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Rigged Number Generator
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[headline] The story title is "Gacha". The story headline is "". The story author is "Rigged Number Generator". Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. The display banner rule is not listed in the startup rulebook. When play begins: center "[story title]"; center "[story headline]"; center "by [story author]"; say paragraph break; say "Press [bold type]any key[roman type] to start[line break]"; wait for any key; try tutorialing. Use undo prevention. [init] start is a room. ccurrency is a number that varies. ccurrency is 100. wcurrency is a number that varies. wcurrency is 100. pcurrency is a number that varies. pcurrency is 100. dcurrency is a number that varies. dcurrency is 100. acurrency is a number that varies. acurrency is 100. randomn is a number that varies. chancing is an action out of world. understand "chance" as chancing. helping is an action out of world. understand "help" as helping. gachaing is an action out of world. understand "gacha" as gachaing. cing is an action out of world. wing is an action out of world. ping is an action out of world. ding is an action out of world. aing is an action out of world. qing is an action out of world. charactering is an action out of world. understand "characters" as charactering. weaponing is an action out of world. understand "weapons" as weaponing. peting is an action out of world. understand "pets" as peting. potioning is an action out of world. understand "potions" as potioning. armouring is an action out of world. understand "armours" as armouring. cstatsing is an action applying to one visible thing. understand "stats character [any person]" as cstatsing. wstatsing is an action applying to one visible thing. understand "stats weapon [any weapon]" as wstatsing. pstatsing is an action applying to one visible thing. understand "stats pet [any pet]" as pstatsing. dstatsing is an action applying to one visible thing. understand "stats potion [any potion]" as dstatsing. astatsing is an action applying to one visible thing. understand "stats armour [any armour]" as astatsing. balancing is an action out of world. understand "balance" as balancing. tutorialing is an action out of world. selecting is an action applying to one visible thing. understand "select [any person]" as selecting. [tutorial] Check tutorialing: center "[bold type]Tutorial[roman type][paragraph break]"; now the printed name of start is ""; say "Welcome to the tutorial! Here we will go through all the basics of this game.[paragraph break]"; say "Press [bold type]any key[roman type] to continue[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "This is a gacha game.[paragraph break]"; say "Press [bold type]any key[roman type] to continue[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "To get you started, here's a token to enter the gacha with![paragraph break]"; say green letters; say "[italic type]Character currency +1[roman type][paragraph break]"; say black letters; say "Input [bold type]gacha[roman type] to pull enter the gacha!"; now the command prompt is "Input gacha >"; After reading a command when the command prompt is "Input gacha >": if the player's command matches "gacha": center "[bold type]Welcome to the Gacha![roman type][paragraph break]"; say blue letters; center "Input [bold type]c[roman type] to pull a character[line break]"; say black letters; now the command prompt is "Input c >"; reject the player's command; otherwise: say "[line break]Input [bold type]gacha[roman type][line break]"; reject the player's command. After reading a command when the command prompt is "Input c >": if the player's command matches "c": say "[italic type]You have pulled a...[roman type][paragraph break]"; say green letters; say "Common character![line break]It's... "; add Aries to mycharacters; increase level of Aries by 1; say "[bold type]Aries![roman type][line break]"; say "Aries is now level [level of Aries]![paragraph break]"; say black letters; say "Nicely done! You now know how to use the gacha![paragraph break]"; say "Press [bold type]any key[roman type] to continue[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Now input [bold type]stats character [mycharacters][roman type] to see the stats of the character![line break]"; now the command prompt is "Input stats character Aries >"; reject the player's command; otherwise: say "[line break]Input [bold type]c[roman type][line break]"; reject the player's command. After reading a command when the command prompt is "Input stats character Aries >": if the player's command matches "stats character Aries": say line break; try cstatsing Aries; say "[line break]Nicely done! Each character has different stats, as listed above![paragraph break]"; say "Press [bold type]any key[roman type] to continue[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "You are now ready to begin! Remember you can always input [bold type]help[roman type] at any time to see the list of commands![paragraph break]"; say "Press [bold type]any key[roman type] to continue[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; now the command prompt is ">"; reject the player's command; otherwise: say "[line break]Input [bold type]stats character Aries[roman type][line break]"; reject the player's command. [characters] A person has a number called maxhealth. A person has a number called health. A person has a number called atk. A person has a number called crit. A person has a number called def. A person has a number called speed. A person has a number called level. level is usually 0. Aries is a person. Taurus is a person. Gemini is a person. Cancer is a person. Leo is a person. Virgo is a person. Libra is a person. Scorpio is a person. Sagittarius is a person. Capricorn is a person. Aquarius is a person. Pisces is a person. Io is a person. Europa is a person. Ganymede is a person. Callisto is a person. Hercules is a person. [weapons] A weapon is a kind of thing. A weapon has a number called maxdurability. A weapon has a number called durability. A weapon has a number called wdamage. A weapon has a number called wlevel. wlevel is usually 0. spoon is a weapon. fork is a weapon. spear is a weapon. club is a weapon. knife is a weapon. sword is a weapon. axe is a weapon. dagger is a weapon. scythe is a weapon. mace is a weapon. katana is a weapon. claws is a weapon. sai is a weapon. whip is a weapon. trident is a weapon. staff is a weapon. lightsaber is a weapon. [pets] A pet is a kind of animal. A pet has a number called pmaxhealth. A pet has a number called patk. A pet has a number called phealth. A pet has a number called plevel. plevel is usually 0. Dog is a pet. Cat is a pet. Fish is a pet. Hamster is a pet. Rabbit is a pet. Cow is a pet. Pig is a pet. Sheep is a pet. Chicken is a pet. Snake is a pet. Bear is a pet. Tiger is a