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[LOTSW mini Hi, I wanted to map out all of Holmfirth and the locations where last of the summer wine was set. Unfortunately there is not enough memory in this version to do this, so I will need to alter to just the main locations. This is a work in progress, and I'm learning the programming as I create this. Any suggestions or comments email me at simon.peter.hardy@hotmail.co.uk Enyoy!] Use brief room descriptions. Use fast route-finding. Use no scoring. Section 1 Extensions included Include Transit System by Emily Short. Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Include Postures by Emily Short. Include Exit Lister by Gavin Lambert. [Include Version 5 of Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short.] [Include Threaded Conversation by Chris Conley] [the 2 above extensions are for working on the full inform 7 which uses glulx not z machine as this website does] Section 2 Extension Setups Section 2,1 Postures A chair is a kind of supporter. A chair is always enterable. Every chair allows seated and standing. The posture of a chair is usually seated. A chair is usually fixed in place. A bed is a kind of supporter. A bed is always enterable. Every bed allows seated and reclining. The posture of a bed is usually reclining. A bed is usually fixed in place. A cloakroom is a kind of supporter. A cloakroom is always enterable. Every cloakroom allows seated. A cloakroom is usually fixed in place. Instead of searching a cloakroom: Say "there is nothing in the toilet you would want!". Instead of using a cloakroom: Say "you don’t feel the need to go yet!”. Instead of hiding cloakroom: Say "How big is the toilet? You wouldn't fit!". Instead of flushing a cloakroom: Say “You flush the toilet, no point saving water after all the rain!”. Section 2.2 Exit Lister Rule for listing exits when the player is in a road: do nothing instead. [use this to stop the exit lister] Rule for listing exits when the player is in a river: do nothing instead. [use this to stop the exit lister] Rule for listing exits when the player is in a park: do nothing instead. [use this to stop the exit lister] Section 3 States and Kinds A person has a room called destination. A Road is a kind of room. [use this to place backdrop and scenery items in all roads] A River is a kind of room. [use this to move the fish randomly only in the river] A Park is a kind of room. [use this to move Thunderbolt randomly only in the park] Section 4 New Commands Understand "use [something]" as using. using is an action applying to one thing. Understand “flush [something]” as flushing. Flushing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "hide in [something]" as hiding. Understand "hide under [something]" as hiding. Hiding is an action applying to one thing. Understand "activate [something]" as switching on. Activating is an action applying to one thing. Understand "catch [something]" as catching. catching is an action applying to one thing. Section 5 Time Dawn is a recurring scene. Dawn begins when Night ends. Dawn ends when DayBegins is open. When Dawn begins: say "The sun appears on the horizon.". Day is a recurring scene. Day begins when play begins. Day begins when Dawn ends. Day ends when DuskBegins is open. When Day begins: say "The sun is now properly up.". Dusk is a recurring scene. Dusk begins when Day ends. Dusk ends when NightBegins is open. When Dusk begins: say "The sun has passed across the sky and is on the verge of setting.". Night is a recurring scene. Night begins when Dusk ends. Night ends when DawnBegins is open. When Night begins: say "Now it is night.". DawnBegins is a closed openable container. DawnBegins is in storeroom. DayBegins is a closed openable container. DayBegins is in storeroom. DuskBegins is a closed openable container. DuskBegins is in storeroom. NightBegins is a closed openable container. NightBegins is in storeroom. Every turn when DawnBegins is open: Now DawnBegins is closed. Every turn when DayBegins is open: Now DayBegins is closed. Every turn when DuskBegins is open: Now DuskBegins is closed. Every turn when NightBegins is open: Now NightBegins is closed. Section 9 When Play Begins When play begins: Say “Welcome to Holmfirth, a picturesque village in the heart of Yorkshire![line break]Camping seemed a good idea at the time, but for the few days you’ve been here it has rained every day.[line break]You decided to be lazy today, so when your friends went for a hike, you chilled in your tent and arranged to meet them later in the pub.”; now the player is in ActOne1. [ move the SLGeneral backdrop to all roads.] [that's for the full game if roads are included] Section 10.1 ActOne Campsite Rooms ActOne1 is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Jackson Bridge Campsite”. The description is “Calling this a campsite is being generous. True that there’s a toilet block but that’s it. No showers, no electric hook-ups for caravans, or even an onsite shop.”. Tents are scenery in ActOne1. The description is “There are tents of every colour dotted around the campsite. Your tent is to the south.”. Tent is an object in ActOne1. The printed name is "your Tent". The description is "Your tent is to the south". ToiletBlock is scenery. ToiletBlock is in ActOne1. The description is “The toilet block, not quite a block, more a converted shed with a chemical toilet that’s emptied daily.”. Toilet Block is not portable. Understand “shed” and “toilet” and "toilet block" and "block" as ToiletBlock. Instead of using ToiletBlock: say "you need to enter the block first.". Instead of entering the ToiletBlock: now the player is in ActOne3. .Instead of entering Tent: now the player is in ActOne2. ActOne2 is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Inside Tent”. Tent1 is scenery in ActOne2. The description is “You borrowed this tent from your brother. He forgot to mention the hole in the top. It’s not a large hole, just enough to let the rain trickle down your face when you tried to sleep.”