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Suspicious Incident #14
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"Suspicious Incident #14" by "Q.R.V." The player is a man called Lemony Snicket. The description of the player is "Lemony Snicket, Apprentice Extraordinaire." Release along with an interpreter. [When play begins: now the player is in the Partial Foods.] Rule for printing room description details: stop. Understand "talk to [someone]" as a mistake ("To start a conversation, try to ASK [the noun] ABOUT something or TELL [the noun] ABOUT something."). A person has a table name called chatter. Before telling someone about something: try asking the noun about it instead. Instead of taking a supporter: say "Much too heavy for a mere apprentice." Instead of taking some scenery: say "Nice try.". Use no scoring. Use the serial comma. The doorway is a backdrop. The description of the doorway is "Well, first you're on one side of it, and then you walk through, and then - you're never gonna believe this one - [italic type]you're on the other side.[roman type]". The doorway is in the Far East Suite, the Lost Arms Lobby, Hungry's, the Stain'd Lighthouse, Black Cat Coffee, Partial Foods, Ink Inc, the Police Station, and the Library. The street is a backdrop. The description of the street is "Deserted and desolate.". The street is in the Lost Arms Lobby, Main Street, Hungry's, Parfait Street, Caravan Street, Black Cat Coffee, Partial Foods, Ink Inc, Lighthouse Street, Ink Street, the Stain'd Lighthouse, the Lawn, and the Library. The scraggly lawn is a backdrop. The description of the scraggly lawn is "Scraggly.". The scraggly lawn is in the Lawn, the Police Station, and the Library. The tall building is a backdrop. The tall building is in the Lawn and the Main Street. The description of the tall building is "You pause for a moment to deliver a soliloquy in which the tall building is a metaphor for the passage of time and your inexorable mortality.". The carved pillars are a backdrop. The carved pillars are in the Lawn and the Main Street. The description of the carved pillars is "In the Corinthian fashion.". The city hall doors are a backdrop. The city hall doors are in the Lawn and the Main Street. The description of the city hall doors is "They lead into what was once Stain'd-by-the-Sea's city hall.". The description of a thing is usually "You give [the noun] a glance; plainly beneath your attention." . Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the I beg your pardon error: say "A phrase which here means - Wait, what?" instead. Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the didn't understand error: say "A phrase which here means - Wait, what?" instead. Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is not a verb I recognise error: say "A phrase which here means - Wait, what?" instead. The carrying capacity of the player is 10. A person can be known or unknown. A person is usually unknown. Theodora is known. Before going somewhere: if the Lost Arms Lobby is visited: now Prosper Lost is known. Before going somewhere: if Hungry's is visited: now Hungry Hix is known. Before going somewhere: if Ink Inc is visited: now Doctor Flammarion is known. Before going somewhere: if the Stain'd Lighthouse is visited: now Mister Mallahan is known. Before going somewhere: if the Partial Foods is visited: now Polly Partial is known. Before going somewhere: if the Library is visited: now Dashiell Qwerty is known. Before going somewhere: if the Police Station is visited: now Officer Mitchum is known. When play begins: now the left hand status line is "[location] "; now the right hand status line is "Exits: [exit list]". To say exit list: let place be location; repeat with way running through directions: let place be the room way from the location; if place is a room, say " [way]". Rule for printing the name of a direction (called the way) while constructing the status line: choose row with a heading of the way in the Table of Abbreviation; say "[shortcut entry]". Table of Abbreviation heading shortcut north "N" south "S" east "E" west "W" up "U" down "D" Section 1 - Lost Arms The Far East Suite is a room. "You are standing in a dismal-looking suite, the pride and joy of The Lost Arms hotel. The room contains two beds (large and small) and a painting, apparently intended as decoration. Against the wall are a squat chest of drawers and a corner table. There is a bathroom to the EAST. A doorway leads to a flight of stairs DOWN to the lobby." Theodora is in the Far East Suite. Theodora is a woman. "[if Theodora is ungreeted]Theodora is here. She is glaring at you impatiently. [otherwise if Theodora is greeted]Theodora is sprawled across the large bed, snoring loudly.[end if]". The description of Theodora is "As usual, your chaperone has mislaid her comb.". A large bed is in the Far East Suite. The large bed is scenery. A small bed is in the Far East Suite. The small bed is scenery. Understand "beds" as bed. The description of the large bed is "You can't tell which bed is more uncomfortable.". The description of the small bed is "You can't tell which bed is more uncomfortable.". Instead of entering the large bed: say "Now is not the time to sleep!". Instead of entering the small bed: say "Now is not the time to sleep!". A painting is in the Far East Suite. The painting is scenery. A squat chest of drawers is in the Far East Suite. The chest of drawers is a container. The description of the chest of drawers is "It could be used to hold your ill-fitting clothes, but you never seem to have time to unpack.". Before listing nondescript items of the Far East Suite: if the squat chest of drawers is marked for listing: now the squat chest of drawers is not marked for listing; if the corner table is marked for listing: now the corner table is not marked for listing. A corner table is in the Far East Suite. The description of the corner table is "Small and badly scratched.". The corner table supports a hot plate. The description of the hot plate is "Theodora uses this to warm up your 'meals', when she remembers.". The hot plate supports egg yolk. The description of the egg yolk is "Small bits of egg yolk, the remnants of your pitiful and poorly-cooked breakfast, are still stuck to the surface of the hot plate.". The egg yolk is edible. After eating egg yolk: say "It has not improved since breakfast.". Instead of tasting egg yolk, say "Cooking is not one of Theodora's strengths." Rule for printing the name of the corner table: say "corner table"; omit contents in listing. Rule for printing the name of the hot plate: say "hot plate"; omit contents in listing. The description of the painting is "A study in sickening pastel of a little girl holding a dog with a bandaged paw." Instead of taking the painting: say "You have very poor taste in art." Instead of taking the hot plate: say "Perhaps if you are still hungry you should search for sustenance outside the room." Instead of taking the chest of drawers: say "It is much too heavy for a mere apprentice." The flight of stairs are a backdrop. The flight of stairs are in the Far East Suite and the Lost Arms Lobby. The description of the flight of stairs is "Carpeted and with very fragile banisters.". The brm is in the Far East Suite. The brm is scenery. The description of the brm is "It's to the east...". Understand "bathroom" or "the bathroom" as brm while the player is in the Far East Suite. Instead of going nowhere while the player is in the Far East Suite: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through walls.". A person can be greeted or ungreeted. A person is usually greeted. Theodora is ungreeted. Before going down while in the Far East Suite: if Theodora is ungreeted: instead say "Theodora's glare cows you into remaining in the suite. Perhaps you should inquire what she wants first. (To start a conversation, try ASK person ABOUT something.)". Understand "what she wants" or "what she wants first" or "wants/want/what/she/Theodora/you/her/herself/glare/glaring/impatience/plan/problem/matter/case/theft/plot/inquire/inquiry/suite/hairpin/game/hair/cleo/knight/Cleo/Knight" or "the plan" or "the problem" or "the matter" or "the glare" or "the glaring" or "the theft" or "cleo knight" or "Cleo Knight" or "your hair" or "her hair" or "her glare" as "[Theft]". Understand "what the S stands for" or "what the s stands for" or "what does the S stand for" or "what does the s stand for" or "the S" or "the s" or "S/s/name" or "your name" or "her name" or "what S stands for" or "what s stands for" as "[S]". After asking Theodora about "[Theft]" when Theodora is ungreeted: say "'We have a new case,' says Theodora. 'Miss Cleo Knight's Dilemma was in the Moray Wheels garage for a tune-up, but somebody stole it last night. After my resounding success with that circus she ran off to, we have been asked to investigate the theft. Your role will be to go find out what happened, and my role will be to take a nap.' Theodora promptly lies down on the large bed and starts snoring."; now Theodora is greeted. After asking Theodora about "[Theft]" when Theodora is greeted: say "Theodora cannot hear you over her snores.". After asking Theodora about "[S]" when Theodora is ungreeted: say "Theodora huffs. 