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A Grey Day for Albert (WIP)
Julian M.
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"A Grey Day for Albert by Julian Moses" The story genre is "Humor". The story headline is "A humorous tale, even though it sounds so depressing." The Grey Bedroom is a room. "You are inside the grey bedroom. A standard grey bedroom. There are KISS poster everywhere from a not so glorious time in your life. Yikes. It is very depressing and you are very depressed. Your name is Albert and you've been feeling crummy all day. Maybe something can cheer you up." The dresser is in the grey bedroom. "There is a dresser on the north wall of your room. It is rather messy and has only one drawer that works now." The drawer is part of the dresser. The drawer is a closed openable container. In the drawer is a nasty looking piece of pizza and an Aqua jewel-case. The cheap desk is in the grey bedroom. "There is a cheap desk on the south wall of your bedroom. You can't remember the number of times it's inexplicably fallen apart on you." The cabinet is part of the cheap desk. The cabinet is a closed openable container. In the cabinet is a bottle of Scratch-B-Gone and a Q-tip. The description of the dresser is "A cheapo 70s looking dresser with ugly cheapo wood. All drawers but one broke long ago from you playing mountain explorer with them. And that's not the only thing that broke that day." The description of the drawer is "How this one drawer survived is a mystery. But, survive it did. Even so, it doesn't work too particularly well and tends to get stuck." The pizza is edible. The description of the pizza is "A really nasty and moldy looking piece of pizza, probably from ages ago. Come to think of it, the last time you ordered pizza was....5 years ago. Ick. If you want to eat it, it's your choice, bucko." Report eating nasty looking pizza: say "You ate that pizza like it was nothing! But your stomach now begs to differ. Oops." instead. The Aqua jewel-case is a closed openable container. In the Aqua jewel-case is an Aqua CD. The description of the CD is "This should really cheer you up! You love Aqua! Wait...darn, that little turd of a little brother scratched it up! You may have some Scratch-B-Gone around here..." The description of the cheap desk is "Some cheapo hunk of junk that seems suspiciously like it is made of plywood. The only thing that ISN'T cheap about this thing is the cabinet underneath. You bought that thing at the Container Store!" The description of the cabinet is "One heck of a solid piece of wood (or pieces of wood), this thing has served it's purpose for a couple of years now. So far, this is the only thing that hasn't fallen apart on you...yet. It should be noted that there is also a cool looking glass door on this thing." The description of the Bottle of Scratch-B-Gone is "This thing has served it's purpose several times, simply because of that little brat getting into your CDs and practically gnawing on them. It appears that there is only a little left." The description of the Q-tip is "Good ol' fashion Q-tip. Perfect for cleaning CDs. Just don't stick it in your ear. Seriously, don't."