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Go Take a Shower
Yousef Saed
Played 1,672 times
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"Go Take a Shower" by Yousef Saed Use no scoring. When play begins: say "You wake up in your room after passing out from a fun night of Xbox playing, mountain dew chugging, and cheeto eating." The description of the player is "A fat, slovenly, neck bearded teenager that could use his stench as a deadly weapon." Your Room is a room. "Your room contains an array of various dirty clothes strewn across the floor with some fedoras thrown in for style. It smells like that there might actually be a piece of poop somewhere in your room. There is a door to the north that you can barely see because of the clothes in the way." Poop is an object in Your Room. The description is "Your own fecal matter. How disgusting." Understand "fecal matter" or "turd" or "feces" or "poo" as Poop. The Poop is edible. After eating the poop: say "Against your better judgement, you take a big bite out of the glorious turd. After realizing the atrocity you just committed, you promptly have an aneurysm and die."; End the game in death.; The Living Room is north of Your Room. "You can see your mother here, a nice lady, but disappointed in your severe lack of hygiene. It seems she urgently wants to talk to you." Mother is a woman in The Living Room. The description of Mother is "Tall, skinny, and pretty, she is almost the exact opposite of you." Attempting to communicate is an action applying to one thing. Understand "talk [something]" or "talk to [something]" or "speak [something]" or "speak to [something]" or "speak with [something]" or "talk with [something]" or "call [something]" or "greet [something]" or "say [something]" or "beg [something]" as attempting to communicate. Attempting to talk is an action applying to nothing. Understand "talk" or "speak" as attempting to talk. Carry out attempting to communicate: if the noun is Mother: say "'How many times have I told you?! Nobody wants to smell your stink! That's it! Go get the industrial strength soap from the garage (to the west). If that don't clean ya, then lord help us all...nasty.'"; if the noun is Poop: say "This is poop. What are trying to accomplish? "; otherwise: say "You try to talk to [the noun], but your unbearable stench makes it almost impossible to have a conversation with someone/thing." The Garage is west of the Living Room. "Various objects scatter the garage, including the oh so valuable industrial strength soap which you have been sent to gather." The industrial strength soap is an object in the garage. Understand "soap" as the industrial strength soap. The description of the soap is "This isn't any ordinary soap. Contact with your skin might cause chemical burns, but its sure better than what you have going on right now."