'Stop asking the wrong questions!'". After asking Theodora about "[S]" when Theodora is greeted: say "'Silence is golden,' Theodora mumbles in her sleep.". The chatter of Theodora is the Table of Theodora Conversation. After asking Theodora about something: if the topic understood is not a topic listed in the chatter of the noun: say "[if Theodora is ungreeted]Theodora's glare intensifies. Wrong question. [otherwise if Theodora is greeted]Theodora cannot hear you over her snores.[end if]" instead. Before asking Theodora about something for seven turns: if Theodora is ungreeted: say "Perhaps you should try asking her about what she wants, or the glare, or her hair.". Table of Theodora Conversation topic reply "[Theft]" "[if Theodora is ungreeted]'We have a new case,' says Theodora. 'Miss Cleo Knight's Dilemma was in the Moray Wheels garage for a tune-up, but somebody stole it last night. After my resounding success with that circus she ran off to, we have been asked to investigate the theft. Your role will be to go find out what happened, and my role will be to take a nap.' Theodora promptly lies down on the large bed and starts snoring. [otherwise if Theodora is greeted]Theodora cannot hear you over her snores.[end if]" "[S]" "[if Theodora is ungreeted]Theodora huffs. 'Stop asking the wrong questions!' [otherwise if Theodora is greeted]'Silence is golden,' Theodora mumbles in her sleep.[end if]" The Bathroom is east of the Far East Suite. "The bathroom contains the usual plumbing, none of which is very clean. The rest of the suite is to the WEST." A hairpin is here. "A lone hairpin lies on the sink. You wonder where it came from, as even hairpins cannot tame Theodora's hair.". The description of the hairpin is "It's a bobby pin, if that helps.". plumbing is here. The plumbing is scenery. The description of the plumbing is "You know what a bathroom contains.". The ste is in the Bathroom. The ste is scenery. The description of the ste is "It's to the west...". Understand "suite" or "the suite" or "rest of the suite" or "the rest of the suite" as ste while the player is in the Bathroom. Instead of going nowhere while the player is in the Bathroom: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through walls." The Lost Arms Lobby is below the Far East Suite. "The lobby of The Lost Arms is small and filthy. There is a desk in one corner, where hotel owner Prosper Lost lurks. The opposite corner contains a telephone booth. In the center of the room is a plaster statue, a grimy couch, and a grimier table. A flight of stairs leads UP to the suite, and an doorway leads SOUTH to the street." The grimy couch is in the Lost Arms Lobby. The grimy couch is an enterable supporter. The description of the grimy couch is "Probably it was once white, but you can't be sure. Grime is an excellent equalizer.". Before listing nondescript items of the Lost Arms Lobby: if the grimy couch is marked for listing: now the grimy couch is not marked for listing. The grimier table is in the Lost Arms Lobby. The grimier table is an enterable supporter. The description of the grimier table is "Definitely grimier than the couch.". After entering the grimier table: say "Please don't start dancing.". Rule for printing the name of the grimier table: say "grimier table"; omit contents in listing. Before listing nondescript items of the Lost Arms Lobby: if the grimier table is marked for listing: now the grimier table is not marked for listing. A small wooden bowl is on the grimier table. The small wooden bowl is a container. The description of the wooden bowl is "Carved from a strange, dark wood.". Instead of taking the wooden bowl: say "Taking the entire bowl seems greedy. Perhaps you should just take some peanuts." Rule for printing the name of the wooden bowl: say "wooden bowl"; omit contents in listing. dusty peanuts are in the small wooden bowl. The dusty peanuts are edible. The description of the dusty peanuts is "They could also be salted.". Understand "some peanuts" as dusty peanuts. Instead of tasting dusty peanuts, say "You're not allergic, are you?" A desk is in the Lost Arms Lobby. The desk is scenery. The description of the desk is "It certainly looks long enough for Prosper Lost to sleep on - the only explanation for his constant presence in the lobby.". Prosper Lost is in the Lost Arms Lobby. Prosper Lost is a man. "Prosper Lost is here. He is watching you in a completely non-surreptitious fashion.". The description of Prosper Lost is "Tall, thin, and nosy.". After asking Prosper Lost about something: say "Prosper Lost smiles at you creepily, but says nothing.". Before asking Prosper Lost about something: if the player reaches Prosper Lost: say "[one of]'The Lost Arms is a surprisingly affordable five-star accomodation located in the charming seaside resort of Stain'd-by-the-Sea. Would you like to make a reservation?'[or]'All of our rooms are full suites, perfect for family stays. Would you like to make a reservation?'[or]'We have a spacious public lobby, great for relaxing or planning your next fun activity. Would you like to make a reservation?'[or]'Stain'd-by-the-Sea is just a short train ride from the city - make it your next weekend getaway spot! Would you like to make a reservation?'[then at random]" instead. The plaster statue is in the Lost Arms Lobby. The description of the plaster statue is "A tall, plaster woman with neither clothes nor arms.". Instead of taking the plaster statue: say "You're investigating a theft, not commiting one.". Before listing nondescript items of the Lost Arms Lobby: if the plaster statue is marked for listing: now the plaster statue is not marked for listing. Instead of going nowhere while the player is in the Lost Arms Lobby: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through walls." Section 2 - Telephone The booth is in the Lost Arms Lobby. The booth is a closed openable enterable container. The booth is fixed in place. The description of the booth is "Through a small window in the door you can see an old-fashioned grey telephone hanging on the wall inside. [if the Main Street is unvisited]The booth is currently occupied. [otherwise if the Main Street is visited]The booth is unoccupied.[end if]". Understand "telephone booth" as the booth while the player is in the Lost Arms Lobby. Before listing nondescript items of the Lost Arms Lobby: if the booth is marked for listing: now the booth is not marked for listing. Before entering the booth: if the Main Street is unvisited: instead say "The booth is currently occupied by a tall man with no hat. There is no room for you.". Before entering the booth: if the booth is closed: instead say "First you must open the booth.". The light bulb is a lit thing in the booth. The light bulb is fixed in place. The description of the light bulb is "How many apprentices does it take to change a light bulb?". Instead of taking or eating the dusty peanuts when the player is in the booth and the player does not have the dusty peanuts, say "You can't reach the peanuts from inside the booth." Instead of taking the wooden bowl when the player is in the booth, say "You can't reach the bowl from inside the booth." [Four Cheeses example from Inform Recipe Book] A telephone is a kind of thing. Understand "phone" as a telephone. Understand "call [any telephone] on [something]" as calling it on. Understand "call [any telephone]" as calling it on. Understand the commands "dial" or "phone" or "telephone" as "call". Connection relates one thing to another (called the other party). The verb to reach (it reaches, they reach, it reached) implies the connection relation. Calling it on is an action applying to one visible thing and one thing. Check calling it on: if the second noun is not a telephone, say "[The second noun] is unlikely to be much use in that respect." instead; if the second noun is the noun, say "You get a busy signal." instead. Carry out calling it on: if a person (called the listener) can see the noun, now the player reaches the listener. Report calling it on: say "The phone rings. 