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Save Our Homeland
Samantha Rolon
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"Save Our Homeland" by Samantha Rolon Part - Mechanics A gold pendant is a thing. [In Forest Clearing] [THING] A doll is a thing. [In River Bend] [THING] A small talisman is a thing. [In Forest Clearing] [THING] A hunting spear is a thing. [In Lake] [THING] A leather skin is a thing. [In Small Family Hut] [THING] A stone is a thing. [In Abundant Lake] [THING] Branch is a thing. [In Abundant Lake] [THING] A spade is a thing. [In Inner Forest] [THING] Soft soil is a thing. [In Inner Forest] [THING] Red jewel is a thing. [In Inner Forest] [THING] Yellow jewel is a thing. [In Ruins] [THING] A net is a thing. [In Ruins] [THING] Blue jewel is a thing. [In Cave] [THING] Green jewel is a thing. [In Waterfall] [THING] Water is a thing. [In Waterfall] [THING] Lockpick is a thing. [In Waterfall] [THING] A purple jewel is a thing. [In Eagle Cliff] [THING] A clear jewel is a thing. [In Beaver Dam] [THING] A wide stream is a thing. [In Beaver Dam] [THING] An orange jewel is a thing. [In Lake] [THING] A leather strap is a thing. [In Lake] [THING] A small wooden box is a container. [In Forest Clearing] [CONTAINER] A pouch is a container. [In Village Entrance] [CONTAINER] A straw basket is a container. [In Leatherworking Circle] [CONTAINER] A toy cradle is a container. [In Child Wigwam] [CONTAINER] A healing box is a container. [In Main Chiefs Wigwam] [CONTAINER] A wall is a container. [In Middle Fields] [CONTAINER] A hole is a container. [In Cave] [CONTAINER] Abandoned Nest is a container. [In Eagle Cliff] [CONTAINER] Satchel is a container. [In Lake] [CONTAINER] A boulder is a supporter. [In River Bend] [SUPPORTER] A tree is a supporter. [In Village Entrance] [SUPPORTER] A wooden rack is a supporter. [In Small Family Hut] [SUPPORTER] A pile of rocks is a supporter. [In Abundant Lake] [SUPPORTER] Stone bench is a supporter. [In Leatherworking Circle] [SUPPORTER] Blanket is a supporter. [In Childs Wigwam] [SUPPORTER] Stone pillar is a supporter. [In Ruins] [SUPPORTER] Thick vine is a supporter. [In Eagle Cliff] [SUPPORTER] A pile of leaves is a supporter. [In Beaver Dam] [SUPPORTER] A wooden slot key unlocks large wooden gate. [In Village Entrance] [KEY] [Actions] [EX: Using is an action applying to one visible object. Understand "use [something]" as using.] Digging is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "Dig in [something]" as digging. A thing can be diggable or nondiggable. Before Digging a noun: if the noun is diggable: Say "You dig the [noun]"; Otherwise: Say "You can't dig this."; stop the action; Diving is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "Dive in [Something]" as diving. A thing can be diveable or nondiveable. Before Diving: If the noun is diveable: say "You dive in the [noun]"; Otherwise: say "You cannot dive here."; stop the action; Shaking is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "Shake [Something]" as shaking. A thing can be shakeable or nonshakeable. Before shaking a noun: If the noun is shakeable: say "You shake the [noun]"; Otherwise: say "You cannot shake this."; stop the action; Leaping across is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "Leap across [Something]" as leaping across. A thing can be leapable or nonleapable. Before leaping across a noun: If the noun is leapable: say "You leap across the [noun]"; Otherwise: say "You cannot leap across this."; stop the action; Tugging is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "Tug [Something]" as tugging. A thing can be tuggable or nontuggable. Before tugging a noun: If the noun is tuggable: say "You tug the [noun]"; Otherwise: say "You cannot tug this."; stop the action; [Backdrops] Wildflowers are a backdrop. They are in Forest Clearing and River Bend. [BACKDROP] Trees are a backdrop. They are in Forest Clearing and River Bend. [BACKDROP] Pebbles are a backdrop. They are in River Bend and Lake. [BACKDROP] Huts are a backdrop. They are in Indian Settlement. [BACKDROP] Indian Chief is a backdrop. It is in Indian Settlement. [BACKDROP] Half built dam is a backdrop. It is in Beaver Dam. [BACKDROP] Children is a backdrop. It is in Abundant Lake. [BACKDROP] Fish is a backdrop. It is in Abundant Lake. [BACKDROP] Villagers is a backdrop. It is in Abundant Lake. [BACKDROP] When play begins: say "[italic type]Your vision is blurry. Once you are able to focus your eyesight more clearly, you're startled to see that you're not anywhere you've been to before. You hear birds calling to one another, and flowing water. ...A forest?" Chapter - The Awakening Sullivan County is a region. Forest Clearing is in Sullivan County. River Bend