pet. Unicorn is a pet. Pegasus is a pet. Dragon is a pet. Phoenix is a pet. Ursa Major is a pet. [potions] A potion is a kind of thing. A potion has a number called pamount. pamount is usually 0. common damage potion is a potion. common health potion is a potion. common lotion is a potion. common luck potion is a potion. common protection potion is a potion. common unknown potion is a potion. rare damage potion is a potion. rare health potion is a potion. rare lotion is a potion. rare luck potion is a potion. rare protection potion is a potion. rare unknown potion is a potion. epic damage potion is a potion. epic health potion is a potion. epic lotion is a potion. epic luck potion is a potion. epic protection potion is a potion. epic unknown potion is a potion. mythical damage potion is a potion. mythical health potion is a potion. mythical lotion is a potion. mythical luck potion is a potion. mythical protection potion is a potion. mythical unknown potion is a potion. legendary damage potion is a potion. legendary health potion is a potion. legendary lotion is a potion. legendary luck potion is a potion. legendary protection potion is a potion. legendary unknown potion is a potion. suspicious damage potion is a potion. suspicious health potion is a potion. suspicious lotion is a potion. suspicious luck potion is a potion. suspicious protection potion is a potion. suspicious unknown potion is a potion. [armours] An armour is a kind of thing. armour is wearable. An armour has a number called extradef. An armour has a number called alevel. alevel is usually 0. An atype is a kind of value. atypes are helmet, chestpiece, pants, boots, shield. An armour has an atype. leather helmet is an armour. the atype of leather helmet is helmet. leather chestpiece is an armour. the atype of leather chestpiece is chestpiece. leather pants is an armour. the atype of leather pants is pants. leather boots is an armour. the atype of leather boots is boots. wooden shield is an armour. the atype of wooden shield is shield. glass helmet is an armour. the atype of glass helmet is helmet. glass chestpiece is an armour. the atype of glass chestpiece is chestpiece. glass pants is an armour. the atype of glass pants is pants. glass boots is an armour. the atype of glass boots is boots. mail helmet is an armour. the atype of mail helmet is helmet. mail chestpiece is an armour. the atype of mail chestpiece is chestpiece. mail pants is an armour. the atype of mail pants is pants. mail boots is an armour. the atype of mail boots is boots. iron helmet is an armour. the atype of iron helmet is helmet. iron chestpiece is an armour. the atype of iron chestpiece is chestpiece. iron pants is an armour. the atype of iron pants is pants. iron boots is an armour. the atype of iron boots is boots. gold helmet is an armour. the atype of gold helmet is helmet. gold chestpiece is an armour. the atype of gold chestpiece is chestpiece. gold pants is an armour. the atype of gold pants is pants. gold boots is an armour. the atype of gold boots is boots. obsidian helmet is an armour. the atype of obsidian helmet is helmet. obsidian chestpiece is an armour. the atype of obsidian chestpiece is chestpiece. obsidian pants is an armour. the atype of obsidian pants is pants. obsidian boots is an armour. the atype of obsidian boots is boots. diamond helmet is an armour. the atype of diamond helmet is helmet. diamond chestpiece is an armour. the atype of diamond chestpiece is chestpiece. diamond pants is an armour. the atype of diamond pants is pants. diamond boots is an armour. the atype of diamond boots is boots. celestial helmet is an armour. the atype of celestial helmet is helmet. celestial chestpiece is an armour. the atype of celestial chestpiece is chestpiece. celestial pants is an armour. the atype of celestial pants is pants. celestial boots is an armour. the atype of celestial boots is boots. mycharacters is a list of people that varies. myweapons is a list of things that varies. mypets is a list of animals that varies. mypotions is a list of potions that varies. myarmours is a list of armours that varies. [character gacha] ccommoning is an action out of world. crareing is an action out of world. cepicing is an action out of world. cmythicaling is an action out of world. clegendarying is an action out of world. cwhating is an action out of world. Check ccommoning: say green letters; say "Common character![line break]It's... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 4; if randomn is 0: if level of Aries is 0: add Aries to mycharacters; increase level of Aries by 1; say "[bold type]Aries![roman type][line break]"; say "Aries is now level [level of Aries]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if level of Taurus is 0: add Taurus to mycharacters; increase level of Taurus by 1; say "[bold type]Taurus![roman type][line break]"; say "Taurus is now level [level of Taurus]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if level of Gemini is 0: add Gemini to mycharacters; increase level of Gemini by 1; say "[bold type]Gemini![roman type][line break]"; say "Gemini is now level [level of Gemini]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if level of Cancer is 0: add Cancer to mycharacters; increase level of Cancer by 1; say "[bold type]Cancer![roman type][line break]"; say "Cancer is now level [level of Cancer]![line break]"; else if randomn is 4: if level of Leo is 0: add Leo to mycharacters; increase level of Leo by 1; say "[bold type]Leo![roman type][line break]"; say "Leo is now level [level of Leo]![line break]"; say black letters. Check crareing: say blue letters; say "Rare character![line break]It's... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 3; if randomn is 0: if level of Virgo is 0: add Virgo to mycharacters; increase level of Virgo by 1; say "[bold type]Virgo![roman type][line break]"; say "Virgo is now level [level of Virgo]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if level of Libra is 0: add Libra to mycharacters; increase level of Libra by 1; say "[bold type]Libra![roman type][line break]"; say "Libra is now level [level of Libra]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if level of Scorpio is 0: add Scorpio to mycharacters; increase level of Scorpio by 1; say "[bold type]Scorpio![roman type][line break]"; say "Scorpio is now level [level of Scorpio]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if level of Sagittarius is 0: add Sagittarius to mycharacters; increase level of Sagittarius by 1; say "[bold type]Sagittarius![roman type][line break]"; say "Sagittarius is now level [level of Sagittarius]![line break]"; say black letters. Check cepicing: say red letters; say "Epic character![line break]It's... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 2; if randomn is 0: if level of Capricorn is 0: add Capricorn to mycharacters; increase level of Capricorn by 1; say "[bold type]Capricorn![roman type][line break]"; say "Capricorn is now level [level of Capricorn]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if level of Aquarius is 0: add Aquarius to mycharacters; increase level of Aquarius by 1; say "[bold type]Aquarius![roman type][line break]"; say "Aquarius is now level [level of Aquarius]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if level of Pisces is 0: add Pisces to mycharacters; increase level of Pisces by 1; say "[bold type]Pisces![roman type][line break]"; say "Pisces is now level [level of Pisces]![line break]"; say black letters. Check cmythicaling: say magenta letters; say "Mythical character![line break]It's... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 1; if randomn is 0: if level of Io is 0: add Io to mycharacters; increase level of Io by 1; say "[bold type]Io![roman type][line break]"; say "Io is now level [level of Io]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if level of Europa is 0: add Europa to mycharacters; increase level of Europa by 1; say "[bold type]Europa![roman type][line break]"; say "Europa is now level [level of Europa]![line break]"; say black letters. Check clegendarying: say cyan letters; say "Legendary character![line break]It's... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 1; if randomn is 0: if level of Ganymede is 0: add Ganymede to mycharacters; increase level of Ganymede by 1; say "[bold type]Ganymede![roman type][line break]"; say "Ganymede is now level [level of Ganymede]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if level of Callisto is 0: add Callisto to mycharacters; increase level of Callisto by 1; say "[bold type]Callisto![roman type][line break]"; say "Callisto is now level [level of Callisto]![line break]"; say black letters. Check cwhating: say yellow letters; say "??? character![line break]It's..."; if level of Hercules is 0: add Hercules to mycharacters; increase level of Hercules by 1; say "[bold type]Hercules![roman type][line break]"; say "Hercules is now level [level of Hercules]![line break]"; say black letters. [weapon gacha] wcommoning is an action out of world. wrareing is an action out of world. wepicing is an action out of world. wmythicaling is an action out of world. wlegendarying is an action out of world. wwhating is an action out of world. Check wcommoning: say green letters; say "Common weapon![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 4; if randomn is 0: if wlevel of spoon is 0: add spoon to myweapons; increase wlevel of spoon by 1; say "[bold type]spoon![roman type][line break]"; say "spoon is now level [wlevel of spoon]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if wlevel of fork is 0: add fork to myweapons; increase wlevel of fork by 1; say "[bold type]fork![roman type][line break]"; say "fork is now level [wlevel of fork]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if wlevel of spear is 0: add spear to myweapons; increase wlevel of spear by 1; say "[bold type]spear![roman type][line break]"; say "spear is now level [wlevel of spear]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if wlevel of club is 0: add club to myweapons; increase wlevel of club by 1; say "[bold type]club![roman type][line break]"; say "club is now level [wlevel of club]![line break]"; else if randomn is 4: if wlevel of knife is 0: add knife to myweapons; increase wlevel of knife by 1; say "[bold type]knife![roman type][line break]"; say "knife is now level [wlevel of knife]![line break]"; say black letters. Check wrareing: say blue letters; say "Rare weapon![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 3; if randomn is 0: if wlevel of sword is 0: add sword to myweapons; increase wlevel of sword by 1; say "[bold type]sword![roman type][line break]"; say "sword is now level [wlevel of sword]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if wlevel of axe is 0: add axe to myweapons; increase wlevel of axe by 1; say "[bold type]axe![roman type][line break]"; say "axe is now level [wlevel of axe]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if wlevel of dagger is 0: add dagger to myweapons; increase wlevel of dagger by 1; say "[bold type]dagger![roman type][line break]"; say "dagger is now level [wlevel of dagger]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if wlevel of scythe is 0: add scythe to myweapons; increase wlevel of scythe by 1; say "[bold type]scythe![roman type][line break]"; say "scythe is now level [wlevel of scythe]![line break]"; say black letters. Check wepicing: say red letters; say "Epic weapon![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 2; if randomn is 0: if wlevel of mace is 0: add mace to myweapons; increase wlevel of mace by 1; say "[bold type]mace![roman type][line break]"; say "mace is now level [wlevel of mace]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if wlevel of katana is 0: add katana to myweapons; increase wlevel of katana by 1; say "[bold type]katana![roman type][line break]"; say "katana is now level [wlevel of katana]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if wlevel of claws is 0: add claws to myweapons; increase wlevel of claws by 1; say "[bold type]claws![roman type][line break]"; say "claws is now level [wlevel of claws]![line break]"; say black letters. Check wmythicaling: say magenta letters; say "Mythical weapon![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 1; if randomn is 0: if wlevel of sai is 0: add sai to myweapons; increase wlevel of sai by 1; say "[bold type]sai![roman type][line break]"; say "sai is now level [wlevel of sai]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if wlevel of whip is 0: add whip to myweapons; increase wlevel of whip by 1; say "[bold type]whip![roman type][line break]"; say "whip is now level [wlevel of whip]![line break]"; say black letters. Check wlegendarying: say cyan letters; say "Legendary weapon![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 1; if randomn is 0: if wlevel of trident is 0: add trident to myweapons; increase wlevel of trident by 1; say "[bold type]trident![roman type][line break]"; say "trident is now level [wlevel of trident]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if wlevel of staff is 0: add staff to myweapons; increase wlevel of staff by 1; say "[bold type]staff![roman type][line break]"; say "staff is now level [wlevel of staff]![line break]"; say black letters. Check wwhating: say yellow letters; say "??? weapon![line break]It's a..."; if wlevel of lightsaber is 0: add lightsaber to myweapons; increase wlevel of lightsaber by 1; say "[bold type]lightsaber![roman type][line break]"; say "lightsaber is now level [wlevel of lightsaber]![line break]"; say black letters. [pet gacha] pcommoning is an action out of world. prareing is an action out of world. pepicing is an action out of world. pmythicaling is an action out of world. plegendarying is an action out of world. pwhating is an