. Understand “hole” and "tent" as Tent1. Sleeping Bag is an object in ActOne2. The description is “You borrowed the sleeping bag from your brother along with the tent. It could do with a wash, best not to think about it.”. Understand “bag” and “sleepingbag” as Sleeping Bag. Instead of using the Sleeping Bag: say "You are being lazy, not tired![line break]It's not time to sleep yet.". Instead of taking the Sleeping Bag: say "you've no use for that.". ActOne3 is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Toilet Block”. The CampToilet is a cloakroom. CampToilet is in ActOne3. The printed name is "a Chemical Toilet". The description is “A standard chemical toilet, it’s not been emptied today.”. Understand “chemical toilet” and “toilet” as CampToilet.. Instead of using the CampToilet: Say "you don’t fancy using it, you’d rather wait until you reach the pub. At least the pub has a proper flushing toilet.”. Instead of sitting on the CampToilet: Say "you don’t fancy using it, you’d rather wait until you reach the pub. At least the pub has a proper flushing toilet.”. Instead of hiding CampToilet: Say "The stench stops you!". Instead of flushing CampToilet: Say “It doesn’t have a flush.”. ActOne4 is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Footpath”. The description is "you follow this path down to the pub every evening.". Instead of going nowhere from ActOne4: say "It's still day, not time for the pub yet!". ActOne5 is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Camp Entrance”. The description is “The gates to the north which lead out of the camp are closed.”. CampGates are scenery. CampGates are in ActOne5. The description is “The heavy wooden gates are closed. A Car is parked in front of them preventing them from being opened.”. Understand “Gate” and “gates” as CampGates. Instead of doing anything other than examining with CampGates: Say “Maybe they will be open later, after the car has moved.”. CampCar is scenery. CampCar is in ActOne5. The description is “An old battered car, left by a fellow camper. Looks like they need lessons in how to park!”. Understand “car” as CampCar. Instead of doing anything other than examining with CampCar: Say “Maybe the car will be moved later on.”. Instead of going north when the player is in ActOne5: say "The gates are closed and the car prevents you from opening them.". ActOn6 is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Track”. ActOne7 is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is "Footpath". Section 10.2 ActoOne Map Connections ActOne1 is north of ActOne2 and east of ActOne3 and southwest of ActOne4 and south of ActOne5. ActOne5 is south of ActOne6 and north of ActOne1. Section 10.3 ActOne Scope of Rooms After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActOne1: place ActOne4 in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActOne1: place ActOne5 in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActOne5: place ActOne1 in scope. Section 10.4 ActOne Region Campsite is a region. ActOne1 and ActOne3 and ActOne4 and ActOne5 are in Campsite. Sky1 is a backdrop. Sky1 is in Campsite. The description is “[if Day is happening]You look up into the cloud filled sky, now and again rain drops fall on your face.[end if][if Dusk is happening]the sun has set, the evening sky is overcast, darkening clouds in a darkening sky.[end if]”. Understand “sky” and “sun” and “cloud” and “clouds” as Sky1. Section 10.5 Atmosphere Section 10.5.1 Campsite Every turn when the player is in Campsite and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: choose a random row in the Table of Campsite Events; say "[event entry][paragraph break]". Table of Campsite Events event "The rain continues to fall…." "The sky is still cloudy…." "The blustery wind blows the rain into your face…." “Who’s idea was camping anyway….” “You wished you’d booked a B&B….” “Your glad you didn’t go hiking today….” Section 10.6 ActOne Objects Section 10.6.1 Wallet Wallet is an object. The description is “A plain black leather wallet, contains all your money and cards.”. Wallet is in ActOne2. Instead of dropping wallet: Say “throwing money away? Your not loaded or you wouldn’t be camping!”. Understand “money” and “monie” and “card” and “cards” and “bank card” and “bank cards” as Wallet. Section 10.7 Scenes Section 10.7.1 Thirsty Camper ThirstyCamper is a scene. ThirstyCamper begins when the player is in ActOne3 for the first time. When ThirstyCamper begins: now DuskBegins is open; Say “The day has finished and evening begins, time to meet your friends for a drink at the pub, the same as every night of your holiday.”. ThirstyCamper ends when the player is in ActTwo1. Section 10.7.2 Forgot Wallet CampWall is a recurring scene. CampWall begins when ThirstyCamper is happening and the player does not carry the wallet and the player is in ActOne4. When CampWall begins: say "Don't forget your wallet, it's your turn to buy the drinks!.". CampWall ends when the player is not in ActOne4. Section 10.7.3 Camper Going to the Pub CampPub is a scene. CampPub begins when ThirstyCamper is happening and the player carries the wallet and the player is in ActOne4. When CampPub begins: Say “It’time for the pub![line break]You begin to wonder if your friends have enjoyed their hike, maybe you’ll go with them tomorrow.[line break]You set off down the track…….”; center "press any key"; wait for any key; clear the screen; say “You walk down to the White Horse and enter the bar, it seems to be quite busy but you manage to find an empty stool. There is no sign of your friends and as you wait you can’t help overhearing the talk:[line break]”; say “[line break]Blamire[blue letters] Well, I can’t say that I’m going to miss you[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] Give over, you know you’ll miss me stealing your fags[line break][black letters]Clegg[green letters] And who else is going to get you in trouble and thrown out the library[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] Don’t talk to me about the library (looking disgusted), he’s had us thrown out more times than is decent![line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] See, it’s been exciting hanging around with me and Cleggy[line break][black letters]Clegg[green letters] That’s true, well I suppose you’ll find it quieter in Wales, shacked up with the widow you were telling us about[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] Shacked up! Shacked up! They’ll be none of that, just a mutual friendship in the twilight of my years.