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Lost and Afraid
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"Lost and Afraid" by Ally Alvarez. Book 1 - Lost [get ready...] Part 1 - The Important Stuff Chapter 1 - The Settings The story headline is "An Interactive Story". The story description is "Left in the forest, you must find your way back home. Try not to get yourself killed in the way." The release number is 1. Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Chapter 2 - Gender Gender is a kind of value. The genders are masculine, feminine, and unknown. Understand "male" or "man" or "M" as masculine. Understand "female" or "woman" or "F" as feminine. A person has a gender. The gender of the player is unknown. Changing gender is an action applying to nothing. Understand "change gender" as changing gender. Instead of changing gender: If player is female, now player is male; Otherwise now player is female; Say "You feel [if player is female]feminine[otherwise]manly[end if]." Chapter 3 - Help and Hint Part 2 - In the Forest Chapter 1 - The Beginning of All When play begins: say "Should your character be male or female? >";     if men win, now the player is male;     otherwise now the player is female; clear screen; say "It all started in a dark and scary night.[line break]"; wait for any key; clear screen; say "[bold type][italic type]BOOM![roman type]"; wait for any key; clear screen; say "A thunder broke the night's silence. You feel someone watching you as you wake up.[paragraph break]It is the darkest of nights, and you are alone in bed, as always. Outside, the moon is in its highest position yet, but is in great view. Tonight, it has a yellow tinge to it.[paragraph break]You hear a howl in the night, breaking the silence. Try as you might, you can't go back to sleep. Shifting your gaze towards the clock, the light its screen emits almost blinding in the dark, you see its just past midnight.[paragraph break]With a groan, you get off the bed. Somehow, you find yourself in front of the backdoor, the only thing that separates you from the dark of the night."; wait for any key; say "[italic type]Please note that the game is not yet finished.[roman type]"; clear screen. To decide whether men win:     (- Question('male','M//','man','female','F//','woman') -) Include (- [ Question pos1 pos2 pos3 neg1 neg2 neg3 first_word_typed;     while (true) {         VM_ReadKeyboard(buffer, parse);         wn = 1; first_word_typed = NextWordStopped();         if (first_word_typed == pos1 or pos2 or pos3) rtrue;         if (first_word_typed == neg1 or neg2 or neg3) rfalse;         print "Please choose ", (address) pos1, " or ", (address) neg1, ". > ";    } ]; -) The Forest is a room. "You can barely see anything, but there is enough light to see that the forest you stand in is densely packed with trees. An owl hoots in the distance, and you can hear the calls of crickets. The wind ruffles the plants ever so gently, and the ground is littered with dried leaves.[paragraph break]It seems that only trees surround you, with little space between. After peering about, you notice a narrow path—a trail, really, winding its way through the trees." The printed name of the forest is "The Forest". Dried leaves are an object. They are scenery. The description is "Dry and dead." Understand "dry" and "dead" and "leaf" as the dried leaves. Green leaves are an object. They are scenery. The description is "Green." Understand "leaf" as the green leaves. An owl is a object in the forest. It is an animal. It is scenery. The description is "You can't see it, but you can hear it." Understand "hoot" and "hoots" as the owl. The crickets is an object in the forest. It is an animal. It is scenery. The description is "You can't see it, but you can hear it." Understand "cricket" as the crickets. The wind is backdrop. It is everywhere. The description is "It is a gentle sound." Understand "gentle" as the wind. Instead of listening to the wind, say "You can hear it faintly." Instead of listening to the crickets, say "You hear their calls loud and clear." Instead of listening to the owl, say "You hear a hoot now and then." Instead of listening, say "You hear the calls of crickets, an occasional owl hoot, and the wind." Before going west: say "You tiptoe carefully to the breaking." A Breaking is a room. The east of the Breaking is the Forest. "It is more open here. The place is clear of trees, and you notice a fruit tree nearby. The ground is clear and rough, and you notice some sand sprinkled all over.[paragraph break]You can go back by going east. To the northeast you notice firelight." The printed name is "A Breaking". An apple is in the breaking. It is edible. "[if the forest is unvisited]An apple lies on the ground. Suspicious.[else]An apple lies ever so innocently on the ground.[end if]". The description is "The apple is red and shiny. It looks really delicious, ah.... All you could think about was eating it. [italic type]Why?[roman type]" A fruit tree is in the breaking. It is scenery. The description is "Tall and filled with apples. Unfortunately, the tree is far too tall for you to reach them." Instead of climbing the fruit tree, say "The trunk is too smooth, and you can't find anywhere to hold on to." Instead of eating the apple: say "You munch on the apple."; end the game saying "You really should have thought of the consequences." Before going northeast: say "You push your way through the dense foliage and find yourself in a sandy area." Before going northeast for the first time: say "You push your way through the dense foliage and find yourself in a sandy area.[paragraph break]"; say "'Hey, did you hear that, Kale?' The blonde-haired man asks the man holding the bird wing, twisting on his seat as he spoke.[paragraph break]'What was that, Gale?' The brown-haired man replies, munching on his wing.[paragraph break]'Over there,' Gale waveringly moves his finger to where you crouched by, 'Go check it out.'[paragraph break]'Me?!' Kale exclaimed, throwing his wing toward his partner, 'Why don't you do it? You [italic type]are[roman type] the one who heard the noise.'[paragraph break]Gale ducks, standing abruptly as the wing hits his shoulder. He glares at his partner, raising his fist in a threat before standing and stamping to your hiding place.[paragraph break]You duck, moving some plants in the process. The noise is loud in the half-silence. You freeze instictively. Gale freezes halfway, looking at the bushes suspiciously. You close your eyes, hoping it would help. You didn't know these men, and they could be cannibals. Like in those movies.[paragraph break]'Ah, it's nothing.' Gale says. So near, too near.[paragraph break]He dumps a bird bone next to you, stepping into the forest to your side.[paragraph break]'I'm going to go look for some more stuff to eat in the forest. Wanna come?' Gale says, turning to face his friend.[paragraph break]'Nah, I'll wait here.'[paragraph break]Gale walks away, his steps making noises as they crunched dried leaves. Soon, his footsteps disappear altogether from your hearing."; wait for any key. The Beach is northeast of the breaking. The printed name is "The Beach". "Kale is managing a fire here. You can hear faint whispers coming from Kale, but you are too far to be able to listen to the man. You can hear the lapping of waves in the distance to the north.[paragraph break]Kale is holding a stick to the fire and appears to be cooking up some meal for himself.[first time] You feel your stomach grumble at the thought of eating.[only]" Kale is a man. He is in the beach. He is scenery. The description is "He has dirty and messy blonde hair and appears what [if player is female]other women would[else]women might[end if] think is handsome."