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The Box
Raymond Tao
Played 736 times
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When play begins, say "The Box is an extraordinarily short journey involving a mask, a Jester and an astounding 2 unique deaths" The Box is a room. "Welcome to the box. The shadows are dark, so very dark." The Jester is a person in The Box. "The Jester has been waiting for you in the box." The description is "The Jester is wearing a mask and coat, you can barely see a liquid drip off them. Their body spazzes and contorts for a second before returning to their still pose." The Jester is wearing a coat. The Fool's Mask is in the box. The Fool's Mask is wearable. The description of the Fool's Mask is "Is it a mask? It seems ceramic but you think it's breathing" The description of a coat is "The coat is ragged and wrinkled, it's dripping a liquid" The Description of the player is "Everything feels hazy, you have a splitting headache" Instead of Taking Coat: say "The Coat burns up revealing the walls, floors, and ceilings to be made of pulsating bloody flesh and bone, a bloody tube in the ceiling bursts filling the room with blood as the fire dims."; end the game in death Every Turn when the player can see the jester: Say "The Jester is smiling... It's unsettling." Instead of taking the Jester, say "You can't touch them, more accurately, you can't feel them. It's like they're made of air" Instead of kissing the Jester, say "Your feeble attempts to kiss the Jester amuse them, they make a sound similar to a cross of Cicadas and screeching metal" Instead of Opening the Jester: say "Before you approach their body contorts into a massive centipede made from severed limbs, you're pulled into the slithering mass"; end the game in death instead of wearing fool's mask: Move player to the void.; say "As you put on the mask you see a new room through the eyes" instead of dropping fool's mask: Move player to the box.; say "as you remove the mask, you see The Jester directly in your face, you jump back startled." The Void is a room. "It's so bright your eyes burn, you think you can see an arch where the Jester stood earlier" The Abyss is a room. "You feel the presence of the Jester, a mask patiently waits for you ahead, Complete the cycle?" The Arch is a door. The arch is north of the void and south of the Abyss. Instead of Opening the Arch: Say "The Arch opens revealing an Abyss, walk into the Jester?"; Now the arch is open The Jester's Mask is in the Abyss. The Jester's Mask is wearable. instead of wearing Jester's mask: say "As you put on the mask the abyss shrinks around you into a ragged coat, you drop the Fool's Mask in front of you as the mask consumes you.[Paragraph break] As the mask finishes you off the Fool's mask morphs into a skeleton, flesh, and muscle rise from the ground and wrap the body till a body is formed.[Paragraph break] The Mask spews your Husk of a body on the floor. As it collides with the floor it contorts and shrinks into a new Fool's Mask. The Cycle begins anew.";end the game in victory