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Frankenstein novel recreation Chapter 2
Larry Li
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"Frankenstein Novel Recreation - Chapter 2" by Larry Li. When play begins: say "You are a young man by the name of Victor Frankenstein. Intelligent and handsome, you have everything going for you. Even your future marriage has been decided - you are to marry your adopted sister Elizabeth, a gorgeous young woman with the kindest personality." progressNum is a number that varies. progressNum is 0; [Bookroom] The Bookroom is a room. "Your father's private book collection. He has permitted you to take 1 book from it into your bedroom to read tonight. 3 books in particular catch your eye. Your bedroom is to the south." The bookshelf is a container in the bookroom. The description is "One of the many tall, dusty rotting old bookshelves that line the room." The bookshelf is fixed in place. A book is a kind of thing. Natural Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa is a book. Principles of Mathematics by Isaac Newton is a book. Sonnets by William Shakespeare is a book. Natural Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa is in the bookshelf. The description is "A book written by an ancient philosopher, which seems to detail the principles of life and nature itself." Principles of Mathematics by Isaac Newton is in the bookshelf. The description is "A book detailing many of the known mathematical laws and formulae, written at a university level." Sonnets by William Shakespeare is in the bookshelf. The description is "A book containing all of the known sonnets written by the great William Shakespeare." [Bedroom] The Bedroom is a room. "The one room you have spent the most time in, which also happens to be the one you sleep in. You should probably read your book now." The bedroom door is a door. The bedroom door is north of the bedroom. The bedroom door is south of the bookroom. Instead of going to the bookroom from the bedroom: say "You already have the perfect book in your hands. Why go back to get a less interesting book?" The clothes drawer is an openable closed scenery container in the Bedroom. The nightclothes are in the clothes drawer. The description is "Your nightclothes, exactly the way you left them. comfortable, thin cotton fabric." Instead of taking the nightclothes: say "Not now. Learning comes first." The bed is an enterable scenery container in the Bedroom. The description is "Your bed, which doubles as the only place to sit in your room." Instead of entering the bed: say "You can't sleep now. There is learning to be done." The lamp desk is a scenery supporter in the Bedroom. The description is "A brown painted wooden lamp desk." The oil lamp is on the lamp desk. The description is "An extinguished red oil lamp. You have no need for it as of right now - it's daytime." Instead of taking the oil lamp: say "You would look rather silly carrying around an extinguished oil lamp." [University] The University Classroom is a room. "A chemistry classroom with various scientific instruments scattered across. You keenly observe your professor as he finishes his lecture. You should take a closer look at him. (Examine Professor Waldman)" Professor Waldman is a man in the university classroom. The description of professor waldman is "A balding man in his fifties with glasses, black hair, and a remarkably short stature. His eyes, however, radiate with youth, and he seems nice and very approachable. You feel a strong urge to tell him about your former studies about ancient philosophers and Cornelius Agrippa." Professor Waldman wears a lab coat. The description of the lab coat is "A bleached, perfectly unwrinkled lab coat with bulging pockets filled with various scientific tools." The electric science machine is in the university classroom. The electric science machine is fixed in place. The electric science machine can be explained or notExplained. The electric science machine is notExplained. The description is "[if notExplained]What appears to be a tool for scientific study - or rather, multiple tools put together into one large, compact machine. You can't make heads or tails of this crazy contraption. If you asked, you think Professor Waldman would explain it's workings to you.