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Samuel David Michael Aspinall
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"Bob" by Sam Aspinall When play begins: say "You are a mutant blob of slime. You're name is Bob. You have been made by an evil scientist in a test tube. He has implanted into you a brain from a dead human. You must escape this infestation of a lab."; The maximum score is 10. The description of the player is "A hulking, bulging, pulsating blob of green slime. To be short you are ugly." Instead of waiting for the first time: say "You sit down and allow time to pass."; Instead of waiting for the second time: say "You start to feel a little drowsy."; Instead of waiting for the third time: say "Your eyelids start to flutter."; Instead of waiting for the fourth time: say "You struggle to stay awake."; Instead of waiting for the fifth time: say "You awake and find yourself in a small box. Water starts pouring in from the top corner. There is no way of escaping. This is the end."; end the game in death; Test Tube is a room. "A clouded and cramped glass box. There is an exit above you.". Instead of going down from the lab: say "You are far too big to fit back into the test tube."; After going up from the test tube: say "As you leave the tube you expand and become as big as a large dog."; After taking anything: say "You pick it up and absorb it into your internal inventory."; The Lab is a room. It is above the test tube. "A horrible square box, with whitewashed walls and strange contraptions. A door stands to the north". The sign is in the Lab. It is fixed in place. "There is a sign which displays some kind of quote. 'Remember before you act, examine, examine, examine.". Instead of disabling sign: say "You tear the sign off the wall revealing a blue key behind it."; now Blue Key is in the Lab; remove sign from play; The Scientist is a man. The Scientist can be asleep or awake. The Scientist is asleep. Understand "man" as the Scientist. The description of the Scientist is "A tall man with greying hair and red eyes. He is completely and utterly evil and you must kill him while he is sleeping.". Instead of attacking the scientist: say "The Scientist has no time to cry out as you jump on him and encase him in slime. You realise the power that you have and you enjoy it."; remove Scientist from play; increase score by 1; now corpse is in the Lab; The add room is a room. The keycard is in the add room. The description of the keycard is "A small rectangular thing with the Scientist's face on it. This could be your way out of here." The corpse is in the add room. Instead of examining the corpse: say "A green and rotting thing, with hardly any similarity to the Scientist that it used to be. There is a keycard lying on top of it."; now keycard is in the lab. Instead of taking corpse: say "Why would you want to take a rotting body?"; The bed is in the Lab. The Scientist is on the bed. The Lab Door is a door. It is north of the lab. It is lockable and locked. The matching key of the Lab Door is the keycard. The description of the door is "A whitewashed door with a clouded window, similar to the rest of this infernal place.". The Floor 1 Corridor is a room. It is north of the Lab Door. "You now stand at the west end of a long sloping corridor. At the other end lies a stairwell. There is a thin rope stretching across the corridor. You notice it to be a tripwire.". The tripwire is in the Floor 1 Corridor. It is fixed in place. The description of the tripwire is "A white line, slicing across the room. There is a strange quality to it, as if it could be hiding something.". The tripwire can be active or inactive. The tripwire is active. Disabling is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "disable [something]" as disabling. Instead of disabling tripwire: say "You disable the tripwire"; now tripwire is inactive; increase score by 1; Instead of going east from the Floor 1 Corridor: if tripwire is active then end the game saying "A siren blares out from nowhere. You here feet on the stairs. Suddenly a tranquilizer dart is fired into your body. In your final moments you know you should have disabled the tripwire."; if tripwire is inactive then now the player is in the Floor 1 Staircase; The Floor 1 Staircase is a room. It is east of the Floor 1 Corridor. "A corrugated iron staircase, twisting around and around as it ascends. A sign on the wall says Floor 1. There is a corridor stretching out to the west with doors on either side.". The Floor 2 Staircase is a room. It is above the Floor 1 Staircase. "A corrugated iron staircase, twisting around and around as it ascends. A sign on the wall says Floor 2. The Staircase to Floor 3 is somehow broken and unaccessable. There is a corridor stretching out to the west". The Floor 2 Corridor is a room. It is west of the Floor 2 Staircase. "You