is in Sullivan County. Lake is in Sullivan County. Village Entrance is in Sullivan County. Indian Settlement is in Sullivan County. Small Family Wigwam is in Sullivan County. Leatherworking Circle is in Sullivan County. Child Wigwam is in Sullivan County. Main Chiefs Wigwam is in Sullivan County. Abundant Lake is in Sullivan County. Middle Fields is in Sullivan County. Inner Forest is in Sullivan County. Ruins is in Sullivan County. Cave is in Sullivan County. Waterfall is in Sullivan County. Eagle Cliff is in Sullivan County. Beaver Dam is in Sullivan County. [Forest Clearing] Forest Clearing is a room. The description is "The clearing is lined with what seems like miles of tall pine trees. The grass is dark and nurtured. There are dozens of wildflowers growing in the clearing, full of color and life. You can hear a stream to the east." A small wooden box is in Forest Clearing. A small wooden box is fixed in place and closed and openable. The description is "A handmade [wooden box]. It seems to have been carved out from some kind of strong wood." A small talisman is in the small wooden box. The description is "A dark wooden [talisman] shaped as a diamond, with stringed beads hanging from the top." After taking the talisman for the first time: Increase the score by 1. A gold pendant is in Forest Clearing. The initial appearance of gold pendant is "A pure [gold pendant] in the shape of an oval lies on the ground. A ruby resides in the middle." The description of the gold pendant is "A pendant that seems pretty expensive." After taking the gold pendant for the first time, say "A sudden strong breeze blows through the trees, and the pendant glows faintly as you take it tightly between your fingers." [River Bend] River Bend is a room. It is east of Forest Clearing. The description is "A long river bend. The water is a cool crystal blue, flowing peacefully. The trees surround the edges, as if hungry for the pure liquid. You can hear shouts off in the distance toward the north." A boulder is in River Bend. It is fixed in place. The description is "A large rock shaped by the current of the river." A doll is on the boulder. The initial appearance of the doll is "A [doll] lays on the boulder. It is made of straw and rags." The description of the doll is "It is raggedy, but very well put together." After taking the doll for the first time: Increase the score by 1. Instead of taking doll when we have not taken the gold pendant, say "A strong force pushes your hand away as you reach for the [doll]." [Lake] Lake is a room. It is north of River Bend. The description is "A beautiful crystal clear lake is presented before you. It is surrounded by trees that seem to bend in toward the water, as if they were yearning for rejuvination. To the north up a dirt path, you can see a lining of small huts. To the west you can go deeper into the forest and a large cliff to the southeast, as well as a dam to the southwest." There is a hunting spear in the Lake. The description is "A long [spear]. The arrow head is made of stone, carved to a point." The initial appearance of the hunting spear is "A long hunting [spear] lies on the edge of the lake." After taking the hunting spear for the first time: Increase the score by 1. Instead of taking the hunting spear when we have not taken the gold pendant, say "A strong force pushes your hand away as you reach for the spear." The initial appearance of the leather strap is "A leather strap is under the water, lodged between some rocks. [italic type] Maybe you could try tugging the satchel just a bit to get it out?" Instead of tugging the leather strap for the first time: Now the leather strap is off-stage; Now the player has the satchel; Say "You tug on the satchel's handle gently, so you do not rip it. The satchel slips out from between the rocks." An orange jewel is in the satchel. After taking the orange jewel for the first time: Increase the score by 1. [Village Entrance] Village Entrance is a room. It is north of the lake. The description is "There is a large gate made out of large wood-carved posts that leads to the east, with a noticeably large tree shedding its leaves along with the slight breeze. You can see remains of something in the distance toward the northwest." There is a tree in Village Entrance. It is fixed in place. The description is "A large oak tree." There is a pouch on the tree. The pouch is closed and openable. The initial appearance of the tree is "A [pouch] hangs from a tall tree. It seems to have something in it. Maybe you could hit it down with something." The description of the pouch is "A brown leather [pouch], that has been repaired multiple times with patches of cloth." A wooden slot key is in the pouch. The description is "A long cylindrical [key] carved out of wood. Strange symbols line the edges." Instead of throwing the spear at the pouch: If the player has the spear: Now the player has the pouch; Now the Tree is off-stage; Say "[italic type]You toss the [spear] at the [pouch] with all your might. The [pouch] falls into your arms, the [spear] falling into the pile of leaves."; Now the spear is off-stage. Instead of taking the pouch, say "[italic type]You stretch your arms up toward the [pouch], but to all avail, cannot reach." Instead of dropping the pouch, say "[italic type]You think better of it." After taking the wooden slot key: Increase the score by 1. Large wooden gate is a door. It is east of village entrance and fixed in place and locked. The description is "A large gate with totems that has carvings of what resembles forest animals." Instead of opening the large wooden gate when we have not taken the wooden slot key, say "You try to slide the gate open, but it doesn't budge. You notice a circular slot near the handle." Before opening the large wooden gate for the first time: If the player has the wooden slot key: Now the wooden slot key is off-stage; Say "[italic type] The [key] slowly turns and locks in place as you slide the gate open." [Village] Indian Settlement is a room. It is east of large wooden gate. The description of the Indian Settlement is "Wigwams line either side of the dirt path. There is a noticeably small wigwam to the south, a large circle of women working together around a fire to the east and the children running around a wigwam of sorts. To the northeast is a rather large wigwam, and to the southeast is another large lake, where you can see men fishing." Introduction is a scene. Introduction begins when the player is in the Indian Settlement for the first time. When Introduction begins: say "A large man wearing a leather drape over his shoulder and long pants walks out of one of the larger huts. He has long braided hair, as dark as charred coal from a fireplace, compared to his lightly tanned skin. His dark brown eyes are stern yet seemingly filled with wisdom and knowledge. The man shouts a few words to others as they begin to emerge from their huts as well. After it seems as though the man is done speaking, everyone begins to go on their way. [Italic type] Can they see you? Maybe they're just ignoring you?" Instead of examining Indian Chief, say "It doesn't seem as though he can see you at all." [Small Family Wigwam] Small Family Wigwam is a room. It is south of Indian Settlement. The description of Small Family Wigwam is "A very small hut made out of straw and long branches, with a bare dirt floor. There is a small pit in the middle of the hut with sticks piled amongst each other to keep a flame going. To the north is the main center of the settlement." Wooden rack is in Small Family Wigwam. Wooden rack is fixed in place. The description is "A [rack] made of wooden sticks and held together with twine." The initial appearance of the wooden rack is "A [leather skin] hangs drying on a [rack] over the fire." Instead of taking the wooden rack, say "Why on earth would you need that?" There is a leather skin on the wooden rack. The description of the leather skin is "A skin off of a small animal that seems completely dry, and still a little warm from being near the fire." After taking the leather skin for the first time: Increase the score by 1. [Leatherworking Circle] Leatherworking Circle is a room. It is east of Indian Settlement. The description of Leatherworking Circle is "A small area where women are sitting in a circle, sewing and working leather. They hum as they do so, their hands moving almost magically across their work. To the west is the main center of the settlement." There is a stone bench in Leatherworking Circle. The stone bench is fixed in place. The description is "A stone bench made for storing things temporarily." Panic is a scene. Panic begins when the player is in the Leatherworking Circle for the first time. When Panic begins: say "As you make your way closer to the circle of women, a man walks over, seemingly in a panic. Amidst the unknown words exchanged between the women and the man, he points to the [basket] repeatedly. After a long sigh, he leaves. [Italic type]Maybe he needs leather?" There is a straw basket on the stone bench. The straw basket is fixed in place. The straw basket is open. The description of the straw basket is "A decently-sized [basket], carefully woven by hand with thin straw." The initial appearance of the straw basket is "A [straw basket] is set beside one of the older women. It is most likely used for the finished clothing." Instead of inserting the leather skin into the straw basket: If the player has the