[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] Freindship, no wonder the Tories don’t breed as fast as Labour![line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] They wouldn’t if they thought it was work![line break][black letters]Clegg[green letters] Come on now, lets just have this friendly drink until we meet again either down here or some other place (looking up)[line break][black letters]Blamie[blue letters] Up there, you don’t think that’s where he’s going to end up, not with the life he’s lived![line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] Your only jealous! Come on it’s your round[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] It always is, I suppose you’ve been wasting your money again. I’ve time for 1 more before the taxi comes to take me to the station[black letters]”; center "press any key"; wait for any key; say “[line break]you have a few more drinks, your starting to feel sleepy. You leave the pub and start back to the campsite....”; now DuskBegins is closed; now NightBegins is open; center “press any key”; Wait for any key; clear the screen; Now the player is in ActOne7. CampPub ends when the player is in ActTwo1. Lost is a scene. Lost begins when the player has been in ActOne7 for 1 turns. When lost begins: say "You try to find your way back to the campsite, but it's dark. You've lost your way and you sit down for a minute to find your bearings...."; now dawnBegins is open; center "press any key"; Wait for any key. Lost ends when the player is in ActTwo1. Lost1 is a scene. Lost1 begins when the player has been in ActOne7 for 1 turns. When Lost1 begins: clear the screen; say "You wake as dawn is starting."; now DawnBegins is open; now the player is in ActTwo1. Lost1 ends when the player is in ActTwo1. Section 15 Act Two Section 15.1 Act Two Rooms ActTwo1 is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Start of Scarfold Lane”. The description is “The narrow lane follows the route of the river Holme which is meandering southwest, you can follow the lane southwest, or head northeast back to the road, a set of steps lead northwest up to a raised pavement.[line break]A stone wall separates the lane from the river.[line break][if Dawn is happening]The rising sun glistens off the water, marking the start of a beautiful day.[end if][if Day is happening]As you gaze at the river, you need to shade your eyes with your hands as the bright sunlight is reflected from the water.[end if][if Dusk is happening]The fading light gives the river an orange glow, giving a pleasant feeling to the end of the day.[end if][if Night is happening]Night has fallen, the street light gives off a feeble light that’s just enough to enable you to find your way.”. River1 is backdrop. River1 is in ActTwo1 and ActTwo2 and ActTwo3 and SmallBridge. The description is “The River Holme gives Holmfirth its name.[line break][if Dawn is happening]It still looks cold, the sun hasn’t had time to warm it yet.[end if][if Day is happening]As the day heats up, a refreshing breeze reaches you from the river.[end if][if Dusk is happening]As the day cools down, the water still looks warm.[end if][if Night is happening]The street light doesn’t give enough light for you to see the water". Understand “river holme” , “river”, “holme” and “water” as River1. Instead of entering river1 when the player is in ActTwo1: Say "The wall blocks the way.". StreetLightActTwo is a backdrop. The printed name is “Street Light”. StreetLightActTwo is in ActTwo1 and ActTwo2 and ActTwo5. The description is “The street light [if Dawn is happening]has started to flicker, ready to switch of.[end if][if Day is happening]is switched off.[end if][if Dusk is happening]has begun to give off its light, but its still warming up.[end if][if Night is happening]is giving off it’s light, just enough for you to find your way without being able to distinguish any features about you.”. Understand “street light” and “light” as StreetLightActTwo. Wall1 is a backdrop. Wall1 is in ActTwo1 and ActTwo2. The description is “The wall separates the lane from the river which is some feet lower than the lane. It is quite high, although in places you could probably climb it.[line break][if Dawn is happening]The pale morning sunlight causes the wall to cast shadows over the lane.[end if][if Day is happening]The sunlight gradually warms the stones of the wall, giving off a gentle heat as you lean against it.[end if][if Dusk is happening]The stones of the wall have lost their heat now the sun has gone down.[end if][if Night is happening]You can only make out the wall as a dark shape in the feeble light given off by the street light.”. Understand “wall” as Wall1. Instead of climbing the Wall1 when the player is in ActTwo1: Say “The wall is too high to climb here, it’s lower in places further down the lane.”. ActTwo2 is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Middle of Scarfold Lane”. The description is "The narrow lane follows the route of the river Holme which is meandering southwest, the lane continues southwest but a gate blocks your way. You can follow the lane northeast, or head up a set of steps to a Pigeon Loft.[line break]A stone wall separates the lane from the river.[line break][if Dawn is happening]The rising sun glistens off the water, marking the start of a beautiful day.[end if][if Day is happening]As you gaze at the river, you need to shade your eyes with your hands as the bright sunlight is reflected from the water.[end if][if Dusk is happening]The fading light gives the river an orange glow, giving a pleasant feeling to the end of the day.