'Hello?' says [the other party of the player]." Rule for supplying a missing second noun while calling something on: assign a phone. To assign a phone: if the player can touch a telephone (called the current phone): say "(on [the current phone])[line break]"; now the second noun is the current phone; otherwise: say "You don't have a phone handy." Understand "call [any known person] on [something]" as calling it by name on. Rule for supplying a missing second noun while calling something by name on: assign a phone. Calling it by name on is an action applying to one visible thing and one thing. Check calling it by name on: if the noun is in the location, say "[The noun] is right here." instead. Carry out calling it by name on: if the noun can touch a telephone (called the link), try calling the link on the second noun; otherwise say "You can't reach [the noun]." instead. Before calling something on something when the player reaches someone: say "(first ending your conversation with [the other party of the player])[command clarification break]"; end current conversation. Understand "hang up [something]" as hanging up. Hanging up is an action applying to one thing. Check hanging up: if the noun is not a telephone, say "You can't hang up [the noun]." instead; if the player does not reach someone, say "You're not on the line with anyone." instead. Carry out hanging up: now the player does not reach anyone. Report hanging up: say "You put down [the noun], cutting the connection." Before going somewhere when the player reaches someone: say "(first hanging up on [the other party of the player])[command clarification break]"; end current conversation. Before exiting when the player reaches someone: say "(first hanging up on [the other party of the player])[command clarification break]"; end current conversation. Understand "call [text]" as misdialling. Misdialling is an action applying to one topic. Carry out misdialling: say "The phone rings and rings but no one answers." Understand "call 911" or "call 999" or "call police" or "call fire department" as a mistake ("After strict warnings, you've given up making prank calls to emergency services."). Before misdialling when the player reaches someone: say "(first ending your conversation with [the other party of the player])[command clarification break]"; end current conversation. To end current conversation: let the current phone be a random telephone which can be touched by the player; silently try hanging up the current phone. After deciding the scope of the player while the player reaches someone: place the other party of the player in scope, but not its contents. A rule for reaching inside a room (called destination): if the other party of the player is enclosed by the destination: say "[the other party of the player] just chuckles."; deny access. Instead of listening to a telephone when the player reaches someone: say "You can hear [the other party of the player] breathing." Before listening to someone when the player cannot touch the noun: say "[The noun] is waiting for you to carry on the conversation." instead. [end Four Cheese example] A telephone called the grey telephone is in the booth. Understand "6542" as the grey telephone. "Before you is a grey telephone. In black marker someone has written on it: [italic type]This number 6542.[roman type]". The grey telephone is fixed in place. The description of the grey telephone is "To place a call, try 'call (number)'.". Instead of taking the grey telephone: say "Does that look like a cell phone to you?". Before calling while the player is in the Lost Arms Lobby: if the player is not in the booth: say "Perhaps you should get into the booth first." instead. Section 3 - Outside Lost Arms Main Street is south of the Lost Arms Lobby. "Main Street was once the center of Stain'd-by-the-Sea's bustling downtown district, but is now mostly deserted. You can see a few remaining businesses: to the NORTH is a hotel, The Lost Arms, and to the WEST is a restaurant, Hungry's. To the EAST the street dead-ends at tall building with carved pillars on either side of the doors. To the SOUTH lies Parfait Street." The flyer is in Main Street. "[if the Main Street is unvisited]A gust of wind picks up a flyer lying in the street. It skitters along the ground towards you. [otherwise if the Main Street is visited]You can see a flyer here.[end if]". The description of the flyer is "Miss Knight's shiny Dilemma stares up at you. Above the photograph is printed one word: [italic type]MISSING.[roman type]". The restaurant is scenery in Main Street. The description of the restaurant is "Hungry's." The hotel is scenery in Main Street. The description of the hotel is "Your luxurious accommodations, The Lost Arms." Instead of entering the restaurant: try going west. Instead of entering the hotel: try going north. Instead of going nowhere while the player is in Main Street: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through solid buildings.". Section 4 - Hungry's Hungry's is west of Main Street. "The restaurant is small and cramped. A doorway leads EAST to the street. In front of you is a long counter lined with stools and a sink full of dirty dishes. A bubbling pot on the back stove appears to contain soup. Sitting on the counter is a red telephone.". Instead of going nowhere while the player is in Hungry's: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through walls." The empty stool is in the Hungry's. The empty stool is an enterable supporter. The description of the empty stool is "A typical diner stool.". Understand "stools" as the empty stool while the player is in the Hungry's. The counter is in Hungry's. The counter is scenery. The description of the counter is "The counter is spotted with dried ketchup and coffee." The sink is in Hungry's. The sink is scenery. The description of the sink is "Jake hasn't done the dishes in a while." The dirty dishes are in Hungry's. The dirty dishes are scenery. The description of the dirty dishes are "Jake hasn't done the dishes in a while." Instead of doing anything except examining the dirty dishes: say "Why, do you plan to wash them?" The stove is in the Hungry's. The stove is a supporter. The description of the stove is "It's just a stove.". Rule for printing the name of the stove: say "stove"; omit contents in listing. Before listing nondescript items of Hungry's: if the stove is marked for listing: now the stove is not marked for listing; if the empty stool is marked for listing: now the empty stool is not marked for listing; if the red telephone is marked for listing: now the red telephone is not marked for listing. The pot is on the stove. The pot is a container. The description of the pot is "Large and black. Like the black cauldron.". Instead of taking the pot: say "Ouch! It's too hot to handle." Rule for printing the name of the pot: say "pot"; omit contents in listing. soup is in the pot. The soup is edible. The description of the soup is "It looks like good soup." Before taking the soup: say "You scoop out a ladleful of soup." After eating the soup: say "Mmm, dumplings.". Instead of tasting the soup, say "It tastes like good soup." A telephone called the red telephone is in the Hungry's. Understand "9814" as the red telephone. The description of the red telephone is "Before you is a red telephone. In black marker someone has written on it: [italic type]This number 9814.[roman type]". The red telephone is fixed in place. Instead of taking the red telephone: say "Does that look like a cell phone to you?" Hungry Hix is in the Hungry's. Hungry Hix is a woman. "Hungry Hix is here. She is a large woman with an apron and a frown." The description of Hungry Hix is "A large woman with an apron and a frown.". Hungry Hix wears an apron. The description of the apron is "It says [italic type]Hungry's[roman type] in large letters across the front." Hungry Hix wears a frown. The description of the frown is "Perhaps she would frown less if you weren't such a smart aleck.". The chatter of Hungry Hix is the Table of Hungry Conversation. Before asking Hungry Hix about something: if the topic understood is a topic listed in the chatter of the noun, say "[reply entry][paragraph break]" instead; otherwise say "[The noun] just sniffs. Wrong question." instead. Before asking Hungry Hix about something for seven turns: say "Perhaps you should try asking her about the Dilemma, or the theft, or the garage, or Mister Mallahan.". Table of Hungry Conversation topic reply "Dilemma/dilemma/car/Hungry/hungry/Hix/hix/Hungry's/hungry's/dilemna/Dilemna" or "Hungry Hix" or "the car" or "the Dilemma" or "the dilemma" "'I can't drive,' Hungry Hix replies." "theft/stolen/stole/guilty/thief/crime/Miss/Cleo/Knight/miss/cleo/knight" or "Miss Cleo Knight" or "Cleo Knight" or "miss cleo knight" or "cleo knight" or "the theft" "'Oh, Mister Mallahan is definitely the guilty culprit in that theft,' says Hungry Hix." "Moray Wheels" or "Moray/moray/Wheels/wheels/garage/mechanic/Jackie/jackie/grandfather" or "the garage" or "moray wheels" "Hungry Hix shrugs. 'I've never been to Moray Wheels ,' she says." "Mallahan/Moxie/father/lighthouse/Lighthouse/newspaper/reporter/Reporter" or "Mister Mallahan" or "the father" or "The Stain'd Lighthouse" or "the stain'd lighthouse" "'Hmm... if Mister Mallahan mentions anything about whether he's been to the garage, he's telling the truth,' Hungry Hix replies." Section 5 - Lawn and Statue The Lawn is east of Main Street. "[if the player is not on the metal statue]You are standing on a scraggly lawn in front of a tall building with carved pillars on either side of the doors. An arch above the pillars used to read [italic type]STAIN'D-BY-THE-SEA CITY HALL[roman type]; now this is covered by two other signs, [italic type]POLICE STATION[roman type] over the NORTH entrance and [italic type]LIBRARY[roman type] over the SOUTH entrance. Main Street stretches to the WEST. [otherwise if the player is on the metal statue and the scrap of paper is not on the metal statue]You are on top of a shapeless metal statue. Below you is a scraggly lawn. [otherwise if the player is on the metal statue and the scrap of paper is on the metal statue]You are on top of a shapeless metal statue. Below you is a scraggly lawn. There is a small scrap of paper next to you on top of the statue.