[Otherwise if explained]Now that Professor Waldman has explained the workings of the machine, you can see the practical uses for every single instrument attached to it." After asking the professor waldman about "electric science machine": If the machine is notExplained: say "Professor Waldman kindly explains all of the inner workings of the science machine, and makes sure you understand all of the concepts about all of the tools on the machine."; now the science machine is explained.; Increase progressNum by 1.; Otherwise: say "You already did that." Instead of asking the professor waldman about "science machine", try asking the professor waldman about "electric science machine". Instead of asking the professor waldman about "machine", try asking the professor waldman about "electric science machine". tellWald is a number that varies. tellWald is 0. After telling the professor Waldman about "studies": if tellWald is 0: say "He smiles, and tells you that they were great men who dreamed of great things and accomplished scientific miracles while they were alive. He reaffirms your beliefs in chasing after glory and setting your goals as high as can be, and instills in you a deep passion for all the sciences, in particular chemistry. With your newfound knowledge of chemistry, you become extremely curious about the workings of the science machine in the room."; Increase progressNum by 1.; now tellWald is 1.; Otherwise: say "You already did that." Instead of telling the professor waldman about "Cornelius Agrippa", try telling the professor waldman about "studies". Instead of telling the professor waldman about "ancient philosophers", try telling the professor waldman about "studies". [Scientific Laboratory] The Scientific Laboratory is a room. "A dank, musty room that reeks of dead bodies - a scent you are now so accustomed to that you don't even notice it. Your work is almost complete - all that's left is to pull the switch. Just one more moment, one more action, and you will gain all of the fame and glory that you have ever dreamed about. Your heart pounds out of your chest as you tremble in anticipation. It's now or never." Instead of going to the chambers from the Scientific Laboratory: say "Not now. What are you waiting for? No time for second thoughts. Switch on the lever!" The resurrection machine is in the scientific laboratory. The resurrection machine is fixed in place. The description is "The machine you created that (hopefully) has the ability to bring back the dead." The resurrect lever is a device. The description is "The switch. Switch it on to resurrect the corpse!" The resurrect lever is on the resurrection machine. The resurrect lever is switched off. The resurrect lever is fixed in place. The sewn together corpse is on the resurrection machine. The description is "Human body parts specifically selected to be beautiful, slender, and strong. Once resurrected, they will make the perfect human being, and that perfect being will hail you as it's god." Instead of taking the sewn together corpse: say "What are you waiting for? No time for second thoughts. Switch on the lever!" After switching on the resurrect lever: move the sewn together corpse to the bookroom.; say "The creature is shocked to life by the power of science. As he rises from the machinery, it is only then that you realize what a monstrosity you have created - the creature is hideous, and tremendously frightening to you. Those pale, lifeless eyes and yellow skin are worse than anything you could have dreamt of in even your worst nightmares. In fear, you flee from the creature immediately. When you return, the creature is gone, and you fall extremely ill, only to be nursed back to health by Henry Clerval, your childhood friend, who has come to join you to study at the university. Only then do you realize how much you have been neglecting your family - not answering their letters, and not visiting them for 2 whole years while you slaved away at your project. But that is all past you now - or so you thought. "; move the player to the chambers.; now progressNum is 3; [Chambers] Your chambers is a room. "Your home away from home at university. Your scientific laboratory is upstairs in the attic." The chambers are below the scientific laboratory. Instead of going to the scientific laboratory from the chambers: say "You have cleared away all of the equipment and started your life anew. Besides you have more pressing issues - like reading that letter. " The University clothes drawer is an openable closed scenery container in the chambers. The University nightclothes are in the clothes drawer. The description is "Your nightclothes, exactly the way you left them. comfortable, thin cotton fabric." Instead of taking the University nightclothes: say "Not now. It's nowhere near nighttime." The University bed is an enterable scenery container in the chambers. The description is "Your bed - a low quality, corn seed mattress provided free of charge by the university. Still, a bed is a bed." Instead of entering the University bed: say "Not now. It's nowhere near nighttime." The University lamp desk is a scenery supporter in the chambers. The description is "A brown painted wooden lamp desk." The University oil lamp is on the lamp desk. The description is "An extinguished red oil lamp. You have no need for it as of right now - it's daytime." Instead of taking the University oil lamp: say "You would look rather silly carrying around an extinguished oil lamp." A writing desk is a scenery supporter in the chambers. the description is "The wooden writing desk you use mainly for your studies." The