[end if][if Night is happening]Night has fallen, the street light gives off a feeble light that’s just enough to enable you to find your way.”. Instead of entering river1 when the player is in ActTwo2: Say "The wall blocks the way.". Instead of climbing the Wall1 when the player is in ActTwo2: Say “You manage to climb the wall, proud of your achievement![line break]You get to confident however, and as you begin to imitate a tightrope walker you loose your balance and fall into the water."; center "press any key"; wait for any key; now the player is in ActTwo7. Gate1 is scenery in ActTwo2. The printed name is "Gate". The description is "The heavy wooden gate cannot be opened from this side of the lane.[line break][if Dawn is happening]There is a sign on the gate, but the light isn't bright enough to read the faded letters.[end if][if Day is happening]There is a sign on the gate that reads 'PRIVATE PROPERTY'.[end if][if Dusk is happening]The waning light shows a sign on the gate, but you can't make out the letters in this light.[end if][if night is happening]The gate is just a dark barrier preventing your way any further down the lane.". Understand "gate" as Gate1. Sign1 is scenery in ActTwo2. The printed name is "Sign". The description is "[if Dawn is happening]Even in the early morning light you can read the message on the sign PRIVATE PROPERTY.[end if][if Day is happening]The sign reads PRIVATE PROPERT'.[end if][if Dusk is happening]You cannot make out the faded letters in dim light given off by the street light.[end if][if Night is happening]The sign is just another dark shape against the larger dark shape of the gate.". Understand "sign" as Sign1. Instead of going southwest when the player is in ActTwo2: Say "There is no way to open the gate from this side.". Steps1 are scenery in ActTwo2. The description is "The steps lead up.". Understand “step” and “steps” as Steps1. ActTwo3 is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “End of Scarfold Lane”. The description is "Scaffold lane comes to an abrupt end here. There are no entrances to the buildings it backs onto. The only exit it northeast through the gate which can only be opened from this side.[line break][if Dawn is happening]The pale morning light reflects off the river.[end if][if Day is happening]The warm sunshine warms your tired and damp limbs.[end if][if Dusk is happening]The dwindling light is just enough to find your way.[end if][if Night is happening]Night, the moonlight isn't strong enough to see by, you know there's a gate northeast.". Gate2 is scenery in ActTwo3. The description is "The heavy gate is a formidable barrier, fortunately the gate catch lets you open it from this side.". Understand "gate" as Gate2. Instead of going northeast when the player is in ActTwo3: Say "The gate clicks shut behind you."; Now the player is in ActTwo2. Instead of opening Gate2 when the player is in ActTwo3: Say "You open the gate and go through, the gate clicks shut behind you."; Now the player is in ActTwo2. Instead of entering Gate2 when the player is in ActTwo3: Say "You open the gate and go through, the gate clicks shut behind you."; Now the player is in ActTwo2. Instead of going Gate2 when the player is in ActTwo3: Say "You open the gate and go through, the gate clicks shut behind you."; Now the player is in ActTwo2. Instead of going southeast when the player is in ActTwo3: Say "You have no desire to go paddling again.". Buildings1 are scenery in ActTwo3. The description is "The bare brickwork [if Dawn is happening]is lit by the early morning light.[end if][if Day is happening]has been warmed by the heat of the sun.[end if][if Dusk is happening]cast a bleak shadow over the water.[end if][if Night is happening]can only be seen as a darker shape against the blackness of the night.[end if][line break]There is no exit that way.". Understand "building" and “buildings” as Buildings1. ActTwo4 is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Pigeon Loft”. The description is "Wally has his pigeon loft set up here. The pavement goes back east, and a set of steps lead down to the End of Scarfold Lane.[line break][if Dawn is happening]The morning light reflects of the white paintwork of the loft.[end if][if Day is happening]The morning sun glares of the paintwork of the loft.[end if][if Dusk is happening]The pigeons are secured inside the loft, keeping them safe from cats and foxes.[end if][if Night is happening]The pigeons are all asleep, you can hear the faint sound of pigeons snoring.". The PigeonLoft is an object in ActTwo4. The printed name is "Pigeon Loft". The description is "This is more the shed it started out as, Wally has lovingly turned it into a first class Pigeon Loft. It has a trap to let the pigeons out which when opened doubles as the landing board for the returning birds.[if the trap is open] The trap is open.[end if][if the trap is closed] The trap is closed.". The trap is part of the PigeonLoft. The trap is a closed openable container. Understand "shed", "pigeon shed" and "loft" and "pigeon loft" as PigeonLoft. Instead of opening the PigeonLoft: Say "Wally, doesn't allow anyone into his pigeon loft, if you want to let the pigeons out, you will need to open the trap.". Steps2 are scenery in ActTwo4. The description is "The steps lead down.". Understand “step” and “steps” as Steps2. ActTwo5 is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Raised Pavement”. The description is "You are standing on a raised pavement.[line break]Nora and Wally Batty’s Front door is up a small set of steps. The door is freshly polished, and the steps have been scrubbed clean.[line break]There are neat flower boxes on the steps leading up to the door with pretty flowers adorning the scene.[paragraph break] In contrast, Compo’s front door is down a set of steps, his door was last painted after the war, there are dog ends on the steps, and an old cage next to the door.[line break] You can tell his neighbour keeps pigeons by the little messages left on the steps.