comparing what was described on its parchment to what lay in front of you now. You’d had doubts about this adventure, but they all seemed to disappear as you stepped closer and closer to the cracked-stone castle, approaching its majestic yet visibly aged gates. Vines envelop the entrance, yet you can still make your way through. [Line Break] [Line Break] North of you lies the gates leading in. North of you lies an adventure…” [Forest Clearing Movement Restrictions] Instead of the player going south when the player is in Forest Clearing: Say “[one of]You’ve gone too far to turn back now. The gates all but beckon your arrival, it would be a shame to say no. [or] Having just survived the darkness of the woods, you’re reluctant to go back into them. [or] The tall, imposing trees in all different shades of green, loom over you, dissuading you from that decision. [purely at random]”. Instead of the player going east when the player is in Forest Clearing: Say “[one of]You’ve gone too far to turn back now. The gates all but beckon your arrival, it would be a shame to say no. [or] Having just survived the darkness of the woods, you’re reluctant to go back into them. [or] The tall, imposing trees in all different shades of green, loom over you, dissuading you from that decision. [purely at random]”. Instead of the player going west when the player is in Forest Clearing: Say “[one of]You’ve gone too far to turn back now. The gates all but beckon your arrival, it would be a shame to say no. [or] Having just survived the darkness of the woods, you’re reluctant to go back into them. [or] The tall, imposing trees in all different shades of green, loom over you, dissuading you from that decision. [purely at random]”. [Objects] The trees are in Forest Clearing. The trees are scenery. The description is “The thick tall trees are growing closely together, blocking out nearly all the sunlight. Sharp brambles block your path in most directions.” The Castle is in Forest Clearing. The Castle is scenery. The description is “Amidst the dense forest, a once-grand castle now stands in ruin. Its crumbling stone walls are hidden by patches of creeping moss, and long reaching vines eat away at all that's standing. The bricks are stained by their past, no longer the pale pristine white of yesterday. Covered by piles and piles of rubble, the ground sinks down just a bit, as if faltering under its weight. Stories are etched into the very walls creating the castle, finely detailed around the gate. You can only imagine what this glorious place must've looked like when it still hosted nobility.” The vines are an object. The vines are in Forest Clearing. The vines are fixed in place. The description is “Thick interlocking vines cover nearly every surface of the once standing castle. Hidden inside some vines near the door is a sliver of a shiny material; it looks like a coin.” Instead of eating the vines: Say “Those shouldn’t even grow here...” Pebbles1 are an object. Pebbles1 are in Forest Clearing. The description is “A bunch of small pebbles littered around the ground.” The printed name of Pebbles1 is “mossy pebbles”. Understand “mossy pebbles” as Pebbles1. Instead of eating the Pebbles1: say "So small and round, but your stomach would not like it." The moss is an object. The moss is in Forest Clearing. The moss is fixed in place. The description is “The forest's fuzzy carpet, it’s very green." The indefinite article is “some”. Instead of eating the moss: Say “You tug at the moss with all your might, but only rip off a small section. It tastes pretty good.” [Point 1] The Coin is an undescribed object. The Coin is in the vines. Instead of examining the coin: say “A small shiny piece of gold. Inscribed on it is ‘Anti-Loquax est celerius quam vacca’. You do not know what it translates to but it means a lot to you.” After taking the coin for the first time: increase the score by 1; say "You feel a sense of pride." Instead of eating the coin: say "While it is delicious looking, you would probably choke." [Castle Ruins] Castle Ruins is a room. Castle Ruins is north of Forest Clearing. “Despite the decrepit state of the castle, it still manages to look commanding and powerful. This must’ve been home to a great Queen once. The throne room, where royals once held court, is a cavern of shadows. Cobwebs drape the throne, as moss lays claim over the walls. [if unvisited] You take a step forward and just save yourself from tripping on a goblet. It rolls across the bumpy ground and stops just before a rich purple banner. [end if] Looking east you can see the base of what once was a tower.” [Castle Ruins Movement Restrictions] Instead of the player going west when the player is in Castle Ruins: Say “The walls look less crumbled on that side, yet you still aren’t going to risk a foot on that bet.” [Objects] The throne is an object. The throne is in Castle Ruins. The description is “A very tall and solid gold chair, with an ornate decorated back and a deep purple plush seat cushion.” Instead of taking the throne: say “Who do you think you are?”; Stop the action. Instead of eating the throne: say “You’d probably lose some teeth.” The banner is an object. The banner is in Castle Ruins. The description is “A royal amethyst-purple banner of surprisingly good quality. It is piled in a heap on the ground.” Instead of eating the banner: say “Purple objects never taste good.” The goblet is an object. The goblet is in Castle Ruins. The description is “It shines super brightly even through the dirt covering most of it. Is it made of solid gold?” Instead of eating the goblet: say “That would not fit in your mouth.” Instead of taking the goblet: say “Just as you are reaching for the goblet you hear small whispers surrounding you, convincing you to not touch it. You drag your hand back, snapping out of whatever came over you. You don’t remember what just happened, but you don't think you want to try that again.” [Tower Ruins] Tower Ruins is a room. Tower Ruins is east of Castle Ruins. “You nervously walk over the rubble to observe… more rubble. It looks like there used to be a tower over here, though long gone by now. The foundation is all that remains. A very dusty brick, low on the ground, with an inscription on it shifts under your foot.” [Tower Ruins Movement Restrictions] Instead of the player going east when the player is in Tower Ruins: Say “A pile of rubbles stops your path, but the sharp brambles are what truly convince you not to go that way.” Instead of the player going north when the player is in Tower Ruins: Say “Another pile of rubble. At least this time it looks different, maybe it was the roof.” Instead of the player going south when the player is in Tower Ruins: Say “As good of an adventurer as you are, you can’t walk through walls.” [Objects] Understand “inscription”, “brick” and “words” as StoneRuins. StoneRuins are scenery. StoneRuins are in Tower Ruins. The description is “A string of unknown symbols lightly etched into what remains of the tower. Upon further inspection they appear to be surprisingly fresh…”. The printed name of StoneRuins is “Ruins”. Instead of taking StoneRuins: Say “As you go to touch the ruins a zap of electricity races through your fingertips. The world swims and everything turns a bright shade of blue. It lasts only a moment but you are left reeling and nauseous. You do not want a repeat experience.” Roof is scenery. Roof is in Tower Ruins. The description is “Mixed into the piles of rubble are some bits of different stones, maybe clay?” [Courtyard] Courtyard is a room. Courtyard is north of Castle Ruins. “You can almost make out the original circular walls surrounding this courtyard, even though they are now piled on the ground. The small indents, you nearly trip over, tell stories of the once glorious gardens. The vines covering every surface of this castle become too thick for you to even look past on your left, with your right pretty much the same. In front of you are some stairs going down, you don't know how they are still intact, but it is very dark looking.” [Courtyard Movement Restrictions] Instead of the player going east when the player is in the Courtyard: Say “A couple of fallen trees block any eastward movement.” Instead of the player going west when the player is in Courtyard: Say “The walls are much more stable on the west side, you wonder why that is. Regardless, you cannot travel through solid objects, unfortunately.” [Objects] Walls is scenery. Walls is in Courtyard. The description is “A bunch of off white-gray stones. They look like they are made of chalk.” The indefinite article is “some”. Garden is scenery. Garden is in Courtyard. The description is “Slightly raised above the ground are many large basins of dirt. They are now taken over by the wild plants around them. You reach over to touch some flowers, only to notice a bone underneath them.” The flowers are an object. The flowers are in Courtyard. The flowers are fixed in place. The description is “Consisting of mostly light purple and pale white, hundreds of multi coloured flowers are in bloom around you.” The bone is an object. The bone is in Courtyard. The description is “You’re no biologist, but that looks like a human bone.” Instead of eating the bone: say “Would that be considered cannibalism?” KnockedOut is a truth state that varies. KnockedOut is false. [Knock Out] Instead of the player going north when the player is in Courtyard: say “You jump over some fallen logs on your way to the stairs when… [Line break] *THUNK* [Line break] Something large and heavy hits your head. Your vision blurs and your eyelids feel heavy. It’s as if a swarm of bugs are let loose inside your head. Slumping to the ground, you have just enough time to wonder about the shadow over you before everything goes black."; Now KnockedOut is true; now the player is in Dark Place instead. [Dungeon (Cells)] [Dark Place] [Dark Place] Dark Place is a room. The description is “[If EyesAdjCount is 3] Your eyes adjust to the dark, and you can see better now.[end if]The room is dark, it is hard to make out the details of the room. The room is poorly furnished, but you can make out some old and broken furniture in the corner of the room. Beside you is a wooden stand with a glass of water. You are tied to a metal chair with some rope. There is a door to the west.” The Dark Place is dark. The printed name of the Dark Place is "A Dark Room". Rule for printing the description of a dark room: If the location is the Dark Place: Say “The room is dark and you can’t really see anything. Perhaps your eyes are still adjusting. A ringing noise sounds in your ears and your head feels like it’s splitting apart.” [Dark Place Variables] FaceCut is a truth state that varies. FaceCut is false. ChairOver is a truth state that varies. ChairOver is false. WoodenStandOver is a truth state that varies. WoodenStandOver is false. RopeFree is a truth state that varies. RopeFree is false. KnowDoorBreak is a truth state that varies. KnowDoorBreak is false. DoorBroken is a number variable. DoorBroken is 0. EyesAdjCount is a number variable. EyesAdjCount is 0. Every turn when the location is Dark Place: if EyesAdjCount is less than 4: Increase EyesAdjCount by 1. Every turn: if EyesAdjCount is 3: now the player is lit. [Dark Place Movement Restrictions===========================================] Instead of going north: If the location is Dark Place: If RopeFree is false: Say “You try to move, but ropes bind you tightly to your seat.”; otherwise: Say “You walk into the wall with a loud smack. Your forehead turns red and you feel a little silly.”; Increase RedForehead by 1; otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going east: If the location is Dark Place: If RopeFree is false: Say “You try to move, but ropes bind you tightly to your seat.”; otherwise: Say “You walk into the wall with a loud smack. Your forehead turns red and you feel a little silly.”; Increase RedForehead by 1; otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going west: If the location is Dark Place: If RopeFree is false: Say “You try to move, but ropes bind you tightly to your seat.”; otherwise: If DoorBroken is less than 4: Say “You walk into the door with a loud smack. Your forehead turns red and you feel a little silly.”; Increase RedForehead by 1; otherwise: If DoorBroken is 5: Continue the action; otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going south: If the location is Dark Place: If RopeFree is false: Say “You try to move, but ropes bind you tightly to your seat.”; otherwise: Say “You walk into the wall with a loud smack. Your forehead turns red and you feel a little silly.”; Increase RedForehead by 1; otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going northeast: If the location is Dark Place: If RopeFree is false: Say “You try to move, but ropes bind you tightly to your seat.”; otherwise: Say “You walk into the wa1ll with a loud smack. Your forehead turns red and you feel a little silly.”; Increase RedForehead by 1; otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going northwest: If the location is Dark Place: If RopeFree is false: Say “You try to move, but ropes bind you tightly to your seat.”; otherwise: Say “You walk into the wall with a loud smack. Your forehead turns red and you feel a little silly.”; Increase RedForehead by 1; otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going southeast: If the location is Dark Place: If RopeFree is false: Say “You try to move, but ropes bind you tightly to your seat.”; otherwise: Say “You walk into the wall with a loud smack. Your forehead turns red and you feel a little silly.”; Increase RedForehead by 1; otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going southwest: If the location is Dark Place: If RopeFree is false: Say “You try to move, but ropes bind you tightly to your seat.”; otherwise: Say “You walk into the wall with a loud smack. Your forehead turns red and you feel a little silly.”; Increase RedForehead by 1; otherwise: Continue the action. [Metal Chair===========================================================] The metal chair is in the Dark Place. The metal chair is undescribed. The metal chair is fixed in place. Instead of exiting when the location is the Dark Place: If RopeFree is true: Say “You are bound tightly to the chair.”; Otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of examining the metal chair: If RopeFree is false: Say “The chair feels rough. You can’t get a good look at it, being tied to it and all.”; otherwise: If ChairOver is false: Say “It seems to be made out of aluminum. Its lack of detailing and overly simple design reminds you of prison.”; otherwise: Say “It seems to be made out of aluminum. Its lack of detailing and overly simple design reminds you of prison. You knocked it over; the chair is now lying sideways on the floor.” Instead of taking the metal chair: If KnowDoorBreak is false: Say “That’s too cumbersome to carry around.”; Otherwise: Say “That’s too cumbersome to carry around. Besides, the aluminum body is too light to break the door.” Every turn when the location is Dark Place: If RopeFree is true: Now the metal chair is described; If ChairOver is false: now the description of the metal chair is “It seems to be made out of aluminum. With a lack of detailing and an overly simple design, the chair reminds you of prison.”; otherwise: now the description of the metal chair is “It seems to be made out of aluminum. With a lack of detailing and an overly simple design, the chair reminds you of prison. The chair is now lying sideways on the floor, after you knocked it over.”