action out of world. Check pcommoning: say green letters; say "Common pet![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 4; if randomn is 0: if plevel of Dog is 0: add Dog to mypets; increase plevel of Dog by 1; say "[bold type]Dog![roman type][line break]"; say "Dog is now level [plevel of Dog]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if plevel of Cat is 0: add Cat to mypets; increase plevel of Cat by 1; say "[bold type]Cat![roman type][line break]"; say "Cat is now level [plevel of Cat]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if plevel of Fish is 0: add Fish to mypets; increase plevel of Fish by 1; say "[bold type]Fish![roman type][line break]"; say "Fish is now level [plevel of Fish]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if plevel of Hamster is 0: add Hamster to mypets; increase plevel of Hamster by 1; say "[bold type]Hamster![roman type][line break]"; say "Hamster is now level [plevel of Hamster]![line break]"; else if randomn is 4: if plevel of Rabbit is 0: add Rabbit to mypets; increase plevel of Rabbit by 1; say "[bold type]Rabbit![roman type][line break]"; say "Rabbit is now level [plevel of Rabbit]![line break]"; say black letters. Check prareing: say blue letters; say "Rare pet![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 3; if randomn is 0: if plevel of Cow is 0: add Cow to mypets; increase plevel of Cow by 1; say "[bold type]Cow![roman type][line break]"; say "Cow is now level [plevel of Cow]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if plevel of Pig is 0: add Pig to mypets; increase plevel of Pig by 1; say "[bold type]Pig![roman type][line break]"; say "Pig is now level [plevel of Pig]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if plevel of Sheep is 0: add Sheep to mypets; increase plevel of Sheep by 1; say "[bold type]Sheep![roman type][line break]"; say "Sheep is now level [plevel of Sheep]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if plevel of Chicken is 0: add Chicken to mypets; increase plevel of Chicken by 1; say "[bold type]Chicken![roman type][line break]"; say "Chicken is now level [plevel of Chicken]![line break]"; say black letters. Check pepicing: say red letters; say "Epic pet![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 2; if randomn is 0: if plevel of Snake is 0: add Snake to mypets; increase plevel of Snake by 1; say "[bold type]Snake![roman type][line break]"; say "Snake is now level [plevel of Snake]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if plevel of Bear is 0: add Bear to mypets; increase plevel of Bear by 1; say "[bold type]Bear![roman type][line break]"; say "Bear is now level [plevel of Bear]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if plevel of Tiger is 0: add Tiger to mypets; increase plevel of Tiger by 1; say "[bold type]Tiger![roman type][line break]"; say "Tiger is now level [plevel of Tiger]![line break]"; say black letters. Check pmythicaling: say magenta letters; say "Mythical pet![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 1; if randomn is 0: if plevel of Unicorn is 0: add Unicorn to mypets; increase plevel of Unicorn by 1; say "[bold type]Unicorn![roman type][line break]"; say "Unicorn is now level [plevel of Unicorn]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if plevel of Pegasus is 0: add Pegasus to mypets; increase plevel of Pegasus by 1; say "[bold type]Pegasus![roman type][line break]"; say "Pegasus is now level [plevel of Pegasus]![line break]"; say black letters. Check plegendarying: say cyan letters; say "Legendary pet![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 1; if randomn is 0: if plevel of Dragon is 0: add Dragon to mypets; increase plevel of Dragon by 1; say "[bold type]Dragon![roman type][line break]"; say "Dragon is now level [plevel of Dragon]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if plevel of Phoenix is 0: add Phoenix to mypets; increase plevel of Phoenix by 1; say "[bold type]Phoenix![roman type][line break]"; say "Phoenix is now level [plevel of Phoenix]![line break]"; say black letters. Check pwhating: say yellow letters; say "??? pet![line break]It's a..."; if plevel of Ursa Major is 0: add Ursa Major to mypets; increase plevel of Ursa Major by 1; say "[bold type]Ursa Major![roman type][line break]"; say "Ursa Major is now level [plevel of Ursa Major]![line break]"; say black letters. [potion gacha] dcommoning is an action out of world. drareing is an action out of world. depicing is an action out of world. dmythicaling is an action out of world. dlegendarying is an action out of world. dwhating is an action out of world. Check dcommoning: say green letters; say "Common potion![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 5; if randomn is 0: if pamount of common damage potion is 0: add common damage potion to mypotions; increase pamount of common damage potion by 1; say "[bold type]common damage potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have common damage potion x[pamount of common damage potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if pamount of common health potion is 0: add common health potion to mypotions; increase pamount of common health potion by 1; say "[bold type]common health potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have common health potion x[pamount of common health potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if pamount of common lotion is 0: add common lotion to mypotions; increase pamount of common lotion by 1; say "[bold type]common lotion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have common lotion x[pamount of common lotion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if pamount of common luck potion is 0: add common luck potion to mypotions; increase pamount of common luck potion by 1; say "[bold type]common luck potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have common luck potion x[pamount of common luck potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 4: if pamount of common protection potion is 0: add common protection potion to mypotions; increase pamount of common protection potion by 1; say "[bold type]common protection potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have common protection potion x[pamount of common protection potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 5: if pamount of common unknown potion is 0: add common unknown potion to mypotions; increase pamount of common unknown potion by 1; say "[bold type]common unknown potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have common unknown potion x[pamount of common unknown potion]![line break]"; say black letters. Check drareing: say blue letters; say "Rare potion![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 5; if randomn is 0: if pamount of rare damage potion is 0: add rare damage potion to mypotions; increase pamount of rare damage potion by 1; say "[bold type]rare damage potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have rare damage potion x[pamount of rare damage potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if pamount of rare health potion is 0: add rare health potion to mypotions; increase pamount of rare health potion by 1; say "[bold type]rare health potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have rare health potion x[pamount of rare health potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if pamount of rare lotion is 0: add rare lotion to mypotions; increase pamount of rare lotion by 1; say "[bold type]rare lotion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have rare lotion x[pamount of rare lotion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if pamount of rare luck potion is 0: add rare luck potion to mypotions; increase pamount of rare luck potion by 1; say "[bold type]rare luck potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have rare luck potion x[pamount of rare luck potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 4: if pamount of rare protection potion is 0: add rare protection potion to mypotions; increase pamount of rare protection potion by 1; say "[bold type]rare protection potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have rare protection potion x[pamount of rare protection potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 5: if pamount of rare unknown potion is 0: add rare unknown potion to mypotions; increase pamount of rare unknown potion by 1; say "[bold type]rare unknown potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have rare unknown potion x[pamount of rare unknown potion]![line break]"; say black letters. Check depicing: say red letters; say "Epic potion![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 5; if randomn is 0: if pamount of epic damage potion is 0: add epic damage potion to mypotions; increase pamount of epic damage potion by 1; say "[bold type]epic damage potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have epic damage potion x[pamount of epic damage potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if pamount of epic health potion is 0: add epic health potion to mypotions; increase pamount of epic health potion by 1; say "[bold type]epic health potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have epic health potion x[pamount of epic health potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if pamount of epic lotion is 0: add epic lotion to mypotions; increase pamount of epic lotion by 1; say "[bold type]epic lotion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have epic lotion x[pamount of epic lotion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if pamount of epic luck potion is 0: add epic luck potion to mypotions; increase pamount of epic luck potion by 1; say "[bold type]epic luck potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have epic luck potion x[pamount of epic luck potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 4: if pamount of epic protection potion is 0: add epic protection potion to mypotions; increase pamount of epic protection potion by 1; say "[bold type]epic protection potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have epic protection potion x[pamount of epic protection potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 5: if pamount of epic unknown potion is 0: add epic unknown potion to mypotions; increase pamount of epic unknown potion by 1; say "[bold type]epic unknown potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have epic unknown potion x[pamount of epic unknown potion]![line break]"; say black letters. Check dmythicaling: say magenta letters; say "Mythical potion![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 5; if randomn is 0: if pamount of mythical damage potion is 0: add mythical damage potion to mypotions; increase pamount of mythical damage potion by 1; say "[bold type]mythical damage potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have mythical damage potion x[pamount of mythical damage potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if pamount of mythical health potion is 0: add mythical health potion to mypotions; increase pamount of mythical health potion by 1; say "[bold type]mythical health potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have mythical health potion x[pamount of mythical health potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if pamount of mythical lotion is 0: add mythical lotion to mypotions; increase pamount of mythical lotion by 1; say "[bold type]mythical lotion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have mythical lotion x[pamount of mythical lotion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if pamount of mythical luck potion is 0: add mythical luck potion to mypotions; increase pamount of mythical luck potion by 1; say "[bold type]mythical luck potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have mythical luck potion x[pamount of mythical luck potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 4: if pamount of mythical protection potion is 0: add mythical protection potion to mypotions; increase pamount of mythical protection potion by 1; say "[bold type]mythical protection potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have mythical protection potion x[pamount of mythical protection potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 5: if pamount of mythical unknown potion is 0: add mythical unknown potion to mypotions; increase pamount of mythical unknown potion by 1; say "[bold type]mythical unknown potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have mythical unknown potion x[pamount of mythical unknown potion]![line break]"; say black letters. Check dlegendarying: say cyan letters; say "Legendary potion![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 5; if randomn is 0: if pamount of legendary damage potion is 0: add legendary damage potion to mypotions; increase pamount of legendary damage potion by 1; say "[bold type]legendary damage potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have legendary damage potion x[pamount of legendary damage potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if pamount of legendary health potion is 0: add legendary health potion to mypotions; increase pamount of legendary health potion by 1; say "[bold type]legendary health potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have legendary health potion x[pamount of legendary health potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if pamount of legendary lotion is 0: add legendary lotion to mypotions; increase pamount of legendary lotion by 1; say "[bold type]legendary lotion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have legendary lotion x[pamount of legendary lotion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if pamount of legendary luck potion is 0: add legendary luck