[paragraph break]The pavement continues west to where the main feature is a pigeon shed and steps lead southeast down to the lane.[line break][if Dawn is happening]There are lights on in Nora and Wally's house, showing they are getting ready for the day, Compo's house is all in darkness.[end if][if Day is happening]The sun shines on the gleaming paintwork of Nora and Wally's home, Compo's house still looks shabby, even more so with the daylight shining on it.[end if][if Dusk is happening]Nora and Wally's curtains are closed, the light coming through them gives their house a warming glow, Compo's house is nearly in darkness, except for the light from a candle in his living room (electric cut off again).[end if][if Night is happening]The houses are both in darkness.". CSteps are a backdrop. CSteps are in ActTwo5 and NoraStep and CompoStep. The printed name is "Compos Steps". The description is "Compo's steps are only swept when his neighbour Nora has had enough of the mess.". Understand "compo step", "compo steps", "compos step" and "compos steps" and "steps" as CSteps. Instead of examining CSteps: say "There isn't much you can do with the steps, apart from go down them to Compo's front door and then back up to Raised Pavement.". Dog Ends are a backdrop. Dog Ends are in ActTwo5 and NoraStep and CompoStep. The description is "When Compo cannot prise anymore tobacco out of a cigarette he discards them outside his door.". Understand "dog end", "dogs end", "dogs ends" as Dog Ends. Instead of examining Dog Ends: say "You really don't want anything further to do with them.". Old Cage is a backdrop. Old Cage is in ActTwo5 and NoraStep and CompoStep. The description is "This is one of Compo's old ferret cages, it is broken beyond repair.". Instead of examining Old Cage: say "There is nothing you can do with the old cage.". PigeonMess is a backdrop. PigeonMess is in ActTwo5 and NoraStep and CompoStep. The description is "Wally's pigeons leave pretty little white messages on the steps that Compo never gets around to cleaning off.". Understand "mess", "shit", "shite", "message", "messages","pigeon mess" as PigeonMess. Instead of examining PigeonMess: say "That would probably be unhygienic.". NSteps are a backdrop. NSteps are in ActTwo5 and NoraStep and CompoStep. The printed name is "Noras Steps". The description is "Nora scrubs these steps every morning. They are cleaner than most peoples kitchen floor.". Understand "nora and wallys steps", "wally and noras steps", "wallys steps" and "noras steps" and "steps" as NSteps. Instead of examining NSteps: say "You can go up the steps to Nora and Wally's front door, and down again to the Raised Pavement. There isn't anything else you can do with them.". FBoxes are a backdrop. FBoxes are in ActTwo5 and NoraStep and CompoStep. The description is "The neat flower boxes match the rest of the home, well cared for, and everybody knows they are well cared for. Wally wouldn't dare do anything else!". Understand "flower", "flowers", "flower box" and "flower boxes" as FBoxes. Instead of examining FBoxes: say "they are only here to add interest to the scene.". ActTwo6 is a posture-unfriendly river. The printed name is “River Holme”. The description is "You are paddling up to your ankles in [if Dawn is happening]cold water, the sun hasn't has time to warm it yet.[end if][if Day is happening]tepid water, the sun is slowly starting to warm it.[end if][if Dusk is happening]warm water, all day long the sun has warmed it up.[end if][if Night is happening]freezing cold water.[end if][line break]The bank is too high on either side to climb up, and a bridge to the northeast blocks the way.[line break]You can paddle southwest.". River2 is a backdrop. River2 is in ActTwo6 and ActTwo7 and ActTwo8. The description is "The water is [if Dawn is happening]cold.[end if][if Day is happening]tepid.[end if][if Dusk is happening]warm.[end if][if Night is happening]freezing cold.". Bank is a backdrop. Bank is in ActTwo6 and ActTwo7. The description is "The bank is too high for you too climb.". Bridge is a backdrop. Bridge is in ActTwo6. The description is "The small bridge crosses the river, it is too high for you to climb, and the opening that lets the river flow through is too low for you to pass through.". Understand "river" and “water” as River2. Instead of going nowhere when the player is in ActTwo6: Say "The high banks and the bridge block your way, you can only go southwest.". ActTwo7 is a posture-unfriendly river. The printed name is “River Holme”. The description is "You are paddling up to your knees in [if Dawn is happening]cold water, the sun hasn't has time to warm it yet.[end if][if Day is happening]tepid water, the sun is slowly starting to warm it.[end if][if Dusk is happening]warm water, all day long the sun has warmed it up.[end if][if Night is happening]freezing cold water.[end if][line break]The bank is too high on either side to climb up.[line break]You can paddle northeast or wade southwest.". Instead of going nowhere when the player is in ActTwo7: Say "The high banks block your way, you can only go southwest or northeast.". ActTwo8 is a posture-unfriendly river. The printed name is “River Holme”. The description is "You are wading up to your thighs in [if Dawn is happening]cold water, the sun hasn't has time to warm it yet.[end if][if Day is happening]tepid water, the sun is slowly starting to warm it.[end if][if Dusk is happening]warm water, all day long the sun has warmed it up.[end if][if Night is happening]freezing cold water.[end if][line break]The bank is lower on the northwest side which leads to the End of Scarfold Lane. The river is starting to get deeper, preventing you from following it any further southwest.