. [Wooden Stand===========================================================] The wooden stand is in the Dark Place. The wooden stand is fixed in place. The wooden stand is a supporter. Understand "stand" as the wooden stand. The description is "It's an ordinary wooden stand. It appears to be made of maple with a weathered red finish." Instead of taking the wooden stand: Say “That’s too cumbersome to carry around. Besides, the stand is too light to break the door.” Every turn when the location is Dark Place: If WoodenStandOver is true: now the description of the wooden stand is "It's an ordinary wooden stand. It appears to be made of maple with a weathered red finish. You knocked it over." [Glass of Water and Shard of Glass===========================================] The glass of water is on the wooden stand. The description of the water is “It’s an ordinary glass of water. Your dry throat makes you want to take a sip. Unfortunately, your hands are tied to the chair and the glass is out of reach.” Understand “water” as the glass of water. Instead of breaking the glass of water: Say “You tilt your chair and knock over the wooden stand. The glass of water falls off of the stand and smashes on the floor, shattering into pieces.”; Remove glass of water from play; now the shard of glass is in the Dark Place; now ChairOver is true; now WoodenStandOver is true. Instead of taking the glass of water: Say “You try to take a sip out of the glass of water, but your chair falls over and knocks over the glass of water off of the wooden stand. It smashes on the floor with a terrible sound and shatters into pieces. You crash to the floor right after the glass of water. The inertia drags your face onto the glass, cutting your face and several parts of your body. Blood flows slowly from the wounds, some mixes with the puddle of water that remains.”; Remove glass of water from play; now the shard of glass is in the Dark Place; now BloodyPuddleofWater is in the Dark Place; now FaceCut is true; now ChairOver is true; now WoodenStandOver is true. BloodyPuddleofWater is scenery. The description is “A puddle made from the glass of water you broke. Blood is mixed into the water from your wounds.” Understand “blood” and “puddle” and “spill” and “water” as BloodyPuddleofWater. The printed name of BloodyPuddleofWater is “puddle of water”. The indefinite article of BloodyPuddle of Water is “a”. The shard of glass is an object. The description is “a shard of glass from the glass of water you broke. It seems quite sharp.” Understand “glass” or “shard” as the shard of glass. Instead of taking the shard of glass: If RopeFree is false: Say “You slowly wiggle your way over the broken glass. After some time, you find a shard of glass large enough to hold.”; now the player is carrying the shard of glass; Otherwise: Continue the action. [Ropes==================================================================] The ropes are in the Dark Place. The ropes are undescribed. Understand “rope” as the ropes. The indefinite article of the ropes is “some”. Instead of taking the ropes: If RopeFree is false: Say “Your hands are bound to the chair by the very rope you’re trying to take.”; Otherwise if the location is Top of Sewer: Say “You untie the rope from the hook.”; Continue the action; Otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of examining the ropes: If RopeFree is false: Say “Pretty normal manila ropes. They are tying you to the chair.”; Otherwise: If hasRope is true: Say “Pretty normal manila rope. You trimmed it down to the desired length.”; Otherwise: Say “Pretty normal manila ropes. You cut them into two pieces.” Check slashing: If the noun is the ropes: If the location is Dark Place: If RopeFree is false: If player is carrying the shard of glass: Say "You slowly cut at the ropes with a shard of glass. Eventually it splits into two, freeing you from the chair."; now RopeFree is true; now the description of the Dark Place is “The room is dark, it is hard to make out the details of the room. The room is poorly furnished, but you can see some old and broken furniture in the corner of the room. A metal chair and wooden stand lay on the floor alongside some ropes. Broken glass is scattered across the floor. There is a door to the west.”; otherwise: Say “You don’t have anything to cut with.”; otherwise: Say “You already cut the ropes; you don’t see a reason to cut it again.”; Otherwise: If DeathRopes is true: if RopeLength is true: Say “You untie the long rope from the hook and pull it back up. The bottom of the rope is covered in a slimy green film. Trying your best to avoid that side, you trim the rope down to the desired length.”; Now DeathRopes is false; Now hasRope is true; Otherwise: if RopeLength is false: say “You do not know how long you need to cut it.”; if RopeLength is true: say “You slowly trim the rope down to the desired length.”; now hasRope is true; otherwise: Say “You’re not sure if you want to cut that.”; Stop the action. [Wooden Door/Exit========================================================] ExitDarkPlace is an object in the Dark Place. ExitDarkPlace is scenery. The printed name of ExitDarkPlace is “wooden door”. Understand “door” and “wooden door” as ExitDarkPlace. Instead of examining ExitDarkPlace: If RopeFree is true: Say “It is a wooden door. A small window made of bars allows you to look outside. The bars remind you of solitary confinement. Outside of this room seems to be a dimly lit hall. Some light falls just short of the door. Perhaps you can break yourself out of this room.”; Now KnowDoorBreak is true; otherwise: Say “It is a wooden door. There is a small window made of bars. If you could get out of this seat, perhaps you could take a better look.” [Puzzle Solution===========================================================] The old furniture is in the Dark Place. The old furniture is scenery. The description is “A bunch of old furniture. Some of it is broken. Amongst the pile is a few pieces of a broken chair, a table and a chipped lamp.” The printed name of the old furniture is “some old and broken furniture” The heavy wooden table is an undescribed object. The heavy wooden table is in the Dark Place. Understand "table" and “wooden table” as the heavy wooden table. The heavy wooden table can be picked up. Instead of examining old furniture: If KnowDoorBreak is true: now the description of the old furniture is “A bunch of old furniture. The table looks sturdy enough to break the door.”; Say description; otherwise: Say description. Broken Chair is an undescribed object. Broken Chair is in the Dark Place. Instead of examining Broken Chair: If KnowDoorBreak is true: Say “A couple splintering legs broken off of a classic wooden chair. It doesn’t seem hefty enough to break the door.”; Otherwise: say “A couple splintering legs broken off of a classic wooden chair.” Instead of taking Broken Chair: Say “You like your hands not filled with splinters.” Instead of eating Broken Chair: Say “That will hurt your stomach later.” Chipped Lamp is an undescribed object. Chipped Lamp is in the Dark Place. Understand “lamp” and “broken lamp” as Chipped Lamp. Instead of examining Chipped Lamp: Say “The white porcelain, stained in many places, is only chipped in the corner.” Instead of taking Chipped Lamp: If KnowDoorBreak is true: Say “In this wet dungeon, that just looks like a fire hazard. Besides, it would shatter upon striking the door.”; Otherwise: Say “In this wet dungeon, that just looks like a fire hazard.” Instead of eating Chipped Lamp: Say “Why? Just why?”. Instead of examining the heavy wooden table: Say “A heavy wooden table. It seems to be very old.” Instead of taking the heavy wooden table: If KnowDoorBreak is true: now the description of the old furniture is “A bunch of old furniture. Some of it is broken.”; Continue the action; Otherwise: Say “It looks extremely heavy. That would be too cumbersome to carry while you figure out what to do with it.” Instead of opening ExitDarkPlace: If RopeFree is true: Say “The door seems to be locked.”; otherwise: Say “Maybe you should get out of this chair first.” Instead of attacking ExitDarkPlace: Try breaking ExitDarkPlace instead. Instead of breaking ExitDarkPlace: If the player is carrying heavy wooden table: If DoorBroken is less than 2: Say “You lift the table over your shoulder and swing it at the door with all your strength. It lands with a large thud. The door shudders...”; Increase DoorBroken by 1; otherwise: If DoorBroken is 2: Say “You lift the table over your shoulder and swing it at the door with all your strength. It lands with a large thud and the door starts to shake. Sweat piles on your forehead and trickles down your face.”; Increase DoorBroken by 1; otherwise: If DoorBroken is 3: Say “You lift the table over your shoulder and swing it at the door with all your strength. With a large crack, the table breaks apart and the door falls down. Sweat drenches your pale green shirt and engulfs your face.”; Increase DoorBroken by 2; Remove heavy wooden table from play; Change the west exit of Dark Place to Cell Block A; Change the east exit of Cell Block A to Dark Place; now the description of Dark Place is “The room is dark, it is hard to make out the details of the room. The room is poorly furnished, but you can see some old and broken furniture in the corner of the room. A metal chair and wooden stand lay on the floor alongside some ropes. Broken glass is scattered across the floor. There are the ruins of a door to the west.”; otherwise: If DoorBroken is 5: Say “The door is already broken.”; otherwise: If RopeFree is true: Say “You don’t have anything to break it, perhaps you should look around.”; now KnowDoorBreak is true; otherwise: Say “Perhaps you should find a way to get out of the chair first.” [Cell Block A] [Room Declaration] Cell Block A is west of Dark Place. The printed name of Cell Block A is "A Dark Hall?" The description of Cell Block A is "A dimly lit hall. There is a scarce light barely touching the corners of the cracked stone brick wall to your south. [Line Break]The light seeps in from further up the corridor to the north. Though the room could hardly be described as welcoming, its tall ceiling evokes a feeling of grandeur when compared to the cells on its east and west. There is a bench with its back facing the south wall, and a sign posted above it." [Objects] The bench is in Cell Block A. The bench is fixed in place. The description is "A stone bench. Its intricate designs engraved into it deem it too artistic to sit on.". Instead of sitting on bench: Say "Covered in intricate engravings, you can hardly bring yourself to sit on the bench. You instead resign to admiring its beauty." The sign is in Cell Block A. The sign is fixed in place. The description of the sign is "You read the sign. Its shiny, metallic build helps it stand out from its aged surroundings. 'Cell Block A' it says. It looks like that's where you are right now...". CellA1Door is a door. CellA1Door is west of Cell Block A and east of Cell A1. The printed name of CellA1Door is “cell door”. Understand “door”, “cell door”, and “locked door” as CellA1Door. CellA1Door is scenery. The description is “A locked door similar to the one from your cell, although in a much better state. You can look through the keyhole a small bit, but it's mostly blocked from a wedged metal piece inside. Fueled by curiosity, you reach in for the metal thing, but it's too far in to grab. It’s not worth your time.” [Room Discovery Code] knowsCellBlockA is a truth state that varies. knowsCellBlockA is false. Every turn when location is Cell Block A: If knowsCellBlockA is true, now the printed name of Cell Block A is "Cell Block A"; If knowsCellBlockA is true, now the printed name of Dark Place is "Cell A2". Instead of examining the sign: now knowsCellBlockA is true; Say description. [Movement Restrictions] cellA1unlock is a truth state that varies. cellA1unlock is false. Instead of the player going west when the player is in Cell Block A: If cellA1unlock is false: Say "You can see a cell, not quite unlike the one you came out of. There isn't enough light to see what's inside, but you can tell it's empty. Its door is locked." Instead of player going south when the player is in Cell Block A: Say "To your south, there is a stone bench with its back facing a rocky, cracked-brick wall. On the wall, there is a sign that sticks out from its surroundings." [Cell A1] [Room Declaration] Cell A1 is a room. [Hallway Segment (1)] [Room Declaration] Hallway Segment 1 is a room. Hallway Segment 1 is north of Cell Block A. The printed name of Hallway Segment 1 is “Hallway”. The description of the Hallway Segment 1 is "[if unvisited]Though still lined with cracked stone bricks, the hallway has a much lighter air to it.[end if] There are fire-lit torches nestled in the walls, illuminating the rug that lines the floor. The hallway continues to the east and to the west. To the north is an opening with a sign that reads 'Cell Block B', and to the south one that reads 'Cell Block A'. " [Objects] The torch is an object. The torch can be lit or unlit. The torch is lit. The torch is in Hallway Segment 1. Instead of taking the torch when the torch is lit: Say "As you fumble to dethrone the torch off of its high-reaching ledge, you knock it over. It makes an echoing noise as it hits the floor, and the torch is extinguished."; Now the torch is unlit; Now the printed name of the torch is “torch (extinguished)”. The rug is an object. The rug is in Hallway Segment 1. [Dusty Coin] Dusty Coin is an object. The Dusty Coin is undescribed. Dusty Coin is fixed in place. Dusty Coin is in Hallway Segment 1. Understand "coin" as Dusty Coin. Instead of eating Dusty Coin: say "That doesn't seem like a good idea..." After taking the Dusty Coin for the first time: increase the score by 1; say "You feel a sense of pride.". rugTurned is a truth state that varies. rugTurned is false. Instead of looking under the rug: if rugTurned is false: Say "You decide to check underneath the rug in case anything is hiding there, and you find a small, circular object. In spite of it being so dull and dusty, you have trouble recognizing what it is. Upon further inspection, you decide it is a dusty coin. "; Now Dusty Coin is not fixed in place; Now Dusty Coin is described. [Cell Block B] [Room Declaration] Cell Block B is north of Hallway Segment 1. The description is "An eerily empty room, barely any light is able to reach it from the hallway to the south. Its lack of contents makes it seem almost clinical, or at least as clinical as a stonewalled hall can be. There are two unlocked cells in the room, one to your east and one to your west, and between them lies only a small, metallic sign on the north wall." [Coin] Clean Coin is an object. The Clean Coin is undescribed. Clean Coin is fixed in place. Clean Coin is in Cell Block B. Understand "coin" as Clean Coin. Instead of eating Clean Coin: say "You try to taste the Clean Coin. What's the worst that can happen?