potion to mypotions; increase pamount of legendary luck potion by 1; say "[bold type]legendary luck potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have legendary luck potion x[pamount of legendary luck potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 4: if pamount of legendary protection potion is 0: add legendary protection potion to mypotions; increase pamount of legendary protection potion by 1; say "[bold type]legendary protection potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have legendary protection potion x[pamount of legendary protection potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 5: if pamount of legendary unknown potion is 0: add legendary unknown potion to mypotions; increase pamount of legendary unknown potion by 1; say "[bold type]legendary unknown potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have legendary unknown potion x[pamount of legendary unknown potion]![line break]"; say black letters. Check dwhating: say yellow letters; say "??? potion![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 5; if randomn is 0: if pamount of suspicious damage potion is 0: add suspicious damage potion to mypotions; increase pamount of suspicious damage potion by 1; say "[bold type]suspicious damage potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have suspicious damage potion x[pamount of suspicious damage potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if pamount of suspicious health potion is 0: add suspicious health potion to mypotions; increase pamount of suspicious health potion by 1; say "[bold type]suspicious health potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have suspicious health potion x[pamount of suspicious health potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if pamount of suspicious lotion is 0: add suspicious lotion to mypotions; increase pamount of suspicious lotion by 1; say "[bold type]suspicious lotion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have suspicious lotion x[pamount of suspicious lotion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if pamount of suspicious luck potion is 0: add suspicious luck potion to mypotions; increase pamount of suspicious luck potion by 1; say "[bold type]suspicious luck potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have suspicious luck potion x[pamount of suspicious luck potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 4: if pamount of suspicious protection potion is 0: add suspicious protection potion to mypotions; increase pamount of suspicious protection potion by 1; say "[bold type]suspicious protection potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have suspicious protection potion x[pamount of suspicious protection potion]![line break]"; else if randomn is 5: if pamount of suspicious unknown potion is 0: add suspicious unknown potion to mypotions; increase pamount of suspicious unknown potion by 1; say "[bold type]suspicious unknown potion![roman type][line break]"; say "You now have suspicious unknown potion x[pamount of suspicious unknown potion]![line break]"; say black letters. [armour gacha] leathering is an action out of world. wooding is an action out of world. glassing is an action out of world. mailing is an action out of world. ironing is an action out of world. golding is an action out of world. obsidianing is an action out of world. diamonding is an action out of world. celestialing is an action out of world. Check leathering: say green letters; say "Common armour![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 3; if randomn is 0: if alevel of leather helmet is 0: add leather helmet to myarmours; increase alevel of leather helmet by 1; say "[bold type]leather helmet![roman type][line break]"; say "leather helmet is now level [alevel of leather helmet]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if alevel of leather chestpiece is 0: add leather chestpiece to myarmours; increase alevel of leather chestpiece by 1; say "[bold type]leather chestpiece![roman type][line break]"; say "leather chestpiece is now level [alevel of leather chestpiece]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if alevel of leather pants is 0: add leather pants to myarmours; increase alevel of leather pants by 1; say "[bold type]leather pants![roman type][line break]"; say "leather pants is now level [alevel of leather pants]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if alevel of leather boots is 0: add leather boots to myarmours; increase alevel of leather boots by 1; say "[bold type]leather boots![roman type][line break]"; say "leather boots is now level [alevel of leather boots]![line break]"; say black letters. Check wooding: say green letters; say "Common armour![line break]It's a... "; if alevel of wooden shield is 0: add wooden shield to myarmours; increase alevel of wooden shield by 1; say "[bold type]wooden shield![roman type][line break]"; say "wooden shield is now level [alevel of wooden shield]![line break]"; say black letters. Check glassing: say blue letters; say "Rare armour![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 3; if randomn is 0: if alevel of glass helmet is 0: add glass helmet to myarmours; increase alevel of glass helmet by 1; say "[bold type]glass helmet![roman type][line break]"; say "glass helmet is now level [alevel of glass helmet]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if alevel of glass chestpiece is 0: add glass chestpiece to myarmours; increase alevel of glass chestpiece by 1; say "[bold type]glass chestpiece![roman type][line break]"; say "glass chestpiece is now level [alevel of glass chestpiece]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if alevel of glass pants is 0: add glass pants to myarmours; increase alevel of glass pants by 1; say "[bold type]glass pants![roman type][line break]"; say "glass pants is now level [alevel of glass pants]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if alevel of glass boots is 0: add glass boots to myarmours; increase alevel of glass boots by 1; say "[bold type]glass boots![roman type][line break]"; say "glass boots is now level [alevel of glass boots]![line break]"; say black letters. Check mailing: say blue letters; say "Rare armour![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 3; if randomn is 0: if alevel of mail helmet is 0: add mail helmet to myarmours; increase alevel of mail helmet by 1; say "[bold type]mail helmet![roman type][line break]"; say "mail helmet is now level [alevel of mail helmet]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if alevel of mail chestpiece is 0: add mail chestpiece to myarmours; increase alevel of mail chestpiece by 1; say "[bold type]mail chestpiece![roman type][line break]"; say "mail chestpiece is now level [alevel of mail chestpiece]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if alevel of mail pants is 0: add mail pants to myarmours; increase