[line break]You can wade northeast or climb the bank northwest.". Instead of going southwest when the player is in ActTwo8: Say "The water is too deep to go that way.". Instead of going nowhere when the player is in ActTwo8: Say "The high banks block your way, you can only go northeast or northwest.". NoraStep is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Nora’s Door Step”. NoraDoor is a door. The printed name is “Nora’s Front Door”. Understand “noras front door”, “noras door”, “nora front door”, “nora door” and “front door” as NoraDoor. NoraDoor is locked. NoraHouse is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Wally and Nora’s House”. CompoStep is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Compo’s Door Step”. CompoDoor is a door. The printed name is “Compo’s Front Door”. Understand “compo front door”, “compo door”, “compos front door”, “compos door” and “front door” as CompoDoor. CompoDoor is locked. CompoHouse is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Compo’s house”. The description is "Calling this a home would be going to far, it's more of a messy junkyard. Compo isn't house proud, as long as it keeps the rain off his head he's content (the roof only leaks in the back bedroom).[line break]There is a ferret cage on an old table, and a row of ex cinema chairs against one wall. The stairs lead off to the west.". Instead of going west when the player is in CompoHouse: Say "The stairs are full of junk that you don't feel brave enough to climb over.". Junk is scenery in CompoHouse. The description is "Compo isn't a hoarder, he just forgets to throw things away.". Instead of doing anything other than examining with Junk: Say "You don't really want to do that.". Stairs1 are scenery in CompoHouse. The description is "The stairs are full of junk.". Instead of doing anything other than examining with Stairs1: Say "You can't bring yourself to climb over all the junk.". Understand "stairs" as Stairs1. Old Table is a supporter in CompoHouse. The description is "It's just an old table, Compo prefers to keep his ferrets off the floor.". Instead of doing anything other than examining with the Old Table: Say "Leave it alone, where would Compo keep his ferret cage?.". Understand "table" as Old Table. Ferret Cage is a transparent openable container. Ferret cage is open. Ferret Cage is on Old Table. The description is "The cage is quite smelly, you cannot see anything obvious, maybe it needs searching?". Instead of searching the ferret cage for the first time: say "You find Wesley’s key under the bedding in the cage."; now the player has the LandRover key; now the description of the ferret cage is "There is nothing else of interest in the cage.". Instead of taking the ferret cage: say "Where would Compo's ferrets sleep!". Instead of closing the Ferret Cage: Say “how would the ferret get to its food!”. Cinema Chairs are scenery in CompoHouse. The description is "Compo found these in a skip behind the old cinema in town.". instead of doing anything other than examining with the Cinema Chairs: Say "They are fixed to the wall, but they do not look comfortable. You decide to ignore them.". Understand "chair", "chairs" and "cinema" as Cinema Chairs. Holm1 is a posture-unfriendly road. The printed name is “Hollowgate Road.”. The description is "The road crosses over a small bridge to the southeast, or continues to the northwest. Scarfold Lane is southwest.". SmallBridge is a posture-unfriendly room. The printed name is “Small Bridge”. The description is “ A small bridge crossing the River Holme.”. Bridge1 is a backdrop. Bridge1 is in Holm1 and Holm2. The printed name is “Small Bridge”. The description is “This small bridge crosses the River Holme.”. Understand “bridge” and “small bridge” as Bridge1. River3 is a backdrop. River3 is in Holm1 and Holm2. The printed name is "river". The description is "the river flows under the bridge". Understand "river" and "water" as River3. Section 15.2 Act Two Room Connections ActTwo1 is southeast of ActTwo5 and southwest of Holm1 and northeast of ActTwo2. ActTwo2 is southwest of ActTwo1 and northeast of ActTwo3 and down of ActTwo4. ActTwo3 is northwest of ActTwo8 and southwest of ActTwo2. ActTwo6 is northeast of ActTwo7. ActTwo7 is southwest of ActTwo6 and northeast of ActTwo8. ActTwo8 is southeast of ActTwo3 and southwest of ActTwo7. ActTwo5 is northwest of ActTwo1 and east of ActTwo4 and up of CompoStep and down of NoraStep. ActTwo4 is west of ActTwo5 and up of ActTwo2. NoraHouse is north of NoraDoor. CompoHouse is north of CompoDoor. Holm1 is northeast of ActTwo1 and northwest of Holm2. NoraStep is south of NoraDoor and up of ActTwo5. CompoStep is south of CompoDoor and down of ActTwo5. SmallBridge is southeast of Holm1. Section 15.3 Act Two Scope of Rooms After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActTwo1: place ActTwo2 in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActTwo2: place ActTwo1 in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActTwo2: place ActTwo3 in scope. [After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActTwo3: place ActTwo8 in scope.] After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActTwo5: place NoraStep in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActTwo5: place CompoStep in scope. [After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActTwo6: place ActTwo7 in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActTwo7: place ActTwo6 in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActTwo7: place ActTwo8 in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActTwo8: place ActTwo7 in scope.] After deciding the scope of the player when the location is ActTwo8: place ActTwo3 in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is NoraStep: place ActTwo5 in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is NoraStep: place CompoStep in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is NoraStep: place ActTwo4 in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is CompoStep: place ActTwo5 in scope. After deciding the scope of the player when the location is CompoStep: place NoraStep in scope. Section 15.4 ActTwo Region ActTwo is a region. ActTwo1 and ActTwo2 and ActTwo3 and ActTwo4 and ActTwo5 and ActTwo6 and ActTwo7 and ActTwo8 and CompoStep and NoraStep are in ActTwo Sky2 is a backdrop. Sky2 is in ActTwo. The description is “[if dawn is happening]The sun is just starting to appear, looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day.