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The hazy fog like air is a backdrop. It is everywhere. "The air is cold and dense and seems to be all over this house." The Foyer is a room. "This seems to be the main entrance of a house there is a door, one to the north and one to the south. There also seems to be a small oddly green shrub." There is a table it is in the Foyer. The description is "This sure is a table." . it is fixed in place. The candle is lit. The description is "This candle seems to be emitting a dull green light, odd." The candle is on the table. The shrub is scenery in the foyer. "The shrub is plastic. No wonder it's still green." It is fixed in place. The phone is carried by the player. "Wow, this sure is a phone." The hallway is north of the Foyer. "The hallway is filthy and seems to be in disrepair. There are two doors one to the east and one to the west, and you're pretty sure a new type of fungus is growing from the ceiling. Eew." There is a Chest in the hallway. The description is "A rather ratty looking metal chest." The Chest is a locked container. There is a locket in the Chest. The description is "It's a small heart shaped locket, and inside is a black and white picture of a young couple. they probably owned this place." The locket is wearable. The light switch is a device in the hallway. It is switched off. the hallway is dark. The Bedroom is east of the hallway. "Comparatively the bedroom is in surprisingly good condition, well unless you count the PILE OF BONES, a step up. Seriously though why has nobody come and like take this person." The bedroom is dark. There is a wardrobe. It is fixed in place. It is in the bedroom. The wardrobe is a locked container. The description is "You wonder if a lion and a witch are also here." There is a set of rusty-keys in the wardrobe. The description is "Maybe these open the Chest in the hallway." There is a night gown in the wardrobe. The description is "Oh my god this was probably somebodies Grandmother, I am an awful person." The gown is wearable. The rusty-keys unlock the chest. There is a mattress in the bedroom. It is enterable. It is fixed in place. The bones are scenery. The description is "Oh God, oh God, they are holding something, oh god, I don't want to grab them." The bones are on the mattress. There are keys in the bones. The keys unlock the wardrobe. The description is "Oh god, I just violated a dead body for these. I hope they open something." The Bathroom is west of the hallway. The description is "Well its moist and smells faintly of cat. Kind of really gross. There is a vanity, a sink, tub, and a toilet." The Vanity is an object. The Vanity is in the bathroom. It is an unlocked lockable container. It is closed. The penny sweet are in the vanity. The description is "They seem kind of old and partially soft." The penny sweet are edible. The bathroom is dark. The step-stool is a portable enterable supporter in the bathroom. The description is "This thing probably comes in handy when you're short." There is A mushroom in the bathroom. The mushroom is edible. An every turn rule: if the player is wearing the locket, end the game in victory. The bathroom is dark. Use no scoring.