[end if]" . The metal statue is in the Lawn. "On the lawn in front of you is a shapeless metal statue, with an odd, melted appearance. A few papery moths flutter around the top." The metal statue is an enterable supporter. The description of the metal statue is "You can't identify what the statue is supposed to represent, but it looks like you might be able to climb it.". Instead of climbing the metal statue: try entering the metal statue. After entering the metal statue: say "You climb to the top. You are on top of a shapeless metal statue. Below you is a scraggly lawn. [if the scrap of paper is on the metal statue]There is a small scrap of paper next to you on top of the statue.". Understand the command "climb up" as climb. Instead of going down when the player is on the metal statue: try getting off the metal statue. The papery moths are scenery in the Lawn. "A book in the library would tell you that they are Farnsworth Pulpeater Moths. Books have been known to be wrong.". Instead of taking the papery moths: say "How rude." The arch is scenery in the Lawn. The description of the arch is "[italic type]POLICE STATION, LIBRARY.[roman type] Make the sensible choice.". The signs are scenery in the Lawn. The description of the signs is "[italic type]POLICE STATION, LIBRARY.[roman type] Make the sensible choice.". Instead of taking the signs: say "They are firmly attached to the arch." The scrap of paper is an undescribed thing on the metal statue. Before examining the scrap of paper: if the player is on the metal statue: say "The paper appears to have been torn out of a notebook, or possibly someone's commonplace book. A four-digit number, 1*8*, is scrawled in dark ink on the page; the second and fourth digits are smeared beyond recognition." instead. Before examining the scrap of paper: if the player has the scrap of paper: say "The paper appears to have been torn out of a notebook, or possibly someone's commonplace book. A four-digit number, 1*8*, is scrawled in dark ink on the page; the second and fourth digits are smeared beyond recognition." instead. Before examining the scrap of paper: if the scrap of paper is not on the metal statue and the player is not on the metal statue: say "The paper appears to have been torn out of a notebook, or possibly someone's commonplace book. A four-digit number, 1*8*, is scrawled in dark ink on the page; the second and fourth digits are smeared beyond recognition." instead. Before doing something to the scrap of paper: if the player is not on the metal statue and the scrap of paper is on the metal statue: say "You can see no such thing from the ground." instead. Instead of putting something on the metal statue when the player is not on the metal statue: say "You can't reach from the ground." Instead of searching the metal statue when the player is not on the metal statue: say "You can't see the top surface of the statue from the ground." Before doing something to something: if the player is on the metal statue and the noun is not on the metal statue and the noun is not the metal statue: say "Not while on the statue." instead. Instead of going nowhere while the player is in the Lawn: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through solid buildings.". Section 6 - Police Station The Police Station is north of the Lawn. "The police station is a long, dirty room filled with file cabinets. At the end of the room, to the EAST, is a jail cell. A doorway to the SOUTH leads to a scraggly lawn.". Instead of going nowhere while the player is in the Police Station: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through walls.". Officer Mitchum is in the Police Station. "Officer Mitchum sits behind a desk against the north wall. On the desk is a yellow telephone and a ball cap advertising the Stain'd-by-the-Sea Sea Stains.". Officer Mitchum is a person. The description of Officer Mitchum is "As unpleasant as ever.[if the player is escaped] And very hungry.". After asking Officer Mitchum about something: say "Officer Mitchum doesn't hear you.". Before asking Officer Mitchum about something: if the player is escaped: say "Are you trying to draw attention?" instead. Before asking Officer Mitchum about something: if the player reaches Officer Mitchum: say "[one of]'Is that the delivery boy?' the officer growls. 'Hurry up, can't you? I'm famished!'[or]'Is that you, dear?' the officer barks. 'Isn't it your turn to sit at the desk yet? I want my lunch!'[then at random]" instead. A telephone called the yellow telephone is in the Police Station. Understand "5866" as the yellow telephone. The description of the yellow telephone is "Before you is a yellow telephone. In black marker someone has written on it: [italic type]This number 5866.[roman type]". The yellow telephone is fixed in place. Instead of taking the yellow telephone: say "Does that look like a cell phone to you?" Before listing nondescript items of the Police Station: if the yellow telephone is marked for listing: now the yellow telephone is not marked for listing. Before listing nondescript items of the Police Station: if the jail cell door is marked for listing: now the jail cell door is not marked for listing. The file cabinets are scenery in the Police Station. Instead of doing anything to the file cabinets: say "Rummaging through police files is not recommended.". The police station desk is scenery in the Police Station. Instead of doing anything to the police station desk: say "Do you really want to become more closely acquainted with Officer Mitchum?". The ball cap is scenery in the Police Station. Instead of doing anything to the ball cap: say "Tampering with the evidence again?". The jail cell door is east of the Police Station and west of the Jail Cell. The jail cell door is a door. The jail cell door is openable and closed. The jail cell door is lockable and locked. The hairpin unlocks the jail cell door. The description of the jail cell door is "The cell door is fastened by an ordinary pin tumbler lock. You could pick the lock with a hairpin, if you happened to have such an item.". The Jail Cell is a room. "You are in Stain'd-by-the-Sea's only jail cell, bare except for a small cot to sleep on. A cell door, made of thick metal bars, separates you from the rest of the police station to the WEST." Before listing nondescript items of the Jail Cell: if the jail cell door is marked for listing: now the jail cell door is not marked for listing. The thick metal bars are scenery in the Jail Cell. The small cot is an enterable supporter in the Jail Cell. Before listing nondescript items of the Jail Cell: if the small cot is marked for listing: now the small cot is not marked for listing. The rest of the police station is scenery in the Jail Cell. The description of the rest of the police station is "The police station is a long, dirty room. Officer Mitchum sits behind a desk.". Officer Mitchum at desk is a person in the Jail Cell. The description of Officer Mitchum at desk is "The police officer is rummaging through a file and ignoring you.". Instead of asking Officer Mitchum at desk about something: say "Officer Mitchum doesn't hear you.". Before listing nondescript items of the Jail Cell: if Officer Mitchum at desk is marked for listing: now Officer Mitchum at desk is not marked for listing. Understand "lock" or "the lock" as the jail cell door. Picking is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "pick [something]" as picking. Check picking: if the noun is not a door, say "You can't pick that.". Carry out picking: if the player has the hairpin: now the noun is unlocked; say "You unlock the cell door with the hairpin."; otherwise: say "With what?" instead. A person can be escaped or unescaped. A person is usually unescaped. A person can be distracted or undistracted. A person is usually undistracted. Before going west while the player is in the Jail Cell: if the player is arrested and the cell door is unlocked: now the player is escaped. Doughnuts is a scene. "The cell door creaks as you sneak out of the cell. Oh dear. Officer Mitchum starts to look up - you'd better find some way to distract the police officer, and quickly.". Doughnuts is a recurring scene. Doughnuts begins when the player is escaped. Doughnuts ends unluckily when the time since Doughnuts began is 10 minutes. Doughnuts ends luckily when Officer Mitchum is distracted. Instead of giving something edible to Officer Mitchum during Doughnuts: now Officer Mitchum carries the noun; now Officer Mitchum is distracted; say "You carefully slide up next to the desk and place [the noun] on it.[paragraph break]Officer Mitchum gasps. 'LUNCH!' the officer shouts, and devours it, paying no attention to you.". Before attacking Officer Mitchum during Doughnuts: if the player has the hypodermic needle: now Officer Mitchum is distracted; say "You jump at Officer Mitchum and stab with the hypodermic needle. The police officer slumps forward onto the desk, drugged."; stop the action. Understand "stab [someone]" or "inject [someone]" or "shoot [someone]" or "needle [someone]" as attacking. When Doughnuts begins: the warning happens in six turns from now. At the time when the warning happens: if Doughnuts is happening: say "Time is running out.". Instead of going somewhere during Doughnuts: say "Perhaps you could make a dash for it - no, the officer would certainly notice you.". Instead of kissing Officer Mitchum during Doughnuts: say "Er...distract in a G-rated fashion.". Instead of calling during Doughnuts: say "Yes, very inconspicuous." When Doughnuts ends unluckily: say "Too late! Officer Mitchum has noticed you. 