leather skin: Now the leather skin is in the straw basket; Now the leather skin is off-stage; Now the straw basket is off-stage; Increase the score by 1; Say "[italic type] You place the [leather skin] in the basket quietly. After you're sure no one saw the [skin] being placed in, you make a slight noise, so the women's attention is directed toward the [basket]. One of the women gets up and calls the man from earlier over. The man smiles, pats her on the shoulder, and heads off with the [basket] in his hands." [Child Wigwam] Child Wigwam is a room. It is north of Indian Settlement. The description is "A small wigwam dedicated to the small children of the clan. You can see little girls sewing a type of cloth. To the south is the main center of the settlement." There is a blanket in Child Wigwam. The blanket is fixed in place. The description is "A blanket with many odd shapes sewed into it; potentially creatures of some sort." Little Tears is a scene. Little Tears begins when the player is in Child Wigwam for the first time. When Little Tears begins: say "As you walk over to the children who are diligently working, you notice a small girl who is crying. She seemed to have attracted a bit of attention, since she had a small group of other children surrounding her, questioning her in thier native tongue. The children try to hand the little girl dolls of all sorts of shapes and sizes, but she refuses them. The children eventually wander off in search of something, while the girl continues to cry. [italic type] Maybe she lost something?" There is a toy cradle on the blanket. The toy cradle is fixed in place. The description is "A small cradle carved out of wood, draped with a handmade quilt." The initial appearance of the toy cradle is "A small doll-sized cradle rocks gently." Instead of inserting the doll into the toy cradle: If the player has the doll: Now the doll is in the toy cradle; Now the doll is off-stage; Now the toy cradle is off-stage; Increase the score by 1; Say "[italic type] You slip the [doll] into the cradle, but make sure to keep the cradle rocking. The little girl gets up to retrieve a blanket, and suddenly notices the [doll] in the cradle. She yells with joy and runs off to tell her friends." [Chiefs Wigwam] Main Chiefs Wigwam is a room. It is northeast of Indian Settlement. The description is "A rather large wigwam. There are large posts with vividly colored masks around the outside. The center of the settlement is to the south." Strong Hope is a scene. Strong Hope begins when the player is in Main Chiefs Wigwam for the first time. When Strong Hope begins: say "You hear chanting as you approach the entryway of the wigwam. A colorfully dressed man with wise eyes stands over a very pale man, who seems to be in agonizing pain. The colorful man is shaking his hands over the ailed man, chanting louder and louder. He then goes to reach for a container full of oddly shaped talisman-like objects. He shuffles through the contents, his eyes growing wide. He shouts in frustration, and rushes out in a hurry.[italic type] Those talismans look oddly familiar..." There is a healing box in chiefs wigwam. The healing box is fixed in place. The initial appearance of the healing box is "The [box] the man was searching through is sitting on the floor beside the injured man, now empty, it's contents scattered on the ground." Before inserting the small talisman into the healing box: If the player has the small talisman: Now the small talisman is in the healing box; Now the small talisman is off-stage; Now the healing box is off-stage; Increase the score by 1; Say "[Italic type] You place the intricate talisman into the container, waiting for the man to return. When the man returns, he spots the [talisman], now in it's rightful spot. You smile as he excitingly picks it up, his faith in his technique restored. The man returns to chanting over the injured, the talisman now in hand." [Abundant Lake] Abundant Lake is a room. It is southeast of Indian Settlement. The description is "A large lake , bluest of blues. You can see fish jumping out of the water from time to time, taking flies in their mouths for a meal. A few children run along the edge of the lake, giggling and jumping when they saw a fish. Men were also fishing along the lake, some with piles of fish already at their feet." Stranger is a scene. Stranger begins when the player is in Abundant Lake for the first time. When Stranger begins: say "As you start to think about how happy these people are with just the bare necessities, you see a suspicious figure out the corner of your eye. You focus on it a little more, and realize it's a man with strange clothing on. He has a hat on, with a large backpack on his back. He