ink quill is on the writing desk. The description is "A white feather quill used for writing." The ink bottle is on the writing desk. The description is "The black bottle filled with ink to dip your quill into. It's half full (You're an optimist)." Instead of taking the ink bottle: say "You would look rather silly carrying around an ink bottle." The letter from your family is on the writing desk. Instead of examining the letter from your family: say "Instead of the good news you were expecting, you are greeted by something horrible. Your younger brother William had been murdered, and you were to return to your hometown, Geneva at once to console you sister Elizabeth and to attend the funeral. With tears in your eyes, you immediately start making arrangements to leave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you arrive in Geneva, you learn that William was strangled to death, and that the prime suspect was a girl of equal age to Elizabeth named Justine - another childhood friend, who would never have commited a crime. You have a sneaking suspicion of the real murderer, but no way to prove it, and no man would believe that you created a creature from parts of corpses. To preserve your dignity, you keep your thoughts to yourself. Justine's trial was unfair for her to say the least, but the nail in the coffin was when she confessed guilty to the crime. She admitted that she never commited the crime herself, and was executed the day after her trial. Knowing that you were responsible for both deaths, you fall into a deep despair. In an attempt to soothe your soul, you plan a trip to the Swiss Alps, where you have always found the scenery soothing to the body and soul. You climb up a snowy mountain, only to see a familiar figure bounding towards you on the ice. Before long, the wretched creature that murdered you brother was standing with you face to face, and you fly into a rage that not even you knew you were capable of. However, your creation starts to speak to you, and it claims that it too has suffered tremendous pain. He begs you to hear his story, and then judge him afterwards. After all, it argued, as it's creator, you owed it at least the right to a trial. Begrudgingly, you agree, and the creature begins it's tale. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for playing part 2 of a 3 part series about the novel Frankenstein! You can play part 3 at https://playfic.com/games/SilverDragon37/frankenstein-novel-recreation-chapter-3."; end the game in victory. [Game Progression] Instead of going to the bedroom from the bookroom: If the player carries no books: say "You should bring a book with you."; Otherwise if the player carries 2 books: say "You can only bring 1 book with you."; Otherwise if the player carries 3 books: say "You can only bring 1 book with you."; Otherwise if the player carries 1 book: If the player carries Natural Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa: Continue the action.; Otherwise: say "You start to head towards your bedroom, but can't stop thinking about one of the other books you saw. You head back to the bookroom for it."; After examining Natural Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa: If the player is in the bedroom: say "You are immediately engrossed with the ideas presented by the ancient philosopher. The elixir of life is the one you are most interested in - it seems like the stuff of dreams, but here, it proves the concept of such a thing. You seek out the other works of this Cornelius Agrippa, as well as other ancient philosophers, and as such, gain an immense interest in the study of the sciences - in particular organic chemistry. This one day would decide your fate. A few years later, after your mother sadly died of scarlet fever, you head to the university of Ingolstadt to continue your studies. Finally, the first day of classes arrives, and you meet with your professor for the first time."; move the player to the university classroom.; Every turn: if progressNum is 2: say "With your newfound knowledge in and interest of chemistry, you work hard at one of the ambitions of Cornelius Agrippa that he failed to do in his lifetime - eternal life. More specifically, after experiencing the wonders of electricity in nature and with the machine, you work on the revival of dead matter using electricity. Finally, after 2 years of hard labor, the culmination of your work has emerged right before your eyes."; move the player to the scientific laboratory.; [Player Description] Your school uniform and your leather shoes are worn. The description of your school uniform is "The formal uniform of your private school." The description of your leather shoes is "Comfortable, broken into leather shoes. ." Instead of examining the player: say "You are feeling content and ready to learn about the world. Study hard, for glory awaits those who do. [if the player wears something]You are wearing [a list of things worn by the player]."