'Hey! How did you get out of that cell?' the officer barks. You are unceremoniously collared and tossed back into the jail cell. The lock clicks."; now the player is in the Jail Cell; now the player is unescaped; now the jail cell door is closed; now the jail cell door is locked. When Doughnuts ends luckily: say "Successfully distracted!"; now the player is unarrested; now the player is unescaped. Section 7 - Library The Library is south of the Lawn. "The library is an enormous room, filled with tall metal shelves and answers. There is a desk across the room; on the desk is a black telephone and a sign that reads 'Dashiell Qwerty, Sub-Librarian'. Doorways lead NORTH to a scraggly lawn and SOUTH to a street.". Instead of going nowhere while the player is in the Library: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through walls.". The tall metal shelves are scenery in the Library. The description of the tall metal shelves is "[if Dashiell Qwerty is ungreeted]One book in particular catches your eye, but perhaps you should start your research by asking the sub-librarian[otherwise if Dashiell Qwerty is greeted]One book in particular catches your eye: [italic type]True-False Logic Puzzles[roman type][end if]." Instead of searching the tall metal shelves: try examining the tall metal shelves. The library desk is scenery in the Library. The library sign is scenery in the Library. The description of the sign is "Dashiell Qwerty, Sub-Librarian". The rows of books are scenery in the Library. The description of the rows of books is "[if Dashiell Qwerty is ungreeted]One book in particular catches your eye, but perhaps you should start your research by asking the sub-librarian[otherwise if Dashiell Qwerty is greeted]One book in particular catches your eye: [italic type]True-False Logic Puzzles[roman type][end if]." The logic book is in the Library. The description of the logic book is "[if Dashiell Qwerty is ungreeted]One book in particular catches your eye, but perhaps you should start your research by asking the sub-librarian.[otherwise if Dashiell Qwerty is greeted]You open the book to a random page.[line break][line break][italic type]There is a wide variety of puzzles about an island in which certain inhabitants called 'knights' always tell the truth, and others called 'knaves' always lie. It is assumed that every inhabitant of the island is either a knight or a knave. According to one old problem, three of the inhabitants - A, B, and C - were standing together in a garden. A stranger passed by and asked A, 'Are you a knight or a knave?' A answered, but rather indistinctly, so the stranger could not make out what he said. The stranger than asked B, 'What did A say?' B replied, 'A said that he is a knave.' At this point the third man, C, said, 'Don't believe B; he is lying!' The question is, what are B and C?[roman type][end if]". Instead of taking the logic book: say "You don't have a library card.". Instead of taking the rows of books: say "You don't have a library card.". Before eating the logic book: say "Appalling." instead. Before eating the rows of books: say "Appalling." instead. Before listing nondescript items of the Library: if Dashiell Qwerty is ungreeted and the logic book is marked for listing: now the logic book is not marked for listing. Understand "True-False Logic Puzzles" and "true-false logic puzzles" and "logic puzzles" as the logic book. Dashiell Qwerty is in the Library. "Dashiell Qwerty is here, stacking books." Dashiell Qwerty is a man. The description of Dashiell Qwerty is "Apparently, he recently had a close encounter with a scissors-carrying maniac. His hair did not survive the assault.". Dashiell Qwerty is ungreeted. After asking Dashiell Qwerty about something: if Dashiell Qwerty is ungreeted: say "Dashiell Qwerty looks up at you. 'Investigating that car theft?' he asks. 'Stealing a car like that would require both the ability to drive and a visit to Moray Wheels. From what I've heard, there are four suspects in the case: Doctor Flammarion, Hungry Hix, Mister Mallahan, and Polly Partial. Perhaps you should go interrogate them - you know, ask them about each other, the theft, the garage, the Dilemma. Be warned, though: none of them is is completely truthful. Nor will any of them make the same number of true statements as another.' He waves his hand in the direction of the shelves. 'I think there's a book over there that might be helpful.'"; now Dashiell Qwerty is greeted. Before asking Dashiell Qwerty about something: if Dashiell Qwerty is greeted and the player does not reach Dashiell Qwerty: say "He is too busy stacking books to notice you.". Before asking Dashiell Qwerty about something: if the player reaches Dashiell Qwerty: say "'Investigating that car theft?' Qwerty asks. 'Stealing a car like that would require both the ability to drive and a visit to Moray Wheels. From what I've heard, there are four suspects in the case: Doctor Flammarion, Hungry Hix, Mister Mallahan, and Polly Partial. Perhaps you should go interrogate them - you know, ask them about each other, the theft, the garage, the Dilemma. Be warned, though: none of them is is completely truthful. Nor will any of them make the same number of true statements as another.'" instead. A telephone called the black telephone is in the Library. Understand "8382" as the black telephone. The description of the black telephone is "Before you is a black telephone. In white marker someone has written on it: [italic type]This number 8382.[roman type]". The black telephone is fixed in place. Instead of taking the black telephone: say "Does that look like a cell phone to you?" Before listing nondescript items of the Library: if the black telephone is marked for listing: now the black telephone is not marked for listing. Section 8 - Ink Street Ink Street is south of the Library. "Ink Street is no longer the grand promenade the Knight family money had once made it. Lighthouse Street is to the EAST; Caravan Street is to the WEST. The back entrance of the library is to the NORTH. To the SOUTH is a pen-shaped tower with a small door." The hypodermic needle is in Ink Street. The description of the hypodermic needle is "The kind that doctors like to stick you with.". Instead of smelling the hypodermic needle, say "Sweet and wrong, like a dangerous flower.". Instead of tasting the hypodermic needle, say "That is highly unsanitary." The pen-shaped tower is scenery in Ink Street. The description of the pen-shaped tower is "Excessively large letters on the small door read 'Ink Inc'.". The library back entrance is scenery in the Ink Street. The description of the library back entrance is "'Home is where the heart is,' they always told you.". The inky small door is scenery in the Ink Street. The description of the inky small door is "'Ink Inc,' it says.". Instead of entering the pen-shaped tower: try going south. Instead of going nowhere while the player is in Ink Street: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through solid buildings.". Section 10 - Lighthouse Street Lighthouse Street is east of Ink Street. "Lighthouse Street leads out of town towards the edge of the island. The view must have been pretty, with waves crashing below the cliffs, but now all you can see is a carpet of seashells and a menacing forest of dark seaweed. To the WEST is Ink Street and the rest of the town; to the EAST is a blinking lighthouse." The carpet of seashells is scenery in Lighthouse Street. The description of the carpet of seashells is "Very bumpy to drive on." The forest of dark seaweed is scenery in Lighthouse Street. The description of the forest of dark seaweed is "The Clusterous Forest is a wild and lawless place, not fit for man or beast." Understand "clusterous/Clusterous" or "Clusterous Forest" or "The Clusterous Forest" or "clusterous forest" or "the clusterous forest" as the forest of dark seaweed. Instead of entering the forest of dark seaweed, say "You know how in Harry Potter, the Forbidden Forest is called the Forbidden Forest because entering it is Forbidden?" Instead of smelling the forest of dark seaweed, say "A brackish scent of fish and soil." Instead of listening to the forest of dark seaweed, say "You can hear the rustling of thousands of strands of seaweed." The rest of town is scenery in Lighthouse Street. The description of the rest of town is "A fading town.". The blinking lighthouse is scenery in Lighthouse Street. The description of the blinking lighthouse is "To the Lighthouse...". Instead of entering the blinking lighthouse: try going east. Instead of going nowhere while the player is in Lighthouse Street: say "And fall off a cliff?". The edge of the island is scenery in Lighthouse Street. The description of the edge of the island is "After a sheer drop-off, you can only see seaweed and seashells.". The cliffs are scenery in Lighthouse Street. The description of the cliffs is "After a sheer drop-off, you can only see seaweed and seashells.". Section 11 - Lighthouse The Stain'd Lighthouse is east of Lighthouse Street. "The bottom floor of the lighthouse consists of a small room filled with boxes and stacks of newspaper. A large staircase winds up to the top of the lighthouse, and a blue telephone hangs on the wall. In front of you is a dirty kitchen with piles of dishes. A doorway leads WEST to the street." Instead of going nowhere while the player is in the Stain'd Lighthouse: say "Wandering through someone else's house is not very polite.". The boxes are scenery in the Stain'd Lighthouse. The description of the boxes is "They probably