[Line Break][Line Break] You regret trying the coin, as its bitter, metallic quality lingers sourly on your tongue." After taking the Clean Coin for the first time: increase the score by 1; say "You feel a sense of pride.”. [Objects] A Sign1 is an object in Cell Block B. Sign1 is fixed in place. The printed name of Sign1 is "sign". The description of Sign1 is "[Line Break]A Blank Sign[Line Break][Line Break] ... something feels off about it. It feels like it's hiding something." Understand "sign" as Sign1. After examining sign1: Now the description of sign1 is "The sign is still blank, just as before. You wonder what message it's hiding from everyone.". Instead of searching the sign1: Say "You reach behind the sign in hopes of uncovering its secrets, but alas you do not find any. You do, however, find a coin! Shining as bright as it can with the little light it has, it looks to you like the cleanest coin you've ever seen. You place it on the ground to better admire it."; Now the Clean Coin is described; Now the Clean Coin is not fixed in place. [Movement Restriction] Instead of player going north when the player is in Cell Block B: Say "There is nothing to your north but a stone-brick wall, and a blank metallic sign." [Cell B1] Cell B1 is west of Cell Block B. The description is "A darker, yet equally clinical-feeling residence as the hall to your east. There is nothing notable about the room, besides its cold walls and its deafening silence.[Line Break][Line Break] You should probably leave before you get sucked into it..." [Cell B2] Cell B2 is east of Cell Block B. The description is "As you walk into the room you find it equally eerie as the last. The room is empty, save for a piece of art laying in its corner." [Object] The painting is an object in Cell B2. The description of the painting is "Nothing more than a blank canvas, but a work of art nonetheless. You can't explain how or why, but its white stare was mesmerizing. All that you know is that its confusing, empty state reflected that of its surroundings." Instead of taking the painting: Say "You wouldn't dare disturb anything in the room, it didn't seem smart to ruin its pristine state." [Hallway Segment (2)] [Room Declaration] Hallway Segment 2 is a room. Hallway Segment 2 is west of Hallway Segment 1. The description of Hallway Segment 2 is "A corridor lined with cracked stone bricks, illuminated by torches nestled in the walls and warmed by the rug that lines its otherwise cold, stone floor. To the north and south are openings, signed 'Cell Block D' and 'Cell Block C,' respectively. The hallway continues in its current state to the east, but to the west lies something different. To the west, you can make out what looks to be a flight of stairs leading down..." The printed name of Hallway Segment 2 is “Hallway”. [Objects] The torch1 is an object. The torch1 can be lit or unlit. The torch1 is lit. The torch1 is in Hallway Segment 2. The printed name of torch1 is "torch". Instead of taking the torch1 when the torch1 is lit: Say "You stand on the tips of your toes as you try to reach for the torch on the wall. It seems to be nestled on a high ledge, and you worry you'll knock the torch down and extinguish it by accident. You stop trying to pick up the torch."; Instead of taking the torch1 when the torch1 is unlit: Say "No matter how much you reach, your arms don't seem to be getting any longer." [Cell Block C] [Room Declaration] Cell Block C is south of Hallway Segment 2. The description of Cell Block C is "The otherwise tall ceiling room is made to look small by the clutter of junk that flows throughout it. It looks to have been 'furnished' haphazardly with little regard for its aesthetic value, though you doubt any prospective prisoners would be too bothered by this fact. The room is dimly lit, only light leaking from the hallway illuminates the room, though there's enough light to see. It's hard to find a place to plant your feet as you approach carefully to avoid stepping on anything. The room is littered with various pieces of furniture, along with piles of antique objects that tower over the rest of the room. To your east and your west, are two dimly lit cells both of which seem to have their doors missing. To your south is a stone brick wall lined with junk, and to your north is the hallway whence you came. Who knows what you'll find here with a little searching?" [Antique Coin] The Antique Coin is an object. The Antique Coin is undescribed. Antique Coin is fixed in place. Antique Coin is in Cell Block C. Understand "coin" as Antique Coin. Instead of eating Antique Coin: say "It's worth too much for a mere mortal like me to consume..." After taking the Antique Coin for the first time: increase the score by 1; say "You feel a sense of pride.”. [Objects] Antique Watch is an object. Antique Watch is undescribed. Understand "watch" as Antique Watch. Instead of examining the Antique Watch: Say “The watch hands suggest the time is 2:46, but you stare for a couple minutes and nothing changes. You don’t think it’s accurate.” Instead of taking the Antique Watch: Say “It looks broken, you don’t want it.” A Pile 1 is an object. Pile 1 is fixed in place. Pile 1 is in Cell Block C. The description of Pile 1 is "A towering mess of intriguing objects. You can't properly make out what's in there from just a glance. You wonder if you could search for anything interesting if you tried." The printed name of Pile 1 is "Pile of Junk". The Pile 2 is an object in Cell Block C. Pile 2 is fixed in place. The printed name of Pile 2 is "Sea of So Many Somethings". The description of Pile 2 is "The sea of assorted oddities is impossible to miss. There's something about the unorganized clutter that beckons you to start searching through the mess that lies before you, surrounding you from all sides." Understand "Pile of Junk" as Pile 1. Understand "Sea of So Many Somethings" as Pile 2. Understand "Sea" as Pile 2. Instead of searching Pile 1: If a random number between 1 and 5 is 5: If Antique Watch is undescribed: Say "As you thrust your hands into the pile, desperate to find something worth of value, you find yourself hitting something metal. As you pull it out its reflection dances across the room. You take a closer look at what is in your hands, and you find it to be a watch. It doesn't seem to work, however, as its handles are loose. You throw it onto the ground where you can see it."; Now Antique Watch is described; Now Antique Watch is not fixed in place; else: Say "You search through the pile, and you pull out [one of] a picture, full of people you don't recognize. You put it back into the pile. [or] a painting, by an unknown artist of an unknown subject. You put it back where you found it. [or] A small toy car. It looks to be missing all its wheels though, so you throw it back onto the pile. [purely at random]" Instead of searching Pile 2: If Antique Coin is undescribed: If a random number between 1 and 5 is 5: Say "Although it's hard searching through the sea, you manage to find something at its bottom. You pull it out with great difficulty, but in the end, it seems to be worth it. You found an antique coin! As you admire its beauty, you wonder how much it must be worth. You place it carefully down onto the ground, somewhere where you know you won't lose it to pick up later."; Now Antique Coin is described; Now Antique Coin is not fixed in place; else: Say "You can't seem to find anything of worth! Looks like most of it was crushed by people trying to walk through the sea on the floor. You still feel like sifting through once more in hopes of finding something." [Movement Restrictions] Instead of player going south when the player is in Cell Block C: Say "You try to make your way to the south wall, but can't seem to find a path through the mess!" Instead of player going west when the player is in Cell Block C: Say "The towers of junk are blocking the doors to the west cell, but you can look at its interior. It looks uneventful." Instead of player going west when the player is in Cell Block C: Say "The door to the east cell is locked, but you can look at its interior. You catch a glimpse of a darkly painted canvas, resembling a bizarre, humanoid figure. You decide not to look at the offputting art any longer." [Cell C1] Cell C1 is east of Cell Block C. [Cell C2] Cell C2 is west of Cell Block C. [Cellblock D] Cellblock D is a room. Cellblock D is north of Hallway Segment 2. “The darkness of the room gives way to your adjusting eyes as you look around. Not a drop of light seems to enter this room.[if unvisited] You reach out blindly to feel where the walls are. Dragging your arm along, your sleeve gets caught on a bump on the wall. You unstick your sleeve and reach out to feel again when a shiver runs through your spine. It was quiet, but you froze. A meek, scratchy, unused voice calls out from the door you stand in front of. Another prisoner?[end if] A giant centipede scurries across the room and over your foot. If your memory does not betray you, cell D1 and D2 should be in here.” [objects] Centipede is an edible undescribed object. Centipede is in Cellblock D. Instead of eating Centipede: Say “You quickly snatch up the small furry bug and shove it down your awaiting gullet. Its panicked wiggles and escape attempts irritate your throat as you swallow it down. It tastes like sour leaves and blood.”; Remove Centipede from play. Instead of examining Centipede: Say “The strangely large creature is running circles around your legs. It’s hard to notice in the dark but you see it scurry into the wall with determination and return seconds later holding a Diamond Coin.” [Coin] Diamond Coin is an undescribed object. Diamond Coin is in Cellblock D. Instead of examining Diamond Coin: Say “Shiny beyond its means, the coin makes a small clink as it falls to the ground. Oh, how pretty it would look in the light. Inscribed on it is ‘Necesse est mihi tablinum prepare.’ you don’t know what it translates to, but it means a lot to you.” Instead of eating Diamond Coin: say "While delicious looking, you would probably choke." After taking the Diamond Coin for the first time: increase the score by 1; say "You feel a sense of pride.” [Movement Restrictions] Instead of the player going west when the player is in Cellblock D: If talked is less than 4: Say “You walk confidently to the west and immediately slam your face into the door. It’s made of a very thick metal, you have no hope of pushing past it.”; Otherwise: Say “Crazed movements do not aid you in your desperate attempts to get the door open. Tears stream down your face as you scrape through layers of rust. Maybe if you clear the lock… no. Deep down, you know that it’s hopeless.” Instead of the player going north when the player is in Cellblock D: Say “In the darkness, it’s hard to see exactly where the walls start or stop, yet you feel a little silly.” [Cell D1] Cell D1 is a room. [door] D1Door is an openable lockable door. D1Door is locked. D1Door is fixed in place. D1Door is east of Cell D1 and west of Cellblock D. The description is “Hidden in the dark corner of the room is a large study metal door. It is covered in rust from top to bottom.” The printed name of D1Door is “Rusty Metal Door”. Understand “metal door” and “rusty metal door” and “door” as D1Door. Instead of unlocking D1Door with something: Say “The keyhole is completely rusted over, even if you had the key, you couldn’t open it.”; Stop the action. Instead of breaking D1Door: Say “You kick the door with all your might, but it doesn't budge.” [Npc] Prisoner is an undescribed person. Prisoner is in Cellblock D. Instead of examining Prisoner: Say “The darkness of the cell covers the prisoner entirely, blocking you from discerning any info about them. Only their voice carries through to you, and just barely.” Instead of shooting Prisoner: say “Even if you could shoot through this giant door, you would never. You’re not a monster.” Talked is a number variable. Talked is 0. Instead of talking to Prisoner: If talked is 0: Say “‘Wh- who are you?’ the prisoner speaks, it’s just more than a whisper, but other than the water drops, there is not too much noise to cover it. ‘But.. there are no guards at this time… the regular is in the guard’s room by now..’ They mumbled to themself. You have to clear your throat to get their attention. ‘A-ah apologies.’ They cough out. ‘I’ve just been down here so long..’ You don’t know how long is long, but you have a guess.”; Increase talked by 1; otherwise if talked is 1: Say “‘This dungeon was created decades back.’ You listen intently, wondering silently how they know all of this. ‘It’s run by this one group, LIVE united or something just as pompous. Personally, I think it’s just a cult.’ Loudly clearing their throat, they continue. ‘Whichever way you cut it, they sure are evil. Running after artifacts just to sell them to the highest bidder. It’s despicable.’ The words were spat out like they burned the prisoner. You can feel the anger pouring out of them from through this thick door. Caught up in this fury, it takes only a few seconds of struggled breathing to bring you both back down.”; Increase talked by 1; otherwise if talked is 2: If RopeLength is true: Say “‘I’ve heard some rumours of things hidden in the lockers there… just some passing statements though.’ the voice was hard to listen to, but they had good insights.”; Increase talked by 1; Otherwise if RopeLength is false: Say “‘Have you seen the sewer down south yet? Watch out for it. The water’s a good 8 feet or so down.’ A pained sound rings through the cell, reverberating off the walls. ‘One prisoner,’ They cough, ‘tried to leave out ‘em… must’ve gotten swept up…cause they never came back. I… I try to imagine they are free now… but…’”; Now RopeLength is true; Increase talked by 1; otherwise if talked is 3: Say “A sharp breath in is the only thing notifying you that they heard you. They grunt and a gross squelching sound echoes through the door. ‘You’re a good soul… I can tell, but I ain’t got much time left’ A pause beats out and you start to speak before you are interrupted. ‘No. Don’t. I’ve had many try. You can’t get me out, it’s just not possible. At my age I don’t think I could even make it up the stairs without..’ They trailed off but you understand just the same. Their voice is shakier than before. You’re no medic, but those sounds cannot be good for someone.”; Increase talked by 1; otherwise if talked is 4: Say “‘Thank you,’ the prisoner starts, ‘you… you gave me hope.’ Loud coughs prevent you from replying. ‘Even though I… must go… I am not scared. I’ve known this was coming. I welcome this, I… I am tired, and this is sleep.’ You’re frozen, unable to think of what to say. ‘Please, do not fight this.’ A long pause passes as the prisoner debates with themself. ‘You need this more than me.’ A bullet rolls out from under the door, stopping on the harsh indents in the rough stone floor. You hesitantly grab it and shove it in your pocket.”; Increase BulletCount by 1; Increase talked by 1; otherwise if talked is 5: Say “You ask for their name, something to remember them by, but there is no response, not even a laboured breath. ‘NO!’ you cry, desperate for them to stay. It cannot be their ending, after all their years here. Screaming, you beg and beg, but still nothing happens.”; Increase talked by 1; Remove Prisoner from play; Otherwise if talked is 6: Say “Regardless of how loud you scream, only your echo responds.” Instead of eating Prisoner: Say “If you could get past this door, eating would be the last of your concerns.” [Cell D2] Cell D2 is a room. Cell D2 is east of Cellblock D. “A cracked and ruined cell showing significant signs of struggle. Whoever was here must’ve fought hard. The bars to the cell are ripped out of the wall, leaving old rusty hinges the only remaining thing on the wall. A waft of something pungent creeps closer to your nose and you recoil.” [Objects] Hinges are an object. Hinges are in Cell D2. The description is “The hinges truly are puny things; it’s a wonder how more of them aren’t ripped in half. Perhaps without the rust, they would look more impressive.” Instead of eating Hinges: Say “Opening and closing the hinge reminds you of a mouth. You feel too strong a kinship to end its life.” Cracks are scenery. Cracks are in Cell D2. The description is “Running through every brick in the wall, ceiling, and floor are large fractured lines. The cracks intensify and increase in number where the door once was.” [Top of Stairs B] Top of the StairsB is a room. "A very small room containing just stairs going down. It’s very run-down and you’re not sure if it’s safe to walk down the stairs." The stairwell door is a door. It is lockable and locked. The stairwell door is east of Top of the StairsB and west of Hallway Segment 2. The printed name of Top of the StairsB is “Top of the Stairs”. Understand “top of the stairs” as Top of the StairsB. Instead of unlocking the stairwell door with something: If the second noun is the small key: Say “You slide the small key into the keyhole and twist it counterclockwise. You hear a click.”; now the stairwell door is unlocked; otherwise: Say “That doesn’t seem to fit.”; Stop the action. StairsThing are scenery. StairsThing are in Top of the StairsB. The description is “Dangerous looking stone stairs falling apart at the edges…and the middle.” The printed name of StairsThing is "stairs". Understand "stairs" as StairsThing. [Dungeon (East Side of the Map)] [Fork in the Hallway] Fork in the Hallway is a room. Fork in the Hallway is east of Hallway Segment 1. "You find yourself in the middle of a hallway. It extends to the north and south. In front of you is a dark stone wall, just the same as every other wall in this dungeon." [South Hallway] South Hallway is a room. South Hallway is south of Fork in the Hallway. "As you look further south into the unending musty hallway, it seems to get wetter and wetter. The air thickens with a heavy foul scent that lingers in your lungs. A dark, ever so slightly moldy wooden door barely hangs to the east wall." Moist Bricks is scenery. Moist Bricks is in South Hallway. The description is “Dripping from each and every brick is a thin layer of green tinted water. When you drag your finger along it, it feels slippery and thick on your hand. Gross.” [Break Room] [Entrance to the Break Room] The LoungeDoor is west of the break room and east of the South Hallway. The LoungeDoor is a door. The LoungeDoor is lockable and locked. The description is “The dark brown wood is soft and wet to the touch with little growth of green interspersed throughout it. Its shiny gray handle and flat design reminds you of the door of your childhood bedroom. A pang rings in your heart.” The printed name is “wooden door”. Understand “door”, “moldy door”, and “wooden door” as LoungeDoor. The silver key unlocks LoungeDoor. Instead of unlocking LoungeDoor with something: If the second noun is the silver key: Say “You slide the silver key into the keyhole and twist it counterclockwise. You hear a click.”; now LoungeDoor is unlocked; otherwise: Say “That doesn’t seem to fit.”; Stop the action. Instead of opening LoungeDoor: If LoungeDoor is unlocked: Say “You twist the doorknob and push the door in. The door groans as it opens.”; now LoungeDoor is open; otherwise: Say “The door is locked.” [Break Room Definition=====================================================] Break Room is a room. “You find yourself in a small lounge with a brown and black tiled floor. A round table fills the center of the room and lockers line the far side of the wall. A dim light bulb hangs down from the ceiling, casting warm light across the room and onto the tiled floor.” The printed name is “Break Room”. [Round Table=============================================================] GunGone is a truth state that varies. GunGone is false. A round table is in the break room. The round table is a supporter. The description is “You look at the round table. The glass tabletop shimmers from the light bulb shining above.[If GunGone is false] A pistol sits on top of the table, next to a pile of papers.[otherwise] A pile of papers sits on top of the table.[end if]”. The papers are an object. The papers are in the break room. The description is “Hundreds of standard pieces of paper strewn about on the table. Printed on some sheets is LIVE Corp. Inc. Lt., you find the name to be ridiculous, but financial records prove that others don't agree.” The indefinite article is “some”. Instead of eating the papers: Say “Not very nutritious, mostly paper cut inducing.” Instead of taking the papers: Say “You couldn’t possibly hold that many.” [Break Room Light Bulb====================================================] Loungelightbulb is in the break room. Loungelightbulb is scenery. The printed name of Loungelightbulb is “light bulb”. The description is “An old incandescent light bulb. It flickers occasionally.” Instead of breaking Loungelightbulb: Say “Why would you do that? Breaking an active light bulb would hurt.”; Stop the action. [Gun====================================================================] BulletCount is a number variable. BulletCount is 1. The pistol is on the round table. The pistol is an openable container. The pistol is closed. The pistol is undescribed. Understand “revolver” and “gun” as the pistol. Instead of examining the pistol: If the location is the break room: Say “An old revolver with a six inch barrel. The barrel says ‘Colt Anaconda’ and ‘.44 Magnum’. You can open the cylinder of the gun to check the bullets. It is slightly rusted. Perhaps a guard forgot it here.”; otherwise: Say “An old revolver with a six inch barrel. The barrel says ‘Colt Anaconda’ and ‘.44 Magnum’. It is slightly rusted. You took it from the break room.” The clip is a part of the pistol. The clip is undescribed. Understand “cylinder” and “bullets” as the clip. Instead of taking the pistol: Now GunGone is true; Continue the action. Instead of examining the clip: If the pistol is closed: Say “You should open the revolver first.”; otherwise: If BulletCount is 1: Say “There is one bullet in there.”; otherwise: Say “There are [BulletCount] bullets in there.” Instead of opening the pistol: Say “You press the release button and swing out the cylinder of the revolver.”; Now the pistol is open. Instead of opening the clip: Say “You press the release button and swing out the cylinder of the revolver.”; Now the pistol is open. Instead of closing the clip: Say “You rotate the cylinder back into place.”; Now the pistol is closed. Instead of closing the pistol: Say “You rotate the cylinder back into place.”; Now the pistol is closed. Instead of inserting [something] into the pistol: Say “That doesn’t fit”; Stop the action. [Wide Lockers ====================================================] WideLockers are in the break room. WideLockers are an openable container. WideLockers are closed. WideLockers are fixed in place. The description is “They line the east wall. They are gray and unusually wide.[If Variable1 is true] You can see a shiny item inside.[end if]”. The printed name is “lockers”. Understand “lockers” as WideLockers. The indefinite article is “some”. Variable1 is a truth state that varies. Variable1 is false. Every turn: if WideLockers are open: if BronzeGone is false: Now Variable1 is true. LockersOver is a truth state that varies. LockersOver is false. Instead of opening WideLockers: If LockersOver is true: Say “The lockers are lying face down on the floor. You do not have the strength to lift them back up.”; otherwise: Say “You swing open the door of a locker.[If BronzeGone is false] Inside the locker is a shiny item.[end if]”; now WideLockers are open. Instead of closing WideLockers: If LockersOver is true: Say “The lockers are lying face down on the floor. You do not have the strength to lift them back up.”; otherwise: Say “You slam the door shut. A loud noise sounds out from the impact.”; now WideLockers are closed. Instead of breaking WideLockers: Say “You kick the lockers. The door collapses inwards with a large bang. As you back away slowly, the lockers slowly lean towards you and fall to the ground with a loud thud, revealing a hole in the east wall.”; Change the east exit of the Break Room to the Backrooms; Change the west exit of the Backrooms to the Break Room; now LockersOver is true; Now the description of the Break Room is “You find yourself in a small lounge. A round table fills the center of the room and lockers line the far side of the wall. A dim light bulb hangs down from the ceiling, casting warm light across the room.” [Bronze coin in the lockers (+ one variable)=====================================] The bronze coin is in the WideLockers. The bronze coin is undescribed. Understand “coin” and “shiny item” as the bronze coin. BronzeGone is a truth state that varies. BronzeGone is false. Instead of examining the bronze coin: Say “A small shiny piece of bronze. Inscribed on it is ‘Loquax est suavior quam Marciam’. You do not know what it translates to but it means a lot to you.” After taking the bronze coin for the first time: Now BronzeGone is true; Increase the score by 1; Say "You feel a sense of pride.”. [Secret Room (Alternate Escape Method)] [Secret Room Variables] CountersTouched is a truth state that varies. CountersTouched is false. CupboardsTouched is a truth state that varies. CupboardsTouched is false. CabinetTouched is a truth state that varies. CabinetTouched is false. RottenTableTouched is a truth state that varies. RottenTableTouched is false. [Secret Room Definition====================================================] The Backrooms is a room. “Light shines in from the break room, revealing a plain white room. It seems to be an old and abandoned break room. The ceiling is slightly collapsed, barely held in place by two pillars; dirt seeps through the cracks. The white tiled ground is covered in dirt and debris. Cupboards and counters line the sides of the room. A rusty sink is in the middle of the counter on the far side of the room; there is a cabinet beneath it. In the center of the room is a table.” The printed name is “A Secret Room?”. [Counters================================================================] The counters are in the Backrooms. The counters are a supporter. The description is “Elegant countertops made of dark marble. The counters are fixed in place. They are covered in thick dust.” The indefinite article is “some”. Instead of touching the counters: Say “You drag your fingers over the dusty tabletop. You feel nothing special.” Every turn: If the location is the Backrooms: If CountersTouched is true: Now the description of the counters is “Elegant countertops made of dark marble. They are covered in thick dust. You can see where you dragged your fingers on the dusty surface.” [Cupboards==============================================================] Some cupboards are in the Backrooms. The cupboards are openable containers. The cupboards are fixed in place. The description is “The cupboards are a chocolate colour that matches the cabinet beneath the sink. Dust covers its doors. [If open] The cupboards each have two layers, but there is nothing inside. [end if]”. The cupboards are closed. Instead of opening the cupboards: Say “You open the cupboards one by one. The cupboards are a chocolate-brown colour on the inside as well. They each have two layers, but there is nothing inside.”; now CupboardsTouched is true; Now the cupboards are open. Instead of touching the cupboards: Say “You drag your fingers over the dusty face of the cupboard door. You feel nothing special.”; now CupboardsTouched is true. Every turn: If the location is the Backrooms: If CupboardsTouched is true: now the description of the cupboards is “The cupboards are a chocolate colour that matches the cabinet beneath the sink. Marks from your fingers remain on the dust that covers its doors. [If open] The cupboards each have two layers, but there is nothing inside. [end if]”. [Rusty Sink==============================================================] The rusty sink is in the Backrooms. The rusty sink is scenery. The description is “It looks like it hasn’t been used in a long time.” Understand “sink” as the rusty sink. Instead of touching the rusty sink: Say “You take a good look at the sink and decide it is best not to give yourself tetanus.” [Cabinet=================================================================] BagGone is a truth state that varies. BagGone is false. The cabinet is in the Backrooms. The cabinet is an openable container. The cabinet is closed. The cabinet is fixed in place. The description is “A chocolate coloured cabinet under the sink. The face of the dusty doors remind you of the cells.” Instead of touching the cabinet: Say “You drag your fingers over the dusty face of the cupboard door. You feel nothing special.”; now CabinetTouched is true. Instead of opening the cabinet: Say “You open the cabinet underneath the sink. It is a chocolate-brown colour on the inside as well.[If BagGone is false] You see a black duffel bag inside.