[end if][if Day is happening]You look up into the bright cloudless sky, now and again you can see pigeons flying and chasing each other.[end if][if Dusk is happening]the sun has set, the evening sky has a glorious orange glow that makes you feel content.[end if][if Night is happening]Stars are showing in the cloudless sky, it’s a full moon tonight.[end if]”. Understand “sky” and “sun” and “cloud” and “clouds” as Sky2. Section 15.5 Act Two Atmosphere Every turn when the player is in ActTwo and Day is happening and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: choose a random row in the Table of ActTwo1 Atmospheric Events; say "[event entry][paragraph break]". Table of ActTwo1 Atmospheric Events event "A pigeon lands nearby, pecking at corn on the floor." "several pigeons fly past in the air." "A pigeon flying past leaves a little message on Compo’s steps." "You can see Wally’s pigeons flying about in the sky.” "The sun continues to shine brightly, warming the air." Every turn when the player is in ActTwo and Dusk is happening and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: choose a random row in the Table of ActTwo2 Atmospheric Events; say "[event entry][paragraph break]". Table of ActTwo2 Atmospheric Events event "The evening air is starting to cool" "It’s going to be a clear night, you’ll be able to see the moon and starts when it’s darker." "The noise and bustle of the day has given over to the calm of evening." Every turn when the player is in ActTwo and Night is happening and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: choose a random row in the Table of ActTwo3 Atmospheric Events; say "[event entry][paragraph break]". Table of ActTwo3 Atmospheric Events event "The stars are shining brightly" "The moon is full tonight, foolishly making you think of werewolves!" "The night seems too quiet" Every turn when the player is in ActTwo and Dawn is happening and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: choose a random row in the Table of ActTwo4 Atmospheric Events; say "[event entry][paragraph break]". Table of ActTwo4 Atmospheric Events event "It’s still chilly, the air hasn’t warmed up yet. " "The bright sun gives the prospect of a warm day!" “There isn’t a cloud in the sky.” Section 15.6 Act Two Objects Storeroom is a room. Section 15.6.1 Wesley’s Land Rover Key LandRover Key is an object in Storeroom. Section 15.6.2 Wesley's Land Rover Land Rover is an object in ActTwo1. The printed name is "Land Rover". The description is "An old battered Lands Rover, its seen better days but it's still functional.". Understand “landrover” and “rover” as Land Rover. Instead of going northeast from ActTwo1 when the player can see the Land Rover: say "the land Rover blocks your way.". Instead of entering the Land Rover: say "Wesley looks at you.[line break]I’ll give you a lift to the Cafe, if you can get my keys back from that damn ferret!". Instead of taking the Land Rover: say "it's too heavy.". Section 15.6.3 Wally’s Motorbike Motorbike is an object in ActTwo2. The printed name is “Wally’s Motorbike and Sidecar”. Understand “bike”, “motorbike”, “motorbike and sidecar”, “wally’s motorbike”, “wallys motorbike”, “wally’s motorbike and sidecar”, “wallys motorbike and sidecar”, “wally bike”, “wally motorbike”, “wally motorbike and sidecar” as Motorbike. Instead of entering the Motorbike: say "That doesn’t belong to you.". Instead of taking the Motorbike: say "it's too heavy.". Section 15.7 People Section 15.7.1 Wesley Wesley is a man in ActTwo1. The destination of Wesley is ActTwo1. Every turn when the destination of Wesley is not the location of Wesley: let the right direction be the best route from the location of Wesley to the destination of Wesley, using even locked doors; try Wesley going the right direction. Section 15.7.2 Wally Batty Wally is a man in NoraHouse. The destination of Wally is NoraHouse. Every turn when the destination of Wally is not the location of Wally: let the right direction be the best route from the location of Wally to the destination of Wally, using even locked doors; try Wally going the right direction. Section 15.7.3 Nora Batty Nora is a woman in NoraHouse. The destination of Nora is NoraHouse. Every turn when the destination of Nora is not the location of Nora: let the right direction be the best route from the location of Nora to the destination of Nora, using even locked doors; try Nora going the right direction. Section 15.7.4 Compo Compo is a man in CompoHouse. The destination of Compo is CompoHouse. Every turn when the destination of Compo is not the location of Compo: let the right direction be the best route from the location of Compo to the destination of Compo, using even locked doors; try Compo going the right direction. Section 15.8 Animals Section 15.8.1 Wally's Pigeons Pigeons are in Storeroom. The description is "Wally's racing pigeons are his pride and joy.". Every turn when the player is in ActTwo and Day is happening and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: say "Pigeons [one of]eye you warily, trying to decide if you are a cat[or]are flying high up in the air whirling in circles looking for predators[or]fly in and out of the pigeon loft chasing each other, almost as if they are playing tag[or]peck around on the floor looking for corn[at random]." . Instead of taking the Pigeons: say "You try desperately to catch one, but they just evade your grasp and fly away!". Instead of catching the Pigeons: say "You try desperately to catch one, but they just evade your grasp and fly away!". Pigeon1 is a backdrop in ActTwo. The printed name is "Pigeon". The description is "[if day is happening]Wally loves his pigeons, he spends most of his time with them.[end if][if dusk is happening]The pigeons will be settling down for the night in the pigeon loft.[end if][if night is happening]The pigeons will be asleep.[end if][if Dawn is happening]The pigeons will be waiting for Wally to let them out of the pigeon loft.