contain newspaper equipment. Or lighthouse equipment. Or both.". The stacks of newspaper are scenery in the Stain'd Lighthouse. The description of the stacks of newspaper is "You can see the top of the nearest paper: '[italic type]The Stain'd Lighthouse. [roman type]Editors-in-Chief: Mallahan and Mallahan.'" The large staircase is scenery in the Stain'd Lighthouse. The description of the large staircase is "No one is sitting on it." The top of the lighthouse is scenery in the Stain'd Lighthouse. The description of the top of the lighthouse is "You look up at the top of the lighthouse. It no longer contains a certain statue, so you are not interested.". The dirty kitchen is scenery in the Stain'd Lighthouse. The description of the dirty kitchen is "It would be rude to intrude.". The piles of dishes are scenery in the Stain'd Lighthouse. The description of the piles of dishes is "Seriously, does no one in this town do their dishes?". Instead of taking the boxes: say "You're investigating a theft, not commiting one.". Instead of taking the stacks of newspaper: say "You're investigating a theft, not commiting one.". Instead of taking the piles of dishes: say "You're investigating a theft, not commiting one.". Instead of entering the dirty kitchen: try going east. Instead of climbing the large staircase: try going up. A telephone called the blue telephone is in the Stain'd Lighthouse. Understand "2871" as the blue telephone. The description of the blue telephone is "Before you is a blue telephone. In black marker someone has written on it: [italic type]This number 2871.[roman type]". The blue telephone is fixed in place. Instead of taking the blue telephone: say "Does that look like a cell phone to you?". Before listing nondescript items of the Stain'd Lighthouse: if the blue telephone is marked for listing: now the blue telephone is not marked for listing. Mister Mallahan is in the Stain'd Lighthouse. Mister Mallahan is a man. "Mister Mallahan is here. He is dressed in a bathrobe and a pair of slippers and looks very sleepy.". The description of Mister Mallahan is "It looks like Mister Mallahan is planning on staying in that bathrobe for quite some time.". Mister Mallahan wears a bathrobe. The description of the bathrobe is "It looks like Mister Mallahan is planning on staying in that bathrobe for quite some time.". Mister Mallahan wears a pair of slippers. The description of the pair of slippers is "Shaped like minature lighthouses.". The chatter of Mister Mallahan is the Table of Mallahan Conversation. Before asking Mister Mallahan about something: if the topic understood is a topic listed in the chatter of the noun, say "[reply entry][paragraph break]" instead; otherwise say "[The noun] just yawns. Wrong question." instead. Before asking Mister Mallahan about something for seven turns: say "Perhaps you should try asking him about Doctor Flammarion, or the Dilemma, or the theft, or Hungry Hix.". Table of Mallahan Conversation topic reply "doctor/Doctor/Flammarion/flammarion/ink/Ink/inc/Inc/laudanum" or "Doctor Flammarion" or "doctor flammarion" or "Ink Inc" or "ink inc" or "the doctor" or "The Doctor" "'Doctor Flammarion's not guilty of that theft,' says Mister Mallahan." "Dilemma/dilemma/car/dilemna/Dilemna/drive/driving" or "the car" or "the Dilemma" or "the dilemma" or "can drive" "'Well, Hungry Hix can drive,' Mister Mallahan replies." "theft/stolen/stole/guilty/thief/crime/Miss/Cleo/Knight/miss/cleo/knight" or "Miss Cleo Knight" or "Cleo Knight" or "miss cleo knight" or "cleo knight" or "the theft" or "Moray Wheels" or "Moray/moray/Wheels/wheels/garage/mechanic/Jackie/jackie/grandfather" or "the garage" or "moray wheels" "Mister Mallahan shakes his head. 'I've never been to the Moray Wheels garage,' he says." "Hungry/hungry/Hix/hix/Hungry's/hungry's/restaurant/diner" or "Hungry Hix" or "hungry hix" "'Hungry Hix has been to Moray Wheels before,' Mister Mallahan replies." Section 12 - Ink Inc Ink Inc is south of Ink Street. "The entry hall of Ink Inc is tiny and dark, filled with boxes packed in preparation for the Knight family's imminent move. A doorway leads NORTH to the street. A white telephone is balanced precariously on top of the boxes." Instead of going nowhere while the player is in the Ink Inc: say "Wandering through someone else's house is not very polite." instead. The packed boxes are scenery in the Ink Inc. The cinnamon roll is in the Ink Inc. The cinnamon roll is edible. The description of the cinnamon roll is "Curled up like a snail and covered in icing." Instead of smelling the cinnamon roll: say "Surprisingly, it smells like cinnamon." Instead of tasting the cinnamon roll: say "Delicious." After eating the cinnamon roll: say "Undoubtably the best you have ever tasted." Doctor Flammarion is a man in the Ink Inc. "Doctor Flammarion is here, smiling at you nastily.". The description of Doctor Flammarion is "A round little man with round little glasses and a round little beard." Doctor Flammarion wears a round little glasses. Doctor Flammarion wears a round little beard. A telephone called the white telephone is in the Inc Ink. Understand "3975" as the white telephone. The description of the white telephone is "Before you is a white telephone. In black marker someone has written on it: [italic type]This number 3975.[roman type]". The white telephone is fixed in place. Instead of taking the white telephone: say "Does that look like a cell phone to you?". Before listing nondescript items of the Ink Inc: if the white telephone is marked for listing: now the white telephone is not marked for listing. The chatter of Doctor Flammarion is the Table of Doctor Conversation. Before asking Doctor Flammarion about something: if the topic understood is a topic listed in the chatter of the noun, say "[reply entry][paragraph break]" instead; otherwise say "[The noun] just chuckles, nastily. Wrong question." instead. Before asking Doctor Flammarion about something for seven turns: say "Perhaps you should try asking him about Hungry Hix, or the theft, or Mister Mallahan, or Doctor Flammarion.". Table of Doctor Conversation topic reply "Hungry/hungry/Hix/hix/Hungry's/hungry's/restaurant/diner" or "Hungry Hix" or "hungry hix" "'Well, Hungry Hix has been to Moray Wheels several times,' Doctor Flammarion says." "theft/stolen/stole/guilty/thief/crime/Miss/Cleo/Knight/miss/cleo/knight" or "Miss Cleo Knight" or "Cleo Knight" or "miss cleo knight" or "cleo knight" or "the theft" or "Moray Wheels" or "Moray/moray/Wheels/wheels/garage/mechanic/Jackie/jackie/grandfather" or "the garage" or "moray wheels" "'What? None of us are guilty of that theft!' Doctor Flammarion yells." "mallahan/Mallahan/Moxie/father/lighthouse/Lighthouse/newspaper/reporter/Reporter" or "Mister Mallahan" or "mister mallahan" or "the father" or "The Stain'd Lighthouse" or "the stain'd lighthouse" "Doctor Flammarion scratches his head. 'Mister Mallahan has been to the garage in the past,' he replies." "doctor/Doctor/you/him/himself/Flammarion/flammarion/ink/Ink/inc/Inc/laudanum/needle/smell/Hangfire/hangfire/Nurse/nurse" or "Doctor Flammarion" or "doctor flammarion" or "Ink Inc" or "ink inc" or "hypodermic needle" or "the hypodermic needle" or "the meaning of life" or "each other" or "the doctor" or "The Doctor" "Doctor Flammarion snickers, nastily. 'Every statement I make is false,' he says.". Section 13 - Caravan Street Caravan Street is west of Ink Street. "Caravan Street is wide, empty, and wandering. Ink Street is to the EAST and Parfait Street is to the NORTH. To the SOUTH is faded grocery store, entered through cracked glass doors with brass handles carved with images of fruit and vegetables. A sign over the doors reads [italic type]Partial Foods[roman type].". Instead of going nowhere while the player is in Caravan Street: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through solid buildings.". The faded grocery store is scenery in Caravan Street. The description of the faded grocery store is "Theodora purchases your groceries here. You don't have a very high opinion of it.". The cracked glass doors are scenery in Caravan Street. The description of the cracked glass doors is "Enormous but difficult to open.". The brass handles are scenery in Caravan Street. The description of the brass handles is "Brussels sprouts feature prominently. It's like a metaphor for the decline of the town.". The partial sign is scenery in Caravan Street. The description of the partial sign is "'Partial Foods'". A person can be arrested or unarrested. A person is usually unarrested. Before going south while the player is in the Caravan Street: if the Partial Foods is unvisited: say "Unfortunately, as you enter the grocery store, you knock over a basket of honeydew melons. Polly Partial has been on edge ever since the mysterious melon heist, and she swoops down upon you when she sees the fruit bouncing on the floor. 'I'm calling the police!' she shrieks. Before you can escape, you hear the siren call of Stain'd-by-the-Sea's most charming juvenile delinquent. One police car and two bickering police officers pull into view. Ignoring your protests, the Officers Mitchum grab your arm and chauffeur you to the police station. 