are in a corridor. There is a staircase to the east and a store room to the west. In the north wall is an air vent." The Vent is a door. It is north of the Floor 2 Corridor. It is lockable and locked. The matching key of the Vent is the crowbar. Store Room is a room. It is west of the Floor 2 Corridor. Forklift Truck is a vehicle in the Store Room. The crate is in the Store Room. The crowbar is in the add room. Instead of examining crate: say "A huge wooden box much too heavy to lift. A crowbar lies underneath it."; now crowbar is in the Store Room. Instead of disabling Forklift Truck: say "You jump on the Forklift's controls instantly damaging them. I don't think anyone will be using this in the future."; increase score by 1; Instead of unlocking Vent with crowbar: say "You wrench the bolts off of the vent and detatch it easily. The way ahead is now open."; now vent is open. The Air Vent is a room. It is south of the add room. It is north of the Vent. "A silver, airy tunnel slowly twisting upwards as it heads north. There is a corridor to the south.". The Floor 3 Corridor is a room. It is north of the add room. It is above the Floor 2 Corridor. It is west of the Iron Door. "You are in a corridor. There is a staircase to the east and an air vent to the south. To the west is a strange looking room.". Instead of going north from the Air Vent: say "You emerge into a corridor similar to the one you just left."; now player is in the Floor 3 Corridor; Instead of going south from the Floor 3 Corridor: say "You enter the vent."; now player is in the air vent; Instead of going up from the Floor 2 Corridor: say "You can't go that way.". Floor 3 Staircase is a room. It is above the Floor 2 Staircase. "A corrugated iron staircase, twisting around and around as it ascends. A sign on the wall says Floor 3. The Staircase to Floor 2 is somehow broken and unaccessable. There is a corridor stretching out to the west". Instead of going up from the Floor 2 Staircase: say "The staircase is broken and unaccessable."; Instead of going down from the Floor 3 Staircase: say "The staircase is broken and unaccessable."; The Iron Door is a door. It is west of the Floor 3 Staircase. It is lockable and locked. The matching key of the Iron Door is the Iron Key. The Iron Key is in the Black Chest. Laddies' Labyrinth Entrance is a room. It is west of the Floor 3 Corridor. "A strange looking room with the words Laddies Labyrinth over the entrance. This exhibition or whatever it is seems to be abandoned. LL Room 1 is to the west.". LL Room 1 is a room. It is west of the Laddies' Labyrinth Entrance. LL Room 2 is a room. It is south of LL Room 1. LL Room 3 is a room. It is west of LL Room 1. LL Room 4 is a room. It is south of LL Room 3 and west of LL Room 2. LL Room 5 is a room. It is west of LL Room 3. LL Room 6 is a room. It is south of LL Room 2. LL Room 7 is a room. It is south of LL Room 5 and west of LL Room 4. LL Room 8 is a room. It is west of LL Room 6 and south of LL Room 4. LL Room 9 is a room. It is south of LL Room 7 and west of LL Room 8. The Black Chest is in LL Room 9. It is openable and closed. It is fixed in place. Instead of opening chest for the first time: say "The chest vanishes."; now Black Chest is in the LL Room 4; Instead of opening chest for the second time: say "The chest vanishes."; now Black Chest is in the LL Room 5; Instead of opening chest for the third time: say "The chest vanishes."; now Black Chest is in the LL Room 6; Instead of opening chest for the fourth time: say "The chest vanishes."; now Black Chest is in the LL Room 1; The Floor 4 Staircase is a room. It is above The Floor 3 Staircase. "A corrugated iron staircase, twisting around and around as it ascends. A sign on the wall says Floor 4. There is a corridor to the west ending in a fire exit.". The Floor 4 Corridor is a room. It is west of the Floor 4 Staircase. "You stand in a very familiar corridor. There is a fire exit to the west and a staircase to the east". The Secure Door is a door. It is west of the Floor 4 Corridor and east of the Fire Exit. It is lockable and locked. The matching key of the Secure Door is the Gold Key. The Fire Exit is a room. "A room with a staircase descending to the outside world.". The Floor 5 Staircase is a room. It is above the Floor 4 Staircase. "A corrugated iron staircase, twisting around and around as it ascends. A sign on the wall says Floor 5. There is a room to the west full of strange things.". The Random Room is a room. It is west of the Floor 5 Staircase. "A very strange room. The walls are mullticolured and uncorresponding. There are random objects dotted around the room, none of them belonging there. Who was the lunatic who created this room?". The painting is in the Random Room. The description of the painting is "A swirl of blue and yellow above a city of black.". The painting is fixed