[end if]”; now CabinetTouched is true; now the cabinet is open. Every turn: If the location is the Backrooms: If CabinetTouched is true: now the description of the cabinet is “A chocolate coloured cabinet under the sink. The face of the dusty doors remind you of the cells. Your fingerprints were left on the dust of the handles. [If open] Inside is a black bag.” [RottenTable=============================================================] RottenTable is in the Backrooms. RottenTable is a supporter. The description is “An old dining table covered in thick dust. It reminds you of the round table in the break room. The wooden base is rotting away.” The printed name is “table”. Understand “table” as RottenTable. RottenTable is fixed in place. Instead of touching RottenTable: Say “You drag your fingers over the dusty tabletop. You feel nothing special.” Every turn: If the location is the Backrooms: If RottenTableTouched is true: now the description of RottenTable is “An old dining table covered in thick dust. You can see where you dragged your fingers over the dusty surface. It reminds you of the round table in the break room. The wooden base is rotting away.” [Black Duffel Bag==========================================================] The bag is in the cabinet. The bag is an openable container. The bag is closed. The bag is undescribed. The description is “An old black Herschel duffel bag. Its straps are worn out and several holes can be found on the side of the bag. The zipper isn’t very smooth either.” The printed name is “black duffel bag”. Understand “duffel”, “duffle”, “duffel bag”, “duffle bag”, “black duffle bag”, and “black duffel bag” as the bag. Instead of touching the bag: Say “You drag your fingers over the rough fabric of the duffel bag. You feel nothing unusual.” Instead of slashing the bag: Say “There is no reason to do that.” Instead of taking the bag: Now BagGone is true; Continue the action. Rule for printing the name of the bag while taking inventory when closed: say "black duffel bag"; omit contents in listing. [C4 and Detonator=========================================================] The C4 is in the bag. The description is “It’s one block of C4, a type of plastic explosive. [If the location is the Backrooms] You wonder who would leave such an item here. [end if] It weighs about half a kilogram. It can be activated with a detonator.” Understand “explosives”, “plastic explosives”, and “bomb” as the C4. The indefinite article is “some”. Instead of slashing the C4: Say “You’re not confident enough to cut the explosives.” The detonator is in the bag. The description is “A small device attached to a button with wire. It can be used to set off explosives.” [Top of Sewer] Top of Sewer is a room. Top of Sewer is south of South Hallway. “The sound of rushing water fills your ears. Confused, you look around only to see dark slimy bricks. About two meters in front of you, the bricks suddenly drop off to nothing. You can't tell how deep the water is, not just by listening to the noise. Maybe if you threw something at the water, you could gauge its depth. A meter west of you is a large c-shaped bump in the ground, it looks very securely attached to the ground.” [Scenery] Understand “bump”, “post”, “mooring” and “notch” as The hook The hook is an object. The hook is fixed in place. The hook is in Top of Sewer. The description is “A small curved C-shaped hook coming out of the ground. This looks like you could attach some rope to it.” Understand “noise”, “water”, “sound”, “liquid” and “sewer” as TopSewage. TopSewage is scenery. TopSewage is in Top of Sewer. “A loud rushing noise, the water has to be moving fast. One jump into that would be a death sentence. The scent carries all the way up to where you’re standing. It’s rancid.” The printed name of TopSewage is “sewage”. Understand "sewage" as TopSewage. [Throwing] Check throwing: Say “You do not know what you are throwing that at, so you stop."; stop the action; After reading a command: if the player's command matches "throw pebbles": say "You do not know what you are throwing the pebbles at, so you stop."; stop the action. Instead of throwing Pebbles1 at [something]: if the second noun is TopSewage: if RopeLength is true: say "The pebbles land in the water with a splash, confirming the distance down."; otherwise: say "You throw the pebbles and wait. One… Two… Three... You count the seconds until the 'plop' of them hitting the water hits your ears. You must be eight feet above the water."; now RopeLength is true; otherwise: Say "You're not sure you want to throw pebbles there." Instead of throwing Pebbles2 at [something]: if the second noun is TopSewage: if RopeLength is true: say "The pebbles land in the water with a splash, confirming the distance down."; otherwise: say "You throw the pebbles and wait. One… Two… Three... You count the seconds until the 'plop' of them hitting the water hits your ears. You must be eight feet above the water."; now RopeLength is true; otherwise: Say "You're not sure you want to throw pebbles there." [Tie] Check attaching the rope to [something]: Say “You can’t seem to find a place to attach it to.” DeathRopes is a truth state that varies. DeathRopes is false. Instead of the player attaching the rope to the hook: If hasRope is true: Say “You affix the newly cut rope to the hook on top of the sewer ledge.”; now TieRope is true; Now the ropes are in Top of Sewer; Otherwise: Say “You affix the long dragging rope to the hook on top of the sewer ledge.”; Now the ropes are in Top of Sewer; Now DeathRopes is true. [Movement Restrictions] Instead of player going down when the player is in Top of Sewer: if TieRope is true: say “With full trust in your knot-tying skills and using the appropriately lengthed frayed rope, you start to slowly bring yourself down. The rope is just long enough to bring you to a little ledge.”; continue the action; If DeathRopes is true: Say “You slowly start to lower yourself using the rope you just tied. As you’re climbing, the rope gets pulled by the strong force of the sewage, shaking you around. You think you can make it, that you are strong enough, but you aren’t. The force is too strong and the rope gets pulled out from under you. You fall, tumbling into the water and knocking your head on the sharp rocks beneath. If only your rope was shorter.”; Otherwise: say “You jump down into the sewage and get swept away into the tight sewer tunnels. You struggle, but your swimming skills are futile against the raging water. Maybe your body will end up in a river close to a city in a couple of weeks. If only you had a safe way down.”; End the game in death. Instead of the player going south when the player is in Top of Sewer: Say “You jump over the edge of the sewer grid in hopes of a southern ledge. Your hopes do not come true. You face plant into the wall and slide down into the gross sewage below. The powerful current sweeps you up and you are dragged away before you know it.”; End the game in death. [Sewer] LowerSewer is a room. LowerSewer is down from Top of Sewer. "You are standing on a small platform hidden underneath an overhang. The walls look carved out of the stone. Attached to the innermost wall is a lopsided shelf with a box and many bottles on top. To your left is a couple dressers and assorted furniture, and to your right is a little dapper rat." The printed name of LowerSewer is “Sewer”. [Background] Shelf is scenery. Shelf is in LowerSewer. The description is "You think it's made of wood, but now it's more mold and rot than wood. It's covered in a thick layer of dust, with some small, rat shaped footprints in it." Rotten Furniture is scenery. Rotten Furniture is in LowerSewer. The description is "A few chewed-through dressers with obvious water damage." LowerSewage is a scenery. LowerSewage is in LowerSewer. "An extremely fast moving stream right behind you. The water is a pale brown colour and reeks of an unpleasant odor.” The printed name of LowerSewage is “sewage” Understand “sewage”, “sewer water”, and “water” as LowerSewage. Some bottles are an object. Some bottles are in LowerSewer. Some bottles are fixed in place. The description is "A mismatched collection of differently coloured bottles. A tall one made of musty green glass seems to shine at certain angles." Understand “bottles” as Some bottles. [Small Key] Understand "green bottle", "tall bottle", "bottle", and "musty green glass" as The eye-catching bottle. The eye-catching bottle is an undescribed object. The eye-catching bottle is in LowerSewer. Instead of examining the eye-catching bottle: say "You can barely see past the foggy glass, but you swear there is something shining inside." Instead of dropping the eye-catching bottle: say "Frustrated, after being unable to shove your hand in the tiny neck of the bottle, you throw it into the ground. The bottle smashes into pieces. Behind you, the mouse squeaks in alarm and covers its eyes with its paws. On the ground, in the pile of glass that remains, is a small key."; Remove the eye-catching bottle from play; Now the small key is in the location of the player. Instead of breaking the eye-catching bottle: say "Frustrated, after being unable to shove your hand in the tiny neck of the bottle, you throw it into the ground. The bottle smashes into pieces. Behind you, the mouse squeaks in alarm and covers its eyes with its paws. On the ground, in the pile of glass that remains, is a small key."; Remove the eye-catching bottle from play; Now the small key is in the location of the player. Instead of throwing the eye-catching bottle at [something]: say "Frustrated, after being unable to shove your hand in the tiny neck of the bottle, you throw it into the ground. The bottle smashes into pieces. Behind you, the mouse squeaks in alarm and covers its eyes with its paws. On the ground, in the pile of glass that remains, is a small key."; Remove the eye-catching bottle from play; Now the small key is in the location of the player. Pile of Glass is scenery. Pile of Glass is in LowerSewer. The description is “A few sharp glass pieces surrounded by glass dust. You don’t want to touch it.” The small key is an object. The description is "A tiny, shiny silver key." [Rat and cheese] A rat is a person. A rat is in LowerSewer. The cardboard box is an unlocked openable closed container. The cardboard box is in LowerSewer. The description is "A raggedy old cardboard box, held together by tape and hope. It's sitting on a high wooden shelf." Understand “box” and “cardboard” as the cardboard box. Cheese is an edible undescribed object. Cheese is in Box. Instead of examining Cheese: say "A small chunk of bright yellow, holey cheese." Instead of opening Box: say "You rip open the tape at the top of the box, revealing some cheese in the center of the box."; now Box is open. Instead of sitting on a rat: Say “Tired, you slump to the ground in the corner, directly onto the rat. It squeaks and tries to run, but it’s too slow. You thump onto the ground with a sigh and flatten the rat. Its arms and legs spread out across the floor. You notice the little rat tail sticking out from underneath you and scramble to get up. The rat, thankfully still alive, gets up and runs in a circle. It seems mad, but it understands you made a mistake.” Every turn: If the player’s command matches “ask rat for forgiveness”: If MeanRat is true: Say “It’s too late for forgiveness.”; Otherwise: Say “The rat runs up to your leg and hugs it. Its mouth curls up in an attempt to smile. The rat forgives you.” Instead of talking to a rat: if MeanRat is false: say "The rat squeaks back to you, imitating a conversation. Does it know?"; if MeanRat is true: say "It's too late." NiceRat is a truth state that varies. NiceRat is false. MeanRat is a truth state that varies. MeanRat is false. Instead of giving [something] to a rat: if MeanRat is false: if the noun is Cheese: say "It's beady eyes nearly pop out of its head as it runs to you excitedly. It grabs the cheese and scurries off, turning its head once as if to say thank you. You are content."; remove Cheese from play; now NiceRat is true; increase the score by 1; otherwise: say "The rat grabs it with its tiny paws, runs around with it, and turns it, before dropping it at your feet. It does not need it."; stop the action; if MeanRat is true: say "It's too late." Instead of eating [something]: if the noun is Box: say "Even if it wasn't moldy, you wouldn't want to eat that."; if the noun is a rat: say "As you reach for the rat, it notices you and squeaks loudly. Eyes filling with rage, it dodges your attacks and bites your hand. You now are hurt and it is mad. Are you happy?"; if the noun is Small Key: say "Probably too useful to have to wait until it passes."; if the noun is the eye-catching Bottle: say "Not very appetising."; if the noun is Bottles: say "You're not that hungry."; if the noun is Shelf: say "Just as you open your mouth to bite, you have a moment of clarity and stop."; if the noun is Cheese: say "The first food you've seen in this wretched place was too hard to ignore. You chomped down on the delectable piece, not noticing the small sad squeaks in the corner of the room. Quietly, the rat, with tears in it's eyes, scurries away."; now MeanRat is true. [North Hallway] North Hallway is a room. North Hallway is north of Fork in the Hallway. "Another dark stone hallway, you’re starting to get bored. There are signs of wear in a straight line on the floor, leading to and from to the door on your right. The door reads ‘Guard Room’ in washed out text on a brass plaque. In front of you is another door with a faded green and white stair symbol, off-set from the center. Small pebbles litter the ground, in between piles of dust and dirt. Near the ceiling are a couple loose falling wires, held together by electrical tape and small metal brackets." Wires are scenery. Wires are in North Hallway. The description is “Both wires are a dark gray, but the top one looks much more used. The outside is more tape than wire and it’s covered in a thick layer of dust.” Instead of eating Wires: Say “You don’t feel like dying right this moment.” Pebbles2 are an object. Pebbles2 are in North Hallway. The description is “A bunch of small pebbles littered around the ground.” The printed name of Pebbles2 is “pebbles”. Understand “pebbles” as Pebbles2. The indefinite article is “some”. Instead of eating Pebbles2: Say “mmmmmmm…..rock candy…” Instead of going north when the player is in North Hallway: if DoorUp is unlocked: if DoorUp is closed: say "You twist the doorknob and push the door in. The door groans as it opens."; now the player is in Bottom of Stairwell instead; otherwise: now the player is in Bottom of Stairwell instead; otherwise: say "You pull on the handle fruitlessly, only disturbing the door. The door is still locked." [Door going up] The DoorUp is south of Bottom of Stairwell and north of the North Hallway. The DoorUp is a door. The DoorUp is fixed in place. The DoorUp is lockable and locked. The printed name is “stairwell door”. Understand “front door”, “door”, “green and white door”, “dark blue door”, “blue door”, “stair door” and “stairwell door” as DoorUp. The description is “A patchy dark blue door, reminiscent of warehouses, stands tall in front of you. Slightly to the right of the center is a small white square with a green flight of stairs on it. The door does not have a keyhole, but next to the handle, affixed to the stone wall, is a small black box.” Understand “black box” and “box” as Reader. Reader is scenery. Reader is in North Hallway. The description is “There is a blinking red light in the top right corner of the ribbed box. It’s around the size of your hand. Upon further inspection, it appears to be a card reader.” Instead of unlocking DoorUp with something: If the second noun is the keycard: Say “You tap the keycard onto the small black reader and wait. It only takes two seconds for a little beep to sound out and the door to unlock.”; now DoorUp is unlocked; otherwise: Say “There is no place for that here.”; Stop the action. Instead of opening DoorUp: If DoorUp is unlocked: Say “You twist the doorknob and push the door in. The door groans as it opens.”; now DoorUp is open; otherwise: Say “The door is locked.” [GuardDoor] The GuardDoor is west of the Guard Room and east of the North Hallway. The GuardDoor is a door. The GuardDoor is fixed in place. The GuardDoor is lockable and locked. The brass key unlocks the GuardDoor. The printed name of GuardDoor is “wooden door”. Understand “door” and “wooden door” and “guard door” as GuardDoor. The description of GuardDoor is “A dark oak door. It has fancy carvings etched onto its face. There is a brass plaque that says ‘Guard Room’.” [Guard Room] Guard Room is a room. “A lushly decorated office. By the east wall is a desk with a computer. [If GuardActive is true] Sitting at the desk is what seems to be a guard. He is playing Tetris. [end if] [If GuardShot is true] A bullet is lodged in the right side of the monitor; you can see a few streaks of pink and green on the broken screen. Laying in a puddle of blood in the centre of the room is the guard of this building.