seems to be trying to make his way carefully past the people and into the village. [italic type] Maybe there's a way you can distract him and grab the others' attention?" A stone is in Abundant Lake. The description is "A round, grey [stone]." The initial appearance of the stone is "A decently sized [stone] lies on a pile of rocks." A pile of rocks is in abundant lake. The description is "A pile of rocks, most likely used for sharpening tools." A branch is in Abundant Lake. The branch is fixed in place. The initial appearance is "A [branch] is limp, close to falling. [italic type]Maybe this would make a loud enough noise?" The description of the branch is "A large branch, on the verge of falling." Instead of throwing the stone at the branch: If the player has the stone: Increase the score by 1; Now the branch is off-stage; Now the stone is off-stage; Say "[italic type] You throw the rock with all your might toward the branch, making it fall into the water with a large splash. Suddenly, all the kids stopped running, all the men dropped their fishing rods, and stared at the man, wide-eyed and confused. Some approach the man with caution. The strange man stumbles back a bit, just as shocked as everyone else. He begins to speak in their native tongue. After a few minutes pass of the verbal-exchange, the larger native of the few stomps his foot angrily. He begins to shout, and only until the others manage to calm him down does he escort the man toward south into a field hesitantly." [Middle Fields] Middle Fields is a room. It is south of Abundant Lake. The description is "A large field located on a steep hill. The view from the peak was gorgeous; it was as if the whole forest was visible from that one spot. The winds were gentle, as if they were trying to tell you a sacred secret." A wall is in Middle fields. The initial appearance of the wall is "A wall with many symbols stands alone in the middle of the fields. There is a slot in the exact shape of your pendant." After inserting the pendant into the wall: If the score is 10, end the game saying "You turn around, realizing the large group of natives that have now entered the field with the man. They stand their ground against him. They seem to be debating something with eachother, and the colorfully dressed man who seemed to be the chief stepped forward, shaking his head bitterly at the man. As you stand there, frozen in place from the tensity in the air, the chief suddenly slowly parts his lips, only to say; 'This land....ours. Our home. You want? You must take. I will not give one what is rightfully everyones.' A sudden strong pain comes to your head, blood rushing through your body rapidly. You blink, opening eyes to see you're in your bedroom again. You look down to your chest, hoping to see the pendant still hanging around your neck. You sigh. Of course the pendant isn't there."; If the score is 16: end the game saying "You rush to put the pendant into the wall before the natives get here. The wall glows with an intense flare, and a strong wind that practically blows you away rages. After the wind settles again, you open your eyes. You're in your bedroom once more. You look down, hoping to see the pendant still hanging around your neck. There it is; the pendant you picked up that began your wonderous adventure. You take it in your hand, smiling. [italic type] That was one heck of a night."; Otherwise: say "Nothing special happens.[italic type] You strain your ears to hear a whisper in the wind. ...Maybe you need to find more jewels?"; Stop the action; [Inner Forest] Inner Forest is a room. It is west of Lake. The description of Inner Forest is "Trees go on as far as the eye can see. There are many different kinds of plants here, freely growing vibrant and strong. You can barely see slivers of the sky as you look up. The lake is to the east." There is a spade in Inner Forest. The description is "A small shovel used for digging into soft soil." The initial appearance of the spade is "A small spade leans against a tree." Soft Spot is in Inner Forest. Soft spot is diggable. Soft spot is fixed in place. The description is "A vulnerable spot in the earth." The initial appearance of the soft spot is "A rather light spot in the ground is visible[italic type] Maybe if you have a sort of tool to help you dig into the dirt..." Instead of digging in soft spot: If the player has the spade: Now the red Jewel is on-stage; Now the soft spot is off-stage; Now the spade is off-stage; Increase score by 1; Say "As you dig decently deep into the dirt, you come upon something small and shiny. You pick it up, identifying it as some kind of jewel. You dispose of the spade"; Otherwise: Say "You'll need a spade for that."; Stop the