alevel of mail pants by 1; say "[bold type]mail pants![roman type][line break]"; say "mail pants is now level [alevel of mail pants]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if alevel of mail boots is 0: add mail boots to myarmours; increase alevel of mail boots by 1; say "[bold type]mail boots![roman type][line break]"; say "mail boots is now level [alevel of mail boots]![line break]"; say black letters. Check ironing: say red letters; say "Epic armour![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 3; if randomn is 0: if alevel of iron helmet is 0: add iron helmet to myarmours; increase alevel of iron helmet by 1; say "[bold type]iron helmet![roman type][line break]"; say "iron helmet is now level [alevel of iron helmet]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if alevel of iron chestpiece is 0: add iron chestpiece to myarmours; increase alevel of iron chestpiece by 1; say "[bold type]iron chestpiece![roman type][line break]"; say "iron chestpiece is now level [alevel of iron chestpiece]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if alevel of iron pants is 0: add iron pants to myarmours; increase alevel of iron pants by 1; say "[bold type]iron pants![roman type][line break]"; say "iron pants is now level [alevel of iron pants]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if alevel of iron boots is 0: add iron boots to myarmours; increase alevel of iron boots by 1; say "[bold type]iron boots![roman type][line break]"; say "iron boots is now level [alevel of iron boots]![line break]"; say black letters. Check golding: say red letters; say "Epic armour![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 3; if randomn is 0: if alevel of gold helmet is 0: add gold helmet to myarmours; increase alevel of gold helmet by 1; say "[bold type]gold helmet![roman type][line break]"; say "gold helmet is now level [alevel of gold helmet]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if alevel of gold chestpiece is 0: add gold chestpiece to myarmours; increase alevel of gold chestpiece by 1; say "[bold type]gold chestpiece![roman type][line break]"; say "gold chestpiece is now level [alevel of gold chestpiece]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if alevel of gold pants is 0: add gold pants to myarmours; increase alevel of gold pants by 1; say "[bold type]gold pants![roman type][line break]"; say "gold pants is now level [alevel of gold pants]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if alevel of gold boots is 0: add gold boots to myarmours; increase alevel of gold boots by 1; say "[bold type]gold boots![roman type][line break]"; say "gold boots is now level [alevel of gold boots]![line break]"; say black letters. Check obsidianing: say magenta letters; say "Mythical armour![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 3; if randomn is 0: if alevel of obsidian helmet is 0: add obsidian helmet to myarmours; increase alevel of obsidian helmet by 1; say "[bold type]obsidian helmet![roman type][line break]"; say "obsidian helmet is now level [alevel of obsidian helmet]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if alevel of obsidian chestpiece is 0: add obsidian chestpiece to myarmours; increase alevel of obsidian chestpiece by 1; say "[bold type]obsidian chestpiece![roman type][line break]"; say "obsidian chestpiece is now level [alevel of obsidian chestpiece]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if alevel of obsidian pants is 0: add obsidian pants to myarmours; increase alevel of obsidian pants by 1; say "[bold type]obsidian pants![roman type][line break]"; say "obsidian pants is now level [alevel of obsidian pants]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if alevel of obsidian boots is 0: add obsidian boots to myarmours; increase alevel of obsidian boots by 1; say "[bold type]obsidian boots![roman type][line break]"; say "obsidian boots is now level [alevel of obsidian boots]![line break]"; say black letters. Check diamonding: say cyan letters; say "Legendary armour![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 3; if randomn is 0: if alevel of diamond helmet is 0: add diamond helmet to myarmours; increase alevel of diamond helmet by 1; say "[bold type]diamond helmet![roman type][line break]"; say "diamond helmet is now level [alevel of diamond helmet]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if alevel of diamond chestpiece is 0: add diamond chestpiece to myarmours; increase alevel of diamond chestpiece by 1; say "[bold type]diamond chestpiece![roman type][line break]"; say "diamond chestpiece is now level [alevel of diamond chestpiece]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if alevel of diamond pants is 0: add diamond pants to myarmours; increase alevel of diamond pants by 1; say "[bold type]diamond pants![roman type][line break]"; say "diamond pants is now level [alevel of diamond pants]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if alevel of diamond boots is 0: add diamond boots to myarmours; increase alevel of diamond boots by 1; say "[bold type]diamond boots![roman type][line break]"; say "diamond boots is now level [alevel of diamond boots]![line break]"; say black letters. Check celestialing: say yellow letters; say "??? armour![line break]It's a... "; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 3; if randomn is 0: if alevel of celestial helmet is 0: add celestial helmet to myarmours; increase alevel of celestial helmet by 1; say "[bold type]celestial helmet![roman type][line break]"; say "celestial helmet is now level [alevel of celestial helmet]![line break]"; else if randomn is 1: if alevel of celestial chestpiece is 0: add celestial chestpiece to myarmours; increase alevel of celestial chestpiece by 1; say "[bold type]celestial chestpiece![roman type][line break]"; say "celestial chestpiece is now level [alevel of celestial chestpiece]![line break]"; else if randomn is 2: if alevel of celestial pants is 0: add celestial pants to myarmours; increase alevel of celestial pants by 1; say "[bold type]celestial pants![roman type][line break]"; say "celestial pants is now level [alevel of celestial pants]![line break]"; else if randomn is 3: if alevel of celestial boots is 0: add celestial boots to myarmours; increase alevel of celestial boots by 1; say "[bold type]celestial boots![roman type][line break]"; say "celestial boots is now level [alevel of celestial boots]![line break]"; say black letters. [actions] Check chancing: say green letters; say "Common: 50%[line break]"; say blue letters; say "Rare: 30%[line break]"; say red letters; say "Epic: 15%[line break]"; say magenta letters; say "Mythical: 3.5%[line break]"; say cyan letters; say "Legendary: 1%[line break]"; say yellow letters; say "???: 0.5%[line break]"; say black letters; Check helping: say "[bold type]The following are all commands in this game:[roman type][line break][italic type]chance: [roman type]Find out the gacha rates![line break][italic type]gacha: [roman type]Enter the gacha![line break][italic type]characters: [roman type]See all your characters![line break][italic type]weapons: [roman type]See all your weapons![line break][italic type]pets: [roman type]See all your pets![line break][italic type]potions: [roman type]See all your potions![line break][italic type]armours: [roman type]See all your armours![line break][italic type]stats character/weapon/pet/potion/armour: [roman type]Find out the stats of your characters/weapons/pets/potions/armours![line break][italic type]balance: [roman type]Find out your balance![line break][italic type]select character/weapon/pet: [roman type]Select your character/weapon/pet before a battle![line break]". Check cing: if ccurrency > 0: say "[italic type]You have pulled a...