[end if] Beside the desk are a couple of drawers. There are lockers on the west wall beside the door.” [Bureau/Chest of Drawers===================================================] The bureau is in the Guard Room. The bureau is an openable container. The bureau is closed. The bureau is fixed in place. The description is “A fancy chest of drawers. It seems to be made of walnut. The top of the bureau has black epoxy running down the middle. It reminds you of a river table. [If open] Inside the drawers are piles and piles of tax return documents belonging to a number of different people [end if].” Instead of opening the bureau: If GuardActive is true: Say “You try to open a drawer, but the guard notices you.”; Now GuardAttention is 0; Otherwise: Continue the action. [Variables for Items inside Beige Lockers======================================] CopperGone is a truth state that varies. CopperGone is false. BatonGone is a truth state that varies. BatonGone is false. Instead of taking the copper coin: Now CopperGone is true; Continue the action. Instead of taking the baton: Now BatonGone is true; Continue the action. [Beige Lockers============================================================] BeigeLockers are an openable container in the Guard Room. BeigeLockers is closed. The description is “Some unusually wide beige lockers. Some paint has been chipped off after years of use. [If LockersOver is true] They appear to be the same lockers that you broke in the break room, but in a different colour [end if].” The printed name of BeigeLockers is “lockers”. The indefinite article is “some”. Understand “lockers” as BeigeLockers. BeigeLockers are fixed in place. Instead of opening BeigeLockers: Say “You swing open the door of a locker.[If BatonGone is false] There is a baton inside.[end if] [If CopperGone is false] You see light shining off an object inside.[end if]”; Decrease GuardAttention by 1; Now BeigeLockers is open. Instead of closing BeigeLockers: Say “You slam the door shut. A loud noise sounds out from the impact.”; Now GuardAttention is 0; Now BeigeLockers is closed. [Copper Coin=============================================================] The copper coin is in the BeigeLockers. The copper coin is undescribed. Understand “coin” and “shiny item” and “shiny object” and “shine” as the copper coin. Instead of examining the copper coin: Say “A small shiny piece of copper. Inscribed on it is ‘Quintus est stultior quam corvum.’ You do not know what it translates to but it means a lot to you.” After taking the copper coin for the first time: Now CopperGone is true; Increase the score by 1; Say "You feel a sense of pride.”. [Baton==================================================================] The baton is in the BeigeLockers. The baton is undescribed. The description is “A collapsible police baton. It appears to be made of black steel. The rubber handle is worn at the edges. You can probably use it to hit someone over the head.” [Square Coin=============================================================] The square coin is an object. Understand “coin” and “purple thing” as the square coin. The description is “A small t-shaped piece of metal. Inscribed on it is ‘Grumio t-spin potest. Grumio est melior quam Clementem ad Tetris.’ You do not know what it translates to but it means a lot to you.” [Keycard================================================================] The keycard is an object. The description is “A black plastic card. It unlocks the door of Stairwell A. You picked it up from the guard room after defeating [if MattieJeff is true]Matt Jefferson[otherwise]the guard[end if].” After taking the square coin for the first time: Increase the score by 1; Say "You feel a sense of pride.”. [Guard Variables==========================================================] GuardAttention is a number variable. GuardAttention is 5. GuardActive is a truth state that varies. GuardActive is true. GuardAction is a number variable. GuardAction is 0. GuardShot is a truth state that varies. GuardShot is false. GuardHitCounter is a number variable. GuardHitCounter is 0. MattieJeff is a truth state that varies. MattieJeff is false. KeycardGiven is a truth state that varies. KeycardGiven is false. TetrisGiven is a truth state that varies. TetrisGiven is false. MoreKnowledge is a truth state that varies. MoreKnowledge is false. [Guard Timer=============================================================] Every turn when the location is Guard Room: If GuardActive is true: If GuardAttention is 0: Increase GuardAction by 1. Every turn: If the location is Guard Room: If GuardAttention is greater than 0: Decrease GuardAttention by 1; Otherwise: If GuardAttention is less than 5: Increase GuardAttention by 1. [Guard/Matt Jefferson======================================================] Matt Jefferson is a man in the Guard Room. The description is “A big muscular man dressed in a black leather jacket with epaulets and navy pants. His black peaked cap makes you think he is the guard of this creepy building.” The printed name is "guard". The indefinite article is "a". Understand “guard” and “Matt” and “Jefferson” as Matt Jefferson. Every turn when the location is the Guard Room: If GuardAction is 1: Say “‘Hey! How did you get here!’ the guard shouts at you.”; Otherwise: If GuardAction is 2: Say “The guard slams you to the floor, and you hear several of your ribs break. He pulls some handcuffs out of his jacket and locks you up.”; End the game in death. Instead of talking to Matt Jefferson: If GuardActive is false: Say “20 years of military experience… defeated by a youngster like this…’ he mutters to himself.”; Otherwise: If GuardHitCounter is 2: Say “‘20 years of military experience… defeated by a youngster with my own stick…’ he mutters to himself.”; Otherwise: Say “‘WHAT?’ the guard shouts in confusion. He tackles you to the floor, and you hear several of your ribs break. He pulls some handcuffs out of his jacket and locks you up. That’s what you get for ruining his game of Tetris.”; End the game in death. Every turn: If the player’s command matches “ask Matt Jefferson”: If GuardActive is false: Say “You can ask the guard about [Line break] (1) Escaping [Line break] (2) His name [Line break] (3) The purpose of capturing you [Line break] (4)Tetris”; Otherwise: If GuardActive is true: Say “‘WHAT?’ the guard shouts in confusion. He tackles you to the floor, and you hear several of your ribs break. He pulls some handcuffs out of his jacket and locks you up. That’s what you get for ruining his game of Tetris.”; End the game in death. Every turn: If the player’s command matches “ask the guard”: If GuardActive is false: Say “You can ask the guard about [Line break] (1) Escaping [Line break] (2) His name [Line break] (3) The purpose of capturing you [Line break] (4)Tetris”; Otherwise: If GuardActive is true: Say “‘WHAT?’ the guard shouts in confusion. He tackles you to the floor, and you hear several of your ribs break. He pulls some handcuffs out of his jacket and locks you up. That’s what you get for ruining his game of Tetris.”; End the game in death. Every turn: If the player’s command matches “ask guard”: If GuardActive is false: Say “You can ask the guard about [Line break] (1) Escaping [Line break] (2) His name [Line break] (3) The purpose of capturing you [Line break] (4)Tetris”; Otherwise: If GuardActive is true: Say “‘WHAT?’ the guard shouts in confusion. He tackles you to the floor, and you hear several of your ribs break. He pulls some handcuffs out of his jacket and locks you up. That’s what you get for ruining his game of Tetris.”; End the game in death. Instead of asking Matt Jefferson about [something]: If GuardActive is false: If the player's command includes “escaping”: If KeycardGiven is false: Say “Here, have my keycard.' The guard fetches a keycard out of his jacket and tosses it onto the ground. 'You'll find your way out through the stairwell in the North Hallway.’”; Now the keycard is in the Guard Room; Now KeycardGiven is true; Otherwise: Say “‘Use the keycard I gave you in the North Hallway. You’ll find your way out there.’”; Otherwise: If the player's command includes “name”: Say “The name’s Jefferson, Matt Jefferson.’”; Now the printed name of the guard is “Matt Jefferson”; Now MattieJeff is true; Otherwise: If the player's command includes “purpose”: If GuardHitCounter is less than 3: Say “‘I’ll suffer a fate worse than death if I tell you that,’ the guard says dully.”; Now MoreKnowledge is true; Otherwise: Say “‘You took a sacred artifact from the Moss Druid Cult,’ the guard says hesitantly with a shaky voice. ‘They operate under the name LIVE Corp. Inc. They’ve probably already searched your house and taken what they needed; they should be back soon.’ [Line break] [Line break] ‘Please don’t kill me,’ he pleads after a brief moment of silence. ‘I only took this job for the money, I didn’t hurt you!’ [line break] [line break] You look away without saying a word”; Otherwise: If the player's command includes “tetris”: If TetrisGiven is false: Say “‘AHAHAHAHAHAH! You are a man of culture!’ The guard throws a purple thing onto the ground.”; Now square coin is in the Guard Room; Otherwise: Say “‘You are a man of culture!’ the guard says excitedly. ‘I wish I knew how to t-spin though…’”; Otherwise: Say “You can ask the guard about [Line break] (1) Escaping [Line break] (2) His name [Line break] (3) The purpose of capturing you [Line break] (4)Tetris”; Otherwise: If GuardActive is true: Say “‘WHAT?’ the guard shouts in confusion. He tackles you to the floor, and you hear several of your ribs break. He pulls some handcuffs out of his jacket and locks you up. That’s what you get for ruining his game of Tetris.”; End the game in death. [Guard Reaction to Getting Shot===========================================] Instead of shooting Matt Jefferson: If the pistol is closed: If BulletCount is greater than 0: If GuardShot is false: If GuardHitCounter is zero: Now GuardActive is false; Now GuardShot is true; Decrease BulletCount by 1; Say “A deafening noise roars as you pull the trigger and echoes in the room. Your bullet sinks into the guard’s shoulder and pushes it forward, ruining his game of Tetris. Blood flows out of the wound and sinks into the ground like a crimson waterfall. Your wrist is sore from the recoil. [Line break] ‘ARGHHHHH!’ the guard lets out a delayed scream of agony and rolls onto the floor, clutching his shoulder. [Line break] ‘Don’t even think of resisting,’ you say with a cold voice.”; Otherwise: Say “You already struck the guard. There’s no need to shoot him now”; Otherwise: Say “You fire another shot at the guard. The bullet sinks cleanly into his forehead. As the echo of the gunshot subsides, you begin to process your own actions. The horror of what you’ve done seeps into your soul and you drop to the floor with trembling hands. The silence that remains eats away slowly at your sanity.”; End the game in death; Otherwise: If BulletCount is less than 1: Say “A loud click sounds out from your gun. [If GuardActive is true]The guard spins around from his chair.[end if]”; Now GuardAttention is 0; Otherwise: Say “You can’t shoot if the cylinder is sticking out the side. Perhaps you should close your pistol first.” Instead of kissing Matt Jefferson: Say “Locking eyes, you feel the intensity of his gaze searing your soul. Simultaneously, you move forward, crashing together in a fiery passion. You kiss passionately, pushing as much love as you can through your locked lips. Logic slams back into you the second you break off, and you turn around, ashamed. ‘Maybe in another life?’ he says in a defeated tone. You’re silent for a long time before mumbling back a quiet ‘Maybe…’ You separate and return to what you were doing before.” After reading a command: if the player's command matches "ask guard": say "What do you want to ask him about?"; stop the action. [Guard Reaction to Getting Beat Up===========================================] BatonCountdown is a truth state that varies. BatonCountdown is false. BatonCount is a number variable. BatonCount is 0. Every turn when the location is Guard Room: If BatonCountdown is true: Increase BatonCount by 1. Every turn when the location is Guard Room: If BatonCount is 2: Say “The guard suddenly brings himself back onto his feet and rushes at you. You swing your baton, but he ducks and skillfully shoots a double leg takedown. The guard slams you to the floor, and you hear several of your ribs break. He pulls some handcuffs out of his jacket and locks you up.”; End the game in death. [Beating up Guard feat. Multiple Death Scenarios================================] Instead of attacking Matt Jefferson: If GuardShot is false: If the player is carrying the baton: If GuardHitCounter is 0: If GuardAction is less than 1: Increase GuardHitCounter by 1; Now GuardActive is false; Now BatonCountdown is true; Say “You hear the sound of whistling steel as you swing the baton downwards with both hands. [Line break] CRACK [Line break] You hear a gruesome noise as the baton strikes his skull. [Line break] ‘ARGHHHHH!’ the guard lets out a delayed scream of agony and rolls onto the floor, holding his head. [Line break] ‘Don’t move,’ you say with a cold voice.”; Otherwise: If a random chance of 2 in 3 succeeds: Increase GuardHitCounter by 1; Now GuardActive is false; Now BatonCountdown is true; Say “You hear the sound of whistling steel as you swing the baton downwards with both hands. [Line break] CRACK [Line break] You hear a gruesome noise as the baton strikes his skull. [Line break] ‘ARGHHHHH!’ the guard lets out a delayed scream of agony and rolls onto the floor, holding his head. [Line break] ‘Don’t move,’ you say with a cold voice.”; Otherwise: Say “The guard expertly parries your baton and twists it out of your hands. Disarmed and overpowered, there’s nothing you can do. The guard slams you to the floor, and you hear several of your ribs break. He pulls some handcuffs out of his jacket and locks you up.”; End the game in death; Otherwise if GuardHitCounter is 1: Increase GuardHitCounter by 1; Now BatonCountdown is false; Say “The baton whistles violently as it finds its way towards his skull once again. [Line break] *THUNK* [Line break] You miss your target and the baton lands firmly against the back of the guard’s shoulders. [Line break] ‘Okay! Okay! I won’t move!’ the guard shouts in pain. [Line break] You see the handcuffs inside his jacket and cuff him to the chair.”; Otherwise if GuardHitCounter is 2: If MoreKnowledge is false: Say “You already cuffed his hands together. He is of no harm to you.”; Otherwise: Say “In an attempt to make him speak, you whip your fist towards the guard’s face, which strikes his cheek with a dull thud. Blood trickles out of the guard’s mouth as he widens his eyes in surprisement. You snatch him by his collar. [Line break] [line break] ‘You will tell me everything you know without leaving out a single detail,’ you state menacingly. [Line break] [Line break] You drop the guard back onto the ground.”; Increase GuardHitCounter by 1; Otherwise if GuardHitCounter is 3: Say “The guard already surrendered and his hands are cuffed together. He is of no harm to you.”; Otherwise: If GuardHitCounter is 0: If GuardAction is less than 1: If a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: Increase GuardHitCounter by 1; Now GuardActive is false; Now BatonCountdown is true; Say “You swing at his head with both your hands together like a club. [Line break] *THUNK* [Line break] You feel a terrible pain in your hands as it collides with his skull. Nonetheless, the guard falls onto the floor, clutching his head. ‘ARGHHHHH!’ the guard lets out a delayed scream of agony and rolls onto the floor, holding his head. [Line break] ‘Don’t move,’ you say with a cold voice.”; Otherwise: Say “The guard spins around rapidly from his chair and kicks you in the stomach. Winded and overpowered, there’s nothing you can do. The guard slams you to the floor, and you hear several of your ribs break. He pulls some handcuffs out of his jacket and locks you up.”; End the game in death; Otherwise: Say “The guard surges from his chair and kicks you in the stomach. Winded and overpowered, there’s nothing you can do. The guard slams you to the floor, and you hear several of your ribs break. He pulls some handcuffs out of his jacket and locks you up.”; End the game in death; Otherwise if GuardHitCounter is 1: Increase GuardHitCounter by 1; Now BatonCountdown is false; Say “You shoot a vehement kick at the guard’s back. [Line break] *TWACK* [Line break] ‘Okay! Okay! I won’t move!’ the guard shouts in pain. [Line break] You see the handcuffs inside his jacket and cuff him to the chair.”; Otherwise if GuardHitCounter is 2: If MoreKnowledge is false: Say “You already cuffed his hands together. He is of no harm to you.”; Otherwise: Say “In an attempt to make him speak, you whip your fist towards the guard’s face, which strikes his cheek with a dull thud. Blood trickles out of the guard’s mouth as he widens his eyes in surprisement. You snatch him by his collar. [Line break] [line break] ‘You will tell me everything you know without leaving out a single detail,’ you state menacingly. [Line break] [Line break] You drop the guard back onto the ground.”; Increase GuardHitCounter by 1; Otherwise if GuardHitCounter is 3: Say “The guard already surrendered and his hands are cuffed together. He is of no harm to you.”; Otherwise: Say “You already shot him. He is of no harm to you.” [Guard Description Changes=================================================] Every turn when the location is Guard Room: If GuardShot is true: Now the description of Matt Jefferson is “A big muscular man wearing a black peaked cap dressed in a black leather jacket with epaulets and navy pants. He is laying in a puddle of blood in the centre of the room after you shot him. He is the guard of this creepy building. [If MattieJeff is true] His name is Matt Jefferson.[otherwise] Perhaps you can ask him about something. [end if]”; Otherwise: If GuardHitCounter is 1: Now the description of Matt Jefferson is “A big muscular man wearing a black peaked cap dressed in a black leather jacket with epaulets and navy pants. He is holding his head on the ground. He appears to be the guard of this creepy building. [If MattieJeff is true] His name is Matt Jefferson.[otherwise] Perhaps you can ask him about something. [end if]”; Otherwise: If GuardHitCounter is 2: Now the description of Matt Jefferson is “A big muscular man wearing a black peaked cap dressed in a black leather jacket with epaulets and navy pants. He is lying on the floor after you beat him thoroughly. He appears to be the guard of this creepy building. [If MattieJeff is true] His name is Matt Jefferson.[otherwise] Perhaps you can ask him about something. [end if]”. [Bottom of Stairwell] [doorup stuff] Reader 2 is scenery. Reader 2 is in Bottom of Stairwell. The printed name of Reader 2 is "Reader". The description is “Same as its counterpart on the other side.” Understand "reader" as Reader 2. [Room] Bottom of Stairwell is a room. Bottom of Stairwell is down from Top of Stairwell. “[if unvisited]You step foot through the creaking industrial door, and immediately slip. You are fed up with the wet, mossy stone. [end if]The air smells of mildew and decay, somehow ten times more powerful than the hallway. A mustiness clings to the walls as the sound of dripping water echoes from unseen cracks. Cobwebs stretch across the corners, bridging the gaps across every centimeter of air. The stairs, a combination of falling stones and metal repairs, loom above you, calling you above. A small stream of light shakes you from your thoughts.” [Objects] The cobwebs is an object. Cobwebs is in Bottom of Stairwell. The cobwebs is fixed in place. The description is “Thick woven strands littered all over the room. You can't begin to guess how many spiders were here, or how long it took.” The indefinite article is “some”. Instead of taking the cobwebs: Say “Ew. Not only do you hate spiders, but the cobwebs are sticky too.” Puddle is scenery. Puddle is scenery in Bottom of Stairwell. The description is “A small pool of water, collected from the everlasting drops. Hidden beneath the water is a small platinum coin.” Platinum Coin is an undescribed object. Platinum coin is in Bottom of Stairwell. Instead of examining Platinum Coin: Say “The little, ever so slightly squishy coin still shines despite where it was. Inscribed on it is ‘ego Grumionem scīscere volo’. You do not know what it translates to but it means a lot to you.” After taking the Platinum Coin for the first time: increase the score by 1; say "You feel a sense of pride.” [Ending 1] [Top of Stairwell] Top of Stairwell is a room. “As you climb the stairs, you catch a glimpse of light touching the ceiling of the stairwell. Not just any light but a pristine light, one whose rays fill you with an optimistic vigour. [Line Break] [Line Break] Step by step you inch closer to its warmth, its promise of peace. Before you know it, you’ve planted both your feet down at the end of the flight of stairs. North of you lies a door, from which rays of sunshine flood through. North of you lies… freedom.” Instead of the player going down when the player is in Top of Stairwell: Say “You couldn’t possibly return to that wretched place.”; Stop the action. Instead of the player going north when the player is in Top of Stairwell: Say “Opening the exit door you are greeted by the sweet sounds of bird chirping. The fresh air feels like a breath of well… fresh air. You haven’t seen any greenery other than moss in what feels like ages and you reek of sewage. It feels good to be free. [Line break] [Line break] After looking back at the small jut-out room made of mossy stone bricks for the last time, you dash forwards into the forest. Eventually, you find yourself in front of a road. Following the road, you make your way to a bus station, where you hop on a bus home. [Line break] [Line break] You make your way to the back of the bus and sit down. As you watch orange and pink envelop the sky, the blue gently fading away as the sun begins to sink into the horizon, and the fields outside the window turn into skyscrapers, you finally let out the tension in your shoulders. You are home.”; now the player is in Home instead. [DOWNSTAIRS] [Bottom of the Stairs] Bottom of the StairsB is a room. Bottom of the StairsB is down from Top of the StairsB. “A small crowded landing zone. You feel claustrophobic just standing in here. To the east is a green door, your escape from this wretchedly small room.” The printed name of Bottom of the StairsB is “Bottom of the Stairs”. Understand “bottom of the stairs” as Bottom of the StairsB. The green door is east of Bottom of the StairsB and west of Downstairs Hallway. The green door is an openable door. The green door is fixed in place. [Downstairs Hallway] Downstairs Hallway is a room. “[if unvisited]Looking outside of the stairwell, you ask yourself if you have even entered a different floor. It's somehow darker than its upstairs counterpart and a little more run down.[end if] The layout looks relatively similar to the upper floor, with the exception of the south being closed off by a pile of rubble and the giant pool of water down the hallway. Stale air seems frozen in place, barely disturbed by your laboured breathing. It's really hard to see, even with your eyes adjusted to the dark.” [Objects] Pile of Rubble is scenery. Pile of Rubble is in Downstairs Hallway. “It seems like the ceiling fell down, but you swear you saw the floor above look fine. You can see a faint glint beneath a couple of stones.” Understand “rubble” as Pile of Rubble. BlownUp is a truth state that varies. BlownUp is false. Instead of detonating Pile of Rubble: If player is carrying C4: If player is carrying detonator: If BlownUp is false: Say “You attach the detonator to the C4 before burying the explosives in the rubble. You run as far as you can before pressing the button. [Line break] [Line break] *BOOM* [Line break] [Line break] The thunderous noise causes ringing in your ears. Dazed, you look back towards the explosion. As the dust clears, you can see that the rubble was blown into smithereens, revealing a hole underneath. Luckily, the roof didn’t collapse. You walk back into the hallway.”; Remove Pile of Rubble from play; Remove C4 from play; Remove detonator from play; Now BlownUp is true; If the player is not carrying Rocks: Remove Rocks from play; If the player is not carrying Damaged Coin: Remove damaged coin from play; Change the south exit of Downstairs Hallway to Top of Hole; Change the north exit of Top of Hole to Downstairs Hallway; Otherwise: Say “You already blew that to smithereens.”; Otherwise: Say “You have nothing to activate the explosives.”; Otherwise: Say “You have nothing to blow that up with.” The rocks are an object. The rocks are in Downstairs Hallway. The description is “A few chunks of what probably should still be in the walls.” The indefinite article is “some”. Instead of eating the rocks: say "Rock candy is pretty yummy… No, you shouldn't" Instead of taking the rocks: Say “You don’t see how they will be useful.”; Stop the action. Second Puddle of Water is in Downstairs Hallway. Second Puddle of Water is scenery. The printed name of Second Puddle of Water is “Puddle of Water”. The description is “It’s a giant pool of water. In the midst of the dark fluid, you can see a faint shimmer.” Understand “water” and “puddle” and “puddle of water” as the second puddle of water. The brass key is an object in Downstairs Hallway. The brass key is undescribed. The description of the brass key is “An old brass key. The flower shaped bow of the key makes it look rather fancy.” Understand “brass” and “key” and “faint shimmer” and “shimmer” as the brass key. [Coin] Understand “Glint”, “shiny thing”, and “Coin” as Damaged Coin. Damaged Coin is an undescribed object. Damaged Coin is in Downstairs Hallway. Instead of examining Damaged Coin: say “A small bumpy piece of metal. The sides, once rounded, are now indented and rusted from its time down in the dungeon. Inscribed on it is ‘Salvius’. You do not know what it translates to but it means a lot to you.” Instead of eating Damaged Coin: say "While delicious looking, you would probably choke." After taking the Damaged Coin for the first time: increase the score by 1; say "You feel a sense of pride.” [Movement Restrictions] Instead of the player going south when the player is in Downstairs Hallway: If BlownUp is false: Say “Even if the giant pile of rubble was not blocking your path, you don't think it would be smart to walk under such unstable bricks.”; Otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of the player going east when the player is in Downstairs Hallway: Say “You don't really feel like wading through that water right now.” [Cellblock H] Cellblock H is a room. Cellblock H is north of Downstairs Hallway. “Two cells line either wall of the small room. The walls look much more damp than upstairs and have a suspiciously large number of cracks in the bricks.” Understand "Cracks", "Bricks", "Cracks in the bricks" and "Wall" as the Brick. Brick is an undescribed object. Brick is in Cellblock H. The description is “A very loose fitting brick. Maybe something is beneath it?” Instead of taking the Brick: Say “With just a little nudge, the loose cracked brick falls right out of the wall revealing a silver key imbedded to the back of it.”; Continue the action. Silver Key is an undescribed object. Silver Key is in Cellblock H. Instead of examining Silver Key: say “A dull silver key attached to a little leather tag. The tag is too hard to read.” [Cell H1] Cell H1 is a room. Cell H1 is west of Cellblock H. “A small wet cell with wooden scraps on the ground.” Wooden Scraps is an object. Wooden Scraps is in Cell H1. The description is “A few bits of dark wood scattering the ground. It reminds you of the wood chips that are used for playgrounds.” Instead of eating Wooden Scraps: say “Splinters down your throat is not something you want to feel.” [Cell H2] Cell H2 is a room. Cell H2 is east of Cellblock H. “A small cell covered in little bits of greenery. Metal chains fall loose against the walls, attached on one side high above your head. You choose to look away from the blood splattered cuffs on the other end of the chains.” Metal Chains are scenery. Metal Chains are in Cell H2. Understand “chains” as Metal Chains. The description is “Around a meter long and securely attached to the bricks up high. Each cuff, etched with countless dents and scratches, tells tales of anguish and struggle, of a desperation to escape. The smell of iron gets stronger as you approach and you try not to think about why.” Instead of eating Metal Chains: say “Even thinking of that makes you want to puke.” [Maze] [Maze Movement Restrictions] Instead of going north: If the location is RoomOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndThree: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFour: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSix: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Deep Hole: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Forest Pit: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going northeast: If the location is RoomOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Deep Hole: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is ForkBetweenTunnels: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomTwo: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomThree: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomFour: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndTwo: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndThree: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFour: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSix: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSeven: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Forest Pit: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going northwest: If the location is RoomOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Deep Hole: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is