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Frankenstein novel recreation Chapter 3
Larry Li
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"Frankenstein Novel Recreation Chapter 3" by Larry Li. progressNum is a number that varies. progressNum is 0; When play begins: say "You awake with to a startling scene - you see a man running from you, and are in an uncomfortable, enclosed, environment. You hastily put on a jacket that lays nearby, and head to the wilderness. You learn through trial and error. Fire would warm your cold body, but cause pain if you got too close. Other people would run at the sight of you - some might even attack you, so you had to stay away. Eating would subdue the pain in your stomach - 'hunger'. Humans had learned to control fire via tapers and could use it as a light source, as they were at the present moment Humans could communicate ideas using specific sounds to represent different concepts - 'speaking', they called it. A skill you quickly picked up. There was also a way to store information on physical things - storing it yourself was called 'writing'. Understanding stored information was called 'reading'. Those too were skills you quickly picked up. From this, you learned that the members of the family you observe had names. Their shared surname was 'DeLacey', The man in charge was named Felix, and the girls named Agatha and Safie. There was also an old man simply called 'father' that seemed to be stripped of his vision. The family seemed unhappy all the time, and you were unable to divine the reason for a while until you discovered the concept of wealth. Compared to you, they had many wondrous skills and tools, but compared to the other humans, they were poor. You realized that you were directly harming them that very same day - you had been taking food from their stores. Immediately, you stopped taking their supplies, and began helping them perform chores such as shoveling snow and chopping wood. You were very proud once they started referring to you as the 'good spirit'. Now, you have finally made up your mind to introduce yourself to them. You have the perfect opportunity - the only one home was the old man who had lost his vision, and people ran from you due to your sight. Now was the moment. You begin your approach." [Barn] The Barn is a room. "The barn of the family you are learning from, which conceals you from their view. The house is to the east." The straw bed is an enterable container in the barn. The description is "The pile of straw you use to make your sleep more comfortable." Instead of entering the bed: say "You can't sleep now. You are on a mission." [House] The House is a room. "The house where the DeLacey family lives. You have come to introduce yourself to the blind old man. (Tell him about yourself)" The house is east of the barn. The blind old man is a man in the house. The description of the blind old man is "The blind elderly man of the DeLacey family. He seems warm and welcoming." The blind old man wears a tattered old coat. The description of the tattered old coat is "An old coat that may as well have 'poor' written all over it - it is stained in multiple places, patched up, and dirty." After going to the house: produce a room description with going spacing conventions; say "The blind old man hears you entering and says 'who's there?'" The fireplace is in the house. The description is "A traditional brick fireplace providing heat to the house." The fireplace is fixed in place. The broomstick is in the house. The description is "A wooden broomstick with hay thistles. It seems hastily and sloppily homemade, and the wood is splintered in places." Instead of taking the broomstick: say "That's not yours to take." The mysterious book is a thing. The description is "The book is titled 'The journal of Victor Frankenstein.' It details the creation of a creature from dead matter, and the process in doing so - requiring sewing up skin in various locations. You have a sudden realization as you look upon yourself - the notes describe your physique exactly. You are the creation of this 'Frankenstein'. You are overcome by an immense rage towards your creator. Why did he abandon you? Why did he make you so ugly, so fearful, that nobody would become your companion and you would be hated by all? All of a sudden, a scream for help disrupts your thought process. Instinctively, you rush over to help the person in need." After examining the mysterious book: move the player to the lakeside.; After telling the the blind old man about "yourself": say "You introduce yourself to the man, having to give cryptic answers to many of his questions, such as where you learned to speak, and where you are from. Once he almost befriends you, all of a sudden, Felix and the rest of the family show up, and are so frightened by your appearance that they chase you out immediately, striking you with the broomstick. Out of the goodness of your heart, you flee when you could have strangled them all to death. Once you flee, you