action; [Ruins] Ruins is a room. It is northwest of village entrance. The description is "Many broken down stone structures lie here, deep green moss growing over them. The sun shines in splotches over this unusually lush area, giving life to the foliage that resides here. To the southeast is the village entrance." There is a net in Ruins. The description is "A net tied around a stick, maybe used for fishing." The initial appearance of the net is "A net lies on the ground. [italic type] Maybe this could come in handy for something out of reach." There is a stone pillar in Ruins. The stone pillar is fixed in place. The description is "A large stone pillar, covered in dark moss." The initial appearance of the stone pillar is "A shiny object glimmers in the stream of sun that shines through a trees leaves, from atop a tall stone pillar. [italic type] Maybe you could climb up there?" Instead of climbing the stone pillar for the first time: Now the player has the yellow jewel; Now the stone pillar is off-stage; Increase the score by 1; say "You climb the pillar steadily, using the ridges in the stone to secure your feet. You grab the yellow jewel, then climb back down to safety." [Cave] Cave is a room. It is south of Ruins. The description is "A rather large and spacious cave, possibly used as shelter at one point. It's damp, but strangely enough, warm. To the north is the ruins." A hole is in cave. The description is "A rather deep hole." A blue jewel is in hole. The description is "A shiny blue jewel." The initial appearance of the blue jewel is "A shiny object can be seen at the bottom of the hole[italic type] You'll need to have something that will allow you to reach it." Before taking the blue jewel while the blue jewel is enclosed by the hole: If the player does not have the net: say "You cannot reach it."; Stop the action; Otherwise: Increase the score by 1; say "You carefully scoop the shiny object up with the net. It's a shiny blue jewel."; Now the hole is off-stage; [Waterfall] Waterfall is a room. It is north of Village Entrance. The description is "A tall waterfall flows from above into a pond, mist shining as it seemingly leaps from its origin. To the south is the village entrance." Water is in Waterfall. Water is fixed in place. Water is diveable. The description is "Crystal blue water." The initial appearance of the water is "There seems to be something shining in the water. [italic type] Maybe you could try to dive for it?" The description of the green jewel is "A round green jewel." Instead of diving the Water: Now the player has the green jewel; Now the player has the lockpick; Increase the score by 1; Say "You hold take in a breath of air and dive into the water, grabbing the jewel and a lockpick of some sort."; Now the water is off-stage; [Eagle Cliff] Eagle Cliff is a room. It is southeast of Lake. The description is "A clearing with a cliff's mouth hanging over head. The cliff is firly large, and made purely out of stone, vines hanging from above. The lake is to the northwest." Abandoned Nest is in Eagle Cliff. Abandoned Nest is fixed in place. The description is "A nest that seems to have been long forgotten by whatever resided there." There is a thick vine in Eagle Cliff. The thick vine is shakeable. The thick vine is fixed in place. The description is "An overgrown vine that reaches the top of the cliff." The initial appearance of the thick vine is "A vine seems to be supporting the nest. [italic type] Maybe you could try shaking the vine to get the object to fall out of the nest?" The initial appearance of the purple jewel is "A glimmering object seems to be peeking out of the nest." Instead of shaking the thick vine for the first time: Now the player has the purple jewel; Increase the score by 1; Say "You shake the heavy vine, managing to get the nest to teeter. You catch the object, which happens to be a jewel." [Beaver Dam] Beaver Dam is a room. It is southwest of lake. The description is "A deep stream is flowing, blocked by a half-built beaver dam. The stream is particularly wide. To the northeast is the lake." A wide stream is in Beaver Dam. Wide stream is leapable. Wide stream is fixed in place. The description is "A wide stream with dark deep water." Pile of leaves is in Beaver Dam. Pile of leaves is fixed in place. The initial appearance is "A pile of leaves across the wide stream contains a shiny object of some sort. [italic type] Maybe you could leap across?" The description of pile of leaves is "Just a plain old pile of leaves." Instead of leaping across the wide stream for the first time: Now player has the clear jewel; Increase the score by 1; Say "You take a deep breath and leap across the stream, retrieving the jewel and leaping back across."