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The Highway to Grand Waffle
Anne Nonimus
Played 1,257 times
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"The Highway to Grand Waffle" The bedroom is a room. "You are inside the bedroom. To the west is your bedroom door." The table is in the bedroom. "There is a table in the bedroom." On the desk is a book. The bed is in the bedroom. "There is a bed with red sheets." The bedroom door is a closed door. The wood door is west of the bedroom. The description of the table is "It's a basic wooden table." The description of the bed is "It's a comfortable and warm red bed. You're not very sleepy right now." The description of the book is "This is a book. It is not particularly interesting, so you physically can't read it." The living room is a room. The living room is west of the bedroom door. "You are inside the living room. To the east is the bedroom, to the north is the kitchen, and to the west is the bathroom. To the south is the front door." The kitchen is north of the living room. "You are inside the kitchen. There is a shiny silver fridge here." The fridge is in the kitchen. The fridge is a closed openable container. In the fridge is a sour key. The description of the fridge is "This is a shiny silver fridge. There's probably some food inside." The sour key is edible. The description of the sour key is "This is a candy sour key. It appears to be sour." After eating the sour key: say "You eat the sour key; it is very sour and sweet at the same time." The bathroom is west of the living room. "You are in the bathroom. It reeks of poo, and there are stains all over the walls. Brown stains. There is a toilet here." The toilet is in the kitchen. The toilet is fixed in place. The toilet is an open openable container. In the toilet is a poo. The description of the toilet is "This is a toilet. It reeks of poo and is covered in poo stains, inside and out. There is a poo inside." The poo is edible. The description of the poo is "This is a poo." After eating the poo: say "You eat the poo; it is cold and slimy. You are disgusting." The front door is a closed locked openable door. The sour key unlocks the front door. The description of the front door is "This is the front door. It is locked and requires a sour key to unlock." The front yard is a room. "You are in the front yard. The sun is shining in the sky. There ain't a cloud in sight. Here is a large flower. The Grand Waffle awaits. The Waffle floats before you." The front yard is south of the front door. The flower is in the front yard. The flower is edible. The description of the flower is "This is a flower. It is yellow and white. It wears a happy smile." After eating the flower: say "You eat the flower; it tastes planty. You cruel person." The Grand Waffle is in the front yard. The description of the Grand Waffle is "The Grand Waffle, the superior being, is ready. And so are you. You agree to hand your soul over to the Grand Waffle; it will take you to the Waffle World Beyond. The Grand Waffle prepares you for the journey, and soon takes you down the Highway to the Waffle World Beyond. Your journey has only begun. Waffles."