find yourself alone in the forest. Unsure of what to do, you examine your belongings, only to realize that you were carrying a book in your coat all along. You pause to examine the book."; now progressNum is 1.; now the player carries the mysterious book.; move the player to the forest clearing. [Forest Clearing ] The Forest Clearing is a room. "A small clearing in the vast forest outside the house of the DeLacey family." [Lakeside] The Lakeside is a room. "A deep, rushing lake that looks extremely unsafe to even attempt to cross." The drowning young girl is in the lakeside. The description of the drowning girl is "A young girl with her head under the water surface, unable to swim to shore. If this keeps up she will die. Save her, quickly!" Understand the command "save" as something new. Understand "save [something]" as saving. Saving is an action applying to one thing. Check saving: say "I'm sorry, how?" Instead of saving the drowning young girl: say "You quickly pull the girl out of the water, thus saving her life. Moments later, men, who you assume to be her guardians, arrive, and instead of thanking you, they scream and shoot you on the spot. Painfully, you once again must flee. This interaction only increases your rage for you creator - that cursed 'Frankenstein'. He chose to make you this way. He chose to leave you defenseless, to fend for yourself. You had taken enough pain - it was now time to make him pay. Enraged, you begin heading out of the forest. "; move the player to the Outskirts of Geneva. [Outskirts of Geneva] The Outskirts of Geneva is a room. "Having finally made it outside of the forest, you see a little boy, alone. Perhaps you could befriend him, as he has not yet been heavily influenced by society and the rest of mankind. (Tell the boy about yourself)" The little boy is a man in the outskirts. The little boy wears the school uniform and the leather shoes. The description of the school uniform is "The formal uniform of some private school." The description of the leather shoes is "Comfortable, broken into leather shoes." The description of the little boy is "A little boy of seemingly good nature. Perhaps you could befriend him, as he has not yet been heavily influenced by society and the rest of mankind." After telling the the little boy about "yourself": say "You approach the boy, only for him to immediately begin screaming at the sight of you. You attempt to calm him, but he keeps yelling 'Monster!'. As you try to forcibly take him away in the hopes that you can convince him, he yells that his father, 'Mr. Frankenstein', would avenge him. Hearing the name Frankenstein fills you with rage, and immediately, you strangle the boy to death. In his pocket, you find a picture of a gorgeous woman, and you put the picture in the dress of the nearest sleeping person you could find to draw attention away from yourself. Much later, you notice a man leaving Geneva alone on horseback who referred to himself as 'Frankenstein'. You consider finishing the deed and killing him on the spot, but think about the circumstances. What you wanted more than anything was the joy of having a companion like yourself - one who would not judge you for your looks, and only that Frankenstein could create such a being. Wanting to speak to him in private, you follow him until he reaches a secluded area, which happens to be the mountains of Switzerland. With the meeting finally at hand, you approach the man, and tell him about your story, as well as ask for your demands."; move the player to the Swiss Alps. The Swiss Alps is a room. "The highest mountains of Switzerland, with breathtaking scenery and a tremendous cold. You finally have the chance to talk with your creator, one on one." Victor Frankenstein is a man in the swiss alps. The description of Victor Frankenstein is "Your wretched, cursed creator, who happens to be the only man capable of providing you with happiness." After telling the victor about "yourself": say "After much convincing, he listens to your story with a pained expression. At the end of it, you finally make your demand, even proposing to live out the rest of your life in the wilderness of South America, to never again see any of mankind. Finally, the moment comes. You creator accepts, and you are filled with indescribable joy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for playing a 3 part series summarizing the main events of Frankenstein!"; end the game in victory. Instead of asking the victor about "demands", try telling the victor about "yourself". [Player description] Your leather coat is worn. The description of your fur coat is "A leather coat hastily put on, taken from the laboratory you fled from." Instead of examining the player: say "Upon examining your features, you discover a multitude of differences between yourself and the other humans you observe. Your skin is patched in places, and it is pale yellow, with your veins showing in places. [if the player wears something]You are wearing [a list of things worn by the player]."