[end if]". Understand "pigeon" and "pigeons" as Pigeon1. Section 15.8.2 Small Ferret Small Ferret is an animal in Ferret Cage. The description is "Compo has always kept ferrets, useful for when he goes poaching!". Every turn when the player can see Ferret and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: say "The ferret [one of]looks you in the eye, defending its territory[or]marks its territory in the corner of its cage[or]eats some scraps of food Compo has left in its bowl[or]takes a drink of water from its water bowl[purely at random].". Instead of searching the Small Ferret: say "the ferret tries to bite your finger, you change your mind about searching the ferret, you value your fingers too much.". Instead of taking the Small Ferret: Say “the ferret evades your grasp”. Instead of catching the Small Ferret: say "the ferret is too fast for you to catch, and what would you do with it if you did?". Section 15.8.3 Red Herring Red Herring is an animal in ActTwo7. The printed name is "Small Fish". The description is "This is a small red herring, hard to catch and even harder to catch on to.!". Understand "fish" and "herring" as Red Herring. Every turn when a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: if Red Herring is in a river (called the current space), let next space be a random river which is adjacent to the current space; if Red Herring is visible, say "The fish swims away"; move Red Herring to next space; if Red Herring is visible, say "A fish is swimming near you.". Instead of taking the Red Herring: Say “the fish swims through your fingers.”. Instead of catching the Red Herring: say "you haven't got a net or a fishing rod!". Section 15.9 Act Two Scenes Section 15.9.1 Wesley's Key LostKey is a scene. LostKey begins when the player is in ActTwo1 for the first time. When LostKey begins: Say “Wesley notices you:[line break]How do lad, you had a few jars last night![line break]Off to join your friends for breakfast? Help me find my key and I’ll give you a lift to the café.”. Section 15.9.2 Pigeons Appear Flyfly is a recurring scene. Flyfly begins when Trap is open. when Flyfly begins: say "You open the trap on the pigeon loft, and the pigeons rush out, almost hitting you in their eagerness to fly."; say "Wally Batty leaves his house, forgetting to lock the door."; now Pigeons are in ActTwo4; now the destination of Wally is ActTwo4; now NoraDoor is unlocked; now DayBegins is open. Flyfly ends when Dusk begins. When Dusk begins: now Trap is closed; now pigeons are in Storeroom. Instead of the player closing Trap when Day is happening: say "the trap needs to stay open to let the pigeons back in to feed.". Instead of the player opening the Trap when Dusk is happening: say "the pigeons are settling down for the night, Wally wouldn't be happy if you let them out now!". Instead of the player opening the Trap when Night is happening: say "the pigeons are sleeping peacefully, it would be mean to disturb". Section 15.9.3 Brush Off BrushOff is a recurring scene. BrushOff begins when the player is in NoraHouse for the first time. When BrushOff begins: say "Nora hits you with a yard brush [line break][blue letters]''What you doing here, go on get off my property!'[line break] [black letters]Nora pushes you with the brush through the door and down the steps back to the pavement.[line break] Compo opens his bedroom window,[line break][red letters] 'Whats going on, I was trying to sleep.' [line break][black letters]Compo spots you [red letters]'Hey, fancy a cup of tea? I'll unlock the door.'[black letters]"; center "press any key"; wait for any key; now the player is in ActTwo5; now Nora is in ActTwo5; now CompoDoor is unlocked; now NoraDoor is closed; now NoraDoor is locked; now the destination of Nora is ActTwo5. BrushOff ends when Dusk begins. When Dusk begins: Now the destination of Nora is NoraHouse. Every turn when the player can see Nora and Nora is in ActTwo5 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: say "Nora [one of]Starts to brush the steps.[or]begins to polish her door.[or]scowls at you.[or]looks with disgust at her neighbours scruffy steps.[or]starts checking the flower boxes for weeds.[or]looks towards the pigeon loft looking checking Wally is still there.[purely at random]". Section 15.9.4 Compo off to the Cafe Offtocafe is a scene. Offtocafe begins when the player has been in CompoHouse for 1 turn. When Offtocafe begins: Say "Compo greets you[line break][red letters]'sorry I've got no milk left. Meet me at the Cafe'[black letters]."; center "[line break]press any key"; wait for any key; now the destination of Compo is SidsCafe. OfftoCafe ends when the player is in SidsCafe. Section 15.9.5 Land Rover Moves Instead of giving the LandRover Key to Wesley: say " you give the Wesley the Land Rover key."; now Wesley has the LandRover Key. Escape is a scene. Escape begins when Wesley has the LandRover Key. when escape begins: now the Land Rover is in WesShed; now Wesley is in WesShed; now the destination of Wesley is WesShed; say "Wesley thanks you for the key.[line break][blue letters]'Sorry, I can’t give you a lift to the café now, I need to get home, our lass is waiting for a lift. Take the bus, it’s free, the bus stops just there''[line break]Wesley points northeast[line break]Or you could follow the road and walk, it’ll only take five minutes.[black letters]”. Escape ends when the player is in Holm1. [end of game for now] EndGame is a scene. EndGame begins when the player is in Holm1 for the first time. When EndGame begins: say "You head to the café and meet your friends. Congratulations you've wone for now until the game is updated."; end the story. [SidsCafe as room to stop game crashing] SidsCafe is a room. SidsCafe is east of Holm1. [WesShed as a room to stop game crashing] WesShed is a room. WesShed is northeast of Holm1. [questions for the mini game, will try and use threaded conversation for main inform7 game] Instead of asking Wesley about [key]: say "one of Compo's ferrets ran off with it!".