[roman type][line break]"; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 999; if randomn < 500: try ccommoning; else if randomn < 800: try crareing; else if randomn < 950: try cepicing; else if randomn < 985: try cmythicaling; else if randomn < 995: try clegendarying; else if randomn >= 995: try cwhating; decrease ccurrency by 1; otherwise: say "You have no character gacha currency.[line break]". Check wing: if wcurrency > 0: say "[italic type]You have pulled a...[roman type][line break]"; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 999; if randomn < 500: try wcommoning; else if randomn < 800: try wrareing; else if randomn < 950: try wepicing; else if randomn < 985: try wmythicaling; else if randomn < 995: try wlegendarying; else if randomn >= 995: try wwhating; decrease wcurrency by 1; otherwise: say "You have no weapon gacha currency.[line break]". Check ping: if pcurrency > 0: say "[italic type]You have pulled a...[roman type][line break]"; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 999; if randomn < 500: try pcommoning; else if randomn < 800: try prareing; else if randomn < 950: try pepicing; else if randomn < 985: try pmythicaling; else if randomn < 995: try plegendarying; else if randomn >= 995: try pwhating; decrease pcurrency by 1; otherwise: say "You have no pet gacha currency.[line break]". Check aing: if acurrency > 0: say "[italic type]You have pulled a...[roman type][line break]"; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 999; if randomn < 250: try leathering; else if randomn < 500: try wooding; else if randomn < 650: try glassing; else if randomn < 800: try mailing; else if randomn < 875: try ironing; else if randomn < 950: try golding; else if randomn < 985: try obsidianing; else if randomn < 995: try diamonding; else if randomn >= 995: try celestialing; decrease acurrency by 1; otherwise: say "You have no armour gacha currency.[line break]". Check ding: if dcurrency > 0: say "[italic type]You have pulled a...[roman type][line break]"; now randomn is a random number from 0 to 999; if randomn < 500: try dcommoning; else if randomn < 800: try drareing; else if randomn < 950: try depicing; else if randomn < 985: try dmythicaling; else if randomn < 995: try dlegendarying; else if randomn >= 995: try dwhating; decrease dcurrency by 1; otherwise: say "You have no potion gacha currency.[line break]". Check qing: say "Thank you for visiting the gacha![line break]"; now the command prompt is ">". Check charactering: say "You have: [mycharacters][line break]". Check weaponing: say "You have: [myweapons][line break]". Check peting: say "You have: [mypets][line break]". Check potioning: say "You have: [mypotions][line break]". Check armouring: say "You have: [myarmours][line break]". Carry out cstatsing: if the level of the noun > 0: say "[bold type]LVL: [roman type][level of the noun][line break][bold type]HP: [roman type][health of the noun]/[maxhealth of the noun][line break][bold type]ATK: [roman type][atk of the noun][line break][bold type]CRIT: [roman type][crit of the noun][line break][bold type]DEF: [roman type][def of the noun][line break][bold type]SPEED: [roman type][speed of the noun][line break]"; otherwise: say "You do not own this character.[line break]". Carry out wstatsing: if the wlevel of the noun > 0: say "[bold type]LVL: [roman type][wlevel of the noun][line break][bold type]Durability: [roman type][durability of the noun]/[maxdurability of the noun][line break][bold type]DMG: [roman type][wdamage of the noun][line break]"; otherwise: say "You do not own this weapon.[line break]". Carry out pstatsing: if the plevel of the noun > 0: say "[bold type]LVL: [roman type][plevel of the noun][line break][bold type]HP: [roman type][phealth of the noun]/[pmaxhealth of the noun][line break][bold type]ATK: [roman type][patk of the noun][line break]"; otherwise: say "You do not own this pet.[line break]". Carry out dstatsing: if the pamount of the noun > 0: say "[bold type]Amount: [roman type][pamount of the noun][line break]"; otherwise: say "You do not own this potion.[line break]". Carry out astatsing: if the alevel of the noun > 0: say "[bold type]LVL: [roman type][alevel of the noun][line break][bold type]Extra DEF: [roman type][extradef of the noun][line break]"; otherwise: say "You do not own this armour.[line break]". Check balancing: say "[bold type]Character currency: [roman type][ccurrency][line break][bold type]Weapon currency: [roman type][wcurrency][line break][bold type]Pet currency: [roman type][pcurrency][line break][bold type]Potion currency: [roman type][dcurrency][line break][bold type]Armour currency: [roman type][acurrency][line break]". Check gachaing: center "[bold type]Welcome to the Gacha![roman type][paragraph break]"; say blue letters; center "Input [bold type]c[roman type] to pull a character[line break]"; say green letters; center "Input [bold type]w[roman type] to pull a weapon[line break]"; say yellow letters; center "Input [bold type]p[roman type] to pull a pet[line break]"; say cyan letters; center "Input [bold type]d[roman type] to pull a potion[line break]"; say magenta letters; center "Input [bold type]a[roman type] to pull an armour[line break]"; say red letters; center "Input [bold type]q[roman type] to quit the gacha[line break]"; say black letters; now the command prompt is "Gacha >". After reading a command when the command prompt is "Gacha >": if the player's command matches "c": try cing; reject the player's command; continue the action; if the player's command matches "w": try wing; reject the player's command; continue the action; if the player's command matches "p": try ping; reject the player's command; continue the action; if the player's command matches "d": try ding; reject the player's command; continue the action; if the player's command matches "a": try aing; reject the player's command; continue the action; if the player's command matches "q": try qing; reject the player's command; continue the action; otherwise: say "You cannot do that in the gacha![line break]"; reject the player's command.