in place. The Red Key is in the cabinet. The cabinet is in the Random Room. It is fixed in place. The cabinet is openable. The cabinet is closed. The description of the cabinet is "A boring green box, designed only to keep things in.". The sculpture is in the Random Room. The sculpture is fixed in place. The description of the sculpture is "An ugly sculpture unrecognisable as one thing but rather a mixture of things.". The Safe is in the add room. It is openable. It is closed. It is fixed in place. The diamond is in the Safe. The description of the diamond is "A brilliant blue gem sparkling with the light of the room. This will be worth a lot.". Instead of disabling the sculpture: say "You smash the sculpture into the floor."; remove sculpture from play; increase score by one. Instead of disabling the painting: say "You attack the painting. It swings on its hook before crashing to the ground. Behind it lies a steel safe with the numbers 1-9 arranged in a square."; now the Safe is in the Random Room; remove painting from play; The Floor 6 Staircase is a room. It is above the Floor 5 Staircase. "A corrugated iron staircase, twisting around and around as it ascends. A sign on the wall says Floor 6. There is a corridor to the west with doors on either side.". The Floor 6 Corridor is a room. It is west of the Floor 6 Staircase. "You are in a corridor. To the east is a staircase. To the north is a red door. To the south is a blue door. To the east is a yellow door.". The Red Door is a door. It is north of the Floor 6 Corridor. It is lockable and locked. The matching key of the Red Door is the Red Key. The Red Room is a room. It is north of the Red Door. "A small room, with everything painted red. There is a corridor to the south.". The Blue Door is a door. It is south of the Floor 6 Corridor. It is lockable and locked. The matching key of the Blue Door is the Blue Key. The Blue Key is in the add room. The Blue Room is a room. It is south of the Blue Door. "A small room, with everything painted blue. There is a corridor to the north.". The Yellow Door is a door. It is west of the Floor 6 Corridor. It is lockable and locked. The matching key of the Yellow Door is the Yellow Key. The Yellow Room is a room. It is west of the Yellow Door. "A small room, with everything painted yellow. There is a corridor to the east. To the west there is a vault.". The Top Floor Staircase is a room. It is above the Floor 6 Staircase. "A corrugated iron staircase, twisting around and around as it descends. A sign on the wall says Floor 7. There is a black door to the west.". The Black Door is a door. It is west of the Top Floor Staircase. It is lockable and locked. The matching key of the Black Door is the Black Key. The Office is a room. It is west of the Black Door. "A neat and tidy room with a chest of drawers and a huge window showing views of the countryside. There is a staircase to the east.". The chest of drawers is in the Office. It is openable. It is closed. It is fixed in place. The description of the chest of drawers is "A smart oak wood chest.". The notepad is in the chest of drawers. The description of the notepad is "A white lined notepad. On the top page are the words 'Blue key, behind sign, in lab.'". The Yellow Key is in the chest of drawers. The Black Key is in the Red Room. The description of the key is "A black key. Must unlock something important.". The paper is in the Blue Room. The description of the paper is "A piece of paper with the writing 'Safe behind painting diamond inside.'". The Vault is a room. It is west of the Yellow Room. "A secure room with steel walls.". The Guard is a man. The Guard is in the Yellow Room. The description of the guard is "A tall man with broad shoulders.". The Guard can be present or absent. The Guard is present. Instead of asking the Guard about anything: say "The Guard says 'Hey you. You wanna come through here? Then you better bring me something nice. Something...Sparkly.'"; Instead of going west from the Yellow Room: if the Guard is present then say "The Guard prevents you from entering the vault"; if the Guard is absent then now player is in the Vault; Instead of giving the diamond to the Guard: say "You give the diamond to the guard. He looks at it greedily before running off."; now Guard is absent; now Guard is in the add room; increase score by 1; The Gold Key is in the Vault. The description of the Gold Key is "A gold and sparkling key. This is your ticket out of here!". The Outdoors is a room. It is below the Fire Exit. "You burst out into the fresh air of the outside world. To the west is a forest.". Instead of going west from the Outdoors: say "You stroll into the calm and tranquil forest. Now you can continue your life in peace."; now player is in the forest; increase score by 5; end the game in victory; The Forest is a room. It is west of the Outdoors.