'That's the last time you steal any melons, Snicket!' they snap. As the cell door slams behind you, your main regret is that you were arrested over a few honeydew melons, instead of something tastier like root beer."; now the Partial Foods is visited; now the player is arrested; now the player is in the Jail Cell; now the jail cell door is closed; now the jail cell door is locked instead. Section 14 - Partial Foods Partial Foods is south of Caravan Street. "Partial Foods contains wide aisles and deep bins that are half empty and half full of foods you don't like. There is a spilled basket of honeydew melons by the entrance. A doorway leads NORTH to the street.". Instead of going nowhere while the player is in Partial Foods: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through walls.". A telephone called the green telephone is in Partial Foods. "In the corner, a green telephone lurks behind a stack of canned soup and a display of pineapples." Understand "7709" as the green telephone. The description of the green telephone is "Before you is a green telephone. In black marker someone has written on it: [italic type]This number 7709.[roman type]". The green telephone is fixed in place. Instead of taking the green telephone: say "Does that look like a cell phone to you?" The stack of canned soup is scenery in Partial Foods. The description of the stack of canned soup is "Cream of mushroom. Blech.". Instead of taking the stack of canned soup: say "You don't want to get arrested again." The display of pineapples is scenery in Partial Foods. The description of the display of pineapples is "Neatly stacked.". Instead of taking the display of pineapples: say "You don't want to get arrested again." Instead of eating the display of pineapples: say "You don't want to get arrested again." Understand "pineapple" as the display of pineapples. The wide aisles are scenery in Partial Foods. The description of the wide aisles is "Move along, nothing to see here.". The deep bins are scenery in Partial Foods. The description of the deep bins is "Move along, nothing to see here.". The spilled basket of honeydew melons is scenery in Partial Foods. The description of the spilled basket of honeydew melons is "Not neatly stacked. You feel slightly guilty.". Understand "stack [something]" as taking while the player is in Partial Foods. Instead of taking the spilled basket of honeydew melons: say "You don't want to get arrested again." Instead of eating the spilled basket of honeydew melons: say "You don't want to get arrested again." Understand "honeydew melon" as the spilled basket of honeydew melons. Understand "melon" as the spilled basket of honeydew melons. Polly Partial is in Partial Foods. "Polly Partial is here, looking both very angry and very bored at the same time." Polly Partial is a woman. The description of Polly Partial is "She is wearing a stained smock and a peeled name tag." Polly Partial wears a stained smock. The description of the stained smock is "You don't really want to know what made those stains.". Polly Partial wears a peeled name tag. The description of the peeled name tag is "It reads, '[italic type]POLLY PARTIAL[roman type]'.". The chatter of Polly Partial is the Table of Polly Conversation. Before asking Polly Partial about something: if the topic understood is a topic listed in the chatter of the noun, say "[reply entry][paragraph break]" instead; otherwise say "[The noun] sighs, in boredom. Wrong question." instead. Before asking Polly Partial about something for seven turns: say "Perhaps you should try asking her about Doctor Flammarion, or Hungry Hix, or the garage, or Mister Mallahan.". Table of Polly Conversation topic reply "doctor/Doctor/Flammarion/flammarion/ink/Ink/inc/Inc/laudanum" or "Doctor Flammarion" or "doctor flammarion" or "Ink Inc" or "the doctor" or "The Doctor" "'Hmm... if Doctor Flammarion mentions anything about whether Hungry Hix or Mister Mallahan have been to the garage, he's lying,' Polly Partial replies." "Hungry/hungry/Hix/hix/Hungry's/hungry's/restaurant/diner" or "Hungry Hix" or "hungry hix" "'Well, Hungry Hix cannot drive,' says Polly Partial." "Moray Wheels" or "Moray/moray/Wheels/wheels/garage/mechanic/Jackie/jackie/grandfather" or "the garage" or "moray wheels" "'Well, Hungry Hix has never been to the garage ,' she says." "mallahan/Mallahan/Moxie/father/lighthouse/Lighthouse/newspaper/reporter/Reporter" or "Mister Mallahan" or "mister mallahan" or "the father" or "The Stain'd Lighthouse" or "the stain'd lighthouse" "'Mister Mallahan is a paradigm of honesty,' Polly Partial replies. 'Anything he says, he's telling the truth.'" Section 15 - Black Cat Coffee Black Cat Coffee is west of Parfait Street. "The coffee shop is long and narrow. There is a piano in the corner. A doorway leads EAST to the street. [if the strange machinery is switched on]A staircase leads UP to the attic.". Instead of going nowhere while the player is in Black Cat Coffee: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through walls.". The piano is scenery in Black Cat Coffee. The description of the piano is "An antique player piano spouting tinkly tunes." Instead of listening to the piano, say "It sounds like Duke Ellington's Black and Tan Fantasy, but you can't be sure." Understand "play [something]" as touching while the player is in Black Cat Coffee. Instead of touching the piano: say "The piano is already playing itself." The enormous counter is scenery in Black Cat Coffee. The description of the enormous counter is "The perfect place for a clandestine meeting with a long-lost femme fatale.". The strange machinery is a device in Black Cat Coffee. "In front of you is an enormous counter, and behind the counter is a mass of strange machinery. The center of the counter contains three large buttons, labeled A, B, and C." The strange machinery is fixed in place and switched off. A button labeled A, a button labeled B, and a button labeled C are part of the strange machinery. The description of the strange machinery is "Perhaps it is controlled by those buttons.". Instead of switching on the strange machinery: say "But how?". Understand "buttons" as the button labeled A while the player is in Black Cat Coffee. The description of the button labeled A is "You could try pressing it.". The description of the button labeled B is "You could try pressing it.". The description of the button labeled C is "You could try pressing it.". Coffee Limbo is a room. A cup of coffee is a kind of thing. 5 cup of coffees are in Coffee Limbo. A cup of coffee is always edible. The description of a cup of coffee is "Steaming hot.". A slice of bread is a kind of thing. 5 slice of breads are in Coffee Limbo. A slice of bread is always edible. The description of a slice of bread is "Crusty and warm.". Instead of drinking the cup of coffee: try eating the noun. After eating the cup of coffee: say "You drink the cup of coffee. Not bad.". Instead of pushing the button labeled C: let chosen cup of coffee be a random cup of coffee in Coffee Limbo; if chosen cup of coffee is nothing: say "[manager refusal coffee]"; otherwise: move the chosen cup of coffee to the Black Cat Coffee; say "The machinery behind the counter whirls to life and deposits a cup of coffee in front of you." To say manager refusal coffee: say "A conscientious awareness of world hunger suggests to you that perhaps you should drink the coffee you already have before requesting any more." After eating a cup of coffee: move the noun to Coffee Limbo; continue the action. Instead of pushing the button labeled B: let chosen slice of bread be a random slice of bread in Coffee Limbo; if chosen slice of bread is nothing: say "[manager refusal bread]"; otherwise: move the chosen slice of bread to the Black Cat Coffee; say "The machinery behind the counter whirls to life and deposits a slice of bread in front of you." To say manager refusal bread: say "A conscientious awareness of world hunger suggests to you that perhaps you should eat the bread you already have before requesting any more." After eating a slice of bread: move the noun to Coffee Limbo; continue the action. After pushing the button labeled A: now the strange machinery is switched on ; say "There is a loud scraping noise from above. Part of the ceiling slowly lowers, forming a staircase that leads UP.". Before going up when the player is in the Black Cat Coffee: if the strange machinery is switched off: say "All you can see above you is a smooth, blank ceiling. There are those odd buttons on the counter, though..." instead. Before going east when the player is in the Black Cat Coffee: now the strange machinery is switched off; continue the action. The Attic is above the Black Cat Coffee. "The attic of Black Cat Coffee is another large room with nobody in it. The walls are lined with cupboards and shelves containing bags of coffee. In the center of the room is a long table stacked with envelopes and packages.". The cupboards are scenery in the Attic. Instead of opening the cupboards: say "They are locked." Instead of unlocking the cupboards with something: say "They are [italic type]really[roman type] locked." The coffee shelves are scenery in the Attic. The bags of coffee are scenery in the Attic. Instead of taking the bags of coffee: say "There is freshly brewed coffee available downstairs; why take these?" The long table is a supporter in the Attic. The description of the long table is "The table is piled with envelopes and packages. You would have to search to find anything in this mess.". Before searching the long table: if the letter is in the Attic: say "In the mess you see a letter addressed 'Lemony Snicket, c/o Black Cat Coffee, Stain'd-by-the-Sea'." instead. Before searching the long table: if the letter is not in the Attic: say "You find nothing of interest." instead. The envelopes are scenery in the Attic. The description of the envelopes is "[if the letter is in the Attic]Among them you see a letter addressed 'Lemony Snicket, c/o Black Cat Coffee, Stain'd-by-the-Sea'.