ForkBetweenTunnels: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomTwo: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomThree: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomFour: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndTwo: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndThree: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFour: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSix: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSeven: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is FiveWayFork: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going east: If the location is RoomFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndTwo: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndThree: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFour: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSix: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSeven: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is ForkBetweenTunnels: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going west: If the location is RoomOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Deep Hole: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndTwo: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndThree: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFour: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSeven: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Forest Pit: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going south: If the location is RoomTwo: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomThree: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomFour: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndTwo: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSix: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSeven: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Deep Hole: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Forest Pit: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going southwest: If the location is RoomOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Deep Hole: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is ForkBetweenTunnels: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomTwo: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomThree: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomFour: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndTwo: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndThree: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFour: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSix: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSeven: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is FiveWayFork: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Forest Pit: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going southeast: If the location is RoomOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Deep Hole: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is ForkBetweenTunnels: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomTwo: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomThree: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomFour: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is RoomFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndOne: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndTwo: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndThree: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFour: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndFive: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSix: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is DeadEndSeven: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise if the location is Forest Pit: Say “Solid dirt blocks your path.”; Otherwise: Continue the action. [Top of Hole] Top of Hole is a room. “You are standing above a giant hole that was behind the pile of rubble. Little pieces of gravel from the explosion remain scattered around your feet. It seems like there is something beneath you that was not created by the explosion. Looking into the hole, it seems very deep. If you go down, you may not be able to return.” Instead of going east when the location is Top of Hole: Try going down instead. [GasLeak] GasLeakage is a truth state that varies. GasLeakage is false. GasLeak is a number variable. GasLeak is 25. Every turn when the location is Deep Hole: Now GasLeakage is true. Every turn when the location is Forest Pit: Now GasLeakage is false. Every turn when GasLeakage is true: Decrease GasLeak by 1. Every turn when the location is Forest Pit: Increase GasLeak by 1. Every turn: If the location is not Forest Pit: If GasLeak is 20: Say “You start to feel tired.”; Otherwise if GasLeak is 15: Say “Your head starts to hurt.”; Otherwise if GasLeak is 10: Say “You start to feel nauseous and can't think straight.”; Otherwise if GasLeak is 5: Say “Your head feels like it’s about to split and you start to forget what you are doing.”; Otherwise if GasLeak is 0: Say “Your throat begins to feel tight and you grasp your neck. Even though you are breathing, you feel like you are suffocating. Your vision goes black and you collapse to the floor.”; End the game in death. [Deep Hole] Deep Hole is a room. “You find yourself at the bottom of a deep pit. You can still see the ceiling of the hallway you jumped down from. Unfortunately, the hole is too steep to climb up. Unlike the building, everything down here is dirt, with a couple of pebbles here and there. To the east are two tunnels leading north and south. It seems like someone purposefully excavated this area.” Deep Hole is down from Top of Hole. Instead of going up when the location is Deep Hole: Say “It’s too steep to climb up.”; Stop the action. [Fork Between Tunnels] ForkBetweenTunnels is a room. “You find yourself in a dirt tunnel. There are passages leading north and south.” ForkBetweenTunnels is east of Deep Hole. The printed name is “Dirt Tunnel” Instead of going north when the location is ForkBetweenTunnels: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going south when the location is ForkBetweenTunnels: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. [RoomOne] RoomOne is a room. “You are in an empty dirt tunnel. There are passages leading east and south.” RoomOne is north of ForkBetweenTunnels. The printed name is “Dirt Tunnel”. Instead of going east when the location is RoomOne: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going south when the location is RoomOne: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. [RoomTwo] RoomTwo is a room. “You are in an empty dirt tunnel. There are passages leading north, east, and west.” RoomTwo is east of RoomOne. The printed name is “Dirt Tunnel.” Instead of going east when the location is RoomTwo: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going north when the location is RoomTwo: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going west when the location is RoomTwo: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. [DeadEndThree] DeadEndThree is a room. “You find yourself at the dead end of an empty dirt tunnel. There is a passage leading south.” DeadEndThree is north of RoomTwo.The printed name is “Dirt Tunnel”. Instead of going south when the location is DeadEndThree: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. [RoomThree] RoomThree is a room. “You are in an empty dirt tunnel. There are passages leading north and east.” RoomThree is south of ForkBetweenTunnels. The printed name is “Dirt Tunnel”. Instead of going east when the location is RoomThree: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going north when the location is RoomThree: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. [RoomFour] RoomFour is a room. “You are in an empty dirt tunnel. There are passages leading north, east, and west.” RoomFour is east of RoomThree. The printed name is “Dirt Tunnel”. Instead of going east when the location is RoomFour: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going north when the location is RoomTwo: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going west when the location is RoomThree: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. [DeadEndOne] DeadEndOne is a room. “You find yourself at the dead end of an empty dirt tunnel. There is a passage leading south.” DeadEndOne is north of RoomFour. Instead of going south when the location is DeadEndOne: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. [RoomFive] RoomFive is a room. “You find yourself in an empty dirt tunnel. There are passages leading south and west.” RoomFive is east of RoomFour. The printed name is “Dirt Tunnel”. Instead of going south when the location is RoomFive: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going west when the location is RoomFive: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. [DeadEndTwo] DeadEndTwo is a room. “You find yourself at the dead end of an empty dirt tunnel. There is a passage leading north.” DeadEndTwo is south of RoomFive. The printed name is “Dirt Tunnel”. Instead of going north when the location is RoomFive: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. [FiveWayFork] FiveWayFork is a room. “You find yourself in a weird cave-like area inside the dirt tunnels. There are passages leading north, northeast, east, southeast, and south.” FiveWayFork is east of RoomTwo. The printed name is “Dirt Cave?” Instead of going north when the location is FiveWayFork: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going northeast when the location is FiveWayFork: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going east when the location is FiveWayFork: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going southeast when the location is FiveWayFork: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going south when the location is FiveWayFork: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. Instead of going west when the location is FiveWayFork: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Continue the action. [DeadEndFour] DeadEndFour is a room. "You find yourself at the dead end of an empty dirt tunnel. There is a passage leading south." DeadEndFour is north of FiveWayFork. The printed name is “Dirt Tunnel”. [DeadEndFive] DeadEndFive is a room. “You find yourself at the dead end of an empty dirt tunnel. There is a passage leading southwest.” DeadEndFive is northeast of FiveWayFork. The printed name is “Dirt Tunnel”. [DeadEndSix] DeadEndSix is a room. “You find yourself at the dead end of an empty dirt tunnel. There is a passage leading west.” DeadEndSix is east of FiveWayFork . The printed name is “Dirt Tunnel”. [DeadEndSeven] DeadEndSeven is a room. “You find yourself at the dead end of an empty dirt tunnel. There is a passage leading north.” DeadEndSeven is south of FiveWayFork . The printed name is “Dirt Tunnel”. [Forest Pit] Forest Pit is a room. “Alas, you can see natural sunlight. Looking up, you can see large trees towering over the pit. Unfortunately, the pit is too tall and steep to climb. Around you, in the pit, are mossy rocks. There is a metal wall with a door to the east.” Forest Pit is southeast of FiveWayFork. Instead of going northwest when the location is Forest Pit: Say “You walk for a couple of minutes, kicking the pebbles along the path.”; Now GasLeakage is true; Continue the action. ExitDoorLock is a truth state that varies. ExitDoorLock is true. MetalExitDoor is in Forest Pit. MetalExitDoor is scenery. The description is “A steel door with a pull handle. It is embedded in the metal wall. It seems to be the exit to this pit.[If ExitDoorLock is false] There is a padlock attaching the handle of the door to the wall.[end if].” The printed name is “metal door”. The indefinite article is “a”. Understand “door” and “metal door” as MetalExitDoor. The mossy rocks are in Forest Pit. The mossy rocks are scenery. The description is “The rocks are smooth and round. They seem to be quite heavy. The moss covering them reminds you of the mossy bricks of the building you just left.” Instead of taking the mossy rocks: Say “Taken.”; Now the player is carrying MossRock. MossRock is an object. The description is “The rock is smooth and round. It fits perfectly in your two hands. It is covered in moss.” The printed name is “mossy rock”. The padlock is a part of MetalExitDoor. The description is “A metal padlock made by MasterLock. Perhaps you can find a way to remove it.” Instead of shooting the padlock: If BulletCount is greater than 0: If the pistol is closed: Say “You aim your pistol at the padlock, making sure that your target is lined up with the iron sights. Holding your breath, you pull the trigger. [Line break] [Line break] POP [Line break] [line break] A loud noise sounds out from the gun, echoing into the forest. The padlock lies on the floor, split in half by the bullet.”; Now ExitDoorLock is false; Otherwise: Say “You can’t shoot if the cylinder is sticking out the side. Perhaps you should close your pistol first.”; Otherwise: Say “A loud click sounds out from your gun. You’re out of bullets.”. Instead of breaking the padlock: If the player is carrying MossRock: Say “You raise the rock above your head and swing at the padlock with all your might. You repeat this action over and over again. [Line break] [Line break] At last, the padlock breaks and falls to the ground with a small thud.”; Now ExitDoorLock is false; Otherwise: Say “You strike the padlock with your fist. That accomplished nothing.” Instead of opening MetalExitDoor: Try going east instead. Instead of going east when the location is Forest Pit: If ExitDoorLock is true: Say “The door is blocking you from leaving.”; Otherwise: Say “You tug open the door, revealing a ladder out of the pit. You climb to the top of the ladder, into the forest. After looking at the pit one last time, you turn around and hike into the forest. [Line break] [Line break] After some time, you find a river with a rowboat. You step inside and take the oars in both hands. You begin to row the boat gently downstream… [Line break] [Line break] As the sun rises, you find yourself just outside of the city. You leave the boat and walk home with a slight smile on your face.”; Now the player is in Home. [Home] Home is a room. Every turn: If the player is in Home: Say “You plant your feet onto your porch, and though it is made of nothing more than stone, it emits a warm feeling knowing you’ve made it home safe. As you creak open the door, you feel hesitant to step back in. The room was exactly as you’d left it, but it still felt as if something was different. You decided to ignore your instincts and walk into the warm embrace that is your home. [if NiceRat is true] A squeak alerts you to a group of mice behind you. You panic before realizing that they are not acting like rats. The one in front steps forward, bends over in mock of a bow, and hands you a shimmering ruby-red gem. Your eyes widen in shock as the rat steps back and the next moves forward. Its little paws move in a diamond shape as it squeaks out a pattern. The rest of the rats follow the same moves. You stare, transfixed at what's happening before you. Deep in your heart, you know that you are accepted, you are one of them. [end if][if MeanRat is true] Your thoughts are interrupted by a loud rumbling behind you. Turning around, you only have a moment to see the wave of angry rats coming your way. They eat through your stuff and bite at your ankles. Even in victory, you are sad.[end if]”; End the game in victory.