[otherwise if the letter is not in the Attic]None are addressed to you.[end if]". Instead of taking the envelopes: say "They don't belong to you." Before searching the envelopes: if the letter is in the Attic: say "Among them you see a letter addressed 'Lemony Snicket, c/o Black Cat Coffee, Stain'd-by-the-Sea'." instead. The packages are scenery in the Attic. The description of the packages is "[if the letter is in the Attic]Among them you see a letter addressed 'Lemony Snicket, c/o Black Cat Coffee, Stain'd-by-the-Sea'.[otherwise if the letter is not in the Attic]None are addressed to you.[end if]". Instead of taking the packages: say "They don't belong to you." Before searching the packages: if the letter is in the Attic: say "Among them you see a letter addressed 'Lemony Snicket, c/o Black Cat Coffee, Stain'd-by-the-Sea'." instead. The letter is in the Attic. The description of the letter is "You read the letter. 'TO: LS [line break] FROM: ----- (the ink is badly smeared here, but it seems to say either Walleye or Pocket) [line break] FILE UNDER: Stain'd-by-the-Sea, accounts of; theft, investigations of; Dilemma; logic puzzles; et cetera [line break] cc: VFDhq REQUESTING CASE UPDATE BY TELEPHONE.[line break]NUMBER *2*9. (the first and third digits are smeared beyond recognition)'". Before listing nondescript items of the Attic: if the long table is marked for listing: now the long table is not marked for listing. Before listing nondescript items of the Attic: if the Attic is unvisited and the letter is marked for listing: now the letter is not marked for listing. Before examining the letter: if the player does not have the letter: say "You must be holding the letter to read it." instead. Section 16 - Parfait Street Parfait Street is south of Main Street and north of Caravan Street. "Parfait Street is a narrow lane with a cold wind. Main Street is to the NORTH and Caravan Street is to the SOUTH. Black Cat Coffee, the sole business on a block that is otherwise boarded up, is to the WEST. Outside the coffee shop is a large wooden sign with a stenciled cat." Instead of going nowhere while the player is in Parfait Street: say "You have not yet developed the ability to walk through solid buildings.". The large wooden sign is scenery in Parfait Street. The description of the large wooden sign is "It's just a sign.". The stenciled cat is scenery in Parfait Street. The description of the stenciled cat is "Similar to the one you have seen on bags of Black Cat Coffee's coffee.". The coffee shop is scenery in Parfait Street. The description of the coffee shop is "It seems to be open.". Understand "Black Cat Coffee" or "black cat coffee" or "business" or "the sole business" as the coffee shop while the player is in Parfait Street. Understand "block" or "the block" or "lane" or "the lane" as the street while the player is in Parfait Street. The cold wind is scenery in Parfait Street. The description of the cold wind is "Wind is invisible.". Instead of listening to the cold wind: say "Eerily silent.". Section 17 - End Game VFDhq is a room. A telephone called the purple telephone is in the VFDhq. Understand "1289" as the purple telephone. either Walleye or Pocket is in the VFDhq. either Walleye or Pocket is a person. Before asking Walleye about something: if the player reaches either Walleye or Pocket: say "'Who committed the theft?' Walleye or Pocket asks. [paragraph break]"; say "Type the number of your answer... [paragraph break]"; repeat with N running from 1 to the number of rows in the Table of VFD Conversation: say "[label in row N of the Table of VFD Conversation]) [quip in row N of the Table of VFD Conversation] [line break]"; stop the action. Understand "[number]" as selecting while the player reaches either Walleye or Pocket. Selecting is an action applying to one number. Carry out selecting: say "No such option is available." Instead of selecting a label listed in the Table of VFD Conversation: if number understood is two: choose row with a label of number understood in the Table of VFD Conversation; say "[discussion entry] [paragraph break]"; end the story finally; if number understood is one: choose row with a label of number understood in the Table of VFD Conversation; say "[discussion entry] [paragraph break]"; end the story finally saying "You have died of dysentery."; if number understood is three: choose row with a label of number understood in the Table of VFD Conversation; say "[discussion entry] [paragraph break]"; end the story finally saying "You have died of dysentery."; if number understood is four: choose row with a label of number understood in the Table of VFD Conversation; say "[discussion entry] [paragraph break]"; end the story finally saying "You have died of dysentery.". When play begins: choose row with a final response rule of immediately undo rule in the Table of Final Question Options; delete the final question wording entry. Table of VFD Conversation quip discussion label "Doctor Flammarion" "'It was Doctor Flammarion,' you say nervously.[paragraph break]Unfortunately, you are wrong, and the misinformation you have just given VFD causes a lot of bad things including the schism. Oops." 1 "Mister Mallahan" "'It was Mister Mallahan,' you say nervously.[paragraph break]You hear either Walleye or Pocket sigh over the phone. 'Yes, we were worried that the stress of being left by his wife might lead to something like this. Truly a shame.'[paragraph break]Well, at least you solved the case." 2 "Polly Partial" "'It was Polly Partial,' you say nervously.[paragraph break]Unfortunately, you are wrong, and the misinformation you have just given VFD causes a lot of bad things including the schism. Oops." 3 "Hungry Hix" "'It was Hungry Hix,' you say nervously.[paragraph break]Unfortunately, you are wrong, and the misinformation you have just given VFD causes a lot of bad things including the schism. Oops." 4 Section 18 - Help After printing the banner text, say "[paragraph break]First-time interactive fiction players: type HELP.[paragraph break]". Understand "help" as asking for help. Asking for help is an action out of world. Carry out asking for help: say "[paragraph break]Welcome! In an interactive ficton game, you navigate around and interact with your environment by typing text commands. For example, if the game tells you: [paragraph break] 'A sugar bowl is sitting on the table in front of you.' [paragraph break] you can type 'examine sugar bowl' or 'x sugar bowl' or even just 'x bowl' to take a closer look at the sugar bowl, 'open sugar bowl' to look inside or get ready to put something inside, and 'take sugar bowl' or 'pick up sugar bowl' to add it to the collection of material goods that your character is carrying around. [paragraph break] You move around the game by typing cardinal directions: 'north' or 'n' to move north, 'west' or 'w' to move west, 'southeast' or 'se' to move southeast, 'up' or 'u' to move upwards, 'down' or 'd' to move downwards, etc. In this game, available directions will be CAPITALIZED in the location description and displayed on the right side of the status bar (the black bar at the top of the screen). [paragraph break] You can interact with other characters, too: talk to them, throw things at them, whatever. [paragraph break] Some other actions that you might find useful in an IF game (by no means a comprehensive list): [paragraph break] 'inventory' or 'i' - displays a list of items you are carrying [line break] 'look' or 'l' - displays the description of your current location [line break] 'ask (someone) about (something)' - to talk to a character [line break] 'drop (something)' - the opposite of taking something [line break] 'give (something) to (someone)' [line break] 'call (a telephone number)' [line break] 'close (something)' [line break] 'lock (something)' [line break] 'unlock (something)' [line break] 'eat (something)' [line break] 'drink (something)' [line break] 'sit' [line break] 'stand' [line break] 'get off (something)' [line break] 'put (something) on/in (something)' [line break] 'enter (something)' [line break] 'exit (something)' [line break] 'climb (something)' [line break] 'pick (a lock)' [line break] 'smell (something)' [line break] 'taste (something)' [line break] 'listen to (something)' [line break] 'read (something)' [line break] 'search (something)' [line break] 'look under (something)' [line break] 'touch (something)' [line break] 'push (something)' [line break] 'pull (something)' [line break] 'jump' [line break] 'sing' [line break] 'attack (something)' [line break] 'restart' - new game [line break] 'restore' - open saved game [line break] 'save' - save current game [line break] 'quit' [line break] 'oops' or 'o' - correct a typo; for example, 'take eggg' + 'o egg' = 'take egg'[line break] 'wait or 'z' - let time pass while you do nothing [paragraph break]"